CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Oct 1899, p. 1

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JNTY INIMP3NOENTe Vol. VIII. No. 2. '4couidénes vils yeur Ind le nerted bY gîving CJOOD HOMES? values in every- thing yon @dl." We vaut yeut eoutuuad tade ant good viii and Il ie for iu nlteetulenet oniy quoe .yen lise LOWEST p<Mes tisaI qualiiy villilpermit, but aise Utisathie qnality of tise goeds @hal NUy cmofin ho ont ileseiption and thse prie«. aoked for thean. Cali and examine our Wlnter SANBO'RN & GO., Tallors and Ilaberdashers. KaiSEr Block. -~Dr. Chartes Gailloway. officover LovelI'aDrugStMSe Ujbortyvllle. - Illinois t Dr. J. L. TAY LOR. Office over Talgse Taylor'&.1 -Knoe- 1 tie a. àteMrd&oa > 01. a LlbertYville. Illinois. i Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physicien and surbonn. Ourn». - - -----Ilnois. Dr. E. H. Smith. office over Laitscouflty lianki -v .84! - L M. A"a8 te 0P. M.DAL Libertyville. III. PAUL macCIJFFIN. ffarmey antiConnealiaiet I*v. NOTARY PUBLIC ormecaWorm Lana 000ev! Na*1, *Llberty ville. Mfinois. NURSERY. orne mls cou" olAnong01, V O.Là" Frai. gandccd oruacalalTYe.a. Orffl. vienuc M atali triaim. a" My prkpeas cieet ka4-10.0 W.. H. MILLER. ,rbtiUmiAUL AWfIST, b.. 7yne vant a Oc houaat.or a godhait vat eau on -"Biu." Mm 1dm eug1W. C. Tr4Ma Uboe BSta Wosa. i&bopoaeu li ave ad badaeUD WiliaHT, DYMOND à co.. LibertyvillO. llinole. Issues Interest Iearing Certio. cates Payable un Demand. UV PEDINO CALIgjflNT Yen ave 2@ per cen%. an graIn. *ri al:U ED. BLEIMEHL, LOCUTriON AND M'USIC. Ravinu complatoil a fryear «Mminte II iontI&Bm"i maKtm Stbbwaýà Cl Ite o îîîaslColup ag m i gn.wl lu tobliindivlinsis or , > 0 ttises. brances. PFerin- e-m lsl*Pmles, apply si àây - - - Lbertyville. III.ý A OumetWacidlflg. The 'aMlecd isie Utile Piloek. of miliiberu a&"uN. Job.n iPUton, of Wauoffa u em ansol il I ocloc as chrit abebumaecabol. sandcy algkê, Nem. W. H. Tonl cciaig. The voddimgvuso c quie anaonly a"e relamies antiolate, Monda of mb. -eslaalg Partabins peceen. Tb@ yOuag Coupesnte sateadel by NimesJeale stckg caMdMr. Albi saSard, both 09 aINbusn. Aise, lb. eecey lb. Partly ad. jasued ta10 M.treU. SUltasa ban. et mi mNaîvidm re e, vrborth"N yvini rosido, lie pon batiugfntlebodlèlb. boe a ancaption 01 lb.evlanti a vatdag eop uo aaL. Bath Ur. Mcati N anonaSa.araWeili iaun col eel lu Wàabagcn bat lbaeeghesllie oatiy. tie laSeal moe agiter dam a. Jcambs Pcllk. 1 ofigNuliber, catiboa idted ta lie tlalau ai be 1 , vIe,. à".la Ppa. lt aud boall cpronimnalphlaI scuicicat teiigiaua vark. ae hma &"Sb$ acobl la tartane Parte of lt.e onuuty turinglia peot fov Yeats. Mr. fais" bouec a remponaible Pool. Blm ed ta 1..rires NationaBank, ut1 Wabt iu vblieb opeolty lisha. vortea or lea mner of yera. le pcdmtel Iran Waukagna Eigb §ehSol Ase10JUS . e c pla ORIr Young menIte the City. Wlin Prlaa. AuQ imes dnetai erollarck, Boa» ffy* marar