CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Oct 1899, p. 3

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bs lu"'a ta h. iret. --My chirn ar iauvyon,' sali Mmx- lin, "ta do as 1 viii vitis." '?isel art Dot 2ail mur ovu." rejolmei 0««n. atton. "A derad banal la tretChéoa olt tram thelr mthtr's grare ta maTe lhem. They belons 10 ber, desi thonsis sLe mai ho, as much as tisti belonste - er-venobsies ih rsrUs SFota are Do ittîng guanaian for tbem. o -~f'-,...,Thos. toegirla have souaitb-oal lu thein 4 1?i-'-~ qri ~veina. Their acestama vere layai; thei j IL..s~J~IIJ gae thle lcesfor the sateti andl veil- la ovtrthry; ftlerlilveilandsud aitain the @y CHARaLOTTE ai. IMoAns. somvice ut the royal race tht >ou voulal ...............................- troy. i "Tha-me Is ont thtng Yu7onsmti allov me tomal; iteO have nat been lu anel great CHAPTER II-<Contioised.) peed. vith a nol of bem boad toward the hurry ta tuifili jour siten's vishea. She "Bioy cau i teacb tht.» ruhen 1I innv dont. hald heen tiealsaine jears;fil must, there- ,rotiigr sell ssised. Martin Rai tenir ap the ta anal rend: fore, hoerailler late ta mare my chilalen, s " bu arpienet>- of isnavedge, soid "GeneWSua ilm Arthur Haltes. K. C. B." a, rail choane ta express i." T vben it rails I ylt uppli vhat ion May- "Sir Arthur MatanT' he murmureal. "I A deep>flush cotereal the soldier'. face. Rt uitoa." ht sain. "I bave sneesaed Ila a nov uo sishname. Hsttnn?' Thon »"It sotruc," lhe sal.."that 1 arteirten Ionfti mpasuret.But une lite la nt long enoash nmani anadenti avas-al .'Was nt negietiu fl leIismatter; i repreach mi Tiret ton tht vont. Ycu maet carry il an tan Doria Hatton tusinae afthe oaimli - -seif itîerly tam I. When filet ljtter âr m.The rare sdbat fte ml uh adee oe.adob a idcamte. 1 ought ta have startta for Eng- 1- thr. bearber ciii ido marteveen titan the fame hecause h. vanet ruSat seleberta d landl t ouce; bul 1 aid net, anal athem lu- tou tr ad %kifflof tht man. Leai, Iry ta appre- hlma ta e? Bi Arthsur Hilton? lit muet teresîs ulore tht subjet tramn mî mIn, lu cie. te underatanaf. the grandeur et the b. nome relative et bors anal 0i the pread I1vbilmi. te&l lIne amenda 1 clin. Annata mission Isre te Fou." failler viso aall dea vIlst fit rgting yith mi alsten'm authuiti, I am ber'. Si peoplei A igt shane au thle gir'* tace. bis onil daugistem- for mssryn ites . Tien ber vtsh lu sas-e hen cbillar.n truin the rvr "Andi do you fltte 1 coald do aU Iis. Se remeuhenea fletht bis ovite had spaisen fate filat, living yîth ru, an alîter Inaa rallier?" mare thîu once cf a satlier brother nival anal impotor, muet of secessiti brinsg p- auota 'Thinis! i a.»sur. cf It! Dial nt Joan luInda. "Asis h. gentleman te alais n them.' initurîr ut Ar-c, a girl teoble anal trait es rue. eaa lu,beh sald te ise serant, analftht neit "11>- citdren are mi ov," rupeateiteari rail bodiets of troupe on ta victoryV' minute Gen. Sir Arthur Hattan vas oeil- Msartin IRay, .itb dffculty repressing bis uw non 'Iecncaîied ber." failithe giml, e- enetral. passlin, 'sud i shah ieep tbem. cf >Y. erenti>-. At Use slgisi ot tisetve beatîtul faces "-You ar, unfilleal for lb. charge. Yen r0r "Heavcel als yen." She declareal sol- b onnoere-tabia bead analboved ltor. ae veitlleurec-cubcssen emnl>-. "A girlsaared lb.eIFrencb croire; "Ar. iau Marin i-a, demasastae andalrue af the oyal s ybeaeofyour lItaen ilutr a girl-aensareal Hungary ftram de- sgtatorT' ie ie al.piou;vrl ue0 bv odovl toki sîructian In thet aidas; Judlihsartral '1Iau Martin Rai." epled the mater lIre training ot innocret young girls?" mr bier country, Qupen Zotiser ber naioan. Il cf ftle hanse.. A cri tnum Leahbtorruptea lehl. na set.»s te me liaIt ra;mdntie t ime vo.»- "I ana (en. RatIon, tise brotbee of tht -l il true, tather' s he uaida*. "Have -reit ta are rîlsei up ta mare a great peopte untotuncate lady lvbanm rocstole froint YOD hotulu prison ?'-yiie Hetîle veut tramt destruction. Yen. my, daughter. ire her bonne." pla lmu sileutly. anri piaceta hem banal)-ouoit onie of Uese. "1Wisat lt euoabusiesvilh me?" lsais-ilu bis. She grtv pale, sud tremblealvoilier tl is al MarinuRai. luthe minlat ut bis eshame anal expus- eU.. t veIght of i voral. He tuais bem-banda "i rant tse satsfaction, first ofail. of uD, ont at leaut ut Mirtina diughtero tie,t lu i, ana lioois t ltht.» lorîngi. If apeiîng my mid t t anal.udstcandly. vas taîthfuilitrehl. cin, be verta aotepretender imattf, h. did ieus te inov r uat hams ecome f Mr "la il trc?' repealeal Ltsh, lusia voire aru nulMen for htr to bie ont, analSe fillevlsstee's chilalfeu." ut angulir sla at amuIe bth men ritir ne- srod bUaInothiagsuscceeda liSe