CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Oct 1899, p. 7

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uustlmerlgbt. A tv jifflrÎle, te t et pflhde paix. l.tvint te au uaexpect- lu Md pregrselve spirit on tii. part of the gotrureme eosatructed smoe ine tes w- terwSoulv. The tova vas veli plped, vlt byhdrants et dueit distances on ailt te mInets.. lcorative tounbains 'vo4ie placed la thie suares. drlnking s, places for man and beait everyvwhere. apoil eor ao. 'ilenatives,5semua, toult Bntt he éuea olehtereat la Iis Important amd nhcese,'1 ndertaklig. At lent. wbeu fl~ualik ?ley t. Pl comnpiqted, ln eccordance villi the eue- teus of iii. country, the tester 5751cm wus opened wth a &res of fetes. The whleleamellion etftthe contry bal! a bila- rionu ho&day-Wall, pruceamlons, cock - f ghits eté.' 'Whu theu .were li over ____________the. natives came ta the conclusion Damiel Webseter. tliat lb. waierworks muet have Jleen A monent bas benu sel onfout to blIlt to give lm excuse for themn, and bave ether Masmelosette e_ ew the waterworks were no longer ot any IIMaP@bire buy the Danil iWzeê e. service, e tbey proniptly amashed the tate, ln Mrebflcid,. Mats., Inéladie soO ystetup, returnlng ta cartlng Y 10mb lu wblcb ho la bured; e ;hp ctjea mater frofli the distant rIver k. llng. te, bave na nin ofmoney îMdleeý4 hi osteanua. Nowthbey tie their uni- b rvate subsrptlon suficient We malé 1tii. hydirante, faîl over the trug- Porch». the hurlai place of the "great meo Mei pliemt ttered round the epudr andi prorîde fer fis belng ubt$,tsagd are hppy. n à .trust. . Te. bulk of the Hatlau wlll tell Tii. natives uftPlestine bavýe a ket- yau tht they cansîder vint vas goati Ill"drum. tbe body belng made of pt. enougli for tileir tathers lu good enuugh 11M aund thetihent] covered wltii paecho tbrihei- n. e onLqupan{e tht>' are op-. Mont. It le providet i wth a cord andi W tIItiiDUPragrese No «TuDlgef Io borne la testai poceelou. proot enu b. given ot tht. tMian the new mrket evecteti by the laie progressive ~~'rR. ~~ E! presdent of the capital. Titis le a very STR IKE ! large buildIng, coverlng two entire, ____________bloeks la the heurt ufthIe cit>' of Port au Prince. conuectet ovfr the Inter- Ilundreds of Thousands renlng etreet b>' a very lupolng arc-h Are Involved. and dlock tower. An far as my w experlence le concerueti, thie nmarket la suie. s se ~thue euly COOL. eomrtanbIc place ln the tise Mct 40 the Sqe-A Placs ty % a uroudigIlare pecked 10 liseusuei extareas eaNy 'rrsve out a csse. sutocatlon. The market peuple swel- ter In tihe heat and their mente andi Orgesed '&abtas reacbed sues a tlge 1vegetablew deco(,mpose mu raLpdly ln the sit dr,«. i r est l ram..dife -n . I t fer buinese bas been golng Il if lyth. semsé aux talibt b. bib.on for a tewhnoutl' tbe noge Iliat le nul Enten rranri. of the bnas body. Woi-b1 tee bard. et tueemuet., drÀfouamaril. en trnlned tu ai tbe stages ut a Hayttan ireiler but ltt.e lt tile rregalar t.a uxmarket muet hé cureful>' carrieiutn -n uith bowla .r tmecouitph. ilsud 1th wlndward aide outhIe crowded pie- theit.m.ah v a tirise. The heurt tlatiresqite scele. A very large