CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Dec 1899, p. 5

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TH SST 18 ALWAYS CHEPI Our alm Is to carry the BEST of everythlng, hence our store Is lleadquarters for re- lhable goods. CANDITS Canned Goods SERUIT UNTouaccos. ... Big Jo Flour Is admlttedly the best. Triggs &Taylor, Libertyville - - - Illinois.1 Phonographsý AND G raphophones. Ail Optical Goods Neatly Repaired. __ ...Fine Watch Repairing.. ....Ail Word Ouaranteed.... WATCIIES At WAY-DOWN PRICES. lé§ sire Dents' 21) yesr Filled Case, Elgin liovemeut 512.00 4; nirze La"diemu*s15 eur "" . 10.00 Cslit ls auîl s,,the iblth- $2 (Mi il'ailbab Watb-Btemwviud suduet. i "iihargaina lu ail LadIes' sud leute' vaiebe,. Up-to-date Jewelry of ail Kinds at Popular Prices. C. R. SHIERMAN, Libertyvi le Illinois.1 Wi nter's Comingl, We are Prepared, are you? We can prepare you in fine men's shoes at from $1.50 to $4.00, or can show you excellent underwear, such as you will need, and at prices that will suit. Butler Bidg. Libertyville, Ilinois. ALL. WOOL 42-INCH DRESS GOODS AT 35 CENTS PER YARD. CHRISTMAS ARE O 0AND NAT SANTA CLAUS OFF. LOVELL'S DRUG STORE WILL BE AS USUL' HEADQUARTERS ,..DURING THE HOLIDAYSo, Prelty and Usoful Oifts for -.,LR.N. A large line of books by popular authors. Our -display this year W1111 excel. Watch for it. F. B. LOVELL, Libertyvi île Ilinois.1 Our Liberal Offer..... 4PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. 4Local Items of 1Interest to Libertyville Readers. 'v G ro ce ries AND Meats. . 0. We knov a migbiy gond joe eo u oe of the officera of thbe ehodist chfrch. lioveverlbe in no peuitent. aud ao mauy other fok& inov about it, ve yuil refrain tibis trne. The Ladies Aid Society of thm Preabyterian cbnrch viii give s dîme aocisai ibe obnrch Frlday evming Dec. Nit. There yull b. a program and rfresbmeuia yul be servmd. lierchants are nov prmparing for tise holiday trade. iu faci some bave ai- readj received large mipmeutm of geoda, auticipatlng a rabhig business. Ail ihai la laciiug go maie busines meu bappy tlas sescu of cold veaiber. Constable Llmberry deulea that the Langdon-Qurk Jury played borae vit bihm. Be viabes h dltinctly uuderstood ibat lu future no --moukey vok" hy jurora under him care vOl b. tolerated, and Denains tis as if be meaut 1h. Nobody but Kiplinug kueva bow to reveal hudis viib a pan as dons Flera Annie Steel, aud it vould b. bard te tind even lu bis pages aiiytiig se thick vitb ibe arums of tbe £mat as "The Pi-rf ure of tbe Rose," ber short &tory of love and tragedy lu the Christmas '"New Lipplucoit." Onue of thse laborera ou ibm railroati grade sppropriated Tomt Hidleson's overcoat Wsduesday moruiug aud atiempted in get out of tovu. He vas detected by Censtable Achen sud madie te returu the ce&%, bovever, sud uisou promialng ta leave isîvu for gooti vaa net postecued. lira. 1. C. stroug. e! Wauimgau. lUnd s uev four foot sidewalk huliin front ef ber cottage on *.Churcb atremi ilîls vomi. H. Lus i ddthe vork. We are lufermed lir@. Stnong expects te leave Waniegau lu s short tijue for Cali- forus te b., gone iudefinltely. lira. Sirong te suffmriug from ibrosi trouble, bence ber dtmermînation te remeve te Coliferili*. A beautiful doli la ou exhibition ai F. B. Lovmll's droit stere. 