lgil. Misa 11111. To., of gveratI. mcoeauvticolt modai ce bee lady vdUm »dnt W xdeu Wallt, 01 Libers7vilie, via avardedth b enmlie. mena pila.., a goid me"ai The danice vuaa ie n IeY~very l cut &Wucactoa a tai supeuiar alenlana.. liartillaPark la heeomlng ou&e of Lue IJouotla Most popular recolle for laoneraof lhe dal.. -GRAND Libertyvillie TOWN HALL, FRIDAY NIGHT. October 37t11, Prteeor afitleChicago ochscqra vinifi trai occasion. Ufpper viii haoeervedin a lb. btumions. TIgijal, 9v P Ipç. COMEL AND ENJOY A frrNc Tnt. D). SINCLAIRI, canserai Blaokomith anci Wagon Makter. Practical Hors Shoer anti Perrier. triai chlUhiougitan 10 ail dl asace $iesufî Libertyville, Lake County. Illinois. Frlday. October 20. 1899. i . I MCKINLEY HERE.. Lai. Courtty Coisela Netiona Chiet Tuendet. Wsukan cadtImeLa a ny people, te lbe mcer c etsM reflaIProst-4 deonl McKileiy a4 lb. NSaneaM 15<00, Waukogsu, Toaday. Tbe ope"a bie bastIng tbe Ploidonl ati hisCaObnet oillea Soet-la WUb.gaas l i oclal A Kr. McKinley ippoaml au the plat. ban il vui the igal for a demancha- tis "bu bea m oomauequaedeth l WabOff. 101100 peup.e meotiant vdele blev, lesilel a nlghly 'ave cf nudi vibraion Ibal faiîly abok the anive uig baniiug. Piait MKlely wva. euoil tram thé train by Mayor Pearce. vhe lad goiena le Koncaba vAtonebc1 me" tlhe party. Tlea praàmt alentue thélb.*4agdie- erefleti paidoan ilhbe@ oup al bis onnlecoabeamolbrigblly ce neabhoakbie SM1kbateltathlb. rcmg. anti boveti train aile b aid. 110 ebool abiilin vvolan Mauy Amer- Imm agfanaiMcKinley tooti bovleg before Uem. Volig lste Preoldeul ver.aliseiaoeearlaa cf the cabinet. Lyman J. Gag., aeai.aryoft he liccany; John D. LOtI. aacislsry of lte navy;John W. Origgeatctorney gaai; Chaléa Emory Sniib, pal. mautale".geErai <leAllnt aitaouk, .eretay otîheltinelr; Jeunes WiIa.m, »aai.layfetagriculture. Thon foi. lovaid Congrsoamau Poua vlth tliI citlzena vite veut 10 Kenoaha, il. W. Coon. C. S. SmAth, 8. D. Talcot. C. A. Murray, 0. iB. Lyon, Chai. Whitney sudi F. B. Whtney.a Vitithlb.Preaidonlial pally ver@. Ur@. McKinly. Ilira. Htchcock ai s Ur@. Gage.V Mayor Pages, vsiling for the cbeer. lng cut iaIno10 ubide Intîodneed Ux.a Ualelan a feu voila:2 #-liavco 3tleJIinl My privilage I anti boomeIn yrat eaft if néroduco I ta Fon Wil. lNatisiey, Prugidetion 1 o tbe United Stale.*' Thera vara cateuasalni Saita vivel @Bdthlin addeuly ail anitaiel ai the Proident mounte th ie lu£ plallofluc Md :d rmwaimwà a lnca. my fallu%, eil1ctâai h troc ona Manui for Four varda oft velco pa"« inaFour bebalffni th Mayor e Iaet tprling Citv. I am cais rabltg muet b. paels «beu lit la utMY IVlbR cadb»S efer ths Ulme tesere. 