CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Oct 1899, p. 6

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Tb*snen Ouer teNiantieý, Lieg MBER ON STARTLING, FAITH. ehaf*, owttd byr the 1eestur Cool Com- gg ItAPrIC0AFULLY RECORDE06 panyi, havé goile eton a strikee. Comptroller Dawes has authoise the First National Bank of Arthur to begin AlesIntefere- Ateeune Crimse ef a Peoria Mugi Car- business with a capital of $S0,00. ExpstdaLa tera4Rios Between Humigirion and G. A. Wihnarth of Seneca wan electedl xg«*Esefa t Elmberser on Polish Minere-t orn Crove Cars Down a gdent of tes aormeir%' nnattuute tefiefrnsval. ----Boietis EectNew fHcrs'William Deluc, a farcer,. residinq near Fremont, committed .-sucide by Jumping eenganlmshale notifed the gste Harry Adair, a mail carrier, ishoa his itLnodwlloh am e a twt t .at at Washigton of the inter wife, Maude Peut Adair, at Peoria, kll-t40yar oldWea n thenmarri. H a MTe rment sMtmuirmrk tuIIInsI of nc mnleai nwththrée elag her wintantly.saTen u.he le his Because the prie of stelhas advanred forrlefb he Govr e t. Thé prOP- ,Im egetr cesrinSterers edoffw ith omthes yam u. The tr-deo materially within the lethree moun tninths bb disenssed in Washington baitadig of ar ews fromisuth eywspomtdb elo .Aartellemarnufactureri of twire fences have éatt ohe buld lbe saime Provision for M_ alglut vesreeivdinsOndTuct on leaving the house at noon told hi.s been compelled to adivance the priesce k 2 ate a e 0 h cuty ncr wilsat serlins. On 'fueB- wife $she muet not go to see the parade. these good.ejto td orme hart largesumo imberley was stil besieged by Bo- he bhad ben forbdidden to leave the•entogntadf g e am m ther were rumore of au attack bonne any day during the corn exposi- In un address befor"-te social econ*, locked op in the vaults of the treasury na Dutch forces moving southtion. Mire. Adair talked with her mother omic ascain .M od rsdn and the subtreasuries. The Government ',a ha ave been delayed by the diMi after Adair's departure and concluded tuOof the Chicago Athletic Association, de- ha, a cash balance of 8$288,0,,Of :ewwmet wut in transporting supplie@ see the parade. At 6:30 o'clock she re- erled the Philippine situation, fraim e.ery which nearly $83,00.000 th op deposit I adelpetturned and Adair met her at the kitchen point of view. bank. The.other 0 2(5,000,000 il store Me disposition of the Boer forces at door. Without warning hie sent a charge At a meeting of the Southern. Illinois in Government raulis. leIis arning hoetentset of the war in South Africa of buckshot through her heart. Then hie Millers' Associçtion it was decided to nothing for Uncle Sain and Io perforai- qub t manfest that the Boer gen- killed himiself. Adair was 24 years of adopt the cash basie in selling fleur. Ev. Ing no function as a medium of exchange S 04lastlet f cntenting themselves age and hadl been connec-tedl with the mail erybddy present pledged himselfto stop ln business transactions. The snues-t ývgg éienlesor goerrillhwarfare, maucn departmnrt fur eight years. MIr@. Adair cutting prices. tien is made that the Seeretary Of the 4 trter a atiet act sytematically on the Was the, daughter of the late,11tey. 1. A. Au attempt was made to blow open the Treasury should deposit a larga propor 4iressiv. The tour mitary expeditions Pool. Adair had] always been insane-ly safe or the Eastonz Bank at Easto. The tion of this enormous fund abns %bin tar pet ander way fromn the Tranm-.., jealous of his wife. robbers were frightened.away before they whence it would find its way Into Cireu- ,MWl aW the Orang Free gste have linished their job. The safe containel a lation in timeis Of tightnes, but thtis *%W- aldirectly to the lapmotnt stron- Union Veterene' Union.lagamutomne.etonicupd with the proposition4 tçågMe the enemny's frontier. These The annual convention of the Union