LAKE COJNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. ViII. No. 4. Libértyville, Lake County. Illinois. Frlday. November 3. 1899. $1.50 a Vear in Advanco-., -Overcoats= The time, is Ïwee for Overcoats. do or wiII néed on_.«GI: Youl We heve a large lune of samples, and are prepared .. .to excue ( es pOmPtlY .. Our prices are as ever--RIGHT! L ~WINTER SI wzTHAT FIT AND WEAR. SANBORN & CO, Tailors and ilaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway. B50111W Vk O. 1 AND i6 7OI . M. Libertyvitie. -Illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over ï rîua gt alo tu Ii. . a.. '-j iii t nid 6, t'.n . .,i ouîî ir.-Iuîwy .pposite V..., Libertyville,Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. PIliI a.iîd Surg4orî. iê5fl>Xt uh îiii 1,')ÂA H1IOLL CLIICJ Or. E. H. Smith, DENT iST. (J ff.(t0 Over Lakc, Uounty kBani, Libertyvi lle. lii. PAUL MacGUFFiN, .4ttiirt.y anai t îuufflllur astLaèw. NOTARV PUBLIC ÏMICL M MViI ULnsi COI -JT)" BsK, * Lîbertyville, Illinois. W. B SCHAEFFERS i., gil i.,îti i. t.,.g(ir-v-. P. (0.. [ait, W. ri. MILLER, Wheu v. c ..ît eau nilave ior a g Sni îaïr t .,t Il igiPie Itn "iSraei l t i pil'ri t - - - Libertyville. 111.1 Cross Creek - I os. eXIJofl*O. CrssCrc Lehigh Coal Worth 10 per cent. more than any other hard coal. Also best grades Soft Coal, Coke. Lime and Cernent. GI. 1. SCIIANCK, lJnty viii. . . . IlUnoia. Iwo sietipe mu AT ileteI's Park, IlitDay, SATU RDAY, November 4, 1899. )rchjetra wl trisyna misefor t01. t'lîî e r uSath. rd a!, E-,.tIjER'TEL MANAGER. LakgCOUHy Bnkli D- SINCLAIR, lake Couny uwn~~Ge neral Blackemith and Wagon Maker. WRIGHT DYMOî Practicai Haras Shoor and Lbertyvilie, Illinois. Ferrier. Strict atteutiou givon o al iseanel ... of boises feet laaues IniterLest flearing, Certii- cates Payable on Denmnnd. HAINESVILLE, ILL. BV FEEDING CALIFORNIA CRESCENT FOOD Vau inve 25 p- cent. iL ,îriIî ii it - d. t t t9,t o t .rtîloi r -cilîiffl ntuf. ED. BLEIMEHL, Avent. ELOCUTION AND II~USIC. ilrîviina complated a fouryear conuelitlocttion and 0n'nuecat tho e iCIt1)il usical (Jolloge, I arn1 pXprt6itrnd t e achinit<ivicltiJ.or dabéïa»e these branchait 'For iný A Crowing Star*. New Town@ tn Iowa. tipon tise releul extension of the Chiclago, Milwvaukee sud St. Paul "til- vsy inm Weliteru lovaë, itéLand tieparînieut ia iocated several nov tovnst as fgilovs: NOzTne"i-IU BUemîs VîsaCoîUUty nimge mites soutisoai ttirm Laie. NBYANAH- Lu sac County Ivelve uitiles n,rtivast of Sac City. Lxi'roN-i, Sac Caîînty seveu miles eastl of Sac Cit. i.AVINA-In Catisoin COnty sIL miles vest libtOk<eli City. V'AINA-11 Pocaboutaa 'OlîtntY aeen miles riortis nf Fonds. Tisese tovus are iocated itn 1h.tilueât coin bot sud ielthlent stck-raislltg district luIt owa, eac iiurrounded by ricia sudwvolt stîed territoîy. If yon vaut buiueaa sit tuOffyg uw ta yoiîr opportunity 1n oblain hoti tmy protaomlng uboice lois in %boni fut lire ecies. Tise "Rasy Co. ha. about 100 otiser toavu sItea lu Valions station traveraed by 4liais gret lin and I val gladr faunais you Information couasrutng seme If yot wili "tatobcH. G. IIAgA La0ti 9 ,tmmisaioner, orC. A. PAJ>LM. (imienrsl Lsd àAmt, C. M. klit. P. Wyt~o,.i1ueao5WSU 43 Rural Fr* mail DoltverW. nrom th. e