1m Sid suoaéelasenM prouesse IleS 1 havrmt . Moy ene la PeUh NYl a 1 i M m d lat suffrage 1Iam urrulc ait ndwbwe 1amneto etnanetb.aed bhiMr »ociNOUU lt len. vu... OF raoLB s e m Lt. Tbe Gouamia of lb.people la a a countury III, ours a Rivage aommaan Tb@eWiit et the people Seth*laavottlste.d. 1 am Sind fOt ui, 10knov ubat My country . mau c,. tiblelua about, but 1Ian siedt 10bc ativiautib, tem thal IUser11,1m laréglât- ebat la best la administration anti folrin. ment. Aller asu. Use c'sa bodu of peupe bave à alegie it1rct an 111goerflufl. 11mB IL mai bu ulsasr. lcithfuily anti loneetly admiutaterati. Thfu bave bie eare fer moe.individuels el "Pt ai BlOc one or that on. mai serve thons the bout anti besi raircent 10 Item te princpW(le urau 10 thming overumeltel poiler. Aboid il ia Fou vatt0Fourgoyerfinefil admnisered tb inemity ant or te eluel benelit of 4teb peuple. ,OvpesNec, 07 41. You vautI Four goverfiment flot tu bu repressntatlve of aoneclai of people or anotiter but of cil tb. people. and to embotir in tbat gouernaent tbe test aime andi nobieat aspirations of aul pOple-IApplatte&.Q 1 ,allgo balto te fWeatduties 0f1 MY oSe. echeri by ponr eucourcgtlg volrde. etrengthepet bv F0ur happy faue atg uMIct 1 setievollofi l0 counftry and tineeel love for ouwtruic lneitutions-[Applaua.-- stai go back feeling th&& 1 crryi ltb ume the purpoeua in Four heurt&- If i1flancary titoac purposes lato publie adinistration tien I1viii bave acfilvedthe hi bteat oislai eMn 01Ob publie servant -IApplauae.] bA&aL OOIEU 7cJ1411Ilugm I ililnk I knov. 1lam sure I knovu that ls uppermosl tu Four saadti10day. Xuu ame thtflkine of Four country: mot ber terets ai baose foi tre you r. fil veli safld.1 there iOn fiel scaus.; but ion amr Ibînkins ofSMate ri ntereste of govrnuent La our Dow~ loseesatoflc that bave corne 10 un by the fortunes of ver. Your huatâ go out 10 the brave men lu lte pacifie wbo are ter. a.aituluig île sovereigflty of tbe tUnited tmi.oyer tfrritory cdedt 0us b, Spain.J andia teality it bacmlthisoliti sanctioni Dot uir o01ehe fnaie but of tb.e eiire conghee of theUnied tatBeea.-[Âpplcuc.; I canuot i-reati Four purposor FOUr conceiptionl of pubiu duty. i am endeavorý lsn»g amceboufi t do by titiconsillutlon ofth Vitepied tibise t0e eu$e te lve In @Toy fOj for lferrItorj litibeooas &0 fua.« #ebeýil a baefraisuti agausl 1our athoriti Sma lerritot y Ai muet Our ov sai Alaaba.tige 01xtrict of <Columbia or auY otiter of Ouposeewan.-Ikpplause.] aacsuJOcvua PUT nova. Titalrebellion wvAS bc put tiovu andthie auitority of the Unitedi Statuea viiibu matie supreme. Borne peopleseay "île prediit le carnifia on an unbolj ver la the Philin. pleYAn nubol, va,? Anu nbol, ta, 10 upholdthîe banner ibat thoee thldrefi efit vvng 1-dayl [Appiene]te peopi. o!ie Uitedti ptees feveyitctian appeal madti1 dqty. wib vawu n vain. (oot-bjeanti Aotibien$ Fou 4a1. vi.pielte t veorted 10 lhe $roinl, andi If pulictisvaY jb. mieti.bovuti anti tayed hie iunntiercislef 10 tie cheering muiti- Bute, andthie uhietie of lte [&alerte& bleu tbemselvea hoae uloilb.the Pti mug apecial ld sonu ont of lovit. lTe prasiltenlieW poety ia tj>er e