propor- afferbd. th. hibetuti,.i sit. sud everytonotheweteduhalbcar part of the bodiy lsdr,.gied lute th. irvube inottlaswtcd.uhlyhr TL,* uir arutt.1tilla ta g. at the ucterletk-s coutld b. avoldglIf the peu- ssureeffltii the Icller. lSquare' y wo7d.crp- » ilai the tirer Aid att il ne t ta ,.pie wodgo under the e i e spclous Reset r iurat wa.r. wel-alreti sheller provided for thein mt.ihteIlledr '.a1b emaaie ira but tudr forefathers boutgt and muid preentfoýd rote surma n te n tbe open air anti ttat décides tht emt. lIctoue lu thtbvisetr7 rt -matter. lu tome of the %mialler places =iei andse irrang op tht ereto re-,viere they have ehade treee andi sait .Ce matte o on s. a rosnde buothu. Il terme btter, but rea- eriabte. C.'.ars' îetuanteed te put lj le nelt. as thi peoie it ln the shade thiuge nght s tey ahould li.. sud set the antd limaI their stock out In the. ut Whole sbisry k.golug. and Yeu eau ot item ut env diesg î.,re r btmailt fer muthal the glure ut the lght upon 1: lOe5 'B r î'. Add"se s *rlag ull tclaî ttention. e.-d, Co.. Cicgoor New tort.. 'bl thle (CAUR Ttallit.Asfer las 1 vas able to jutige. the .Ce r able] o e lb.ot eaula. Haytian 8le etirél>'devold ut nerves ur _ t th ta t lheft e feeling ut any kind. Ipon one occa- 7.? boy auJ bvr tfed.sion 1 iew one underiake lu iplit a ...t.oo. La ishtitues. stick. He stouti It on end, piaced lhis - - - - mâchote oun top. reaclitti ont for an- allier stick. welh bhe uneetas a mallet, 4> andi whlle dolng au the plee ut wooid tell over. Twenty-tt±ree dtres lbe r. peated the upereilun before hc accoi pllsbied hie object.He neyer uttered a uvear word, looked annoyeti or but. rien bis action. and h. wae net worklng by the day ether-It vas plece work, an cotracl, for My hust.-IarperE Magazine. 'l'ry G.ain-Ot Try OrBîn-O! Ak jour Grocer to-day to show Youui isieaimidsfi. packagr ut GRAIS-O, the Dcw - bibrani eSu . drick tuat Lake# the place ut eue. .The chilirs nay drink t] vîthout îuJury 9s W seas.. sBU e b Weil es thte dut. Ail Whutryti l îke il Ille IltAlN-O buthet rîch at-ai brouta o A.J.Tuat. Mcha or Java. but Ilits made toutpurt _____________gr" ius. sud the mot delirate toinach ce- "CAL rires ti ivîthout ditrets. 4% the prit-eA 8»14 rof te. 1.%,- snd 25eclier package. Sùli byail groaers. Forpth',tahto Terarir or sa. ban ln bard luck-I amn reducetilt the pInt ni expedieut utfs"king jou vt buy the dionde tri m i wle eJelei Ibo puda laandt areplace Ibent %-itb lnittIons Jeweloe(examnlircg tho Jew(i.tî You, 4H vite evidently lbas tprrtî'id ion tl i. m eevolving that clever pan.Jeln clfsM â IoWeekly. ___ lntellwence le Melons i tmsmu&. lvt.essafitiaitf. Somnethlng lîke Intelligence le ottei ltoliOt.. 1 No siîlul l eual.~a exiilbited by plants. If. turing a drj t aotueb a wMmo @cano v.. ssen. u bucket of vater bc placet vera growing pumpkin or melon. ' W . L * U LA the course ut a few day. Il wiil tur *93 ,S3.50 SýHOES "'Oif rom is courue, and get at lent uneo MAM ils letteslatewer ether mmVauet OutputuorCannon. e.oi.oeeusecse. A tew veeks ugo bhe Krupp factor: 7 gl iWUI5S L &UR turneti ot lstwenty ttlîusvuudth iarg ~~ gun for Enropean amies. .