LAKE. COUNTY INDEPENDENT. Vol. Viii. No. 7. Some Pointers! Some of 'the beit dreeaed men in Lakte County are werng pur Overcoat-SI5 to $50. You can tell Our c garm enta by looks and service. They excel, 1 WC have - -a fine new Unme of- -goods to select froni. The- -latest things in Suitinge Ovet, -coatinga and Troueerings.- -Noveli es in Neck, 1 Wear and , -Gents' Furnishings SANBORN & CO., Taiors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway. Office over Lovel'slDrugbtore nousi Fon iTo 3 AN], 6 7 >. M. Libertyville. - Illinois Dr .L. TAYLOR. office over Triggs & Taylor',. 7 <0 10 a. ni. 2 t<c4 a;,p. i. Rmidenc.3 un ltroa'lwky oppueKit4. Park Libertyville.Ilîlinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Phiysician and Surgeon. SUMU0UeUoWprOuJimLai Vu BLpaE! 8.0 OurnOS.-- - - - - ---II Dr. E. H. Smith. Offi<rê over Lake CotiInty Bank, 'lu"1 Nî, IR , Ili"c. cc lA PAUL MacGUFFIN. At yand ('ounhllor at Law. WARY PUBLIC OrP!CP. WITH LAKE Cnî'NTY BANK, Libertyville, Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNE~Y AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURSFRY. One ml, . o. i f L.,îigcc ". 1'. 0.. l.atv vineand 14 mai3 F, ucii« W. H. MILLER, TOINSOILIAL ARTIST. "'len yoT1 wat ait a itu i.'.'Oy good hait eut eaul on "PIilI." CliiOCt BRAND8 0F <IOARS. Nit4coor T., W. C. 'r'f6gesI,"Sh8ore n ora" St , Scor..' avr! c-1.y cd. nBd Sundat morlvas. Lake Count Bank, WRIGHT, DYMONO 4 Co. LIbertyville. Illinois. eesInterest l3euriîîg (-ti cates Payable mui)Dexunod. ~LOCUTION AND 11USIC. Haviogi comipleted a foîîr-year' ~urseie ulouit ion andclTImulsic at 0o Chictigo Musical ('oui-ge, 1il in epareil to t~elîi ndiiducîls or lses those brîanchîes. For in- rmation îtîldrattes, îtpply' nt niy tf . MfiisSCLAjRA AvFnirT T 0. SINCLAIR, Clonerai Biacksmith and Wagcn Maker. atical Ho.s Shoer and Ferrlier. i--f b raa e _ .E. ILL.. - - - Libertyville. %.-FI RST-.. grand Dam! AT rTHE M VOSO TIS, Ilf Day, November 25, '99. Profeeor SiitWe Chicago Orchestra wall bu"id music, Refreshee Good Stabling Accommodations GRAND BALL GIVEN BY Youag Men's Caiholic Club' of Libertyville, Thanksgiving Eve, November 29, 1899. c -IN > LIBERTYVILLE Town MHall. ProL Smith's Chicago Orchestra will furnish mueic. Supper will k e eved ini the besexnent. Everybody lnvited. THANKSGIMIG - DANCE- Thursday Nlght, Noemb.r 3o, a899. AT TUHE MYOSOTIS, Haif Day. This wilI bc the Dance of the Excellent music by Prof, Smiths Chicogo Orchestra, Refreshments wiliIbe .Served. Oui -Stbling Accom, modationa am Fr. Libertyville. Lake Coufty. Illinlois. Friday,, November 24.1899. LANDED IN JAIL. Crowd Threatoens 10 Lynch Two HreThleves. e Laut waak Tbursday ntghl a teau rand barnem vera tokan trom the barn of lira. Amaila Kllpp snd a bnggj grominbe table of Heanry Meyer, o Rimer. The tIbfrt vus dtacovared &bon 6 0oclock Friday asornîng. H. C Mayer traced lb. taam ai faru aniaf Weber'& farm near Fairaild, vbarabh lit lrack of them. Accotnpanlad b: lit. Weber lia drova 10 Lake Zurich gn. talopbonad a description of the te"s te the Chicago polica. They la turt ent yard to ontlytug police mdation& anong tbam Irving Park. Whou tht talephona description cas tanded ai Irving Park policeman ha laid, li, gol tha men nov. He tepped tu0 watarlng trongh vhere tvo man hai alopped to fead thaîr team, and placed tbem under arrest. The men at grog emphatically profassad thair lno cence, but Ofily 1 bruite dovu and con