aliont tiifeenil ntes. etole Hliea Smau Buggy. Le Beluday Mr. iGeorgeBeay, of Gag«es Cornet-c.duIli to10Wankegcn cud «MIede bochrae la front cf lb. GarmnCcagiag&atiassi citn b ions d 'alock lu tbe êkeifloaf. Tvoe baya, James G«enèanti Gerge Blaly abotliy atecvltgo$01lanthé buggy Mdaticter diing chant lb. MouM boue. aqmu s eveal limas preasude ta 1 Jachat arel. Theyý drota 'op anti dovu the treel foi sone tAm. adti l *en& lown go Nahat "Iea ciag roflousIe. 1 Gere's Groe, wuhe %bSey anittoet Me hmraaMd loft l;115611ta aSgrosai 09 Priday iht. Samafrtiay the baya drave &autaes.coucilaiced loft the rlg n th. prote oveS larday niiti. Sanday momnlng tb.y àrove 1 toiot eberlde catireturitudt ova la the Ahaut one oclock b hO< torti Vus ati In the vWanlsy ofcf laarfam, abco tvoancdlcie.hi tomilesfient tou, Shaiff GriMa anti Uisau Tyreil «abagt ébets. Whmaufeiunl. lbqte vo isx baya In the buggy lcnging fien 6tu 12 Years. Geegancaidttiàdy, lhe one« vWho colte tlb.ig, vu. lte only unes lockel up. Tite boie sa niAU aiut ltItha efoefiabl bad voek g etting ialto tbun. The baya lbî.v Nr. Ilaya otrcoel vblc vain lb. buggy. ay. In lts monue im rN. Uey bai beau voiiy hunllug for bis t-laba@lbg nolîfieti the poliua of le dtiaponie. *urgflarc n Waukezan. Snnday moruIni a&&MM 1go oer un. ue"ua atnlegforibagous a AWane.- Un, ant ixiihoseverd entereti, anti valabea. JeveleiY, mcsby, etc. apprn. priétied. Nia. Edvcrd Webb et Nortit Crunty etroes vIe aroneatifiaS asloop &bout 2 o'cioak l'y tlee.xmieuablng of.a ight lu ber rton, ced diccvuti a man bendlng oter l t-anal«. lira. Weib qnicklY rtofroisbbebl anti aanghlt 50lerae«pl 11e boiont. but vue ove,- povereti ant bu el aidabou e. aile wvIng.for Stan hie ciandioerti 4l. diaIug.iom, barle et illt.e fieulg batglar, ube made hics ee&"chlrongI IL T.* Princ's bouce an Narth Oonnly anal va- oulra anti$le0sud asld 'al ovrs saened. à. I. Uulinis h e =< andi Nerth nome Ievelry. Peter Gorman Caught. '-Pet"(Goigen, vho vllb Thomae Neyera. George finyder Md JoaspI Pieu aped ftoil.heWankega ja> by éaVlng the bais, bept. lot, va. arresteti lu ai turday nlgbl at 306 CWl ar let liy oluer Condeli, of lte Harislon alleel pollce stalion. Te 8M 0revard offentiloirSuie erreat of lb.four J*U biaea ag lione e1t lit eascape vai foi liurly deys only, benne Gornicta apptaenslon viii not reanlin any poeuniary e,. lit 10 tbeChîcago Polioeuffl. Upon lbats« qoatloqt.tiGormas reiled a o ary tal ol 10lite eleuat a b. antid oupsnton bat! hurlaiti Noeuara AthletWooda norlit of vanbu. an,viser. b.e badtilel front expo.ole. liu leclareti %bey boadi ga paye Vîit atlae an4ti ba knde, pnd oÇferedta so. e ie 100 te &pot. Afler. vaitie iterentarkedti bitaih. sedrunk when ha madtie biove Sleeutu. lie cati tey etinreti omay lardoeipe lan u.aptng from Wcntegan, andtih&&a lugy deridodtu 10taoieffusesb rouges go meel Jeter tn Chicago, lTa&$ vu» Sueh ie 4t &W ofbifugitive