CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Dec 1899, p. 8

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4Oilt n Or ot la a in Pl" igures. eare te ouowour colore Conpare aur agood O& we areconfident af ecuring o good bWi s»M4ualty Bolisi oits. hfancamy table oyrup, or 30c in à galion Iota. eiSmufBoto ne.coftee, 7 lbn for $1.00. Ï1 lb ht fana I'oaBerry cole, 6j lbfor $1.00. hgifort eavy vel made siove pipe. ISiuvy slave pipe elbuws. Iagdoible ront and boo eue's v<khhirts. fort hon 01*4 og Star oieeting, Sic by 25 yard picce. 1U4 f2j1*yards vide beavy aieetiig. 94 = .tdfSt iavy fast color slirting. 9 W et ooe itiree styles ev fanoy Soc dresa goode. 3L 0mai4 Cfor voimen~s fleeced Jersey underwear. aft far spalai idrive In i se 26 tb34 chilirena heavy flsselined mneiiuesr, 51< voi e.. Oft 79 i 81.00 for mena vwicierundervear, sure 10 please. $L38fat 18lb horsb.arkets. au" 0 mafliol@4BS$1.00 t1035.50 ec 8faou'* brovu ieavy Koraeypens Overeffl mMiig bas begun aud vo a e rushed. People wuoel- aulneor lohilng knov a god ihing vioc ioy sme IL. VSauer & Bro., LONG OROVE, - ILLINOIS. We hanidie the famous- D. L. & W. aNow is the time to order your witer's supply of coal. IT WILL BE IIIGIER! We handie ail kinds of coal and can supply you with the best to be had in nut, egg, rahge or soft coal. -IIGHT & SON, twUtyviIIêa. - - - -Illinois. 60 ~botmg about io1 unl et public ution, am.LlboglyviUo, Thurs- 19, 1099 eue nenukt 1 > n. i.t 110in; deacibedl p111, v,: cos, rouborne 9 obiI. 900gra base,4 are. coru hou slai i nlle, 141busieta le 001., Triampi bior. Eeystono Slaadeg, Prairie Ciy seeden, mioid cotaplanter, lilaloey sulky1 W. »W Dy o, vaiicg plov, sulky 14ulo. D~ond toath cuitivaton, 3 eslever drape, lumbei wagon, Mi Xogo, oai wagon, bob leds, Ring nill, double vork hainees, sa simie, 8MO lb. scales. 2440 lb. bIeby reck, vood rack, hay fork, seul pulloys. 25 grain baga.,.ntlk ~aieyolien articles 10<> num- WAUCONDA. John ilanck spenl Bunday lu tho Cty. H.IMaman vau Sn lie City ou bual- flus Fridmv. Hanie Clause headquarters mi Hugheà funniture aiors. M. and lira. K.M. S.ll vono clty visitons Tcosday. E. J. Uelly ami Athur Kiruin vere1 City visitons lriday. J. E. Prat sud Union (Gilbert. 01 MdHenry, spent Suniey mier.. Misa M. B. Glynci acd ies atelle Grime woro clii umlers hiturday. Mg@. C. R. Wells amd Mis. C. L. Prat vero Meffery visitai Ptiay. lino. H. Ilolaer and aialn lieue1 Kirvin lotiton Nebraska WadueBda.y 0f lani ue.k. Bey Insmphere and Miesa ayme Bsiey. of Mdflosry, vere Woccacde callera Sunday. The serry-go-round vilI Brian tie ceai futicro ai the Vaceonda fms ou. ...r"'store.. JA. P. WHUEELF.I, PrOp. Siocurna honse h".i-vek. He bai on W. B.AilLaI, Aucioeer. auction sale Tueoia. A number of Yaung peoplea tran lue FORT HILL. place aiiended a mrprimepertyatmILB MnB on la nemly fIintohd. L. Fonda