CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 3 Nov 1899, p. 3

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1 eo * OHAPTER IL<C1ia.. *Ther o n, v a d &lianeilubtherout.9 -Merdne y grev pale. The girls loked atmrtled and aurpriaedl. The àilence vas1 peinfus. "My ehldren," said Martin Ray, "i "He tucd ie heed mvay. ton prend eti th a cmntr7 tthe eir exapessionofbarma *round V' z othe. I Hat om oient h 1 tai t ie aDiserith "eavoid. te u e My e t. make ms chr.? o Leahi; mimd rcurred thse ,.mory ot her ferventi prayers for morne euee vho vould delivr ber frot he ruece oftOre." Sibe lok-j ad ito the bueye et ber @iter. 1 Itlehvhat 1 prayed for," ah. vblm- pered. The aiovly, a the vaters ef à gremi *ms divide, the t ils tieparated. "411, 1 mournfuiiy, iooking hck vitis lingeriag1 W regret, jet neyer taltering; sud Les. thh. ehlld whoam Martin Bay hmdt loved& of vhom h. Lad ben o nnutterably prend. vhom hahalbhoped to me. i poitical uccrmor, b.. utiful, dark-eymd L.ah, vent to her uncle sud laid her band opon bis. "L prmyed te beaven tur dellycrance." &a.said. '*ad jou bave brought IL. i s- ccpt your off er." With a bitter cry Martn Bay turned ta her. There vai digaity ln thse sorrov 0f i volce sud face. Loving arme vers placed aromnd bhi. meck: a loriot, heatltol tac. vas laid1 agiat i.j 1 v iii never leave you. tthr" mid1 Hettie. "I viii g', My Iliete toYO." Bo for smre minutem they stood-the general vith blm arts throvn round Lcmh., as though from that moment h.e vouid ubield ber trum ail barre and from every one; Hettie clm.plug ber fathecas neci. ber face ves: vlt tr. -1" aceelt your offer, et," said Leh. vays beieve tisat hemyca sent you te me." **I vill neyer iemve jon. fgtiier!" cried1 Blettie. -MY love sbail make up te 700 fo tthe lau of Le.h'm!" r CHAPTER IV. Cen. Sir Arthur Hatton and hlm niece ver. acon settled ln their nev andmg- icent home. To Leah it a.cmed au though sh muast blueinthe vhliof a dream. Her ovn tory amete her vecy much lk one of the falry tales that hald delighted ber vbeu &lie vas a chlld am a remiCindereLla," ah. said te her- self, vith às mmie. Bnt lu no vmy did the regiembie tht humble ittle maiden. gb. vas prond by intinct and hl nature. 8h. vaa prend of ber motheir' a Iamor0f Hmttou. of tise gtom old famlly f ront vbich her mother came. of the. bond Ibat Tan in ber veina f rom ber mother' aide. 1gh. vms prond of heng truc to ber-eIf, etlet.lnioyalite0 vbmthae beieved te h. right prnciples. TIle compact made belveen ber oncle and bermelf had net been broken. The aime.etfRay lbatd beau gren UP, and ah bad adopted that off atton. People are flot Curioum. It vaisS- rient te knov that Lcab Hilton vaa the adpted dugter nd helrem of Cen. Sir A Arthur liatton, K. C. B., one of the veaîthîet and mont fmmoua men ln Eng- land. But, when Leah liai t tken possession of the suite itof ,im, tepared for ber, vben the magniüut dresse% lied been put away in tise vadrobes mmde of cedlar vood. viben the uprb store of Indian treasure bhadl oh beeu ecmmined, wben ahe hmd grown accuxtomed te tbe iuxury of a lad'% maid aud m groom, of hormes and carrings, lber heurt turued vitli *great aud ,iýtful yemrnig te Ilettie. The renieibranve of thst loviuzg aider vms the ouly drawsback to ber perfect * iAppinegs. Bbc vax alone in the cozy morutug room one morng s-heu Sir Arthur came tu soek ber, is face full of dlght. "LIeaii." lbe cried, "cau you Eues, hat mrange good fortune bas bappeueîl to me?" Sibc looked op et bi tb lb. thebrglitest of >îmilea. * "How eau n iensa, oncle, wben yenj bave already ail the goudl fortune ln the worid "' "I baye nîy hare of 1, Ieab: tbnt je qu1te certain. Buît tbis Picce of good luck lm somthîug qîlte unluoked for and un- expecteal. You have beard me speak of a very dear friend 1 bcd many yers ago - a yoting ýali'ain ;n 'Or reginint-Ilcrry Egreojoul?" "Yes," replied Leah. who deligbted ln nothing go nîucbas ns listeuiig teolber encle's torieu of Indien life. -Ye, I te- member the nanie.' "lie viat one of the fincst fellova ln the vorid, 'crie.i tbe geuerl-6-so alsa- pie. generous. brave aud noble! I bave lent mgt of hinm for many years. 