frutti sad sorti- Mits-tal Iamta In bth faces au tise tya : etthes. mntuloaisd talaIeacballier; isatred al lnit ",l vas a poliiicai prisane. le. i e torfil "Tbrse are fittie bande," he ald. -te tram their ejes.. replieS; 'anal Ibat la i rtry alffeent mat- lie t bell tht great. ietaltas ear of th pe- "I bave nul saisedue cuta ml bouse," ter tramcSeing a commun telan. Kins band pe--lbtte banals ta plaid Imaloîre, ta asti Marti Rai. "lnondo I visiste tee have heen polilical prisoiers hfore novr. Th roi"sudent hoatrbu. But jota muet dc jeu here. iat jour business qicl, 1 smualotaahamed of l"-yet isejes nool, If, Leai. I ses thje grand sprt ot noble said belone. droopeal betre thesvistfui, Implorinz a i, vumnto ieeplus ores- ru. Be a modernHATR gaz, cf bia Ienet-ored hilal. "I ana nat joui Juîdith, andal tUe momaiten Royalty." C ý EîIi Se htesrnir ariS pals anal rembilus at It vas an impreeisve tene. Tht fine, a"habard et Il. Leah,"lise reliiteal. popa tssvad.tatI figure of Ihe ottices- vam dravu leafin -Icome. s sai!te generai, "ta malt a& anal can is>-notstes" mse sd. foîtntbhtbis ac uuaexpressive cf in- proposition; boyr t ilviiehoreeotalI uc But he did net mse..lia tean he. He tenue scor. Msartin Rai seemeal ta shrnusinvnl ati nm edase' a vas iooiing nt ber. Irjing ta vsigb tht lo insisilicance betor bhlm, "anal >eîire ine. I1ubbor anal deteat the prrnciPies line effeet of ber gactfl yons toceiness un facea lehli cfth a doajerate kisid of coorl- aud teacinlga ut Martin Rai; I bola fl ema mut the btarts of men. ose. The tvu girls had dcovn close ta- la mch suisreme contempt tiat i exnluer-ln "Loab," lhe sai lovty, "ion villi tideleirer. as tsuesh seing protection frotte %fier thia nlierhave an>- communica- nte, htîer ftlon i have dont. Tou vilinmalise each altier. Tht van sunlight for in yeî- tionu vhalever vith lmr. 1 voalalrallier sirej a fortune." liov bars long thetriaon. cul off my nîsht banalfilain let il toucir test A doame, aimaof tlire, @pread orer *I have not coume ithe," sabal Gen" lis. But bis childeen are thte clilren ut cent ber besutitul face. 1 lisîlon. "te Lndi oris vîtInyou-îo m>- desal isten, anal t am heret li teInetl '«Mise a visaI, fatbe-a frtant? 1eeis i quas-eti vitis las. Yuo are onetb.m anu ffer. i amn a icir mas; I have land thooght jru garseuts ererylhing lu thet vrl viom nu gentleman couud quai-col. hocu marrieS, aud My sife, in tIjing.oidf pr-rpte you taust-nut touSe tramn tbem?" I hart s messaet fin.» the dead, anal 1 letîme a large fortune; hbesiesvhicb. lnar -*Certainl>-." ire aneueeabastili. "But rurab ta deiver It Shw me ml miter àailfia t 1have undetaken baprosper- scr iirnr muât ira tunde pravialedulfr tht or children.'" ed. 1 have nu chiilrous no relatives sacs bas ranrizatiou of su'-h a grndurimrement as 'Tbeyirae iere,'" sabal !Martin Ray, net rIntvo ieces. anal raniresueuti>- no une in» airs. Noîing in Iis yen prosalc vurtal vîthout a certain tamitt amugit- t10 sireed ta mi vealth. I shunt neyer tlia -u u dont vithout menieyr.lesa. Une '.tiresgucit cidren ut s gocal mother." marri Sagaiu; anal I propose, in accord- Wl sayofitraisins mener ia by iving these lieu. Hattan vrael ris hanal vith aanertio>-ssr'vih.laap qt hemturns. Thei sareflvu paposýey enteure oftscoem. Na vanS &bout hlm is andi Hettie and rtl Uem as lhe final the Durant te enable us te carry on deud ia ter coula libe ltesatdtaonin t daughtera of ml ovn. I vili educate the: tle va. anal Usci tesch fthtpeople." uat rbaona b.etagisî tteriy vile and îhem. final a praper chaperon tom theriS. peu Teginl', face tel, anal the ight id base, lie vent ta tb. irta, vllenw1, nal I vi libdell mia ei roeqrati>- e- af cal or t. vilh tear on their faces, banal lu band.su1 i dveDrmnreqalle-o1 Tht compaseil. vei-bred manner. the torIveen them.", 'Ivouid ralier tam mne us tmeboyr, anal lie cortecus hoiriant vert sv iecnine. aîher vay," ste sla. something novel ta filera. Hl uaed mtoitTNGINaloi k Ho nterrupted hem - agtrly. carsvtet, sinisns face. ________DIAS. iq "Thttirning f etmnr in tise frntsat "M y iters chllalen," lhe a. "arte A Irs of it. Leais; do yenualot? itlta traeie eAauau@yrturventetcee? I 55fattîie laWiich ous aaf muet hart moiirbut Ue teachins oft tsebring a message tramn joueirmother 'seuihs T e peuple late tpincipalt iins." LIýh trted hem bondltfaromlber sisters. Mats>-»tories are tlid et the courage bho -Teil me vhat fihervent ta b. aght." ciant, anal beld it ot ta in. Ht <mcv anal brayes-y of Col. Wtntbrep Hiton, ha, elle rerau«td. hem t10flm. ana luissseal lbe pale yaang an. ofthUe tari>- selliers et Ncov HaMllal>- **t bave no more inie jusl Dcv." soit! face.Sire found tatiho as lrtmhiing antre. At