CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 10 Nov 1899, p. 3

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_ - 1 ý ,e be W hra a h WOt-Ierty-nIne Killed in One Wight. leven henH-e atiat heWDa- Oe am "ekein Anaother. 'ad ,keyso me J.w ay a ennee P ah tbitl'e of TI U HsW RH FCALM Ti 8 1 lui t Gkn.IlàcA tur&di 1 1oi bnksc bap th hevywegth ampo nate ne riREFLECTION. northest of Angele. Cl.Smith, withs !, ý ,cymbals. and Gbrelpus is l s the d sig t battieu ever fought byt bigwoba-aon f he SventPP h in u] / , 1 :ý he.,t ý 1ave!Jeu adthII u!Th ou cehant andLi nd ad twenAt hecd with the tenty-åirst round 8 ark A PeasatInerein ,ndIstrut- a bed frouAngfr There in something 01àý, ý, 1and Jesus! matchless duet In the musie roomesof te dhvebe given the decision. Witt ive Lesson, and Whtre It May BO 1- Ma. i,ý lire, ih att ol tween thé action of Admiral The Gloi.rioted Kinefolk• oid heavenly homnestead' I m F thewoending of the twrenty-third round Biler Fennd-A Learned and Concileu e - the...SevenIteenh nfnty,',ltw i that of Patrick fHeury. T, C 1 1 ~~~~~B now-ito that reieption s om gDPour cer'sbous. are Many rooms.e-"would have called lit a draw. Thieltout view of the naMe. of the 1ourth c<alrir rgelt' nts-l" îý , ~~~~the Iodedkinsfolkt, enough of earthly Ranefor the Psaaily'- two roundos, holwever, were so far im met. Col. Smàt iltl I,,niargtsaà ' ~~~~eeto oltyou know them,- but with- amI ur Father's houle fyro the champion that the reulit of woundemld 129 nit cap ure ffy.M i Sr - t h eo i r ,a d e o r t e r s i c k a s e a O r n o et h e a r o m a r o oeo B l m l a r J e foir N o v . t i 1 2 in f i n t h t , P k l i o o i n u g at"I or them -sr rdi n.=o lefusotr nMatyng an e enn , r " hake ' t ctcs wee vey, vey M uh t inpiwur . heA er a hamie en me S pr n 1 portingly lovely! They cati you by Pi,1orh DOnam.i t aced n e et- nd b ely's triched-and rouhthima wrw A flly reine iuhý_ uIp, n" h mýnelnded, -ci len- s the U neuf1,* 1 .ï 1 They greet you with au ardor proportion- 1know. that il tþe Pbl of te ousehold mugh, sa bce ichan r ozent ims chaptr .fthe ook f ebm h ap I etag. th to ntk .isa trn 1. - edtotelengaSépaoftyon.rlparilnndthe 'Thohe earye Mier'athe family r ma irng thead aornsof thé fight. He used pened that King Artaxerxes notieed ono to. s ituated imidway lbet wen Angeles 1 - 11111- 1 ~eng theoflayour reps bla Ssterà! Broth. they all gather, and joys and Serrnswndthe heel of the glove after every e es heyate aoninied as tof the culse.taaorhe Amoerantol aptof = (Coyeb t Lgi Kopch 1 .) er! 'lre d! i aischyou joy. for yeurs epricsofalstls r hee ad in other ways trantgres heruthe Wt eand twbing Ne a hemeia .told the cory the soteriastu o ioTarllé as U (1 prgtL bosh,1 0 t t te gani h eeto earoed. Sacred roomaitin a oiht-rpatedl.OJerie didnot'mmn. hmfofthe ad tewbsiro erualethe hetrops seinon hecaita, ntin Nuniqueva y tlhe avenly w orsdp teodh ee .Youethytg, hteri e x ui R sinform e d is l teff e d etg es o thé eprt tt fth iy n h edthe eo f y the s eey'etofrat i tat- ah .. sl discioursed pn yDr M will know you are coming. There are so0 mal'andttaanscase orlmthr e as,.wieidffue.too. was weak. of helpi. The king sked what vmuld he direction. ~ARICKnics m. dea t w * Ile ion:thsteron udemigre.2 -nuiF th many Immortals flling all the spaces bu l.ds -t nding in chaireand a cradlle. O"g rk landedlofttand right swing' r@.. done, and Nieemiah answered with a re- Th, insurgent force is estimuated at woealitr oteVrii hom: ext Jhn iv. 2 'n m a tween here and heaven that news like b o Ighwill be the a y h Ftsm on a aldq1ut rthathhe might be alowed to go to 