~,.s..s. epreSsmaer sExpe s uar NcccRi% 10auite e Ibe p ho.eutcie t he Op 50i' &expresbus, mahe une utngtiti t- RiINSUN U-f ag ape n ta ttc cake Sdore trinî tr NEPULIN se. eral package. BPau.e&BdCmbrntgelmi - ttE u aitee lte o; cuedote a ci tebdi j m eios e robrelrcsudacu it'o- P T.n. Coman;,Telî etsemabnsut bc gmug. ano aer sutadnghi gaimnd ouAtcalo ce st1eaea Dk i 11a..gb.p Loka et" afti-tc a, p l ie ell o p oe u athen h thxpruss loped jumteped i o ne ud card e t'c a caer luolte danitae cs. No 2car ai II .4 PaSr, r.. ape-Ial a entgut nrispsvral îbuushe a rnd d rs' nont t aS ut muse; packages. oeve; tnp. S e t aa hi -~WS.mereo TustCupan! nultewr tclhe ors dccvlonuîsecore aue di p& î« e.An olacf r brou a avee a te r a tah thr h Anseric f the gnsiWgoutre stadiIg b- igbdoBet lieeptuli'.cal5. Br te ar, pSWINDe ll rS Cand wT. ilaurla lu dathlutaainci t oped -p f adm d u e mandI cndIton tsusu; tit'c imngscape.in e anes o. lut-adls u thee ielu un; 15. ithe t ri tOc ara tuou r cd ocolirNs' n ort I o kX a rks ears cla n tîof mal auc cku ag ut e tip. di eras i, oli eail cwOlean n d whe b es br ren u . Tt-yanerne tp 3 jloeIl a toin50. Outdc>can ueinPittua lageo faud tientedamunaeu eI l, said; BANKe beSaanaLcbalfrS cCAUGmoT. Pr ai caniti n hici lu o te u Ganlglu ipossibeluagiew au k aruitu e. i Wçb ai Ar, r can l uit toc a the n e ol eirgt a n u l u ive.aal ite s '.paSlm beY iiinuol. lIc. Phieacin Ihelet hftafouritmengintee Yortha a ~ip il deauda500.tii' ocideln d litehie dildeurg aI 'm eualn$00000 hU to *l onered 'ie ee bok pdTe Ie at; iadnstp u Al uno ( aranen gen be $10,(X) tite man li wt meuuforîsevcal t-d tn in ich te nake cculitiimonsibuve rcte i'd anu hta oes'-i n lMaSsO or Bes Pi aa3fo00 hed Dniie maneetahn euttanintes ft r ecil uthe.t tile bot or, era3,0() befo smt es-gi bt e ourt sua crw e warman' t te at Wi'oým lug mb RoP o util;n] 1. lurs ram n tnum lit uoi ' uiteae r cinties at dot'miles nnth nea cutd'eut, hetobae divdîn tant 100,uso.U n- sul decitttcciterdeleadsudhppocf-A'dnz tel leemtrithesuenmureeaitavepelîfront 1 OLI vto BReicSHeit T SnsFranc ciscf e tionCeardcted C on F iheau 18b hae beu iteugi baPie eaute St. yLos st la front oirige.luest. TLeulusfouer ut Iedats edn if day, ale .OO a"p elugig plie couertau "nd cob ple ae" anCrhe t -ed S- e opnywr r ceut ofCour t t a lu ite maIls tu dctr1uî ) Wyo iaitWee R A otity te te atfourmn hepre oeur; Rihcit Es 3 o t m il tr nes o rthw sg.f W, N b or île istelu. Id tMeEliane ad A n- ad theL. FiSIs auanc r dea5 to ilr banslt lnu ied ntieit ou Te uter rdeo e Fndants, as sTuau ;Ih teitmon;, t io te h. g ait oe b; a ieu il Wie1 tc M;n npasatrc w o ere oa," sadlitese a. 5Con,'csonod h. eesi b teiton$1.00auds epene bave1ed ,nd boulât . n Ped Bt asa inse.pLuis, aii I fors li e Tan tiby e a bo I n mSi.anoui fob r of tdfer i dso c itab in ma Tit. essacausu re ther.clertn 870 10 $00. ipe (lov era-C ISBO AT EIR ffli- ment gsl itelUited Steatesl tu-c - Eeli'5 10 cuit00Court1of m mi ng the emal e fas ldh 04 a -t amle Ritg.te.ensrPeintltrMudulesi. _udAr- 8'IigleL. Flaugierdcf sac-thrMle.I stepanoted- - , thetitommSinofîbertseendCAXantaPARn yth eT 0F PCLLM te tebuieai l $1.000.000. Miss heMaororpotmstr f Il baianfor .Icad heut.a astr les oba esablYos Minifor 1,iK»ean peuhu e thaet Glaian liol- per T ic;nt avlexpValu T wile te W" foi a coulrelbu revtler $1 fie- A s pens a enduteb lte an- ilbali tMislm, Tw ofnhen sitearivs m w ul ttltbe ferte i sutble.mJap f Tee gommun cantiraliu t e.c Haneil etr Biutas$900. TYeGavelialu teGn aen ulieaentit ld c i all uer. t audl P ian. lifor tr daeeRchrdS it, a Tictla at ve r; al uabTile. Ruv boulotten. mana of Glunelimeowui aiotit -te Gm sg UiowB te ie i to et. - ,laimd ue apieceetulaninnOP~ulla, lIt toi lit diuo..at oeut Nefl luches. ,ite: IBd Jachaca. Coired.sud David chmn, coloriadt, tRard sud f@eathered pi, and, atter peradili, thesi through be xtreWsterlt!d thesi on the rond tu- ;rd Beliefontine. They bsd liea se- sted on suspicion of havlsg fired à eru. The womau la the wife Of a negro. <404>D TONY IN WEEK'9 TIRADI. .fwof Business Conditions made by D)ue & Co. R. G. D'in & Con 5weekly review of rde aYs: -The signa of shrinhage in e new denisnd for trou sud steel Pro- nets becoîne more clear. and whle ices of Pit are maîntained without auge and billets art, quoted lower oni' ecause premnia for eanlier deliveries e no longer peit, piates are quoted ower lit the EasI. With some amal itlas plilgA t 1!.5 cents eai Pittzburg, sud coles are sold by somne works there et 15 t0 $4 legs Ibsu lthe regular prie. The relithof bars et the West la largely te lu the great de mand for àuMs of hiî'h il la said that 1,000 per day are rdered. Shipoients or boots sud ahoes il off, and yet are iarger thau ln any !eviou% yesr. Textile manufactures are juing weii, alîboug in l wooieus the apec- iation in materîiltbreateus lu Cause me embarnasament. sales of wool were Rain heai> 21,1142.311 pounidsai tthe tee chief maritets_ msking in lwo wceka 41,82M.811 pounds. against 17.43d,- 10 pounds laxi yer. Worsted goudeAare i good demaud and have been advauced i pnice a-lih orne lsuticia. Failuires for te week wene 211)lu ithe United Stateg, aguinat 1223 at :.ear. uaid '.0 lu Canada. againat 26 test yeur.' 81X KILLED. FO)UR INJI;RED. Fatal &,,id"tl on Ruiload aitHUe- icoidt, 4. > ixmn uwcre kiilcd and four aeniolli3 if n., f0 tllyinijured ilulin aîu-id'ut -ou he Chicaugo, St. 1, n. i, ujne.puljeaniîd orala ta Rlroad et Humitoldt, S. Il. 