la milled especlally for family use and la made f rom selectçd hard wheat and guaran- teed the beat brand made ln America. A TRlIa>,AL wîil convince you of its merits. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyville m m- m- Illlinois.1 Phonograpils AND O raphophones. Att Opticat Goods Neatly Repaired. __ .Fine Watch Repairng ..... ...AUIWord Ouaranteed ... WATCtIES AT WAY.DOWN PRICES. le0emix e Ocuis20 yeaf illmd (case, Elgin muemîent 1 0 6 Ize I*dîoe'S1year...........« 00 Cail lui and 5@" tbeliltie $2 10 Ptlahab Wac-Bteu nind anti set. opu-cisi bargihuîs lu ail adieis- and(ents nwa"tu-e. Up-to-date Jewelry of ail Kinds at Popular Prices. Libertyville CR.Si-ERMANI - - - - Illinois. *Winter' S Comingl. We are Prepared, are you? We can prepare you in fine men's shoes at from $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as you will need, and at prices that wilI suit. A FINE LUNE 0F GLOVES. F. C. SMITH& SON, Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. ALL WJOL 42-IN ZA DRESS 00005 AT 35 CENTS PER YARD. GO TO LOVELL.S DRUG STORE FOR --cý Drugs. Medicines Chemicals, PBRFUMERY, SOAPS, cofls& lirnishn, Trusei,~.porteriA, Shoulder Braea, Psuey anId. Tolet Articqlea. Blookis d latlonery y BtnSiffa. Clam, Puatty. PAINTS AND 011. VARNISES, PATENT MEDICINES. Fîitty M,,,Iduem anîl lpipcIxs'Preurlptiole carefully eompounded ut &il bour.... Goods carefully selected. OnIy the Best. BLOVELLY lIoS Lbertyville V PICKED Up HERE AND TI4ERE. ' Local Items of Interest to Llbêrtyvllle Readers. ' LIBIEITYVILL-DAILY EI.$IJBDAY. LZAVB ARRIVE. 625 A.i10:451 R . . 1:2 -ia 4 P.p. f 12:30P, M«7:56 P. nM. 660000.10:46. M. 8:36 .60 :30 P. 0M. t: 101.1 Tnankslvlfl. A bear or tno. a praver or Inu. For the eiîthat hava sono befre uns; pore houghîte uha& sgray fr001 the norit awnar To the xneut heaven bouding 0cr u. Strong bopos liat lthni ha noble niti Furthîe nork tli a uarchonie as uit un: ls 1oep noul-Loitent. liaI but gooti in meait. lu whatovor mai' hotal un. A sorti, a ale, sudsa pulse thee hlie That titobs iti the OY20Ofutliving:; A k isior su from de" lis anti loi Tli 0tho hearhs thankigi vinac.. WiosHoue l ompab(isn. Frank Appioy la havîug hie eyes0 treatoti by a Chicago specialht. 1 A ton bariola ot tholle Chole)Non bih aspplos loi. Wll close therantui t SM4 per barrel. Wu. WALMOND1 airs. Magda popp, 0of Rochfeller,1 nas a plesant coIler ai the INOKPEIt-i DENT Ornie. Wdnesdiy. rs. Wm. Sanborn, accoupmnled bIy1 ber tatbei John Austin, in vâitIng Barington and Chicago relatives. Wm. Mammy, nho ha. been ont- ployod by H. B. Eger. am tinsmith, loft Ibis neek for ooksion, mina., wtiere ho ha* s position. An aged boise drîvon by Harry Bradley dropped desul lu lbharnose, on Milwaukee Ave., neai Follette flaf m lait Saturday nigbt. Mr. H. Ltirop ban mait comPloted a ane job 0f Paining Ou 0. C. WiIRlrtVs resîdeuce on MllnukeO Ave. Mir. Lsathrop jea afine notkman. Love- nl ho ev. (i. D. ileuveri themo for dWauaiiotlBunday uorning at the l'resbyteiian cburrt. In the eveing, 'Trho Young Mau Who LAcked Ont." w. c. ltanborn purcbaxod s trotter lait