ont, iimelire vos ver>- fibett- sol MartiiRay. -There la s Meeting of the tra.alo nl. mto.Tonh uiroiît ts uiannaa peost dlegats t tiret, sud i muet be pres- Ht tatoinemto.Te i ui ywihteIdes n rvost o a-at I vli bal lbsur 10 eacbjon. in bis armeanad iissoal ber aiso. tire Irnde uîîra-akss utthe early p5i'l y' on. e irn e mea grad miion vwas qutite a yuugman," he aid, ftsogîenicuu>-uasattch e Leah; and,. "vma rndmsio heu 1 left home. andalyour mtirer on ftevasenheetr a asac e lis-s betoreyoeu.' mach onnger fibon 1. Bb@c vssm>- aen-detenuler ut chat hoie edtalue Uste ai But os fice face of tht girl tirrvas%îIl eloveti si8ler. pîaymsîe, sud treasare.siglits ofthtie savagea. it ne light uftlbiasm13-nutiig but theirl vas a gmat grief te me to hoeublI'sed whenthe cars camne Itttoir. altirougis hi shadoru of d.ubl anal of fear. b Ita part frum ber chou 1 ieo-nt sirriant. Iire sttll sloorl for tise part ut Justice-. 1 Laah Rs>- hall plunty ot spirit-ah nrenia-mS ire er face. anal in yoursa" set aen sideri ogaitnt tire Inditens. Fluai- Or benieri il trontthe Hâtions, but. vith 91ainsutur race ut il. Wht vord o iiu 1-lof ht ct-t, omet> apnrl-Nc bsr cota-ge.sire dared nul l tIern tler hase >-rrutfor met" lu- trienulut tire Colouchs. d{-ctdo it vht wsas u i- r hi-rt. S8-hial boeiu Impulaive LuaIjt mew ir si-ms arqui]ti hiat ire tust dira'.andl tu accounîrh nyr iiilifar-t t abruna as ta vIat sire hari ta film. andl rabard hir face lu bis. do. Dowu ire bateS aind oalhed il 'Wicme bomne. dear onule.' sIlesaid.tlits end tell orlits bot a suirnWcaTa hi When. oe evenias. ber ftailer gave lber 'What la syutunae,.ldean ciild1m' ire pickeuloutland Instructeal fot te retlai-n u permissaionirtr icave a conclave or s"me aîcal. wiîboul Illton. ative or naad. a ot1iisprlittlariends ruio had iitiered 'ei'aicr rtirra. Tite Indsulars ound tira Cohoniel vuad- ei to0flear ber repeat a speech lie bad Isugit "e iilla sa hiautiful, sorros-tol tng coi-nflot fan front tire bioclirouf iic lier, seleunttla Hettre ta etit comtrt Dante. Wby tInt ruor mt ire t tt t is iis rifle rcting agottat a stump B entI consolation. 1yau't irbe turesr-e S siadus Inla>ounut soea-little distance- WlIentt tie>- l 'iclin neuorrgo on cutir Iis vuris. myiriie, bu luis il Lab. unolirer tiaing caille lion filmunIlton soieut irewususth larlitn! sýie s..bed. -Obh r-tie. sual swuorîr suit >-uu. An& isou?" lie- cuintinuer. cangtigiîsuda putttz a pleauaunt tact on di muâratt 1dur? i bale il also. W1hat 'da1 tnurns 10tatire >ouuger sit-r, ia.ol- racllt uIoepoc-l io*m in?~ y ftarIr ciiho m seagry ruben -Iam Hetîle,' aIe sainttemte rae tewoepoed Itnt huni." "Ilîcaea biens you. ai>-drar; sou bave lug as a goon jolie utfiis o fri-end. tino01 "ilaccrut-ralout a puyt>- tsyou are %o a aruret face out our usu ! bourmomtîimr chir. liea- -itte-d -ath i mIacaptura ia 0O irrauti ud sorgifleS. Les,' saîi flet- hbalc me-here ls tIe etler-yuai orreaul tira- uout uuconcerua-d manoci-. anal ut- tic.. comtasýiitata'ii t--sirebale me. ohen I rctrrrrni borne, tenu-ilno objecton 10 going wit iler.. L.eah troai t>-the vlnalov.lber facie co-k you anti stve ytiî. Tic>- traunteil for soyea i-alatesaund 0, rauscul tu tire sky>. heris the gonis tars ~Savte us!" critol Leabh. *Froiti wht? us-iheflthe>- reaciradsesertiul log-bous. I s-ere shilling. '8-e mont houe kuoo s-wh bal iresuas "l)o yonrr-ni-mber. Hleie." el ai ad. ou ntiug.' replueit the goerah. "Sie waa thet>-stoppedte tacoul and eti upper'. tl ,bac flbe tIret Hebrerus proyent la the aw^dt-temperedi aund tr-en er otrpliuir- Tliesavages louins peraiai piecauttun A fl-r> furrace? 1 amn in a turrtace ut ire but &b ibeal edyausg. ad ut no conîipiaint te sacurintheir prisonti-; lie> bai-i-ca noir. 1t andurbetyea my uvu hatreul tar cich men rmuidtigre a ame. She tira- ni>- donanda tet-rstacktng Iheti-o nrf rht mortallier vants me tu do anal vas nul bappy-, ana llsie aaked me taolaive gunat-ni a crner tacir praca-edeni tef ai>- athers aner if I do net do il. Who >~~"roulaisls ratuirfora- the-ope-ntira-,. suil de iver ue frum bt? Who vîlI tale %fsrtin Ray sîeppted torivord. %Ieii~atme fuhiton c-as talkltng suilS t pir>- aon t l ac? 1 o ohelpiesa. i lave 'I yl 00 alioc yrru tu cpi-aIin tirat tira-n cuunstîauîîy. and finnlhy sakeS pen- nurs riend. Ob, HIttie. Hlettie. I ted 1 fahirun." le saili. "Tbeirrrther ors-ut tuissîn ir look nt ir muâutllra>- ru heavein la moue me ftmbins mi-,anaflr>-lote me,;>ru ciii uae te fui-ace of ir' or>- hilrenr agiuat art.. icnr- irepîckeriup lire veapons anad i Tht teiStattertutin vas close, heavi "I bave nu rurul to do su. oýaidî tle en- coia-ita-e ti unn île 'gond points outfilaetf sud duil. Ornt ef doute the atinophere enai. ridi>-. "Knooing lotirrtrue char e iidaen."quittu disrimng suspicion vss oppreoiuc-in tirebouse there ras ter, as 1 auspect r>- altIer kuew il betirre lt>- iis colInui.u-; but betoru replruting ouiittrsitut brigbmoessh andi Leair ber drah, t ruinmagine y>- o ir e qurie Ia estcs- acr uu o-.n-r> RIay. cili a ritit pain nt ler h-art. stuod truuit to bas-e the uharge ofruag gît ; for iing. asatrog lber ftte'a etur-a-srititru10iberfore I brins tir oolicru nnr-uuge '-And nous a siniularcotntet look t'i intot ire oever rolllandrn us-ur lu tioram.annalhe>- clin llin-m irchuice."