~i"@T.e e Thtrt la nu polie>' lîke politenes ~ *Ince a gond manner often succete aore. r vir si y- swhere the hest tongue hue falleti.-M. OaduitelL bate i aaaiseRk . stCe t it gooii mailes Ctmwh sCam éA rtiIo -Home. Idfe .l l âm e ssaernally ftla OMS&e " 4Dont argue poltical or relîglot aBiuert,~Is pointe unlese you tre et bomte. Fight rzrshaonuitbc confinedtetathe see ai eto naïfs " citrle. lma' Cure fer Cousompion la the oni CAL. .~.. * t.L. ~ - . eush redca eeti lu arm ints.-D DIo ual anticIpaIs trouble or vonr about viuat Mu>'neyer bappen. Kee lu lb. sunligt.-Franklin. ueeaftÈ'ujià,. Vine Ssua anti exlted enue are n( adtt ce Gracie - ~.s LIi taea ear6. vitil..'. S= m,.sev ue tbtmiîl no:49e - m"ggoflmg rn ~4~W~th -. I~Li .SI 101 er h.neft 30 dape. i ~i~ -on aveU ateti prtiiui turne anti t.ffert( mec .5n r tt ' Draps" ud ne prompti>' aUdp ,, -N~ ~ ~~g i-a-imi<îrago heut Wepasnen. rupe p ILI& F« i lb«a 0.v SM lem ybre a"siag Sagoik la Ontggrevsa ed Dite- selied factr tees.C5etl ilb. Btm ite ROBUR ONTH NUTIWg1. Atter seveà falînres thé Columbia Mon- Bu ottc ok" a 003 R N THE MROAO. .dey wan the. iret of the ferles of races ,lun dm- Au à uw a Iai ERN AILRA06 ith the hainrk for the1.. lnieri..i cbempoiohlv and the At!îalieacp. Bir éup sead Î.1iboffenrim fkItfiascie d. Thomas Lîptona green-hulleti challenger. laIL 1, ou 'CM wAy a Iob&i l i Tii.. ashl M. 5ev tht Shsntrock. whicbhahueappeareti go sba Iodg Spuppgfa &n disaese o prom Petéfe Ils Dnamitai Tolke Xli sippery tru lîglt airs andi batltng breezee. frWf4,u,, isef. h itrestaed4 teik.el Coitutbtiend Mite lsd, acpe- Wss besten ove, s cee cou of tbtirty clu CAM elimes Sv.'spuaeiJ à als o Oprater fleumd and Geged. miles,' iftie. nou tie wluiud d ften nefg » s o wîth the uind fateru. The elapsed îimê ncetM ucsful uf tht- victorien«eboat, the Columbia, vus Three mueketi men helti Up the Chicago 4:.e:.U. or :10:14 licter tban that of the » o '& U p A au: andi iorthwetern tfat mail train No. 9. Shomroek. wllch covereti tht- course lune hound tor the Pacifie collt, at Meredith, 5:04:017. Deduciag ber litre alolanee Ill., torty-eu.veu miles fronCicago, ofix seconde. lhe Shanxt,,k wuea-le ehortly feir Il 'elock Frldaj nlgîit. quiti b>' 1nt8.thee, h-ma flont c THE PIANO OETECTIVE. la Atter thry liaiti bwn the. througiilistfe W k th Xee gethBas Iot andi wrecktd th express car thj un- nt the t uel. lI coopleti th englue front lhe mail train "Dld iou ever bSar ut a plane de- Ot andi pecupot on it te Cortlaud. Danil tectiveY' dot White, the engîneer. was force te to CrrJ The city hall detective emcrlheul hiseSI ti lu ethat point. wbere tb.ey deSed 'A/,14eatireflectlv-eiy andt ien wtu coin-- lie cb fo lie iarkeus o til surrund-' i>.îtu admit thatlite Ibal]neyer huard lai fields. ut sncb an Individuel. Just about Il oMcock tirer men entereti "Well. there are a dozen or mure uf eignal office W ut the rond, locsted mld- theut lu Phiadelphie, andt ley makle way hetween Ebhura andi Maple Park.Stn oe o. andi uuked tht operator, Clitton Jamesood mej. oc. ipe.Yuse t what tint the mili train wouid he due. '.Thrvo luatpe Yuu-,a James triedte l avoli a direct repl>'. but great rnany piano firme sell] iiîvtnf- the. lihIts ramtthe windowis