week ot E. C. Tiilotbou. of Deenfiolti. jns& nbat record th. heaitbhm oarned WIII sayti Dot, butfit cau go a Mile or1 te, sudmunit hbctaut, because Of lis, a»'- socWaion nîth Tolloiaof.1 Win. ioneli là coufined in lie Ptes- bylerian Hoital, Chicago, niero ho h, hgviug wme calafacis rernoved from bis eyes. Mr. lioneil suffers great iu- convenhence because of defective oye- sigit and the afflition in becoming dally mere alarming. We sincerely bopo the operalion wnlU Prove houeficlal. J. O. Lee ba the agene, for the Union Boiok and Bibi. Cc&a non book -The (ireatei ltepubiic," The book contahne 300 illustations and ihonîti bc lu cvory householil. being one ai the latent historien of lie United States. Mir. LehIn iolling a large »nicher of thoso books in Lîbrtyville. For tifess goodi, chu, nuderneer, bolery. phanlA, etc., go tu unMs. PitOTINE . 0J. Ithiucks nwdoubtle storeo buîildhng nl mon be onde? i-foi- The rmin0 bave about finîshed antI as the stuctufre assumes il.. ntenitcd prop'irtiorut aud appearahite one realixes t hi Ideed one <f tie very Lest buildings In western Lake t'onnty andt a dechded addition te out towni. James Maclm, nihonwu ai oune tîmo edlai' ofthle Wankegan Democrat, anti laber edtîtî01 tthe Champalgit Connty t)emocrat, bau sold his luterest in thai pape? te W. A. Dauigltorty. Mr. Malcolm nwu lie editorialichifothle Ciamp.agn Conilty Demiral fur ine monthe, baviug sold lie Waukogaki Deinocrat lo take I t'P. Th. Mthodiet conference. nilI cloted Its semihon ai lluckford îtechared I null here.stter be o liered a viola- lion of the lana o! lie cittrci for any Metho>diat holding a civil OfitIts asigu lioenetaoil liqulors. Thisnwuipsssedt attef a bitter debate. Tiose who op. posed il sud snob rulhng wold eieri coulpel Metbadlat officers 10 violute1 their otb uif office or roalgn th I r office.i The reply Vas tuat If the law cou- pelied %hem 10 aigu liquore lilensos,j tbey munit realgn. Sbouîld Liberty- villo elect a Mthoiist 10 tic Office of Praaldelot or Cheik, nbat wooid ho l.iotel loki at li.. P..avNc. AIt a meti»go! theo ofilcial board tot tbe Metiodiit oburci Iasut Iriday nighl t tva.decided byunuanimuous vote in build a nen pauxonage. Dr E. il. Smhth, Wau. Caler anti Dm1' Lee nefs appoiuted ai building comhtteo. A sub.comrnttee of ladies couislhng of Mr@. Ueo. Vonler, M». B. F. Maso', sud Ms. John Caler Vua1a8s choson te noik ln couîuctloii nllh tho buliti- log oouuîtlee. A finance comnile oouaiatug o! C. W. Taylor, J. W. Miler sud 0. b. Hayonnau sppointed ho detluile Plans, an 10 lind of stmuc- love 10 o eiectod neeconsldorod, but 1the building com-ltteO nl UfIOtS Mionday ughi for liaI purpoee. Xinh propcmed to ereol lbe nOW parsonago lits tat. There asoems s cobOeenans o opinion liai about 31500 abould b. tii. mtent of the expeduluf, sud liai abonld outiily ese a vy suivies- bs, Ou-umodioos sud uai . ppfsring boue fer Sb@ psaoi. fled44et fiom DlS uan uihbl iaai bU 0.. SIO-s Anson Whbeeler thha neek Raid eight heati ot cattle ta WM Wheoler, Of oilmer. Johi. liovien'a ho.seholti gonds nore Rhîppeul ta his nonhome near