CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Dec 1899, p. 3

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1 ý'ý . 1 . . 1 1 1 . monnaný --- -- 1 , !!C, . ý : V- . . . ý ý ....- . . . . . . . . . . le . . . - -- .àà.àdà.ààààd6"lk with flettle; naît Yh«- çVectit. ho estilbatt« Chant the world ever """"" . tbought It wuuld lie fer Casier te laisécet . ý imwàgaed. And Chose atudents ère ,nul TH' ".kk - I death in any ohapé, titan te meet Lesh - ý bit, à professoral of men as reDoweed for 1 ý aller allie leuletc, his mireret. lie could sol ý: v r , plety as for science. Arcboeuloglut'a haut 'ý witdebij Hettit'a »Hering, Our coul hé =W:-- ý mer and geilleil crowlier, and Client- INTE 1 ý- béat tu tbink of fe"'s dýpair. He could 1 ist'a laboratory sud ezplqrêr'a journey net undemtaLnd tee diffIculties, by whieh 1 . have Wned in a confirmation of the triait , lp g % 31e g g hé wax en<-üiýil)ýý<]: lie wu% likê melle 9 ', ýý trumpêt stop. Illore of Ariel tbaii of ý of the Iloly Seriptures unsil there lm out ý groping tir thl,.Iarà&. lie iif-términq-d filet - Naoini. More clients lit dirges Nor a 0. uubelicier in ail the earth, The as- H.Ile - . 11, ' » he w,,,Ihi 1-,,t hi» b-o aloi lit th',uil . 1 ricin mong, the w-rd, of -LoI le ue,: -Ut- Ilu tr.nom--ý- throitil Ici. telI-Ê,ope hns &ceci m., % 3 % ria - and t1wn d ce (le-r.Itaiýds on the lip of a ýol()ist, bill ile, mrn,,g star or the Rýdeemer, sud -W ::: 1 Il e-.,ý,P",-,o plail titan te, do. ,Ne . the g"ol,.Içit ham f.iiiJ the Ruck of Agen, atu. Il Hi ýtg ,',-ý,ýc,..l tel .týnl (,fi either >ide of .ý i doter te chaucel muet frotte doter to il d tient lieitt-ii lm fils. city ýbit-ii 'licite four .1 .. M: -Z I l ;9i . . - ,.*" e _1ý-t r...t,,,c xlecp, am.. 1 ., tint 1 but logicit. Thé , j ri I ighty harmonie» tient roll front uutside and the, g,,tinetiiail Ceux dý1noDItrated tell f 3e -V%/à'ý1 9 his 1,,:].>%v liertic .houc Il,- wür.hipýd, rnlier as thaugh liandel tend l-1,we -111 Ili f-, and the Icnc and the breaAth 1- ý l the f-ightef-tith ceutury intu th, twe-Titý- x""3' 'l'h- 1 1),'l l I-h "Ib', b"rci bine. lie. told 1iir...] 1 . ý fi, et and bac] hi. f.ot ,en ilie orguu pedal. l'ad the ti.-ight I'f Il Lire ..ý1111.1., - BY Cb4A*LOT'rE M. , 1 ý that, ,, 'l", luil ý-ýI ri lý.,cgI-1. lie, .1I!",,., ý ý and Thmnas lia.tings tend 'ono- -lit l'f ..%% filit," 1 say il, (>or ,-se (,ri, *'lie âdrep %la . 1. vwvqqqRffl lq4lFffl 1 Il.., joirt 'If file l'ineteenih et let-ý ti,-,. 1,ý, iiiiil(ýi., 1). týgiiý,-IiI-ý«"' Ilis Il - -,----,-ýý- ý Thý- ,Ic,,t..ei,ý;; blouglit li.iii ,ad ý.1;.Ili . : ý ý1nto thl."I,,e..ty li'st cind WeN. ll..diné: thc , e.1 .1-, i- '*Abm,>[,it,,Iy noue. 'I'l,ýý'laý,[ funI ,th a ox - 'v. 'il,, ,,l,1,1 in hi. heurt tiocre. i, rio (»'od' Icta . CHAILITER XIV. te Brentwood, and what arc ý-,ii il, ýcù,-- a net, front 1-911 ,ý)JI leur ý . . ý voit.,... Idoi, fruit ili.,ýým the carth ami ,las buried a half century Rgý, ..1h.ut ib rio Si, Itusil walked alottil OP the tvPD'8ê; lýâh*r' 1 1 licitit vl il 1 n", 1 tient ilit. ,1,,,[(,I,. foi. ý Il 1 -- 1 - lc:ýýk." lil li.ten! .et, Itirgiý.ýil service, although jelrhal., a book Ibý lookeil tired and pale---Dut et &Il litte -Yiol 'afinot utifflx'e" %bc x.1idý * nono-1 if . 'langerons ýa'c .f I.".,. ý 'iý"i'ytcht. 1,oul. K ýýV,«,h. lm I ý ]lier 1 say to our tm't-nty-tir.t century quall-t If unbeIicverý may have st-I)d %% ho 1 e--(,,ri -l cauncit underltand ibis. 1 av,, ý around file, va.ket and .Ung ri ",... or I e,-,r> jel or elliger bridesroom. Shadows lu have no idéâ«!*' i JnO Y a novel mode Ili'. Tnlmlklre In Il,,,,, w,,r.hilx.rý leu tîorroms, or ,le ' hi> I-,... told of sl"pleu nifficta. Of Wenry -Nonte. 1 cantiot .;ne%,. What il, ý. ý,,,ý - f..,l-,, Ibis iliý-e)iir,-, ý1t,;,,, lents the l 1 lu% forzotten thvir sorroms"' Oiirav7 1 l"') oIlt "f lhe gi,ýni of l'oe'x 'lt.iI il t ...... dil .If Iad thoughte. Yet hé but] lu hi* kýeppîûg from ille, ilCWe?" 1. 1 -(-- 111.t ah -o ;I, ý"" .81, and , Il ,hi oill look aftcr , t lin§ bel-,, , - cluo es - ýý1e[,ý mitonner boncetteing of the man Who hum -My »tory But] leab'S." -he N-P. 1 "Il ls: "S.r,,,..! %%*I;Y, they hall "1*erý-lc,ý.1 aboev, hi. ,bar.ilwr elI,<,f--- Il - ,orufort me Baýil. 1 vecunot cndure ta r ... Iiiti,,niy,.,l for good ttxt IL Petcr ý '"" ris' fought a good fi lit and bals overetenne. "and 1 vannai tell il tu you. You ný',ý,; ý think fluât i bu'.. femnd My 'isie-r ouly 1 Ili- il, --,% ne. carth, whI.rjý, clwIýll,.th ý ,ýerro, , mure, thilit 3011 could vount, lent ý 0111Y thi,. and nothing m.rû.- 'ýý,ýi.' HI. ,...dý-ted, nu gh: w-Iked W "cü the sait Chenil il, tell il." . ý le, 1--st- her.- 1, . 1 .,,ýl.,...,S.ll y a ditine illumination tient the eight- ý Turned te Ashes. -ntl . t,,ý, that after ail * If cdee ditt-et I hall monde -I ,-. * hé 1 rit et tu mak, ,,, ,,,,ntii Piol niiictecnth C.-ntlýril-.ý lit long l'tif% of lenticelle The quick footaili-Il of one of file ,lien 1 1),,wil ici the 0ruggi, **Well." 1 >AY fi) (,or peccort, *'whlýre short te %vas mure fortunate titan mont mien. Nervatitec wax héard on the terrae-e. %% ith, - saint u, him.idf bittcrIyý tetorid 4cttýr ami hapiier Il, sl'n'Itýillêq 1 ,ýijl..i-(ý,l they under.tond the os, T He li.d known the rupture of truc love. out & word Sir Bagil weut tu ut Coin. 1 fil. ut-nt over ai (mcc aller fllind the ý rom and arc- conjfl>r1ýd levoh O, .ý,;ý'..Oý'..8,t'ý,ý-. 1 art, (,ni painc'm *.%9.