1,000. Col. Smtith fret encountered 8a Octe 9 1795, ina h ih he er's house are many roomsi.' thtl Sionlike lightnng. They wil be 80 the familythouge olk assmble n iselywhemreFin, oundr oe ad Jualmand rebuiki the city, l'he pr mauitforceeitrenhed a quarter Of a. the Stteportfinoh"but it n & Hee in a bottle Of Medicine that tgsà there in an Instant. Though they were Place wh e he a iol xprieee ft be arthuttely. lJe re uar do t ime stog iso a e.a erl saandnedeémreseyodeAme whihdso eteat he e motsloter t Washingle enea. T e disciple alwer ati, . a n iome oter world on errand from God, talk over births, the burialh, th o gh ë facg.d ttmo stouh iei it ie for thvýejurney y; 1osus le alttesed , eain.t o.fthirnube idl. t.he utiehp u Christ offered heavnasa ltratva signal would be thrown thatt-wold te eddings thbrtmas nthebransgiv-the latter hadl noue.mac st tegh rpsprt drse ote tasTe denemy man d fe a sý,hor stnd at te ut - hem le tote aIn r tiretel- a~~~ atmln n oi.H h w fetch the . Though you mighbt t irut ' etalÎday f 'llte hlde dprtd waRn s oe yShrey ut wsto teEuhaesnhegvenrs sirs of B rro ad Ra racsc, da»bea e rsieter tht thir sorrowsaeonyadak fet dsed and overawed t hI super- ing reunio . the e Wil te é arted Th orcing todthsuf odeondeth rivr ) nd oderbtottekbrskey åootinatdthe nadv anci sc Ameedtari-mnainlas Envoi t grovend of a brigt picture of comin a tendr-lltatfeln ibegoe em icidr n e» , no'E1 rth ing felie otr le e todThe mffattero .kig'yon ste i " nors ospl i e foth ricnk . at. Brs h doe d ith te d- h gaa eue hs . it. le let% ,tem knowltait tb Ui te r rttuhohe en alationPrman ?a T eOhlDw!ll go head onsiderbe me .e smuca nrt h budig Nee ah ef ua der a ancLguard ftebatao addd D oe aovenoruUof is te. ý jnew th y lire o olndi,.tey , adnd e will sy: "O h m lent boy!" "Oh, i perect t e r e i and IIthe aged wll ty i o deeirradth oa ecr-qut eesayi akingamte. Ci ris wh o okto ih t.he e n10, ewseecedo yethae ahose n heup'nd. N ary y tout compauion!" "O , m lt friend! t o loied mth turity. The risin g at am was a n a grd. ierd agty efro alsuc or yt rou h an e pi r pa rt mrcaswriwudd T eA ei- e bt refou t akehis s as. aß §heaBible. descri positfhevenhtmay Are we here together?" What scene4 in go back t toamerdian and **d atiav ges fofte o which weyre ostauy n eelen thecans ahnost urr ondedtheis een i d c u OTm, b#AIgbr ie . I 4a eminot p ostiv thatinsait rception roomt of the d oeste ad smun of the one wiliriteot erd i re--thsbt heanunae peri- wu»as a ontrip t euaem utwho eit ed s tubonl. AThecAilt.frolmb -:-e +tdte* .r bavn thr sa iera rw or rct harpbave belen wtnes"e! There met Joseph the descendrin un ow evtter mcw e e-tiitoradthe e g mda d aesbofthmenof hav cuie evera moths rblo. I Wsheigteo athool.At wi athf r s e1rics tehneofBl er ~ ~ ~ ~ P perygt rtrn rcait hy aJacob. nding i a brighter Poroom turn t e ridian.arth, i e would co - ePue of the b irtaer wae an eanetst eeihlf hsslnddplc1n aig mr ta 000 hig mn btrýlt os oyro may heonly ued to iraeth el!ies than anything th"ymsaw ln Pharaoh's pat. love our children diaoeni teylaid patclyimns h aia hr ewsn eladfv es atn aAte n hao ugr a eetybe o f t h e p l e , b u t o w w t e d t e ; D a v i d a n d t h e l it t l e c h i l d f o r w h m std rci ado m t i e a t h e ir g h t a i l t h e w a y t h r o t . a c r w t'rb l n w , o u d e t k n p a e t a r e o r ec o s ngto n A g00 0a l d o ' s a m y . i s o t se C o u l i L Rdo tshs a hpi ic hb once feste a a ko h wwh e.dthers u Lz ilr* éiio.w il n a ncod w ore eita v hre h AnomMOr la lnd Uar D O UR TRnginonA DE t N O MIN' a .