Washington iIs neel Jobhn a evldently -located." The Ladies of the JLokeaidle etery Association nul mserve a etippor snd sendispose of aaIlk quit aithe Ton Bail Frlday evoang, Nov. lIrti Suppor wiul ho served tfrou 6t100p. m. Triggi & Taylor have purchssed a car Joad oi apples cunsiîtlng of Oruenings, Baldwine and other varletea nhch srrIved lait ltatnrday. Tboy nill ho sold Bt $2.641Jper barrel. Eti. Bnîtertield .old the barn on bis remîdouce, loi ibis nek t10Louis LlteblIold, sud wnil replace Il nith tb. one on the lot purebaied ione urne &Ince by hlm of Win. Barnett, sud nblcb adjoins bis proporty. Prenlding Eider Matndeville ViII vifit Rockofeller Nov. M w ith s vhen tu establisbing a Mthodtt chhirch thero. 1h. pulpit 10 b. inpplied by a itndenl nbownul &W opremeh ut Dia- mond Lake, nbîoh nuli use lhe Libertyvillo charge Indepandent of thal piaco. J. K. Schauck, of Elsînore, Cal., sud tormorly ot Liertyvile. la encloseit a pho10graph of bu snon Bahor, Who te Weilt knownnbore. The picinro ilhon. Raber a» ho nas dieised hniiofgting in the Philippines h. iavhng but ne- contly rotnued trou there. Miss Jano Finney. of Wautegan, nill eroot a Swo $tory trame reaidenci building on a lot ovnnd hy ber on Wr ight Court south of snd adjoinn Mng. Henry Kerus ireiidence.fis nil] Le a ton rooin bouse and ot moderi architecture. Mr: Chas. Woolidg ha. the conmtraf or, building»mandu nork nîll ho cornrenoedteliret sio nozt neek. After the oyster npper sitIhe Ptea* byterian cbnich liui ridsy nigli tbree yonng mon nendod tiei nway Io Ed. Wells homo noh of townu, Jusg nby ne Vol not. Ls*ei tbf e other Young mon arrived on bicycles, nieru- upon tho partie oftie filet part nIlé lady friends nior tb. ond al, Ni Wells', depsz-ted, sud monnthng the nbeela hlongiug tu parties of thb second part enjoyed s ride tu the vil iage, quielly regurning lhe nheels laiel ater bavinfi lett6h. air oui or th1e tires Tnasia me"ntrick, and Yei als t airtil lovo and Van. J. B. Girayhbian exclting experieuu4 Tuesday morning. Hie wn drivbn neur Ivanhoe and bie bore tu ftil flys msuage o1 catch the bit ring ove s thilI point andt became numasagkbie ttn.lly breaktng lo05e troim the buggy Il nan in the afternoon ofthle Sm day before tho borne Van !ound i James Condreys Yard, nesi Roche tuler. Mr. Gray nor bis lady coix pantons noe eInjtired, tho lattei honevîr tortoanbly havhng aignie trom the rig juifl preuious 1t. t aecclîeuit. oopîe gatiered aI lie Clark Rots! an gave Mir. anti Mre. Ed Clark a surpriâ la honor ofthheir sathenth nmddhn annlvereary, &acoMrs. Clark's thhrt, oventi bhrthitsy. Mev. Boeenthah to ne ord, proaenhod tiher nilh protty rocker giveun hem by the cou pay. Mr. max Koiner @IBOgui houm a very pretty pfenant. i evening Vas @peuit lu silg @cusl nd lniliuuental muule. efreaimen fore served et 10 oîclock. AIl preai alahod tibotmuany moto years weîdod lite anti returne t 10tle houes, having @peut one 0f lie ni enjoyabie eveninge the social cai( bia. yot affordeit. Mir. Henry C. Mitcbell, of Chîcag the gentloman who bai rooently lit esteil hîmuelf ln lie Lîbertyvit