ý .,f I(ýason' and ID- Don . i gel dý.j.rý,,-d witb tic- obstacles il, bc . . ct-r.soli's *%Iimtak(ý,, of 'ilil and David Jeru etici, ih4,ugh il bail latted 90 short a "Sir Arthur vil bc glad Io ,ay- Y. IN bole hluý..iýeld in ,I"p.ii. The gý-.,Pràt rai cundolence such as prvi ...... ,,-ntiir,.-. 1 Iiiiiiie'ý and Vollaire's ct-lebratcd tirades negi( ý il 1 1 agninst the Bill -I ro-ver henrd of t les, tiul.ý in the library nt noce, Sir Ba-il." ,: il met bon uitil ,,,,it".tl,.ýl hand and ,.ci. Wili il [lot bc il torii, ami an inspi- 1 leý-,,.r ý-xiýricnc,ýd." Il.,, .fil hé remembered the firýt the. man. If he Il ally curiouity niv:ij! 1 ration il, 1 ... )k lit the N%4,rlIl as il wi bc : Band.h-ent of filo-ril," says our escort. '*NN'lint art- you terni morning hé ,-aille ta Brentwood. and the the figure erourhing ajl ilit, leullis , -Broin ftýi--t** hé svid. **B:lmil. wicat wii.." et bas j,"tl brougbt bacle te para- , 1 loti, again of the inter,,rs-t(ýr, ' lia, ,.Il,,ing about? A bill honfim of boule- thýir ýpAutiftil flare shiuinlg in the mid»t of the tradê Ille gave au îlign. ý l'un havk- "alimýi brain fi-ve'r'! 1 launct ýliai,.l cotidition? Su let lis fier a few 1 desth been banimbed frum tht' m()Ild-" ý than thnt whieil in apontolie lune WaN dari, patelon Illwer%! what a fatal in-ri-inj: "Say tient 1 will bc thýere in a fi-%, ý ,ýiý.il-r.ýt.,,d il. And che iý in danger- - iii(,iiit-iit., trziii.,im)rt otir>t.l%(-s inte, the fil- The answer in, **.'Ço, but people du, mlw kiiiýll(-fl in the streets of Eleh"tim wax abou Il bâti hýâ for himi HP could récall the minuien," tiens the reply; and the man -aIlý in danil Pour, prily Ilettie' tti- and pot tiim-ivýý formant in th, ouly when the physical machiuery lm lighld il, ail our cities and the corrupt hy a peetitit.r fiprêtrition of Jl face entrent nWey. ! NN'ii. ' 1 in t. bc ,kae'.,*' I,-ieiýctie-ý arol sec the -ild lie lis relier 1 1 wOru ont, and they reulite il la finie to litcatur, of the world turned into ambes two fircet moon.ut ber .Y.. ý,« hi%; and micp Sir Basil turned ta Ilettie. i Si, B-! to fi- 1 n led 1'..ýf..,I,.ýl stalle, a. wc m Ili sce il if - gel and tient they are certainly and %tilt- joanv innny %cars âge. 1 gaw the last tio-il bud fold love mine Chut la tient fil'ut ý'o- '-let me rail you to the bouse. fier ' pre- hi% -yml)atliy. If nuYtliing could 1 ici th-f. iiiii- Ive art- permitted il> re, i,- ý toit doulet going into a world where lhy I-f'Iýurl Op il., the flame and starter.~ -I tuent .hé Il loved hilo. HOw lov'ng lie," lie mald. -You ainsi flot regnain liiio. (ýeri)f,)rted Sir Arthur ,o lit!. hour ý et, ili be infinitely better off tend are Io lie*,- lit rl-spIInýe to My question as te what lion, -r lý,,,... ý ý il titi, Idato.t. un 1 filet ý,ir, mi- Ivill. %%'-- ami faithful .lie hall Illetten te loin -P , of his distrcsN et Il have bee, 1 1 ail sce the ,,e.,IIl .aller il les. l in a mansion rieur awaits their imnledi hall wrought ail titis (-hanlre--oblitvrated lind .itcýý-! How many mien would aile tbéir -I 'amilot go. lion must leavf me h,ý-. ý Iýý.n,ý,ymlîl,.,U-ý. ,vý1f.t grief of hi- . ,jehly V,,,I,,Ii,.e-.1, moi ail ' aie ýciipany." "But bow was a" il"' ail ,lie cvil and fully innugurated ail the ( le, ,lie laýilibed un Ilim- "I a. ut cet la . i.-en rigltI-el. 'IVI. "ili exaut , '. -Il ?" -er: ý goud ,,tir escort Ille midrit of the twenty- rite Illl for the love 1 ,soulier: malil aile said; I-, . ý wr,,iýgs hal' Il 1 ak unir egeort. Ansm ami hl: menu M COIý .Lundi. Do you net illere h,,W 1 t,-ý.,hi,ý, Il uns B ineianholy fi ...... V ý, r cý,;ýuy 1 tu eeeý,c ha.L. ami wv "ill voque bacli te Yole who , fiNt ,,fýtitliry. tfýI'lý ni.- liait g,ýxrwlizati.n hé yon mener leaTe me. .. lion 1 pr.1, -9 mâli lnak4ýit 'Lit OP tel ber," lieu ,jays th, àbad,,ýv of dcath lay over the I-lI i;l)e)ii rite refulge-iit consomma ' liveil lie the ninetcenth century never Nom, hall Il or indireetly (leiië il. Il wax foil ficoucillâc &Dd tho through thé les '*.%Iy, civirIl hé býgan ý ý heiiý,-Ii,,Itl. Thé-rp wcre bejýh(wl v(>i(,ý. 1,,,,irll %,bich me bave I)m,(-ti on larger or , a revival of religion to lie conipared with 1 x Cerner !cal' lz(isiýi-1 tient uni only (hanged loue] tr.ý.m bel, mal the terrat" and the pretty "Illode, Ba8il", site "id. - lt.-Ilý.ý.ýI t'Pr- ý >i1scet f(xpq9terý, and fe-rvent proyers fur 1111aller ,exil. toiling. ilaving heard Ili,. ' Il ý,urmd in the latter part of flic '. thc heurt, lent malle the niftn hotiest. A dieu . h,.Il..irole Wh-ff thé gril Cluater'l' of yon am lmli*#'Iover." i t lit- Imatitil yourict girl %%bel hey qUite 1 .1,cinn., or the orch"tr.i (,ri wlia.ý strings 1 Imentictic and the early part or the teveu- liractical religion Il llid not expend Th, Crées, in summer-the 'ou-ý'ü,cà.u. of ail tient 1,a,>,-ýi. Elerv. -M, ,tie.(ý,,Im trnvel.l. oc will t t ý le-tiret ventury. The prophecy hum been , 111, lis pnergy in sol in **,.,,y abruad, pasel fiotivérm 1 hall fle-nt owen lier; lier ryeK werf dira with trare as 'Ite Ivan Il , f - liltli,-,] that *a nation allait bc 1 et g th, -r, .1.,t in whiîý W.tched biuà-lýah't lover; aller the-n, ý thing that sieill auel 1,,%I. ,-iiiid *ticgfýt 1 livar flic- last triomphant leur of the Iler- 1 born in a thou mighty gospel,- toit gave ýoinething of 1 . ait. ., o 40. hé 1 intaken. %lie Wax m. hi- went alowly down the terrecer. a he c-U, 1 1,-et.,.l oralori.. liavi,.g ,ecn th pu-turc 1 clay'-that IN, tell or twenty or forty mill- , te o1akc, il Cly. lie could née the folds ,,as ,1,>ie, but for iuany day- 1 e refu the- nota. Yeti, ý hé white -tffl- ed ta sied Il .tager,ýd and, teint meremmed tu rise béfoý ber: mile -sl ý ma, doubtful. It mas IA-ah*, firlt ei- i as rite jeainter drpw ils first olitlines a p- ý loir pecoffle converted lit txt-nty four 1 '*But." 1 igny te our eseort, fief ,poit of th, Of a 1,ng Maux tir é.. eu t b;ý1Td -- , iteri, lice (et illio- or physie-al siiff,-ring, ' 'In I .il, as Nt,, will vivant Io -, il when il 1 h"'Ils-" ' the twenty Ichrst est -yoil linve TI of Ille terrace; lie Could clef 'ne white lirelvicam. fell sudd'ealy tu the Lg,,Ilý, ý [ and il impre,-ed ber gr,-:ýtl3. None of i4 Us con;Illete an I té-iltwn's *'I)(-.i(-(ýtit i Aý,I you ettd 1 mile in thiN terrestrial ' ,,hown il.