coin- rade. Siterif OGrilOn vent to Chticago lMon- day andt ook tiorman bstu k nWoke. San viit hlm. Change* Nam*. Tite North <Chicao aTme comee 10 out deftkonde, itead ofThPe Northcael iliaiO"Time.e Ihia veek. EdABor Joues explains ltue: "Thte vork lu futur. e going go bu donce A Pleigo- cratie lines. TTiNatue utt'1 iep lIa polAlane lu te liacgronuqdimny longer. l la toc rvli n .te conciilutiou." loeaulci letter la one ortfflt eturea of ltae Times.anti Jerry's tbrai effort le levoted aimait .xciuelvely 10 a roast of A. K. Sterna of the Weehuegas Sus beeaoe.of lMtStemaedéairalse sccned lion. 0. B. Lyon e représentative. Titere le soute elb l tug te Timesplant viii bu removedte,10 1laq#qm11. wqoclmen 1teDiflo, Acmie Caump)(o. 176, M. W. A. viii 91VeO 4pgrindidoace n lbe lown ballet Lilieryvîlle Frlday nlgbt, Ocober 27th, 1899. Prof. Simit,&Ciicago orchestra viii furntaht macla. Henry Lavrence. of lAbel'tyvlljle. vii seve auppot lunSuhe Inuemeaant ud--Hlit- hma a reputatlon second te nos n nsnt about LibertyTflhiet loues 10 *puttlng upl a good meal for li$îSe moneY, TIekela frtoieb. ance -50 centse. upper viiili e extra, Donlt taiti 10attend anti enjoy a excellent lime. Kruegere ScIe. lthera vue an auctiemsle on ltae Citcle Voes farimreLobI Groe yastertiay of tbe pet-mnai propehy of 0.0 Ktnoa,-vbo e l onfiat la l*e oonnly JUli ehargeti visb lb. mu-dot ef Mt- Obrt*elU Vnat bcv Betha. BELT LUNE PROJECT. Libertyville MeV Cet Another Praight andi Pacsngar Lino. Wedneeday, in mNuOkee,àament. tug va. callet by promtinent menntan- lurers anti businlessmen, lte ebjeob haaitg 10 Concider the mud loal dof boll lino froin Citicago t0Milauikee, llrangit Ecukegan. The oorau 0f Ibproposeti Inewva aboya Uand tiiacuaal. filouedtheNs lrcaoflte Wieconsin Central rail- rooti froan Citicago 10 elîton, frout vllicitpoint lb. rondi brancitetioff in a nonhasrly directiîon titrougis Laberty- talle $0 Wauakegan, and lt.e propticl. uIn vui 10 containe ilon the rIght- ef-vay 0f t le etria une fronWao- kagon 10 Kono@". Telis.teance of afxtean miles iabetven Waukegsn anti Kenomba lea «t1o ba bil, b.vidt beau delcyat by lilîgation. The MU»- 'ani ellandcalTermnal aomfeap propose t 1btild tli ne front Ken- neb10 Nu Mlwaukee. lTe original aiec vu to mailâ i a freilâ ittln. only, bul l bai al annbainarrangeoto hat lie Wisconsin contra l 10Mate una of If e a peangeos ailes aiafreigbl UInenie emne bueauaiolier nenîrci aempmnla. Mr. E. P. Backett, one of tba for,- luneS promolema of the ne, bult lin. la quoltd as sayang: itriaging of th. WlecanlnCentral sapat tom n 10ilwlaukee, Racine, Kouo@"a, Wankegcn ant i Lbertyvile anti pro- viding for $Ibs@ plaesa nv lin. 10 Chicago. If vIiitmcan more tiotan iA. ait ilvil l v. the.Manufacturer@ 0f lte cillea a direct couneclion vîitlte grettlrttnb iHa ronnng ecetanti Vettroua Chicago., Palatine Ba aobbar identif lsd. The body of ~Walter Luvion," thte man tho athempledti 