nry c.aiy payée.'t appoousthé .xpfriment of rataI r". mailtdeilveryvill peobobiy li riod lu Mciienry conuni, i 0006tofset Harvard b.iug selotabyC-ogr-.a- MIau Hopinsas th elI oflarom vhiach thse test viliie .Made.1 Fuily sventy mis. are eonsumed la1 te tnp sand sn ..peaily PoPuiouai farming communiby ta iravorssd1 itou $&arite, finish.1 Thte crrirvii save lthelHarvard1 poooeie evevy moeniug except SUD-. days and Saga! holidays, at &bout 8S o'clock. sol viii dliver maltaitheq bone a# every fermer aiong th. ronte viso May bave a»Y lliaier-1 yard potoffe. The carier vill Dotl attempi 1tO go10te, edoar 0f eîbery1 fermer. Ou tbe oontrary, ha vi bave lhe maila a box go ho fiai-I eued 1to te gae Poot or li.@sous piaenear tite publie iahvaY. Fermer& living off the presaiibed routeecau put on Mail boxesa ee r- tain Points, vhere ui.y oMn have their mailfor colection and vhers their maili vOl h. delivered. Or 1bons living off lte rouie vbo brio« miltk 10 th. facorisaambave iheft mail loet s i snobfacory m- ihey may deiiguai. t inhboyed $bt anmn may lh. indnesd 1 Puat ai, ai Prie- iueniercsroads mail colectitonboxe« similar 1tcesons id lu the cilles. visera it a" depouit malt. BY$i&i arrangement à gra$ dia!moe ter- rftory oam h. aovrsd and at a MUCis Tise Sus.of te acharne bsbeau demoussWsied sud the free idelvsuy af mait 10 viii h.t no tiseory la uv wyers. Laies Oonnty oSfera a glood id for a fitir test ef th. nes systaasbesuse of It bing io îhickly stiled sud va believe Ibis tvill be li next field lot h. covored, as a naurel conaagaenoe. Crcuit Court aamveid MoulaI viii Jnudge Doî.nstty la lb. chair, puraust 10 recent adjouuent. Cbanosr aidera vers isearul. Anoiber datai has been eloSsi, omiy a a part ,îf thse visle remarkahie land purchas. ou itoeate nortéî of town. Tise option on thse Durkia property vatt houuid aud tise desi, so fer maitisaS parilnlar'taud la ococedelconed. Tise deasban came 10 bu gensraity sc- cepted novs a àspeculation outil .Febrnary. If the piano iai the partie. b)aekni ilhave on are succflisit iso on tisetiluaday ai next February tise optioîns vît! bu Laeeubig uauey paid over sud tise groa& land sala become a reality. If tisinge do uat pan oni, tise land yul rom~ain ln tise bande af Ila present ovflerie A great majoriby of ltse membors of the iirst liaptist cituich ver. regret- futiy snrpriasd iiuday morulug vinen Rev. W. R. AudoiseS, pator of thse cistrcis for tise lat titis.yesre, su- noncoil bis rosiguatian. Tomy tise announcment cama as a complote sur- prise, luit afe viso bhit hen expeet. log it, dld neot heileve titt tise poputar pmetor votîld mesigu no aoou. lu bis botter of eigualian dissension wu. suggoaied stise cause. Mr. Auoereck ban received sud arcepteci à calsti th ie PiaIt Baplint churcis In Kankakee, a iargei cbitrcit tian the cisnrch itn lisacitv. Ho viii mnoite lais vorn bore the luat nday lu Noyember. sud bogin aetilsukakee oi tlie foUne iug Sunday. visare b,, viii move bis eatimable famity iit tise nes ffutuire. Hon. C. A. Partridge, ai tbia city bas anonuued bis Intention of Sakug a trip to tise soutit about Ibro. viaka bouta, vtth tise purpois of hsiug present nt the formaisd.dnation frlthe Illinois monuments ou ltse baltieiisds o!CitaS. amuga, isesion