feeeed and vara held, swaltlng the arrivai of Constabla Spunner, of Lake Zurich. Relurniug vlih hie prisouers ko Lake Zurich by vay of Barrington the dongbty conatabla had aabolng axperleno.. A crovd 0f1flfty men had eongregatad at the sdation ai Bariog. ton, more ttom curiosity tissu, aleare tA take tha priaenrfrom the con. @table and stilng them np. A rope vas procured and jaatingly filvae agred to gîte the Ihievea a gffld Meure. As the constable aligbted vilh hie prisouere the crowd snrged forvard brancilahing the rope and yeUlIng like glanda. The bluff wortee and Il aver tco mon cere thorongbiy frighlaenad fi vas thocatvo prlaonars. Their faesa blanohed a daathly bue and vith trambling kneam ihey clnng deaparate- lY to tbe constable, vbo vlth dravu revolver eaeortad lham 10 a vagon and ther vira bnrriedly driven tu Lake Zurich, vhara theY vere@aaiely Ianded la the cailbooae. A hearlng vas beld before Justice Ficha, of Laea Zurich, and the prie- ocarf heM 10 NIeo grand jury. They vers taban 10 the county jet] at Waukagan lionday atternoou. It developa tha men ai onasimae vorkad for Mr@. llipp an" Henry Neyer et Gilmer. Their Daua, ara Guatav Iladen and Rudolph blihrmann. Eleclion of Pair Offloers. Theasaunua] eleeîlon of oflicers o1 the Lake t ounty Agricutural Society vilI ha beld Des. 69h1 at Lib.rlyvilla. W. have Dot heard of *Dy posibla can- dlidates, but no doubl thoa ara nmre. Let thera heras good tur u ot of inembera. Thea annai meeting la the place to do vhataver --Bicking"' le 10 ha doue, and by jour premence and assistace lu electiug gooci omeers, tbe hast Inleresta 0f the society ara servait. No Lonzer a Rêpublîcan. F. L. Carr. cho racantly sold the Wacaosala Leadier- 10Brooks A Born- barn, gîtes as bis roanon for bis relira- meut front the field of jourualienm hia ,-change of faith", ln the tolovint words: «Wliecce venturedlintu thielAeldout ournai- lent. ce cere fait lu the falh rfthc Bepubli- cac Party tînt bave dlIferavl front uarr lead- crs un the linacicial piank. iraI andl eree-ver oî,liosclSu a car nf agareaalon. Tha" icankp nov nover the ilatform ut the Party as WCeInterpret 1< Bnd consequanîlr c. are (but fsYmPat<b dth-beParty-. it le for ihic reason aOne ce deelddi) l sli. WiIi Re-builld. Au officialI atemant wvas Mianager Lott of the Amreian Steel sud Wlre Co. Tnesday, vich makea glati the bearte of Wankegau people, and in fact aIl Lahe COUnîj rejoicem wIth lhem becanae of the glad llidings, after &lbe day a of suspense and gloomy doubla ]est the vira vorks reeuil bnrned shonld uos bc ra-buli. Th. atataemeuls fuilova: Tho Amerlean Steel & wlre Company deaira te acknocledge lue1the Honorable Mayor andl City-Council. thebus tinesmen ut Wauktégsn. sud bar Citizan» ganeralir thon"rfuil ePPreoiatiOnof thîe action of tbe 01 inonuali. and 1theencouragement Ian thieCompany bi' lbe citizen@ of Waukegan Dot onîr lu regard ta the me-building of the Wlra Kille. but as ta future aniargement ut the plans of operaton ofthe Companr lu Wsukagau. abotid the iCompany deeide bore- attar on mnab aulargementsud va a giad toYte eu yohIat va bave dacidail lu re-builil tbe WIra Miii on an eltircîr modern Plan. Imiroing and enisrglng te sami- ver? mu3b fron thebaolil structure. The cork of re-bulding cilii ha arricilou entireli' uidar the dIreeticuof utp. H. E. ies. and Waukcgan lahor ilii e ait tîntes ha gian the irafaranse. AMBICÀUcSTBERLAiND WKIR CO. Bi' E. C> Loi-r. Manager. There