% marie, but what about interna- unit band. lyint idly .. the ledgf wlet Ille - - 1 i he ,cuffemr*ý words werl, intelligible~ li. ., M, Michael .il 1 visitation of the coming (ýiitiirien tha' ' tioind conditions? When erre IivýI On brown t#.ndrilg lQokýd witbered and deail. ý 'lie church bas uuder Gud &(-(-onýl)iimbtsi 1 ... t Plici Site ma. tonkinc toward the boucle. lie CHAPTER XV. ý lier utterance was on:y ,en la.tý-ti(.Illt, "I'allet JýieIgnimit." Ilil .eru Il. , le out escort, the "P'r't Of : - le - il was a eenttiry that bled with t lier Sir Arthiu was alone, sud ille, preo(ý;u tel tender the Il of rite star of , sO lum'h- we ৠ.,Iarngo and Chalons and I.,odi Bridge .. ill ,u,,,ru,.ur,,,,,a.., and terrible.. One,- or ,soul'l Kù tel ber j.ek,.Iy and rail ber I W ce .. Bf-tilli't""Il, Ive wili millet ta m- il Il Io.o. ý ch, twenty-first ýntury. to étoile; UN the 1 and Lucknow and Solferino and :ipsie or 1 lu hiý am,: lie w .nid kisx ber. sud sa y pied with bi* own thoughts tient hé ( lecah wa-x willi ber, ,hé ý Non "" U",ý' ' Il il Dot neutieé the palInr and agitation Of ý tholight shl, (I,.-rh,ýird tic, -ý,ýi **(;l - under Ihe fuil shining of the Non of right- ' differout kindm of churchex. So ne are 1 ami NN'aterlon and San Juan." Our et- loing IN .rda te ber. - 1 ,irhe. of dif- ý am.t replie*, ~Coule with to-d hix Idýh'm lover. lie »boule; hafnim with hiiii. i but xhe Iýw-lufi(mi il uluet ha- ý11ý lie towers whall striLe 12 .a t ý lakeli in Rud Ont Of the Chl ' te thiH build- ri - .a s-, I rent denominations, and me 1 Il , 1, mg or white marble and glitteriiig dome," half round ber and '. ý ..,ýlo ... lad tient Il ý thei )1cý arm wax te- and welconcel him haine Mont heartily , f.u.*,- IL brought rio meaniiig il, er, a , , " W., ,1.(rL. 1,.nd.)Me béat! bal over bellir --j am Il te acte you, Bail,- bf-'ýalIt. ! ;bou' ' il wae the. liante (et lier 1(,ver'a i ilicre -11 Il,ý noil .... g 'n chat ,tonout iller .art- just as different 'te t'le t"1113- Am Ive Pesa Op and (en ro- W prcei,.d that the: beautifui gh ý erre are taiten into lit fré . -I assure you trial -me of un bave fiund 1 1,ý,mý. j -niiirý .,f lit-- mý,rlel', jl-rfctjýoj te file,- I, -' I entury lis they wcre Ellfft'rý1't il' th rec remet where the micl and best rep- tel n,.ýý. ,If hair w f gold. The n'it -ry long orce'. We ' do-r Ilir li-rl,-mtrial viit. ()tir in)ler aller iiii,.I(.f-titii when me worshircevd in theni. ! re-sentatives of ail nations are ausembled i t blé past telle day» vý Doriuz ja- 1,,Ilg m-Lý ý,f ,,cary -,if- 1 w(o face .ffl,ýd ta tinette 'Ut. ý 1 ,Ileý-it> ,et lol ,%ill bol, lH.eit 'il-,-,,- lit nuite in thein etee te the grent ý te, ,,.tll, international controvermies. As 1 mitý.t the fuir ... front the Poche lit have il a very unpli-asant. ariziulix time I feri.g ou inau I-uld hal, 1»-I-ýI u-rý lui.ý- ,,, I 1-UI inim Or '.01, ation. But wc ,tirer te, enter I heu tilt hW .-mn. a ,ry va le. & . 1 inle""..ýi ilctiliit,-Iy. Il .lit not fat'.. r the pire idiot ofI1ýr .Péri- Je il mince sm Parle('. 1 am th't'il il ý erable thau Sir Basil. 11, veaudered 1 long te, vont, lu-re, ilý.%%eq.r fur off il, flic Ilaptod: churrh, ait(] il in balitisnint lot ,lie rounri 1 of nrbit,*.ti.u. rending the ,,., Xe.i :hock -crwhelmed th.-M. in over. Thm-m- rem.inx a duty j.,rtý.1,ý 1 r.umi the heoi- like, a -1ii.ell,,,ý lie ,mid ;.Ifs nier., jj( jony h,. ,rio. lit 1 lin%. one] mé- sec rite (-aiidi(lat(ýsfur ment- aie, ,I'b, te wa« a terrible momcnt or fear prien m'lm"ýablo, -ccond chapter or Imalah: -They .hall rimP nue' th't l' te' 1 mer beur lu leave il. iir ,ould he bear , t ,dciv inini(-rn(ýd. And me te Into a ý , th. sud ,.ai.. .f 1,..«ildPmCnt and son) 1 tell you a ltory wh;(h 1 mould fain baC . ,,, ,le Ift ajonc. ý (,.le Il, - alcit ;'ceci itoh ,.sitation is gtillg ' ler their ýwords joie pl(,-."Iinrý. and f,,11,,.,ý] bý à defp, silence tient Wax roll buried lie oblivien " lit- -rneel tý, spend the on si.,%,. *«Are theY tuer ail iiiiiiistering, 1't-eO,)-I,ýriiiii chiirch sied sec a grout, ; their .Peur. litre pruning boule.. Natio wm Ici .gý,.y Theu, faintly, front biTu ,.ait%'. ,,, ý g-aLtýr pafr o . ý spirit. sent fl.,th te) ,niniter 1 parcnts nronnel rite baptismal font belle, ý ,hall lier lift tir, tlword ail nati kin 'A 1.1 n-I.-.ted Sir gla,ý,]. Th 1 ne ('Stoir)l"eýy lie' ý i-z nie their cleildren for the christercing. ý nither shall they learn war any mnm. hall hl, heir, or siilv:jtié-it*e" !; in , elle ,note. *IIýjti,'.!'* .. tr.-iýeil,,ýiHIY -poi, 1 * wtory . . lito, ]lol r . lit lhffý cent iý.I>1,1, *'lie 8 ' ,d,'. oý)v, ?', fic cercev t Iiiii, j'ail, sud 1, tg- s fthe heu, wax what Ilettie menue wh'-il >hl- 1 le ' . lie,ýý,..tý till i..,t b" bolied a vr 1 ,Lnrl we enter the EI)is(,()pal church art tien en il.., il .