Ridge sud Lookaut Mountli. lira. Partridge vils se- compowy him. To Cbattanooga lise fare f rom Chicago foirlte round-trip viil a ouSy $1.404. Ticket@ vii bu on seSuuday, Monday sud Tuesday, Nov. 19, 20 sud 21, gond te retua untît Nav. 2t. Mr. Partridge expieased tise bhope ltai a numbir ai Wsuiegau sud Lie couuty people vouli aocoutpsny hum. Be vonld bu giad te beau Itou auy viso Would luke te maie lb. trip. 18lai a pielaul lime af ysau for a trip te the sonîhuard, aud e. the eveul la likoly te b u nofaInltarest aIl pati. otlc ililaas vocm do no should go. Lttei.s.idom that a ceut-a-mli rate ia offersd, aud there are many v ee"as in Laie oouuty, sud uat a feu citizen@ as vetisa onold take g<mat tplesmure in snch a janiney. r New Equtpmant. A repiaenitatîVe aiftise INDKPMN. DNxiveutte1 ilelvidere t"i. vsk sud parchased aome adilionai equlpmeng for our i oSa, wviiiwvu belng diapco& er idf by a gealmau Who aid bo.ght a i4ige prlntiag plantt liai" sui ab SherW@s mie in ébat caiy. Tht m.aterial va.pmsalaaLly nov sud aoid aIs acuie«. W* areb~ U ia ov preprd bc Bas...5 .mms. h saeiC.à. BIG LAND DEAL. Mystery Surr@urtde the Recent Purchasoo, Neàr Bonton. Mir. E. Wheeiooà, of (Jieicag, repre- ssnting vhom or Wb",inlaDot kuove. ha. of talepuraiied eral ferme in Bouton Tovuship »di secuhsd options on otiters. The lnd hoieuaia 1 asqulb. sud vicbhha.mcoulractsd for et fabulons prima.Die.moly bteeu the bluff acd Norilaveaier staoit. sno s hep iopewly touches the laie. Wbal sanyouea wo s tof no much propuriy Ibm. sttuatedl in au Th.éal, lir. Wbéeeick, in very reticent relative go lite big dueal. Whou iutmeievsd ho teinused 1 Mie any siasninteShlaI voutd entigitea the a ondering public.e. Hodoctared ho lied oex-aud »Verrai tracta of land about Cblcsgo suitableu 10 bis purposaj but Uk.! th Benou location lie boit. Whoîu siiad U aa ro.d vug 10 h. builst hora, b. anave.d vaslveiy 10 the iffeci lah"i ihe devoiopmeut or suci su entorpris a rairoad tauoe.- tory, sud Sb"t il h. sseured tise land desirid a rallia. vould mous certain- 17 h bol. lie voetd not stae lhon, ms nomsr vers vaaied, or for visat perpas. or enteoprse te land vwu Thune are lias. vbo belleve ta I the buylng up oflMs gruelt amoual of properiy ou the liseabout Beuton in, a seieme of th Wtacouelu Central railroad aompau u seaBue a couneot- lng point viih titilas"sore ratIroad systen. Tiss&V" ubriags 10 mnd lte Sels Lins prujeolmentionsd luna previom Jue Of lie INDBPtxDUNT. It vili bo the plans au tafl vaseta ms lii.Wlacma Central tracha 10 Leiflaon antd fraqa tiers baId a rond bc Liberlile sud ou corli.eostrlto thlet tiaore sud thenas tu Mlaukee over tbe rtighlf- vay of the iieciric lai. Titis ptan in rsc.ivingli eriona onolderation of Mlwiaukese epialiMand oi ualnus mon, te Wlaiouaiu CentaIanad aketrontud o0lcial. A meetng of tisa. monu ocuried lant voiS. At tht. meting is va& oiovn tha$ the plan 10 build lise pro- pouid bell [tuinonva mailng gpuat hsadvay sMd baverail 0< .MUaSs'a bout-kaOvu ep#ltMnuisbave sirosdy aThe. h~els >e ae moadia go0tise stiemint of E. P. Haakstt, oui oi the Main promoters of tie nov line, tihe building of lte boll voutd intraduce Iventy-live western rond»into au enîirely nev tSrritory. Thse plans of