'l'lie ruwai aýba-kiuig ou t fHumbioldît ' heu ahuulear beaing ltirly five Italieus, uanie ,irouiol a conve. ThIte lliîi 5w he danger anîd jomped]. The itsudcan caugtltender ltherma r of the caboose and hi-c ue]ithe fat car oeil lu il were de- stro>yed. Ou the flat car wcve twtiltY Italieni latuorers. five of wbouî wene kilI- *d otnight sud five miure injured. Brook 'o.bel,,nan, one ufthte dend, ia au Aoueri sau. The reat are Italienus. GOOD HAUL DY SAF-1L>W1ERS. Rohitersi Gel NeaT]Y 04,000 in Raid on A, Cari jauctionu(No.) Bcank. Robiters blew open the Bufe Of the Bank of Carl .iunC ion, tcnuilesc'a orth or Joplin, Mo.. afler mlidluiglit the otiter Bigai aud secuned betwecn $3.000 and $4,000 in cash.'FTe nobitenanumhered four sud wen elarlned. A cruivd of men pursued them a short distance out of towu. but aou returned without hav- iug iteen nean enougit to eciange chots. Are. Crlppied by a Gesiam. J. H. (ioeke. pro'iecuting attorney' of Anglaize Couuty, Ohio, bast before tite election wa»edeliaering s politica pPeech lu a country school bouse sud white lu lthe midat uf an cloquent periud made a gesture lunsuait a manuer as lu break s ligament in his rigitt arol. Thte injured meoîbcr bas lroubled bhlm lo u ichuan ex- tent Ihat bitel obiiged îo carry it in a Sliug. MUurdered foc Bis Mon.y. of ettnty-live Taqul Indien il lbrougit mustunoe aas uucged u ccPartuI it1e iniuuacou auhoie body.,wu* r sa route lu aee Presiuet vtht sA otlion.tbis iholdings. 1'reui. fuud lMII c-ce, usix milertno r t bear a teal; Of Pencemes-omly buie hall ogaai te bard utf8-cot, Kan,,ne.ghted downu vit a iheary Taqal braves lu tietin uc- citurcit extension Outh1e PîethOita bn and a1t t loups, bas been identi- -'be popose tlened he presolîl uil- Citurcit,ahicit lasnwitaudlilu mllions fied asa 1.opold EclIingc-n. a fermen liviung 1*E(s Iexiros Goverumeut aili o dolars' aorlb ut propert;. Titi'duc- rieunrltockvilie, Mo. Whieu lait socsl te reisitirsara sud e- uamenti wers tournd amonga abundie ut oId Edlilgen bad dnaavubisiamoue; trom a somcpi their reservion. deedsansid attorneys anitobave invecligal- Ituckvilie boule. He aas undoubteli; ed soi'l tey asue bindina. mnderai ton tis moe;. over ia Wyoming Diaaard. raile D.Toowisand Bd Harrison.,anho SEVEN LIVES LOST AT «EA. Puoser for Black it lai Cilles. voli cI îeemîetlng, are believed lu - ifltleeo miles or aaten rigidea un $peur- tii ,bul IW la a rauçeal seven.- anuan Wreck of Scicuer Edusaed Emuma flai creek. Southit Iakts, base l'en pur- plue --w"ie prevalied' et BaIlle Lake, Near lat. Pierre, Miquelon. chased tront William 1.snuer ut Deuil-ail M2 Wmalfit uai esd hersies aere Privaite advie t rom Si. Pierre, Maique-avuod b; te Cascade IVaer Powver sud Chu inas deep ravise about six miles o, tell ot the aneck th ie Pitiladel- Eiectrie Transmission Cuompany, ahicit ces àduiLpiia and Baltimors schooner Esna aBd Prupoaea ta Put Iluaa 15.000-torse Pownern y Emma aud the bou orthtie caplalu. ie pluctricaî pantitelufcruici electrir powner tbe Coton te cifm aiendjupon. aite and creanofutise men. Th t Eduansd ugit tlu te mineSsud cillez utfte T - JistS Americon Bieammip Coin- and Smmas sailed tronc Wililgtou, N. Black Itlil. lutc - - wme St. Irene, one cf te neanC, on April 14 aitit a cargo t lumben. BrueîH ie 'i'f. lu Deulh. adi »dz veue casrtered b' teeuso- Wrscksge tfroniteachiooner aaswavait lice. A. C. Hlt!didet iLima. O., ter biatt Taeua iii s cargo ut 700 edaure'ou Smithilaand, aIithe mout troîc te cfecla utf a braliug admiruât- bei Os Cin ai apn.Cotton tonus t Cape Fiest-river. Mai' 7. Iccenl; thetereul b;lhec btauband. He, knocki'clber last plaipal part of her cargo. sitoner ansa toanecl mb S. Pierre, bt doan. slumped bt-n alit huai eted d hlieutiats Flue loto a MOt., tus up. Witeu te miiull s ighted, in b.hr face aas lerrily diîfigurr'd. Site 100 4 sukelumbi et savet;-ive men tte cabin aers tound tite'bodies ut Capr"fumet! lu mas;it aas te until cite fouud Fni tbralootejietovn tain Ricitardson and is aite. Ttce cw ahi' could nul ecover.a-il Qs., ante break hillie aliColng aeece aasiteal usrboscd. Suffocaled by Punden Faumes. lîlI wu d efeaded bi' s terce ut deptties. Score cf Buildings