ISb iai et buli ron pu ýO«* M&Mdy s of er M t utth s bld of lijc. P"awumade iBje; ký*6 416 et eolbutter rwu ééstimet a cvil governor ý* bu beausaflly determined 04» . b aunounoesuy idey. m amI»«Ms. M.theb.oldiors .haé aOMMe rlbdrvu tfram *8 IhM acivilI Gveruor Win PM b~4lUh1ito be u.ed If Re twooporuebs .aulortty. is b tk» *0 oivillgovernar ViII r4 SilIdisi». Gen. Ludlow at eoul 0ai Oveonor,o eenua, M100é aiol 1Wahington te I$h lme antherities au tisl '*tW ** melltioflOd lu cou- 4BOêWâs eiiU gevernorshlp, ai Nb. laeiai Wood,. Dllitary or, et Sannig. aMdiGen. M&eos. io avith hi& tamlly ox farloigh. m Vrark of tbe Cougre« scsea mww$er uae ttheb.mut lmt- haM»bll for ymae, vii m e «V o f the administre. «~oUd11tu0 ini ibsoul et à joint esoiution1 tatou" 01 fieisgoveru. i rallia ysrmausutly the0 : e lsPhilippine Ilanade.1 î» tâ hé moiutaeoft'nhe pro- 100oet of the Phitippine Mdot cfhe. 1reideut's uMge amembers of that The Cabinet bhansu- am th. Prualdent aud Ooumidaenra e oet 1h51 lb.o Yenc tae #âPhiuppines lIai IbIs t! lbmp lb. lida. *sygoaealvindestroy sqaIu on. John etth e mllrstba 31 ufphr. &Beud xho os$" gtelaie"t <fie lsas»du" la *ls lrbai tet aI * uhibsi aiqulied ami re equit. be Pooiséoeru. 10 haveo 1rai ffreect ofmi&alosuee LAKE ZURICH. lirs. H Heime ln improvlug rapidly. ý"John Steveus vlsited lu Joliet tlîi8 'Veel. M W. Hughes. ut Waueouda, vas lu Zurich monday. Mima Emma Ficke spout lest week st Irving Park vlmtlng. ladies eau gnus re ut tho prIze danice Saturday nîglut. D. M. Cushlnsu, ot Chicago, made a busines il Iero lut week. 0. A. Napko, of Wsuconda. vas lu je jePloc UiS 0je United States srmy ofilcera May inake bluniers. sud the Net May b. b.d, but vo nover amender. 'rbere la gaod mman 10 belle,. that Admîrsi Dewey true 10 bis recod. di bis proposingbiefore breaktsat. - Tbhat popbenled resigmation of Seouter Muaonoseera 10have bai a niîmber of conditions sud stout rapea attschod. Ulm ar&à Detmmbus etniiedPt Is reportei Ihat vblle sn Ohio homo tor a short vacation. poitlclna s mahlug a speech tbe Dra. Kendall, Clausius sud iDawson othor day. a burnet stnng hlmi on the ver. observel boar Monday. jaw." A polîttîcisu rtb a diaablod jaw Grand Masquosade bisuaSt ick's la indeei a pititul sîglat. bail Thursday evoulug, Nov. 3otb. Gutav Fieieer bas decide ot t o Tho par capita circulation et enter inte, the saloon buaiumm t Dun- AMomcan mulnes lu tbe Trimoavall il dee. bo matotialiy Increameil betore the wr The donkey outilI ou Our street.. la over. The Boers have capturoi altorda the youngstema ail kieds Ot over 1,500 0i tbem. amuement. D. F. Tonuem@ section ae lait Batur- If cougres. dn't thml au Bily day ras vell atbendod. Everythug ilason doms on the Philippine pollcy lhe sold et a gald price. wilii mealgu. Nov vould il do te, bave F. S. Taylor, et Chicsgo, irausceo Ougreos&resigu lutesi? Il sematee nome businesa ritb aur scinool dîrectar@ . ahv ll eluso h v Koehl Bron, have stocki i up fole lfui lime ie bai getting electei. vnter traie. Cuit and sec tbiOi JI Gen. Broole hl. tarbîddsu bull you vaut bargains. SLouia Knigge viiiloave for Bleue. lightlng tn Cuba, and the Clvil sata ln the ü future, reolie vîlî (loverour 01Havana wra rujved tram cenduot a crmamery. office bocanai lie torbade cecI ilght- Cali on AI R. Fiche and so the olce 1ug. liesurinile man ighting Itu tbe preium given absoiutoly free tu