triday @voulus. ar lied Converse ie hcyicg stock. Mr. andlins. Bila Wynioopar ILITwu»d l retirig he brn.getting ready ta movo ta Voodataci. LîVummni s rpeniu ba lir,> 'hey expodita movo on Friday. Willisam Lauzen base pnnee<l a ev Mr. JîrnsLakey, of Chicoga, vateai. precboi lu lie M. E. aburchI" 1mo- Val iVtie vas buYiug caIlle lat dy eveciug. A large covd vas tu 'voeb. attemiance. Aman Bras. aeancbrcddlug con fotr DoMie Ciongi ami Lan I V lt M. a. ]KM=. celbralci lietU eigil bitiiay In TM Harvey vàs buying boss lute lem. E. Charon parlors TimteiY., "$b4.fqml. About lwenly.tive futile ousveto 'Fup Ban amiBontranaactgd lni. iivited- ilest l e«o les Saturdey. Tic ineral of lins. J. C. Grep$0s,,et1 '~I Wat ih nemcey midanMcliàry, vas holdlte Id . E. chmtai "à anily Oive cents ion Oct. Mouday. Bev. Duibon olclaig. la- AL overte in pusîîeg s cernent tnotvsmi nleVuod la lie llrge bain tliaIlho roceuiiy ometery. W - M. Lester Burdici ami Mim BSalie m ili veoJoiied ie lie ioly bcnds of ïý* CM Hse nili wa ai irge lst vedioci Tuosi>. oli lie youn taMlla Mleuy tpeople are froin tht. place and thoit 1mé atourrollMcComixmny triende vtsl Mn. amidlins. L. Baulibs afou no MconuiceBurdtck a hou voyage lirougi lite. tvemlY-elght bei svinging Nye Colby sui Boy Bavard.,O tOi aieor vint iade for Young M weny ere WmocmvWtlors i1 ns>.They got maul mdp àa Utile i' w~s bisiters are stiifl owtng. Ilt1dunu leocis ghovine o f Ourg denmu t îgel cold 9t0oosothey alderma --bo ansd In liefunaid ioàgmugu so lesue cau't putlaeton on lie Mliery pegilisis. ~~1Uhie-aceMises Acie B. Ommmng, Tyrs, Midi., mye, --l sctered a long Mmino is WIICldPs. dyspepsie; lbat ilesi and bouton etry d tenidbandmcoinn d uc'o om. Kodol DyspepsieCure on- - Md aieurday aof ci, veek pleioly cmed me."Il diget. vbai K ttier noticen, . 8. DoitLP, 7yumeutsud cures aIl foins ai tamaci 6t trouble. Il nover fals ta gîte lm- ____________modiste relief In the vanst came. A Thusa Tonons . iB. LOVEL, Libertyviiie, J. B. A Thoesenilongus UncHxa, Gurme. F. L. visvxauàx, $ ioul aiexprema the rîutur o!ut ockeeller. gofIl 25 Howard Bt., ._ _ - Fa., ub a se ouni ihet Pu r oRico. eVou isotery for con- Threeo urs of the bemuiliIisland Ifflaompleloy cured lier of outlPuerto iRico are arhoduied tu lento ouilimi foor mny YearsChilcago January 11, February 15, ami a bordes. Ail ciber Mci. Speuiai Pontma. mleoing a"i 4e80»rsconli ive ber dinugcars i couvey theiartny ta Mie mme oflita Royai Nov Yok, tiooe u boari lie spien- ewmd tiepain la my, dii novwsea"ahpa Fonce Mi Ian - M vi* elepoundly Juaon, lirougi and arouni lie islad ý*M OMruly temembar 57 rail, automobile. omrisgeanmaibout. '~$eeli~be al s. iel Ms. inde uisalexpomaesa ovor, PRinLgs@bu unie ot pe"taMectof Wa Vlt of th ile lloyd Tavsei M'dur nonoge A"pos SI. menetof iAninV Auoa botlion, Bem phl Umgt *Ida55mrquetés 6 imel. -b iflpoiles Nopenset la*~~eso~ A14 WSONI03370j"121. AUWAY CO. soca"RmE2LLU&MILIOI. A. M. îseul A. 8. et »Io m-iio P41 . N. 4:m5 Sumday euir tit 0 Dfily ezeepi Bender- zDaily. BOCIEFELLUE MALSk. 