lageaboat ofzepgetion anintatteScrupelarshuld charge the1 inoesmmte, wile apparently Indepe- -Veteranm' Union was held in Peoria. Ie w Auas iven toProf. Arnodopi.h banqut ka literest at tbe rate of 2 per eent dttgeeiderc of concertedl action a ot eehadfo h tnIng com- ewpedntoNrmlUirsy.Fr- per annum. At thetieti sarte mhenrhr-4 e- a mitt4be howing the Union meteran. to ner President Cook was among those .....m-- of the Transvaal endier Com have enjoyed a successful year's work. whIene t oss Internai Itevenue Commissioner Wlson Mnaetcroje a netn aeig "*• - *- Dr. E. P. Bartlett of Springfield was* "wWillrecommend to Congritesthat a re- eed ed" by Co. Bade-Bowell Three banditse terrorise the-ralway men, wreck the express ear and esce, to bie pursued by a poste and bloodhbounds. elected gste commander. The othier or. The forty-irth sonnua loin of the fond be made of the taxes paid by cigar Vo aElativeyal foreih aefeers selected ore: lFirst deputy com- rn g dealers on the cigare manufacture-d and knw ahave ined the mander, illiamu E. Ward, G a esbur,; Kgnnu Grand Army Hall, Decatur. Thom sold by Couinterfeiter Jacobsat Lancas- tthathfaekg.Te ESTIMATE OF YEAW'S WHEAT. LOES UNDER 410,000, second deputy, J. Il Thornton. Moline r o 15efeieldgsi lioiatr s The Government knew for a a omn fteTrali al, sergeant general, Dr. IL D. Bradley, 1 e- loin of 103 during the lait year. The ln ieta hs ou tmswr seelhein ochand e othe nednav e dLit ionof 92,000,00B9o elfo m Ex e"@ oe teser obbed. a ra; chaplain, William Jenks. Ottawa; total membership les3,429, a loss of 4.145 being used, but did nt Interface with ýmnderlaie NKeat the asam h o Ln a letin earteWd 's CeAiretrop, oedae e re xaggnrted.rtnsexecutive committee.Iý E. Hannifena. Ot. The decrease in ascribed to the growth of the unlawful business for tear of Portait- nto atlw fyer - nabuleonbsjeebcteAgicltra.' estteetsprntdonuhepaiostakwa; 0. M. 8toddard, Moline, end E. fraternel societies having Insurtance feu- ting the ecape ofthoewh0er" ti, oranobeciv. sDepartmient a carefial analyis la given of 4Chicago anewspapers regaising teM ilo IokIln. Glebr ue.ggdi iltn th fb ob e rfmos 100 Oraave th whete estimates orfr 1899 am u o fu dopthe Nrthwesterntrain et was selectel lasthe place for holding the The Chicago delegation to the deep counterfeit lMonroe note. Fer monthe ct- Mqetwmr part of the "eUblac striking for upo tv' utoite. The production e Tower W Friday night are absolutely de- next encamDPment. waterway convention at Peoria hadl a gare with forged %tamps were being sld, 4'1UÉù=why wich athey ae wbeietig wuconsratvedauthrtes prmn fAt idb, oiil fte mrcuB-narrow escape fromt death. The Chicago and when the counterfeiterswreéarre- Nefim, m«h adsre inwtheral suwsdstiatd bote epatmntnf g-um.pededbytheheiastortecAercan -utndha acasetail. adhAto trinjupedth trcksoth d ll hecigrsberin*te emstpp Coementm dstoyng n riculture In l188et 2,907,700,000 bushels. proesCompany. Robert E. N. Cossi, At the christening of a child ina aPolish of Dwight and sped a thuiaitdrfetalong were seied by the internalemvme oM- ltte»B&th A fourth cao umn,ai Beerbop estimates the production the confidetial secretary to Pregedent Aie- family at Auburn, a riot started between the tiw tdmlee eto os tas twsdcdd oeeta h of BoD« rafromthe Orange yFreast seat n at 2,445,000,000 buishels, the Oimetn sicraigi nln.tisdel, said: "It can be stated as oMcae h unain n Plnesprsnadtor. e m orion ofàtetrack.bAu puraiserminéweednoint of any fratd, Bulletin des Halles at 2,516,000,000 and Rome mayr have a world's flair ln 1919. ta h muto oe otb h x n tpe oke utain a delay of three hours ensumed. No one as and they, were permitted to have pose«$- the Hungarfa minister of agriculture at press company rWill fall considerably short killed. The men work fer the Chicago- injured 9 fteelasb h pyeto h frain 