Brnai. AI Vicor, Colo., Lao mincere ou te Tii i* e id mbtle soit. aounding sencral AI Magnolia. Art. e dlsastrouq ibru' Vicor mise are deui, tour une auffenhngsi Md i ipersins the lynhera. ilanteul lu lie WitaIey building uite tronc tte effect ut pua-cet- tomes Inhalad i II ces aei ldiot-ie square, sud detru>ed t te 1,000-toot level utfte mine. Tite ah i - SiasbipLesi t tSe&, more tan aascore ut buildinge, lordu afai aclt rcIl ut a presalors in- " sthe eamer t.skula frot (Sungoa n luE.T. Hutrin"snaurge waehoîtar ..ugof,.s..berlofn@ut sthrougit mis'a- UeBltimore, passai Cape Heur>, Va., te Journal prnilg esalsahment îud toit@. ~oqd l. ud igala ttattii' ttcm h1e Metodiai Epiaicopsi Ctuncit. Cuti-Itoers Wceci aeinu. m éà* Moucheaier Enlentinle. anicrit -lsersative estimates aPlroalmDute titi' Iuiu Armoced train seul ouItfront Elcounl ad, IAverpW lfor Montrent, hitd tudered et'cl51nut lesut tan $75,000. lu reconuolten. cotaina g 180 Brillit r Wt ssan ttai tbandit halc'ccciit-l. cCot _______Mebudiat 1reacber Asamsinuted. ropi, aîac derailed b; Bot-ca, avio cap- baularsNlle a flood Haut. Thte lev. Jeece Moore, living adn miiicle uce eal -ci>aIl aflen bard figit. ta Xforglars blew thé antein te E x sEutit ut lexti'r. Mo.,. ate ound io bcd Retires fruo ithe Smnia Fe.. 11 Iéange lilgeBauk ai Bniokivtî,Mihb., awi it te top ut bisabrt]deiten blovn off J.' J.*Ire; ha s aîuuuîucd hisreelgua Wi f» fragmenta, sud encîls-ul iîh $2.841. ulit a gis or eaten lanavit a club. Au tion a. geuinal manlager ut te Atchisen. un INO building aas complitul; Iy tcs-ed. Alauisou niho alepi u inte sacinruta, Topekca sudSauta Fe ltalroud. effectivr tiu INe explosions a-rs hc'rd toc cccv,- nniluanter hed delaced i' hudt heard nu Jîn. 1. ME mllu aound. nuise. Ttc miniter ivus une uf titi hi- CuIllsion Dmue aFog.et Fini No Cauh linte Bankt. kuoavu Mhistaprear bu-nein iuuouteast A head-end colision brlancen passeuger u The PFermet% eud M-r-hn a ltuukot Misouri. traina occut-ncd ai Pleasure Ridlgc Park. lui Butte. Nei., ut whiml. Samuel t' Saiucpie. Closes u-m Planta. Ky., lu a dense tua. Fise pesons aers te wiedied s fr- aiys at'o in cuits ut; 'The Amerirso trou and 8-luel Iittu- ljuneti. et huit tailucre, aiai ppetide-tt. lmhlt itlite tacturiuca Compan; haî suseueded Opera- MIEQOATOS haulis f te Sate hauknt tboard. 'cVbc'olion% u ln it ispudîling sud ollint' nmilaeNLKIETP the beard touk chat-gi'nou cuaias touîîcd. ai Lehanon. Pa. Thte cause' ascigueul'a CiauCalenomuiuprml Improan exita;uetetia cuaitsuppi;. heccurlfamine. in $300 lu $7100; hui, .bhipping grades, lu àXmpuy Umniva estial trooogrumi tc artiu$300 tu $425; îiteep, fir lu eboîce, $300 A1letea Unveril; strnuiur' hy L.nching i tioonmfield, 1. lu$425; wat, No. 2 ed. 7e t10 <8c; it sesutn antcu l dplates lu pbclograp'ncun WihliiuHuitaas taken tros te cauin-coco. No. 2, 31c lu 33c; oaîs, Nu. 2, 22ecrc %telles, developed a fied out (Ci) suarlie t; joli At Blomfield, MO., Aod baugeai b; lu 24c; r'e, No. 2, 54c lu 5(k; butter, aj ,2 lkLe. Formerl; init-y squlare Miles a mut ut about 100 mn. Huf, n-ho was choice.creamen;, 24c lu 26c; eggi. fresit.4-1 Wuaitm that could bc lucludeti. tangai avit temurdier of Audrewa Mel- l7c lu 19c; polaloea. citice. li5e tu 451e c B on Gris Dwey aift,. ,ton.stu-d remankalile nenve, turing tre pet- huatel. in tunirai and Mes. Deane; have Irans- muli sud asstiug tie aas nulottaid. lndiancpoii-Caltle. aiippina, $300 lu ri a 1s tit 0e thome prestentéil ici the Noted Inventur Desd. $150; hoga. choie. light, $275 10 $425; lu SdMbiral iibte peuple utfte nation te Ttc deatinancnounei t utMiddle- aheep, commun lu prime. $325 bo $425; et Geuqe Goodu-l Dcae;, ttc admiea tuwnu N.Y.,utf illiam Franklun Dîur aiheat, No. 2 ccd. 65c lu 07c; coca. No. 2 UoO.___ tee, englacer sud iaventer, aged W11 yearsan hte, 32e to 33ç; oas No. 2 awite, 25e Vires Preiieul Dead. He praiuced %oume Ingols or teael trus lu 21c. Vic-President (jarret A. Hobant diai aniicit, on Ms; 25,.115,5. anre colliedIthe Pt. Louis-Catle, $325 tu $675; itugî, ni ]Paterson. N. J. bruItrel rails made lu Ibis countr. $3009 lu $425; siteep, $300 lu $.25 sa tet No. 2, 70c lu 72c; cocu. No.2 A&ie oelaGlFed.W--u., Banrna lu lleth. >-la.31lu 33c; ouaî, No. 2. 23e t. l'e ue Ba lei Moulet ledsth.Et At ArlansaCity, Kan., lirs a nJiei- 5e;- nye.No. 2,. e to 53c. '1~erame la lurrul ttrouito il liilantoct asienseloped iluni-ie (cul cu tiunatu 'Catle. $2W t10S$.50; bhors Subithal au Enaliait a;udicale bas Pur' su exPlotddhup suad bunuùd ho deit $300 lu $425;itbem-p. $250 lu $1.10;0 chaud the. holdingsaouthetItindiana Pipe befcre s part; of neighrttec hu i hiat, No. 2, 70c lu-12c; cocu. Nu. 2 c 4.lA uie aoReSanlua Compas>,'te ('uiahsitiatgmrncd t0a wIcl or tieti'nilorur die mid. a3uto 311e; ouI,. Io. 2 mîaed,c5 un" lie Manbbtalu Oh CumPayi hioblpay ould aid bcr. lu2c;nec-. Nu. 2. 