upringi, loavoes for Tenneessee ini a etc tinte on a imission of uercy, nauîly teek the pardon of Ednsrd Cort coîored, nonr confined in 1the convi minai of Tennessee. Curbi. se familiar tu readere iif Chicago papt suit Mr. Mietheli seeme 10 have sul lent petîtions, Jettera and persci appeaul u socoroe t ei5 pardi He lefta pethîlon aI 1h.eiNDExi DRIhT offtce, niore cîbîzens ate reque ed 10 oeil and shgu mmo. Curtils' i bas e;ctted th, smtpathy Of Chicag mitai promaluont business mon, sa, strenuanieffort la go made 10 setl fon hlm bim freedom. The Epworth Leagile nIll givut oIt tinte Scotch Social ai$the M. paraouiage, 'l'uesday eveuiuig Oct. 1899. All ste cordlally Iniuîio attend the sociat hn tue old boue lto e art in tho old anperslii Scotch gmues end discovor tbm app suce of yoiir conjugal yoke-yeilow. Ttîe l.»R aofuit. an ecleanly sut Matir bran than nben theyrofne. 1Tiuiir faces bîrih. ti&' mneetiY kith-. Heurts leul. an* Vir an' kîs: The lads am tria. ni* nooer.bAbs. Vweel knottsd on their Cartan., Bouneo blate. u l ins i gis, Gar làeamms=. -ZitCta1 , Virletest54M awglt: Wl, morea sagnad friendîr ersuki I vut timr ffid as nMsr; And nseotalIe,.tam.,johoe - Tb*e& puiM els eobesiand eieery. là t&espuMsd enlbt"ua fasmée pf#u«. MY' 4lorela s toepmasogiWal uv15lut bu 1 ilaim 001 s ~iI~ Our LIb erafl C qHlsdctlxmw4V4 OWe1 s ".000 âOom 9 1 -Ur. Henry C. Mitchell, a Chicago gentlemfen prominent among lliumen D N. sud tu business cireles happelled In tovu lait Frtdar nlgbt, aud rempondtng tu n invitation .rxteded. atenîlod Suit of Clothes, Overcoat. Hat, Cap, the reception glocu the 1ev. Il. E. Dix, newly appolbited pistoir of the letboltchnrelà. Belore î.'.vng Underwear, or anything in the furnish town next day Mr. Mitchell iaîîded un the. followlng communitcation. Mr. Mitchol'ontbuinoiamoverouir spring line? If sol, cornie in .and let us show y water h pardonable. aitLe bas bceui curent of a chronic afflictionî by lsnuse, h o g ou lie and hai arraaged wIthbMr. (raixbootru h o ru e lirnet a coniderablemuait tid ioouey t0 -*pasb" the witer buoineab, En.RroaINtICPSOT: ia sojourrin o uer be.suttfutultY. nl y00 permit 0me throuchghé,b.: coumnAofutYOiir valuabe paper tuooxires» mythankn lu th, good peopleouf t1hiem. E. .'hurIII for thédr klud Invtation bto lieprîsolt at the n"lP ldon lvenfln bhuner (o! thi'r n11:-as0Lto. Boit. M.£E. Dix. 1whtg anid iiin earted. i Mir. B. H. alliesr a Young man g SewivigM c fi brlght future. lMr. MIII.:. 1oeici: ot.1 baventukdepued odeiiv.r thé,' WIîtI011 W e have a splendid 5 drawer Drop 1, ddru lonBev mE. Dii. -ont nl ipostet. amiln uosinu ng 1 , pt-a'isult lotv. 1 desire 1006MY Ihat vie Wotu,010YonUt. you.r H a o noin pastorago. and yuu wll find the le ts Hrad Machine fo $18.00. h of 1.meebori of our thumb.hugnoei t. , tI : ad your famlly ln the fulneo o- s.. t nli beur afi to malle w r o .':rI go to the city and pay more when amno sas pieisRait awu'kOow W ,. àThora l18n.uch good work te, bu don-,, m'Illv. gnoed aleade' who fi"i thIlo urage o f you can get one of us with our guar. hl@ conviction* and tuat ,...