CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 13 Oct 1899, p. 5

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le ls milIed esDecially for famýily use and is made fromn selected hard wheat and guaran- teed the best brand made ln 916 Ame rica. A TRIAL -~ Jwill convince you of its -merits. Triggs & Tayiùr Libertyvil le - - - Illinois.1 Sheei Music.. Ph .honographs. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Si-ive rware --- On,; one Bicycle Ieft at a ~~giz~ iz~. .Libertyvîlle C. R. SIIERMAN9 - - - -Illinois. Winters CMingl We are Prepared, are you? \Ae can prepare you in fine men's shoes at from $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as you will need, and at prices that will suit. A FINE LINE OF GLOVES. FC. SMITH &SON$ Butler Eldg. Lbertyville, Illinois. GO Ta LO'JELLS ORUG STOREFO -' Drugs. Mcdicines Cherlnicals, l>ERFUiMER'i, SOAps. COlleS. Bi-uiji*' ri~' i ,,ppîtrterK, Miiiîller lrnce,. I nv iîl il Aih o, llî,oks suiMatoi'Iii .i >î %vti'tîfT, ,î,p 'it PAINTS ANI) OILS, VARNISES, PATENT MEDICINES. .ut nil boucsg. )Soods carefully selected. rLibertyvulltc On ly the Best.1 FB. LOVELLY Illinois. Our Libe rai Ofier..... t n IF\ p'.1I i1 esis %.-Ie,' Iiv builî.ol Vi'eeklî l,l.ýr O cili l i i.' Nit'.0E tohi* jîu bit. e F.Ilti Jiitruiiui live Ybatesi lt7à, NOIS c. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. :10 p. M. "2* AUNDiA Ti. 6f:45 ;I. I. Clarence BRumau. of Chîcago, viatted wt b bi parenté bore ovel Munday. Nins Ada GeHluge, of Waukegan, là mick t ber borne iu this village wîLb a neTre ecld. Ladies CemeterY Association vili muet Frîilay afturnoon <Jt. 2lth, itih kirs. J. Clark. Miss Edith Kuizen cirteil at tbe Fair tore Wednesday during Mr. Kî,bnur's absence. A large nîîrber of Libertyvilliaiia vîrveil the ileilîaýtory exerý1&s ansd parade iin clicago Mondav. Mir. aînd irs. Cadvell aud daughier, tirs. 1erkius; are vlimiilg ibeir ld borne le Waterford, Wis., at preseut. Theurailroad camp, tuovu se Camp No. 2, îîear Foi Lake bainIrotuu up, snd the imen dincbarged, a» the grade At ibai point INiisheil. ' lie Ladies Aid l<ui'iy o1 thee t'resiiyteriau clîurcb vli iVO un oyatensuper lrldsy. Oct. 2utli, iu liasernt of the churcli. Suppar mirvsd frîîu 5:34) ico. 1-2 Servicem t noa]al liiisaii'reiuby- terlan cbcrcli Suudsy. lev.liteuver wilî tate for bis ioiig (berne, -'E.tler at ShiloshaU." 11)i iluebng, -'A. Warrn Haud rop." lev. John Le vites the INuIC'EN- DENT ibai SeV. Mi. E. Dix vlîo bai licou appoiiited lîy the Rock River Cîin tere.uce ii the Libetyville rbarge ra alexcellngly choice man. Col. and tirs.E. IB. tenssr, of llsrtiey, ta., stipped over iii Lberty- vili, Satîurday sud Suudsv. ountîjoîn roLlru trip fnom Nevw York, aberu they vltilesed tbe Dewey ci'ii'hraiin. vhiciu tbey descrîbe se magniiicont. C. Il. Sherman in fiihing bis course inth befcao Optîcal Coltoeo.attend- lng ivo nîgbta a veut. When ho ne- celves bis diptoma bu vill bu prepared go treat the mot difficult cases sud allord relief to Ilheyeot lpuufitlvely bind. )disa&Gertrudle Msser, of Sheldon, ta., and Weili uovu lu Liberlyvîlle, vas.married at