le miIIed especially for famlly use and is made f rom selected hard wheat and guaran- teed the best brand made ln America. A TRIAL wïII convince you P-1 its merits. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville m m - Illinois.1 Sheet Music.. 'nOPhonographs. Watches Clocks, Jewelry and OnIy one Bicycle leit at a Libertyville CR.SIIERMANV - - - -Illinois. Winters ComiXigl We are Prepared, are you? We can prepare you in fine men's shoes at f rom $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as you will need, and at prices that wili suit. A FINE LUNE 0F GLOVES. F. C. SMITH&SON, Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illnois. ALL WOOI. 42-INCU DRESS GOODS AT 35 CENTS PER YARD. GO TO LOVELLS DRUG STORE FO ---i Drugs, Medicines Chemicals, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, COMBS. lirusbem i russem, u4î)pporteroi, 4bolder Itravem. Fancy ani 'roliet Artivles, Bmnkeansd Staeloiery. Bye Staffs. (lis, Pntty, PAINTS AND OiLS5, VARNISES, PATENT MEDICINES. Fatuliy Medicistes and 1l'Yluysicin' Preaeriptionsi carefally conipounded ...at aiU hours.... Goods carefully selected. Libertyville OnIy the Best.1 FB. LOVELL, - - - - Illinois. ,,.ur Libera1 0(1er ..... -~1NP st. aa lvam e v.<l. 1. tbeo We.kly Inter Ocen ýte im Su Uft .e 70F sd 5h" Paru Jouemlove PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of Interest ta Lbertyville Readers C. M. à ST. P. TIME TABLE. LIBEIITYVILLE-DAILY EX. SUNDAY. LZAVK AUIVE. 6:2 A.M -145 ,nM. 7:64:4&p JM. ,2:30, p.«nM. 7:36 P. 11). 4:60 a . .10:469. nM. 8:36 .6J. :30 i.II 410 P I lleîfeld loaka ai Mas. Pi'aoNîn'. ILR. O. tzen va. home TInday. For dies gouda, siioes. undervear, hoaaery, shavîs, et., goa laNMts. PDOTINE'S. Mn. Edlth Rlten la attending 1the Christian £ndeavor Stage Convention nt Rockford 1111. veek. lise. Edvin Dymand, af Jefferson Park, vlsited Libertyvîlle relatives the iater pari of lui vweek. lirs. A. C. French and kirs. Emerett Famuhan vlslted viih Mrs. Edwin Aumtilu lu Chicago 1111. veek. Fred lînîzen ban ptiroha.ed a baste la Chîcago, nsear amboit Park ta vhlch ho yull move early lan1the Sprlag. There là.nmre agfitation amoug methodîste loakng 10 1the erection af a nov parsouage, but noî deflalte arragemeute have beea madie. Mir. and lins. John Wolrîdge have retnrned to Libortyvîlle anti viilmie tbeir home vlîh Mn. Woolrldge's son C'harles Ibis viater. J. M. Woodman, of Waukegan, va. lu tovu Weduesday, snd badl bis bousobold <00dm vhlch have been istareti for nmmeUnie, remnoveil to that City. Misé Uns (.olby, vho bas been sitidy. log au a tralned nurse ai Mercy bospîtal, Cbicago, la at ber home bere,t havlng coniplet.ed ber conine i ltat Iustltutlon.1 Miler, Caler sud Haaby recelveti yeaterday alternoan slxty bead of chalce nilliers snd aprîngers, vhlcli they propose to oeiI ai prite sale ai Libertyville.3 l'le Ladies Aid Society 0f11thee Prestýyerlan cbnich viii gîte an cysler oupper Prlday, Oct. 2011, ilu bsnemeul af 1the churcli. Sopper servmd from 6:30 oclock. 