î,I "iI lok Ths heautitul :ilY oftnois.1lu arriol br fhle presonoofialooDs; tht, 000Diouf t lie:th. antee to be satisfactory or no sale? salooni 01051£. fot hr fore:.' ut by kini. ne"i. W. 0muetlabor wnttheti.' u n ho arc- running the saoons. lr.uttgtheni t o 1 ut ibusiness; sitand o u eutrain )or obidren t in h tgbotoit.'of i Yristendu rtgchteouliess. This. Wr d-r>i. . y.:ir mission to hi-tii inu. w.'ie ro: ,or.' un-i iantmous aid and prayr. lt the gcu: twurk. gWe hotte tulat iuur umtnic slnFIU ul i wlI cr m e , h a y u uë s ek ot er la nt I w iI I p a y y o u t o b u y y o u r g o o d s o f u . W. e an l fot thut ame ar.ptiig front a igood true frtied and adistuer sud fiitthéi.' gsre oiiior utourave tra. tt, al u twIf you get anything that is not onr obgatton imio0bers ut ouri uur.'h. And, non. 1ev it. Imoisîn wI(ot:ý ion ulnt I the naine of the mmbrnof thit uiigreg- satisfactory bring it back lion; and the cmoud wnuth ttit vunl Bperfora lu tht.. paitoriste nîti. whnf,ue te hall have rumbloit atong té- hîosuofand get your limte. rioeUp and throw 6 aiuu, - i."It 1)page of imprijotabie mo01orY.." Th h 1ev. M. .Ditx. aroso tu o Wr. and ntey suaid lnpan: "Doamfriends. 1 (otuinur,t rn net 9-ai tig deaonstraUi ut roui kinit ni-tome.. t sud over-poweroit ytirhe onunituini. ur ko prajehetoned br tour nortîr tiairmun. tn fata. îthoogh 1Ientre aomn. titpriis.her os rom whom grogt nudere arte oi.otd. ..nt tue.iiliation that titis otpuurtng 1-giveo. enaieo 01.61 tost, lu tiîli taIt1 h nlitbeofiuoova.i tn My n.'w tti. t on r. il 01001kuLowttit i t trîtng upon ne..tu cot aonI1g a i em.M.eB.IC(I.LBY situe *fr001 ubat 1 have men, the t e-bvnb-meuI u t e îu.oî* bt M . B.i o e I.have met 1I&Mnoft heo pinl iontat 1 wttt get aong eranti inuohb. lu t.ttortvitto ,ou have a marveous Is tî;tur iain hit DEALERS IN EVERYTHINQ ID andigiven you a gardon of Edoîs: your hu01r. are sbttilnot01 howy; rour tands arm 'c eil kept; rosir nork cîonut lié,ox.ettled. Libertyville, aitllnol. and tu our natla thé- boit lu th,- wurtît. t zg metageOflt.O06upon jeteur shropts tü-tut) Dg iad 1iaked lait f hou ýuutd tVtI 0me. Ny _________________________________ hina about Libertitl,. Ho latdîteS fe trou have a suiphur aprinir horo. i reioi. aire oti 0mureILla a6 rmatiiutptu iIi îtng' gy. -yes 1 am." Whr. obhit prouf halée ruu that meý i. laal u oophui r oil«g W,-ttl" hie R e m n n t s in nhen theomnilu tho moun liss"'îruver It lie tua&Jaur mon holding hi% noie.* But. e- iougly apeaklng. vue have thé,' beut noter ______ eir. tat oild.Thueit ItIepn Frot Orabi, A special purqQase of high grade Ribhomp ed lm lu roaitY thoe1.'ulatn ut Yuutti thât jlsml egh f1 ~ad9yx Poindoe Jeonihuntoît for. but falitet,it t'. I ufinîtl f ,Ilad t hoe l ta mdatit a fYou wiltIdri I îro.'tIft thé. 'h t.liertîville Hrgtenon. w.oî.r, it I ~eîîables us to offer you SATIN, GRO86- youth sudtWilt£iV ylicsO aitolt. ur uRAIN, TAFFETA, WATEIED,8TR[PEID Dg thon bait li t rîncive Yeu l .010.0 to DI.JaIdea nd consiolne.yandabus' mil keiji o rmitu Rs etttng etitk. The lutter Iu ié.e i, i.:... for au and PLAID and FANUY EDuJE BIBBOÎS gaze over Ibisi.Vaut audinc. 