CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Dec 1899, p. 1

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LAKE, COUNTY INDEPENDENT, Vol. VIII. No. 9. - Libertyville. Lake Cçunty. Illinois. Frlday. December 8.1899. $1.50 a Vear in Advance. M Christm,--as Wfts' For Uentlemen. Nobhieo. Pretticot snd mont corU'tly seclsei lin. of Neckwesr for Christmao gifts ever show. in LibertytiMe.. Gentlemen's Oxford Muff lors in the Latest .....Colorings.. Uupelqftkerhejs.Shirts.COUses Md CU&OM tue srteverything ýè, ~~in the lmo wdm' M SANBORNl & CO., Tailors and Ilaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway. OffIce over LovelsDruàg Store 1001@ V5x 1 T 8 AN4 T5a. M. Libertyvllle. - Illinois 4r Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. -.ý Office over Trissa & Taylor'.. 7to W . s 2L o ad4 d. t10 5p. m. * b.idenoe on Biroadway oppoite Parlk Libertyville. Illinois. ~Dr. H. B. YOUNG. Physîclan and Surgeon. Ournee.-------Illinois. D1 r. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office ovor Lako county uank ~~çem %sto , .and 1lt. 6 pý. a It.b il. ~JLibertyviIle. 111. *PAUL MacGUFFIN, Alloruey and Consellor NOTARY VPUBL.IC Ovwu Wrri Làxz Cais? BAîui, _Libertyvilie, Illinois. BSENJAMIN M. MILLER, AT'TORNEY AT LAW. 'LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOII. W. B.8dHAEFFERS NURSERY. 0»u le South oi Long Orove P. 0.. Labo PMh Oad and Oramaîtal Treesa. Or&"o- *b sansd amaIl Fruite. est my pito e cllmated tock, s- H.MILLER. ?ONSORIAL AIT, W simpount aean shbave or a #oo àoatbar eut oeIl on "-BI." euolcu aai»@OFsocloesm. NUwt W. . Trigas Sbo. Itout VIIwr. DYMOND & Co.. Librtyviiie, Illinois. nom Interemti flearing Certifi. es Payable on Demand. ROCUTON AND rIUSIC. - - - Libertyville.1lu.1 $êsssgaet theCofl..ntssi lutersa The Typograpblesl Union bu' demended a 15 par cent maise in wageo. Waekegae printera arc titoranagity organized and no donht the wIII aceede te Ibeir requsat. Salerdap cvecnag abolit 9 -cloeb the mont daring boh e 91in.nW.- began'e bistory vu1:iag "wo mnen etered te i mie ~'i.aqd lira. Bort Way, .4Un oth Librty etresI sd loehlog s fourn eur Cid boy. wvit ogetber wilbhbi@ aiog vere lte only Occupansiofite building, lu a route. raaaacksa everp tan. lu the bouse, said.parted l ing the 1boy a priaouer. Waukegaa people Vere minus tbeir binday momriug paper beueucvui- issu refrigeralur cars ouathecNort- western rilroad bondeal ulij Ialted port, beau and lard, enroule fromn Cudahre pecking cstabliabiment ai Mil waitse Io Liverpool suai Londou, bp val af New York, for uSe ai the British soidiers in lh. Tranavaîl, veto plild in a cheotie mas. ai wreckage sariy Suuday moraalg ai Menilvartb. Thte wreeb ta suppoeea to1 have been Canseil ho a brokean journal. Thte act- cideut ob place at 3:30 o'elocb Inulthe morsiug adfr-ui taI time until aumar- Il noon aIl lrallle nortit 0f Kenll.orlb vu suspluend. No one wu injureat. A lire ailthe North Chiongo Hardvare Faundry companys plant lu North Chicago la"I eek Thuraday did1 damage 10 'tue extent ai about $5.000. At Oiral; It vas fcared thc enlire aclorp voîl< b. aonsumed aid te Wankegau lire department wvs-te aaed