- r-t.ite rr rî iaa oi al utînît rcurr tra b isel e r re Whyn>ami 1uafit?" cried Martiu ils>-. . - enau nilhe hns-l Il v u Niu-ien MartintRlay- rcrîmrîren. bis tface ws-ite su tir nugo irirr at ugaîni tefi. V:lotu u1r, cuu1S 11e, u-asamntIiu the Mtif: amiale reutst>?iaduikr-olioro-tr nae- Muods;o; nothing bâti goure sung auting 1jînge yuu frin uyour pubiciechsrtc- iit nitiir.litlian litter lttitm fa- tira-deirgate-. ni]oslihe rusaruiledntania- er. bou are suitbout Imîstur.lioneut>-y n a nd iieý1n lt- a Irlt< atrî. Th'Ilwr-uitcs gereti. rea> iur"loyaltyt >lait are tle sen>-ringicuder rof 'me- rmusca rionîî %vwre sriccu Gisemc oriri trnu.titt-ditiots; lreuson is a uaturnlit slrr0îere ba-k ris lhu' rrrtr-gt y;-.anal tire u-o grlsbauterrert 0amrise to you. biru ive on te lard i-arrtiiru 'uinin'grt.eerrottnnau nnî%ru don.'lat. "lie itndeul huit ierceeîy t of tire people >lois uuisterd. You streait otiudun u bs eluet ,augiter-miind lIat You risufftetion. reeirrttn. roi, mîsor>- tur on'r-tutnrarl-faise tr'ti- olIndy - elt t na>. 1 muat gise yolaitàdeatir us-erern ou go.' cica-etitl lu uritrtttring tIrs' soor atnd nuk- lesson tris eteaiingi faut ight >ol id A iov cr7 came trîn Li-ah'm lips. Ir lot iu asuoîsn ilticîvviiiitthe tne a nt oem su0villttg ne I should liketre 0eeiaed lu hem tint 11,-ut corda oftlier guns ujnou iis ttouldrit-t'S ntua-rl ldu Iave sera >-uî. Uniertand flttIhi-,e snl's gave lireotaualhribe specten Ihat tri-umpis îwrrsd rliis hrone. artdiOitut ieluie o nu hirkisigi >ou mura lido viaI bâiai a-ys hauorrîclber. va>- ou-s tmItt a compano - t stlars, I1ris." *If." eontluued tire aictrler. ">o't cere rub ohallut nrrtsîoul for litsr-ut. "*Lenb." lsaid Hettie, renriring. 'do bouest, I1 aboutitihave nome reacI for ___ nut apesis tutbhlm to-ight-irelura nîgry, >ou. Butru>onare au imtmrnuor: yotr. aurI A ltniarkairit Pertisrlsanv'. ronurune; liaitt util ta-morrur." sucb sas u, lis-e on tire harri-carfirr ,A tuitf rontr î'rnuuKnotb sIon uatcb- éNu; Icmuid inot rest arrtier boucr," ber Pence outihe men yoru tIeeive. Itf -ou Ing a 1 tr o: trialteeou1,a -i re troru- ýimbIen remnhter garse t e heple, inteari ot tal.itg d tirotit,-m11ntario "Tire N"olce ut tht People'hirud dinei teI-tu, unr- miglit bave soutelitle tilir in.bout'. >tSliU-îtr grlittl ,tt ttuor veti; lire rada tneni> tire ont>- consola- yot.rî itm tc l'lmuu K iirltitexcirIt>- a-e- 5 ltri tiaI ere tala- -buis ni-cspa- I'hhave giveis or- lie to tire cuirue 1clalnied I ,,,. utuiar tt.lige'" '*%ýhnts 0 iontin ev Lenit.led îimpuran . oeP ota t -un,"reoîedIrtrtiitr- ir tatu -luirrirtre.hoclîoue Il Royal National Ufeis tilatAtt Our United States ltIte,ai« rice b13 aft teteI goe. ton ou me da. awork beyau4 the 1Paves f t UtIS' tics ta commomorate. Wh.t facile Usi sud lung lirebu "s"] aiybin a wes t lu bs 1W.figer m bi l- ortars alid haminacks sud Cork mat- tresses andtri s' tatioOU iied -'th teleetterethn Yu e efll a0 machrrrory for saving the bodies ef the- b~ r tire dirre ne. No . &uin lu th s oorid '& drownrng ' B t I e bes aa o se W .l U q au ailmen-t or bch la ouiylY l as tirst molle kitalin thrait there has beeD n nW «"P« tbi stages,5 but let it get under roll way and va inveuted for the morai sud steruaIt UIM« ame i l i.s >ran ilcroumrrg typhoid. Oh. if reàcue of a atrugt;zseuli. Flot hundrOd Ive. ois sstour unpardoned sin% as Gort attemptsaiatsuch conrtiv suce halle hbel se I them . orrr teeth w ou d c atIr rt r : u ade , b t ai, of tbom de irei ures. Ile ar T hi son« « f - Q ahh Mi. kre s s w ouid ktrOck togeth r-. tru d lir it Tiere is& none allher Dam s Uadai 5 anal 12 6. l i oub la r-e.trrrtiun r r wnîd ire chokr-d. s d orr o-eav n D giverr am our mers w herel* BruIa»." D in# 1111 vould beak.u-t ire bcasord- hthotrame of JêsUS. tollavs e ethéTMUon trml Ther. shrat do sce scot? A swîrrrnir1- 1 'trn igty .iia~ier orMy teSt CoUSSje" eva hmmr a trr )nZ sssirn m er, a s w f t *inSttrirer ' l~, r f ie beach u r be ven antI thrau it b ou t e f tie n i. hien ebeGod. iD My textst rIl ave thrlr-arrcornes uffeteli suri bruissdi, tbey mitaui ose 4t*ùprrIgt. tLouis Kurîra - h lS a lrrrr ,aniu-rrroed. "[le osil o lpreari frrth lunil rerderrrug the scaves rt mbis owIR 1Vas *ti. .immm* disvduorrrii.urrrt r - 1-r.. ofis inthe midnt of tiren. arr he iavratui,,a..lhecries: "Lay hold of air ljthoirbebdg 711 ay -lsiy isuid t r .1 tiir. e rttit -55 Errtueth otretched forth bis handatu Prit y.rur besd onlur>- shudert ibis tissu imaos irring .,litthe h: 'Ifl-.