1.2 Triggs &i Taylor have purcliastia Car fosd ai apples conslsllag of Groeennge. Baldvlns aud other1 variettes vbhl yuil arrive Salurday.1 T11sy vtilie haold ai $2.50 lper barrel. Organtzor Joha Buaben ha. been lui totahisi. ek aud a meeting ofait Englinh descenta la calledl for Môuday bilâht lu Woodmen's Hall, vberu su order of the Sons of St. George viii ha orgaulzed. unai services aI the Prenbyterisu cbnrcb HSuaday. ev, Moeuver viii preacb lu 1the moînina ann11e Perlis of jotileunema." lan1t1e eveniag 1bis thenme viii be - Gode Etimate of Good wrîg.," Aruoag thos*e froni Ibis iocality Who1 veutto lauakegan 'l'uesday ta bear McKley speak vore J. il, Aliau8on sud vite. J. E. Balard sud vite, Boi Le sud vite, Mr. lien Mller, and Mr. aud lits. bilan Wright. Charles and Biert Austin liave rented Orville Havons tarinisud vii canduel amrnl connection vlth their ovu. Th1e Havenarfan cotas about 100) acres. tir. Havon, wve undersîsuti, yull remove ta the village. Mia. John Matocks, of Chilcago, vialleti vîll ber mollier, Mmn. Penai- mian several days Ibis veei. tMr, sud Mis. 3Mattociaremoved la Chicago several veeois 5<0, itbelug Ibeir intention ta &pendth 1e vinter months lu tue clty, vhere tbey bave iuralshed a de&i sud are ieeplng bonse. Uarry Galiovay bun bebu appalnted marmbal semporarili or nutîl snob lime an 1the men vorklug ou the rail- roati grade leave tavu. Marsbai Gai. loway ti nudiy contluounly and aur etreela aboulti nov be troe of th1e dis- grseefal lsesues go common1the pas$ uîonth. 11ev. Dis, 11e nev Melbauamt paslor moved Itanthe hous 8olong aceupled by F. Orsbbe sud vactoli by flm Ilium veek. Mir. rabbe maved loto bis receutly puichased bouse on Nov.- boîry Ave. 11ev, Dix viii occnpy bis preoent quartera untîl sncb liimesa. the Metbadlst parmonage 18 made liabitable. Octaher lOili at Sprtngfield, lbree buadred lav tadente tooi 1the îîgld examinallan heforo ilie ali board ut iav exaniners., ITva lbax slimad forty-aiae vere sucebflï7 anIg thini Benjamin Miller, ai Libertyville, sud Carl Lamb, oif(iniuee. The board certilles t11e usines toi the Supreme Court, vhlh ranIs certilicates of admission ta 1t1e bar. Miss Noie Churchill anauaunced lier1 engagement la Dr. bMoqua,, ai Chil- cago,nlu eoaonmallon vlîb a Liberty- ville fiendt Iis vopi, aud voiîcbonsied the inforatsion tle veddlng wouiti1 laie place soule ime la Becember.1 miss Churchilis engagenent cames a. s surprise tualber mauy Libertyville1 friends, but ai l i nulle lu congratula.1 tions, even ilough lbey lie s trille prémathlre. Red Mot Fram he (tan Ias the bail tbat it G. il. 8tsatimàý of Newark, Mich., lun1the Civil War. il cned horrible ulcero thiat no treai- ment helped Ian iaenty years. 'Ibeni Buclensa Arnica Salve cured hlm. Cure. ou&&, bruims, burum, houas, tlonsau ci, skia empilonis, usa pleoureoleânlh. IScleaho%. 0Ctre "d hiil hlab P. B. LOYma6, libhahyvlll. G. 8. Tumeon, Grapa. l'bore vîli h. an oystei supper ai 1the Preabyterlan chnrcb Ibis Frlday nlght. Happer»erved froni5:30. Mrs. Edlîb Warren, of Chicago vlsited vilh lMr. and Mrs. McAlee and Mr. and Mr@. J. J. IJîviiithîn veek. C. R1. Sherman snhtered s ilgbt attack of appeudîcîtis is veek, bai la snfticleully recovered 10 attend to von Igalin, Th1e editor and the pliotagrapher are alike lanoue respect. They are expected ta make people appear a blauied 51<111boiter Ibau lhey reaily are, We leara there is ta be a double veddlug at the home of Henry Eiiring, euât af Llbertyvilie nexî Tuesday. RermunElrlng lata lie marrled Inaa yaung lady fr011 Evanstan and Mise KatharIne Eliring ta a yning man from McHory. A cordial Invitation in extended to the people and frlends of 1the M. E. eharcli ta uleel ai the chureh parlors Friday evenlug Oct,.24,111ta velcome the nev pator, 1ev, M. E. Dix and fs&mlly. A short program viii ho given aler vhleh ltunch viii be erveti. F. Croker ha. opened a tailor hop la W. C. Trîgge