59c tunflic. - Simdlualana lie iunrhse ne.'Ia'îugicu.troil (itlle, $.50 lu $fI150;ho. A esedatiiqn uIi Fr11 lu asl, ro i 11olu$4.00J; uecp, $250 tu $4.119; A'dPiatr'aieuuake Total uu fîtI --a lut.N«- ,ltu o Ic; coon . No Putc.a lotl VrecetaiSantiago de- Cuibu. Ilutiîug unniî yhit tlcu. uli35i,i.Nu2 nttu.2Gv- ThteHamburgAmeriî-an Inuer Imîia. a minute. Suvrai bocîun itee i-i> uc2 .4v1;ht-u c.1 whlc aght t ire Err'etliy. c.mitcuucmuti& a-rsbadi; damagu-il ancltî'tcîl tti iiîccViie.Su2ciiiieiS I an reoff SuuthlFetuuciii. EngIluctuu, marine itocpital tcIc ,1.liuku lt%*~;clILI.N. 2 2ii, c-l Rtc l .c4c- cuil-c IStanraWaimc'r and DElimu. Il lies,aa tt-et.Nu peneounil iujcucieusarrei-Eut'l.No. 2 cuîîcu-ci'23, tii24,; ryc. N<Sic 55 7 ow Siaraci, l in i thuliof alteran- tlethan Clais Manufactuirec Fali. Ito 57;i îuu r-ccd. $4.95 tu .cu lb t fC. P. Greatoase. Abrhamu Poptiiu. doinîg bileans A. tiLcui,-W-a. Ni. 2 nulcu #p qresîtouae, a-11o -a3consul gen- Pupluui & C.., uiinuatciri-r ut -oauks uc lit i I ou cr. Ni',3,3:2, lu,:-c ft the Unted tates lue Kangawa, Newn otgut lutiesbusna1,n-v Si, tbi>,i.24c tîu 27,;cr-. Nu. I fro 180 1 159.ditai t S-oi .îahilclueî hi'ttc'n $150.000 anuc120>0,- tui.r el; i .tlc u42 l &tatbe tise of tia deati t rin. 00. lts $7 u $8 . . ans dvier lueltce Coreaun Ilon'5115asPescenîsiter. lgoitl Utl'. clitictigcc. - elion ha itsd iteîd uIt- lun 'uiuhunghcu, ). tC., thl. et i'. ; î$3»5) tl u 5.tig,. cct t,,liitccc diiris tig tesl 'cua' res a- na utetc-uuite slartam -ueiiukro$3 0$425; ahep-îfir aîtusuîcucciut c-t1, s quccni. li ou kuoicca 10lice ers.- $3.(X) lu A4.25; lumbe, couini.1, tu - avik.lit tal aain a racuni utttcextra. $4.50 lu $525. wal..te ell cuiigsafrctue t Ile Nean York-Catlie, $325 îu $6.50; bora. - hae hnni ve' aoli trcm iucb e del.$300 te S4.50; ateeju, $300 te $425; ?b Sc0IU 5 ~ nuitl1 otite T. a Wemae. anrellent1No. 2 red, 73e bo 74c; cer, Nu. 2, lnalice to;rinof VWeW Lerli',Ohie, a 40c tu41c; oes. No.2awite, le tu 132c; iceal t 110, ilelnilg, li la sai, B~ernt bttur. eumis. 2k te 27c; egs. vtot- - î-!ueWpromlnent puple, beanued doiraîterais W e g OViN A HUNDRED S1ITISI4 SOL-. OuERS ARE CAOTUflO.ý ArmoeaiTrain Vliltm sAmbueb- Lient. churell mul riote Bursbers Toe Up ?ws*ck andl Wrerked tisq Train aud liearmaasment. intelligence f ront Natal by 'wsy of Lon- don Pr'iday wss reaauug nsas regards thte safeti' ot Ladyamith, but couveyed the report that the Bors acccesfilli' aaailed a scouing parti' lu an armored trais aud captered over 100 Brtish, ln- cindisg Lord Raedolph Churchilla% son. Uceut. Winston Chturchill. Rleports in- dicate ihat te Bopcc.are Monlut aouth' ward lu the hope cf ctting off the Brit- lis comtmuncation. Thte reponted desth or jeu. .Joubtert la disredited aitte aar offce. 'Te armored train which the Bouerasltacked watas rrctiiy destrai'- . A Lorenzo Marnuiez paper says Ihat ai miduiiti Tuesday ail the cannun ou Wreck ofth0 esristom nsu Sluk. tua r thoISeUte MM&i The wreek of the croiser Charisst« e n-j cais, maq other disasters viitithbave hefolieu Ialostiug fortiWsses, tir et gvara- ous ga loto the deptba of destruction. au fsr as the Amnerican people teed cou- eerîced, avere tthe bloaving up Oftheb.Unit' ed States battlasbip Maine ln lisyna harbeor lceb. 15 o f lent )-ear, la witieit 2M men perisheci. and the lua of the Britisht battesiip Vicioria off Tripoli lu 183. 'rThe Victoria aa rammed by the British itsttieship Camperdowvuronnamsnuv- ers. and Vice Admirai TrYon. i-wentY-two omc.ers sud 336 sien went down wltb ber. Othber aincliar disasters to warships lu lhe lasi 100 years bave becs aumeroos. A Ut cfrthemuai important acident»I to United Stateasithips include: Noe.. 44, 1877-Unlited States sloop of ar Huron. wrecked off coai of North Carullua; lires bls, 100. 1885--Uuiteil States nian-of-avar Mia- souri, tolsiiyewrecked near Giîbraltar by au explosion linsitipa magazine; no las Marcit 15, 1881*-United lStates me"- avar T,'euu, Vaudalia sud Nlpslc and Gernian war vessels Adler sud Eber wrecked on Apia shore by sturm; lu%% of lite. 1461. VIEpnte$IgV4T 8UOcumes TO LINGIEISOIL.iJIES8. ,Cod Comas rith, nia Vsit7Fpessant u% the Bossena npateeon - Deep Oorrow Exe uss t waablngtoa for the ne- ttoe'sLues-li&s Cerner. Glarrett A. Hobar, VIce-'reldeut of te United States died nt bila honte,' Paterson N. J..shortly fier 8 uei-ock Tueaday înoruiug. Dr. wiilam K. 