ara nove more than 71W4 men Bt cork claauiug up the ruina of te oldc buildings preparabory ID lte great lim- provernanla imrediately lu ba anterod Upou. A Bl PI1 . J. S. Gridiey, ot Prairie Viav, re- ports the tale of the J. 0. Lemmgon fsrm8 of eighly acres aI the place. Cousider- lion, $1004)par acre. J. F. Wells, 0f Hall Day la the punchaser and wclii occupy the farM afler. Jan. laI. Thise PropOrtY la thàlt iciuitY, but poban- I ly le'nt excessive, the location couald- ored.a About 7001 men are at vurk cleanlng up the the vreck et the vire vorks. Thera la conaldarabta palvage latilia vay of vire, etc.. Ibat viii be pntslde or ahlppad 10 otbar plante to bc dravu over agalu. The Chicago papera are nov gus- Ing as tuthe meanlng of the bg land deal uorth of Ibis oliy. Mr. Wialock certaily aa)acteid un admàirable lo- cation for a greas manutactarIng concerie, ha haring @Mared a mile of laite froutage vhich ruse back about threa milea. luaIlH the 2,000 acres wcl cost about S50,000. The options are for $5 per acra and ruau to Febrnary 1. There marne no roofli for doubt tljat the Waconsin Central railroad la ta tha dea.l. llovnuch, il auj, onltcal of the road alona knov. Bunday afternonn at 3:30 oclock le ýy id le lu it ie occurred tbedeath of William Hock- ad&Y, a roident of Laka couuty for fifty Jears. Daatb came aller a taen dAY'ffcines, tir. EUockaday'a advanced age combined wcll he ibaaock cca- ioued by tha death of bie daughtar, (Uli. (Yuîhia BbCock) w chioccnrred ai Ahevilla, S. o., gabout Ico ceeka ago, brlngiug on bis lent illuesa chich trom the tiraIs& et Stee aataeaat na- ture. William Hockadjay vas born lu England about aatauty jears ago sud cama 10 Lake contj lun1the eazly 40'@, resldlng near Milibua. Hare ha vas rnartied aind lived for thlrty jeans. lUta cidow survîtes hlm, thein dive eblldren precedlng thaîr f&ther tu the grave. The funeral vas helit Wedueaday mornlug a& ilt o'clock from the residelice. 319 Frankln atreet. Rer. H.O<. Laoard oilliated. Tbe bOdY vaslaid 10reat lu Hlîhura ceMatl er!bda bis dangbtere. WaukagauIla wililng and ready 10 do aIl lanlitepaver tu aid the A. S. & W. Co., lu rabulildng Iliaplante bere. ] This vas the unanino us opinion of I SI ~rI aYear in Advance. Elcri alwyomWuewntSuggestionS FO rf Fox Lake. A Walnkegau dallY aye "il'hrelmT a k g v n i another source uf excitaient ilu Wa uk g>land it xl as cauied ia turry <f enthuaiaamInlathl real eNtate ile. Lyon's Perfection Sage. per package - S Il la an cipecrle row 1 fromn Wauke- Anderson's famous Jams, per can - - gan Ilar boy to Fox Lak P, w Iti lranches Anderson's Concentrated soupe. per can - - bars and there aincg the lice t,, pointaeo01 ntlu t large tcuigli t, ,.t Currants. cieaned and stenilees, pet lb pkg as feeders to the main limin frîlight Raisins. fancy seeded, per lb pkg - - and pausenger business. Prengiuni Cooking Chocolate. pertIli pkg - - R. D. Wyun le working in iVanke- Picalilli and Cucumber Relish. per bottle- gan in the Intereat of tihe proict.crm,, wbo ever tbey may tpe. Mlr. wynn Chmpion of England Pr-as. "Lakeside" brand per can bas b>enu circulaîîIng a petitionu aiucig Eariy jone Peas., Eureka"~ brand per cao vroperty owners on mmillion sud ciay- Marrow Fat Selecied Peas, per can ton etreete, and one cl theAe Ntteets ics Good Cooking Rice. Sc per lb, 6 Ibs for-- coveted by the projectore licr a way tic Finest Importsd London Layer Raisins, in 5 lb boxes, ,ghe