thse Wisconsin Cntral vere lad Lhand lIr. Hackett on- uonairedliant, wvitie il vu origtualiy Intouded 10 buatdît1h. rand vloliy for usu Ma freigitt carrier, it vas nov ietted tiaItise iraks vould be eSe u.!1tise Wisconain Central for nue tu lise peeir lservice. li. Frank BoyS, viso aio ddrerned lise meeting, ergd ibat thesassocia- tlon lake immnediate action. Wbat msnuetloa. if &ay there may bo bulveen lise îa.lrosd project sud tise large land purobseie ndicati isl oniy a matter af conjecture. Woodahoppers Wantpd. Woodcisoppers vatd 10 cul 200 corda of vonti. AUSTIN Tats'e, Half Day. 31f Great Premtum Offer. Tise IDatpRNIDEfT la the peoples 0oauty papor. Il Ieatis 'etu ail. Omb. scription pitre, $.150 per year. Ita wort i l. As an extra lîsdîcemenl. isuvever, ve wvli for a short lime givo free as a premu a splendid album of anthenlie photograpise, entltled. -Flttng lu tise Phislippines." Tise coevoiulambuuiished vîti a plombre of Admirai Devey. Old subscribers paying a yoar lu d vanai are aise etitied Lu une of tines albums. Tisera are 1i0 photograpà lu cao-h album. GAGES LAKE. Water 8eak liona suiv otu sistetder. Mr@s. Thsomas James lan.peding thse veek lu Waukegae. Wataou Couvais. andti vie spont lianday lu Chilcago. Ad* anscisetter, of ('hicago, &pent guaday ai isot home Sera. Ums Florence Gilimote, ai Kansas, la vlsitlng aetlira. Ullimora's. D. L. Joue. aud tauiy, or Wankegau, opent Sunday eI J. P. liscisaeras. Bretrîce Wilsam telaspandlug Ivo veike vils lira. Petem Jorgensen as Doitfletd ltesEditis Witbam etîned Salut- day frmnà apleaut vitvils threlative& nt Oak ParS. A litlie dangiter cama Tiusumday to gilauden h.eitome of lir, sud lra. Arthtur Adamu. Frak Brooks sud vue, afiHav ey, Il].,ha baesen spendlng tse lut vaek vils George Brooks and famliy lir@. speckmsu sud ohîdren wvuS eave for Upîmmul Indiana udt veek, whare Mu. Speckmu ilachlug. Oraou Dsmmon, of Wyomng, la vlsltlug naiJhnulaucheilr. .e bCaUhbtlàa .arlcd o1 flue boine@ Itom th'bm utiihinos. Hanansd.liXa« -Gam Mammotis Hotet. À nev hute]lta to bc built at High- land Park that viii cost $125,000 and surpas. ln overy vay an! ttrueture of Its kind antaie gîtChiîcago, ln noriliern Ilitnois. Itlta to be in thse nature of a nommer resort and ocateti on Sheridan Rond nr the otakirta of the city anmd oine- quarter of a tulle sontia of Fort liheridan Reervaiion. Groiud vas boken for the building laut veek Weduoaday, sud it in to bit completed by Jue 1, 19)0. It viilbt, of Imposiug architecture. atud ot paving brick vils tiSe roof. In dimensions I illttbu 266x45 feuil 11h u.e ving 40z7t fet. Iltael1, h. of cotonial styte. Tisere yull b., 125 slespiug routa villa noîerona parlote. obiervatories. etc- The main dinlng ro. viliibu large enongb 10 seat 300 people sud vili aiso lie nsed as a balrootu. Tise. iiialso buseveral private dinlng rooms. Among thse accommodaions there vili buftifty batla rooma. Th@ building wiii bu lltted np viti thle mot modern ituprovemuints trou lhe bainent 10 tise garret. No ainar site coutd bave buen ciiosen tban lhe titirteen acres of land un erected, tying e. Il dota lu between Shteridan Roud sud thse bluff, over- iookiag the lais. Thse grounds are tu h. greasly onlaauced by numerous drivewaya, fountains, mastice ottages, STALEPUREW UNDERWEAR! No Other Store PM 1ASN in Lakce County cao 4 j LL. You Such Values. DE Ooght ln Case Lots.. DimaitF AM10.. OuTi-MYê <ver 645(1 of Ibese garmeuta have beau bougitiw voro by Lake Couniy Mon vwithin ....WE OEFY Ahi. COMPETITION.. Thse Vete and Drawere, etI - -i.......... 0 n"C T'ho Overlibîrta . et............o - -saa00 b Th e Vents sud Dravera, at ......... ...............i1 80 .s.i The O(ve isirts, e .a ........ . ... . ... t35 Oab Ail Knit to Fit and Knlt Seamiess. It's a pleaui to show these goods. Tise gradeofaitheo extension af theste. HouatE STABLISIiEO Nov. 25 1 043 . PanS road froin Lihertyville ta Fox WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. . .E PIO R Laie ta oeaîing campietion. The engineer in charge isys more vork rmenta lie b doue on tise eut throngit eulio"re on tise otire grade.,anl Gaatmaclors isavlng tise vork in charge Kt tbeee Points estituale thiaiton dayëS T OE vii heasumient 10 complote tiat portion. lu ailiser words another tonT ebeta orm teers iA day., t'irring unfavorahie veather wiliiT ebs sotretee h ztise grade cootpieled. Libertyville, including . GaI Ratio and lien are in the yards at AU ic înioi ',aio rW..Ll Uibertyvtitt and ait lat reudinesa - corns, U iesl n odC it" begla laying ci the truck, visichIs i bt W ogtoe hnrd so e a short taak sa compared i wti that ut' ouatîuolug lia. grade. Tht, rouid yul' early Iast spring before any advance li b.e couipieted before waiàulr sets lu. 'price and are prepared to make prices Ordor New Engines. that defy comrpetition. Tise Wisconsiu Centrai airomid han' ardsred ten locomotivesi tram tise ~-. Broaoiwàsomotive varks. Pour vill y.. a -randi set up levteel roud englues, f.ur six-' of charge. No freight or rls visoel avitchlng englus, 19 by 24, sud1 gvo six.visei swik-ilg g nlue, 19 by age as is the case if they areo lJi. Tise tan.wheei englues vili lgbhi hiao 150,000 opoande lu orkîng order, sud inC ca o vlii have cylinders 20 by 16 luthe Th wltching englunes wil uei CÇompare our prices with Chîà 110,000 anti 120,0M0panderespective. ly. t fliP6-ç Isfnrée huuiyInS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb. Furnisised hy Laito Conity 'fille &A'irusi Co. AbstraIcf utTitie. Tities tiuaàrauteed.> Miaonlc Temple lldg. WueaII LO uze J,. 1(itCE, SeCy. Jofeli VYinceut aed witn tu Usuriel UdiltI J4r.. s aimiiduiw 1.13> sdri.[u ui .44-ilt aisures tuînfwîmu aruunnw d Ineet i0i U uttei Ststes uf tia.rim att.tii yt of Wauk.cgamilot., 5 uand 6 s I4 #Suuderlli Il dadd ttluîugi aud aëtii ji 01utanduadj lute id.. 3100 0u Chas. Bockl tu J. A. M &uin part m6w jr L,1111" b. Farnan tii Esolu Brus. Chlabise 00C. i1i sures in uS-uw il. 26 ou Barbara Boiienbeeinand i iiagud t,, Loulmi lioinbaih part ri w ur 5cr I s.