- like a .ighý - Neod "they" had soinething tel tell bon. 1 gatc., tel d ' Que.tions vvhich in .ur long pa.t iline- *'Ilýi,,,-." hé mlifflted. ". il v<,U!" -Ytoi wili ai-aytt r.ýlýýen't.-r' H.ý'il. that ý j;af-aý à,.iý ý,ý-rw-d te, hall f.!:ý.ýý on , ille, world i, 1-l',Iý-i.i,ý-ý-1 - ae to broder the 1 heur the solettin roll of lier liturgies, and 1 h century entiffli quarrel and blond- ,y, SI.. ýhank bock mille a iiitiv. tcl il ut 1 Who ha- Il ibis ýeI.-t fron Illul. 1 r,ý,11ý,nil-fi fr,,iii tli,ýi--iiiiiig for a tour of ý lier sitluisten are gowued and surplired. recul te des chat .ý-nu-d te, ,p) wt,.iglct te, bol 1 1,-ah ela,, intubled .1ý,,i! limi a titi 1 . . ý sbM. as le, lieu G fruinny and Franeû we il .4 1-11 yole. Il was hy MY desim, MY M lsh, thât 1, * and (.ý,il.ý,r:ittillitiol, and tri And tire enter the Lutheran chiirch, and j cleciding about Allace and 1,,arraine. as ' -d 1 t,, b,ý .-.rfil, f- I- 1'lok'd , cll'Ilc, t1on * lu. ,lance il". ý me hear in the sermon preached the- (loc- ..'l i-tIong .un ý.idý lah -Iuld ha, had i ,, ,1lý,,,gh hl a , Uloi-Il. ' 1 ,tchen the United States nnd Spain were mel . - ,-m aiment te, ha'u 1ý 1 Ire 1 intcrc.t Il c l"'d, 1 .. 1'..,,Iel ,: 1, Ii'ttîvý WH, ýh.%t the ge'l'i it otberwime. if 1 louil Ilet ber lente ber 1 ý1ul- tiic,ý lfý Il en kn- ,ville ohat l Lvines or the greate9t of Gcrinnn reforni- deviding abolit Coba--such questions In .. helol etil Il bit fe.r a f- lialpY own may, any 1 rite I .il*- ' c"- -%od we go into the -1( thim twenty-first century settled in litre t cet' The failli. if thert- Io . 1 111.-1 "'inl- rui- of Kýýrtil.,.I -lis ý % 'thOdist mll,,It*> ,o bit, br,.,t'i Wu% thect !hl, fault, Icelle ,viril me. Yoi (au judge Il il , -O ' 4T. bc I-,,.I,..e I., rcio, ..f Nl.,Ir.,- uI,1,ýý,. ,clins of It,,no-ý 1 ,hui I 1. just in 1 inne tu mit dowu nt ri love ,.itites, one drop of ink doing Mure Chou mien rxi, joký face which hé tend le, e>red 1 bave told y(>ij. Iet lu, asid titis -if ' --- -- - -- - - - -- ' InLII, Ilf 1-l.i,,I..ii. SI, ibis w.rId lie ruins , f(ý-'Nt and site audible - 'Atuen" %%*htýn the ý 'e coillIl bave Incen nccomplighed hy à -je, .1. the 'Uything ,%beý-tý 1 tlýjj y,,ti ,1ý.,,,Ii lis. col- ý NAZLEH WORRIES THE ORIENT. 1 il, ait , il, 1,.tctýiI-.t te, I.ok- ai toit ,,,, i 1.111le ýtirs tim. At lenst tifly kindý of 1 On w;o, 1, ,- and tieurn? C-ld Il h , . rtVer of bloud. 1. il .h,,n, lu, hicd left by the -â. lo-ver verse te, ýolir taiéý aloi ()L)ilc:Xtls ' ' lui] 1 ý Malet le, sée il nhi-ti mhuift, rejolhired t "Illirli'f's in the tlvetltY-lirt contUrY. net te, -- asaýn? am frec- - ai,. 1.ý-lý w,,,ild ne 1 é ritIm(ýrt-d. realtervel, r(n]Mi( . TIoý ý them viere 150 different kinds of The Hall of .%vbitýnti... l'le ', , ibu 1)..Zbte, of 1»..b. Il th -al,ýj Ce te, ', . t..t.-. of . ur.§-.. (;i,$«. ý exat (];il(- of fil(- morill's fourni reNtora- j 1-littri ri" in tht- uinetecnth ccntury. ý Bill ,le cannot 4tay long in ibis hall 0 mi -Iý .: re.11y liettie? ne mald; moi he yeoi. Year have 1,it ul -cey the ,,*ý,r,]..*' ý arbitration, for il in allumer tirue fur lis il il &a thongle he -Noilling la. frec elle frru 1,,.h. he- 1 'L'he best known of rite oriental Ilrin- le t forcteil. Il ulay bc tient ' 1»-P,-v--..t la Tr.ýlv.. 1 tu retrace et r way heGVPLiwarl. "Itut," ' huIf fauc-1 terme crould *11enfle ot,ý ,lan 1 satel. and Sir Arthur. in hiý satif:tii,,n 1 4-4-ms4ý tel fil EurOPf-an euxtoilloi la ý ,ý"",:l,,,,,ý;,,,ýý:g;ýtj. amakeuingm il wili tl ý **O spirit of the tweLity-tiist century. 1 1 %av te our escort. tire xpirit of the tilt a;, ., 1 , . collet front My ."M . v_ St. k ai the words, (tilt ll<,t notl file- 1,il- lf i Nazleh. daughter of the ilotorions place- lu ille iniddle of file nearby twen. vill you out show un soinething of the ' twentv fir.t Cet th. e, al. -Nt tu fi,,. Am yctu --Ily Ileitic 1 the ýl..ak,..r*m V"irc. ' l'asha Fazil. who lit stll)lx)ýý(1 te) have 1 ýý4,th tcutury. il moty ile nt the operong [ commercial Il of your tiiiit-'.O" lit, an- 'tory, aile' you and 1 "Y de At fiýt Sir Bà&il sise nit-Il hardly le, rIaý ý te each aliter. -we mont go home now, a» y' * the of the telenty firet crutury, but il ivoulel ý%ietm, "TI)-niorriw 1 mil] show 3ots ail." ý ' ne l Khedive lKmael file (.fil) et ý .of ,et. mi th, -o u.t kno. -Iý?' Ihý -Ici, rr 'ý th'. ' - rd' hl' b'-ard thl Pý-a -" ,-,,ff,,, mil tend such disastrous clin- . ý crpriito: if il took mure thon lis) ý Aile] elle tlit- iiiorrt,%%ý lie toises lis tierjugh ý:a1k agnin toubeaveu. We bave ataid ,11 prý,a- hfulýY 1 bien. s il wcm; th, a the-y begau te, shows lis toi; enoqlgh 0 ibis teréstrial visitation Pr "Surely 1 aw Ilettw- Ray. se, ý yertis tel (ý)rrt-ct tilt- re4i.igf-s of sin miolle the il mari% of treille jind ý il) sec, tient ail the bilent things foretold in ju.l - ,.,,e!y am 1 am the ,ný-ýt nitýýr.t,]-- ý .txik.. lot his terni.. Sortit. failli ill Iiience@ for him. .4be bas long mince bal,(- raged for i;,(M ,vcare. ý lin, bargaiu inakers aloi the lelicives en t )le Seript»reti and which elle rend during Ca ý of the trulli - sent- uI bine when lie bc.,d Ilassed the years of Il and hum ' ýL'i-li the ;;f-Iý lay and the tierces soi] bly resideure bave came to pas Il :o Ille, -et.. ,v.rid." NI, Al-- for (11-vill Siiýit.. . loir Cari , Il.::... IIýtto-, wbat brought you 1 the nain, or Martin Itay -ýnocigh 1. non lost the great IX-41ýity whhh malle ber 1 inoigilo. tient mc are dl..