harbor and Brns the ravie.fla$.1,t Miadison street la the most îicsirecl te-fo L5o -- - - canus t la la direct nue witth the prucî,- Granulated Sugar. best grade, per lb--- erty the Company deiires Ii jan Largest variety of good Teas and Coffees, pure Spices andD tlirongh on its way ont t.,cardc the "No C cpSuf- htyuB yo s1 The plan la to take lu ail the lakee ha tf-- ha o u fU terrnltlUg Bt Fox Lake. biranchea lu Atlocb and dîcca itrle-k street to North Chicago for feederm are priîîiîsecl. fi la the Intention of thte Compaay tic Ovu itë right of way, sud alte'r cris- lng the ravine ln Waukegaîi tbhe le laid) ont oser prîvate pruopty.iv 1< the Intention Ici mn tbrougbhie <lî fair grunnd site, the Wtzel proc)erty andl the Douglmasprîcperty, and) the uagotlatloaa for righteîiver lb.- roper- lies have begun. or lthe deal, but Becerte thaitiie're le plenty oicoapltiw ebind Il ail, Ail But ComPluteit. Work un tac new railraod gracie fîcr the si. Paul extension tac Nîppereink la completed fruai the (ntpcrection .sith thut eompaa3em track et Ljiberty- ville West to the J. -t. Davis, fora. Here there lu coneideratie wiritIcte don@ ou a deep tilt, lut an,,ther wtk ahould tpe sOuffcient tiue Ltiuilcîshthat pantieular place. Thence an we.rI tînt the Alderman presteut at a confareuce natil tueur Long Lake sehere aîticti villi Steel and Wire men and North cut ta uaarlcg compeletîrcîs A--< chicagofllcls t thecounicll chamber at Ibis point le Ble0 gising muciei 1aI&veak Wadneaday aftarnoon. That trouble, laulItaI thre seemes to be uc th1e salgemaul vas made in gourd falth botten, but U4 ln entîmated hly the la a.idencad by the action of the city angunt» that by tIhe urne tie gaag ni ouncil Wadneaday nlgbl wilcb, witb- truck layera reach Long Lake every- ont a dlstieutling vobe, passed reout r-tdmg ilîl bc lu readmnéfsa Tr ltenit ti tioua granîîng lte corpnay a rebata lay the rails there. Of taxas for a terni Of tan jeare onu ail lie truck layere nuili hegîn Micaday lgtaproperty lu the city if Il rebuflida Bt Libertyilile, andl a fac secekm wcli hare aud furtbmora agreed lu the suffida lu compiate thelr tuaat. li t act avent of the caler systeut being an- bafore a realiza il traîne wilili.e larged, te lay a tvalve inch main rnnning onthe nec ronad. south front Watar êaImaI la the city The nec depot Bt Libertyvilie le well lita. North Chicago doea't seec it uiidfr ay andi a large gang of carpchn thaqvay; abie clalma Ibat as tbe nmen cul- $era are bnaiy cagaged piiikg JI le ployed ut the tactory remide, a greater cOnnPlttct. portion of than t a nqt, here. Wanke. Kgaga the bantIt of1 the factory Indgnant Farmers. though Iillbe lu North Chicago. Thea A large body ut etock deaIers andc repreilantativea 0f the village preadul at daltry faruiera frout aitljparts f cfl-- Wednaaday afttrnoon'a meeting vere Henry Couty gathcred ut the court oppoood 10 grauîlug the company lte lhunse tuWoodetucl, Satiîrcay, SNov. I1, coucession offIraeetaxes. The qnes- te diucnaa tha quetlccu ot tabereuloa., lion las a w oua go the village, tbcy lte guteraure itîîaraîîtiue pJclatc-BTi sait, and couid nItpbe decideil aI lion and theiniauer in mahic-b lests one. TIial their sentiments are hiavelbeencuondiîc-trii iciiije harts ut thonseofut eir towutmeu la evidauccdIlitI iifllty. by tha tact lisai nta manssmeeting in Ater mach iiis-îc,,nacluiîiiet North Chicago Waduerday utgbit the wB~ag PPOîteit, chic crew ie t he mmne conclusion ao reacaaci. folIos ing retooiîition wich-I waa pire- _________cecded hy mauiy wliereaI e as a sort ut Wrok at Rockcefeller. prelimiuary etatenenl îcf gri<-vati"s Early Frlday mornlng of last wci-k iticeu(sid. tkicit tlic- gco-rfîril (li îcl.