building on lipragne street and vliiiha pleased ta meet bis friende and ensiomre there. Fred la a flne vorknian sud sure ta receive a liberal patronage. HIe la prepared ta builld lothes on nbort notice and guarautees saperior it, etyle aud vorkmaushlp. A litie Lîbertyvîlle girl added ta her prayer isAt nlght: -And pleuse. O Lord, laie good cale of yonrself, tao. If anythiug should liappen 1ta 0fl, vs conidu'l bave any ne bat McKinley ta mepend an, sud li lnt doing a. veli an pa expcted." Amoag onr iniUlous of readers Byron Colby yl appreclate the above mont. Yoo may slug of cake and cooky, snd of macaroon and tari, yon may bout of rare productions of the clllnary art, yon xay ioad the board vlth viands branght irom fer acronsathess, ad seek the vorld for daînties yonr appe- lite taplease, bat youà'll nover ladt11e equal, uno difference vliere you try and notblug baîf nsa ctome, sa.good oid puiupkln pie! IlobI. Rogersa auction sale of honse- hold Soadai sat aturday attracted a fair crowd, and the gonds vers dia- posed of ai a Bfair advsutage. Mr. Roger@ sud famlly lefi Tnesday for Buluali Springs, FIa. They have resideti in Libertyvilie tva years sud their departure ia regretted by a large cîrcle of iende, We vish lliem anoces luthelr 115w location. L.. 0. Payne sud WiII Kulgge, of Rockefeller punsedt hrongh Liberty- ville ta Waakegau Tnesday ta hear MKinley's romankosuad vlew the demoastratloa, Upun their relura tbey etoppod long eaongh ta express iheir entaîslanm aud praise of 1the manner Waukegan honore th 1e nationsa chief, and they voie baC lan their pruinme Genersi SuperIntendent Langdon sud fareman W. W. Sberldim bed tome vards tlut Suaday relative tu Ialg a Irac ou 1the ron bd of the nev road and Sheridan strnck Langdôn, lu coaequene ai vhieb 1the latterlhadt Sheridan arresled. Jndge MiacOnfilu heard t1e case, the plaintif! anC deisu- dans acting a. their owu attorneys. A fluce of 53 sudcontes vu lmposed upon the deiendant. Th1e Rock Hiver Canference by a very enthusiastlc vote, Octoher 10111unu. snlmonsly adopledth 1e follovlng reslolutionil on Civil sud iteligions Liberty: WiîEIIEAa. Civil and Religions Liberty have been deeiared tau1e the brltbrlgbtofaal mou by caîr dccl ars- lieo n dependeuce, theretore Resoleed, Tbsi vo approve 11e per- sisîsut efforts, durlng the paittilve yeara of 1the 1ev. JolinLes, Chaîrman af the Commttes of t11e Chicago Preaehers 1Meeti1' ' tea ecure Clvii and Religions LiberI't *%i the repuîbiic of Peru, Ecuador ant iiîolIvin. Resolee, .That wvobleau vthasalis. faction thal 1the clviiinarriage1bill va. enacted ino als t Becembler by the Cangres$ of Pera. WILLIANI H. TitBHLEs, Chairmn. FfRANK<'RASE, HCrtary. H3aturdsy aight a crowd of Wauke- <su Mas"us vlalted aur local iodge, vbsre 11e Waukegan tea. conferred the th2rd rani ou candidatea, ioiiow. lug vhlcb s banquet 100k place la Clare'iIal)el. Amung thôae pressaI irom Wankegan vere: A. L. Hendee, Win. filiock, John Blnlack, Fred Bulilock, . D. Taîçott, Le. MeBonongli, Win. Welss, A. K. Stearus, (leu. Helis, Johin Pistes, J. F. Kuabu, E, L. Dyer, Br. SIyieid, J. Brewster, L O. liroek- vsy. James Mlnu Fred Taggert, Fred Mlîmore. GJeorge Adamsn,-James Wootimau, Capt. Pollock, Caah Lang- bain, A. McArbnî. E. Kerr, iV. Hait, Dr. Piper, T. Gray, il. Spauling, G. Spaulilg, Oea. Percsnt, W. Tmggarl sud Bave Webb. Buring the vint-r of 1897 Mr. James Reed, one of tbe leadlng eitizens sud merobants ai Clay, Clay Cf, W. Vu , stuci bis legsignionsi a cake of tee in suci a marier an ta bruile. it everèly Il became very nunch mvolen sud psinsd hlm no badly that li e oulçnIt valk vithout 1the id of crutebies. Me avas treated by physielans, sacused everal kilda ai liniment and ivo and a hall gallons ai vhliay Iluahliug lit hut noîilug gave suy relief until bo began uslug Chamberbln Pain Balai.. Tia h ronght aimoas s comploe.cure lu a veis lime sud ho believes that h ad he nos used ibis remedy bié leg vonld bave baC tgo1bcsmpuptaled. Pain Balm a snuequaled foi sprainus, braises sud rbenrnatlsm. Par sais hy Y. B. LovuLL ibrtyvvlle, J. B. DEaOHUEi Guru..,, Uaias1è.xaPu-agaiP L. Vusinaum1t»ix, Mooeitar, J m 1 l vas à Jeu ter- SUlMmo alhCtlae. Phy- ad"mue me didim shdp.d iIm Nla oicuspeech, urn o Ilmhs Md cotld hardaval- loy fi"d.Bcfore lbc had figt- hWeda bottla cf Dr.' 1M1W Nervi.. liscosaltallI s«d 6-t w4 m sd 5 bottinu e" hka. Suit of Clothes, Overcoat. H at, Cap, Underwear, or anything in the furnIW line? If so, corne in and let us show. through aur lune. Chus. Kaiser'. ad vîli prove Interest- ig reading 10 ibose Ialerested lin haruesàesor vb iByhae imoaey ln- vestidlu n ie. 1 have a better and larger stock of milluery ad rimmîngm than over hefore. CaiIIand examilne roy stock before buylng, MRS. l'ItOTIll'i. Proprietor Deane. of 1the IAbertyvIlle Hôtel, hardiy Impressen one as a --susceptile Indîvidual," yet lc iewth huadreds of othersm fne ac p under that appellation, sudil because oae S. B. Nlcknm, the aiieged laventor of perpetual 11<11, chose tor laveilie the crednlons 1Bil1luto glrlng apt a fat rol of money for exclusive territorial rlght vhen the llght la plared ou the market. The total amount of money reaelved b! Nlcknm ia estImaid variouely at frour ")4,00 b $160,000 for lerritory throughoat the United States. Mr. Deane secnired the right for Molienry cannty and no douhi vouid like ta sou 1tire euitre conaty to the hlghest bldder nov Iliat Nickam ha. gaita othe end ai bis édrIng, vhicli ailowlug varions execitiona ta issue an emal jndgments indicates lie hll done, and the great illuminant sens ta be s. far awsy ram tire public ta- day sa. Il vs.vhen Nlcknm iraI con- oeived an Idea af sncb s thlng. And Donne, weli, we vouid anggoïdt a guardlan 1be appolated b opreveat hiniu sqnaderlng bis vealth. Trainnl Shool Burned. Ut. bMry's Training sebool ai Feebian. ville vas toly desiroyed by ire Mon. day alternoon. Over 4004 boys vbo vere qufttered Iliere bave be-n rmade temporarlly homeletsa, except as tbey eau bc provlded for by friends, and relatives. Soyen buildings were de- stroyed and th1e lotis la etlmaied ai 50,0,of vblch auly 5$60,000 le seouired by Insurance. Archbbshap Feenliansa summer home va. the oaly building o011 e groaadm tha vans sved, aster &long tragle by th1e attaches of the lont linti)n snd 1the lire depariment framtl>esplaîne8, vblcb va. cailed ta 1the Icone. 'he t1 ire started lua1the ehapel dîîrlng ai ternoan vesiper services ai 2:15 o'cook. l le tbougbl that borne of the draperies noar th1e alter cauglit ire front a candile carrled lîy one aif1the alter boys or tilat one aif1the boys emptled snme bat saies frotu buralng Incensou the fluor iboind 1the aller, and thon set th1e voodwork on ire, Th1e blaze vu 001 dlacovored untîl alter It had galned consideralule bond- vs!. The iral efforts oai the priesîs in charge vore dlrocted toward gettlng th1e 400 boys lan1the chapel oui of the building tn