ýçý-ildilig. nt 1 hogýhfad- in which thov an, contained. a' I--', lie ni de ne, .ttempt tu ýar- hdm failli aile, (lzzy. tel milice hi, lo-ati , famous then and the horoine of tl(K)kls (Juif peried i)f flic, worid's coinillete gus- j 1 lOtiý- that the fabrics are of better n'id aU the Davidie, Solonionie and l'nul CI )"ri folfilled. ,,titi Chat the efirthLe jautrad h- lie dreNir back froin ber. and 14)e>ked et Ed Ly. liv French and English alithoN. She ý Lxlizatuoi. There mill bit- nt) Im-ril in such 1 qualitY titan anything 1 ever mats, in wer Inian and Johainnean propénéries bave ad "NN'iat - ufver f 'lie 1 vl:aý reared under the vitre of an En- a ,1,ý,,ý,-'ýt -ai depthN lýint-tý>utb ccatury, for th, factoriesi tir, f lx-int a ghastly failure, la the mig ... ne: .,th mi: Il. troubied f-)-ý-. Il. orgot (but I-ur. 1 'l (Au Cn beighis and th, 1 b"'x, 1 1 ha, tr-ýicht Son hem'Y' bý ripeilled * 1 ý w,,,dw le, ,am th, lurudl ,en Il, do, the LeLve no algrIU for gloritied spirits N%*e mure idifflieul, and the wheoi- tient tu 0 hti- tant bil oodie. ,>o th, t,,ýN. , il governesR, quille as a girl of - a tell hiev.. lh-I lay Le't; 1 have foughi a 1. and W in England would have ran ,uni, dowil thremgh chaloint between ý and tLe louais that cincle and the ,ngi"iiren est sirectens in the universe. A stai n' , aristocracy deemed. .1 planet rescued! A vl Al rîé,-ý, fighi with tel, heurt than Huy muet býnbl>ý ,et th, tr-. On the m bit.. ,i.,,,. î - mo'l'I' "ithout groming diz7.y and seras. ý thut rumble are driven by rir"s illat ý,,ýl feuil aloi unes, terrien 1 bâti rý.,ýp ,crai the lrerxmýn; a litile r.. 1 1-11 Sbe m'au a blonde and then a - of bal( the universe y mg- diëcoveýd. ý .av,,I! Il started with il garden. tad it au et< . et, ,.W. lm il te, close with a gardeu. What a th 111; ixýrf--I 1 siKý-iiiiýu of rieur type ,if lxcau- ý tire' :p"ýir way. Domu and fard ces. or the fabrirs iadiente à rea- t,, leq. fl, lýnI-ý, yroi ri" fioru thelbýv'fIrlyn ' ,.db,.st Ill Op and doliv.; file. - ko-int: Il M ilh'ut ý %,= a - - liappiiiesg thât we could bave *êeu this me - - Htte, in bell the brovin braDl of a dead L;,ý,.j , il . Slo, mas frçeed fronce illost of the me c(onc. A. vie appre-ca(h M. morid sortable profit, and Ille firm in the (scout. 1 (titi worl(l aller Il wns riglited and betore au g-ý c,,Iý ý il -I', hxfoN strielions of Mobainnif-dan we brt-athe Ille lierfuine o , ý loir romaine, and tilt- clerles nt the cotinter 1 it burned. for il@ Interval Ores have rieur- I...., , - , v»Me tell me tel trings )ý,11 ý dý-r~ &gaillet the window i,;tn(ý lit. exacting rI f ilfiluitald . Ne 1,..I-. ', . nevl forg.t one détail. Iifý- by lo-r father. and even alloned te ll 1 .and the draynién ai the doorwny and the ! ly Il oeil ta the erust, accordini tu Pl' The gùý al wondemd ai i- ýii..!lý.,.. ride Ilorseigick dresseil lu the habit of Aiiglit cel or. thc r,ýd,ý,-t.i,,l Partie, - ý errind boy on him rounds sied the mes- le. r.,e> befom tira verte, 1,ti.e.,..t",ý hë hall finished hi, >t,,r3. te mit ' tirst ,c(",ý,it.,l ily rite spirit of fil,. menger who brings tilt- tuait and the men ý th ý geologist, lunkucg et eamy for the Ché_ rd .U.. Il theré .a, the very .1'l .If 1 and. al Europeàii l%-etiit-il, extuirted hy et grtmIU lire riiing , -Iogimn te believe lu the conflagration i ri ýd for Ici- veuing e-up-nie-rý te ýjm-àk,. S"Il , týNPut)*-tir.ýt vlýt)tiiry, litho J'r.lýH... 1. l'bu Olwtl the. store in the. nie lis .... il lit bine vléS. Sir Banit 'mat teille his tact- t. ý l hl. Il, i ri 1 iiiiiicrif-tl front England. Titis violet- 1 guidu n'ill .bel,, ci., al[ doit OI. to ' "ýIII net those ,,bel ,1," il lit 1 thât the Bible pe-edicts. One Pieluent 1 *Ibý- )I.1; Out kn.ý, ' ýhI ,$,et, .ýl-,,.,Y. 1 ý lion .et Oriental cliquette mas too great, mil ni[ , 1 a ken front the vvatýr and tient wili b.irn, "il ' '-;: ,"li,,,,,,,""r, ýbil, ,,,,ý, i(huo.c. Ive Wofflil l'est , loule. as if they mer, satisfied and me-il - - et .et, .- liýt1w Ray.- te N-1.114. -yIeu are nul aultry, B. to coutInue. Stieh an exainple .o , b- ; t ma t ed. NI, Heuli.,,ing ap of a ý and nnother elenient Indien front, the air th -.Il., 1 au,?" ý dow. sile-ut and stlil. -d' , -A ý,ýr IoIv%.ý%vr, ,rid i. se. ion- il , bang "'al' 1 nnd rieur will hum, and murroundiair Plan- M . Arthur. gentiv. -Yeju are lien ,e.,,ýýl :et If ejj)allI-II)atcl %%-omilnhood M'ght ,lave ,ou ille ticue ,,Iý,,iý - ii,,d ici il. lt-,ii.,l-, of no-rehnudic, by g,,at h,,,,,, .. % »,, ala", .he cried, vvrinzinjl her 1 ,hi% &.011(.ennlé.Ilt?,, a Iad lýffý,-t on the wiv.>q .ai, 'It 1 ci ý Il , "Ir ' ' ' 1 outil thmie en , lm mil Il ibis old .hipof a woridon ait Il;. 1, l', 1 bl-gi. te - no. : 1 begm " I of ail, bc 1")ilit, Ont 1 ', gr;ý,,,,Iý, ýII, 1loW,11ý i,,ý,!em,.IliiýIr sud woluier if ail DE '*Nul in the lea.t.- bc rep;ý(ýJ. * 1 tibink Ilf ahandood buildings. si, Il,. sorti.. lille a". bank.rupt and theu d'ene thjet 1 fer., of othur noillernen in Cairo. Se ý,ý-.1.1 le f: te re it8 pasxengers got i,,I.i. rIl.,ýei elVl'ât have. 1 il etavulomt Ilfitural fler3,11 Il, net il, -'l 1 1 ý ma fely off. liefore, tient planctury ca;as- Pt Il. ;, - ', ,k ... ,11 II,ýtih ille, met? 't'I'b.1 ll;,,e Ih, sultan Abdul AzIz joit an ýjjd te ,1,ýrt of tilt- t,,.-,ýt) firt c, ilin, ý, - %%* le,. 1 file- icriý-,ý, lirtd, ,,O ",,,,ý--I-s.,ýirý, lis 1 troph, Ille lis bon to hcnven. Farewell, Of ,i,.", Il in the tir,-limstanct-s. 1 de. io;t blaine jh.s IllllreI..