- i te se o d T efvre o f rn bd a s, th bl b n!,il rg t a hd,-, mey re gr so qIbelngan netra citics i kow , a ToisheBt a ba apaet- asinto A ho tisr Etedig m ndhe spe ks f h ave papa "h eme l na o usote G o g o k a .t e m s e y o he s s g o i ul a u n n r r , w h l h a h h .leadules of thek. Aew-b e t er o tatda - he re t-i te est ma ife te-by than"mltnt'e with ands, and hristin ou tex . fietrla t hd eaiet; Luter a ;ý lbnd a- wo e ß rso e otemot i l e te in FLU of SNS.hadpaneodfatNhmahspr . ntdSatsi hee ahents of compNA. an hanet Kto the Pl and at ion of hi ch v i s d a b n lt ole n a e e aght r b b m a edIo n b i a t taht th re. tffo tyhey rucen e ed n sti r gu p a ardi-Ge E naU Rtionsin C INs e rC o H as h n i h P a u l a s t o g i v e it e m o e a c r a e m e a o w a r d a n d t ra i o nh e r L s ; h o m b eh e g s no r y y e r s b t a e qs i h u a n d , h e a r i v di n a a i nmerrosda e c e d a n l w s s P P h e f o m u o n o fae n i e im p l L h o n o r d -th e I s "ir o e rlnmy F t e o use llar pe lsed, and b m ll ue s w ot» P lf e n mber 11or afor ty and m et ahe hav e a t h , h enud M etla no to ata tak and h . arila ithehe t p l c y t i o e n e i o k n o t e f u t u ü b n roomi s" e.opa.o o*h,,nehoway n o apatd o %%hyragend cidotsime l adane t nteSpns#thmrAfno Itallhe abd oriousworth e imn ifD. ca tintn fth v abe t rde d van- imncess ono-S, Theak dmely uth à'o uedoftag ct atbtgorosy mti evn ha n h evy daewill e- whiche arrived t vana hrdy al hdt e<n n ae edbOmeiaP 1ia I p a on a hevntonget oistbIcmogal h oms of tthouse s the r o t hat. heneuijon th m oin teea n 115 pns irathnts. Hurnite.past av endtriedfnly 16, o nuo Pdodations In p ro le ud snthe G og oneth o reenatuesm sul tfawlhoo , iethllhvemchto D rig hplsttreemnnts600,Pn- Anecedigy ivdpitueofNee ta n eot o atiiptriatepanceDe transl eat fhy ih lu ittio n He must hansthmad e cepIonLroom. nd Myat-_-_ Wesalwn t nwo arshv rivdtee t ss ht ias rsfthie pe-atronof the city i - A-erica luteren e , ut Tere tov qite mye. cInmy 1 i esbisedre . Theroom ar'shoeardte myrioitmom. I athe, ig ht awim ay, scth. Ig fstee heMdi oenmn assIng the en nueh. 2: 1-18. H str ed o tag nt beSta e edingth fronm e ne nonta o o n . Whaet aeroom t 1 afe te i'een e l- Theu mtiroes wof Hoeen.ubr Didr ory-aou reea i n yetis otheatp rte pol h iht aeu hi rs-ngt copne ny e en'of makpen Euopns Gochie"mt e pe t h ei bd id thanay,-hi fami Thawho.mothr's no e rom nd fo urFar'shouse is o t Se er tg le? D i o n ow wth en we deceI n uba VeAryvafewa wo e m re n d r ofd abut e ct lwEv e r rine nt of heU td ttit he This dofDitheauG re'soom atis te honromfW blngtotexoy lo»conppttiadnypu.a it if fou ndta ruin kand eo atinthe w a atumitemp öd i ide f upm thenor eph e h h abc lived in g be om . t ua tgri t hateis For a'sroome-that hf. bt h bo d o f etiOng Jesus Edwa s? Did eny ou knffoow we ad han tawu T op bem ar peen dbytii-brk th atou* o ne, efsreelittshae pm ntosposese by tiG rem n th i s c o h - l IIutr e i fe of oun tosm Mary t rom, se a cby, andthe In s : the ithoeroom. ofIt his no sesy tin o aoud usth. en liwe Pluged intorethat the oe S iseaeg wok e y II ae thema oulr aebe imydadds h ovrmn speae orsn n »m ped.Buatyo t nmgd a nd buid utheure rh o ge t t roeven t e youtsie eal e accient?