1i la tblrty- aevein lches higb, ls dressmd lu ibm mont approvet doîl faâblou sud bas real bair sud very lifm ie mes. It la lir. Lo)velîsÉ purpose to give tbe doîl avay. Wib mevery 50 cent purchase, commeuclug nezi lionday,wvîlI be gîven a uumbermd ticket. Tbe perseu holding the Iucky number ai a dra.lung In b. beld tbm Saturday evmulng bie- fore Christmas vIH gt the doîl, vhicb an truly sammntbeautifui one. Weduesiiay lu Waueui bm mth oegaisi of ibh alteA. B. Cok vsm sold at Masters&sale t aaly merigages of $3300. lira. Cook hougbtthibmptoperty lu. 'ihat portion ef ibe property oni tbe cerner of Milwasukee sud Cooki Avmiumansd vbicblinM. Cookivllmd] te ibis Village sas&isot coveued hy them meorigagea. ih. (oui u bas f sali cîîutroiî of ibm pripenty snd IL i»lber iniiieiii'ui tiicarry oui ihe dic-tates o! Mr. C-,Wk~a iii. by .1icltsevillage1 viii eveistissiy gmlthibmprsipmrtyrissu tiîîued and $',tl(Lt> eiîm irved Iroin tIesalieeof lotis ie-ougiug t.i ihi'e tite. Thon Coritvas lu Wai egau lMon- day, sud Iu s coinversation is vlîG. II. Lyon, AI. lieudesud Dr. Knilgbiloci- dontally mmtloued ihm fangthibt a îîmw passeuge sas lu course 0f construction lu Libertyville, sud ibat funda te meet expeuses vers tbcle raliçesi by popular subcrlptiou. Tlisen Tom couelîîded by imylng inuucently ibai cquntribntina freim outsiden rs reqIalieacceptable* The gentlemmu respoiiaed vib sa gtft of $20 auj T 'om came home happy. The-y crtsluly dld ibm handiiome thlug and ibear lIteret lu LIIhertyviIe's velfare ls appreciaied. Wbeu out- aidera give seolberally surely osar home people abould net beitate. Slilolent moiîmy In pay evmry dollars@ lndehtednesm ou tise psrsoîsagm abould asid vili lbe ralsied before ibe builing la compleied. EN pal ha advanevs piv s tifs Clalesgs Weskly Inter OceauI ordrasgeedm, &soes. undervear, au& i the owmpsa nxwo@et ia su heUip arm Journal fivs h lmy, siaiemi., giltu mita. C. M. & ST. P. TOME TABLE. LIBERTYViLLE-DAILY EI.SU'iDAY. :5 61:4 p. 1M. 12-.30 p.1M. 7:U5 P. M. 4:w0a. lm. Io:" a. M. 8:34 a. m. l*301P.fIn. d: o p. 1M. Dld jon enJoy youir Tbaubsgiviug turkey. lire. Ira Wilson, of Chicago. la lira. Bierustn'@uenut. Pair election Wednesday. Be on band vlth a dollar sud a vote. Crismas neet, sud only twenty- three daya more end old liants Clans il be boe.. J.,hn Lee in enteriaiuiug bis daugh- ter and husband, Mr. and lire. Chas. Logan, o! Clijuon, la. Lumber for the new parmonage arrived Saturday. CIl. H. itcbancb la furnisbing marierial. Ums Clara Avernu recited at a ban- quet given by a gathering of youpg men bt Nelson Coles home lu Bouton Wdnesday venlng. A good old fauhioned anow storm wonid pieuse everybedy. Uuneisoul- able veaiber ham a teudmucy io tllrow everytbing out e1 joint. Mr. sud lir@. J. B. Alanson gave tlàeir annunal Thankaliviug dinneri yeaierday. e vs a sort of famlly reuion, tbnee gener.iion beiug Te- preseuted. Tbe North Cicago sub-diairici cou- vention of the Epworth League ad- vetised to b. beld tu Libertyville vili listsd meet ai Lake Bluff éaturday. Deo. Oth. 1 have a better sud lsrgmr stock of miliiuery sud irimmings iban @ver iaform. Cali aud examineMmy Osirci befere bUyiug, lins. PROTîNE. Eliher run a towu vitb s vim or j net selI ont audleave it. lieu vho are al ihm trne tryiug to gt oui of business vîli neyer iry to bulid up mther. One of ivo ibinga muet b. doue-run ibm tasa for ail h la wortb, gmt up siesm aud ieep ht up, or quit tise vbole tbiug, alidi oui sud ltnImi t'retakm its course. Do jon a vat trade? Bid for IL. Do yen saut business te come tii jour tovu' Encourage tbose vbo do comm. Do yoîî vaut s prosperons towu vbmre people can comm viso are dlaîiosed to maie homes? Then de asy vltb.bury from elgbt aIl jeaiouâieu, ail8sItue