ýIltýIlt(ýl 1)(JI(liti-ýý. and the 1 a re- (hý.,,- .tue i ure., . bl),iý ,- 11, art,- fat! ,-gliIi""ýt t', elfrand credito . . . 1 pi , a , elrit,,iiig lit .,.,>,,titt,. col ai,," ,no ('ci"- spirit ,Ir tilt. t.eýýýty-tir.t cel Thapk. il ýt . 1ý.- ,nid gently, 1 1, clý,t 'h- 3ou; filer. sel 1 tllid yIi b.,f.eý,, I ý..« il.,. lie-'i.,,I.ei.,k rides Iýcaseed. .,!!" "h",,ý gale, :i,.ý i,,ýt..ýl ,Il voucline , Il,, for your guidaule! W e con stay no Ion- 01 .', 1 .1i,,-Iý,ýItýý affect me in the ,iý,nl:..,i lie. ý ý,Icý,-, ;1ýý,.vgIl, . .., . se - I et IIý - . -1 lt.,,,. ,1ýý,iI i.rartite, lie, mnap jiiigniýnts, t'lit ý i .1. -;I.,ýý ýVhat i,* th,. il.IItteýr'!*' Sli.- cainc mith a grent dIvrý le) lier ý , 1 ger nway front doxologies tient never grid, 1 . ir me. 1 uni lody al trial 1 did ci,,t ,,,,r;, ý,,,,,ý,ý,ýýt,,,t,,,,ýiýý,.,,,,i,ý,ýý.., lillel ,ith l-f 'Il,- tc1-n'ýf:ýý-t,ýrýýr right lit his dealings . Ple' ne, er ,,Iý,>el, in a day that bas Ir , Iiiisleand, Khrilil Bey, vtio) teins lunch c I I. le, Il ... I. .-f flic -Irld ha, 'lith (lic ,,Iie)1..,ale-r, quel tilt, whole, %Vi . te the lm- te « %%]ý,, - .. Ye,ý*e*' >Io. .rl.f. -"111- ,[-ý--,l knot, fief, trotte froin th,, filst. . : port te 1111111lewn. - illust '11111 I- Ud %%Ltll fil,- r,ýtailt-r. and the m iailt,,. ,,ý;-c ý, o, i-rý.,. bi,ý ,tilt, her haadý - I.,výýt. lie 1 If hl- had known il Hl] fi- i,.,,iIlý lier ýeni(o«, and lit oeil- rime 'I'wrki4h ý did oui. 'l h, 1 1 aod 4,rs.,,, ý .a rials around the throc ý'e rite ira _*or- rf ll;.,.. fýIýeeIý iýI11cd, lý.Ugiicg. a, il -- on -oIli hail býýn »v,,ilt,1, iiiiii):Imsil(lor In London. Ile was an in- .111.1te-'l fil,- , li't h. Ilo. custonteq'. , le. "a lo- ý', , . 1, "if ,Io] um out 'cied et, ý,i""".ý i ,,,,,, ,i,,,, "it;.t ýI,:ý(ie.1,ýý Ive have scen, the victorieile of Ici . i ;ni exere te, rail f-in hià 1. -. -1 -1! ý limait, friend of lier fiitlilir's. vnough 1 I..ý,,,.. ,iý,,,,,>ý, -c1ý;";Icý v, "It. 1 .... 1 ,,Ilý i V, b;1 t iý Iioldvr r-V of buildjog,ý irtith on land and men, the heiuisphîres - %%* ý- :. ,. ýlI,,?" elle rýi," Il,]. '*Ili, ci..t ,,,, ,,La t ,ýc.1.,., ý.'o 1- 4, - 'I'.n', , ý d 1 'Illoild tilt> aI.prýq- atv file- jý,..Il-rtý of "l'iti..,Iie- fý-r IýrI-iýit.-e-týir.ý'!'* Th, ,p rit tel . ;", 1»-n-. Tell no-, ,jli,ýý, - itsil?" lu Itý,II te, luake bien elle(](... 1 ra Ille, .lit ý - I -nt> ti,>t v, ..1111 irriýýl,,ýtý,,I, and Christ ,in the titrons of s-ý- il. il' -- . II 1 t olher. el, ri if lic,., had th, 1 -1, ., 'I'b, t w lm, .otlrý -- k- , ý al, gllýi,ý,l-r ,,f file ir,,ilý - ,ne t, -D., 1 1- 1, .,trIligI.", TIoý,, il ,I,,It I., 4 .-Ililirined gainhivr :es wel 1 ' toi e I.Il. I icat.,". leur le'giliýlj,,- 1,01. .ciel 1 i ' 1111, al, I-arth. as hl- lm on the Ihrone of heavoli." el ' 1, il. I il. sondered ai il'-' lilt-'U"ý iLil i b,ý,':,, Ili, oo-zi fortune and hers at I -:1 ra L fil,- Ilcrod,. Ille. ý A Il w )(,ci and 1 bave left mir entort ri "" 1 dý, n«lt l quile n,ý -If I j- .ýllll:l ý,allites, fil,. roi- 1 trust. and if yon would like IL 1 wili show tire agrend, for the lât, of gravitation O' i.-I, ý.f Il. i ulato.-I . inor...r. Perhale, wy jour-y lin, tre.,j , unel ýhe Prille ess N'az1vlt, M hen bill fians th, I.;Il,ýiii>, arc dead ,,,, tnin, ýI1li elle 1-ýeiýtilýtil viriles. t!,, nooles lx .-J f,,:g. , ý « hi- - ,Il , -,, ... ... - -, kt.-ý, ý ,o,; oýI ý,l.ý, I , , hl,. il,, le,.,,Iýr te) dtain aocvIending cephits. 01111 1 Mas tu a ILlirr.% tu ýý,, IIýaiI1 lc-(t lier :1 Young vvidoxv. lolind ' ro'no'd h\ th, J.,- r ý,f ilo. ('lirl'ILIiIl rc ; J'I't'tt'rlti"lll. thc StýI- of f1c( tiIeil, f;:ý,ý ý 84 Il o,, Iliý,I- 1 .ni Sie lI:L'Il 4«Icljtllýt. .11 I- f,." liý-i,,,ýit in groat poverty. Site m as lien- 1 ILèZLý1D. ail' LIIII Iil'r-glit aw l Il LI1-1ý,I'IIZ ' 1 hara"Icl' Ili illiIllil- oo-u lie t'Ji, , eýlitll., ý' Eltivpatiort of Sin. .;:,I.,, -11le'e Y.el secn ],,-.eiI'," :,,kll S ,- .%, iliwd lo dral% on liersvIf tilt- diapprov- ý actel lis Iful. ý ' Thant, t,,ti," 1 rieldY. -l ,,ai, ,.,,il., un -lu tient moriel %et. bave just viýitýý,l the CI slo " I'. alcel elle .ord, telle, i,,,,t, i,ý-r thiir. :11 l'f el second Sultan foi. le,, A fi r 1,,i.,si,,g ,,,, il ... tel ,,,IItIt,, doit ý ýl(.I.,t:iqiel hovv, kt),,e,.Iiz:lti.,,% %%,,tlld ,go Iit.,tert, art- ail M ilouin, and the Wilder- fi IIjI.ý. l.rý IN chimie. lcýe.II idý - - le- ý 1 1 lie cet. .. Th.-ý bremght ,ce, "N.I.. te-,t yet. ():le- ý.r fi., f«.,t lu,( ' in 1 ielàtillig tire vustoniary 1- ý:ý'hLomN , - , ;lce- :ý1ýtýI'1 '1- rý of tic,,.I- %,te. ! 111*leeý individual lite aloi ,*,ý*iýIl lire , ,.Il ti,.sý&-s arc bright with founl Sijà la il, ........ 3 le, lier te, 1 I l tig[ýt> for goodif- lie thl- ý commercial [if,-, bill 1 mould id,, jo se... ý .-xtir[e.tI-(I. - - . lot. ,,Il fil.. I.-ri-:,rýý;.,i,,ýl told wc t ý."l i (-I-I'Iliiig the liberty of lier ý ili,,,,t o ý Il es reforiiied. Disérist --sý, liasil Uarlton"' >Li,- ioýlmýitttýlý -1 desired tu >et- uu-, N,.rlIl«, h,,T-ý. Ih, logheHt cend .&J liff.- ..['.t ý is curd. 'l'lie ra-e 1, ýlnalu-iPR(ccI. 'The thut. IlVio, ar.. you? li'vIl ' l'il.1,11dy t1ils objection 1% "]lut et l'au lie' ýfý)T* 1)()Iili' , of tic., lvivil l et.. ý ... 1 menu Sir Bel,,[ w »N I'I.-ýl Itrol boucs[ il, t he ý c, qi,ýitIýIj se ,,Ilt1,1i-,ýIi lie ItillýIii(lirle)ott ' file 1,11 3ý)li," salm lit(- spirit trth i: toit or lhe kii,ýmiý-ýlgI- of God, au V -o', -ke. arc yon Le. , lireasollaffle eNen In colinillutir i ., the waters cuver rio- nt"i.' 