îil tuvu uf Vernuni w d. 30.... &Qou WAUCONDA. J. E. GIS nis, of Chicago, isnisere. Hu. T. Falier v.wu nChicago friday. Win. iSonahan i a. a clly vîsitor Tuesday. J. W. Acker auoveii lu Gisystake Tuenday. Brnu, 10 Mr. anti Mrs. Jennît, Wrlglmt tarnevortis, or Mezico. Oct. 9tin, a daugister. lira. Il. Diibner, of Nebraaka, le' vlstig liser tiother, tîru.. hîrs l Cii i I te very iii, lite. ubI Neville viiteci relativesm lu Gtayaàlake ieceutly. Mr. A. C, Bangs, o! Chicagou, le spendlug a ew daym. isere. Mrt. and lMr@. J. C. ice vîsiteti relative& la Wankegsu Ilut week. lire. R. Harrison relnirned Fridmay afler &ponding a vook lu Chictago. H. E. liaiman vanassely viitor Frîdây and Batnrdaéy of lust week. lira. Frank Moblide, of Chicago, la speuding a fev days lu tis vinluty. lits. Nîna Pratt retuned Wedmes- day alter a tva veeksu visît lu Chicago. M. sudlits. FrankEimer sud sou, aI Baton;i N. M. vlsitod E. (ireen aud lamilly receutly. lit. Jaa. G(iy andi famiiy, of Liberty- ville, vialled relatives l lals pi pace tise tiret of tis evesi. Mrt. sud Mia. H. C. Hlli are vlalling Dr. sudlMra. McCieney, of Edgbslou, Iis, aI prenant vrlltiag. A numbet of members of Wauconda W. E. C. atteuded a W. H. C. conven- tion aI lise lMasateicTemple Chicago ,Tus.y. lila..ueen, tirace. t'reund, MuIllin sud Tidmtarsis "sud Prof. Hubisird attended tise leaober's meeting at DoKalh Prlday sud Bitlurday. On Satuiday evacslug Nov. 4, tise G. A. R. sud ecilons vili give a teceptlotî lu hanor of Mr. J. C. Prcenviso teontly retuned frotu servic, lu tise Puilliplne ilands. Aul are inviteti, esp.ctaiy te sotditrs ofthl ale var. Musohiet vas over doue lu Wanconds ou Tues"ay nigisi. Frank RUneys horse wvs.takin from tbe baunsaddvas foum" Weoday muing&aHtont up by bah, viro. Mis. licCai e va l mmuvliedm,lbthaurot 0fiter houa. - q dqplM4 vitbr»d pelaisud o$ber .hsaoà -âM. Au ob»M leoso RaI, ciii. fia#09oMe valua qu àlu yy i LIBERT.YVILLE, ILL. To Uarness Users. A pectiliar fact about the, haines. business a la au'wMMI (leaher andi suddlery hardware) eau ha pnîcbaaed tu mail quaubtth, lotit as ciseapiaS ln largo quantities. 'hO risDOaUosiacoiy cOrumkQ msle bouse pays an axisorbant rent, ta at large expsuas for UgbI, h«. piower, luurmranco.taxes, intorest on itnvestmteat, foxe MeA seâi. force anti officiais aI large salaries, and tit Sbut hy Do mssus10ei.1~ vertlisuad traveling mens expennssuadtisalarlea 10 oiliMe gOà visicis tiey figure aMous at tvenly-iive par cent, lie. uamoos» rutileinen as tisey seli ta meroisauts visa in %cura maie a profiL. Nov lu viev of thse tact tisaS ve eau buy carr maierWaljqal aeb". a. anjone, you snreiy muet see tisaI ve (an selilbernonssaumch ehuoPw thain utierq, astltere la butunue protit,ounr isaruegog dretim the makrer to tise consumer. Factory vork ls dons on tise pîece vomi' plan, cofequosMy 1h workmien slap tise womk logetiser lu any vay ta .mlonu t the vouk M il maktes no dihference to lhem vbtiser tracesarse ont troiâ -Ilégr "hmck' stock. SYo use nothlng but No. 1 aiS iaaed ile~ U ou stock lut oareflSy selected faortise part of tise haines. lta"&oi t1h "streoai" la teken ont belote tise ieatiser lnaseved sud v. fRUiiy a1h.t tee our haines. io bu ire. Iroin defecta lu materlali o aiaahwe Oui Molto ila 'Better Goods lot Leu lonay.- Chas. Kaiser, LI BERTYVILLE. Thse fottowtng Viltages &0) tuotudedin uthse Lake County Tuitephont, Compan ta s ervic- -ILL 0&& @LAKE DaticE LAKE HALE DAY PRAIatu vtsw ROCKEFELLER DI&MO[iO LAKE luNsm~. ries of Chicago Telephone Compâny and ail their exchanges, givlnu a complete service. VOU SHOULD HAVE A 'PHONÉ. Contract Departmen4 LovelI's Drug Store - - l pOur Liberal Ofie... PO >40a Ii".' toq mw 0vq MMOMPU