7:32 a. m. 10:03 . 4:56 P. n. 6:t9 P. n. arrivée IronmChicago. Leave Eaokeefl$iSuDhnOui Lake, Gilmer, IvanhOmd ami W t conter. EMatniflg 1*W aIetRcke. feiler at 4 p. m. Bley. aM s. Col. agoMt Thnko- Rtvtng watt eW5I slt"e 011 I. 0. Payne aM 'o. »tesaot hoque fram Obteego iS maij. V Ur. anm is Saeab" te vieltin thoir danghter, MUn. ibai BS J. O. NKm«ne ove IoBRésel Wo- uesday ev.ning ta dine ThUeIa! wvit hi patents..E MesdamesN. B. and W.$. Welbh, et P Cbiag apMt Tiamhagvin a 1et7 B Cntrail satL jar. Caneron midmer, ce Chiao. l penî TbauOgving vii Ur. and Mie.0 J. B. Boi. Win. Bicok o s eBflo0laut Bey, Wis., tk allai the tumermi" is mohet. Tu«dia7eti tii. ven. à iUrs. ILB. Botima viimot allum a tram Chicago eat ft et l iteWok Ber coulin, via mii vsaltoaing died 1a$ Sunay ad wv aributtodB Byron. Mgo. E. J. Maier, te preporimi ko renovela me .117'ft tlihoero. Mm . foumrir aht owlrbouae MMd* mmyfr*made 4nolac sk "ya aS Lakeo Coll0~ema« m elyte bave lieu lsone, but hope tla have tfton vitmao&ta la Smo apug. Nexi $SMniay ning lme eiuto serie.. Wini to appeopelie tlm Tbamkagvftg vook Magie, @commet amidservieviie oupf ois . 501* lime, lalie eveayuing pâmertiOtMi preaci on Ibeam«.An OId Vaim- ed Thanisgvisg Dimme." AUil ne cordially tuv~e.4 Dont forgéeUm iesocial tumiit <Wtt- day). Cane ktu r. Fromi mammio and brtait a lacun. Tonmm.y vin a Prisoai ls geimeuk viwS ho vargou<n.maidaoiabity ily ie h indulged Io-,a" forthIbmoni, t feature lie mt alpoulg otl4 Daibernas, vii hocrovtied. amdi Boneumogoo seoffraemi. Omly aj dîme for filait. Conme ami your inonda-and a iemom.1 An oditot priais bis papor ta gi1ve bis patrons the »wof aile y ami foir lie noue> thina tIsit. ho le pre- smmd #how ofv ai vho e rise, mmd ho generally doo.. Whou ho vrite. e bo ccd a tSmhieLeder Courf.r, of reupri, tsa CimhotMao Coug Bemiy aite pgo~y ai vo bave round monos =n m eirbomebol. If yau bave-a cougi, lry il" Il Wq«bu mcpted es an homea expe.aiou voli of ore4enas. Fer saie by IF. B. Lovus.s. Ltberbywtl, J. B. 83*0888 Guee, UmoAuta P8AM&CYt. P. L. Wurvmaax, Eokefelier. JoIRX Masia, Ivanice. IVANHOE. DontmmUmekUli tu d70oUY IXDE.- paignaur go liaI yen ou. rendIbli 00aoun nva-aka I yomrelf. Il Oumo ouly a toryU"11 Mdea ismay op pape,.. Thinviii ho ameelcg îiu.ay éetnas Dem. 7&h,tSm e eobolhbonne for li pro o ganiinftealiloear amideaing .olay. Ail p«t»on inleesfl eiteurimi k u préentaI Meeting tk ho calloi BS 7:11. This in gaad soinme, eau. sud belp pubIil alaag. Tie pupila bave been vgibimg teal We bave vacation Tiu0s an d Fr1. dey of tlis ei. Zab Muni Sriey. Tie mehool beia atot Tbmmim. givion pragrant on Weinuiay s.itat Tie acialm are now furimheda