'The relleetied in,, f- h--ýýIý UW day. lie hxtVd d-'-il. al.1 il., 1 levai. il ich a, fia". [,,.,ý. cii,,,t cffclI,ýaI lit 'av- ,tl-fi"t I,ýntll,.,., ~tient 1 hae, rcad about , 1'.. et -I, %% wrv si . Il 'IllI-Y .41iIl croit Iva1c'ý luv,-r -,I now tlý (,'%I»ghlýr lie >hould ivil th.. 1 elle subjects arc % il Il I -I lib . 1 1-t'ý.%iiig life rallier thau 1 politit fil I Ili( nio-ry and I ,rrilIll I'f . E elle- Lord ba% e conte t- Zi-n m ilh soleil ..l.1"it, . N Ri ' ' tný'ý,,.ýi':'ý.ýýý,',,,ý,ý,ý-ýl I- dIý,tnying i tend cvrinsting joy ullon dicir beadm.' g ,,, dur. àlýavl-n veinnot il.. ,o gent rH a,ýý-tllilg (et bi,, ad,,oto ., geý'il.-l' lt.(,I.Itlil% , ', ý i lifl. me ý mure thon Iýmb y,.:ir, age, trý, ,,ilýýýtý.,,,, Il ,,1l.'ý ýllL1 "gnýIOL lie' leall'- finocIsl -3,,iltlýwý..I. Il otoild ali', ... .... port le, ý- ' % fem, ý>..Iil*s aflor hct ,.i id'it ý ,.o:ýý;, u,,jI.ý.ll unoille-, group of butitimus 1 ,vntury. in %%hich yeti, livt-Il itorqý- luit il,,. 1 rhe Lord rend Ollillil)4'tk'tlt reignette, sud Il -.1 ou, J.,.h's 1.vr, niy ilIsor djrlu g.*« a L,::,,ý a", il e 1 -111 (.nllI-qiý, lin, glý.... front Ille 1 the kil)rI1.1.m of the m.rId bave be'.41ue il lu. :aid. sa.Eý . P - de, rio ji Il momid ouly tend tu in dealh ,*lie ment te inamkvd 1 , j th -t hall- b', il tiattsforitit,,l froin, ý ,um, politit - carth, and fi il. Io't . -.,u. ('' Il tolerablp ,,,iiclelil-ati,,ý,s. Ne, harui iinel ,,Ieoýrit-Iiiiiis(ý in ('airo NvIlh lier youugfer jsl'ir 011gMal ,h;,II- and jtieiltýý,l te, uther ý il of elle ffe.d ,,.,liIt , the king(hons Il[ our Lord J, P, you me! Ob. bow b- il ose,> .. 1 1 et the harper, of lo-aen âtril the Sied --ý,,fol Ille lor. lierre intended in keciolig a se.(.rtýt frlui ý siiitpr, tire llriii(4>ss Falliiiii. Botte wcre N%>b,,t i, :lit Il me ak loir et,. 1 ,eux. aloi tilt. brilitry l'y il I",.., aller le,. ý ' ,fi, ilo- string. of their temps, 1 huii...ýlfýd" Me Wcý t.lking atteint výoj him; lie. in hi, cure.. inight ,cirely Il ;, ý .,,Iir.41 in the vostunie. ,vorn hy the mrt. lie aii.,%%t-rs; ~Thune mert altos lel'eillisi- ut efli(-%,, acier the- it,,.Im ge;j tl)r,,ii,,i. ý lidiugl tri a the Il the -,th, : duy-n', titis lu"ruiDg- Il ý-'t'ý-' secret front Sir Artiiiii and 1,,ah nbo%, 1 ' . ý ll.ýie., aloi 1,,,.,[.itýli.-, but aI-e-ýi,,eI-3 lie j legslature. aloi (-ý,iýgr....lý hý 1,lit,.,c.1î.. 1 ami the trionpeters put dicta i te, ,,ce. long mince alle told me about lier ail. whén fil, ý opera sulgom in -The Little I)Ilk-(ý.*' 1 ,nanti, of iheir trunipetit, and the oreiLeu. - reelation If il .-,,ii!ýl .airs@ , . lonkin'. nied 11nole-Ille est riiiiiiiiii; joobio- , Ah intrigue und 1 -liiit' .ci lover. and il she I-ved bloc. Ob, loav te j et, Of all -ris ha,ý alin.,et aIlIiýh.-d the oals uciery. Ili, I,ýti>,it.ý.I,ý uni, eln., i Thi. %vas leu lunch foi, il.. --, - . - 1 . 1)(Jrizatiou are gouel"' .'rk;ll' aller te - ý tram roll thru iiiio the grand marelle of u en: leu% il ail coment bu( le te, In,! 1 told cle.,. 1 le d"-ided fi, licell bis secret . ne, i , l'em rik. vI. ho suinmoned lier Ili the pal- 1 tint of ,.,ý,i1.11ti,-s. mol 'obricly ;.loi indus- Rero, ... « à. p.litt'.. 1 fief- crernities, tend ail the cathédral lutte- e ber so.-h a titrent love eloild nevêr be a one therp nofil ever ,ti>1)4ý,-t tiý.ýt h, . lo.d :we. :cri(] told lier tient lis y trt bel,,. ionriy ýtbe,1,.-h,ýd jeaulivroctu, .. ý ..The In.,t corrispt jodg, of týll.(.11(il, ma, crs (et th&. great capital ut ,telle univettie happy ,elle: but how little 1 tl)"klght--" known %Carlin Itay. 1 hall certain, Ilhertie«. althougli lhey that those buildings %%bich oueý viere, hos 1 icel tifty 3varn ago, thes -)r.ýnchcr .tri 'Ilinu, thern al! l'ver heaven. ,,lie Icnusèd, and then, after a ieiliýýite*e Jutais ;citer ,cil.,>Iý,,,i,ý-s bave b-n turited 1 Iý::ý,ting ai the -bm,,elui,-@ Liking for lits , Bot Olten you and 1. who were couillilin, 3 -l am mure Yole will lm- 1)19ý:iýtýl: and v- could ,lever lit, thouglit to include the ý t'lu. in tient eS1.1dition front beaveb te oilpll,.,.. she 1-1,ýt al him ugnin. **YOU.'* ,beil ail bc rite happier fur lier i.(miln,-.** ' right lo vveur iiiitti*s dress -nutirtil hý,no-m for 1 1eýý Proverbe, - coutinuell the Il '*114-tt' - bill Met ' ' 1 1 ý . 1,ei-ýý,1. 1 if y-1 ,lit look in sou etill ." ý ".I(.Ký-ý] îdcall rIxt.' t' 'The 'àanl Of flo' 1 rth. ,eated &lu the green bank of the mile said. -are Ikab's lover. Slip loves ait, , or .1,.ýý., xxii.. lie, ý ,a YOU - dearly %lie maki %Clé sbOuld dic If been with lm mal days, à= il. et il I 1 hall ., lead lier yolinger sister turc, fil,, p-,ýIr,-,t taI.I,ý ha. abondance, and the , 'lie ýkàall be loiried wilh th4 jeurini of al, river rieur rolix tlirough the paradise of 1 here ai Bventwood, yet v ' Il ilý1;111l-,t ,vardr.,I". luxury. lis.. dramn luid caler foril ltyond th, 'O'l' m-ili taik uer Ille scellen titre luit- .h4. ,,,ýre, parted front, you. And you-f boa, 1 ha ' i IllI-li adventurvs. Sir(- Is ptill the rite ý, , i ci le 1 Ai. E- of Iiýtter He.Ite,. , gMes of .1,ýrtisil,ýt..,' , mm erre reuiý-intýt yon fold nie t'bat yen Il out round ber à very piramant achli t io . , o I 1 Ir' ný,tatlê %voulait tri the native mulla 1 lifé ý Our il 9 ,Il, 1 lcl,.sýý,l lu tient joirenthemis of heul 1 love lier. tient it iras circuinstancès thât hoint- viretc. 1 like te) heur the ceviter, î tir Cairo. :be lin. 1,p(.oviýrt-ti ,nough Anll Ive ieIiý,e whot .or ".cort clay,, , aloi meh Iýx,."Itý-d. Men ,;, nul hi lot[ tliý,, in licol, vocation front the SiLi", lu ICd gagement. And telle, lot- latigh sud talk toigether. King Francis - Il through certain vlainis aleminst fer :es %le pas, ,,et ,et- filoi henIth glomig et ... tury bave te, malle I-hiu I.