1 heur that leh a.unueNpîetedly mcceedeal te a peerage. I tnd tuaI bie la Doke of Rose- dene. and that he Ilves only acycu miles front here. Ris, estate aud mine run par- llei for miles; sud I1ui o delighted, Loch." "go am 1, for jour stke." amcseacid. "Wbat la tthe place nlled?" *"Craig." luhr( hd."The dukt, und duchesa lire tlticre aboust tbree mothinl the. %e; tbey e nerally ln town for the eucon. and cdoring tise rest of the jeu tbey live .t Deua Abbey, a becoîl- fnl plae n "Then the diuke .lu mrri.ed?' snid Lenob "TYes; lbe narr-ild a fashiouahle beouty, aud I bear lt It e la a vecy tice s-cm- an. 1 aum glsd for yonrrsalie; she si-h ibe such unu excellent frieud for you." Leub was %valniiY welcomcd t Crrtig; rthe duches - t n ri-uv sttaebed toehber; and vIson, nfter a gay mutumnlesud ln- numerable slîootis parties. tbe time for a tour to Roulie -atri.', she lsvited Leah te ccompauy lier. -lt first the geueraI was tinlu l t, rerti,7. le hbldjust learucd. bc ssid. thaI lia vould net live uillîut bar, aud it c ruiel te wis belobe her away. Boit w thetI iucheus showed hlbln i tea-nIvilitages to b.e gaiued lbe yileddaitonv. *'Youave tîoked I e te complet jour nmieW*' education." she muid; "in uo wmy eau lt bc ligne bttes' thon by takiug lier abroadi. A. few ueeks witb me lu Paria I viiipromise tisaIJ'on shall lieaatl- B.ed m'lh tise reut.". Anid atter tisaI Sir Alfredt oferegi no ftrtise? oppooition. Tise Duscheem etf Rosedeme vas tetuined for a cositerabîe dîme on tue Continent by a »veresbIluesa cf ber hushant, andt ln reply te ber snxioua entreaties tise geu- erai ailoved bisa beatîtul uece ho remain vitu ber. Allbcusglabis heurt yearneii for i beheknevthal tise car mugi train- ing vici the docisesa coult betov vere invsiuu'ble, andt ver. uuh as he coutiltnet ha, foutieiere. lHe vas content During Leas's absence lhe postchamed ma magnîlicent maeslnIn luBegravia. te vbicb. lu Woin# memory of isa tive tovn, lie gave bise «me of Harbnry Beuse. Tise deecrations ver, no mes- nilcent, lie turultore vams noelegant and costly, tbat publie atteution vas dravu te thiehouses,andIt Ilsoon becsume buovu that Bir Artisurhatiadethi, put-alas. for bis adoptad it îce and b.ireaa. Who vaa nov in ltaly vithsthe Duciscea of Boseitenc, andt vbo ya&-so riamor sai- es beaulitul as a vision. Tise iukea hbealtis avlng been quit. restore& theb. ucmisahait arrunged t ts tue travelIng perty abeuiit retura t. Lon- don et once. Il vam tien the rery cnd of Aprîl. sud liese aaon hitdbegnu. A ditm'ng room biat beeu iclit, at m'hlr nmre fair youug faceshitdbeen aecn; but ise knev Ihal noue coutl have equal- et tiat ot Louis Hatton. The duke bal a grant oui mansion named Park Viev. Tise tube suit iucb- ests vent Ibere ou hhelr returu. »Ir Ar- thur vus Invtcd t. nist them, and troam tueir bouse lie vas le lakte .emh home. Hie waximpatient t ec"ber. The long absence hitd onitec-tniy improreit ber. H. grem' paie as b.e vent np 10 ber anui kisseal her in silence; for bis enston a toc great for worda. The itucseshitd been rlgbt atter aIl. r'Liahing but contant asaociation vils au accompiiaited and reinesi vemaofot he worlit coutil hase giren such iigi-brea eame anit grmce te her. The udt drawlug room vahellithlb tolloviug TuesitA>. Wbeu, atter a tev itajs ot ulona preparallen, L"ea tod betore Sir Ar- thur-, dresil for tie presenlstica, lh. om'ned iniselt perfeecyttjvelpleaeL. Tise ituches. vion aste vas irreproaciseble, hiait ciosen het- court trese: analthe tien- ers] hait presentesi ber vith u muite ef iiamonis--tnes, tuat sbone unit scintil- iated vilb eve-y xoemet-diamonits that mamitny envions. "Are jeu qute satisfleit vitis me, o- ce?!'@lieakeit, ith amaille thet teep- eed her bigbt loveilneeis. "Qulte," he anmeit. "I alvaja thought the fasiion of vearing femthes am'bmar util nov." The itorbesa rallei fer ber, ad tbej dror. away te the paace logetier. Tise day vas fiue, the crovit greut. Mss>- cf lhe royal famlly ver. present. Ther. ver. iebutanles frgm many of th, no- ileait famille. iu the land;: but Leab out- #bosuetiem ai, as a plunel ouasusines tic stars. lshe neyer forger lie moment visen sell stous i uluet ise preseceofuttise gracions lady scie ries bie ramI empire over vlîlclstise @un ne-rer seta. Truc lojaiîy rose in ber heart, andallsi thanked iearen once more thal sne hitdbeen muvei! tram what secmed ho ier vorme than "s tut,- umoe of lire." Ble rout neyer have spokeu againaltishe Qneen. or led lie bearta 0f ber peeple frotui ber. She amI- et te ieseacîta lidaittmibe. It mecus- et sesauge tiat mie. vho wax once deetineal tua ie a lecturer ugainal rojslty, sisoulit nom' b. presente tutelier majestj. CHIAITEII V. Durlugtheliert tire. earm Louis Hst- ton vas tic verj quee ftfatilon. $lise vaa more popular, more sougit &fier, mare adimlei. more belored, more euyîcd than any otiser woman of ber itey. lier bsautj gnem' vitb ber jearu. 8h. vas tventy-one nov. aud the magutsrceat promise of ber gitrlbod hiait icen fitlfilleal. fier ova-inue a hatgrovon ichar; tise gleam lu bier itark ejes ivas brîgliter; lb. dautj bloom tishait been falueit as tise bue of a bmuas rose hitditeeiwneaethtie face wsa rdient in Il»a n ovIîeiness- metn foundit lbmure tissu fais-. During tisetisrec jearus hailsdpreuided it ti inSulite grucie over tise lange establtis- ment st Breulvouit and the maguicruet bous. lu tovu. "'Beautirul Loch Hatlon' Wiat more in lite rouit eise desir. tissu .is.hait va-als. populunit>-. affolieon? Tel aise was net happy; ber coul hait fomitnu rt-st. Brillant unit gay sa s aser-lite. ul dît not stifj ber. It vas but as a tresm ho one wbo bas infiite lousinga anit infinite desîrea. If Martin Ray>'succeededin nuotig Ie he h itd doue Ibis ton his dagite- lie hait taklen ber out cf lie conîruon ireove; lie hait made irs thîub; ha- hait filled lier vitis s lisusant ideas etf lite. 