viti tika andeumion payer by the board. Tie igi sool ae.. h ave fOnisimi Tgovbridge's hlizolsani the BaSasX, ami aie nov mlndytal Otettens Ai- vamoei Grade Physiogyf. DIAMOND LAKE. A generaj ev-oS it s eoliosbonis la taiing - am icg amBïlimau Mm mBtati ispuiTb~ang la Chicago vW»ibeamis.,aMc. leait. Vhe faoloty p aila idanleu 81.9% foi <Otobet. L=ag Gae plum taie MiaAlm"teiviii Our sootiabu. Vn. Anuolinmbook tro JaitiW Mdisibu cinge 09 lia e"icaheme Tie COM*1t7 AMocSUMof -aDMu> mou 1e WUnOut viiiM Is.L ll,Z JhEifrsI Vuruia mDeaabem. limai Md Johna latIn hall a ramle foi duc" Vegmsiy flg. Muio LamuoMW IInEm bk@ ahonore Tie apelling malai I et Mbool bouse Weinesdy nlgilbS M4am" Amusment Ail vomi'#$à~ osnlie Word Ulamtta, lie i gemag"sbl" en omitimi. MY son hm. bomtomblei for jeers viii cbrobio diargiaea. em@lUm Np I P«""" d un k taie sensaI 0 uamrbda o Colc, Choiea M botilm of lie Ut5.e lmeha wu ourei. I gIvetlita umosial, il vmoe slilUaly sflloidMiay reai it and ho benolii.i-Vboum . Rouer, Glanea., 0. loi ai" b 1P. B. Lovais, Libogltivlej. Bascun, uruoe,W. L. WUsrunAuu, Joan Musx. oIamia.. PEMAT Up b Datp. C. A. luou A Ca.. patent làua. =poote .unIlel StaSe. Paten 0bWamhingiom, 0. C.. vie bava ac6ualtbesa MC ity adlove af Mhmetitt belesa thaer Yom ~lu h lievoii ai lie edla *06e1fop 1 l i.. V a " l W. W. naatG liMe DeXtli.eqWaagotb vidilsi bé . 0. Parohas $*&*. nom M M » NpeMbe" a.. let mi Mu. ARnM inou VI~i eista Mems usysfleaoom flolpi Maenlboe aeut mdi 8" -.i Omaeuefb"aohmouCitlogo.. Tha W. 0. T. U3. aem*eument vu at vM "l d oi mim athidsy evam. Mgr. SgUO i mai"lita.Allie Lit"i aventug S e héitin mehmh. WARREN. Carl 8. Iimbof Obteego, yvitt RIgàu I umb sud ntae.busy *ii u Véry Wtldur Mam aut Mie. lm Out m.,n. aifCl0~g, la 1.1115MWs N.y. Vase Mais. John UWeca*tu sa vOmi. =Itubouse "m$ wuva.bOU BS lie Vhsmislvugsst i 1* tl ss peu" $iishme Ienom ai li e «mi ai eu ms. Th. e enom ous*ety Aeaeitmalo vmi me u tiMr. ou$ ormar vMu. M. ovei -nofe" a rg The W. 0. Ir. 1. Laie Cqimly cou. emmeeévtliho bdin WaeomdaMDe. t. em u el te oatemi. Vie svffa shoole in Vetre t boi.gvemierthéie magenaio MOe Plsilllsa . à Abarge neuber 09 paptia s m ed iliin oi dialiot. Libeemins.Union viii meet v»l lira. Geolve IMoi Mec. 141i. An SU duy iei.vsip moeuetig*planui mai pion"mb diam. An.* ivitisiom la $ett" &k i fledp uion ai PlpiVlbur sa aiChamesMD. W 2iutva Sou Pique, Olda vine 'ho s. aumdba a Camw etaîd.î.. "à*«esjthélisscool tory.,muai lidel. a@ exeate tk bo avay tram housefam cevetal mnni" UmiaY mugnug Dm. tri BS 10:301 0-rmm&mg=.4*rthýW. C. T. U. viii upesin m eea isM. E. ahhi. A eorminsitationUata ex- Oreiso . Memman, ai LneiW3'antg, mm aid lime Varren nviailel »v cf hie cld seicalmaiet BSLamb Oin.,. souay. Mr. Dmm bhm »Vmateraibgeft saleeB s tatumcf JOhn P. li1ehesior. aur Gages laite. Miu. Remiepeti rolutaoi trams bur