ý- i- Il,,c'y r,îe t u Ic Iticcit a, l ich'i.. , - occnrred s big mash-up aI Rockefeller lii,- ((cal; nica -LI-.c>' (<-i ofIcilcccrcs sainoth c <ti entrai raIl- c-ianatun agaticett ihic vl1Ii(ciiR ci icir staton o tha leicnsia ~ owc(lit., ts cati' 1 , <cm acliiIt: tàlc.. rond. 14lciiinlc. as we '1ci) i(l li c., Bcccccl<c.-ci ls (cae <uaturcen oct(îcd rc i.; ahicpro- A long fraigbt traipulîcîl Ilto cldivinon, Tar ali ab îii , ck ci-piIci cgc ci Rockefeller front lte uorth and tulilird -W font i.iWI rliig I a-cl VO fic a't, scIcil wbila the conuctr r as recelving tkle emandiiui, rdrcairy irc(ii, Wecwaii(l urilerr rcJtriTii h>rb-g i,i t ic ordera, a flagnian liingsanal back gîscrîlorufai iii,, site t.iccgcct t,, i.a, anound a sharp corve tn stop a freîght gt ýurtic.'îvgouslaîtue ,crille circc Imrnedlataly flincing.ut ,.,. tl, inua. îe esaationcociiicc.i iii ici., liy nome miounderetauiiiug the tlag-iiig hic ia elicinwit-cr llci i tc, b..trai.icctltuIcitii.' lciioaiî ccxiii man belleved bie train EBe abount rotheueo f ln<li c cTiinlt c i l,, (cu juiuciiL,- pull ont and leaving hie satioînuIrait te- tiereot cof atil;ia a(a(lmec( tucÉlu-. ut kîlviiig tu(,ercca(ici-. yard tIhe caboosec Juet aaslha reaeil And ce furiier lîcîl Il-t the cabooaa of bis train lie beard tbe l[I.sokt lu lors 1tste or t tbaaglit.r an'y liicc<cccc1Ili other train corne tliundarlug arouud 0aocaof tl.tite for ie u<csoccirti lîîgîwîetbher t)*liavs ruadle a-rrvcitt ., cr the curve, sud batora the anglacer iict îîctilb.'ecquection 1 i(tl mci, a'tic coold &laotien attend it cramed intothj wAu ethertheiensarib er nciiilil<la. T(ic motionlaam train, deuîolisblng Ico clîbin tii.'prou iof thIlie gccvericcr îut tIl-- tocaambilcgof tha. xt Logillaîcri-, 1hat1ici treîgbt cana aud the caboosie and badly celits thast effort ticprcuare cudhit(gisliI, damagîug the englns. By jumplinna icrcc.-,tllecwrY 1îc'îci i, ccrî tisa angînear and tialmait aavad their iuclc îaiiu flý'eomuniîillralte, ltu (c ccîal oietydirecit taxat(i i îîîccîîcii. litas. Traffle vaa but lutile lntirfared iîu(i" aswil give tlh,, rncer o tu,t lioucutit tc c icctuel II[ , Icc l lc tic-.3,ir vîlli, as a aida track vasavailable, and liînîatitliîricýt wliotct cvbiliiliig tu tIc. througii trains cere enaicleci topasaa jI:renItcry rîtir oftnai, cc.iîbter icItuts cijrd of hie chiot conîf i a(ci si, cr tuîr citb neo incontenience. îicîcickaa. aîîliioh lsgl(alicccas VIisîl -o- s' dfoicr a ccîi i tîîcducwher ofIî ci (ccclu.- id 8Xiclueiofi cultgîi l nun 'îîuanial Graat Pramnium Offîr. (ît <ca-li and lii), daîi-c i i c lîî siu st-k ccntic Inc wffu-i i a.andci lcc The INDeCIeENDxEr la te people& ieavii lIce maîlîr tuit lice dlei-licin ofi li v. scrîption price, S.15I0 per jear. It, lonIci heîiicr t iii, aîîna( sand jir -s ik, ue worîl Iil. As su extra indricameul piivanOeîidirect Informatiicn tali aslccl hoces'r,wva clîl forsa short lime gîte citic(ireaic-. tglsg1 sch iiicr c, rit'i t t. lice rumsclcal (îccîary as weillusîte (iiwcla tree as a prernlnr a splendid album of suthentie photographe, enttld, Saiurday Nisht Dance. 