'Iew- ton, Who bss reinsailied ut bis bedslde alucoat cuistantliY Sice bis condition he- came aerlous t wu aeeks 8go, ascribes the immedite causle ot deati te heint fai- ore. Mr. Houitn's condition began te chancge for the avorâe laie Monday uflernoon. He became suddeuiy wenker sud bis heretofore aonderful vtalîti' aeemed tu lie desrtîng hint. gSitnli betore mud- nlght Lie spolie IluNma.Hubart, Who wss kueilug liy bis bedîlde. Vbt bis wordu avere are uot dcac lcuad. but afier ihey Nliui.ter Paoluf Declares lhe Raînore of s CouflitAra itdiculona. riti'l.oduuslory of preparation fore wur it-l u-o tuia sud Jaîcan ovcr ('ores la Ironouuned bY bot ite Rug- - siau and .iîaeclegallol lun aing- ton as ridiculous. Alexauder 1'auioff, te Ituscetan iiuler lu Core. let aipre.s- t'llit e guet ut Canut (uCaini, te Buas- . a a aîbuiuaad,n. àbr. i siloff maad taI t be lefi Cort-a cîîlY four minnhs $go. go- ina lu St. Pterscburg, seuitai bis linfor- - matiuu usa dircil tsud iciliial. Iaabilc eu i tere ilanu biais wat cicr fur tlîe n-porta ut oiuicl betweicu iy llisicsciandlaaitccîcover Cures." ite eaid. c etiired bueto 0formait coiporte ty ' bAYT'A 101 thbilla scrrounding Ladytmith oipecied uf (oràcitaitllui'maculaicesl.'rthes. lire and titut buildings were Bet asure liY c-iîipuu-li aere coicclicii et ai . Peters- ancre beccîken the Vitce Prc'-.dent heame thce itelîs. Wben a Ited Cross trais ini burg sud Tokio, sud utc-y are se explicit iint-ciCiii. lie rînaincdin luascomatos charge utflDn. Brialotaent to Cheveley titat the re-portîs utr ouIlîib as t$ se,- - uditiciîi urlng the blance ofthelitenglât. te pick op t'e edad dnid the wocuddi-ns'gulîover (Cureta territory show san At bite bedifdde wacii itc' iaaaed snay te Buer patrîci desuucied a request lic entire iguriie t ite sritc-u agree- acre Mcai. Hobart. Garneit A. ll.tcsi't. ariiug to remove te uiîotnunste. msent under aicitRucsis and Japan are J.,r. nNewton &titiru h i% ie ancd MIN% Titi'Brillith war olie rrc-elved a ca ar cua lue urdCuresa." Aile 'iaruell, Iheimrsa. As.ouni.ocl ale grainc nom (jeu.Huliler conllroing the - ie i'r.ideut epileil a imessage an-i report outihe' autte of ) îu[tin nîîrlb ut MILLIONS IN THE 6CH-OOLS. Icîunticiilbis dc'atlc lai isenlt'. l'rciuci'it Raicount. Lornzo Marqiucez seiluls sas -NI,-Klccy A t -eVWite' o a.' ioîlber tbat te Boer ceuaursbilc la vi.ry strict Cmmisiaon-r of ldsesaicn Repovrta message WBa dcmausit u (liv. hem eud titat cou icc-aiiîar mes are alloaed t.srze Attendanee. bica s e erseyn'. lu leave tice ciiuntrv. 'rite ctgccgule enrullîccent lunte public The NatliAdveri'.c-r tlcDurban bacc aacsui tincrate at-oula ufthlie t'nli'ed Stateus CABEEII OF.' GAiRRETT A. HOBART. dispatcit frein Emlroirt aniicit ulsys: for ici T-un 18118. MIaisitu4iolic inte report "Witec part utfte arniored train waasoutthe Vtlîd 'talcîcommisscouer of edi Ferts a .Country sichmci Teacher lu ITajrret Angislus Iliulurl axasbornuKt Loung itraîit. N . L.luu- 3. 184. lit- rei tdbis eduvualîoi nt Ittgers (Cil- lt-iCi'ancd griiacul n iti ici'usawu-21) Il escl ild. Ili'.legacis i.car s, a h ~ ~ scitoliccaaic'r.îcatrr ()teb.lie- i ek cîp tice Ktuy ulw And M as abituiltecl lu Ilce-loic ....TYPE O 'AIMOIIEl TRAIN WIIECKED BYTHAE BOERS. ertuai dby lthe Huer, tucning op lthe îîcatiun. anas 16,687.641, an incresie ut s lte Brillith aligbled snu exciangeci 432,5709 compare i alt the prevlous i'esr. i'5y ait thlie Hueri,. Many tellinlaTiti' ariool systes lin Haaii laàitlgly lengagement sud, lte rails belng re- comincîcled for ils eiDciency sud attend- sed. au attempl anas mcde o tplacesoi-e. Commisslocr Harrissaya il la lte wouuds'd un ltetrain. Lient. important îtml toc muci loeat u le ut- aurchili led lu ibis, huit lthe uer fine lemîctéd lunlthe waaoutintroduclmg the atinueil, areekini; lthe hig gun carclt'd Enghisit Languagei luie Spaulit pusses- lte Britisainncd a-cll gitdemolisigin sc. AIliufthte- iaily bestons gave une, eenglune and tender. 1 it- declacis. sicouîid beu inpaucit. thei Thi' aî'mdhug cullut olthe ariorcai truin exception heing lthe nesding et elemeul- to anuter triu iîthb utjeet t ofmuteitan'Englith. vense critirinol. h i.remarked luit- by tat titi arîccoreil Irain craze itas LIEUT. HAYOEN GRUBBS. ,>e remîmucible toc both titiitIand@tiinàFg whNaveB dti t naistctunîes utftthe Brillith.SailuuF itvlNiieD dii Engiand huma linu-d lu put au acmy ut ta Western Negros. >0<81 hfgbhnug uic-n unden (,ho. Buil'r. Lienut. ilcyden Y. Cicubiti ut the Slith no thce'final giueril movemnt tîî lcure infuustry, turucu-ily et Fort 'Thtomai, lias il hi' tluree infatuclrydivincua Cnciet-laiu il a figit aitit native bauditti in ig lu roucnd ligturc-s out i«Iittien c'u -uchl. - le ca vain; cdivisli n i-iinuipuiti uit cout 5.534 men, lthe i-onu trios unr- cc;, .eogiaiod'nî.etc.) aut mnutlFOIX)8, nuie thet- rooilua luhuffuulocli incititi vi ucunubir 10.0(K). The ]Royal Fit-lId Artilt-ry andl lthe Lyal Hourse Artiilery a-(uuuil i a lcrate îiliucle, tonrcaboiut 1-Ti)cuos. lu ddillon lu wtelluuicuaisi-et akîti utc n- ýouIt i ic- maci-nce aîcinI cai ni guos nul c-led tu citanîry batlaliccuandi 1cmvi lry 'ui-u, ig.the giua landecifrtu lthe iii aItLDurbanu.and ai-e l'ncis, together ith field plecta, puaai".va'c by the forcce iden