'riese ver. uivsys pzinal-. lirehitd tise air, bhc maous-r,ibe lobo! o oe vise. lougbts aud aim5e-eebither unit Ioftîer tissuntisose ut otliera. Tiss aittei urch 1 thechrialuof ber passion- ate, psoud beeuty. Tise men visu ianceal wlth ber edmnircit ber tise more becîtîse nu fluascf vsnitj canme toers-face. 'hrisseivas rpuenittt as- uIt lob. tise rectiesa longiug thal uuthiug ruuad irest- Som, ntohtie offers tuas Ittuuna-ecir- et ses-e dsalug une,. TIse acuot Earh et Barba-s-s-j ss smndome. talenteit cui Passiimusîeî>-foot e! lier. Nu, aise voulit net he Comntesu of Barbesr>y. Tisere ives tbc Dube et Linroln. vi,,ho aitcountry> scaas, a tus-n mansionand u tntolit va'altb, sho woîîli have mdte ber bis ittriesa. 1h, oudolt e . urse-s et Lincolu; unit sise- il no otiser tenson 10 gis-e Ilsu that oie dit ov use bisni:ad tise une tblng cie lougi-i for lu Ibis lite wtu-ovuse. 'is,'sait tise duah-ies. "Il 0111 coumic illi iiintriiiga.' 'Sot tlic lovea-1I at,' sise ropliel; thot tmimt couileirafore. 1 us st a ru- 'It la tise uuj with those dans ojotd girl,.'taidthbie docils»u. "'Viat a ilt>- il lu?' Tise luth.andt Dmtcla-ssoetItesedoume haithacoma- ser imuclit ttacieui teLa-ais. aud ws'en tis easou 00 onithe be cei the genes-mi and ber te rouie to psy' them s long riait et Deuse Abboy. Tire>' ere te remsîu tirere durng lise sutumu sand fiutr.liArthsur at firt dit oot nuit. »t vg.teuf wuIols Its bout et tie Ceta alinvited several gusta t4 Brentwood. &i B. heParty promiacd te ha a verj plcaint on. "At nme, future duy yon viii b. sole "ugsrecs et tyas hesutiful place, Leah," aîId the duchcssi, as tbey vere valklug one Moru no the greut terrace. "I suppose no," ah, replcd; "but I ney- Pr dike te thlnk of the finme. I visla that My oncle coulal lire as long as, If net longer, than I1 ahaîl."1 "I have hmdanl au venture thîs More- lmg," «Id BWr Arthur, se they aat down ta> Inacion. I md that the yoing mas- ter ot Gienula expectegi home during the veek. I lotng iWayiin lb. Wooda, anit came ontumito close te lb. Mention; I havs been &.II ove, It' 'Wbeh ,Ad ht in Gien?" asked tise duches. And in Arthur amiied us he sald: "I ogbt te he a pont te ansver lom; it sa slmsnt Impossible te dc no le proue. Gien in imply mofothe ment lovely spots I knov la Engimmit." "More iseautifol tumn Bresstvood, un- cie?" siled! Leais. "Quito differeisi. teaS. Gieu vam once tie itover houa. et a queen; tbree hum- dreal jeeanmoeIt came lotepossession of the Caritons, undtbas hbeu tieire ever same.lit la sbmPlj pedfeet. Tour cys are aiment dataeal by bisegloeor0f sn- llght lu the waters ofthtie msny foun- lain&asnd by the brtghit colore of tise lov- ers. Tise surreundngs, ton, are moat pic- turesque." "I ehenld ilke te se. it," %uid the itucis- es ".Bc ahomid 1," added Lech. "Fair ladies," exicd Bir Arthsur, "jou $hailsm. It vhenever 7TOUviii. The bonse itueif looka se cheerfol on.em'ouid ucver lhinb tisc Il lbail once becu thse mcens of m hragcit ." "Wei I1h?"ai tiste ducin. "Tel l k te u&." "I am a nevcomcr,' samd the. generai, "uditnalurallj cnungb I kuov but lîttie about If. But on. of the gardeners et Ulcu %pokre of the storj thls merulng. I esked ila shov long thbiouse l'idha-en clomed, ami h. naid fitteen jeana. 0f conrse, Iakea hlm boy tiat vas, and b.e sad tuaI Lady Carlton cosili ocrer bear t. enter il again, unit thut, ufter the. accident, mie bisul taken bcr sou, lin Basil, 1 teaUni, viers ah.e speul the re- mainder of herlilfe, but ît h. nom' thut hlm mother vaes deuil. vas comiug bacb te ite ber.." "Wbet vus tise accident?" asked tise duebesa. "A verj horrible one. SBbclied but tvo cbiidren-m girlunit a boy; the dmuithter, Adeia, ua aneneujeats oidcr tbau lhc mon. She vam a rerj vulug girl, tise very Joy ef Lady Carlton'a bcsrt. Sh. feli lu love-il forget vise the loyer m's- sud evr>tbiug m'es arranged for lbe m'esdiug. iShe vus then eigbteen and the joet brother ouil, Pleven. Ou the night before tic vcddiug Lady Canton gave a grand hall, anal Gien m'as fillii wiîh a gay crovit cf gCesa; th.y danced untîl lie vcry vaiSa seemed le rock. The old men toit me tumt th. bridge vas iike sonne ioreij. ieugcsig fait'y. Juathlb hal asl wu» ips',and sahen tise buppinesa anal gayety vc-t-cIgreutest, a terrible cry wum&iseard. It came freEs tieseupper vaes. the trand oit bsnqneting bail, vhere kings and qoeeus aila fested. The Cuesta rabeit out onIY te vitues4 a mont horrible scene. The iteantifui bifde, vits terrible cries, vasameun lijing arros tis bail, ber brigtl ossamer robes ail aflume. fier ligbt. flutterlog bail dresa bail caught lire, and,. the drsnght of air fsnsning the liames, thej met over ber hcmd sud enveîoited ber. For c moment everjone vas pmralyzeit; then oeeof lb. guesta, 9 gentleman, cueillt uP a thick mug und rolleal il &r'oundlher. lie 'as burned terribiy, but lie extliguishcd the dans. Itm'asleutolte. Wben the hap- leu lover hamtened te tise bail] b. mm thc girl ijing In tier ugosj ou the greunit, bier gulden hair isornedli er face distort- ed, bier prettj dreas of white lace auit white vster luses ail banging lu scorcheal abredas&rond ber. liese poke a fev words tlubhem. andl tiscuthej carried ber upstsirs 1taitie. 