2,458,00,000to 2,477,000,000 bush- Chica's fIrsl a l hsjs eenof$10,000. The amonun tofthe reward Virden Cool Company at the Auburn Tevlaee oa ata ii@ yLawful ax elié, bulte. has noting tn do with the lo"Ss.W* mine and live in company houses. Sev- Th illae o f akande was visited by . In a caftlly tabulated statement lt is Melodramas are returning to fashion ln offer the reward ln order to mecure the eral men are suidto have been injured Taus tore e Th tteDprtetha oreod shown that these estimates do not eever London. in the fight, but they would n>-alwthe bwee estroed, aing the e iae wi Thhwinth e mro erricb a n r ed the samnefield; that some of them inlude Chrysanthemum saladl s a polar del- physicians who were ment to the scene to only foutr sorý euTrnthe otl lages i esti wTrnval.the utroer s ictorsging conteries omitted by others. setting iemey in Japan.sethm0Tome av ee el y fouted to41,800,ewtonaly $12,00jinthe Trnasv a dal. nddreso lthe itr asd¢mio dfeece ad ain te Melbourne, Australie, has just hait s the friends of Ito.kie, Who are bliev-d muae. The burned.itr ict112,0(11s:ea-to roe bines ness men inofthe uepuc countries whleh are inluded linaallfour first faillof snow. ,- to be hie murderers. The riot was due sthelinoshe unradstrcs ndienclues bu this does ot inaethé eNtion of thed:estimatetheDfollowintresultg-s Great Britain may lbave a permanent - , to enmity of long stanàding between the all of the butin@ss house na ie ,a Ity Te population, according to the a obtained Estimateof Departent of Ag eensus dpartment.two nationalities. The Participant» 4ar ewih.t o he xpio oa.i.del' e.-ees f l, as26,00wits n rieulture, 18M8,2,79l,000,000 buashels; e4- em , paten.expected to remist arrent. w te xetinn e ,Br- eu ostimated popwulation0of lt ,000 timate Beerbohm's Corn-Trade List, Congo natives are making seat covers eral ste. acks.Thmae ttepopatntofmOaea 1M, 2,89,000,000 bushels; estimate Bul- of the skins of Belgians- io booedMsn'Nwoler. TeWoadHos nPkn w e cr keTep etackWofthentAmea letin dem Halles, 1».9,2.489,O0000bush- German authorities are trying to check The gand ClodgibenfIlioiseA. Fl. nd hy Otooehad lased by Jn.ohn it.fbarb aous coutries.ofthere are cusinr els; estimate Hungarian inistry, 1219, an epidemic of typhus at Mets. A. M., colored Mlasons, closed at Peoria. Cerney, waus entirely destroyed by rire, barhedrnnually by es Aericane cons ur. * ~~~~~~2,453,000,000 to 2,477,000,000 Revolutionary orgaisations for almost On1eers were elected as foleowe: Grand with Ite contents. There were about ait-inCnandMre.TeTanaa lt han already been seen by the report every object cnow exist in Paie. master, Henry . Burris, lRoek Island; ty boarders in the hotei.nirbcauht a e nMrearde asa nival- pe t gricultra epafrment theu. The maintenance of theseeofFrà-. dpuygand'master, G. C. Lee, Chant- fraimthe kitchen and so rapidly did iltied country, and no effort haslbeen 4 9 pementng te estmatesfor 899 b theChambrol cost Parie 820,000 frones. nAILWA ivawn oUsa w. paign; senior warden, 1). D. Lacey, Chi- born that several of the occupant* scP aet eptako u iieswog . lddin thfor omitte ont e hih re ead ntab ae' bs fsp age; junior warde, G. H. Green, ed in their night clothe, jumping fromsth" mnludedriheesmtu e f e ad teart- e UgandaBiishnbemaenabs o u-apprehension and punishment of the rob- Springfield; treasurer, H. C. Gibson, Pe- the second-%tory Windows. Sorte cae AmrlDwyi xetdt one em nogrture ot r 18t8aandehenu le hr itshi cnrafArca hersnot with reference to the lotss lnore; secretary, R. E. Moore, Chicago; down the lire ecapes. bMany boardera isl ihS..onsEicplCuc copain helatr it temen f What was once the palace of Queen this particular case, but to stop any tu- lecturer, L. W. Dickerson, Chicago; trus- lost all thir belongings. The total I& loss s i tis ity. eohamnever ben lcnspce- tyasr hn oLInB te ree stimatD uce as th mod itw otne nPrsi eigdmlse- ture recurrence of the robbery." tenu of Widows and Orphans' Home. H. 125,000. osasarliiulmn-n-at h a strtbu@uck lto Natal, where it gt870000bsesa h uniy Germany expects to have a share in Teeeotu a eue ytese .BriH .BrhlmwadH. A etn fteuscrdce it-abenaknon to ttermobuslat andtresbnd to wi tst y whchlthisyear wheteoalhDelao a ianlndotismoto. eetservice men of the express and ral.singleton. ar*etofE. 