vork; vonk no more for a fmv iudivlduals, but ail wouk tigeIjrIsi<fr a common pros. peulty aud mutuel beuefi. Wakm, rb jouir eyes, rull up jour isleeves and go te) wo. Dont son vib fear and tummbllug, but taie Ut fer grauted ibai blood yl tell. Leuve resulis vitb tbsmselves; borrow ne trouble, but ail nulle to maki h e blggmst kind of a Ciy. Msson'a Visit Waukeigan. liondaj ulgbi nîneimen Maaou,, of Llbmrtyvilme Lodge vett u a body to Waiegsu to partIcipai the ibs Paat- masters' Nigisi." Ail are eu'ibuaiantio lu ibeir pralsne of ibm cutertiluers. Tise fouti, vbiss vw" pi i.parr'd by ladies of ibm Prmabvtî'riau chiiri'b lu.- clndmd ibm followlug msenu: Couli am Ciii Torigîi- BismitigîsCuits Tes Ilts ~iteJelit ColSiaw P' L- l'ci i'-a Colle-- A.Oted ci. hi'Crian Cisas-.. Tvo buisdred sud tiirty pî'raous Bat dosu Wte mtables. 'The lodge rom lhadt been re-cmîihy c.rpeted, papred ani f uruishett snd ibm annuai pant-muâtt'r's banueitvas simcaseort of re.dedicatiou. liserooru prmessunimîîrmîsivm hppmsrsicm. On ibm lîsor Ia laid a ricls Welion risg vlth ssh tllfgures, tise iolor belîsg cblmlty green. mai ooîî beuig Inter- mhxmîL., i'he vala bave been re- pap5reid vth a ricb rossghmd maroon paper, tibmides heiliseovereti vitb à tille darier lisade thirtue î-î'liiig a very barmîîîîloîsa elfoet Iîiig thi' n-uit. About the' ritsi. tùr"s- fiet frnî,îtIhe fleer, mte-cii -f a eii'.igs usrîiin biiriap. A Iuiiîiug authibis îivhiog point -f tise laper andi thes ordir matcises ib m pper. J'oitsîbive- tbi' mouidiug sundlcircllîsg ail ssrîîîsd use room is a ring of etris' ligiîta vlitb a single ligisi directiy lus the ceuter cf ibm cmilnug anti cingle ilgis sabove ibhe respective omfceua ("butre. AhIl u su lu ibm Iodge roîsni ibere are ever liii lampe. Thoase vbo wvî nls rîîm LIb)ertyvilie sers: Ueo. Wriwit. L. B. liantit. Chas Kaicer. Wm. <As- liiige E. W. Ds'ii- M. Peasten. Ernest Davis, 060. Dou. Ernest Brown. Belis litr. W. M. Hiat h. W. B. Davis,. H. Luisi. EuiiiiiMlle.r, 1. i8. Oii'aeon. i<reii Miydrni. Il. W. lloik,i. A. II Leisus We souder If ibe titrkeym vere ibsuitul. J. E. Ballard bai uearly sompieied ibe construction of a 126 foot bridge ai Lake Bluff. Mir. aud lira. A. Shupe, o!fliaile Wis., speni Thauksgivlug vits iMr. aud Mi. Wallace Bulkley. lira. Dr. lisc Cuaig. î,f Chicago, peut Wesiueaday vitb lier parents, Mr. aud li». 0. B. Churchill. Bmifld cloaba ai Mlio. 'eTINE'R. M. B. Colby sud vife sud Mr. sud lira. E. W. Parkbnrsi apeut Thanks- glviug vili. 1. O. Colby, o!fiRussell. J. J. Porimona, vifle sud childrmu are viitiug lIra, Porimous' parents, Mr. aud lir. E. P'. lubbard, lu Aurora tiia eex. The dance given' by young men of the Llbertyville Catbollc Club Wdues- day uigbi vas vol] atteuded, lu tact tbe hall vas crovded. W. T. Estan pnrcbased tbe Dr. Weeoka prepenty ipsi over ibm river lioudsy. The farin conta.lus 184 acre@ aud le unimproved. We uuderataud ibm couaidrtiou vas about $12.000. If yon ueed a cloak or cape, call ou lia. PaorîNz. vbere yon wili fiid a fullhUe Of "lades, miase'sud cblldre' cloaka of the' faniona Bolfeld main. A. W. Waldo bad as guemtm Thauka- giving lMr. sud lira. Squirenansd cbildemusud lMr. and Mrs. Galbraitb aud family. of Chicagoi aud A. W. Waldo, Jr., sud family, of Highland Park. H. C. litichell sud a party of prom- mnent Cbicago geutlemen viti h eir vives vill dine ai ihe Libertyville liotel Bunday, atierwardm lnsectiug our tavu from carrdages. Thejy wl aiso viait ibm Copeland property vbile bere. A des], the Partirulars o! vhicb vs kuow