ber home tu Sheldon, Oct. th, tetIdr. Roberi McFartsnd, sud bas rounoved viib ber husband te liakdale, Pa.. vbero they viii mate their future home. jimmie Kingsley ie atteuding St. Viaers Collogo a& Kankakee, Ill. vbeo la ruceiving miiiary training lu couuectioîî wtb bis tudios. Hie vas bomne for a short if ay inosday andîi oksumrt' u is îîuiifrmu. lie, Witbbis§ departmulît, pbrtieilsoteil lu the parade iui Uiîîeugu .lîday. Mir Peter Bock pickod up o pocket- book cujtaining $35 ou Milwaaukee Ave. tast Tiuosday muuruinig, vbîil îroved loi h tu property of Frnkîît Wlanlng10n snd vas promptlY returuud tbhe is en, vb.î lreted the lhîîder vith a part of thii conutets, dectariug bu vas vel pleau o lu scure is propanty sud that --a4 vbfie loi of feliova oulu havi faile oîl Lu ri iILas Pute bâtid due." Judge Paut Macb-ufiUn purcbasewd a driving bre asL weet, sud assumels a 'iborsey" demuanur as ho tola you "busgu)t a niant0f 3." Our ,ludgeim gottlîg poty lu au aiarinug citent. Hie in kîîîîîî ii b ave *st.lad out- unti. afLor Bine "e uc ut anigbi îu two occsions, ad l as receitiy iiîiervued cbevlng guum. Be mu> eougi su fun lu bis waywasrdîîeus a tii uttipt matrlmolly.Noi tolitug Lu abatud bis glddiui'os may hniug hlm. A meniber of the Ladies Ali of the M. E. churt-h saya. 'Uîîr tadies aplîre. clati fiîliy thet nocesat> uf1 aàcc tarsenagu for our poRto?, sud vo vuchd dii eytbiug Possible u absisi in proviîuli.g s sultabie reaileuce. i bellece it 'ouldi ho dîîîoa ithout vort. iug handsiip on aiio, la fact vo ladies are ileerriuinud tiidii aorettAîug lu ttho mattmr thus yesr, even hougb IL bu cii mure thsn Lte tart the bal niilîing, aud wuvouhpe i IL yu oCOU. .Ideriahiy nuire." It wmos ntirechi on tmie CulminîatiuonîOf au> undrtaking oncete bIldi,. e aciterested, and vu believe thein hol3es i iilibe eaîîzed lu tht, erocioti of s uev sud mîOdcnu roioiuoi, tu ropiace Lue pruenct une, whiel u to sthebueat, is tout a ltin; place tOi nvite the nov patiir tii cati OJur village board ilioiuid pay Outracient saiary ou a murohal eouid devotu is tntîru time totethe dulies ut tbut oice. MoreIrtuken and <is- ordcnly meu bsve beau èabolt tuvul thé iatutuigtu u oer îut(lic bistor>of îîur village. Drukun bravts undt lu- douent Itugtuge nktoil extremelyi dîstagneeable for lies vue buppanase the> ui&, te lu iethin harlu; of sncbt occurrences, wieb bhave comle %0 lie ii sufliclunt trequence 10 o b a disgrace la the vIllage. Wbeu s condition exista tiat matea il fepulatve for ladies t) poa tbrough thie business portion of tovu, ILlnb tînue tu caliIa bal, audmsulme sction isbuuld be tatou u iîîaiîîLaiu orden aud deCanuy Uuo (),un sttn. t,, ven thofigh ih hou tmpor. ai-y rrnugî-ini'it, tun for site imeimas tue jreit lIt ixtif ilIdivui nie Cut Lii uS, iaw b' us e îut ouibitoil boclxi w liei' f0gel <rt u-il'hpsy do> anud uaktiof uitr atrooLs uddklu, avenu-. utile raeliug itulsi. Un Wth the TIMa.. Chas. Kaiser bas added to bis equip- ment for mannfacturlng barness a ne, Landis vax ibread lock-stitc'l, sewIug mahinle ai a cogt of $250. vork of tiii' men asud do IL btter. It S Cham. Kaiser .ntertalned bis mother. malien a8iîck.siitre m boisbrd wax aud Mr. E.Chuchil i viitig ler uiinute. The' uazlng deicl on 0fIi.ECir'lllvitglin Per îî bT i' i p t ad i,b i ' ronll son Fred at Osvegou, l11. wîîxed juit heureil tern ork, ibe Mir. and tirs. Samuiel Trlggs are vi-it- procesacuuztîîgtu lîeilsi * lîg Elgiu relatives ibis veut. Ie.tber togetiier wltb bot wax. %iheun 'rue Temple t'uinp ('o. viii tirWclà.i irue by power ibhe machtine villiisteb w1iudmill on Win. Popes tarin îîîar 150 traces iu a dlay sud ait other partis G .urnee. Iof haruese lun lita 'proportion. h IIIl Mr. James Lites. of Clinton, Wlseo fromuxsiglu tbickiàesa of leather rvisiîed this veek witli L. B. Hauby, up Lo onte inch thlet. tMr. Kaiser pro- tira. John Caler and Mn Jus. Botter, poses (o use tlýe mat-hine lu the a'The Epwortb Leagne viii hld a free anufaîýture of barnessansd aiso for socisble ai the home of tMr. C. W. rpair wor.mre unwor dundonhe1 Taylor Friday eenig, Oct. 13tih. A sngrsduîu nfr su ib cordial invitation is extended 10 ail. î tbreadin paaang throîigb hewarm'J LONr-A vais*e, On the rond between wa-tamor ev"i an' copieo" Evausiton sud Barringlon. abisît the satiurated titan eau lie doue by bsnd 8ttb 0f Sept. Witt the tilder pleamie cousequently secung a better ai notify H. A. HiAkfDu.N. Barringion, i. stronger job. Hiereafier Mr. gaise lieo. Boehm ezpccus Lo put a pooltouiliblie eîabted Lu mantifaetur sud billiard table lu is saloon lster lharneas ut a figure tbat yl coulpar on, tlîuugb as yet bas mot taken ont fsvorably vitb Chicago prices, ai tbe liceuso granted by villagej board. aturally expecis to Increaso bis bus A fine sitock of lînnibers candies usas very materlly. Just recelved at PRîaIy;'s Restaurant.- Mir. Fred Croker lise decided toopen COUINCIL IPROCEEDINGS. a talloring establsbiuent lu tbe front room of W. C. Trlggmsistoe store where I LînaaTYVvLLE, OCT. 3, '99 hoe vIlI ho pluaaed tu mflet bis frienda1 Board metla lu peclal session. Fil board preseut. snd custimers. i t'rusiîeni Averill tsteîl the objet <Our local <Camp M. W. A. yull bulot a Of the meeting vas tuocuniider t itauceilue 211h of ibis month lu the application andl bonus if W. A. Dean townbal, Dr),t )rge It or ynsuit (1eo. loobîn for pool sud Ihile tiîv bsl. hint firge il or y iîceuse. knîîv thai vlien Avi-ne Camp gives a The Ilpplcations suid bonds beil dance his " - up 1tlîthe andle- tu every read by rthe ent IL vaài oîvedby i respect.Bois and Hanhby that tbey Lmie rferred1 respect the liceuse OOOiffittj. Mr. Robert Rogers advertises an Tbe leetio oomnitLu repîîrtl:, miîction sale of bis bosbeld goos favurably ou saime It wrN moved tîy 1L for ext aturay, nd epect to Bits asue Tiggs that the report be ni for eat aturaysud xpees ~ copteui suit lîcenses grauteil subjî.ctt remove to Defuniat Springs, Floridea rate hi'reiiiufter nameil. lu a short timte, vhure lbe bas a position tiuvcod by lauby suitîleîason th: lu s nIl ovned by bIs lrothur. il 'asohbc pscodaiut$40 par yeai J. J Dais nd rneu Deis uâtAye-Colett."