'Wbat a terrible atos-j!' ait the dmch- "Wbeu Lady Carlton receovercd from lhc sbock," added Sir Arthsur. ''eut abroad, undttookblher son vith ber. Ihe died et Naples lait ja-ar. and tise mauter, Sir Busil. lu ruming home." "It uvili bc a greal trial le hlm te r.- tors te tis cene of auch a catastrophe." aid tise bindly durb,'ss. 'Tou must amk bila bere as otten as jeu ran." "The bouse ia se cbeerfîtl, ce bright and hesutiflf, jeî. oslalneyer tisink tisaI a tragedy hait bappeneal tiere." "Tiser. in a tragedj asseciated usils most bouma-s, but lise vont dca-s net knom' it," salithtie ducises. 'Ipraj beaesu" sa i!dfAie reperad, "that there vill neyer lse eue in thia!' (To be coulinued.) FACT AND FICTION. Oeoundwork for Navets b3' Walter entat -l 1le. R'e.. In tise southerr e-nd! of Coîtmbla nMar lthre sar. lq a s-oliuîsg-milloffice, abla-h le tirasesu lii kuow il rea-cnima rumasttc story cioo-ly tlen-lfled vustIitewrlt- lugsef et m al niEngîlisunovs-1ls. TionI office wusonce ta-eihotmeo!fltobert Bnr- ber. hîgir sherlff ot Liacaster Cont y, about 1740, andl innalog Jall wviah Rob- ort but rieutr hhuaIotî'cau,,; cosfinci! for a tîme Jantes Ana-sicj. aubsa-quent- ly n pcomius'nt clioracter lit Englnnd us ciainrant aof tis eatridotuof tAngle- ma-y. Tire story of Jantes Aunesîî'y's advsen- tures anal par.sî'ctiliio foits thse groundwsork of ('hlesi' teada-'s i-a-l- known-n ucu-l. "'Tiea WVaaeriug Ha-ir," aud latias olitcrliorit-d bute îportioîns et Scott's -"4,uy tsttirlg"iîtoili-tt" "l'eregline a' a'sndai nonce pptitam noval-I"Floen-eNlilý-itrsthy." Anna-siey urus n son of Lordl Atlim, n grndualeo!fInth lrlstEorl et Angle- ma-y. Ailta-riris crîtuier's deats lu 1727, hue tother'a brotîtîr kîdueiteil tise na-plia nd! huil hsuîîîsoldalis an luIn - tîsca-lseant ilà l'hslilalpla, tîtreugi wichation lta-etîtîtle atetrts r ti -as enebi-sitoeoia--the li'Earl of Angle- ïi'y. TIs a d',Is aru hî-e %vais Isitglît tîy (Copyright Leuls Riofsci. 1550 IrHE bi-lisnt bis-îgs suppomeit by aomie to h. lmagitiary src b>- Dr. Talmuge lu bis sermon sisovu lu b. nelMi tu 10bave mua-b te do viti our everytaj lite. Tise teit lu Jutges zîli., 19, "Auj lie ansgei l (lit vbouoy." FIre bultou a rock. NMsnoai unit bIs vite hait there kiniei thtie dame. for sacrifice lu prubse of Go and lu boner ef a guest visonitese> uppoued te b. a man. But au the. lame rose hîgiser andt bighcr their mtranger gocat stepped to the dam. and by one net ieap ameendlci Juta tie skie.. Tisen tse>' kuem thut vas mu angel cf thse Lord. 'Tse augel dit! vend ronaiy." Tuvo indredal nitfortj-eigil limes don the Bible reter ta the angeis, jet I neyer beard or rendt a sermon on augel- oia>gy. Tise viole auisjch la relegateit te the rmin mythial. veird, spectral and unkuom'n. loch stjeurumeut ia ou-Scriptural mnd vioked. 0f tircir lite, tiseir charsctct-. tua-ir hbite, thein ac- tions, hbein velcictles. tise Bible gives us full lesigth pet-traits, adt vy ti, pro- lougeit undtabsoble ailence concerssiug hhem? Aoigeioiogj luerMy tieme. Tisera are tvo nations of autels, suit lsey as-e hostle ,tu crisotiser-the isstion of good augels madthtie nation of badmalu- gela. 0f tise former 1I riefi>- mpeak ho- dity. 'beir capital. thir eiatquartrm, thelr grmndt rendezvous, liniseaven. but tbe-tr empire la the univers. Tisey are a distinct race of creatu-es. No hisîran being rau ever juin Iheir confralernltj. The lutIle cuit wbo lu lb, Suabsti achoolsg, "Iamv-cul 10t be an angel." bWnve ave ber wiab gratiflet. Tiey are superhnmmn, bot tia-> are et tiffa-rent graites andl runbs. out ail on the samne levet or lise sanie ieiglat. Tbej have tie.r superiors and interiors anal eqiiohe. I propose no gusasing on this subja-ct, bultakne tise Bible for my owu autbisrtj. Piato, tise philooophe-r, guemeel andi di- vialcd ungele loto supercelestiai. celesui andl subceleetil. Dioujsium, tise Areopa- gite, guessedan md dividedt tem loto lbree classes. the suprense. the middle.uni thti laat, and eaeb of tics. mloturee otier clases, making nine in ai. Philo sait thsI mugels vers relaîedt 1 Cci, u the raya te the sun. Fulgentium saidthtat thcy ver. composeal of boady analspirit. Clemeant saidthey m'ar. incorporemi. Au- gusine salidt tsaItisehait been ln dan- ger of falling, but nov are bejonat b.iug lemptest. But the oWi> aulisority ou tis