1. Griswld & Son, proprietorsing ensswordx, in moments of stress and lk m ao ib fa fnt of Lady-réucton of mrethu a W0 00 bsh. Delagoa Bay o«h:etals, being underpaid, Iway companies. the city,'and the Pinker- Itni onI ae of a large departinent store laSpring6Id excitement, yet so fer as hie Ioanything «M a@aa OseSir George Stewart elu le pretty afely Interred, and it would eort to bribery on every, Passible ocea- tonit gn i ad ail the oatysheri Depresingisrertsleof thendtionofwho recentth edUnitettes istrî* ict iv n edtlea teuh n. i an«» s orMdblkam of 15,- seem that during the current erop year 'don. wards offered, are very vague. William corn la the great Illinois belt have been Court, the proposition of Griswold & SMa leanings are that way. A Cnrgtoa ofthe e thp findst the farmer should obtain satisfactory Ne'ar Hasting, England, "ivestancce A. Pinkerton said yesterdayf: received at Springfield. Manyr correspon-toetethcaebtepyetof2,-erhupnVrmteaishm sa atteotipotn nih FORCES liNt' NE PHIL.IPPINE&, sonat noon-eanougto tkie up as a key to the came. more than 80 per cent of ant average* amount to $4,000, wa»seacepted by the mpas when thet amia points which naturally A writer in an English magazine de- The robbers winli e caught. Somne of Thesie reports are Sent in fromn a dose rdtr.Te eue bltes f r P-Jhsie s thefadhionablewEiscal co-t he he ass ofsuply nd m-More thnan 70,060 Ken Witt Be There clare§that the real average Englishman the most notorious% robbers wehv onies Ln the principa or-roig od&Bomontdto$3,00anhe gregationiliiet of Wassoh. l h àhin na nd Eit"aal o- te'heinvdig rmy Tatin »sesoer. in a workianman earning $6 a wveekr. eaught have been tuikes two Or threedisgrict. dmene emige lnthe agg e uscrd bltes to$00,00- y wn o fWingdo. d ili 1M ny 1 et hee trnghld wllbe The combined military and naval force@ Irish newspapers are criticiing the menthe, after the crime. frot an&dofreseaofheplt.s28.rTheitehe e Sangamon Couny grand jury re its fellowship aan an nd erylikey eectve eedof the United States in the Philippinei, English Press for their attacks on French The Des Main«., Iowa, saving buank rort ndaseof ndSappy8.whe cugte tre nidcmn gis ao o and a Cedar Rapids banik were consigun-or a nd ilserût ondy orfedig prpe' en uE. Whel ter chagin imth "wrll- SCUN13 OP TH13 SOUTH APICAN WAR. ors of ment of the money in the express afdlicorruptiand palpable neglect of duty m safe blownt on the Northwestern train. inualowiu n gablnhes eto n -y NO TeDe aneian fes refused to ocmotve NoW on the min lion, ducted in the city of Springfield. The give the maountof money consigned torn uyas etre nidcmn their Institution, but Intimate that the of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacifie ganst theyayo tr, hef ofaPideStmet %i euesoisaotte osbigbt$,0 sblew up near Morris, killing Brakeman aisteayorhn erP.fM ocecrtn t-absurd. The bank depends on reimburse- Ford. The engineer and nreman esced te ndth onPirc. The legatarinsi l.ita ment by the express company. with sada andi bruises For was L this indictmnent ts that the three men THIAL OF dESTER- locomotive was completely demolished, nmdfre nareetwt h i ~~~~~~~~~~~the freight train badly wrecked and the gmlr ywihtelte eealw 0 Prisoner Charoied with Iwurder Coin- tracks and roadway torn up for somne ed to conduct their places opon the payr- 8mtitted in 1871.dsac.Altrfl a pe. ment of certain %umis