Col. Baden-Powe'll ccl Mafeking,' he garisucc utKimbeirley, (Cul. lum- ie'a torcel ou tbe Ritcusiiîîcroulier. ne. The usemci number uft titse aacap- )am la tnul kuccan. a ai 5y outhenci Wo ong ta lthe Ditudeala. Of ltee field bal- -nries on lthe si-s lu o uti Atnica ccv- -ai avili ho pnovlded aîit oaitot-ra. a moust ternrible englue utfanar aheu aicp- pild aitit lyddilc aiteli. Titi'nuirber utf machtiue gune noan beiug trauimiorleci le te front aiitit tht- troups a l ac. very urge. On lthe fielud the force avili br divicled IT.iASN .ona. inu thnetc-lufanîn; divisions. cumtlri8iuit ih'elern Negros. He anas lion etShuc eigit brigades, une ravaln; division or iiy Cily, Ky., four miles front Danvilli turse brigades, lthe Natal field tort-e, sud uandulerveid diing lthe Spaniath aena linos uit cuîîinunitati." Tite brigade leutlenant colonel otfblood's Ismuncqai stalishmboent of escit infanîn; battlîiou Cuba. t upavard ut 1,000 mon. and esrh cnvslny egimu-ulri en 530 meni.'rThe moîînled fle; Reivuisioni.e Telegrapi;. intautry cuîuupsuiea avili bc algitlly Anton Foliak and Josef Vicag. luvent atrunger titan lthe canairy rcgiîuenla or% outIhe raffid-seudlngansd receiviti ueariy 1101 men eut-h. automtalle devirs aiici promise a revs _______________ lotion in telegraphi', arrivadinlu Ciicai THE IcRAIN 0F FIRE." Tuueduy eveulicg fros Budu liestit. liii -- gir;. lu make drmuiu ains out li Leonideand Meteolra Obseraed ait Uni,'invention. Titis cerirs of experiment . eten'Place., ili bh i' anc utipiluteued 100 aordi Reots rnt aiosîucs hw h mincute uver a idstauce ut sone 600 utile te expu-ud 'l"raiii ut lire" ivciaiitnesed Titi' i'iricsI cperla ut Citicago andc oui; a nt re lacmies Tucaday ulgit. Tht i leit'îun- ulviraities utflthe v rbouiy wa-llerwaaigeneral. ccyli'aI l eia ied tlieopresent maie Prof. Ke',lc'r ofut ck ose'vtoy, Cel- tîce t'st arctoai'e. [fornua, nass>mh.-obe-vt-d about t-oi' 1 bucl lattera. li-unids .au ituir. taud t u audu ri uaîîc L bsutetrtd mplans for tc'uca ai re cî'î-î. Icail 147 mc'tenuc aen,- seau-- HaIrvunrd Univeraity, Canitridgt-. u, i>uciimel Mlica'. t>? hue itty-ulgit acre leunicis. Miic ls vtic ruine $35,000>foc- At oneuc' imethcy fr11aietc'heruts u tls'-c-licul tcihe 1< picr miutîe. Abut tlanty-flve itutlilnite- It.udou ioldm W 3pic cent ofit.itu hui lîtca au-ern' uii-c'i- nut lthe naval tcoi-lufcri 1gidty. si'nvalon;. Wamiinftsin. Titey i-erc'l luîîldhimla arc tîclint' , to uen-c* hluýtvi-ru îiuidnuigîlsîcnl daybrelc. "Theî-uîîlu8s acir. a att-enut Vali' Ciîegi', wavituhîd btccc'îc nSa Yani.o 01) fcîr thune igluta, îa-'nu'diuuapintedli'vKnsiaCiymicetti-. cudc as ta-cc tluoiaîdsinlaNewa'York. lChi-s 'l lcicu ,i' cagoi. iioiuiuti aud etitur ctiea. Proft. t'likaiflug'I Ii tsih--anConfedeu Tinint' cf 1'ricet-on t5ccile s cyc a sua. îuiciincett tidci-st $(',0004. aîuînuîii.-irdltecsk ithenu'. lBaltimore dilasIhe largeRt teg lIi-uenri>-een; îetwa itIle partie-ipopuolation o ut a.; iîy lu tihe orld. wniu cit i'c-d enveteped inluan apparent Detrolit Dcmuîcrnalare makittg'pla air o u t anuoîuucab Lkowiedge a-crei'ran for maucan part; agau in titicity. raîîged t lu aacit linkick 0,cr the polfel Ne Yokw1 eurov 800, of is ls tadrs and c'ilestl ai' fro kcis tN en ret ae there wuley over . 0 Ithot bave br.flaacuilatlng for the pust 1 dPt5CttDad act I lhrty-three esrs bMotet them lawn- Greater Newn Terk achool teacit ILMg sur gaser% kcpt tbsfr vbguila vuilaistute soue £trdelluqumit 50151es for fean aaw mither L3. W W « 751 Lo . Eeehgeg4bau *0u lmt wouia tor R mdbm> 1111* -,0 l-a n -i tîiin 1c147'1î suilc-I 'îii-îecp 'u'-nlc'd Ithc' diid distii ,t if l'asaic uCoulunty ntir(- Slie A'sm-uubt3 il 182. % r. Houbrt selocnt1am'ins't l ice 'adcng leoritucaii hu i - ec.iion. le wic micre iuuiy el. 1*1.> uie .lî'nîcî-Tut- le, dalîgitu'r ut exNicc>cîr Scuns' Tilt- le utrl'aterson. 1île'a.as n-el-edU, c thi' A c ,n i n l IS73. a nic i t o u ' t o oki the itiglues leansd ucc-n s hnuîî8-a r ut tiuait ta>- lic in S71Mci. Ilcbunt s a c ei' c 'c e i l t he S i a I 't la -9 -iî tcc n dîîl i n 881 aiI a, telîcîci,îreiuîcl-ii t litthene- aie. uand a-us. e uia th.. ficlling I ucciîg bis lu-ruiintcthli esetehelie- -rme ai îu.Otcet»r cf asuol- outhliteurt ii porltunt ccîmcul Ii-a. Fccc)ui 1881. 