suirject that I respect saja lb.y are di- -ridesloto chem'bim, ses-aphim, tbranee, dtominations, principcities, powers. Tiseir commander lichiet in Micisael. Dauil calle i sm Michuel. lit. John csiieit iim Michtael. These auperusi beings are moe tborougislj organlieul thau auj urmy tist es-en mamihe. Tiey are avifter than auj cyclone tiat ever avept the se&. Tiey are mor'e radisultissu uuny moras- lng tuaI ever came dow,- the sky. Tbey hav, more tete do'ilh jour itestiny sut moue thon suy beîug su lbe oms-a-ne en- ccpt Ccd. Mcy tue, Augele!flicheve Cos-enent, m'he la the. Lord Jeamus, open our ejes acuit ortchor tonusand roua. our seul ville ve spcak of tir dests- les&em, Ibeir untellgenice. Ibeir numbers, tueir strenglis, their arblevementm. The Deatitees Anges. Tes, teatsiesa. Tisey hait a crudie. but viii neyer have a grave. Tise Lord r.- mcmbsm hen tbey- va-ce barn, but no one shaii eers ee their eye exlungutshcst or thel momeuluni slm' np or their ci- latence termnute. The oMent oft lems bas not a m'sinkle or a tecrepitude or a hundranee, as jouug alter 6,000 jean as et tise close of tiseir tinmt heur. Christ saidto1 the gond lu heaven, "Neliher can they die aujr more, for tuey are equmi mita lb. angels." Ten, iteathlesa are tise. oniienf nIcreatures of viom I spemk. Thej vili tee vorit afler vorlal go out but tuer. %all le uo tfiting o! tueir ovu bnslliunce. Tun, sfter the lent vorlt has luken ils 1mai figisI, they vii bc reat>' for tise usideat circuit >troaugis immenailt, taking squdrillion ot mlles lu une mm'eep: as easy as s pigeon rciea a tovecet. Tise> are nerer mia-k. Tisa- are neyer exissoste!. They nese oshc'ep, fer tiej arc neyer tir.,!. At Ga r om- mandl tse>- mole viti deathin, uone afgbt. 185,000 of St'uuurib's hSu, but nO futality rausrit. tisa-u. Avuika, agile. multipolent, da-athicas, immumrtal! A fontiser cisastcrliteoft tce raiti- soit folk in lintelligetnce. Tise -oman et 7Tekoali vus s-ugit vien ma-cspobe te King Davi!o et tis,'siom cfun autel. W. mirais tube iintvisdllittIe wv a- nw tbreugh tise e a-jnit ear cuit ecutril aud teuris. but tisase heints Sasa-e ne pisjl- cai Insemaat. tant! heure tey areaml senses. A usall fis-e fee t 15 m anel clii! to hem. Tirouitt lia-jgo sllîoat dis- lus-bing flake of monta- or cnjvtei et amui. Knius-edge! It fiasiseaon them. Tise- tua- a inat ail points. Tisey air- sort) il. Tic>' gatisor il up wiitisumt ausy hinitesmeut. No na-ci!of literalure fer tbcm. Tise lottet',ofut teinhbooks as-e sarsn. Tise itases cf tiseir houksarasente- becs-s. Tise mordis out ieir hoka are con- stellulion,. Tise paragruphu o! ISeis- boaoks are galaxies. TisDe pactures et their bocks ams-eunrises sud sunnetisutnd rid- uîght morors andl tie Conqueror on lb. wileibone witi tise moon uder his telt. Tiseir liras-j làau open omiveree. No nemi et telescepe t sep semething mlill- loua oftumiles sou>-, fur- lustanl-liste>- are thes-. ho inipeet ni explore Il. AI] as- troenomie-s, aIl. aee!ies. ail huîîauies. ail phsilosopthies, antlsî'îs- teet. Wbat an op- porlîîaitj fuir intellige'nce la liscirs! WViat tsaciiies for buevnug everjthing aut knourisg it righît au-a>-! 1 Wonderm of Redaupios. Tiere lu ouI>- eue thiug tial potttent te their s-ils't end, sud tise Bible so>-s they lin-ovesto dj tiraI. Th->-bas-e heaa abudjing t ail alhrough tise ugos, amuitya-t snd vhst deligisme niustjla tisail thieInltelligence ila tubc at oui' diqateîl, Andi, coming luto tbisa-mprc-uinre, tisey- ili tll os In lire minutes mir-etisan v.,i-an iearn by 100 yesrs ofet erthlj srmiaing. Wllhonî Limitation. A fUrtiset- cisrmcteriatic oftises. im- mectal, la thelr vciocilj. Tis th. Bilet Pots sometimes undier tise figureaoaf singu. aometlmesunuder the fStore et a flrusiug garmeut, onetîmesn uder tue figure If ..bit es-tff. As tiefe upehumau'a are wkthtoiues, these expresions are ef course figurative anit mean svlftnprs. The- Bible telle as chat Daulel as praj- iug anal Gabriel dcv frominhsecuand toechd hlm before h. got op from bis bue-ca. Hoefr. then, didthlie augel Gabrie have te flj in Ibose moments ot Düulel'm prayer'? Ibesre'n in tueugbt ta> lie tiserenter of lise uulu'erse. Our sun sud ils planets ouiliste rim of tise vhWe cf vont.. nasautome'ut tire augel <Ga- brli em' trom tisat ceaIe-r te tisis perl- pherj. Jeasa bld Peter he a-euid instant- IY have 00,000 angeîs prenent if be ralie-i for tiens. Wha foelotfetautelope or wlng of albatros@ ceubit equal lisat veicity? Law o! gravitation. ushia-b grmpm ail tuinga elle, has no luInluence uoî uau-,flc memenlum. Iluusnities ifre t hem open anit abul like a fan. Tia tisa-y are here ilane tenson m'hY they shoulal net b. a quintUilon of miles heur. tise ne-lt misnte. Our bodiem blilder ne, but or minde eau circie tic earth lu s minute. Angebic h.iugs are hedilema andl have ne limttlfon. Ccd may vlîh hls inger point dovu to mone vorld In trouble ou the Outmost limite of crestion, andl inaatly an ang*iie robot It ier, te bclp il, or aomc ceicsliul may b. uanding et thec farîbermoat outpost of lsusnisly. sud Goal may say "Cerne!" and intautiy it la ln bis bomom. Abraham, lljah, Ha' gmr, Joahui, Gidecu. Manouis. Paul. St. John, coulit tell of their onindercit lo- comotion. Tise red teet of sommer llgbi- Iug mn- slow compared vith tiseir hegira. ThiidooWleop andt compresses Infini- indes Inte Infttesimahe. 