vetertritnIo vosite MO. e ts.nied le th allomai w. C. T. U. Cenvanctcu Sm eoilo Wiasitgla, ami tlatei relatives and fnienis Sm Bis itareal aloi.. iurtng tha lim am u &aY traM boue. Sbe enjoyei liéealimte 01 Colorad lhe bout of amy OMe svtitei. FOX LAKE. Mr. L. W. Bavwtng Mmii iily vers mo ee sbrtre Sunimy. ]Ir. Fred cribtul viie, of Autnma, varaeoo ur melgetariday. Mgr. B. Goety mamiler, or Wac. offla ver. on oui tet.niy Mg. W. Smes ami vite, of Discilan, visitei Foi Laie friand. au Thermiar mm .IE.Brovwn Mtelnaed relatives trous Aniioci MAd miaBoin&a on Eau. Mr. V. il&miltuand mi aily of BRolima, vers Foi LaIe visitais éun. lira. Frank Galiger and brolier-ta. lau BonI&4 wmlevre l)tgtom visitors timSday. Mr . M.W. GaUin t vorulng on the Mev Railvumi mo& Libegtyville BS lie pre»S U lme. Um IR.. Churchill, Berlin, Vi., mye -*Oubaby vu. otverei viii runag mo D eWills Vilci BEas»l lait ber." A apeoifio for piles ami suta isoiue. BaeaofaIortilue cauâterfeits. Y. B. Loaair., Liberty. ville; J. E. Baàacxx, Gerces; Y. L. Wuoruli*. BocieI.iier. LAKE VILLA. Jas Pestervos a Oraydieecaier Imai Tuesdy. Jchn Damoie a flyicg vtait houe lasmrdan md luidmy. gtoi Joues bas been gttlmg bis hae.a Dow cou& ai palet. M e lnaCoutetse ayant Timnia- gtting vili ber paon s F orltB§H. Uts, S. B. Li"tla&peut a feu émse sentir viià ber cousin, M».s. Ilie lins.Frank Janqs is boom epemiing a mach or so vigi bot patenta la Iraqs. ies Picea errn8<ose kcbl saer, Vedn.edmy ta, tIaead=pl Mg.aMdi lige. S.C. Lihvl1, è Saimeavhfleami Mia Lydis Lilvlr, Mima Margu Biohards censbod tape li te VbaaiagivmgVacation. 61v arely des i viii dyp t*Weeocoa u, iil m=nr 4Mp aM " 1 oes Mosi 101 ia.I p oz Cre Vin uraî M.- l itisal vinroc emià Cure idigo.. lice on m onaài, beettta andi«sl eiof a iypaplio. P. B. Lova.. Liie,lvloleJ.B. BAcumasa aurne, P.. Wuatma, Rociofeller. MILLBURN. Z. A. Miartin vus à Ciega Visitar Mr. Mad Mrs. John Fllon viuils bars Sundey. UmaJaco Anderson ta otaylne viii is. Palicci. lit. mi Mr@. John Pollock visited teletives boesoalrdny. 1 Mr. and Mrn. Pater Dncau, of Antioci atteadol.. chitraiSunday M .Jeueiiraug and AU00 JaSgaafle d tic Bradley.Plett voiiiug BS""mars, %Vis. LRobent Jsntemo spéniing a feu imys BSie.homo. Be vogis foi lie WeIun leatria Ca., tté iety, la lie abeenée 0f aur paserio umiay evestlagMr. B. D. Ptatl, of Cicago, aceuple Ibso puit. Bis taii va. 1J. B. clark, of Peoria, III., Baya, "«deca vlte ooporee sMeM foi pie 1o oMred lieu vili De. taoll ihie fs- IlRudsaa a e, !awne- ci evanSSh. . 