salety. Ho succeulily va. order maaintale tht 1e entire number vqa marebed ont of 1the rooni la flie belore there vas ny danger la the hniling. By this lime, however. the lire va. burnag n furlonsly that Ihere visa no chance of aving the building v1111tile apparatum aib aud, aud 1the structure va. sabanidoned 10 lis fate. 1The efforts 0f1 the attaches ai th1e institution were dlrecled tovard aa.vlng th1e aiber buildings. Tieoir efforts wero ueessfni as th1e ire spresd witb <resI rapldlly, snd one alter anuallier the0 adjoinlng biuild- ings c.ngbt ire. The tire igbtters were umablerlt capte vîi tte fanion. sud for a time. il seemed tirat even 111e mrcbiblubapa home wo,îld fa11 a prey ta the blaze. A (eIl vas sent to tire lire 9epartili.clit ai Bespîsînes, 150 trilesa ay, ani 1ire membhers respondedi9Ns quîîckiy mas possible. It vas a long r1u and 111e department dld ual arrive unti alter aIl aif1the baîldin)gm oxcept 1te sommer home vere d.,,'me' I loY lent their efiorte ta saving dit. structure, and il vss 001 burned. Th1e lire van cccil for milles, bing Plalnly visible fromu villages lu central and soutiiorn Lake Couuîy'. lit. Mary's trauiing scliooi va. establisbied suteen yes & go nuder 1the auspices of tire ('atbolic churcli. Th1e grotrudat embrace 9040 acres 0f pasînre and cultlvated <ground. Il you need a closi or cape, cali au MSs. PROTINE. wliere yau viii finit a full lino iof ladies', misses' sud hblidren n cloaks of 111 tamoua Bel! Id mieO.e It will pay you ta buy your goods of If you get anything that is not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. M. B. COLBY & Co.,- DEALERS IN EVERYTHINQ Libertyville, UNDERWEARI Lnst week the manuifacturera of FLFECB LINED UNDERWEAR, by mutual agreement ad- vanced the price of their product 15 pier cent.; and even at the advanced price the most popular lindlerwear is liard to get ia the market. We prepared in time and have a big stock of Underwear-Mon'a, Women'a and Children's-on hand at OUR OLD PRICES. DON'T DELAY TOO LONG, as w. can guarantee these priees only as long as our preseîît stock lais. Sce our 45e Men's Extra fine andi heavy fleeoed L'ndershirts and Drawers; they are equal ta the sixty cent kjnd at other storesi. Oddsansd ends ln beavy rlbbed 508e Undersirte ............. Zia M4e Heavy tJnderahlts, 75% vool- .... .... ...... Boys' heavy gay mlied Underwear ..... . ........ hables' fleeced Underahirte .......................... .....S Speclal vaines la Ladies' t'nderwear ai 25o aud ........... ...SO Thie Fair, Libertyville. - - - liii F. BAIRSTI mitNuYaCTIJRRU 1RUpture Ii30T0 OAYS %elt Müthofi. HaSurglual Oieatlîn No Severe ppai.. Na Losa o1 Tie. INo Par untIl dur,'). Every nuptured persan la la constant danger. Ibere is na varulng, sud strangulation frequentiy resuis lu deuth. A rupture alirays causes a glest CeaI of snfteriug sud keeps ohild. non froni developlnu . eli meutally anC physleslly a. they onglît. la every cane 111e general heaith la lmproved afler belng onired, lu bath oIC anj 1 Yong. A apeelallat vitb over tweni% yeda experipnce lu lie lresu'u t -'fliC. cuit cansa VIII i .est ni.-.1AtIlînes Dotli Libertvilp. Tta,-.gls rean aMd Wv"d ay forenoon o01ovor!vet U woeam u ue y mv 0a é i i i oi 1 à Sewing MachinU wehave a splendid 5 drawer Drop Head Machine for $18.00. Why go ta the city and pay more when you can get one of us with our guar- antee to be satisfactory or no sale? or .0 a ý;- ', V.=a. GýG=tc" 1 ý77ca.tc3=0c» 1