tu sMot l in puttitng ont tbe ire, but before lhep arrîvert thb, lames vsre unater onutrol.1 Considerable damage rosnlled but notc euaugb 10 uece.ailaie l.ahutlngc davn aof the plant. The lims vu esslrIcted ta the norlb-easi parnof lte building in vbjhlie machin@ %hop, tbe officeanmd japenuing rooni. Con. elderable maohluery vu rnuined aud lte damage on eveaybibg, lb. bulila. ing lucludsd, 'vill proasly amunnt 10 nsalp 8$M. itvu fuihy Insered. Brgars are numerous lu Wankogaa. Lutsi day alibi Do lsethon cigitl housse versentered la various parts 0f the Cipy, Ibougia ths Ibieves secured 1111lm oiy: At lb. Dnrtin reoldence. on Grandt Avenue Ibmp seenreat 83.60. AI lira. William'&, 104 Lineoln Ave., tbs s.eured aam.tiing aver six dollers sud Iin Ieir buste 10 .aoupeà droppeat a jewel box eotalning val-. noble rings, etc. mi"e Wbeeer, lira. willams, ule0e, Raaeneat b> sesthém 10110v calmlp overjaauuiing the dresser lua cohaofjewslry. She1 gave te alarm and the Inîruder4 mode abitsyeil. Ai lr. Gordzlelib'a,1 342 Lincoln avenue, taIgenîlemang brurs r e.taken ria.hie mou nand1 reliersat af tva or tbrse dollars lut cliver; is Vatoich ual ttaiten. Atc Haviaag conpeted a fotr.yea svra lierpacsih oe tgb-t" 41e in elocution And mugi i t eoued avay by doge beo o,.gtling aDp L'ica«O Musical Coliege, I &in plusder. AI ail lbe places enlrsoes patreil ta teach individuals or vu-niade or altempled tittaugit Mois thesse branchaesi. For in- ,vwidove,. Mation andl rates, appiyaet niy1 flse in Libertyvilie. 1 jaita al L~ )1111 CiaA AVERILL. Tb. Evegreen Club, ai Libertyrille btava rrange110gire a bas lu Liber- - t~yvIlle Tovu H alhri nsangbl D. SI N LAI R, D«c. 25. Profeosor iill's Chicago D.eraINLA aa orebostra vilI furnisit music. Hupper Wagon Makor. ivii b. served. Eveorybay lnvited la.~~ -Isaid a grand gond lime mureai. ~tical Hors* Shoor and Mtrs o ae lieu <Aluveu la abildieamesThtee omiualousra of thetownVas ai - iw~fept . KUto PViII.andVe"so.vils selI tue mal-«9li ?tvm ut..BrIdoo TRACK 19 DOWN. Enin. and Cars Ruji Through Lbertvville. For asoessomn thetruck laying mmhine vhieh Il vas roported vould be la Libortyvili e . iraI of Ibis wéek faied g0 suive..A large gang 0f mon ver. oousequently snt ln work laying lruaoksd tbogb progreos bas beau someubatsBlow. 7et nearly titres .11.0 basbean completed sud tbe engin. and construction train may tr.qneotly b. sen. operaling over tbe Tb& bosvy seventyflve, ponnd rails are being naed, and lie plages are placed on every lis, so that the rails reonthof bsetou plat«s instesdl of on the lies. In tact the. constuction la in every vsy subsutiaelad complote. To faelltae voek, tosumtero are employait vbo vork dahtng tbe bours a1 nigbt distbutlng tise along th. rond b.d for amnsos day. About a hall mils of track in laid ach day by the prenant metbod snd cooquently the job vîll consume much more lUme tban si fia-t autici- Neow Terminal. The Wisconsinu"nta vsu otiiled tant ve.k lbat tcoutld aot rualits trains tat Cblesgo over th. truiieovn ed by tb. Terminai Transier Compeny aslu lathob.pua. la ratirood ci?- cles ibis move bas been expect.d b.