1011 ceIntaaseclua rucuail u ft ihi' 8 ta tlie i iliu.5 î cmmlli'i.t îcf ew Jicrac'u. aduder is e u cd e'r s ip titi e l lî l 3 i iu lu c s od n oiu i crullilutl ciilliglli. li ,;..a icîumiiicteul lu18t-c-l u MM fo ijtuci SI 11- se i'ti-uiîrbcut te 1c.gimattiirc' lu-it i eniuuurativ, hi' lia lnuiani utril.'ul.51l clcI u, lindl cc-euiueicitc-,ci cîlilîcîe i Ii 18711 cof titi ncationail llceuiîlicucucciîcutcilui 1884. a ncd accru-ci u tul 1 911. i i cclui'euiî, notinuulîd ftruive uc-c- l nru ndc-uuleiiuc1 Slin-r li- ctlccîulc the -iauc-c- t, denulc y M r .c I j-c îc c r t I c i 1 p l a y e luuu i l li c lr ta hunrt iunlcclicl-al îtuîir". lutic Iheiic t'rc.cidcîut suducMr. c itîcct Ilucri.ihac - -- vll misi itilthc l'O, icîim -il f lire- ic c c c , t i n ft , o r m i a m iicc l iu - t u t i ý ctu u lu u i e ic 1 r ý Ic . i lîl n i t mic a i r >I c lis lcci.i icc s Ilict i tul tis% cca. ilcltuti luui .u licî c<icc-lt ic. lc, t mrl acu s-r y fuai-uiumtitug litun. O tIi i lîliant tuici tachaIt f cluuity. hii- i rcu l y $ 1 :, 4 ) . I li ai rici- l I u a î un I l i . i - f oi rs ai - ce r cii-a tl -cI h> a cînt l duclibe cPater~--, lei hrtuui-c tc-Ilveb-li -il giuu il u c-gh lîccr anuuu l m i hc, rýt hat luculuu . t u i t . I u r iilu h ilu i- l t i - a i r e .c u ti s i - i - l lu i i gu-t'i . -t n ýii t ' u u r i ilu u -i lI t , -h u r tt h i- îu ,-s tro t luith e c cle uii ulcnd , ri it rici-ci a-i-c henni ci,r i-rn fccr lire cii-k cmau. N r. lîc l in cc Ic-i lt l uccis a c-tuuiul. c-uilcli u s .A fter lii ,ecclc-c-t i m lc t c i-eu- c c-îi-î - i t i n i e t heiu t u - s a l i- n euu u c - i i i s o lu l t ru i c i c li li a c lcr l liii, tii- ic i v a hiulîc cî lc- te) Ii- r r y h-> u ic uc l ul is. Mb r. l-iicl: r t h a . Ice iiî icl u ill lu a ul tîiall ,- i i u I l e ' a i ti r i t c it I r a r titi - t . c i i ie m 11 i n u c y l a s i c c 'i-u î o n d 11- e .t , lic h l'rc sidi-ul i n ,.u v e'n i t r> icît s tu tio s, Tie adysuce sheeta Of a Portion Of ltae tassai report wiih Comptrolier l)aw.el lpullua ont costale facta ut interest sloi ouly tu linkers but ta the ipubllics preii. Tite tables relating tu thte se- moats eud businesa of the sevêrercicas ,of banis are especlaliy linaîructive. Di' ihe i hlhavreanuthai durlng he lait ten yeara lteaionual bauka have iucreaaed li uumher froint 3,32 te 3 ,W8 sud depos- itors tra il,i04 lu 2,74445; satings tank s fr ont 841) ta942 sou depositoru Srom 3.e11.060 te m5,207.tu3 Suitend rivle1ank frm 290 talle47asd depo«Itors f romt 1.071,260 ta ,3.2 loun sud trust cosipaoies frnts 121,tu 2W1 r nd depoaltors troua 177,001 1u 1124,198. 't'ie totulenuber of biuks of ail kîndu lncreaaed2.1, or 34 per c-eut, a bile tite IuCresse iu depositor am -s iil)ier scent. ].ean sud trust compsnies s coiwthe lara- est li-resluI point of peritnagi-, sud aime lu pereoage ut basc- . c-i-ucd. Il la lu depoalta. huantver, ltult te full extet orutthe finsancint grilà ouf lte counutryin labrai rtiecied. îiecciils lu national icants incressmed frotu $1.442.. 13-,7.117talu$2,522,157,5W i lu eurs; in savings bauka front$.443;1,2ilî, $2,- 1t28Jt,24 îte sud prir ut.' lcîîîk n sod Inust tcumuani4ca fruont$2t)tl.1i12.'ill tu $835,411.tb, total increas'frtcuî3.- 2.37,959,. 'rite total perceutag.grt uc-cesse icil-î,îisita n tti' lu ycarma S 3. Sat lionul batiks inc-reuccd -d'2per ci.iii, su ita icnukg51 pIr i-c-u at. iceml jli-utale lîsîcîs 1119 lir cc-ut und trust îc,ii iîes 178 pe-r cat. Miii encîlunler nitcu lte tieginu ic i uale ics ieurspaulit-Americali ivurdâ ocy lhe oblsiu'd ftrsainthe report utflthe CIulwucc aluer ut Educaluun. Th'isîshoîws tirait lthe 'urolliient ut acitulliui ut ail agi'@ le lthe UaltésilStates la u n 1.I'c87.li-3 or neorl,' W per cent îf lthe popuulatcion.la Cuits lait yeor, wala s PpulaiuI)IutOf I- 4 .5.771.-lthe enrullufiia-swuutny i4 or .cîly a lrd- oven 5 per c--'ut. sud ln ccddilîin iltîtoast btue 'mc'nilbered ltait llcal t o lthehe i,.lu ar-e bsic it uurie ouly.lunlPurto Iiu-u lthe figures ash u cîcrulîtuntut ofunly 271031, a lita u iné-l larcon ut abut %boiaO, s iig hlct tits n r,'i-lcd auhousotflthe caLud ire at- iend-d by ccnîty àa ice itver 3 per tcnt ut lthe total pocpulationl.'rThe prreruauge of illitcraiy la aloult 7lirî-S s onbi aitle* and ccluresl.'rTbuî ft. uiîler 1-ciuîsry cule, ri btas bren 1c.iblt I'cili' té> ec'uc-crage sud lîrutret lthetIcaliýe cc-boula. Ii're.c fIeýr utiaili lie uc'.-i'iîsary lu inaiuguirale an Aucerican ay.t-îc cun l'crlu Rit cccandcitu laylthe tcuultliuua nt leamt uirC tula. M>lutu i.os fcur utsiulry huor es uuiiilanti- le l. ou,lîOfutlite liin» out ellM'flitfur thé. ctciuiic-cthliti' nii nItc'l'i.Pil- i epiuc. e. î-u tila rit a c-ahi, ' - %%'"Mh r Ibiiic cI nieut'iutiic ill cîliba sagu uîlcjc-clCc tu lte cc1îriictc - liîig ai lry n-gi lte itay cci l i inthe Pilipipines. anid lie cI t fut ic c ing fcur g.' ote c lte tuuc'd iStates miwu.mté.grecîl Sut only sd i te tutrce di e lu t arbau - bu tl lie native q'iit'iWrte100tut) Ccifr thei. lteîclS l(»e. 011. rsaîd ite ancîild ie te Scoinl <Cil. ia.c'nîi.,tis'1'iirty tuîlit vol' iuilliel' ufntut-. undîiaukeci lthe h'an 1> icartceuili é)scIS triaiibone* for tiispur- pose. Sc'irelsry itcot becammi' rioua 1îcul reluccll titlu send brtîînas ra- iplanaln asIi té ou-lie lnleudcd feedimit lte iocméI'. A reily abasrc.c-eced ra aawic b.en. dlii aulul cavair>orieo tait ýuIcj iaitîs by mc1întkling inuîiisîa.'iOver c hî'i.laie iay sud gracies thé.