Dot la ou foot, 'sud briugs the Party In question go Liberiyville. The estimable ladies of Lakeside Cemetery Asociatiou are somewhat periurbed beconse e1 a certain quili, sud there a taie lma aiacbed. We might comment upon ibm source of ibeir trouble, sud jet canuot do no vithout barsbly crIticiaiug a geuile- man wbom ve are hardly tain to lie- lIeve In other iban boumai sud houer- Reggie's Fiancoe-Yon bus. fleg- gis, Usai girls are belng calsd bj the cames eof oyers nos, sud my s suggesied thai i abould b. calimi Thistle. PReggl.-Ob. ysn. h see-bema» sjeu are se sharp. Oie-Oh, gel1 She mnI hwsasbeasu à donkey Io 2Me.-Plck IgoUp, Cross Creek Lehlgh Coal Worth 10 per cent. more than any othër hard coal. Also best grades Soft Mr. i <bsr'iiiBeils V...,s's. Coal, Coke. Lime <tsar baby vas teovenmii stbnînuug »ores, DeWit's Witob Hasmt bain.. and Cernent. coiresl ber." A apecilisfor pilets aud êsun dise-ues. ilevare et soriblis conuterfets. P. B. LovuLu., Llberty G. 1lt"SCIIANCK, vtUe; J. R. IllatAosg, Gueuse; P. L.i Waumaisx. Rociefelbr. UefIui . . lie" I TS WIJ-AT you s HIOH SCHOOL NOTES. Tbe curriculum of Libertyville 11gb 8cbool provIdes for a thtre eaus courge as follova: Fira Tom lihtorl (lnoral lil.uory. Physi.oogy. 43 140thg) * lg..Iris 16 montliî.: Aise-tra. ri ONli yzKîa 1îrat Term. Latin or Engliih. ioany andl ",Beokiipins. or,1try. 2tond T.rm. Lat in or Engii-.h. r and Book, ty. I-art Tc'.n. il Latin or 11sI., Ii d Pl, ysius . :o a iY. bif,:ond Terni. Il Latin orEiiih l'oa.lsviewa. As ibere vas tne gradnating year no work waas done lia Botauy, Book keepiug, l'bygics, ptiyslcal (ieograpiày or lteviewiug. Let him who tinka the vork of a Higb scbool pupil to ho easy coule up and give us à lecture ou oroan curreuts wlth tbree bourg for preparation. But he muset.a&isfactortlymuîlali mhewhy aud vbermfor. Ou acconut of the presteuce of &0 much minerai motter lu Libertyville waier, tbe clama lu Pbymica tlunda difficuit to get the speciilc grsvity or a sub.stance, viib auj degrem of accur- acy. At luiermiasion uow--days, one may fnd a most unique fo',t-bail gaine lu progresa. fi lasatrictly orgInal viib the' school boy@.. nia 10es DIS.isses Oyrauo de Bergerac is remembaed boemus f iealarge nome. Pew know ibat ha won a pe,- and tewer sf111 k». hbis poeUia The nom in s ooaiplo uous feature of hiatnny. The lengtb of Oleopsras emid 10 bave figursd ln Roman polîtios. sud sasmandai gpsy nut ct it wbich «lded in tibm min snd deatb of Autony audtiemesasblisbment ci au empire wbiob laated a tbousad jeans "0oloswc Id Dot promots a in whe had net large noms. He himsf wus well1 in inluthia respect. Caser wu Ibe"bIl dRoman." Ail Am<iUU stateammen bave heua noted for tbieisdmu . 014mou tell ot ou, owu Beai u-bo Sied te abake bis nom l1km an elephantsa proboucis wben b. got ezoited. hi somma to b. ibm law it ail&Hgreat meu bave gresi nomes. but lt noe ueilnk thai the ounvers of this i rue. ibat lail mmn Whbhave great nomes arn great men. Bach s cati- clusien weuld lead ta oafuscmansd needîmma pain and dlssppinutmet-8i Louis Polt-Dispatoh. ICveaag fleme 1. Kaaaas Cty. T edre athie muni damomrtie rai t in the wnId. 1mtmetther.m quiofnta ef goondtenus, wbotber lit wssande six jears ago or Issi month. Atired in vening costume. whetb.o the svallowtails ane long or shomrt - row or wide, &Hl men look, praotimnly speaklug, aile, whsietb.ty are waae maurnera or mlllionairea. The droe s i levelas&Il distinction@and illutat.sths poteutiallty of a correct style. Tbe yeung man wbe bas made