- sanse tbe Wsconsin Central bad te- fm n go t re-less under the exiting terme lb. terminal faclîtien Ithon lu vogue. lioudap $bey lsased for a lonir terni ai yemars th. terminal facililisa of Ibm hlinion Ceerahnd begaunouing thera ai 9 oeoeb Tussdy morning. Thte dellails aiflte lase are bept secret, bul IS Io uudessood Ihat tbe routaI ts ai- mont as mach amivas ddmaud.d by lte1 Chicago remienat Transier eompany. by rsmovinqgolhelIaslîlinois central station the Wlsonsin Central gete lb. bonofit af dironet couneetion vit thlie Michigan Central. -,Big Pour," sud Illinois centra. la anot nnlibely ltaI;the leas. of terminaiseicludes à tramte agreement viti te Illiuois Central. Super-visoans In Session. The bordof supervisons là lu session tbis weeh. One aofUtheftrotmattera laiton np bp the bjoard was Snp.1 Wyon'e peitian prapiug Iliat lte body cran&tinlmthes roniage on the Madison etreet aide af the Court Boume square, ena hat truacks of the electric1 reilvay bie la promotiug may bie laid1 ln Sast block. The ananimous con-1 sent of te board vu grantedl and1 Chisrman lvaper iastructed 10 aigu9 for tg.9 The electric road lu question aitI b. remembersalmas the nementionod lu a reeul Issue of the IXDZPENI)5JT, sud whieh il la prapomea tot bulld froni Wankigs go Foi Laite. Write te, Santa Claus. EachYmear thousaa s0f eilîdren1 vrtte latter» 10 Santa Clàianud maila th. .The lattera roach aId gfiat-ati te dead lmtter orne.i, Washington.J The letters are&il uniqune, snime1 patitetlc, otoers commanding.j A New Orlmsis cild addremsed bis letter goa "Wltlli Santa Clause, Nev Vourk, A.' Titere are no "Iretnru roqnesi' planat lu the upper loft baud corner ai the envelopsa, vhich1 goses goshow Ibe sublimes iaithlteà cildren bave glal;theia latter aimply cannaI fait te reacia8 &ut& Clatis. One( boy vraIe:9 Dear @at& Claus-Kyr ns toid mue ta rite ho1 rota. Ploe bring mesa guiaanda apair ofc rober bots, if rauu aat d'are tem bath. pIetst-Il tube tae gîtu. i doi*t a.Ii.l fi1do si Myt o Vet. Jou. Plese. 1 vaut a ual gu ta shot rabilts for our dînuer. You lutte briuniama àrei dras.. 1h. loks so tîrealtu blak. Analher litîle boy vraIe lte folle,. 1 wlah mou wonld kindîr senal me a noars ark and a aornocoraa ful of uanalt; moud bay. A Philadelphie boy wrote Ibis latter1 ta "lit. brios King]@, Nrthlaud, North 1 Polo:*' lmagndtuatlte boy sud dont net arasa ona plueus seud me a rairosd traek tt a trolley mor rua by, alseriettan sd a paihiomau set and A licY bohs. But avitl1i vald ratiter havaisa a babhr*iter thau acythins elsa'. For yers th. dead latter ornies lnu Waiagiouà"hau annual visiter ln1 tb. poriou of a ricb aId mai vho «Oeld coma a ve.b or tva belore Chriméalman sd gel 20 or 300of the msuya letoraaddressed 10 iatsClans. Bar-j tac ado bis seleotion Of the More1 motteit requeste, lie voulat buy &bet tops sud send tâtentIo10th. cbldren su coming froa ibéir patron Saint. christ- muaicme lautyen sund vent, but noi one lbth dead latter orne.e forc Ilie letton. The old man vu dead. c A Modal Neowpagaor. Wllhlils lui lune the Hiarvard Harald ooniplsted lis lvehfth volumes. No osper conio 0ur de i wici le mare valud titanulthe Harald. Ttili. valbout exception lte