(iieaaon sud Hauli J. . DvissudEraitDavs laiNaya-I)u Bols. Morse sud Trigi weet purcbaned the Jos. Clark eisitej Avertit voted Aye. ('arried. uoth.wesî îof Litertyvîlle. The farin Moved Iîy Trlggs and (ileason th .9, .the bounla of W. A. Deue andOp., con>st4a nf 12J acres. Zolin Cant. of iîîisibiuls apprîived. Carried. PIord, la., sud Miss Lille sud- jay Muv<d ly Coleti sud iniggio te i Monie, of Librtyvillë, arc' the blirt jouro. Carnîcîl. directly itereated. W, C. SÂNBORN, Clerk. tir. Fred Croker anîl famliy occîîpy tîhe Protile cottage ou Orebard tret. ~ J IKLP ' FrsiI la 100 busy settLIig bis borne tg- ne*o PIeCson vby1 larm settie cpou auy particîîlar avocation trust faitla i tg mlfermers' vaillesoi just at pruaenut, luit lie' >proponemO nu% the ame. The wvbeat gronter ws mate Libertyvîlle lus permanent vaut tbe pnieu of ubeat advanced, su home. the millions of fermer@ vbo buy fit Unibhernstriple vanille tueast- yl aut l 10 grmîain ubers It in,c mallovs, fresh, St PERINs itsauraut. become lover. Tho grever of urnwi ijout mis tbm. vaut s gond pricu for bis corn sud SI Heury Appluy brougbt tutu Ouîr catile Inciter viii vaut it to romnunIn office tiIs eek a huif dozen burbaut se belie au feed caile vitb a gond ma potaines, measurlug fromt 7 to 9 inches gin. The cattle ralser vili vuant go( long sud asnfine specinueus éAhs vu bave prie« for bis eurs, sud the feederw ever seeu. They are on exhibition vaut îhem uta 10vfligure. Tbsyw and Haut vanta t) tnov vbo cauntuant bigh-prlcedbIdesanudcheabch sbow sgood Oiun. ansu Ibus ill go, ait aiong the li C. K. Sherman ana E. B. Sherman, of sud a commun, unitedin lturesi yl (,rayalske, lu compauy wlth a train bu fonndi. tond nf jevulers venite Elgin Tuesday Mau bas fonud A mneircalllug and s. gueRss if the Elgin Watch Co, sud bu succueds voman msy bave aon 9vieveil tbe plant aud macinery of thing go regret itu the days 10 cou a t institîution. Tbey were feasted Mien are goluz mbt domutie servi f ad lianijettfinl royal style, anul sud are taklug tbe place of vomen ret îîrued deilarnîg Ihvaa good to ho the kitcheu. The Chicago emupli ai jewelor. ment ageucies bave bad reporta fit Tny Uuîithers a8iiîîeitfini'carmuls i tthiîr cliena te woeéupiuyed menu PniiiiiisReàtaurant. lbotîseoo nsd fhuitiliat iheya tIrs. Chiitoplîer Kanatdied at ber gîviîîg excellent service, and auum t' borne ou the Tovn Limenourea, one eatimtied to romain lu their 0ie pu mlleoeSt of Milwauke Ie. tantt'lues- tlutin. biauy <f the Mon n0 emplo:, day. Deceuaed tîved vlth a large are otd fetlove. îînshie amy longer tk f aily of! cildre u o sa maît farm, bard outdoor iabor. They are giv suad was S Vumaiu of great ouergy aud full permissiontgo prform the toucti 1industry and vurked nuewlugly to of housemalid sud ciîik, tu ('aref eiuaiutaiîîlber home sud support ber babties, aveep soit 1%"Û., scrub 9 f.