éjo D eid n w biof dumpeint e ct y. wna hchis oy et ll buraged: oeudperhapi hen are d i cntinrfeenco e wi condtions over there ne- b -11r gae oout ior t btwordaug hers rma r-or o fsearkng's resiec. Duringth l eour back aiding? id youknow of that nitseetdsttiréeia l,6ad0may of hem A ck to x us whngl iv hpite aetwthete th tuwilbav te e a d rante Slai- Whe " n tegI hPrime owu hoe . cllanie tsenou i gl y og Fac-eraea.nn vtd nthe ot vict or.y? eret you le as e he n a lr eshav in arie tim s. I They erd t o- roiabnfic« tion ha th eg culdn be do ntnffrttauablp intepr t he0, 8,oher da a q1er ol ridrhaetaTdhok n h wrdsmmr o 80,sood udi gthe e- wesare frhavndDdyotel~ gtheMar i hfsi o n t a t en rase e HuinNeh emiah simplyetteo te trule ofWhle thelait on cabu ecline as ee d own dane D" ou n hl h ahrad mte r uiiesupoigo h aeo h ubraet hehutfou oPrio? Ad e ane r bo f hte speadoft e ver . h ftect edréeof he popleand mo gie Many deti t ofeIent io excheorFangesJW4 a A ftra the i gThousle, and.ev A er Pruen. luout inadmratin oue e, wh Mether teawi t or notthe Saihmrhnsadsceisae- 1 prhtop o he rbiligofte al.1ewenteStt Dprmetad1uo d byIlthe eve o grge%run tth la whe ta iméwas excitngsscon . La owring oret ell D'thanYeu o tewithem.w ,de ain C bj. et s o et h n to te teget«ieo 81 th elh o amtfakythtaaan"tedaoh ou tanu ntol ,, Bu oue. t m scy.eesT he od s O f pe« opl, ao und Te n y r oeart h udsm ay e e ent - onr dsrcs.gnr tio h e intdy. E But Jerusa-etoeretahn AmerImcaniinfluence in Chin 1 frterby ad om o myel bin cosnyinpetedb hegv u c htmutb h borpy o desem'o state wansuddfale sthefu l o se bin m adofte, andied nottenla reports for the ilr n o r eIIInehd ouslieate pl uein, juded mé ba Ge rman nditLW uYeusory of bâcoronatonstofees wieCiag9a h&gn s bentl ha hy mstntlth eie eu d. u mtn e withanthe ansprth a fo sm.bigeren t e rm ight news frm all imme r nitty of con- Ear blèare pnd T ei l Wavei DeIn- ado f . her neigbst the eropoa. wasn a r n p a ns i n t eee itha cnt inheu- de » t e grilhoshi t ahd ren, an aa the be exita ini g Ite ge sn fthe palce.qor sa erarch ,t? soryouofw recked romp e eln ecaIlan. Te ae n evertnihesae ted I t cAaud dstratace mof e anbytr adek Cie nd Tb utr haps grhae a !,IS My explaytagonationinery por Frechedid r r a nsd pln ets, siotory of anghe ie- e ws isar ugh ltyto ictorla , B.t C.,tby er rimewt inhe ap oaJe nel ma teG vrm tl rf rdt m t&i jcr l n utepet. . Go bit n h hll fr not aisterm um ,r.and te ollo e e oy vr . bo rvotofetigis-th fetea l wera fan appalrlihn g nm ietaS. They lue d c orne wtthe ide DfECL tE l AGn LAon VO t D. j, , he m agt stobmtmrth lvd an e o t sat 'K ind yunt efrom-myve altent koinled ald lswung, of tin g tebad o Ce raT (or Ber a- n tmpt t acompishmen dnt. Judg Gi b o nhe Gadysth e lmnoi . Act ethries t l, Ge au" on nd e-r b oe. ye e t use ate r nlr d he fud ha Iws nl Maot de d co ets.Yeuf wor1d o viand n f h aretoateMructrhi.lhetiichpe:o eeia atoaNtColntoa.ofPramn a Atawhile i bae et hiagei.Telyplaelrecrfer urid nd f thtfmlyro osuuFted hue isscndi in fte ru, oaed Suid iha odmaafJeuaeriedliiaioPAc ispssg ndldt famnt y.u inth bg andemany.ofth e in- o, howria eo et head itron rof m!e Autefwe heurfouch oneltmo whAt eteile i . Bh ornezRteo nd Ppu north- uN hemiahstim e, sucht as cnhe oundu eru arbtwsée.a dunosi- e.gtw.e ad etenesn n.a rdad i ."ert, nev-daslin ar flaisit fore mirrors n d lléew'have pased tho ugil nce wepatedeangtof Amboa . eA o ut 4,000 alaysth in ay bbcatlaes o rf od t i olndr, t ii onl b y Jude bo sofmengdctiié bs ca e dm îegld ha Wu .4 habtats ecRne yyoftheaprtmnthcotltat.aonne hoevr sweheiow muc mrethrRdgoad rosrsan Pauts wrekiledtAiladhsnful dmeéanintrltig eamferfécenatenthyopnio. n nmitaa'kFtrm ert rtrn rfr ote ale n trneomofte9rtan nl o r ta e nt w ithta e ttell usof ha rokssit rm h mutinsde-y e ppid oa en gyimosbe te rte a e s f tt ethean foreur 's Oure sparteatsare Hil le on a 1wu i ever for e hletteriN ,em- teyl haemassedBtth ghne w pa rte téerrie onssi ool ed down t t he tak. ote.irst. oth terybdyflclus.i te agac'iaai1tth to wesa Te orheretriearisals at te -Yd br oere rpl ado gpold. o n euh d 'uelThaaaml oo il e mn a neburyingla netemeéntethae n wrk e-hghnd o nfC aoeadhu pirio f Aer i c n taw, sbetning to.