3 bone lw oau. 1 WsrVith ab.WaM U , va = 020 iefs. Votent. hiUaaiaet, ai gia n vis on rem elahe eu ~e lienVLe MO8 U ofelaiTn. - IDWs. Unrcel tlteoipvil, J. Stmmla emi'fsomaeudy BS Thodu as, Wsvhians eTora Pm e Ik 1uiikmo Ia Sti» mit p n sgiZpilmé MOMee .Aibutab> Vmbobeg aMi Sta. loal omltauo" rnne mehing veu inpoomeuats 0£ebeu sado oea... tmg. la "Ibi vt r eiat oil oasi HALP DAY Colairnly01upKalinia enlvisât. Mg. Bnomy NPmaay baspucimmi mms. . o" a mtaina gust tron ci~oq U ovtmua. M.Mmd Mun. Jetulie Bsielbats novei ttaeS. T. 7006618 haLai mie iDmaN ia.vÉI4 orépltet vlltlngbuueeas. Pa. tripp, Uts . T. àAe mhbeentvisialmg ber maliet 8 a s tr ving Park CoUUI TrsasmmstJ. M. lacS.. of Va km& celeonefrisais ina sun- Mr. 5aimê, Et.GOMMIcethle pmaud ,etmb ta " b 1by i h arivel Thuuiay, Nov. 11h Whet bo6i»«faneu veele ohave bai. »Woeun. eMmuheoplain of lie veeietbm "kil, vbiie big c"rn. We ap" s omsbsheu eiliag bele bgb am se Scalp fmye b" kp oospliti« oecpy the Lam- a. non l am mptoting me bd hmli aiMMba hpsi for. Frob% lsatpiN*lta mCio ol le outespoapi va. ver, oosvy ta have noaesiy elalsi &about Ibo nstrimçe ofci age PeB.Sfm .17 donulihla he;ba vheu lie boys veul bulvatihlm ho osme dova ianimme17V» thle eiini. Vie Smmlay Soboul tM propngfor a Oriob uvuasetiml a tb givos BSle hure miets ai lie a O mIse 1 eyo a p m th* iekm 11111e oses. Son anotiS mee. l lys y our limbep md;;pfio. It tamo. aqit a minutaek teeouso liohilm lte hat a stMd t op % eag btAm nmefse aminute Cougiu Cure. Viii eomeiy jntekly.cutues I forma of Ulitamalong troublea Beu a dos olplemmat k0tis. i frvueomuuiom. A fancu P. 3. LovEr., idbetytille, J. B BaAOum ' aura, P. L. W»avua WANà' Bockeeller. VOLO. Grami erniMd ile *eutmi lunia7 Sm Vola. John Richardson vos la Chicego lia irelite verni. John Wats andvte me ibe iappy Paronts. ofa itIle daugitoer. Atiur irvin ami 3. Brooha, o Wamacoiaver* Sm Vole Tiusday. u. Limuaisboer, of UcBenry, visisai ber néotier, MUn. Sable, Mon- ie Limai. Krtaernor tsayins iii bar coneu ieMg. E lgr tu Kr.. J. W. Torge.mM nolce, IMia Faison, 0f Obio. ateufle cirai bore last 5ai07. Ut,. Ben BllerteSavWitng rleivq tu inntmaum aim"a stlendiieg lb ueiding of ibaeiee. Dr. Bandin vil] yeab Sli e Vola . m. aebc nay atlernoan, Dec. Bri. XErybudy con.. John Basing amd i vitedrove ta Viameftie monday ta attend the yod- ding eiat ata.oo, ia" Noue. ias. Casie Smi t ouged&ta igin Wodusrdsy aller m% vuea iolévisA vi reattuesamdiatnde hars ami ai X.lic.eancie, lias. Fretieni dof W. C. T. U. vili lecture lu Wauconda sobtrd&Y eming a09 lits West. Do mo l s e onamidboear hqi. Aibers Banghl amdi vite mcompautid byMlis. ChMe ieth atiandei lie £"areanostarmeesing at Grayslaio Tueuday eetng af lii. vasi. isup esédr. Lay, à yo ug ieeo ary amne mipsa a dtlaeM . Lohurci. Ail ýwo ver, muais piosod ilâiebi Asa acura foi rb.muualsnCiàehr- ba.a Pain Bai la gmining a vide :epaoilm D. 3. Joimetan, of lUi'- mm, fmi.. hm bem rnaoubled vili liai ilme eu laIn pekiug cg l ho aya: 1,1 aevertfoumi myliimg tisié vouflri lev»me nmmli1I mes ombotlaia'kPueinsI. Il am"sho mgevulimea. IMy 1foot va. vaolem ami yeiniag ne ver y mmci, bus ane gond applteailof aPain Bain elioved me. r mai" by