-n tre.rig t. . j-rhl , tcbuutrug of My jovial;heurt! Be tramn Babim loai] rrroe Lu nririt rrl t-- Ali s §lsars la y. ye -ur-ei. for 1 Sm Gori. snd libele, Io Do national biduiy li "" t r-orý i-r triiab '- il. lie lli If >.rIiravrer-er watchrd a suSimmUrT. tberoril a rtIl ;il ol jril s hi-tiai rt. ri ru thir. tir, us lte body s brrrught 1'atrot tu persuade YOD ta isy hoid of Abrams tram lf. au lietharb-, au y.r. Tihr i r-i- aisruaie iirrrrrte ,hrsrrlaibis urora uurrrur.*SrYOuDsali; the graclone p.oSa i,.it hl:Jrr ."ir-tr.- ,air - rrk. trAr e. ars ur e- -rî ilaiausry,, ilir-arrori5for a drowuiat the propt. durtag 16 lire il"rre s,~r tt tr... r-ircr s tlir os obIr k rape rmon ter iai tirti .t ssimmer.r TireIon, tiuongh propkoea ,j e I r - , ilr t .r fth e 1 ,t,' - o r rri tli~ra îr r , tr , h olrîri ,- d y i ira ru p c r- s e flo t r ver c c r is h e b u t b a s ts ilS m O lt & a ib il t i s s a n df o r I v îrm dlý rs tri rJt, r it rtei r rrI1 rI. .-it Artri us lon tUtit, i)crtl 00 oreutritalt froraitthe tart thatve iiiiaaa nrls the1r1risI r.Ie s trirl 1t'u v .-fire e eptu >urspr lit e tîrcr whi. eririre jtroîus rwimmer %uent out ta 5save a iitk- vas vyen natureil tat q le-n tr u riittlra- Irtit -' .. irrr-lut.. nla-CIrhi. gilleil, r. juIr iistt- rî ii ou tire drowrrirg irron clutched.IBiai, posî-eziile perlod shanli irtur-ir'.11r have h- i~ î orr.bis go lrii-r.t i,%i -., bisr rrrrrr rirý- rew iris A4ar u .,jrrihit. pirrioned hie netontramn Barytn a. ,dr-r-i i. I W iu r --.1-r.he-rrt., ,.brudt-, fr-r Vs e Errrrý. ari the>- both wr-ut d.wruvlatogether. thein hymneandsisalsof Ltreor it1,.;,i rrirr4 r ilr ta[irr rtLIr-e s-r itrid -'l.., 1 r1, -,IluWrr iV ryrraare ssvrrrg a rrrrunru the vast- ire msny Paublis t .1evh trr-r r drustantcr t-r-- I.- r il. r rerr rrrr mt su for our t irtt t.-rr. >ou dua Dot valtte u rreUP rY hi@ influence et thilsdoulast r.u trrtrt o.., tire r- I1-rt11rirtrrgurrtrfrrr-î -hrttr,-yroa -SItotacomte rrp by biis back. thleulgahe i tteenu - -by-Grrte-er.rcItý. t Uri -t oru- irtt-rr -r ii I-rrr n(Nrrt caDIhlm te hotr Yu virile or, as thse tille meaille tir rte-a.rrV.1.,,i. 1i rrre tri td.. - uta rire ir.r!d ot him. But, blesser be --gongs of Degreue," ra b r--tr-r ins 184,.t iarth, 'Ilrr rt t irre %-Stltesbr.:firtrrrmr:1 u JI-. 1r-it.Christ isamu etrong à swim- 'rhes are prabebypIg e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a. rirrigbs ttri tr rttr r- -u tt-trrr guqirst bisandrrî h-r-r- mrîs trronrrrs flit tao ur Lacis. but teo urfor tishse ft tea=Mm t.~~~~~ ~~~ 11:11,411i- hCritrt* tY-r5 r t ir- r n.frorrrntrrthe rrslutesu iý- fit,- îib-&.. rI sksu% ta hrow aroioalbien panjes that tsav.eWte0j I-rn-derIro' atit Et,- ->r bu tr t r"rf i- r-rt le urrd 5rgtruurirth thr- rEr, t of rîiur tuvrrand then promises ansnuelfautte; andl ties tur yt ire i V l--r I ro i - .1 rt ý .- rti r ir-trt:tl 'If N'riig t h~u er. Wr)Ij ,i a .- t elk.- iru r te beach ana lihtviili do il. fer 1, fev is, tie, psp1 - r.,rE-.r-lt t-r ut,tt 1Ettiag hi. ,lrer-t rtrI ti. nrrttrust tirat pitrrr. of gourd workm. the untor&utteo ndaif« -r-l rird.gbott irJîr lru tr ti it %Na ritri.arnd htakririr tire srfr fronrrtubs IDorinrrtr trîuthur shior-rea spar of yoor vsndering jaegtoms al theri%i atoutb, -e -rr.r tict-IEr ru1at.rrliu.Ie a-nlre t)r art-i rutril h.- -Nrtvor n rigtttrtirn-. Christoeiln u eSgIive tht great jauany troqs aht ho t-tie f tt-un . t itltig I l s ;t ltire rs I.rf curry one hirre, eye ursarttrantrurtatrýil. Turit jour face @&lem. The seonud Psa" rot. thon jrrshirrg tr. th or. f-r urJiilritriitt. tr-tnt tOtlite* arru nîrt;nir.- orrrnthlm. asurtre dYrrrg martyr aid lu ibi. ltent, tht1201h. l ta ,îrir-utwlth Use -tErri the" l etir i tr. origirrtirsav. .eve ttrt he utter- ottifi ttirs ushr o he cireu n uebt"iisfAcut" l irru wt terred t:'*o@Cut~rn.irst!t.,A ck out t0 the greu-t irles .ChrsSon@ brit Christ!" Jeus has Pltin of Judas ver." yru tirtusunrý,-si tu> i thdJ ie 15100 millions ter the Iâod. asdt, e isformat hymn book of 1h. Éing ofru>- lent. - licat, srrior Oh, it wsi- nfot buif s (bd that tram-n-iilgte taile Yeu there. Oh. what after liey wve r rtten, jUgt' ta bis bauds la th-- rrlt ui t ttr-ilr. us Pied drusibeliowirrg Genarararet; it ws biardnua othiost hMIbocks vlen he bas aid hymne lunur0 ecIl baât swrtmmrtb pradethtfrilsthlis fDu r urrter ut a Goal that urriteresi tht been svimmifglflalthe vu frtrminthe slon« ýl-ltb thas aeoe a ai% te swim." f ~rrrinutisutGadrara; il wastultva-iid h.n fGd hr yn&eDw u urirrteitil t Godtistirfted up Lazarus ito th oue ut a l vhe ay a nov , dpose ,lie tisheraafseratru -utDOtie d tavi»Ilb.vybcsgan uiiplau* )kt. Vorîstand at ir a> untire ira of arm» ut bis orerjajeal simiers; tI as Dot takring youx redeed pîrit! Ialnt7 rer in the broiliug -urn andri rtg out a frasgment of a Goal vha affertd pardon Deemilnc ponChrist. "Thou hasit heaun troeMt Iruie and catch rtrtthirrg. lebiri au 1 ad lisaee ta IL the race. No. This ihi aysjn:*WlIvul aal.