iUnited Blutes continuies vllhout inter. Zxap»T uticribers. ference. ev. Htmister viii occepy the pupt bere Sanday et 2:30 v. m., Let A youog oman very tooallsly vrote et there lie s large attendance. theine motîme a letter 1 saIkirtl toary Home of lhe JeU rey sud Shsrkey mou sud one la hlm bout girl. The shirt are undecldd ow bat10divlde ince &lie tsutory go$ au invitation ta go bug latter claims an untair dociion.. rldlng aud tihobuit girl gobas rouait Everybaiy eau gnusetaithe prize us dance Matnrdayeveulng Nov. Itti. et tO "moud samples af thne staff yen akîrta Fiches hall. Vaînabie prenants vili bce are made," aud ltho youun uman rishai svarded te, the lucky anea. Come for lie bai nover beau bora. s gond lime. Ed Pederson, torîuerly oftIbis place, Eggs are higlier this rail Insu a year nov et Algauquin, wmile et vork -lu agoansd vere hlghsr s year *go than the blaclanuitin &hop bai a steel lver the Isîl hofore thal, and annbservting run into Ia baud sud bhuai poison fermer acconuts for it by tins tact thatj bal et lu. Nis frianeiyltlee orry t0 bmwar o hi&. mistortune sud hope people are ralmlng mare taucy poultry. no sorons resulte yl provail. Heo asjsthen nov hnd et peullry ae so Üigla lred sud izy that they have ta FOX LAKF. . holft te thir roolâsset ulght sud lir. H. Strattoan sd rite more Grays- tlaey si- o to lazy ti)iay oggs. Tine old aIsh alomrs ounlioudsy. commouelied, vîthout pente or pedi- DUa. J. Lue arai St raylale ou grec, laid eggs early aud lbo. Dr. M. Lalîn, et Long Lake wG GEaL KE baried an Tumsday.GA E L K . Dr. D. Orauger rai a Foi Lake vis- Mrs. Bilas Wrghtlel vimillug trionds itor liut Wedueaday. lu thî Dr. H. Mîdeudorf, of Autlocin, ie Emmett Waters' salsf uesdsy ras painting fer 8. Gilbert. veli atrooded. " eM. T. CeaIe, uf Antiochrmade a uew Mie Viola Edlc speul a tev deys lu cisteru tor Dr. W. J. CaIne. Chicago lait wvmS. lMis. A. Tweed enlerland relative. Benjsmin Jaunea wil bave au Section rom ellils ou Dendsy. aie Tiiursday Nov. i6ti. Mr .Tweedrai calo4 ta Lake Lottlo Cha-d, of Chicago @peut Bun. Vila n umn... aturday. day wlth hier mother bore. Dr. F. L. (lger sud vIte vere Miss Maggle James las.pendiug the Digbtonocaltera Buuday oveulug. rock vitla frianda lu Wankegsn. E. Browaentertieod relatives troin lils Carnle Antlu, et Gaylake lm Anlioch, ÂtoB 11Coter sud Waucuu tieo guoat ai Edlth Witinam titahe. onsaBndaF. Mis. Bmavey, of Chicago, @pont a ter Dr. A. abwran bas the ympatiny ai isys lait rosI rltla Walten Shubo sud Ibis oomllunlty lu bis receut aflictio, 1e. >Ite 1theo deah et bis moîhet. Dolpin Chard, vIte sud baby, ut Chicago, voie Sueday viaitora at Mr. Chamberlain,@ Pain saum cure* linsou'a. Otiners. Why flot You. Masbel Jeffera Js @peuding tino veek My vite hma beau uatng Chamber- rîtin ber slator lima. lurgeusan at Iin'. Pain Batin. viingeegod remîlt., Deerllold. tor& alame shonler thai hma peinait Minm Carrio ciard, et Chilcago, bar coanlnuallY for nine years. W@ speutal or dasmet bem homo lier@ bave triai il induet fmedillues and Ibis veel. dactoras tenot recelving miy bonelit Johu Brooks lia etumei te bis troua sny ot thes. One day w a hmvo mvatra e ay ii an adverttument et this medicine sud-inmstWlaIaerafrsy vsî llngbit 1lrylng il. vhlclî dld -viit rleuda home. - vilb &lis boit 0t satiafaction. Dine i The regular moutbiy business mest- uaed ouly ans bottîsund ber