1rob the hauk 0f C. H. Pallen at palatine,Il, on mspt. 20, anti vio dieti undenilled ai Alextan Brothersa inaepttel sa s resait 0f a lnileit vooanti e«e l a n drug. Iwt vltb eny 1' iegg vi ainlarrel et lte pottara field ti Dannnng leui Piday anti Atianfeti byDr. B. T. Lewim4 0f Milwaukea, aieltai oS hie brother, Dr. William L. Lewin. Dr. LevIl Itieb lte body priai. cialpiy liionubpoeulleiee m0f1the fingota, vbicb vote flellene aI thie muait. C. A. Partritiga, of Wqp*»gie. ans anlamate fiand et t» a LaulaknuSi "MMinillaiehé d@&li8eiloa. velà, axaninelion. -.197ytmer, Whilivea ct Oakbbab Wle., kn.v lant Uondcy Ibasbeovce ever, $heoha. beaua beptla ignorance of lbe iromatanaae of bic deatb." -11 nciaualn no r.aion for bis et- tempt to rb tl. book otiton ltaM unde, lie Influence of moipotluelha ca temparartl lnu.. "About a menlb qo aty motter saiheti hlUm &Q1ra aindoe vainabi. ppraWblob ite 4"aiAn bés possesion, ktl#0 lti ta$0do go. 1 camne 10 Chf- Off01 o t lise pqpera, lint faUlet locale hIensd lte suspicion tltlch tnoooredth ieItrottasu aronast. William wv u edacatuti and va& a tavxtie coclali otili ha hegan tu as- clatie ilhinelf aler b. lad iteome aiçdîçtt 0h. 1 morphine.~ Mi. l'iltid4e vu. o01tte bellai abat roltlidry vui 001 the molive os Levi Au attccking Cahier ibert. ItaI gationa imade yaslezay led am 10 be. Hors laatLoeia titi no nuor itave zuy bciueu esa any oE îhe men con. neatet vîitlaite ni. -'Allesoiatreurai fromlte Kondikle whare ho a a gone in an altempl 10 throv off thte morphine habit, Levin, itat viit atoe about cmaing a for- tnne,' said Mr. Pcrlritige. --l îiînà ite became craaad over lte idea." Il launuderatooti liatILavie boti10 pay $1000 10 c lavyer ite Saturday fol- loving thte robbery. BIc mother nov knout of lte cirnuetancea of hic tiealb cnti le corely grieved ti theb.ati end of ber sons@ carner. Lewis wva amemter oSfltesaime claie as1Dr. E. H.Sitlh, of Libierty- tille cu tt ahgrctinated from lise Cicago Deutal Coilege in '94. Dr. Smith daeorlb.d un aubulug acmnt estimable young mon at i taIttire andi oe ofthtie lrighest membera of bis Tale What They Gsi. À proninent emlât abîpper. of Libei. tyvilla la apaSklng 0f thte price pel fur malla.saaid: *'Yoo voultihob . m puleel 10 lunra lbe nnoiit.îof abippere ltaI are content %0 baba Wb&% lié deciereasam 1 e nttomdt em for liseir ail. For-Inalane lie prie. this Monis te95 conte. I know a hoala vho "sali lii b. racoe« romieLiber. lytilla 10peaea l 8 oe, houas b. te coeally paying liea abppeta in question ile« Iben tbey ianulil 1t. Theele uneneeti of Ibid. Ever cbipparsc ondalaitonl iaie sI conte4 for OWtbet mAilanti If lbey do notla Illa Ibei ova tinîl.. be id.#- vili lToe $1.50 aYearIn,'AdéV Strong i MERV$ A PRICE-DROP GREAT AND TIMKELV. Chiltiren'a FLEURE LINED blocs: rlbbetinosctI bon-- Par Pair............ ..................... .......1 Wornsua notton ribbed vre. leacetle ti euhb.........................,-»'*»*«............. W (Jotloàs biakuta-.uil sîze, tnu wite or Ian- 1 làor s coinaelm-.-apeiaiv ain,, ini, bine, mieantiwbitle - stls.a ........................ ........... ............. Gennîne Amoakeag &prou gingbama.. pa ya-d ....................... Brnab ntibiach oiduroy drae «blndlJng...*"* ****' per yard ............................................... f Gooti Talonnm povder- Hulp-ooks andi oyuz- (Juticura Eoap- SpeeWaidrive an men'a vell madie overae 3 atIl biaslor...........................................M O ne ponuti 0f good nncoioîed te%-- WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TLEHO é t.l NCW C4ir4A ANDO CA@CRY AT CXCRPTIONAIL 1.0W PRS£O STOVF3S The beat assortment ever sou, Libertyville. including, ' =*4s AMorne, Universals and GoId ColIn. We bought one hundred stov" early Iast sprinq beforo any adviance I price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. W. deliver and set uP soq of charge. No frelght or leskof ago-e -1la the, case If they are in Chicago. 'Compare our prices wlth 'Clikp< *.prices before bUYIi0%a.. ~.M . -. LISERTYVILLE, ILL. A Remarskable Maîthinc 1 bave weeenly purabasea aLndi@ bard Wva4, leZ101111161 bornce« machine oeling 180. Aler ton recru 01 Praclicai -P-1-8109inby lb. invente, Ui macohine wu tfies piacal on th. market caou tanV«,YcM NM therelage te no expotiment. it ba beau improvM &M Y lsbl yeav aue.s taS lime ui it sbuac hal anch aa e ftpet la«m ltai it doma bottar woe &han as aa paacbl. loteby hbad. As Weparad vièh ]band -vo hbeub-ha" MMa. a anin6W4 larger and allonge, Ibrosl, Iinona» luchte h "b anuii l mol B.d andi pumpeti aoto l.thetichhe. makiggthons 860 P»04l more chicheb lb.theInchtandi every *athcbPUfflt u flg t *n la poésîble by hatLl. À Mau aeing by bond POiUa&lteeal lbrouW0188bb OalR* 4"0 in Bihe leather tIbu wvek.niag lth lrcad viNs sa8111c0là labs butor. At Éitde il@ Placn the 0lb. cluet voit, vh4,uasl M .' china oeses à Dow plce of Ibroati for a«eh and ti U, I 1118 consumera o! hamnues on rira$ lbotgbl c0ebk il niable. MMi barum@meaic en« faclory baxuaa. o bu aitrel gb114t, e Obep a vu dtiAfférence belveen factory ma0ie bemMdcl heMo. "M ou a Landie machine An my &hW- beunstu I botterstock Manti i aele »groale, ca".la hom 5k partsofcibte leuther tor perl oci te bhi-aatub*Modla grueagt &train; 1 viii i ao oenuballe t Iretid "g1It *sic attuntion tihac, hefactoryto dot" wavicbg80otuMair e afU âw burnous. Mr. a. A. Canfleld..Intacte rpo.usi et tlb. Itila Machins Co. sayâahha&ac aliding 01fer le fortulos 10 0If RUes î madie on tbe Landia umcine vWi n ooéolveai baud vutitwhimm J salue stock la oued. The tronerai Public là rOsPetfnLily InVit otiaciiet My cab" andi cee Ihia mabm Work- LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ILLI rTeoioan Vilagerecags.gvn I..ovll's ru Daose - - are UineSude nte.LýA

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