of tht @p- Innttuontthe lustiillinent plait. "that d rmecing cars gave theinth deairet purchaser pays day $54)t dwn formuationudant ey topped ouI>' long an a $500( or $G100instrumnent andi agmresj etough ta inti the opertur in bis chair tu naale gondi the remainder et no mocit vlth hnckildu tiongg, set th ignale ta a montb. liy fur tbe greater nunîber stop lhe oncuning train, undi rendier use- utfsîteli purcltacers are as huaint iu legs the telegraphielenstruments ln the th. dey le long, but once lm a whllta- office.logw eeltl@cin, The engineer of thetmiui train lrougt man Contes aivn ha 11eshm the cars e à and lu obedieuce te thelu ta mo ut u the piano a day or twu "amaphore siggnaleand t once wu& con- THE COLUMBIA. &fter It leatielivereti anti mcii Il for a rfrontes! b7 tht rolibers. They bâti &d- fn bteraehdbrnapr-cupeo bnr_ uel thalr teie d tn rreloer arc t ,_ onl. eit Columbim cîýnîtanlîy lu- "Iltlau tut business uf tue piano de- of her tce an eeh ariedà ra er.aiîga Irait whilh sicestahlvbtd tectîve lu cîrcuinvent tible sort of thing. et iong-barreieti ominous-loukînig revoit- aoniînofier thtehtginning of tht content. An àaruIe, nmie suspicions muvementt *M. Englacer White made nu atttinpt ut 11, th,- îîtii'r surk over tic tiret leg on the part ofthle wouud-be defrautler reisasne. but hlm flireman, Joseph Jewel. thie- (olîintsîvaswa :9:50 loi-ler than the of the plane dealer causes hlna ho b. tiedtetaescape tfranthe cah. He %vue iaîno,auIin ihelit tointe. vîi tilt plaetillner suspicion. Tbe tdealer etappeti t tht point of e pltol and h. ie elig h akelpe ds aititpI n el i ntUun end White vert led back ta thetuer 0ai9t,--t-il> iîîg. th t Yuee i ltî Thirstdi utspluaitkeheItrmn the. four cure. uat made tie> the.train. on. tceît>-fohe ut-cnti'. toabe thei. Til "Oedotlîts w,,eiIbavt- heetinîarased If tva>- ubîer thedonlat. aithe nlj man wax left to guard the train crv sud tht- winîi bâti ntflottreltneti. aturali>ly n ecnd l uwth1.Hr th other two ettacked the express car lîpngtheticht sîteru. iand parti>' clos- la wbcre the piano tietective cornes lnt. anti forcedi Meaienger Y. A. Hopeon te îug the greut uap ut mluty ueoi belveen He buterag aronut the bouse tn whicb admit tihum. Firit h. vus t»laketheii ber how sud tht Columiam niern. the suspecteti purchaser lItes. niglit irer car andt ten brought bac" te 'Pen The brteeze. hilci was trout the eat-l, end day, watchlng an>' attempt to t lie local est*. He vouhi flot do thls. Tlti variet inl foce from insx lu Ivrîve knota, make way wlth the piano. Usually robier rîretire front the car agin vhli but wuasuetrte b direction. Thetase three or tour veekus re longt enougli the tlirough safe vms desnollshied wlth au e, e omewiît Iumpy. andl occasionail>' le sertle tht question one vs>' or an- acharge of dynamite vhich blew a hol. whit,-crestU-ti. but tht>'vert flot big otr. fthpin bueleroki -througi th bottant ot the car sud tote enouigh telatier u cathoat. Inithie vin- ohr ftepaobyrl roe -great Sps lu the roof. aord work neither yacht was favoret. he le itractlcaîl>' certain ta inake nme liat iov match the te afety bave con- 1. the rmn ho the finish the iemt orutmort of a move