ý I tâ p eiasamnd of od's chilendveryu dy ser y f ca0 ia nd inowthltte uNofthemt mu oed oosbalcrthebing ome hudredsff Papuns who oland oue ng.a tie. utseodtha t povkeotrreandlwn btwentahaneth.d.» 1 Z= ýýbldrpn in oe wh enthnape rwil exidon d t e allcthe termuN aedl urthe r ous. "n m at he's*ho us nai h eir. eEIN TIE AM a chmn d iasigneod anc r e, otw n mad.awMn.tdeireote, was a nd e ed r o m i a l h e h o u e. e n t h ch li e s t e ett r S m i g f o m a r m n y o o s . " pid f h n éo v er " a g n the w o rk N o t c e T h eid e ci si o n t r nm e n t hisD o i n t , e r . ag y gan i expct ene r i thanth e orteing. What acoer to n o f briD-n t hto i e nitation toft rcoouteBer-tidltatec mnws ie hatcort hln g dFatcehapd Ru &bv 1. akethreetena rsidnc, thugt inethethr oeoomof he aleimmn ermon t T o rcesndfthe South Africas- c e ases te d odadytnomn tecntt toi n h i0IGIsth yo o l d i ketoge om mr prtcquaroftarinaoiFrdnndofS a nn. H w w a mil, toy t-a? I pbi r re ihtesotn oe re of rddihotht l eh P eemedolti e Saet a oeoe 6htesta- 1 amtl bi!.naont he;a ny roto m edh oes td-of MyExlsbt o n lan d, oTFronc ifa ofr ea ve ypias,#o ry wh i hllevie. f te Manlic e oba blyth moe eathle hicmeor "ot f hsae . N«t oicialpn P m Iife la p à ontnu.s- y eFthe' oueaeDayrom.ot aly ttheathoneroom of oureFth-o sry e theboire itha f t e nraphtre Nkewslyao n oft ictowigh a, li .,b e rourthlyth t hiscap a co wer e m e utee o whl gauraneest teinomel agm1i b féa taa r tbmets. Weo msha l o ll hon ero.,,om uta vswsetil1 r e r av crteok bmghostltertomsi b utaeight o una d t sau arl isn me .W hee aenal1wst b, hoarP be.inle ae. bt teret re smed nor emnotglir r orig nMas dr mos. f bthers oe. hema e u 'toz 'pc-ihues Oeth. 0Inthscalier is.30ar- uit may ceu ies befru, ll thtde D C A E L O L W V I..* my go pole whm wewol nt o . orou atersthon s trnewouralxes iled anot ith a rtl hsakingrneo .00yrs.A o t d the eo ple wered r euirl eto doý ' as tt lie wh in th e sglemon"rootm of gjrace th one of m era hon e ofa u reg o eesuo in dtienfthat intanceofbetewill(or thro),uh stil omrigiewebr n d vlublOmte P iAelph1aIat the 14 my e eterthn e re bt olnesa hrneofJutiea hrne o rtbu y por the next wrld t he wo nchs oosoidafh ThnbuTeteusd is. to b e rk led apebsk illedt l t% e"li t hieyi ateof aie rgent,àtper a e nt- unfiversa mion. T e g esPernth strad fwo ol ec s t upendou scenesofe bythe lBers a of uel-mantld, hti s' laboreri.bBut hare ithwould never dAfora nde1riee , Wtri, ptud lk on mee wid thmunnh sivrig ndtowrig efreitfo or rihwiso f and tee ayboepin en tl ofeewthe a t h nostin g ofi t he eopl e Pt o et a bdlihaitJeruam Mu- elhx atlir " bi poot r aie godnsresadwrhpwtthhmIn POh ersayMowe mayhe t ro e a ycome huaveno oucseatelhl ieutyofpreserv e coppe on ikel.of th is roum.lte strie ra ltortind So pety.ith a presi. dn t gt- mnei»psaean utt m od m hthetempee an wa kwd dihe nt he p a n d sit oe n it berside hi . "Ta hma n o n se nicher thanpe e- twea rane ofu,000ard run d ert w1 oad o tutes.ereay anIral h tw f aymihi nmdafe ero haebe tver anks butI amgladto sy thtNwe thatover omet wllI ranto iwth w Pn c ulture ver rou gt-ronsn o ierc amboyn ewitout spiiterig. t rerto hold annua u conentonsnd » th io s r Harw ly Bit, aon ti me stansty nhie Pr myro r.anhr's h ousete a yr oms . OT hecrwn ter oylfmiyo ti sm ajstcro hmsolce ntros sramaigatrrbewun-tig hudb dnsndn nt mtwil odgoie l h ry• sdrd h gs her ef i tedcan the . Beon r lin ho haveseenlhete Bont hree Ihope one ofus wnd beadsappo nted th the vaant%«"o 1= ý'b.i ck a dt rowel anMdic hamer, ent ftopJus , ciommaed by Bir a r. Three o t pe geats ge& iNwt E sse aatme u des .