'bis potsoai lhe autronomlicab beuven, mb oa apace ]lits the bal of a chuta' rattle. This mingiesointo on. the ber. auj tic tiscre. the nov uni thte tien, the beyouit end tie jonder. Angets Everywh.,e. Another remark I have ta make cou- cerning thea. iliustriepa inomortals lm that tisej are mnlitudinous. Tiseir census bas neyer been tmben ait Do one but Goal knovm sowm mny tisey are, but il tisq Bible uccountsa uggest their immense uumberm-cempanilofut tem, regimeols ef tseni. armies etftitcm, meuntain top. hsioed by tieus, skies popuious vitis tisem. John apeaks of mngels anit otuer betngs round tue throuc as ten thousmuit times ten lionsaut. Nom', according le Mj ralculatîon, len tiseusendtlianes ten lbousnnd are 100.000,000. But thcsc are onIj ch. angeSlu inon. place. Davild counteit 20,000 ofthtem rolliug dovu lb. akj lu charlots. Wben Ced ccme avmy freim tic riven rocks ot Mount Binai, the Bible aash. badthte censpanionsblp o! 10,0010 auges. I tiinb tbej are lu er- ery baIlle. in every exigency, ai ererj irth, at evevy pilev, aht every boum, aI erery moment, the esc-lisfnll cf them. lis. b«ernafunil oft hem. 'bey oatumbem the bumcn race lu tula vorial. 'bey Ont- number raumomet sprite in glory. Wisen Abrahams bmd bis kuit. uplittcd t. siay Isaac, It vaa an ange] viso arrestedt1he &truike, crjîng."Abraham, Alrabam!" [t vas a marvay of augelsthbat Jacob *aam as-ile pilioved in luelis.vderue«. We are bold an angel kliste isouts et Isiselites eut of Egyptisu serftom. It a an n- gel tuat shoyegi Hagar tue tounlubu visers e e l tue botule for lise lad. It wau utnel tiat hock Lot ont cf daces- cd Sodos. lit vas mu ungeltiat misut op the montu Of th u ungrmongters viien Danieb vu th'ovn lototue caveras. It vas an angel that ftdElîJai ussder tise janiper tree. ltvas aunoai thut an- tsonnced te Mary lie pproacltiug natir- Ity. 'bey vere angeim that cisanteal mheu Christ vas isoru. It m'as au augel tisat atrengtsencd aur larloutr in hlm ugonj. It m'as au augel tbct ecuorageal Paul lu the Mediternean mipvreck. it vas an ancei that burmt open lise prison, gte atter gene, until Peter m'as liberateit. It asa au angeb tisat stirra-d the poWo eSil- lomm, vhere the icb vere vas an autel that John sumv fljiug through tise miulct of heuiren, anda an a- gel sith foot planteal on lisesa-a, ait auan auel tisaIopenri! tise lbo, soi!au augel tisat aouuued tise trompet, and u autel tisaI poureal eut te iseals, sait au autel standingt lu tise su. t viiibe au angel vils oplîtteit handsi seariug tisat tiiue shallire ne longer. In tise great final lia-vast ufthtie vosid tise reapers are tise agela. Tea, tise Lord smmli he ce- ree! ram becs-en with mlgbîj augels. Oh, tise nombers andt the migbt anal th, glas-y of tise suprusls-fieeta of lbcm, aqusitrons of tisa-r, bost bejoni! hesc, tuait above ranb. millions on millions. and ail on our aide if we vill have them! Cssmtorter. of Huumnitjy. Titis leada me te speab or the eSties et tisese supes-nata. To defu'ud, te chees-, le rescue, te escurtl. t gis-a viaturt>-t the right moi! osettrow the vrong-tisat la their businss-juet &As lert to-day sud efficient aasi-isen in Bibue tlin.s tlîey vint or uisostiésci aori or rockati dosam penitentlaries os-iltd tise moustniumnî witis borseaof fis-e iitcis. uu chariotc of fis-e snd drives by rainonien ot ire. 'I'iey have turneit >'uur atepa a buta dret tinies, andt joui nes, it nul. you wes-e ou tise vu>-te do coma ule songt iint, sud tisa- chaugeal jour ciorse. 'be irsougitmsrea-tbougist of Christia paur- entage or of loyatj te jour utsn home, sud tiat erresîci! jon. Tise> arrauted that iorns. une eisould lucet jeu at tat crisisanad proposa- somothun ihonorable anu elesatinit. us- îey touîb tram yveut pocbet nomue ticket toe esil antuseunt, s ticket tisat jeu neyer touai!. it vas au autel otf(God. anal îtrhapîs tise cet-oe tisat guidei! juu t b,' service andit ta hum' us-ils toep-îort comne bol>' impres- sion teuire mode upon jous aiu, lurr>iug saitis one foot mpn tise doorutep of jour inmirîal spirit sud tire etier foot lifîci! for asceut mInote saies. B>' mone pra>'- or delaIt hlnaîtntil b. cou ta-l ot a r.- pentant anul aneomie sosul! Or yen ver, couic lime borne- dem'u uitis trouble, b.