1 , I o. thn&: t ess thin liaf regular value. but ror ebeekoît wstd.îs snd r.busl. tny- beathr lookiiig mn si ud Ioen. Onu,_______ luin sud ail 1 am toldtinIth"ii.wut'r. i n'éclt- bh stiandithat ttîroitsonu Litili- 1j2c nd 1.5e values set............. ................... 5c 4 ftoý And vil.Dow autI the- o otlé fit Ju(0tIm ud25e Grades at .................................. . lèv fo whist an ett'i i'e uduon istli.-u Ilé, birol Extra Wide ribbioîî No. 40-80....................... 15à 'ho of the mon wh,, drink teu ozoos'. Tinor or. igs the Lst idices -utrtuebanfuti nlneof, tsîaloons. But. thus cvii tn unr nildt. wu. muet demit nth Il, nut fl tiegr. nmt Il, pan-loti, but itolydut mîtonti- t ne .0rt o!f thuo peuple wîîu are' igîtlun11titisia. Fiftv Stmple pieces of al wool carpetIls ir neoatougel outOfutéIl UIin ut, uuilt:(A 1IIf~ ' ioit el"o; promiso tlii L l'au ofiir liiastt 1111 J Jfl one yard square, 1900 paternui; thyý 0hetp thumil suig. 1Ltelél îît.'d ili tin u .01 iîe nameofutm-.rîty. loi.and Imoratitîr. 1 1 )will rmake splendid rings. ant euoswilwtht itI,.'sui ut uitcruwn lIdo Ou effrts 75c qîîality per piece.............. 45 Theoelamuohbii,î t for s lîn i0-.ntur té) de>~ do h io h , l h -, l iI t i u., ho IMost gel Ile noil atualutod il ti 1i19 houk. buar withh ___ oit them lu thilr troubte. inuit iste-[' lu their y t o ttons sud 11and tu inpmv-I tIi. iviot'tu, niak f 1 lfeablessiu£ ltohin i;t nttuit puunîto ii. fet.,lea. May bu, MY1' ndtîividlort ul.iniioti 0 vint eo oau oomtitevtby .uiitu ndtli- îî j' ort 0ut itn.T hP a r pes il ha.shoen 0m1y cod forli-ttn li't n s]et 10ipouîorale tué paàse gii., asty'r itiion'it IMC- minuitioath.God t fi mllt ie o-u i tht, Libertyville,-- -Ili tuai congregattufi. Mu.a.'tiv oî,std vé-rY iumtîIr on. he1 iontor te ioiliguoftItht.. if, for MN veiv 01001' ro l II)me. 'ytiiy Il-vt., ueothir î.-tltlrei int.,ie t) mnoei ud lt horoieption iven the 1ev. Dr. Dx hi the lest- woman hooii. eutdlie so lul I-milfurtb-I M. E..tlrh um Lh o rtyvIlle. b nblch 1hal cae lu thelr looliningoir ea lii h he liii'.sud th~ le goudfortune te ho an InvIteti guest.and .B IIir kgoi affetion oft hoîr ilearc0hes. 1at oui lsai rlght nos. th&' hIlatto Le MNVCUE@' < uda Anti. 00V deuxrfmentis. 1tlake l ithé,tiOt underatoui tht ua nDfot 10 o iefttout 01 uf love: tend moi rouf *ttanuî50-. b-- iviti 0me un yfuture recoptions. 1II1 hoeon haudf. cuein att 1<do. and Miîloutr multuat wî,nk iti 1h- And. non. I annot elose tht,. I feu a'- M ri vinerard ot nitt rutuiind t u the ton lenthy letebr. vithout sarine a honor. grr soif ét I9ttfii.t-11 'fll :1 hto tteur fn orit uîpon the itubjeet that tletdea"e 5aun natte. I ttiink tome 101 thon el; oohirs. nemoir th ladies: E. filseM. Athîto t)avtu 1is.i 111-.'Lytta SmittI% Oti bleusetheni. tIeau lrulfully alle. thbltOau1~ tavored the îitl-..wttî a 4tî-itftîtsong neyer tu allt nîravobrlhave 1met go many Whili t nvt llroî:tvcîti midbit miniti handééomelailles as 1 iddFrldry nhghlt. moni 10 sppt--î--_.-h Ltotîvttu lt., - na_ -.o.reinir-..ttythat1 I nie- 8 1