If. B. Lotus., Liboly. villa, J. B. BaàauUa, Gurne, Guors. %à» a Puauocr, F. 1L. Vavuaus, Booieellee. JO" mataupu, Itanc. APTMCISIC. Dr. Boe@ad el nl id Sa estilineedoi BSw GtmaIooiMig e lipte talovly Mg, Soienens cileru are con. vééolesomhbuts. jeieann ov ibu a sflgb a0"i emtle-ee. Mr..Diemma raRe *III os houd Vie A . .C. é o mie nagers, but Prib viin do $m aoopin. Wbtlo on lb. vày hoa asuprtu .pary et woli, MIes Etmm Btuam ler ioi lie Misiat«tui*0084 am09itle bugg, iutlmberuei &0badilliaes$ho baesneuneomolon. Lest "M. TViueday lie ldies con- sntali vili liq Iluba Etaugolica chutai, ar NogIiel, @galietUsei h«». of lin. Me.,W Meer ho amilai seitis lia es e ., for ber besuifainov oue.~yseal or- pois u l** bpe aid ecaeir$ aid le»tâSble ud" t= l a $be eteugs.s M» n so amAlred. nov t IMiameia.àAlarge oofa ~1~eple iiiveii MWailunch seseunlo le jaTha e Mg ÈLM *m iii ove mxldoot tk ibW.bave boou throme isiàiau > 3E1wuPsoe. sfaie U. sjiv andamiMga. Wigner IDUe livingel ho&sea bohe Ipol mmiay BS esir khoue. I liiivées. Nev dlevaih a vr.abul;tram lihe X . Fondoai bad s turkoy radié EamlWs plnce lately. Wodnesday migit. Sm okMr. mi l Mis. E.Mac, a boy, A mia". 1bus beooreef1" boathrandmi chli oing voit. uséI I eod croaey.' Tie GurmanModiesi o C., vilci Mis. Voaduarttha. boom spedhin baieafroe ehov for a wve.illitiagmln. sev" o al ms mMivwaukee. John BeniardS ami MisEborlein T~mdm os erabsi. e gheu Bs VertoChicago -viilors one day leisthe sebool Weimesdal siternOan. Ceei. , The Bev. Edgar Wylim, of Chiloo, lira. J. iesi andMr@t. À. K@s &»revilei dont saboollent vosi Tueuimy. vialiig frieude ai Crystal Laie Wh@ 9. P. Stryhet in building aàmma" verni. ariol aMidltu bous.on the lot mook BomnLagons ihm rmai vai dh*wao fblé aI tand. euop a"ila equipping lie top Oaaluor.gTiers use a grand dama. bold o4 a kuwn ball. BaB aiW EUlff a turdey igil. A, damce. ït uals mrand"ouli ho Mg. John Bernard$ vsu tnargOd quit, a novelly.1 kô ies AumeEbenlein at the honte 01 f Etc ourch ia nov viliaut a p'Oator. lhe bride ?iuraday eventug of tliAsTbe Roi. Mr. flentioy bas beaom as vook. t0 supply lie pulpit t gmoml lir. Koblenm tom lie Germen Tiere ta-m atrang »Dûimentl mmm le AuegteangBapitai bas baom around yomcger niembeno of lie coontglc lits vweoi oallacting iorn mminstmitu-in u avor of an evaning srviceik tion. Bnglish. Chicago visitais 1mat veek vere MUrs. COC 001NOtZS. MaisoimdOr, Mr. a"MMd is.chlnlevcr,- iAaî Fndays foot bal<Uereaulimi lit.. WLes, UMs. Geo. Klest, H. n a scoe o! aven 10 Ove taifayot af Meterboif Mmd others.. te club saevon. John Bernhardt bas bougil Paul Tie Mundiemie children vrite tbat IPeid'a Mara sud stock, the conridera- tliey are pleaisi vi oieu,vhome lion bain# 8.500for building. siock mmd wsool as FlattIlle, Wtsconsin. ani aIl. Be espect& 10 open up in tie Roy ta aiteuding higt acoal. noM tal..a. Theeslib