betore lie expiration ut tulueti la net knoov. but 1 lu lai that chance spparently us ith the FiteIller lime. If bce doesnt l la pretl>' cnrreucy anti packages ot vluables vere medel. asie preuumptinn that the suspicion lu *hurlet iInto the fields. Tht contest, vhlch vas furrr thun an! groundies. anti the plane delectîve lu T* Tvchott vere fireti turing the rsai, ie-esileti otf Handy Hou) ma>' ho ai calleti off hy hie emnpoyer, villi nu une I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l on hJmsMOuh abaetn h nemontrate trial lie C.ohmhiu 1lat but binseif and tva or three there evung bts tentera hett heeit fthettrcraft In a ligit or moderate lrtese, tevsr u h rculnI lleader ut the bandits, anti a second st kuîfing lier va>' ho vintiard througa theceuaur . BuCthenInt nqulaer IlBrekeman Patiner. who crawîrdbruetlh autotb sens, anti thet ele %aigusulierior ___________________tiEnqurer 1- 1 th. cmars ndrail te fig mn tut-hounti i>'asminute ororetucinlua failowing breese T. s ust tefst frelgitvhich vas aimont due, ut moterstpower.Mretîey Are tppei bl. sceI Paloter escsped ljury anti itoppeti liiare___________Insectel atreiglt train vîth ies hirt for a signal.Morteatransbiad.Lcsabv Alter tht rulihers huitideserteti the en BLOW FOR SHAFTER. Ifac fo ritlgnsthct allbutîes. in. ut the mail train t Courtaud iEu-11 -r. epo Init .d fcyorstngnthralyUe. * gideetrWhite ppeed on tt DskChbdvtck W'len the englue vheel touches lieut * gute Wltepuhet on 10 Deku1 Wrote the Torsi Lettr. the>' are cruslbeti lenvlug the rail go r Brukeman Palmer hati rescheti Ethuru A Boston special sya Iteor Admirai oIly that the wheel slips. WVbc thIs t-meanvblt end sent word ot the robhtry Satun. nov in charge ufthtie local navy ocueaIbttnlelibigate> lu W. E. Mrse. Oak Pa diviion rd,>- bas maite anotier att,-k n tIen. gradient Il la serions. ea utoeu t a Pr. t-fter, amplifying bis tateinent madte Oses aaoia sI a eut Tht victime ut the rolbterynuie ln de- et MorgntownNN' N'., hatCaptan Oseu aaixcla tmt'sc claring lie bandit. a tirtermincti group of1 Chadwick i. entite t tht credit for have nez- joineti the ranki uft hieetnt- d men' They went shout their vork Tora!'u aurcender hv saying that Sitaf- mie. ut enterprise. Soute gourmand netysudOne o t uigu te rons-ter, iliti ltundtansouitht situation be- suggeuted tht Intilan barbor of Tutl- ute. Ot o tem aite hohoruv amsutofignorance. the MadraConstrau a sit- J preof itoaseng ranElte as.iPoint e -ht Te a reporter lie saiti: "Witn I1emade abi. place for ojuter betis. andthlb.Ma- d nrgst ve exe ledtn E.y tirk, udhea tht speech t Morgaulmvn 1 huid rousii- tiras guverninent. doubtiese appreclal- r-ngetly aidrexl hthglu tîr eaptse. t- c stefully wiat t intendeti te as>. laittht value ut oysteru elîher for .51- Irrl ______the______in______escae. îtidI1 ilI rutract noue ut mi tattinlta. ng or for peaie. turneti a deuf ear 10 'a CARTFR SOARED HIGH. tor tta e t cboect. t udi! the conservattve remionatrauce. Time has, ct-olt utthehatle iecuseut is ack buever, justIfieti the rernonitraute. Nev Pacte Capi Otolin ote f lroper eto,. and 1ti ylsu>' no for. thouglo the projectors have gou a Th Geiio fetiv Apsaîn. I ualln