-bout w e ngthe re Ther el s omf or w p d ry hd cature and wereoccuyinga Pfladephiahavehe p&an. iblag es ritaisiin aigte epeoe u rvrtherN er fIi ewl oadtaeibti re htws edd otegsih n Sa nish tow. n, esa pp»kealeWtbfr t Whm.Durn test staemnt mae n evla ion, t ety- tis war drior flimthey re de t he< to e ah i t hrs outelyince sse arythatckthe eschannt gave their moneydespresum rot e tion by .toetthiu n g terme ie e h8 lhee vin , fistchp , ha tehevet.ei r to e t i n oPPe an Ad idlo o nl e etketergtwyadC rs sthe able-rifitiequvalet s nd teir me a iehgirl ofnobthberh. rtciw as wsto-abe owo f u rl*-o gsad t httlength a d"heigtd atf hra dw tin Spathi h rw ed oo Br, and ChrstisTho r, dwil ce rnmust h muiaptlm ntand eatrifir«Explantorev?• d Iec mandsing the etfound hims lfeeply .1- , and breadtnofhitmareequathsayuthatrstar in timeandt ny ah urs ous e t Harvard bula ntso Pailn e .kd b-, ..lw le tatndhunlah.hadin orv e withone ofahismebages. e af- an oultd ae Lhfueaven inse 9 e xtII on TukshcrwcheRosancow, th e osnt hfaerho ute s clock Ow riks lb-t a otn ls -hr ad ewrsbca ehswf,1n-ti1o TecptlofClrd, nu u inin ie on u*Iltfeetbnduen. ere enian row --he l t he crowam n s from a the onlyuse cod h oeyorwac ubi ng s t uhti n the osto ndis mnagwoige, mea r- hoe r iate South fi ca t w n ian liesialo ewey & A. iu ngdacertainportin rt hecuto i e h rh to en a inow tck. Btyo us"elan TadsScol.n b ct h rks an plno wordoeayndm. -:-5 Mhins 'ee ltngha heve ad hestees lnd end teiug in ain da mnds a r oud htbfreyu a»etr hre nds Ihv enslvna a anwSakOganTa.eedfrcs5ad noodweeux 15 tecongeo tebi ope that l tete wol mem star he t-r p ieo rcd fet. o erianpepi in ed ou t aino wer e you emay bsiesacure- et I that it willme ne in eace Ther penieswhich evero dyr as eeni was. has tan ye ars ch ayres ou that ed fEi ,ho nl . oiaeor a l y urin lia a y. Cme no w. ut '? 1 Th e focas f t1903ot h arvar n ai nois abays sme body st.andlng mady h. tt pnut o t tmth e y hadof ee n né fl ,te .. " e r .0(a 000.00o.se0are onm ach JesaY!u t abthe igw r e er the sun yur werybutclansdbeeton d t aoe r m0 d ents.he puig oéi morl tdow inta wallhat you artryin g t te oie degularly frsuixty-e years.I 17 eetlon. Laftu ie . pprteet • oes bt thisscesiejunesrn a trdcthwre youle not seejou a e ...l"che ive r siltyeo nWsc".reuid1t-s hrdrro.ebitepopelyal 1d.is00aofth bgnwk artcin - e Bu.t Ihe no ait h nteacrc o Isknd mstec rmsoe oaoe tiklirs tiag on the theavenlyhitp t e à t eda t kfi rwet ad aie b a wthaO"t hsOfhln ee"ndowt han had been ut nino irculaton. MNt. amoreqlW Ve oftht capo tio I Mi aikt loeead111 T ill nsuh.sal rseand stou more. ou a yho etedn y a -rnuero tonofeml t alta h i t t build itafirmly itie rthpl aice; t hnonesturthoftathn omer have evereinpe oo aeu wnv.b ualt.ial, andth ote wo O ,htthoerooatm ofCit ri e i" leon my nendd nd g a d int e r.Te ang inEngladrade f conribthitnvery an e at rcr b e h te pai .backto1thBGovenmentorex ma hd nug )oo nids"tworlg ter s hou s atere maron room Ous." .. ..e. hrem i c ic tcersin eg d Ii;cbset al.l . teams are isnecessary. 