grade ls nov reading The Alip Brick yard BMut davulent ,Robiuson Cmusa," tie sevenli Moie vomi Saturday amilid rapct re ..Don Quizote of9ltmancba,ai the il vilàma not oen for lie vicier. eighti rd hiser Jlu @overaifaitle Bacitaun folk& &» Caeuar." taofgoi on# to Bine Isand ta vonk la thase yad s ic ier. PALArIN E. --One Minule Congi Cure li e best A nguata iletourcnced houan litng. remseiy I ever u.ei for oougio, ami iou recougly. eolis. Il sn nequalled for vioopingf eough. Chitdren 1 lue il, vwritem tii'. Oriswold madie a busins triSp B. B. Wliams, Goutytilo. Ici, ta Alîngion Higit. Monday. Neyer talla, Itla tale only barmie oMrnmd lire. P. Hamaun apeul Son- r.medy thaI give. imediate gesuite. day viii Inoenalu PlumnGrave. Cures oughs, colin, icersemeascroup. pneumonia. bronchillo and *Il tigoal Mrndami Mg. J. H. Schierding amidl1ng troubles, lie early un.eteniainil dfriande msui relatives Bs pieveWmmsmption. P. B. LoVEs.. dimner 'ihausglttmg day. Libaglyvffle;J. B. BRA*Cxx, Ouneo; Mr. Smitiham noved bis fmmily P. L. W»meruAga, BOCWele. frou Chicasgo ami imiken lie home - - - belouginfi &0 Mr. Vos oppoèâte Mr. That Throbbinu Headacne. Paupe Mmd vilI go ioio buaises iu Voeu qmuickly leave you if you usait'alainse.* Dr. Euug ey Lite Pille. Thouanis Mg. J. libeer, Ntdla o., atai bis of sufferers bava provei their match. chida Itle by One Minute Coula Cure. loue menit for stickamd nervoua besd- Doctors isi giten ber up ta die viti ahat. Via> make pure blood ami croup. Ils an infallibleouene fat samg nattas and bailli up yomn conuehs colia. grippe, punmonIe. beelli. Eay ta toies. Try tien. bronbiltis and liru"ontd làng Omlyâge01.. Monay back ifto urai. troubles. lBellowe" at once. F. IB. Bld by . B. Lovai. Liberty- Lavui, Libertyvvàlle;J. B. Bat0888, vii, .B.Vam'oo. Ggayelim*. Uurneo. F, L. W.araaJAU, ECebamIr. moràw- - -w ----------nuwwwvu vwr is T aroua ia thse moantain district of Ceylom amd SPECIALLY ta suit bbe American trade. It je packed on the gerden where growa, in one-pound, haîf-pound nd qnauter-pound soîdered air-tight Iead packages, thereby retaining mIl ius vondenful fragrance. It us soîd only ine hase lend packages - neoer in balk. Il yau wmat the very best ten, asin yomr grocer fot NABAN. OWNERS 0F THE CELEBRATED CANED RUMAMVEGETABI MS>COFFHI, AINO POVDt CANNED FRUI 'ANDTABLE LURIES. FRtANKLIN MACVEAGH & Co., CHICAGO -FOX sAnLB "Y- M. B. Colby L Co.. Libertyville. TriggsL& Taylor. Libertyvile. F. C. RichardsLSon. Lake Forest, Ro-fflng L Barnaable, Lke Villa. R. B, Duos.L Cursee Conrad Dram.. Waukegan, Geo. A. Ost, Diamond Lakte. V. Sauer & BRt.. Long Grave, Foote Bras.. Hall Day. A. G. Maether, Prairie VIew. Golding Bras.. Vauçpmdo. Club "mm an sd Casino Brand Excel. They're Bath Goci. Watch this, Space for m'O W. HUGHES Christmnas' Ad.

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