- iorcea 'aur u o r rit i and aie ri s rc'cilul> as grui occiîil in thé UnièriState-s. la 1foi urt.e ccii ulsin lthe Philippinc esaoral- r l c ic i t f r c .c Ii r y l r> l n - is iii l[ - c I s u c - i a » îar~ t fIlic. rutcului, s a Iu c -. ccr tht %',scî-ut 'I I i'.îli> la busy id- pa-lo n fl olu iucucal iag.and titis rî-cîcur,'î a luirg.', >Lhe'cf bi s uie. A gri-l pcart o t' iu- t.«ucac . "[Icc isli' t lthe aluuuuiluritilig ut otc crai rcclucm, n di. icIlcalî prticons lthe 1'c- &u (.ul du t,-. , l, u c cIul gr l te . B u t lu'i-cr lu it uu-c. ' tI lircuciu iene ite us lu -i oIi -tlcr t- h i uu i io ni o r - id - î.a . u cl t j j , pc lu c Iu c lu c i a u i d r i e a b i ' Y uluicci A. aeculis b',90:,tic rucI l Iee li' ce-, ci,.uincgucuraflier uundc <',c'ate Mie.. liii cicI a c.usttlog nuiiir AUIli@ arut uigit' s idcr tic- . cctlthatI lu.Indiy h. ri ic-hr îciiucuc.ucI.-CvIlcic t-l cf lthe ttul laiItur-e inonucî,uucclua etîclîl ccliof di, taulîcciu uco îrrectionn wll tcIt nui ttwiuiuvuiuc. Itlru maidtlitmi.i iii e.- >'5u.. tii(.l'rf>iti -tul aiill urge' rî-l-liîii uto Phil lpunes, iiîuîîucul 11e stable ' Icilriil -s giuui-runueiut toc liait au sud t'c,rtc,) Iiuo. Ttec tîluîa qîuu-sluoo atIl br let otn. ocrti>îf lthe Treac.ury Tt"iacued r an ocîrl. ,cjurc-hae8.'.ttt)î5)asI utfcu irelii lriuua ry oucî,ertiteht jir' cI alte-uvnug'(lie iuili-diaté rcl.luîf utflthe NccuîYorkuni uucney maurke-t. lucre la a i tt-îîru cctcashit ntutcsury. aid thte Si.,-rcctaryc(ieiq-i'utwasa gud fl inie to gi c'titi' îî',lle un upuuCtunituté iciul. tf Item bonds laviurta luelic e usîntu t. The ti occlecr lthe Iuoud tircuitme udhu-aleu Y.téé,cii icugaTitUncir Sanut haepleuti' ut or aýl ni u s ha srong box, and thai lite i' busîiness outhebi coîuntry la reniankabli' s-large snu re'uitiureil couaiderabie cashin I ieir-raubl Cirvîtta. lIai.uuo rhég . bucod.tuât étre .Le t1 -u mu- , l -ct'iual foc aie lthuni' maluriug in IW Sud 1 g r uLcidici >aonmeu A riais tfon honnI;tun orAdmire[ Dei o b it. lru r.N c ai Y ouni . W 'as a sge551 l ad hbu m e n gnitavlog ont ut lt e batti e an- i'duî ti tr-etid u-r>cut itumîî iaitila tay huis bren filai aviitlthe ra ~~~~~ Jîîu'icio . 22, Tiîccsviiue, l'a., ut ulaiasia b>- tieir ator eya. They -in lna r ei- l s t' o u er a blg. lie l u a d .ul unu d $200 t on cacit m an in lt e e » .% Illeit .lux.nolun'u îeîu il-et u(enlthe gnusud tct Amenicas l s F x . th i n i g e r, ils d e ud ue t - bucîmîc i l t c îl a s u p a-io r fo c e . I fl t ce co u r t of Si. 11.10ti. cille. th t D ee a ttact d n c u i tp ut ln. a. dIc. 8enneli, mccci<15(M fnrtu-c, te and his men avili gel oui; n atu ir.EliietitSMa-ildlaccd7 fuir adNr.E-crit nuon Ilte em> 'i ilcet. ic--re lfu'Iitcuc Illb> iuai ugg ucc t Ibs- îtotal Clulun la $3tt2.800. ut îa icb Dean bury, Niea.. hilarc' ine tieti' foullaîvacd la umade I-: ('tîn> 'neauin JohncluiC. lu-u c$'.9 a out-a u OI ,ica t. int. N v ., abus Na 1e p iu~ rupoaccil 10 use itton ten se a u îu l w ,uun - i1i0c11 - uf ci . u i o i t g itt ni luu' ucuiitu n; ucp-ruliuo ni uni a 'h -u c t ofgrndul t rc-lt> ht li.a. nii u d iprltible device orut Thomas %V r:iîuri iti- i, unjncd et ut clîu rliîrsi-ten aill li' t1ilulel lu lb.. ci& ,e_ jjousbb. i c-.x ls-ic-a cc iiibil Jn uuul cîlunt-ci fo tia n citusi ueniict,- .%donemllul e, ,elev- - l aled.tcti tlthlIe liglit m utiote haei bu i n eu t ,. l ,- . n t lu , l .- îîî-î i t-u u t i- r y g - îl l il i n elitc uu l t h fe j lu ,l . c ' -c' iu I ; ý W c ill l eCiu '. 'Ii iti i'>- Nuis Vicclu li n-c uight uunru lt-,e mmcd uilcenu iou-. ,cîît i i . ifî ît c'tîiu ' c rg - lue t lu tu cil - l ti ' eur ic u . <'c iu ffilu> l' r ll ou' Ico n on tits oft 1 9. u - % 1 h .1 l1 . 0 l at a s ha- lîc u .tt t d r e s i dl u n î 0 'i t : ; J . % t ' i b l a c e o r t n u i e i n t î v u rate uit tic u-ss Mtc-lVP1hou(u'ombtsilic. Ili'ANcutiîhi' luit cil Stalcsas ul, e i,e,7. ' cîut rtet- lii ra, h$50 c-uc î. Cnit u $ai i. S Jle2,0<1let'a ian tIt'e tumunua ,gcci il,-1 $:01.tJ.he scune Imue luel yeux. due lutiute iîinat.tu Illetit'oheuinduey;il îîmîîas whcuthaI, aitbotigt exportaiutctnped $41'l ins a iu lic-cii urrc'sted on a citurgeeuitofcnn-570, the icul«)rts ut menctuodise abus stcil)lunt waus In(u $20, and buis tiegli'ctc-d icneamied b; tthe lurge amtouit f aifie secirt'd isa nuease b Iý b> uiîgtig, j 6441.. atouit.tt The iteavi fruste in Alnalina bave Admirai Dewae; to in l subject, es praclicalî; kilbd lte greanlth Ottop Ct-àS aentoanuo;snce bir perBsens ve M- ton. llgporta troua several couaiiee sbown te usiioti "rteicursist,' aid p", M'a tâ e Ibol t colaridea baie praclleall ornage Usnt e ea h lt retwow bsanaband.sa& ".oeulav mitl.e et ; SI,- V1 - 5 re' Je et seurt de- 0at. mde- $100 Tic uîîind itai ding Ti"i ,- for etact 344.- 0] si tl tl t t