boit oouuiry nevapaper ln northernIlîlinois. lis tppographical exteoution laen inspire- lion ta the frateutinty and counntry journaliste. lts a sort oi "fashion plate" mucb copisd a&Mr, sud abould b.e mote. lie. neya omlmua are arraugedwt vb se maid prêcai. auc ariginOati etctuliheluteeno wetullp, aeaiugiathe avermge eootopwegkly. la tom te 8..Id 1l6ae] b pipr, amr ea01104 ad lahino roit Pieasoo ut Atinelb7 fi* COURT CONVENES. Oeomber Torm of Circuit Court Oaenacd by Judge Donn*1lY. circuit court convened Monday aféernuaa. the day beings@peut chltly in ealliug the cbammery doebet. Mony membera of tb. Chicago bari vers ilalitendauce, vhile the Labeo uuü-ty ber vas ropreoented inunoa- uaually large numbers. Jndge Donnellpy wl bold court tbisi vs.b, tbongb Jndg. Fuller ViII pro-( aide noit veek ta, up lb.eDunu-l>eKay1 as eandtvhatever cames uay bc neti over ountil that time.1 1Upan calUnE of tihe Jurythe follow. 1 ug voeesxcusoed: Charte@ Rlcb. Avon; E. Rtose, Waubegau: Frank Pearce., Lake Bluff; Thos. Appleton, Lake Farest; Frasi Dalton, H. B. Eger, Omer Hsath, Libsrtyville; J. F. Berg- hum, Ela; Fred Dunusu, WIlliam Tiliman, Deerfield. The jurors for lb. terni are. W. J. Oiver ... ............ .......Newpor-t Irving Paddock...... ........ .. ..Antioub James Wlton ................ Frank Pltuam. Jr................. uharles Johison ................ Davidflart................... .. Waukearaa Lalvard Peter@ ................. A. B. Hawkins ................ Chas. Guan .................. Lake- Fora-st Christ adieg .............. Oharleo rimes............. Oea.lilId ............... ......... 9. J Co....................... Lake- Bluff grankt Zru .................. lha'tysjile Jar Allanson................. Chas Aastn.................. L. B fanby ..............t Berner O.,ar .................. Wauoitdae Oco. Butisa................ James lionslan. Jr ý ...... Wm. Botk ... ..................... Vrraott J. B. Uaidey........... Oeuo W. 8mtb ............... .. Chu. Oat-Ied...................ieerl-d it in impossible t tagne <elbutelp vbolher the Krueger case wilI b. tried Ibis seeson or Dot. liovever It seem a to be the general Impreosion nour Ibat il vîlI go -)ver utlrthe iarcb tertu. lias Paomislig Caraor. We are in receipt (if a brilliautp trestise un -The BIglaI oi Emineult Domnan,written la counection Vltb tbe poët graduate course ai the Chi. cago Collage of Law by Carl H. Lamb, fornierly oi Warren township. tMr. Lamb wu 'awardeal byPo tEdvard Titompeoaa 'bliebtug 'Coàapeir af New York the American and Englisit Encyclopoedis ai Law, àa mout valuabîs prize. for haviug vrittn lhe beit Chtheos i pof the, Ibird yçar clam, of aboya collage. Mir. Lamb imap velI icel priaad ai bis produin wau ai a cari-fui perusal reveale to lie s moet brilliaul disserta. tion of bis Ibeme. HeientasYoung nMau wbose future carcer promises rnuch, and beeause oi his being a Lake County '-boy' ail arc prond of bis signal ,uceus. W. C. T. U. Confea-ence. A very auccessi D coauereuce of the V. C. T. U. of Lake Couuby was beld aI Waucouda Dec. 2al. Ibere vuas gond delegation of all the local unions. Many sud vere Cheir gtemlinge as conirade mot