1- the tac, he agoi e-chngdfotohrhoi.Thy r nt o matlre no - fh rol att he last.o The'The Mus cà Room. -Of m rlassacrhwscanof uaclyainclinedpmakee hiotowntparable withn inkgeneralanuee;fthey(have nolavalue#asmcuri. wilyublian tt e oeitn tiA r ld ar hoen athrrmin oeur ,f a t O T S RM N .ingtane d a t n eseapplrd'itte t o n thePop ul ngure e a rdta mgd o sitie;Wheyhav nonbenInt brod fat tn heig ot nd vs pai te use oo . t.Jonandter ibe ..r,::=:=:sno e Theproportion of Latinostuden t ea. tchurch e twekad ve him to t soth- ht a ecm f hm T h nmg th reina0 mna i n dstictp ple may wmiter al k o m uh bou thed m si e d o - merig o h nx dl I un ayschoidsohsicesd esn hesoyi odog nit-.bereof 118000.000 they re stillMout td- M ab» l a cases ld iteikthoue tbuithcloset o heseand erhapi otsu c e he nearthasfru m- mogtet cand swte thinkofstrongle oug buit fr the m 'r niversi dty f a e r ia b a ltwo aé ndTo sah e forty-twoyea. P idiba h t he st, treetsaredcrowded, anthetitradi e i s md.fomtreblig trig rBeoke bhtobidint mrey oe omm nit, ut igtotoufndchidrn i Phlaelpia aewke.80wer the ew. r'ha c r o d e i n t h c m e t r y b y t h r r s o t h i ng$Y # b e t t y er T h e r e y r e es o ma n y t i s h o e r o a d e te M y bc I l s i e t r , re - ' t e r tin cl a s o f n vi n y i s h e no p e t e c r bit a t i m le me a t o o f h e w r d v y f o m ,0 0 a n o e f h e r c h s t l u u r e s o m n 7 C h i s i a a r.s s n d C h i T i c m p o .a n d f r e d n0 s i e t l d s t o r B w o nt e h s o y o h l e g m e, e r a w r e i v a dyS o e f e n d i t h p e s e l vst0 , 0 o . 0 , 0 0 0 0 N h o a tieple inPgetting ot of Othrdwl e a an Chit nor astan Crsn aandat nin thdehie atbl eung pconf venhite l rgnet I hi bedtoR binsn T elso sg el fteMarin tMegraphcal acietyof Enland hink ed erboo . btA ni sold nost wner fthat ave gone up f1 ro athaai thr o st doeoldrk es ad th kingdom tof Hal.eng e w :1,c0A0praer wasr good wy to bein;iut ed.wIt elievesa count or atneastoa Beritlha, St.diJfent or Winter al<"n uoinmpter moy atgv ou wi e ligndius t izhp Wenrwastandad, se aoarof t ch. eri andEngand ne n Inia.Itnpo- dos boks MY 1 at er' s bont are any oomis." The enots of the frotyar anyof th new ogIte rthe principleofrelngoîct, ze ýn- E dwrardg Tuckof e l1as of taea er anewith n enios w almosT pothe fordmtonofan in terationalhPresd e aurge kow aa Yeusec.ofnh- esll etu n hane da fagrithae the a &orthe oxogy.éutiha-oounn-ohepole so diylveoohsfther.éad.luti as t the e rst - th"e-wothew of S r wo rldceSu ihetoThtta e e esEnlish lrd ae eue t thi ma esti e homesilt ea n d e e f O r en meastasian anm ean nohing weaise arlr storm âle cl ou o f ob ale shwsin c r ssiheen. teing woulbve benpaedezret traior. anereJud apeCen.-:- bary tM L rdsCtrigCol tesan usb le uard smnsig oe dte ae.r FleI ga t Bea - ho dopt s this rincipeanlersand dpat ngthh o the tearer otrenalié e - myth erae eten eenty anPaé laI &mw der - theust r 's theefrotIl o, ndwear uhed t herefor, me. C, sa, "Do you n not bhe sr?" re must follwth ode ul' T e aioa-sscato fboe itesiay e. ad .e Il uch rut is;nf IeghtySpareg urtinge wo mla rse T e mpro ight int the ceýto(-n room o the old "er wa?"ecii edtebytndr. 'htieltek xibta te thtweae o bl o uldtewal, OTh oe ca uion rmb ray ege ih 500,000 a yr . IlomEt ntha t ii e pacerwhee we " hvmusic! ifthe cup:aopn the.,win- ilanoweeithmn w h cd»o f w lu ne wllmt n rbby ido raieho1eiusa tere hude seant eerl heD cesufBdor.a h Erstment the welcomet of henven.heThere dow of o ldeng rulein ue ss?