of money. Alexander Jester in on trial at Paris, Miorrin Goldfon, Reuben Miller. Benny SMo., charged with the murdier of Gilbert Brief State liappeznsagn, Gldman and Floyd Carey of Chicago Gate@srmany years ago. The aged pris' Clark Ballon of Piper City was attac-k- bave been indicted for perjury at Kanka. New Departmient of justice Ba8ding A L '""meconer site like a ed by Vance Sweet 12and Joseph Carty kee. GOlifon is a detectiv. Lait May FrontaFlevation of the New Structuré sa soe, apan thy while in Gilman. They demanded hi@slhe testiied that Sidney Ringo, colored, fr Wsigton. cumote ainth money, but hie withstood them ountil help haed confessed to the murdier of M4r. and Acri otelts ultnise ..cortromero.- The sl t eearsed. Mrs. Emil Chiniquy at St. Anne. In Oc- Acrigt h aetblei eod ammunr, se m ~~day to day, with aeb saatswr ret. t ber, 189I8. Ringo was in S. Anne a by the bureau of labor there are 140 essKM« 4@hiseys itenlchaKigmeor eite Astrefaai rae few heure before the murdier and was on ities in the lUnited States having a pop- tAiSN. sfixed on the wit. bch arer asttmiaen inThe fa we a"t rial for the crime. Goldfon hoped to ulation of.30001 or over. The bureau has Oga BAY enses. Not a rela byalrertknkeh nk a eenre $700 reward offered for the arrest been cllecting aud compiling a miass of S' WAZ, tire, a friend tir an one received a fe-w days before fromn and convic-tion of the muýrderer. The oth. municipal statisticsnId for purposmes Of ~useacquaintance in by Winer, Ark. The man died frucm the ýrm Who were indictedl corroborated Gold- correct co)mparison ha% broken away Chi% side to comfort bite' fton's *tory. Itingo proved that he was troma the lait ceenssPopulation figures, et s AN 0 and con&ole him or Nea:ly the entire busineassPortion of in jail when the purported confession was now nine years oI.d, and made estimates sufflM ' to whom he can go Baiyli% has been destroyed by rire. Ten made, and was acýquitted. of its own. Mlamsachusetts [coedsoff withL - 'o'.frsypahy A business houses, One residence, & hotel, 17 itiez of 30,,9W0 and over, Peninsylva- 4 S~~~~~~~~~~~~rt lhe seemed taLxat.x su•the Wabash depot and tother smaller Tocide f tefml fNc lna with 13. and then cmes New York «.M~---NINcare ittle for what the witness was say- buildings were burned. The origin of the Sevi", un Austrian coal miner of Ogles- With 12, Ohio with 9, Ill!inois with 6 and g§Loi ene lJuASNNIng, but the trial le telling on him now. tire is unknown. The lois is over $30,- by. dlied within a *pae-o(f twenty-four Indiana and Texas with 5 each, Psa He looks haggard and worn and appears 000, with insurance of about $20,00. linur% and were burie wittho t ealslire O COE ETtR Pervous and excited. 'I am all alone lin Winfield Seottasn Frank Thomip- investigatingr the case and the exhuma- - s the world, o h e ad. Eerbod ha for son and Fred Dillmuu of Chicago, who t ion of the bodies may resgult.Thfrs Chicago paid homage to the palm leaf R N C E F R EE ST A T E ----' \ shaf ilaken le.lo on e is nterested mmd enaote lniki hevcniyo hild died and Sevio told the local under- a udy one umrgret O Abehlf ital loksver goom ad drkMount Davidson,. in search of some won~ taker that a La Salle doctor hadi been in- that lhad been watt- rnow. Everything seems to be aganst derful streams which a miner told them ttedne h hl a uid n dt ohcet LAaSIu me, but .a ura as God lives and.l a were rich in go!d, have returned, after a- o ne. etun rmhe cemete ryit w as- bythematumne*t Aa "' -.. msaninnocent mn.many adventures and exciting experi-fon tha t N ichl,mthe 9-eaer-oldeon ns fsom t e aysm Ir -N A L -Mouday Mrs. Irene D1*)elaney, aged enees, but without un ounee of gold. had died during the absence of the fain- b e fo re, which ard lie said. But it is evident thate when aillthe troope and ships nowr under justice. The Irish say that