~i i~ ert aner breaks thrrugirtire jurngte ilorgît- aimmer îhrev hi, grandeur, h is 1er b. a ObLat: li, i, u gld"allna10taou t t OIt taa igoes hy the aharirre of tlse arritir> h:ie-. ismight. bis visdom. bis omurîpo- ruonsta beo a Chriatiý1 m S i bruta-tins la te tni a J.V -anal. lu s place wor trere u irierrirsu tr-evsuDibis oternlty loto Ibis ane act. erk tyOD heàv aMusate ltiersidth1ase edtsofll-- lJ a otu for teD Yeari t rrsoutrt tris- Il trrrk bathrbauds of Goal ta sare us- et, onur aa toavinhs Mf as idesriten oprthe bli sq eaod terneshorne rat uagtcirr rs trei I. ti fret. Horv do 1 prove Il? On the ot twip hlm, he ousai am:"Ncovtes ievepoe n vatis- i0g ari bis baske,£tfuti - rr ttrtiwere not hoth banals nalteal? On bie qruiet. Put joan arme on mj arms orpeopie as ta local dlo v ssby ve minu'tera rithîe gtuthe cross vere net bath teet sikeal? lm On My sider, but deuit struggle, Ôan't rreiaed ln a cer-tain pie alsab r.ragr I tîr -nttre nature lnvoired in our redemption! try tahelp yourseif, anud PIitaire ian vorshipa motel: a ilpslewm-I ams sud presehifif frrrrIltie raitre If yrru irlle tis-tal mach by tht vater, sabore.- The more îou striaggts anal the unttthe sgt or le a-pes ta that other peuple Prearfir firtrl. 1 y-ru notice.sis.that ifasoinue ia golug mort you tri ta Iseip jourssiflithe morebrewa bogle ta rmmss-vt~q not underatanrititrotte>- of tire mise- r trte r eueot the drovning ho >-on imperle me. Nov, b. quiet and l'il the great trut lie r rubo iu Blickfrrsrs.te odon. Eag trnutir nd enet. self-reliant, abte ta taire jon a&bore." Whou Chuiat, aa;sd r *e tu ad every wrs'k for tîitri>-yesrs proa-rs 'onie. TEremd ea ie hnb.sroiavmercms u t ; m~ and h iu.e1~W tram tht Epit!e t-J Le Herrewsr. h Ilrtust sprinoutr1 ta sire ont. anal he rau- sOUI, Use ainner sais: "Tisai', ,-lht To hs1engs a an exhilaratiatr ti)rire ruhen t came art get alilfehoat, anal If h e saont and a.» giadtta stesChrist.lanal I am gatng -otu aut Jsc aiactba rosa à tireme ss-icb I feel tir one edot bas not etrength enorsah ta heen hlmoeif 0ht l u h oi fun eep let alo; an b, s na oa Ltreatta; andl my teit rà une of ille r up anal oar asother up lbe viii sinis. anal lion. 1 BU, going ta pnai mare, sud tisaI r taIeo patgais-9 al. There are tratho runG asorr instead of draggrng ont corps. out of the. viU heIp hlm.and1 tal s e acul tedutbo uclir M asi. t ar vet h .te > irsrt et bihiorus Yeu wyl have tva, ta dirai out. extraragantly ovr tmyane. m at iit %en men vauntt u rjurrtScrpturd. they %NWhen Christ sprang out jno ihe ses ta beli lm." No, Il Neillual. Stop yons "Thou hasittaIsbas ie- q îloe tire r,Idpassages thal eerone iras del!irer os. bie boitno lits huai. HI&doing- Christ viIt do ail or Bns. Teu vnst;" tht rery seu "u" terd. Wheu te Ire>- ,asn a cirapter reati. 1ather did not heip hlm. Atone lu the cannot lift au ounce, 70 caana moe anitasiutraiutt tha. a" le uWo-I -el rendal schapter thisaii the ottrer vint presa, alune in lIse pant. aimne nln'hri. lu tis matteI' a1 jaunr MempiaiL proache vitsaut -aile hart been reaaling, sa that tire tire arisoas, &loue on tien moontain, Thia la thes dlmctsiti whicish uesthon- Thoogih e has t aisse îrcb to-day is Ignorant of thee-tourti aaat in the ses! Oh. If he maree as, be sand& of seuls oui ot tise hingdoa af re-insina necmsaryte tht Bible. sball have &Il the citait. for "theor asu aren. Il ta hecanse, ubeicannatois-.aucirtovard ns te emt pussis; ga iqaaiuy. none te helP." NaocRT, no vint. BO lsd- sont ta let Jean$ christ boeridaltain"- beingii vils ns e e 5 Thbis tesit represents Gcdalua a mirant der' Whon Nathanlel Lyon fell lu tf ie Zte he v omiscfthetn sedempias. 'devant seul viilaivala.eeâ, wimmer, strikint out ta puas duvn u- battit charge lu front cf lits tboops. he "Wi oa My. sthen la there noatisîn t fofagirtenemehole tarU îluti and alvae Use sauts or men. '"He boitsa whale arini ta ciseer lmi. Wha-n for me ta dOc?"OOnl ans thins have yen as ta uttes a prarf 11111 spread forth bis banda in Use mialst Marsbal Ney sprang tâte the content sud ta do, anal that la ta lay betli of Christ Ci7--- M l hi, u. a ie Iat avimmeth apreadetir plungetalnthse apura tIlt tise horse's flants Rand tlhmachile rour saslrtian andl I'i ii bheau visaI Ga4w plh is ssbanals ta mvi.»