'Fightiug lunlte Philippines." Te T heiareaular Satnrday nîghit dance cover la entbelUsehed vitb a plelure yl bc heid et tise Myosotis, Hall Day, of Admirai Devey. Old aubacribarsl Baturday nlgbi These daline are payiug a yean lu advance araeasebacomug deKersedtly pîîpular. A gîod antilled teonou of thetie albumsa rhare ara 1601 plîoiograpa lit ecd tirne lm alcaya lu store for participantse. albumn. Refreaismeute vîlI tpe serveit. ((cod musie by Chicago orchestra. Maaquerads Bi.,. rhe Lake Zurich Brasa Baud cilI Grand Balil. gite a Mliquardde Hal lunFiches the yoi I;,Mena Cathoilie Cttiî(, cf Hali, ab Lake Zurich. Thuraday even- Llbertyvile, vil) gise a grand liall ug, Xov. $0. Miel by a celebralad Thantsgivlug ave, Noveniber 29tii. in bsnp orchestra. CJotumes a u ha ba-i Libertyvîlia Town Hall. Prof. blitha' ait bail derîug sternoon and evanlng. Chicago Orchestra vI funuiah music. IPIeuty Of stable room au haeaoredrid Suppir aerved lu babilient. A grand for âmse". go"* lime ilubelmefor mlu Who attend. os 12 10 os 25 0 75 os Dred Ffld ls (là« GBISYN& [2W P RI1 PURE FOOD SELLERS. HOUSE ESTAULISHED NOV. 25,194.1 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONg No. 14 STOVES__ The best assortmnent ever shown î Libertyville, including Garan Acorns, Universals and GoId Co eLi' We bought one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance in Price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. We deliver and set up stoves freè of charge. No f reight or risk of break age as is the case if they' are bougbit in Chicago. Compare our prices with Chicago, ..prices before buying. Mi. - LIBERTYVILE, ILL. To tlarness Users. ý c, iciar lac- tpcout lit.', rucebusinîess in ltaI ravmatenial ccàii-r alii îcîiclerY hardwssare) danupe pîîrehased lua mail quantities JIi -ctcv cbap c-ie ii large qu.înîitlca. 'l'lia litarnems faeîory or choIe- c- li cl-ivisepys aii exhcrîanî reîît, la ut large expense for lighl, heal, îccîî'r,;cvîrcîcce, taxe, ilî,icrcsîncclivîentimenî, foremenan sd oflce licrý McPiiI citIiiLlci cilairge caicîrîce, cui t a t b 110unMOane li, ad- v'.rt(ejlg candcitrî,scîii;g aluna .'xpelîa,-s and maaaritis ho sali the gooda ctîî-iytii-yIgurec alune i t tenty-tive per cent. Thema concerne ara îcî,[lctiîcîenl-y vîcl ltu nîerî-haitte chic in titraumaire a prolit. Now lit i vesw otthe flad thaîwe eau bîî cour material mstaluasheap as cicyoîic yîuî crely usecc ltai wcuiatsolilbernes,, much cheapar ihailiiers, as there in but one critt, oum baracas guiag direct from tIc, iiaker lu the cnstituer. à FaîIccry cirk la lone unthie --piccir vvcrk- plan, coeqnembly the 'icrkii,în elalithe cork togîrîher tia>- cava to -turc out thea work" and il malles ni, îiili,îcîîce tiitheni clititer tracces are dnt tmom *'-belly" or sci toc'k. Wie ne cthtng but1 No. i1cak tanneil leather and our stcck ilv caret iliy m cei-for the part ot tISe harneas iutauded, th. cýtrti-h" le akî,ii<ou1t eforc the Icather insaecad nc vafily guaaa. t,-e cuir harae,, Iii bc fre" froui clfactein rnaterilior cnrkmaUahap. Oucr nîcttoin Ic Bettiir <uisIsfcîr Lese Mloaey." Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE, - - ILLINOIS. HALP >. The coui lcIASONi, LAKE Connection is also afforded with toit lines of Chicago Telephone Company and ail their exchanges, giving a complet., service. YOU SHOULD HAVE A 'PHONE. Con tract Department, Loveli's Drug Store - - Libortyviflle Our Liberi Offer .... jemna for R19 I !, ce ve plîte 1C~tia1 ffleu a« 00~I~ ý-- 1 1 - 0, 0 01 pe T a] gi B si IP tc 1 -- lý