it la a case of haîtmpilswest of Middle Grae0on the heude stu aity ofChicagoestained -ily. tThe ndertakrat once tuaitcharetraten to u the policy of the Boer leaders thus far orders reach their destination, will aggre- the pot and the kettle. Paris and Booneville rond, In 1871. She lwi eiigtehba opspo oudesl elctdsol tb r-sot ofhIndan sum- gpeioes to give themt advantages which gate more than 70.000 men and forty-five EX-Premier Meline demande the imme- %aid Jester and Gates cam;ped about 100 ceeidcdi broughta eann&crpsehr- eay The sude athsad lfuieneals mr mpd n itra wlR obstruct the British advance mate- war ves1e5,.The last of thesse forces Will diate reconvening of the French Parlia- yards fromn her home the nmght of Jan. orneigarudealer Nuwho we lrchge ara Tthe mattendtinsonofdpuCri-mr, owanpetook rially and greatly prolong the war. The arrive in lManila eartyyla December. This ment. 24 of that year. About midnight abhe with violating elam-we usin g e ing nrT. tnheewhono folloed ut he tself to summd er Beemr formes are mounted. They are op- statement shows the strength in detail The King of Corea has presented a fan heard threenod sceamsnedme fraim the wth o atie ther e irs Hehe4dhatstoery Tod y he. undertakoead fundthegardentas, thero terating en imterior lines and are able to of the military and naval forces assigned to everyoldier and policeman ln his camp, like those of a humuan being In dis- tha drid nteinrfre wit helth Fed- ttn yeidoctr f a erad een ndat- dins.ofthe C-oda mnever Over long distances on ground to duty in the Philippines: kingdom. , tress. tealatui nite, estngeand pviding tndcThe exhum atl ioofed emins.fisountahIandah w"tYwchte arte famwýiiar. he a- Amy- t ...........(.,7 lThere are now twenty-three stations in Her husband, J. B. Delaney, wasman thnfrtentoa.oos1adhsdcso n ret iilflo nesteSvo relief afforded by read cotrolallthe asss ino te Cmbatnts................63872allparts of the world for registering Put On the stand. He corroborated hig fovr veryaioargumloetaand b y hei exain rstifcorly o teathorities. h c a. I na- btns.........150 atqae. couinsel for the Tobacco D>ealers' Aus- Saime fear In felt that the deaths were the weather bureau Bluryn-keg.......... ,07 budd heist riestsaetedaserigto elcation In support of their petition for caused by infectious disease, which may temruywn Bhaeijasket..................... I47hv hi religion adotedasuheotat the releasing warit. It is stated that the spread through the city, owing to the pub- uP the tube to the Maries ................. 1.84'reliionof apan wil b takn a one totheSu-lie nature of therounerai», services for 8 eremark, FOR A CORNER. Viennese youngsters are fishing in the Cortfrafiamrlniuontebtho hihweehldi teCthlen fu - minthoouhfaesoftheir city. the vê ' of the statute. church in La Salle. t teprture Bee Trst uyng hthes t Ho. anue hvig dode.B. S. Condit, Sr., ,ne of the oldest and City Mlarshal William Karr of Gilman ever recorded lis eter eat Pices.A naval review is to be held In Jap- wealthiest itizens of 1etaide u- was murdered In the yards of the Illinois temnho co Telegrapice advices received In ChicaIgo anese Waters next year %n which 160 of denly in the eighty-first year of his age. Cetataloa.Hha ho hog e rnTheupward0 frm anasCiyOmhaan S. -ms heMiad'sshpswilsae part. î He hadl been president of the old Nation- the breat and died within five minutes fight of the mer- lire, to the effect that Arnir & C'.. The inhabtitants of Winton, England, al Bank for twenty-eight years. wtotbigal ogv ecito uycvrdars swift'& Coý. and the other big pces eiveta wt hecoe fte e-On fth ole ters,yrian iof h is alt ao 2 dgres6 pgams .co. uyngpolryupna caethy o tryth ord il om o n n. HEJALATPAI, o, sorsmnnwotasbenthih.f t Te Aepllol Mronartretl ioften oclcii temoniga a-8i

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