gain. Ir susoiei> thîongh tecffort» abondant suppl>'oft uysterv.ib e barbor d the eclon uiat theAto Crn erla In t Captain Chadwick that ToraI aurren- o ut Toiurin la nov enîtittub. ln dunger heion dcasent and laerlin I Cater atthe -v a as seniau hie dii. Uerîmfre it uttotaldesftruction b>' the growth of o lng ocueatant iuumlreoetiho iebas lieun thoughtilleiat casShutter. lu lie bt<ii. The Madram Coastlla mu Ill- ln reeident. Mr. (iriggs. timunge ther ihi. re-port tu lie War l>iprtmeut Shiaf- tavoreti that harbors are more- valu- >ftorithgve a litedmt. ie speritl:ts er gîves hinîvrif the iîiie tredit. niet!- ahle than oystere.andl a campelgn vIll $utnie u ie accegetbcin.t4 tate ahtrleting te uvemi mention Ciadwlek's une c ofamenean mgo h mare tithtameust-rThis . I di]!t iiink rîgît. ant I tdeter- be dîrecleti ugaluet the latter, alîhougli of agentema eupîosti t hae meuminetidltu coirrect thîîiciaîtu-r as sotte us 1tIhe autboritles banker atter tht taxes Id but ne0h large vielli. Carter'o Pas biSlaithle iiportitniy. Gi-u. Sietter lias on1 the Pearl fluber>'. ceuptein amountt lu.5.12a uonti antid eiisuiiu ltrsi ietelt bis living tapiesbegan in increaci- vrer>' dbsuiotefot ogv h rapidi>'. runuhuzin sato-w peurs ft $t,- prc-uaiin tiat it wvu.lie-.and b lerat, No Cause tea Ajoura. oe OM bu as biîgt as $29..0) er atnnm. ho fort-ci]the surretîdîr oi the Spunisi The EngIeLa H laq thet er uto count- o i ceattl iotliemate ithn crtIr. tp. 1 lii lu correct tuis inipres- legs jokes. We borrow une outhle ry ioda heau'>'cashdilis in luNew Yock au. -younigesltfronm an exciange. anti otier baks ant i seoClive large or- A p)ew-opener lu Englanti greatl>'nas- r tite tbrokeru for tht port-base iof tocks. M . ton sea iiagroîîp ut coinen vho wereI nr bonde. etc.Jiiet ion' tii-ctacts w.ere ( ~ -uns fructiau& everg-een imotînea antid soltaîneti lau nltlt lui tccisinî. ,wc ratbufor a Christmas ceichraton b>' FIRELOSES RE HlAVER.ani uuut-tg tint oebâtiadfouati*'a FIRELOSSS AE HIAViE. aray heu n-layiug luaIlie puipil." Theîr Tb~ol@9S.Fr hweul.e.qu F eexctelent oas ialmted cheu sellepro- i-h.,uf1.91 er a18h08 mn. ,rea uel a large green N wbichbâbti etra>'- y Tht lire hies ut tht United States antiiod u lcbn d frontnme teit or legend. .1Canadl o na fu tth t f -ltmber,.asu Englanîlin le way h--u vi-aut e uvs.sînheIalea n mopileti front lie Ne-s-York Jouirnal of strtouItaelicil ailfnt. i-itiie tention e c.lleti lunmeilca jur nu Comtmerce anti Commercial Bulletin mec- IC.inmt-cia-Atipeal. Atninýl aldi ela or of uoing atable iishoe tithluses o i.Il- Te endi ii l-lit- he iupltte etblisii-nts 10 othbe deirtttlity ut testing rail- m-il mîttableiailiielle-ithei-în"s for the l wualeiujloyes tor detectîve hearlng as inst mile moîtiut l S.Jtt. i'i(tipjiiisofl Africa. Thut must ,lmin t-.l'dj well as fur clur-blinuîness. A recent wîit te saume periot in 10,S dephia 'rime. .exainination lu Europe develuped the -v 191-,18. Sotsut TIti' 11mevhavi'lt-,tigitte -ut a rt tat l t of t lghty-tvo firemen anti 1.ebra ...I.uJJ) t.0.u la i-BttibGv--iiii i' l-ii-iengini-drivers ont,- thrce possesees- >Ill ........i. l0 ]44uplnteetii-ii ftvi ldpedne erfecUly normal hîarlng. Il le Bug- Aprit ..............t'. î '2îiaoocillOtctti:ln cîWitîpit-i iu, io........ U07. O . tihel.t- ii-Exî,re-.-.gestei triaittere siionîtib. a standard 6,7SJ .14,8Wl t)it iaturiîiy -Ite the bt-hi-t ut learlng power for the examination4 a- Auut ............ 7. l.>O 9:7ý701 tiat theue o fil lu.-,tiller tipiîîiiieîy ot eutjîoyes chu bave ho depenti upon aeptembie .... 14203,650 M s.71.OM outht par!t-of rtet-Bu-t-ocoul] hart souti iguale. Totale .... Ss.16,00(ooo 0608a ti-ted rtue cor whih-muet eveuituitul> it l iib. seu-cctinthle 1» lssesa resatntIcr ilfeat.- .XIbu>-Journal. What Duolte ChuOdrn eDrin'. far exceei tiose",,I lgt O-il sfuiii.lbut for -'ut Doi't give thein heeor coffrel. fBlte 18M b iy aven sîo,(MO. .people- ot tue Trasvaualu, if It b. fuir I o .Atriedi the ::w foodi drink cal:è,d t-al ltme out ftourtheiipeuple. And l4tA1'àO? Ir t iious asud nouris-ut us FIoHT AT MUNTINLUPA. sistever tie nuire inîiediattîfortuines utfmort Grain-O yen ivilthe- ciiltren atht- ite the car may- iii-in titi'enti uedievalietui mort italti yuu tilvriate lirougli bu-uc y 1wo AmeremeaNaKlict-Rebela Dlytun-wiltmaLte-ai for tl ii-iolet-.-Broiiklyn systeuts. tIraii is lmatit ot pare grain. trom u Iucnhente. Egs. nd cita proptîl>' prepare luttaIllke ÀEcotsgprt, ne. liClet-te citoice gradesaofoffe. but mos A acotingpart> unter lIi. CtaI- li net qîliteu' ptbmlt tat thie about 4 as mtuch. Ait grocerasu-eil It. 15e jl bain encouatereti atoi-e ut insurgeât@ "Loleti" outhlie tiisuond itieldset Kini- unti 2e. 0. et Muntilupa un thie 'et short ot Ce- elet>'and tih- gout i nes-vnt Joianti,-- Salne de Bay, P. I., anti a filit restlti. itoca înay ltrthlil greol nution teIieri- La&-eshNeva uf Mirs. la vilci thret Amiccns cere killetilutter humiliatioin uni deýtîcction? itonie Alîliongithe planer lMtre vas uat '7 andi etteral voundeti. TiteŽ i-cels vers al liai er dit>. tiriîaiiu cuit have tiers.-. fivoirahly situaleti for observation dur- ep driven troin their inrenî-iînntv. Thvir Waukegatu Son. îug ite opposition lu rtue cari>' part af loge le nul knowa. tIen. Scivan bas ai-- Titre is nul thie siglites elmtrit Ini Ibis year. yet muntie of il& myulcnioun rivet t Bacoor vili part utbils freta Great Brilins attitudle towactiriie plienomuua vere airain hobelti. Stan- FIV TOUAN KLLD. Soti Atriion ct'jptiiic. Il i.%simpl tu-, Willîiamis. thc Engtleli ntronomer. ru IVETHUSAO ILLD. cule ut Great Britain coe lg oid andi'Y being dterniitudte iiobtai poaseunutreports thatI uan>' utthe "caniie" vert ut Ilitusts uef Errth.akeeonun IstofetL«gM. Il"a rarilç.et thelb.riihts mîtiv-sible. andtrialnt cerai ut theut mx> Rotiffl f-M BuiaN e OMbWg «I' W "No," nId the GeoswI <aMe. «Igtsest; bl@W n't growin' amy catton là tuls Isar of my v-71"-Ata cee-fot a single rov ef It! la tact mln't grouln' mucli of eAYtlne Ia u a00i.o *rukit rich, bave youl" "Weil, mfot exactly, bttProviecl 20 s .ru*sAA» a ur aide. an' the ontlook le hopefeLTipaeBps11 ou know Vve got seven sono. au' Tbe New !ork, .i ery une uf 'em le, lgbtlng fer hie Hartford Rallroad la eq 1i~* untry nt asexnucb n montb." tom vîil a& tolephone MWServ MrU "Yn? i It iib. possible te do av"ywI "Wel, they're ail