- aruen.Lt - ai epftonffryasgahrd e w ba hepck ath onl ant udbmermt o f inhtrue, a u This unifrm iH r n ole tionofcati th WEN ettenter ad a plae m wich t cnieth user yro r w ell someyay, etited ldi e awllse adeals rule te nwotr T ey nbyatld( asd ignShol.l e f im ino metfecistual ay; justlbigt ma ethehospitalé as aili a r 0 o50 e aaeseC th inha birtanttshe ial.ent recl e M mastes M zati n e. Hn eland n ent rleaI , h ey revenabs leyues rpsiba s ringts eig mdetore ov ie w ne do nthcarielto ugest. T S an h mlre k e s a psie. te pyo f hiadelina atte sbra a oom of ý thred newly arriho -.Mtnes elssongan Bethovand o ddridge'd w ntth i aio n h r beeni l ed Anatemédn ha Lndn nie- Inariltiv asesimanover ieouen.t-theon urses obegiat $150om auarante e d o i its enal Telg worlsd tut hers gue anrd he vi e- wont cr e d, oetry wa ,-a , rh a mea nn e mst o obene s rmea-ttt talh t m n tan$000 oeas t wrk wih ee a ie t tin nlui ite, Pareil ha ne w ben ty Sh and nblofttheof irs far idade, pns Abel! IntasdWaeC wea ls o o estnla re enbytea ndworh o prpert. -b tol. haboututait io fteand hel y way addgit fnbebrh rtionnm, de Vte rWe, t er on tht om his lvngygret llnw.g m , rt e nliancholynd th- ofl dIat dr adint deas.hteioth IcroadrUivesit reeivs a equs t wokna al -::- mbasadrhCaytn i co er, e edemd he , ndhehr id spw ho I]n o c"roi ds ic7 shanýi and dtgre P ofl our pliiallfe ofaoua14,00hyte il f C l'hetouh o .eovh gea nd PopI.woaemhrlyhaereferd Rteeo. nt heCty her ight té eeonte ist" e mrae o i vl t n nan n Idaser tn." ita heear nHtmnahrav o vandEllis 40, whaicatnd 1and h eririnftethugtledfedn fom the hoiek fof the reentdarintran eriRchfrt d o Wht mntewhn h aced pri DrRafes wh woe f Hihinyo- uinssbt poiteson d rwah ae aeac mehs ebth m m nieln -teet o lalove ry bOnethefhien a ndNhwe t - gan,>asfugt o .,ta gretuein t el -bo: anBet e babout h n ere so f &,.lgh." a n saac W at .1rownýen.ormteoy c h.--e v. J.Fcl. Il rcnlyb nprwa-s H r- m fe henws of cowards, nd ia ntf enrod li.edo M oler ht Q ee itra eet m vr garead aotiohafr h h a wointt vstSiPho a bnyanmbrebtelnnBoklng. . Th i. Dr J me c miweklngnItha p1els'm evm eah ea snc 1à0birstantmenynot.llw1neina:ofhe er sonangd ot h im tallt eue es sin ati v i fe for hanwk u t provhed hme a lf O W tCron tgCon. povdeti hsYufo amrith i nwarfomse htoemh tier, n til n .rdW m e bi eh b oandltilfrobbe a mesta kso nhlora o the thrng al ur arhllfe i owilli be t heg reb tea guestttnthe ad in h er.-heetusam of te god mdaPobegvn ahyert.te.n^lwr.wtiutelii f h lntdStts I aina suaioro gti notfo oe scodtoseehi . hi ta tiry-sx easandsie y Ide polluin hs aProvceau ta d entho sadshges.nth e- fhoea l e nis rewded with-interest cand round numestheArca r a bin I ti a rD w Il bout o mp nare th t h e tirt sh o finxa an oge W. ent ru anda-cre a.insreyc a ndtcomereadM 1 han ver bened n d W sinto ad e n- urbma. k a··Pub c dng o te Pndd. a-Pedet-ol'o his ppea ranhoc i n othat ret io, r oo .s gmk a or "The Vilt. ele ga ter, t an s mruch tat alas ses aver iy tbsaeit, week.Simp rs. ahnd1-2 n u"oe'regt cas n iform ot ing bu 7,»00 A tnliwhe coar t e e ar v e ryb t tIeasto tontheip h la fI e t rar d c et j wasa tpGnniTeesofLoe.i i erer y h e e i n t e t i u anu f i tinthe remtiyon that many who web r aonalutey sondofre u a d servd. Do lfellon .t"a the ma 5e- ncM pau e wt h as ea f 0pull A Chinese getlem nlarety sn dsil o f drde afr iac -tive yn. I tls a rs .ign la"teraof 1 Ilstat rie llth a agmolles he y needTillsie-shbu tul aen onset emre vsthe of a peoplt e'scvltinitsthe quality cen thoaolee , 12 per O M"cn: Oh i pa i of ageeertoth ebldy o his hy s wr lcdedt dte ol oe to.1 a se råstsingr threamre tan y erth-t Ileold fa her tme n ad "nMre.-Rev, e w- e ya n,5prcn; aeUieshtyoantthy re ookd uonas ihe mrisi m ileof tregawk. The coitimated ce Tensvi s nd the h 1,tst tprim o nna and tf h or esga e t D ighbIouseCoaregatonat.10 er en, ad he esernWo a l's blomso % conjcg helity: tonofil b uilinthmciculain. "00,m00 e_ p aRI bu e o h tio olh o li i F titr' oue r m ni r dnu Cheo portg nof trd homat per olbeaeh ll a b I lSmt.lte Bu lc ; ia n ,o rho te tbrh v v r ,

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