coprde amid Chotir dellghtinl surtanndiugs. lTe meet- ing vun called to1 ordsr by Coanny Presideut, lira. Louise Shepard. Uli. lietcalf. oi Oumue, and lirs. Beuduhu, af Orayalake, vers appoluteat re- portera. Mrs. Hammou, Preident ai Wancouda uion led devotional exorcises; Boev. Dononu led in prayer. The byme "-Onvard! Onvaàrd' vas sung bp aIL, lra. Oransby, oonuty organiser, rad a papatr on te grovlt af t.e W. C. T. U'. wvimiritas very enconrsging. Uras. Bendulin rend a paper oun-'Excues.' lira. But8. led coonecratlou service. Ail Jo)Iued in slngiaig "I vili do vitlyen vant nie ta do Dear Lord.' Nooulîde pra-ser vas off ered aud te morutug session ad- jaetned nutîl 1:30 p. mi. Al ver. in- vîtea tu10the dlulug room vitera lte ladies ai Waeeouda bad au excellent dinner awalling. Atte' afteruoonu session lira. J. Druce.,ai Orapshakeunuion. conduoted tlb.devotianal exercisea. lira. Bbmrté andl lIr. Duttlaupof Wancouda, voel. eomcd te viilors lu veilicbossn vardeansd lira. Ormsby, ai Guruse, gave lte respouse. Minouteasaifhast confereaae. Ver rad by counsy seerelary, Mra. ielcaîf; a papor hy Ui. Burge, -"Secret ai Suces" vu very fine. A psper prepareat by lira. L. West,ai Wauitegan, vas roa bp socetsrp ai the W. C. T. U. AIl joined lu singing -"Building for Eternily." Teu new namea ver. sdded ltt.e memberasip roll. The meeting vu one of great inspiration sud bleus. ing. Labe caeuby busniauy faithful vorkers itelping CO bassulte coming ai lias gad day viten victary yl cravu oui efforts, for Cho baIllais ua ours but Godeansd (lad ueyer luit a baIlle pel. E. BZNIHN. Ga-eat Paemlum Offea-. The hNIiEs-ENamENT 18 the People@ caunty paper. Il leada 'ea I. mia. sotiption price, .150 pet year. Ib'a wortb 19. As au extra inducemeni. huwever, v. vili for a short lime give ires as a preminni a splendid albnum of autheulie photographe, enlilled., 'rFighting in the Phippinse." Thte caver la enibelîhed vilb a pîcture of Admirai Dewey. Ohl subeerib«es peylng a yen tin adveum qare &Ws ontitea go onm of IChose abuma W@ r are Si>phologrpo lu achs ANNUAL ELECTION. Y.aa-ly Moetlng of Laik. County Agriaulturai Sooisty. Tbe reguiar annual meeting sud eleotion of olflera af lb. Lake Couaty Agfricuitural Society occnrred Wednea- dey ailernoon at lbe Town Hal ltu Lib.rt.yvllle. Rteporte ai secregary aud treasurer vers rend and approveat and theaa lb. elecUion of ailiers occurred. Home diseosiou bok place as bc, vhetbeer lbooe holding lte lie year memaber- abip certifica,« vers enlitled 10 vote Ibis year. Au tbe csrtifioatre do flot expire ountil July Ii vu decided ail holding snob eonld vote vitboul pay- nitent 0f *1.-00. but of course vouhd nol ho eutitled ta admission ta lth. fair feut year, as tb. certificate« expire b. forseItlUie. There vas but IlSt1e content for offices, practicaUly boiug but ane ticket lnuthe fieldi. Tlae ofliersehected LVer,. Pr-eida-ut..................... w.. EMîlr 18t Viffl Pa-etident - W.ý .. .... F.. loga 2al VW. -Praeldent.. Dennison fluntington .Ort ........> ..... .E. Charohll Treaasunr ...........E. w, psrkburs Jama- Mann.................... Waukegan (ken. A. Brophy .................... Grant Prea-man Clough........ .......... Warren B. W. ButtertIfell....p......LIbrta-iIle lerman BoqI........AnUtI! Christmas at the white fHoue* The yonug people tu the famlles 0f tue Cabinet riembers are alwaya vel- coule vibItOrgStthe Wite flouse, sud Cbristmas day is peculi4rly lb. carna- val 0ftasebhldren tiere. lira.NMcKm. hep "àbs forvard to ibis holiday lbrongbout lt.e entire jear, making liboral proparation for ils celebralion. fibe buits and crochets boudoir, hItcit are presented &o Dmeu, vamen and cbildren, alîbauga for lte latter ber favorite 9f18s ars ainsi] pieoeis ci jevelry. 1l bat been estlmated Ibal &ho bas made about four tbousand pair alippers, viticb bave given eue t0 manp vesrY feet. Ber failful Freucit mald. Claire, puis tlb.%sos on tbe alippers as faut as thsy are complated, and tbep are thoen put away agansi Cbristmaa.tide. Mis. RIDilepa favorite color la bine, and oh. 11kw t led vilh bine rlbbons, @o Ibat on Christmas morniug, wbeu the gleef ni oblîdron camte to show ber &beir guIst @bc adds lgotiteir treasureu. Womancu' Honte Coupeesos. E VERtETT. Mise Nttaggie Carallu and cousin lilas MAggHie Kliardau bore retarued ta' Chicago. Chticago Vu represanteat quis ex- teubivelY aIisielitile burg nThaubs- 1givlng day. lira. F. Zerver eutertained a party of freinais f rom Chicago Tuesday aller- noon, beceniber St&h. Meurs. Corcaran and Corrigau ro.. taîrued te Ciicagouday &fiter e short visib vitit inonda lu our @mai l owu. The weddiug bellesviliinol bu allov. ed te gel rusly for the Vaul of use as vo wuen«Zrumors of anter veddlug lu lte rery usar future. The bride sud groom 10 lie, are amog lte popuhar Young people l intis vidnly. tirs. Owen Ca-roi beid a receplion and card parly aI bet honi. Maurday evonug Dec. 2nd ilu hor afiter daegb. ters birlitday, lia-sW. lieKoough, aI viiciaqut. a ev of lte Young folk& of ttis riclitiy Ver. present. Au eaaJoyable lime vu reporleat by aJIl. A very pretty citurcit weddlug wa& s<lemulxed Titanaagvlug day at Ul. Patrick claurcithIe Ber. L. j. OReilliY Oficiating.lTe eoulreollug parties Vers tMr. Jan. D. Corcotau 0a Chicago, and Miss Marguerite Tare, af EvereSt. Thte maid of tunot vas lias layme Vore, s cousin ai the bride, aud lir. John L. Cotcoran, brotiter ailias groom, aellng as but man. The bridaI parîp enbered lte cbnrcb taeIthe oveet aIrains ai Laben. grens vweddlug match, lTe orgaIgit for lte occasion vas Mies May Yare. FOIlovlng lte c6emouy a reception vas itela aISlte brIdes home il Everofi. Tbe happy couple lbit on Au enly train for an exteudod trip sonlt Ithelr deuallRtou belng i. Lous, tr. and tirs. J. D. Corcorsan ViII it boni. to teir friends afler Dec. 181h ai 1817 Adaim@ Kt., Chieago. AUCTION SALE. The underaignea iiioesil ai pulle auctlon on the far. of lb. late Patrick Devine, devesssd, aiualled 2 mil« soub.vesî aifli.andoot station ou Tbureday De.mbor 14, iss,, oom. menciug ilt 10 O'clocb a. ni. sharp Ibe foilovlng goude and oballe to-vît: 5 nev niuicitcaval, 7 apringera, 8 boliers 2 yenrs aId, Hflitei bell Il pears nid. Durhtam bull 2 yens anid, black horse. sorrel mare, bey haras by Com bal, lisphors. by Mohawk King, sorrel mare by Miohavk bing, draft btorne, lumbo, vagon, milit wagon, Bueitannon rond wagon, nmv aury, top buggy, open bnggy, pair bob alelgits, express barnesa, @et double buggy barom, 2 sels single baruesa. 