îmiiy. cancer 0f (lhe beeaii vas the uolisit. etc. Titi. ijiàdeel la a grf immnedisto cause of ber deaàtb. She remains wore interroît Wudoesitsy afiornon l the itoîf Day cumoiory. Dr. Chas. G(iouay la bas lng a suite of ofilceq, ecepi'îîn rîîcm aud conisultationiî i uinî enodeled moui reiio.vteii, our lité- Fuir Siore. iTho wallm art!' hein rpapered l oursu ewly carpeted suit usuid vîrk painted, mating a cumtiuîatiou ot colora that blond prttily in mrdesi ciegauce. Thteue loicatîin sajîlsi ocrosa the bail froin bis liremt-uL otBles sund wbeu nettlod bic, re.iiis .111 alliird the beat possible sciuusaiiat Lthbusaine trne pri'seniiug ou inviing sud pi-sing apiiearone. Grand Woodman Dance. Acîne Camp No. 176. M. W. A. vîli give a grand dauce iii the ow hallbata Libertyvilie Filia> îight, il tuber 27tb, 1899. tri Smltb'm Cbicuîgo orchestra Miilfuiiiislî inubie. siipper vil ho served mu the basenieut. Tickets', 541 cen'ts Siîpper extra, Everybody Scîîme aid Cljoy a grand tirli' Dîîrlîg ithe cuiter et 1817 tir. Jouit- Ru'doin,f the loadglig citi zens timi iiîerelîiui t tiCly,(lay Ct.. , W. Vu, îttitik li 1'guoniuit a caeof îîf Iiiiî sielhi a iiufii -r as tii Iiuî iae Leverl l IL Iieoaiie v-ny îuucb sculii'ii amiî 1iiuiii umi , Iuitly Ihuit hi- î-îulîl net vili to ir îîltine alid.' uti~tclusH1e ma. s reatti lu> plîysiciaua, alo îîsd biveral kiiils ofUimeuuxnt eud tvo nuit a lialt gallons îof vhtstey lu hatbltug IL luit cibig gave auy nilerunuil ho uu-giîu iisnbuoiuurlliPain Butin. 'This bcîîught almîîst a complete cure lii îu weeuts urne aiid bu blluves <bai liait ha not luibitûs remeuly lts log wîîuld have huditeWlie ampîtatedl. Pain Blala 18ueqiaiud for &pruine, bruisus sud...rieumatlsm. Fnr sale b> F B. LovELL, Lîbutyvîlte, J, B. BfiSalE ouruse, Gf.ISLAKE PnAEMxAcT, F. L. WEBTEEIÉAN, RoctaOfulur, JORN MIEfLE, Ivpubce. Red Mot Prom the Oun IVa the hall thiat bit 0. B. bteadman of Neark, tilth., lu the CvlttWVr, It cîed t%(horrible îlcers ibsi no ireat- rueut ielpad lfor teîîty ycurs. T'i'iu Biîckleti'm Arnilca Salve crored bima. Cinua tcoita, luniien. bhuse, botel, tîltîl-', cornao. olîu orilis. Boush pl.u mire (,i esth. 2 ta box. Cure iiuriutuiî.iuld hlu>P. B. LovuLt, Ltlluetyvllto, Q('01I. THQurisors, Urgys. nd, er vil! sbe ov mar- r>od sill lune, 1not dif lune- mîe. a lu ýloy- from for are Ube isi- ýyod io do yen 4ous four sud r0en change andi bas liecu brouglit &but b> îîeceailty. Youung girls bave refusait te aorve an domueilca and Itlimaa bi carufuli> etiiusiod thag noarl> 40 par cent of siicb positionsîa euflot ho filied by girls. «I bis ta ah> uîuu bas l'ooiî eaiied tutu a lew fielît of labor sud the siceuai malle moy lirifig about domuistie chanuges [lot sotlcipateti b> '.î,ue». Mon have alvays licou ut the opinion thal vomuen vere tbe [masters o1 the kiieben, butt ilfoo change sud mou are cbaugiug vitiî the limes. Just a littie dollar, on ils missionî sent, maties a lot of people gladi macn tirnu thu coin is opent. ion psy It 10 the hutcer for meut te gîTe you streugtb; lie takoes f go the grocor, from wbom Il igus ai leugib, some preity bit of lotb or lace bis beiter half to bîîy, or belpa tu geL ber w inter baât 10 mate lier rival slgb. Thu dry goods uan seiids ouittie oin teuîay is market biti and gtbougba sue coin is Oflton &peut, xI sisys a dollar Agit; snd uvery limu 'tIls@peut ut boule smu setet olgond lit dona tu ..boumiug" localiIndustries, are btting of the siun. But Il you Ltsethugt sluiug