abauldor ing of the BpvorthLnuen willlho ls almost rail. Adolph L. Millot, hýeld Saturisy oveng at lbe home a1 Manuchester, N. H. Fer sale by 1 tattie Jamea. Y. B. LovzLL, Libortyville, J. B. De. Ebouezor Harris and bride have Baàlacuun, Ge, F. L. WasvZiniN, retuneed tram s brlef vedding trip Booltelier, GaIs,ÂYiLÂKUPgtSnIàcy, sudare et hume la, their many triands JoiuliLaIvauhoe. lu Ihoir nev realdeince. Vs«r 'r and Jacket Sale We offer 20 aer ce We offer 2ospnext meek ou any Laudies', Missos' anîd Clildren's Garrunents in Stock. Seo theni. CUL SALE of Women'e (Grey Ilibd Wead Undriaar- itr regular 65e garment rt ail Votoniy viiiJO b old aît...... SPFCIAL OFFER in Men's tJudrwear- Otur reguhtr 50 Ceint tait ntriped heivy-tltis gar- ~Ment you Cal iîtîy ileit week-eacli for .. ....2 4THE FAIR, Mr@. Shersan id sulhoyisdeils ,0 submulplo»madadvslau. for 'thé IEiwavmoeM» or*doslm »i jb piltnbm. 0. u hiebS fosra0 IehQ.44.444...---------------4*.e 44.*u TIME TABLE GNAYSLAKE, ILLYNOIS. à. IL 10:18- ..1»x P. W. .. 11:4 .... P. M. :4V suuday ouly I Dsllynxcapt uuday. zDalir. W. B. HIaLaIE. Agent. WIOCONOIR CCENTAL UAILWAY CO. ed. lHendaeslàla lu Chiago verhing for the Deiug Machine Co. LyonuHarvey atartai 10 attend the AtheumsBusiness Colleg lu chIcs5?1 lait reel. 1 Jobs eesahotiz returnai troum Bum. uer, Iowasbasé veel sud viii roman bore duriug tbe vimtsr. Dr- BORn11e114es, 0ot SumBer. lors, bronginî a carlosi oft Ile f rom shoe. Ibis rail. aellinq tbem t'O Lake Coaty fîrmars. The village 1ai dealded ta bave tb. town boune brick venesred * vhlcb viii makies amach botter obins structure. Word reocived trao W 111. s rdlnier vbinoir ua uKansas, alaled that hi& brother vbo vas very Il] diedlents liouday. We sympathise vitb lbe bereaved tumly. eapecially 1the #ed parents Who lire lu Vola. Day Ployer Hîve et tbe, Ladies et tbe Miscabees viii hol a soCiall Ihe Woedm.n Hall DoIt Tburaday aveu. lng ta vhich ail boge Ia&ie@avho tlin1 of jeluing aome beieflt OeNter, togatb.r vIlla their huasbandsand suarelburto are cordiolly luvltod. A pragraro vii ho rendored sud liglat rotraihmeuta wîlI ho eved. There vîllbcho n admission tee. The Apintits of a Goat la onvîeul by aIl poor dympeptica vbase temach sud lver sre oeutof i erder. Ail auch aboulil hauer Iat Dr.1 King'*sNov Lits Pis, lb. veuderf ni stomsch sudlilver temsdy, elvis s splendid appetite, aouud digUst n d a regular boiily habit tbat inaures perfect boulin snd great seorgy. Only 25 Couta aIly. B. Levuin, Liberty- ville, G. B. Tauona, GrayiMe.. He Fooleel the Surgeons. Ail doctors told Roulai Hamilton, et Wait Jefterson, 0., &fier uuffoing elginteen menlthIronm Rectal Flukla, ho. voulil dis aniss a Coutil aporalion vas pertarmsd; but h.o ured bimaslf vith infve boxes ef Buko'iusAmnica salve, the auroaL Plue cure on .agb and the best salve lu the. rml, Moesa box. Sli by F. B..sLovura,,Libiety- ville, (i. B. Tauolia, Giayolalo. M" td.he f«Wdmmredildom MW dwbolemum Thon.wuva @"len ali lrcauf rr.aket 1h. ivtehjlunu (thneh e"oc mat .k Prida, uo. Om ecar ftolu td di" aMd anether almoit tiunbled over. 30 oaa ra kamil. TIare rais bail vrnal la linîvango. Via.. OSurdar nlgbt "lartrains mouse- rIsi. Or sfat uit *il esu isadeil trou their IdWaut, loua eMunchlait EMeaar ulebi te lmb up a lailder loto the leva boume te ote thir nuni, yamlur. Rail it unir bsa iayltebt. vsabouililbave anuol