good, steady boys; teiegraph service, If neesssa$. m's fast as îio'v draw their puir tbey ciaie of the rend a that tl» end hliofcfit honte, an' su, the tnmlly le lntended O»ly ausiiEn IfLuq epSe agittin' lu go'vi circumetancem. the tem th tiituegraplâ. It la -mà 1ilîdren are dressin' weil an'tte Id that t1seDow ,etbod vit! oeffe 1.ekk4 ady ls ridin' ofnalbic'ycle an' attendin' lng of 4Q perent. Lissonary meauîin".; an' as fer me, 'i runnin' fer odtce an' lendin' money > the Instaîlni.-ut plan. Il the boys Duo lont git kilt out ln ib. Phgippies. t A grucefUl sa" bObflb dO NM 1 !pect to n a ruliirad 'fore the the cblldbauld a mUofty.'Uil A CAPABLE mother muet b. a healty motier. The experienceof muternity ahoulduat b.approsebel without caref ni physical prepuzation. Correct and practical conue!is hat tbOOExp.ctsntand ou b. maiher needesaud this caus ueae cmuemvithout colt by writing te Mm .Pinkham at Lynn, Mes ~~ ~Mu. Co" isGLsos. Yates. lManltes CAPA M E Co., Mich.. write.: DEsA Mais. PiNxAui-Tvo yearsa WOTKfR- 1 beçan havlng sncb du% ,heavy. drapu glng pans'in my back. mensvoeftpro H 000 fnae and painful and vas treubled viti leucorrhoea. I took patent imedlclum und consulted a -)hysician. but Meeived no benefit gd com%. not become pregnant. "-Seeing one of your books, I vrotetoyoUteWluyU my troubles and usking Lw advice. YOU an- swered muy letter promnptiy and 1 followed the directions faithfully. aud derived soe much benefit tiet I cannat pratue Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound enaugh. 1 nov find MYS&l pregnant and have begun ils use again. 1 commot praise it enougli." Mas. PV.ILEY MOUtTON. .' Thetford Vt..vrites: DzAa Mus. PiNKux-Ai 1 think Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compouind is u excellent medicine. I took several bottles of it before the birth af my baby and got along nicely. I had no after-painusuad amn nov strong and enjoying gond bealth. Baby lso fat and healthy." Mas. CRus. Gîzat.o,04 Sonth Monroe Et., Baiti- mnore,Md.wte: Da Mas. PINKI«..-Beaetk Ing Lydia B. Plnkbamut Vegetable Compound 1 was unable to become pregnant; but mince 1 bave usa i k health lu mucl ilmpraved, and I have a big baby boy. the b und pride ai aur hame." "Forbid a Fool a Thing #ê That He Wili Do.'$ Don't Use J J oR m7 6- Kit RISED OF ARTIclE u mom-cou. ILerge XX SsIi lest Wsah Sabrlu hls.. I SeA" lait Tmus 1NP. 1Ll7t i lie Ns. Mit ias. i LaClei. 111 imeiimert. « e Splendid hrdvsie lands laClark County, Wis. oen Wlscasin Central Ry., three miles tram station. turupike ruade. echools. settlere alil*roundi. PrIces $5.00 and tupward.PiMn. delry reglon. Log tituber le muidad la boing cut off now. but plenty of tim ber for tonces. .portlwood. etc.. will romain. Adrefl4fo plats andi prîes, C. P. CROSBY, Waume. Wls. LPOW OMO lead"The Coru Belt. a band mauehhly paper. beautilully Wuen cootaining exac ndt itufai aE tionabuht a mnldia e letters (rom farmen and picto their homes, barnsanad stock. ý esting andtiiructive. Send le in postage tamps fat a yeuatl sciption ta -Tua Coaxt Baz* Adanms St., Chicsgo. ARTR:SINK -.. tu ýes h sers&Y- 9CRANDROT OFFRIRS

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