." The figrure ta sptrted blond,. ail France applandeal bin. c ee h al. 1 do uinav vis wether 1 spesis:" MestaJe UW id analmn i liaiMn t you Linoo But Jelsastane! "0f the people there malle thse maties plain a- ual.1IslmplY repetance-tisng t -vw te svilm. Brame cf You iarneo l kin vs. nonueeu""'AItforsoakishm sud vaut ta show rU ntbIaa mn cannat îtaclus the vole i lu e elly aceol, vhee ttis art il taisgirt; led-" Oh. It vas net a flotitia liaI saitled care limselt, bolt tfil ie AlmigiatY San seekins. The tensions 0 .Me cf yoD lb bood, ruthe river uear dovu anal sared us. litvsa sot a ciuntrer et God aluandoIl sudt.v11 do Il if iau amkis g11tthUe .ri"si t -ner fatbers bolise; sonne ot you mrnce 0 f gondolas tat rame ovs-er h uvre. Il hi..Oh. ins yenr, tvoamea. 1theISSU cf dlaobedience wuiagoall tg ou came ta manirooua r samanhooul, wa. oneSpersaun. indttwtadet andal o, f your trust asal the arm e of ja lotee, Go al s speain& '~u ie aummerrar on tht beach outhtie 'sprenig ont bis bande &mont et as a siotnal lieomnipotet l svmmen af thse analprisâtsthrace 3 a. 1ItIjea goud ithing ta isnov how to swimmer sprs'adeth forth hlm hinds ta cross! Msî thseIlivins Christ this umet asptali. e hait usegît te pi.. nat uniy for yourseif, but Inecause sim!" put ont for yonc rescue. *"sPreadins his varuios sud liser efes« no wiilafter *lhbile perirapa bave lu Charist tisen esuesibanals thet midat Of iou, as àswavnsser but Usci bad roitutwe. riep oîbers. Beholal, thon, the apectacle of a drovu- spreadtth bt banas 1te sytIsi" had glace rmft leOstja. - ing saut sud Christ Use avimmer! 1iWire ,ENTIFIED DY A OKULI. cHI-p. discipline of exile anal manse, 1 do netotirasything -mure sttrrrog l it las lunIfflvheu User. vert six edtaler rubme !ntcKeuteep orne rmetn abi> Ensiish solters of the Firth fusiiecers dd EmperencssSta Medicalinsaiou- 'Merci sait traits araeuMM idras loto the ses ta save Charlts bvi re etanglus ta a capsizeal huat-a or, vatas àNative Afrionu- - theteistpart oethtie passas j urur. ir hol rupealtrm tt o~s ioat that bâ tu enupset by a aquali "Prohrablj tint oditeat Ca11e-0wtthàu m7 puetic pictureo f lie vgeauj*l irame rie t hd ryi lu troasenthre toalthroe miles tramn ahore. Il vas in tht experi-orrcruwstînt of Lapuieteivlasanal materlal, aflies liaéi m auigbi sk t b ei mItenight, but une man sam migbtily for marie himitif ksunntans» turoxogis lie hotubleasmal by the trvoi of atlas ut htpbactra uie creu. thethe beach. guideal b>-the dans monilus Mry rtrgtoseo IluzasOf he aseninusiaanuire ta thfIr lftedtheir top Usrougb 1he uigbt u tora detached x>iece ot bshlerou te i, esment ilsîof il IL m an ba s not e t u lme ou h t e cam e ta Use beach. lHe ru n al a hore _ il l " B a a m edtca l .»I 'W 5 7 M lut e stla m et g al "p o«set trer i suh crcttlslitrcs. re ,nst o m busathiconseuteri lu go vi-th talmesad a fuelougît train bis wat'isamorntieelaPr" mach cf liI v'W b c imatif te drop into tht ses and al ve nae tht other men, anal Usey put out. heatiren. "Ont marnîng I vuent out tu Testamnt tesa va a, 'ej1 no une eip him. ThteIRoyal Humarne It as #omne lime hotore thej could fiitl ok ove-r theoapecimnaofatreal Or"grace." But the larsrmesl ociety of Eugtand vas estabiahei Ln the pace ruhere the mers vert, but atter l'acied injttny wircn ve aai&ting came- vîh nCrist dipisysi s»l f74, its aoject tir aiud surirewarr avile they hi-ard their cr7, "Help, bctp!' tt-eatmeilt- Tre m a PmetIi Muat lu the divine chas-acter. trust us-ho s ouid pluel. npt ire ft onm tire ad tire>- bore Io n 10t thm , an dl th e-y s-- vco r p c l ie s - I ht ' u a a ha lll hs teep. Any une wvira bs 1erformesl such saveri theor aod irornght fUsera to short. ry ramse of eropialdrop5i. i ter"Ouagland thall Hene tm1 dotal utf daringbas aillthe partrcultarîOh. that thîs moment our cry rnight Zh'otlltfotBi ige adapy S i-aanteHbtwt f that hravery recordesi in a public rcc- ifteriloIrg, jout sud abrilI tili Christ. b, tlreptet 0- %et uv a uscmsl-Bot mereti qiti rd anal on Iris breast a merii ni iltu immer. altcoure anal taise na test rue me. but amuniltltem vasuaeleman juge, but material praeiwhyt. lune snd guir suri bronze, anchut suri drop o Ibousans illeramasaltri c hosre face vras untamlur, anal Whoethte01,1 Testament Il Ioa-a m ono ram nd nscr pti n, t llilg tlfi-th ght that rig te au mss. sU t u g e r a t io s r t ith r o tr y î tre t in - I f >o u a v e h o t u m u e lt h î t e va te r , e e m cd