eujoyed the pltuwssus iihtà moublav bis. te vslob 1mw aienilueand desmeai laua te sud tron their lIcttrperob. T'he nibe, oferoule <ihater O.0. I. bell a uriirim parti os thoir Weuthy lilirce, lir. Biler. Md pasl Vesthy Patron. lMr. BIaleyai 1their Chapter mama lait 5aesilsyeveailu. lu boue, of te retia trom thair western trp. àA auS proga vai rendaeil sud *atrehuali mreld aO Il alà@ha00e8s903. the Wortby Malron sud mmnt ofai. tfow to Save Mon1ey! One way'Is to buy gooda where you can get them ....Cheapet .. T Tlat laT. Try lt. 1lîbTes..................... ...... ..... 1 lb Tes ... .......... .... .... .......... i lb Tess... . .. . .. .. . 1lbTe& .........: ............ 1 lb Best Tel ........ ............. Al Yeu$t, 1 package---------.... ...... Iruported cleanei Currauts iibJiahiug Fonder.. Elue, per lb ....... ............ Soda Crackers.,parpen Ginger Osape, per pouni ...... liedsý ....................................... Cranborls, por qt .. . .. ... . . .. 20Io iSgar ............ ..............I NevFruais, per .lb........ Necturinem,....... ..... Park, .. ..... ...... ...... Lard, *. ............. Boneless C-imu Beet. par lb ...... ... .. a i.. . .. . . . .. . . . . HAINE Geo. Battershall, :SVILLE. - - - ILLINOIS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb. - Fnrnlshed by Ab Lake Oouuty Titis & Trent C. Abstracle of Titie. Titiesarate.I. ,- àmaaic Temple Bldg. Wankegau. 111. LoWis J. Guaumz, Scy. 6. D. Tsicott and vile te M. J. Homoe Pt lot i blk o dd oL tvl 1o JsC.aker te Androv Oison i1n% lu a 0 cr e 28-66-qtowu of Ani lc w d.............................1< B tJan. Iron d.,d tu Jas. Godnlot 2"LaI.k.. Forest Wvi... om Va. B. Hartigan t. BIdone Mandel Iota Il aud 1.blk 67 Hiahlafl. Park wd u3e abortif Il -C. e .Bye. kam1ltts' Mud a blke.C Sutdd lte Wauconds id. 1871 15 'lot 244 erVare-sb bi &4lihblaiud !oohNeete itandmil W. Durn lS Lskoeoit w d............s lima J.lilile te John Palmnrton ptne qr 14-11 ltownoftNewport wd &W Eizabth rat to Caiton Grant Il àia . O Wa .J hunnd a nil tu ., t, .O .. .. . Ls. B. Juhnsunad wustu W. rHut. lat i wmi.......... .... .. s A 1i L. Melne d hu o E lOlan L.,I.Iotea aand 0blk le Wasb- bursrq edy.............. ..... M e ll&HPaWb and ilto Aunis los1,%9 snd 10bik 19 'j asbburs q01............. VleC.Noe=soansd vIfo, te Robert ie kl1.a iLvtbstPt surqrmvWqr of mec a oamw. ilV. 0.NSI. sdoim e qr of eu tsud of theo@ MWq wqr of amc I Ih linsIr otf9.W0P, mts .N aithe .1Wofe e rCf &5.eV.a B iS-1~1 ,duothenaqre vte *-te lla qsuand a S neqr ne cr -'Me sv qr maqr as or eme ud un rr M qr e (r "0 41I1v d .. lme Ent-Ila A. OGansd hum te Lonts B.LehUeldt 4 bk 2subd f en h;t it1 lu iu--i Mvd...................... l$lç thOe b m- ai n tln's a ClManoefor ,evoey _Man, Weud MW aUd Chlld to Barm Easy Mon.y. ..d Our Moniy saving Value«. MMa Na.gii. ...r.............................S8 Chillt.a 31.1*mmd ........................Z1 .... .. ........ ............ 180 1*11eV a a I7" Vàlig hala........................... 39 Li40t priât, P- d ............................... ......01 Cet Pricesu on AilCOr SMu. . . . . . . . . . . ..u. . . 1 9 m«, un0.b to ea. ..................................... 189 13.0 *. ... .. .. ...20 i bbi (4 isol) Washburu &à Crosby.s uperlative snd 0011 Muialllor M .. ........ .................. .......... 39 15 bais RAB ORP ........................................ el Carpet Samples. suitable for Rugs. 25 per- cent. off f rom cost price. F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Illînolsi Mm Paro. of Iwhskies. te amlo.d aM cel lulaths alocso f W. Edranla Mm ua.Ouilnhm. hiW mnthe! tru Bustier. III..vwatlua VUthWh. RsY. kevsa.. ot Chise. hbua ssoyait a maI trou the Cougreffational chureh nt is plame. Mmr. feury *alth nad dsibter. litm Ksunyhsvs ovsd ltethe eést ~lu Dla r. Beuwes houlse T'he Laiets Aid Bcciey viimeeI vtb mmlisusHgeyrinuit edusmilanov. lomh. Ail aillis are lavllsd tle b. rapent. T'h. Ozayslaité CMMe outmyce met astht M-. Lucisds sRaniSMlaThmaudsy sfts- Done. Quit. a . »niber èreont. 0.IL Ber bas ireurnad te hls hou a I ibo al«. Wl... theret o anaius Ibutudl iu telswsphy'gItb the nsmet tPlaus, mmra. H. H.Neville vilsi ber anm uMd Motus lu CrY&Msl Lake ad ber mlu AgOUquIU lait rai. Ilb. returncil fsIur. dur. liMasaLIlygesi dn iaêleJobnu ofc Cbikaeo. wviatai es. Gariniuer lutesudY sud partiietsd lu the surpris@, on Mr. Mdi lima Bigle. Wlter Geitrerdrova ta Wamka lMa Ouudsy sud Mr. Wlls aera" tvtb "i.te dnuab up the voit lu the Ula Yard. bavihg beau prevantailhy mikm» trou etmra sooner. Mr. sud liMa.D. 0. White vsnt teulilbues Tusodar te attend tb. vsddiacorMats Jescle Harrda te Mr. Thon. the lattar bslua su old chem sud mhoolmai. of Mr. White. Tbor returasd Veismada. Mmr. J. Wsabburn rai vsry burrl.dly mimd t1 Oak Park lhit reelThueudar ytS sorlons liums. ot ber, r. VWod. Mr. tWedion B« u trilar. Thorbath retumusi Tueadayre»Portln Mr. VWod eut of dange. Ravis« aidehb*s ecailseS a lusavit. tis veek. Daniel Bock moveil hl@ lisoi lite bIs boume la Grayalas on àlpla Avenue lait Wednmails. Va@arm ivsya «Wai te veloome soucil ftleua. lut. cnt -Mat. Mia.u. Bieseadmoved tulite ler rousetorJ. a Munries boums ou parit Avenu. 1ai st ads«Y. àA fIIilsudan~ etlie. mmd hsd th bs eaortua. te break ber collar bose lat rushbut absta la sh Iusproved ai Pruent man nthe mais. Pu rchaser. - sm D FAI YSEVINO N4cHlN 1Posasis art'hs moei. Improvemneni: to e b. ound lutu y IIiraiclmachine. SoMdatiprppku. Varresudrd ympers. MMsAurCruan &V LLD.ffD ZwNw NICHEZCo> RecjcPOa. ILLINOIS. Ever purçhasd for the rmoney. ALSO AGENT FR NEW HOME.. Ail Drop Head, 5 Drawer Machines. E B. SIIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. MENS AND BOYS' Ileavy Duck Coats AT A BARGAIN. Having purchased a lot of men's and boys" heavy duck coats at two-thirds the! r actual value, 1 will give purchasers the benefit of my cheap purchase. Men'a 1Ued duce ou a t ete....... ......... ...$2 0 11o81y.' .. .. meto '*....*** *100 Al»aOlo 01 "Vy and ligh vou.toclase.stlocto ..140 HuaVy vootl 11ud Corduroy vénta $1.45 and.............. . 1 78 Oviteesis U.60 -.....0. ......10 00 meons Bua i lt. .................................. 10 04 A large lot of men's and boys' wool pants at low prices. A good stock of boys shoes feits and rubbers. W. W. EDWARDaS, GRAYSLAKE, - - - ILLINOIS Ws catin the public agalaut purcha>..iîg Imitationsaofo eso" e~tma of oui maelie. Vo keep- up ritb the latest develepments la the est, n&aw unothing but the blgesat grade et produci, and have échinveil iwqaauiâ;snom»iaa tasale;. bancs mauy allupis eaIIminatice, as-dý >091 eue of Our tilde nmre.. Aiasm Uollq, of she-ellaptillfera ashows abeve,béea om is. iced,-ad plarel .epou the bond ot .very machian de hi mi. Terms to Suit Mm lu - 1 --soi