cotn sud breàk the tocal Chain, tbe chances are ibat friiuilsaan 'Lwill nul reinru agalu. Iltonce It pasi'suout of town,ibhtcber sudî the baiL, r, tbç groien sui thie dry gîsuti iuumal],te Coiok. thue ntertister, tiii'carpeutten, the cirioago vrlght, Lue bluiiSusiiitit, ovecnyiiuic, vilIluisae a chance ii t' Iîch thuait coinu ure ettlug ut the stun J iîit ku ep the littie coiîut borne, juit keeiL it uViing voil, sud every timu' IL cbaîuges bandeis seneOdy,à&goutte 'tvilI sî'lî. 'iît single little dollar ban (bus a wouuterous power Souuake some. body imiîter a ulozon timnes su hour. It pays (lie bill sud varda off fil, sud neaer iLs power relaxes Le soothe the doctor, boy the cuat sud pay fur lothus suit taxes. Msu ttsct tirera oi Chamberin'm Cfo i Choiera sud Dlarrboea Remueut> forj baving pit fin the market munia, voudurfut Medicine," sMy& W. W. ttasbingîll, uftl3aumouit, Texan. There are nisuv thlmauuds tif nollurs a'bos.i u11tl fia îvîî t.u'ii savoîlfr"m sttacts uf ityaeiiteny suit chutera Iufaubltîm vb, iîtist Itati fiel -thuuîttîîl. 19 la for slo lu> F. 1H. iOVF.LI., Lierty- ville, J. il. lîsAcuit, aruî,UnAys. i.AKEt PAitsMscY, P. L. WaaTBuuiÂN. Rtockefeller, Jour maiuua, Ivauboe. : 's THE TII To Change Your Undierwear Ours is the Place to buyj We have just received an elegant new 1*8 comprising ali the best makes in Cotton and Wool At Popular Prices Ranging in price fromi 25c fo $1.75. -=ýWE HAVE-- The finest line of yard wide Flannelettes ln the Market at 12,1c. Tennis, Shaker, Canton and WooI Flannîu in'great variety. Cail in and Examine our Fail Line WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND PRICES li BE RIGHT. M. B. COLBY & Coe. DEALERS IN EVCRVTING'4 Libertyville, Corset Specials The best makes :a5 to 40 per c .... below the regular price... %We bave 0o1 sale albout 4 iloxen 01f l* advertlsoit I'. N. htuaiprof Cormsa st l vholiesale PliIcîs. Sts i 12 ' . N.Corsets lu tig. fol P. N. A ijiietabie iide steelîi7" 1'. N. Lonug Waist F. N. 4-book Freiîch abapa P, N. ("ormet Waistsi $1 25 to $1.7.l Cîrsîts I P. N. Hîg i iiiît F. N. Extra fine 5 bock u P'. N. Freucb Conthll $Ilo )Henderson -"FlexoGî rdi ; hiiok t') Feathorbone '.Hg Bst i orpets a $i.26 Siiliings 'i 5mericae Lafty- The Pair, Libertyville,- \F. BAIRSI MANUFACVUM uptuite IN 30 TO 80 DAYS Dtie huevi kuiswu Fi. .iltc Metiuo. No u rwîîrliua irtiiiu nuîIi Nto Sevurinîr .î Su Losmot if lmie. Every ruptereil parson la in constant danger. Tbere la une vsrig, sud strunguhlation frequeuily remit. lun destb. A rupturesslvays causes a great deal nf suflernu;asd keept cbIld- cen front duvelopIng ai veli netal>y aud physinal>y as the> ongbt. 111 every caetho general bealhbleIn roe afier belng cnred, lu iuth nid suil A speelalat vtb uvenr ct B 1 tm rl e l i lietotnt .. A t f1i. ii<ubl. Llbertyvilli'. t' uT V i.u If oe aun uit cuire yon It viii n- csit yo a cent. Cai asdbse ls. A, fi, T&Avia M. D. PIKDUP HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Readers. Nk a i 1% ~se PN CORSETS ts 1 Bers ants )ers- .. 1 ais 1 1 \ AL 4 r,,, Iv

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