ta b e lo n g ta a d ff e - e n t l 'ib e I >- o m a l y g o t lo e th s« . i ®r vumu wsoo srrsed soirot e rfrio - >u krrw ver>- reli that c-heu ontel luinAs I atoppealjut hls ptacse- le-aposi ta apparent violatiuof etthisVgelà îrowutrrg. Brrr ut it i8 uricir a scuirLr>- îcril heu> must cornmeyqaickly, orit irisl feet sacttvetîy as a cat. anal tramira sorely troubital Jaobasud bb thiag luteveabirdy-fronrt arlirs, r isill be ut no usr--Ont minute mai rde- omes-ina n uhiesacaitty apparti 1dug "i~Rghtecoane "Xago hW rsis yenuIflit I-rtta surerberrrinu ir, ride eoecythiug. Immediate belp Use man up an abject wvIicish epO mP11 Od anal shah se-t ocle ite vsa f mareau mmotalou. Ad yu salijratut o ruhp e ant. - ile ci d ta me. lit vas a circulai- pieute cf tht reviaal version sendors tbol &ee Ibis hour the Son ot tlsd s" ote trrîl the kind o f tcrele .The claie or~~~~~~~~~ tbsalc*'srî sr.d-ourgenut. Imminent, instantanelous. Setiruman asuti as big irunalasau ldqt- of tht ereu"Andall MM furth bruat- ns ru tire mrdut ut thireur.aus ht aioulsiukiugh Son ut Goal, la>- bul a- nlvr-uenya ili.ç th e sto a amy ta il t I.tb he Ibrat sau-r t1ra prerideti r thibiis of m. Be quilek.lie quies! Oh,1 I sa enta-r surface same oeedalcaeftuli tirethouarih lauthat ai oaM ad te 9%rini.- ou aillunderstood buru urgent ibis gospel ucnitten lunlis Uthe BansLapule. This a tr marissal at by Gatil. it You onitinI-& ear eupe takin of l Teevas n man ln tht nsvyyaetoea nt bithînis the l"roi case lu vbtch da tirugntboy alving. lai wrr t tto- th mitnbeaiiui 5had beenD ssererti- orhippeal for irtal a tman bise eale1o f h515 ovnu 'ils, e fins] isletxprssseal -- ruords in ouriatrgtuagt. Oune man says itl eaeior.tesude ws alnuiue r ha'id lre m fat siig card. 1Cheiat, vNaebas ahoavu utl ls *'honte."saorer ma s ays îti 13tht leirpeul îoethe se&.andtossu, qu ica liet-'-Ilookethtie mani ovres-it cnce tefinal Goal. ss-.rd -muotler. aooher s--. it irath iire tg. auan sbsîrussaoopeni rrpou hlm. out viat tire troubte vas. He baith"it Wben tht Lard îum-nd mà« su-rrd *Jesribuit I tellyethtie bitterest rire drovuisg mua.,lrrougbt ta bIs asess samne sort ot a iliffertuce of opinion tivili of Ziois, are vere li@e word iu ait ournrtuguage. tle wviral Itutiizeil hoiri oftht aihatroas sud beid on. vlth biascbiefs. andal sa recuit of suich dreom:" tht pinot seaisa& augr>- sud blstiti. tht vord uatunrrstrd The flutertat of tbe bIrd kept bim on tië re i-umptiuu irad ra-raeivodal atout club- those, whom besalalresoed ~ svitb the rirrul troubtirh e - srd tîrat ne- suave untii relief cortldcule. Wrnaii l itg. One of tira- inorus bd fitutturea tually present ai Babjtea counsu tue ait tire loatlurttflr i- sui 6t :lie skizli-thenalutesotint te-condictra*.aineya came cftIse islgs "s pang n tui tre rottirage und tIc tirroiru-rg. ,-uvrerting anrd satins spirit might ihaeI ul n o h tnele TCdtn tertr aJmdq adtsu rurd ios**Sn." %'Ir spi-ti t frtiir therirrone ti-inn yrrur sorti and thInt im iout Wbhet, tie aid vumann h aa ct151iD etae J e wilutrh ire e ltrE-,sand >it rt irric-yru. tainiathohl rit ils putrutlivinig, mugît looiset crter tire asciente et medîcîne a potb transtference ai- ter deribe tirhreouufrrir rm îiî'rve lic.' aud live torever. Dnigt tttparticuler heatnen got a paut eveut. The joy et 1 the tIiumrarî te ri-n-titttnt la utire Tire soriri bas liraltstrn tsssituîmers ire- hait or Lapuiet tey fousal tit a port nuaincement lvas wsOUmrt uuicerse. Sittas-ia sîbrlitttl ru ltYe i tts tire ose outhlectest. perirapa tht of lits skut urus lase. Ta mare-dit.-rcuIt1 arit> hoeeetheée canot 1rrrrurti-e tlssith,irugiirg the- isgreateut anrouts-them NIlotthew NWebb ut tRe dtehmtb h- of theidamue tir rthe u rîttitr' rit fietl Briretlish mr'rr-tatie mariue somvice. lie Ilcult>- tiey pleal tihe braisaplaceaicf happyermea tthea thareldIla- Sin! Andi il. irif >-otlandti rme itera ir-uped trouitstire, rldcisouttire Russia, their he baeo nf.putc 'liera salal tIre>-aing' to liraI u ur il t . .---rbc ouit - t s u rtarri tarm r ,t a sate the lite utr a tit' us-ortd. nu d let nature do t hse remt. - L oird hsth rdrne grta - ' b>- orftr uuurrt )r btse ttiiferitid tr-iti)r uiruhait falienu verboard. N Ia ute11C'p iecri fhmaiui .',Tis uttiehe bst âM lacn utGi.irtb iSoriti-i tut nul uuiindîtr le ath as-riagdasucrdorint rd tire inscriptiou au il vas tire vomi -utt es-ir ,teclud-thut the. brritrrietinrll. tht. ittr--h a large reusarid lirte Royal H-uma ii u ou ie pruasinsItnaier. s-rIriitd ire st-ul tîîittiregm-aie cinest.llakhiltttnrrlr- tiur rI u-t .ei-t o Lodo.dcoate - lm _ule "Wo- tsecae. ae- ndr---e-rrt_-l__irat rt1i-e11 rf" a lb

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