- reisnemet. peraeutius, baukruptcy, ick- npesssud ail tianuî'r et troobles heatlng thu-ir uiscuruL',in jomit beartsud Ilfe. Toti tas-e up. Tuusait: "I e onrlStand it ant> luonger. Ilelere 1 vili tube uîy lite. Wliere latise raul train or the dce-p eygalght, agt jeus" Lm fnl elesight, but eljêÎibt pathetie eyeoigbt. iselptul lWytgt. CoW fidential dclk of ostore. vlth rmat reepon- slbillîy ou jour aisoulder mand no one.10 BurnoSus u, api-laud your work viseo yen do it Weil and sick witb the vorid'a logratîne ,SD thluk of tise augela u inshee couiisngrom_ raptured et jour fideityl Mother ofA esal M heissahold, asitcrsing, mendiag, cookinu, Sbesi ."s dusýting. plauciorg, up haIfthtie night Or ail 'ýtbogte W six e night witb thse ick chlld, day ln and day ti1OB-Haffar M .e out, year lu aud .recr out, voru --tlh the cBerio -~~Wd monotony of a .f c that no one e mtat rare for. tbink of tise augets lu thena"" TheseubJectet ofthe whue. arr!. autels lu ail the roms 0fof u- i, inebmams.. lot. anga-Is about tise ieckradle, and ail Neh 111. bW e Itisilroad engineer. uitis bunileds et aroused by the pesiguf liv.", hauglsg ou jour sarist, tanding Zecarii hebuidieng coul tise cindersanmd these mutcb. round-mltsinheruidg mit the Pharp cure and by appclliug de- but dld not at long. ,iit,tdiscbarged and dimgraced if ioulog perlao f ezreosm malle a mictakre, butOnot one vord of a-presion. dnrlng visich &Wuse prival if yjustae.ail the. traina lu as et7'lf vitllsut Qomje lit for ten jou, tbiuk of tise angeim by 'h. etwiýO tbrottlc valve, augets by the rmaring fur- tise defenacsai et thetr te usce of the cugine, augelm lookiug tram repmlr, negiected the qtvis the ovcrbaugiug crag, anges bracing the pie. and, lu ahort, pau.luW rscing vbeols off the precipîce, ausgela deletet st.. wheu jon mount Itise thauderbat si a 0f the hhstory of il'qe train andi angeis wbeu jon disount t5! otidisg Jevlmh eoemj Cou you not hear theni, louder tisan thetime of Zernisbamh4ead thse Jamming of the. car coupliog, louder thon 'a have auit record. 1111 4M th. beillnt the crosslng, louder timu the. curred ££m'asjossier eg. wviatie that monde like tise acmemm of a the. beglmslug of bih vO flYIug tend. thetaugettc roicesm alingsh aout vis"a e atndled wo 'Tou did il wei. you did i il ?.iir i MrM'@ vork vau largeiy ofteu mpemk ot engineera. it la wbe 1ua I ines. ' lue Irui great slip ride somucob itis tbem. b alvaym acccpt a idaetp to *0 their invitation t0 Join tbem on their lio>- ciel cuaiomathat bâd i. motive, aud aumontg hem are aome of lb. bld intemartiffl wvtB t»s graudeet umen alive. the"r restad a large vcb I a ud lyPwe ttlman; a mon ef afisI; a 'ten adwomnetofail ctrenmtacea, toisal teen tnu' oulY Partly ajipreclatesi or fot apprecat- tJehruamie.Yreies* cd at ail. ocrer tloed bciagin or ut-s" ata.e hi, betsemt rcgsrded again! Augelà &Uai round; &a-s10 mofhdbis talent md bet gels to approve.mangels to belip, angela ta addfietlenis ade.,hee ta remember. Tes, swhile ail the goo lufotcse iestamruent, se M augela are fricuda et the good. tirei n h aOl ee&ýt et One aPere]almotel jour bodyguard. Thias n oo Ilhunm s lr es idea util thie present study of angcloiogy on5e 0f hie graita" chevsmwt. I suppoaed lo be faucîtol, but 1I ud it calme to&&Dire hie . bw- cleariy stated lu the Bible. Wben tihe of mielà, hi, ptiene, b s dimciples ver, prmylubg for Peter'. deiiv- lesson dent@ mmtiy vits-lq,. erance trom primon and ho aplteared t G Cd Whou5 bhoral 155m.« tise door ofthtie prayen meeting, tsythîngsi ver. getng et j couid not believe Il vas Peter. Tbey toIne te igeu tise »MaM . aid. '"it ie an autge." go thome disciples,. eicnem.>ts nwt lu apeelal nearneu a toChriat, evidcn* i. bslyeal adu . hellevcd tuat erery vortlsy oi bhemnzeizeasud tise Dpermkmm. augel. Jesuzsaaid of i, tollovers, "Thefr go 10 15n05ai51 augela bhold th. face cf my Kather." llpmtw Eiaewberc it la said, "He sisalig ir.bis lTio.ameNebismlu mngelm charge over tise., ta> keep tii.. lua Sonof otbovais." He vssq mil thy vaya." Aut ellekW, enaie holding a b h Montet e protecteal. angci gssrded. aussi canopild. tairerzem at lue or art thon!. No viander thet Charles WS- cipa capital eit he rdu iey bjmncd these vorda: title a.ecp5flf«» hardir Whlcls of the poty kina of cartis uat, Ie& of on bad Cao boamt s guard like ours, et avin lai va teu Encircied tramc our second hirtis luofwcde, ta> gourd ii. Wilbmi tihe aveuly povers? eut danger of pioi. Valeris and. Ruinus vure put te merely mauInoudeta htw deatis for Christ&mite lu the yesr 287, tien. Hie au i i is andaltfer tise day vsen theLr lodies isad tiona vits th. bis,, s;t been vhippcd andl poundcd lt. a jeity, isousehoI&d tMmdf.u in thie nigbt lu prison andl bcfore tise trsted advbtaôc et is neit day wuesitay ere 10 haie e.cutsd, moutS hiée" vsa mu bM' tbey bvlb thougit thsy »v encolla stand-tise Yeu,10B]ELC.I lag vith tva gitttcring crovus, aaytng: 1%e v dt ofa»g *Be et gond cbecr. valant soldiera of Je- cr, vitto otiser lev te- sus Christ! A. littie more of hoe., and miudm oncien tmgyiy0fbe thonn bheecrovi. are