à gond sae. tion lu bis reuted brosdolotb Isareaaly groeet bis wealiby rival who bu ai sd for bis Lonidon clethesàance like $28I How ibm tame cfibis wcald fleuv amnaili hea wrapped ila sa vllewtaii quoi; among many oibers or the Mme cut 1 Wheu ibm dreas suit bomies the regular eveuiug oelllng sud ibeater drensafor Ka ~ClU men n a beuld he. ibmepoorpe ylprofit by ih s full cubi t scmeiiy sud self respect, -Kansa Oiy giar. ChartilamAutthor51v. "Iys called you thrms timon, Cher- lse," mid a mother tu ber litile son, "sud l'm very munit aunoyed bacaum of jour tailure toa suae, me. " "Well, mamma." replied Charlie, wbo sas vqy fond ut rmding Bibe tones,"yen ai'auj btter thon the Lord, are you?" *No, of course nt. " snssered the mothorilu urprume. 'Why did yenn k ibat?" "Becau, " repiled the Ilitile folios. -'the Lord cshled Samuel threes rimes, aud ho did't gmttemnd about ii. "-Chi. cage News. a§ho liN. MrL. Manuerly (ta ber daugbitsn, sho bas juat recurnmd freon tes with friends> -1 hope ),on sid "No, thank you," ottener thon yen did "Yms, tbank jeu. " IMabel-Yeu, 1 did. 1 badu't boon ing more'n half an hour before ibey bagou mying. " Dont you tiluk yeu've eaten enugh? " Are'i jou &froid jonîIl malle joursel i II?" And 1 mid. "No, thani it every sime.-L<.- don Fun. We are up to date in prices, qualities and .... terms.... Childrens Retens. Menas and Boys' Hais and Caps. Mens sand Boys Suifsansd Overcoats. Shees for everybody in endles a vriety. i: A choice Une of Groceries_.,,&ý, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts. Candy, Fige. Etc. New Goods are coming in every day. is a peerless collection. MA B. COLBY & Co, DEALERS IN EVERYTHINQ Libertyville, Illinois., Dress Goods. Woolen Dress Goods are rapidly advancinq. in price. We have a, splendid assortment - of thes <goods which we can seil you at' aImostKONE HA LF 0F THE OLD PRICES.. $LOO 44-inch AUl WooI Silk Finithed Heuriettas...S 50 $LOO 44-loch Ail Wool Serges...................... 50 $LOO 44,imhlack Crepens........................ 50 65c 44-inch Black Csshgeres....................... 36 45c 36,inchfBrown and Green Cashmeres............. 26 35c 36,loch Green Cashmere........................ 15 lWe1 carry a full line of Black and Coloredç' Velvets and Velveteens, Plain and,.~ Fancy Braids and Gimps, Brush Blnd- ing, Nearsilk Linings and Double Faced Selisia. We can save you money on-' those goods. The Fair, Libertyville, ERupture ... ureb I N 30 TO 0,0 DAVO By theisevliun suFi- deiblietbod. No u srulu&10Oua-ratlsu No toser, pinl. No Liios,!ofTime. No Pay listil clitres - - - lllinols.~ F. BAIRSTOWi. MANUFACTURER 0F Marbie Granite Every ruptuued persou la lu constant danger. Thore laneovarulug, sud strangulation frequeuily reaulis lu' deatb. A rupture alvays causes a great doal et auf!erlng and keepa cbild- men frous dovoloplngasse elI mentally and pbysicllj as they ongbi. lu &very ceue ibm geueral heslib la Iî4 ted alter being cured, lu botb 1 .auj1 Young. A speclalai vitb over Iêons experieuoe lu ibm trea .. dîff cil% cases vîl msasîit M e ane o Botol. Llberirvillî, Ted enng, aud Weduieaayforenon of -wveik hlfw ,e '-n uit cure von t'yIl not t ceai joliascout. Cal]sait se. a SvisM.V. CEmiEHY. WORK OPnegsin That makes you rich and if you are alive to your own interests you'll find « you save money by trading here. Other people do. Wny not you? Keen public sense comprehends the BEST and REMARKS it. ' >Sp~ A FINE UNE OF GLOVES. F. C. SMITH& SON, r

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