2 sets double harnueas, ridIig sddle andl outl&i, Kepagane carn planter, pulverizer, sererai oultivators, Prairie City seeder, severai ploya, bh" rabm, hay farb aud puilepa, Wood@niaver. cotn aheler, bay rack,ecuiter, grlud atone.- barrow, 1000 buabels cavain ca-lb, 60 tons lame beay, ètinol arav, 600 bnsitoies l, a nunber o aitu cans, and many aiher articesatue anlerons %0 mention. Uanahlternie. Mila J. DuviNz, Exenlar uf lie luit yull and tleatuieul of Patrick Dertue, deceasod. W. H. APPLET, Aucioneer. DeWltts Litle jZsrly Pise purlfp lte blond, clean lte liver, luvigorate lte sptm. Fainous 111110 pil for constipatio n ad uvr tDoubles. P. . LOVW4 in.Lbstyntll 1.. Auus% ennui 714 L. w*5qmMa.8ds HurYlItlurryll 1Make the moa4t o1 evcry day. Christmas wiIl be here betore you thlnk. "Oood things" to-day that aw4it your chooling. WiI go qulckly when the holiday rush begins. WVVE 80 MANY THINGS THATARISPECIALS9.. go MANY LITTLE CASHf "PICK UPW' FORYOU THAT CANNOT DE DUPLICATED IN MARKETSTO.DAY IN UoAerw Hoer7, W0lenas, Dreas Goodo, Ya&Ma, iakets, Cosn*oter. Gloves, Mitons.Handkcrchiefs.Ribbons, Notion& Tod1et N«"dlujs nPo China. Giasware Crocker, Shoms Rubbcrs sd Overohoes. ~--Everything to (o.p You Warm........,- OU'R (WtAIAN'lEE-lî you buy "bill of Uroceriea fromniu you vii lindl. goodu fresh. Vou'l) llud thera jus$as repremented You'l ilnd the total prices lover titan you eoald have bongbî aimilar gooda elseviter.. flOUSE EStTABLIBNIEO Nov. 25. 1843 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE No. j»- STOVES - The best assortmnent ever shown in a Libertyvjlle, including Garlands. Acorne, Universals and GoId Coins. We bought one hundred stoves early last spring before any advance in price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. We deliver and set up stoves free of charge. No f reight or risk of break- age as is the case if they are bought in Chicago. Compare our prices with Chicago .prices before buying . ~-M» (3 MM LISERTYVILE', ILL. B1ankets---.,, -.STREET BLANKETS., Coanmon Square Banket Large Sus, 80x90 " (à l1b) 80x90 - - - ... ALL WOOL BLANKETS.. Al Vool Bisnkeîs 76x&0 - » . 841190 - - - Duck Blankets with Wool Lining - - .....STABLE BLANLETS .... Durlingion Stayecu. lied - - - - duck ined - - - Woo LspPRobes -S 75 1 50 2 200 $2 25 - 325 2 00 si $1 2 GO - 17S Whips and Horse Furnishings of ail kinds. Baum's Stock Food Always on Hand. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE, a.-.- Tbhe foliowing Vllage.a arm lncluded in the. Lake Countrîa- Company% 'slervie DaUCI LARE 551.0 DAI s-aIRaxu vxsv ROCERELLER DIAMONII LARE -ILLINOI& The Co laNI" Connection is also afforded with toit linos of Chicago Telephone Compainy and ail their exchanges, glving acom1piée service. YOU SHOULD HAVE A 'PHONE. Contract Departrnent, Loveli's Drug Store - - Libertyville .Our Lbra fer.M Umm Pa a a mvaulgve lMe c~Ss Vm iuu'$à* I mo 0F Md04 â

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