jours." An" 1 am eepi'a retisren te 1111SU,-, gied te, knov that betors uaay of thon ver. kindly rpeeivad sud vbo bave pmsed through great mofferegs&Iseeded as amte ho saPee* nt, iu thlm Ilfe tome autel of GCcdhebaelal visstesir msy le e t a blaaing coronel of eterual revurd. Tes, lise Jw1w u , ve are vo have sncb a gurdimâaussgi ta ovn race. The emuem tske os opm'mrd vh.n oui vork lh don& mmis cosenlgtise You kuote, vo are told aunatgal conduet- caped, vlsich wve e kt «, cd Laarus to Âbraham's honora. nta gmd cncmemlt aboya thul noue shailho noi.poor In dying sisom'that Ill 4d" osam" h.e cannot afford angelte escort. lit voulal sererai ye.Ineamy bc a long vay to go allont. aud np patet frntr Jernusiste si ve bave neyer t-od ," mmdmid. blutâtg Neb«emimi'. ay e l m'orida avîugiunns aulmmgiubie Meus.- uodeL It lh vorbk',Wb tum, out andt throughmaoch distances and taber -cretily ao su scrons sncb infinitudes of space vQ pie cf tiet verezas, shoulal ahudierat tise tiiought of goins estuee s wsiisebsrsciselue alonle. en-mfethte ONg stumL. But thse nauc efort w cm.e te eanding rebobp te oa jour ienguiahit ug iiOv Or lbe place09 visqappeosteh tise Loti l-'1 your fatal accident sud say: 'Hali, lm. moad. vithsmt po" - mnortel eue! Ail lm vell. Gd bahalsmnt mai or inleetual, and wi* me te take y00 home." Andi viliout tre- tatise raiteretftise mer or siigbtest senae Ot pffil Yen viii chaman and pcorly avay and upward, tarther on and ft-er vhicls v. voulgi net tb ou. util afler a&ilie isea-echeves hla nla asermon, a politieul slght and the. rumbie of chariot visel paper article. Thse se and lb. rOli Of migbty h&smnnons"a0ereverest te prepsrs for u~e iseard in the distance, andu«ret' 700 costrarj 1talise empitit come. and ucarer stili, util the isbrlt. the Old and lise Nv alesa la ikc mmuY morunagm asuffuaed ie tn ec basy Naieinlas pyu eue, and th. gales lift, mand 700 are W 'Fîutml, bat somethlas le aide thse amethysîlue valleanmd on tue m'aa iIncuble. H.e4 JM bauki of the Jasper se, tnreven safe, neya, fHe "ait dovi sMM forever f ree, forerer veli, forever reSt mourucd certain dari., ami cd. torever unileal, forever happy. Molb- prsycd before tise o" et ers. do flot lblnk jour little eblidren 90 did not mttempt te àpent aboie wben theY quit tuis vorid. Out thal ihumliation et hert et jour armaem ngenelle arma, out of mtialtato lie proym slrkncms loto beaiti, Out ef the crasile lcondiy, h. addreume Gad i iuto a Sariour's honora! Net'an Instant nue. Hie vu not tssnlllr ir wl lb. darlinge b.eien. betveen the migbty. Nebeniahbeinsite tvo kisac-the lent kisa of curtb mnd tihe crîplion of mjstj and jW«ý firt bise of heareu. "Nov, augets. do mercy. He sait, "0 Lar Wied - jour urork!" criesi an èxlslritg Christimu.thelb great and terrllsleGal« Tes, a guardian augel for each one of iscreau n nee e jou. Put jonrseif nov lu accord 'lth love hlm sud observe bis hln. When lbe stggea the rtgbt. toilov meula." 'bis iste nés .5«9=8 il. Wbeu b. varlis 700 sgmlnst tuecndne w' chl theleot kW wrng, abun IL. Sent forth frem Ced 1 onfdence wic belp jeu untitis great baIlle agaînst sin cec aud deatb, uccept bis deiiverance. Tbirdij, Nehcnîcahb " Goîli e ________________ bluspraj. This asaa vole vi - ----~e-.-î, It la qut4ru 1hl(iib~ I troc t a eoni atb " est-nu SIIORl' SRMON. vet% betore w. @ait hlm. bost It In,; --------------~ ernest itemîre made empist l Fourtblj, the praor hu * Thre Bible.-The.Bible la a book ci sion of &in, auj in tbis osê eympathy andtapardon andl hope Mdmiais inciuicd Ism»esfif w bW cheer. Ibtsot t, diine lgbt trembles He came to '"contetem ISAU *ms dos-n ImIoth ie darkent heurts and dmzt- dieu ot Imnuel, vtscislu bM' est places andachance thse gloom ag awu tee; baht I daid - &WI&. bu» bve inned." Tisse There are disapterm tus)t tisat bave boU l piîpruyc, lo-dsy hla lbishl a&sgela f et tsty heou <5 81th 5 mè-er mmeste lold himme!Sir *km mteutorkil dey». It la tee great Mud people and prejai tebl grand mmsudhelptul a vohuDe to e e * mpt fram meit:*5 hsl; ptmcd or iseeleeted. learcis tise s@ai> inltrcesuorj 1type cf esy'Wi4 o% turce@, tour hey whii e n utise UU4 occasioni, upprapiate vise. uttend antd thre tnsotisand ehow Yenu ter. -men9cf10ong md 'triediuia d * ssci. tey. Honry R. Roee tsi., ter, bol ordinarbiy vben pistes sam Aluum. Me.Pie came before the thrane of Qed are Jssst about ou the came level, as Work.-There le a blesseduseu tisait tere la auj confession a te ha tscei connes from thse dally vigorous exerdge distinctions lsee b. mde. o! tise powera et body u:ud indinln-'oy. 4'thlblj elsemniais rsnld ts ed lu work. 'Ple Bible pots@stheg ofetgracions promises mse ln e et iobIltyopu Inoce~a,-Paq He qîlotiasthe assurance nmaie te X watesi sonie men 1do an l mpo«tuatrelyiog t ully apon the dtaibte- - ras tefuilî theeproi- u. ý pet s-e 1: eni- bon est

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