-el, throtijii "lit- terrestrial vimitatiou--we who vivre -.. 10--thleýýéný.ýI.- 1-mih' edc -i-,Hhlt.. -- "-ýl -..-. h_ ..j, ,j... . -o , ,xl ý ý 'al i cilice. 11.11I. ,.;ýý.1%. r,.,i.jctite tri the ninetot-il cýutqry, il - ! le-. to,-!,iýi, ,,.vlýr,ýn,,enÉ te, live in ,.l'Iuý lu c'cry check ait'] lu-celni tg in c Vry V>c 1 11101 ýsIImh in (Oder il) 9n'l Il 1 ý.,I-t;rtt-ti by the spirit of the twenty-tirst 'ERESTING AND INSTRUMIVU. LESSON. lectione or a. sieýoktim«Cb&re~ wholesous. Food fer llbomekb- odying the scriptural 10cienous le- lligently end Proitably. bc lesson for Dite. 10 la fui la 1. 1: t;-11; ;iý 8-12. Tt in a Traitent on reg. and the golden text la, **God lov- a cbêcrfeqi ziver."-" cor. 9: 7. tal.qý-hi ni "my niegseugeli and it li, lot et ali an liulikýir theory tbot the k le thework of au l'ahanai PrOPhet à thel, el-ignates himself; thoi of r- thre ig nui to pri thât t)w- il, i_ýi ilot et proper nome. Hi% book nit i,, exactly dated. The attte Or ,ýr_, deili in lit may lie thet et the Telle or of the last qu.rter of the litth tl.ry dilring Ezei Parly reforme. M irti y le-fore Nheniiah'q ReCODd vieil- rillg jhi, entire period the people of serni to bave beelti grOWY ,Iecttiii or thoir moral and religions dB s, xcept :et the times wheu the roi mens tetiiporarily startied then, Out Of Ir indiffercure. Probably we aboi te the book of Nlal&,hi 801»Wbffl 3tit 430 B. C. Tt shollid be rend tibroofflit ail, au the Passages Zectrd fer the te e,.fflns lire intimatelS c0unffled ultis Ir (..Ut.-It. 'Ir then 1 bc a fatber. allure If MÙM nelrli The th.aght of (Jod al Millier el rown up largely during the âge Of> ý prophets. ilouea Caire the gen» « c doctrine, Jeremiab developed ito the ,,pilets of the cxile brolight Il to larfféir litugp. ýjsjachi assumes il and de, inds tient the people Civil, the filial obè- initie tient 4.od bas à right te exiloi le priesta and the People bad ùIlBuffl le lmighty by neglecting the ee"le« the sanctuary. and roule esPei by fil.'ing tu coutribute tu the support 09 c religiolis establi.ýhnient. 'l'he offering of illaimed and impertasit kininIý In sacrifice won of Course ai icitly forbiddcu by the law; Tt wu »et prefore, merely a aigu Of ludiffeluffl lack of zeai. but Positive di»bedi@*Olh' i. perhaps a pity that Christine Pfflb ,-day recognize Un etteh Tant; regardb* ýpir gifts Or PaYmeints for ler4leu .rk, in for too MRBY cases, Min a b*tdU hkh in to lS made sa light au 0 t "Ný'bo in there even amont 70111 thtt ould sient the doors l'or nougbtl" V«Y ttle nienuing con be ex tracted frOM tWO odti ut the old version. sy an cans let il% rend with the ravinera. -Ub lot literie were one &Mont YOU tbu,,," ould hqlt the Tours. tient ye mwht ut indle, lire on mine altar lu Vahil' St 1 et «tern and terrible rebatte. BeM lot the temple ubould lie clonai MAIM 7, ith ftll that tient implied of PION excitation and laull tailler th» " nbould he profanlid by perfunet-7 Mg )caninglpms remmenai«. the Timing of the sun eVea Imm le going down of the "Me. MY euw" hall he grent nattent; the (lentilm;» ri tg 90 mighty., and hie le xtend te, all nations. the ,le of him choicie, 6,boUM tri ftt o serve him mont zealoquuadly, night %bore In the gloi 01 that loy. Tt sireme tu bc a fnet t"i, lie later prophets repeatedly lie world-wide swaY Of Je"vàb*býý lont, the Cri ntamm Or tbe lever graxped this sublime Mmd quilit lu their nid narrowni andi lride. "'iWill a man rab GOi Il là tes lit -arefully noted, la appi Ma SOIM 11110 .hriutinu giving. thàt 11114: M Vmi« %dapted test. The tithef or .10S4118 ýhe yearly boivent incrfi in whieh the Jews were rffliend tg merv, joies, savessed upon by About hait or the nulle was 0" qupport of public éduclA the M pour, Judicial Offileets, etc.. Un- man Intended for the au or trait ficvites and the eipeuffl Of w Nui et ait uns tiven fer à" purpose as the apreloi of the k@«*.. Pdge of God amont forelku Dàtim*. ing won tiven with the parlait» et ing unirightllous Jetre to a senne ot tWFýý sine and Inducins reformRtim, exieW the resular @Yutflll Of eeremmidi might have tient p rpi N Ib- short, rould bc called mimiou«Y. u o lit il lori In ldea ta our titi for purposes would be Pprhape the Il offering" sied the coutribatioffl Teintes jews douibtieu made to the Of those Prophets Who gave tbeir w time tu the proclamation 01 truth, It truc, however. tient the duty et 43% toýday to support libelli Dot OIÙY regtilitr w-rTitýs of the chureh At l'lit ahilo the missiOnary habons et representatiVea in ail PUJU fil" the ý.rlil, in equally bindint wfth icwiiiiii tithe., thotigh enforred a« IWIO9 fixed lotit, bjjt hy the law of love. 11180114t"e over, the Chriotion ah.u)d test il A to give more than the Jew, inagm*eý hls privileceq are an much lArger. Neglect of Christian givint will sur*' cou" spiritual death. One estai a« «*ý fer to find a mi Instance- Neit I.i -Fruits of Rigbt ai Mal. 3: 13 to 4: e Words for old Thiville. q-he yotiag vroman whose voti in mostly adverbe and ftdJ«d hai e ail met lier. or heftr 8 wlth al, excursion party on th"e River. The Washington Point a fragment of ber couversatiollii *This lm Alexandrie we're combe t* now." ti Margaret. "YOU wiïot 10, over there before YOU 90 9VM-» '-What in there to si sieté Young man. ,,Otà," %nid blargaret, -theri Mil graveyard thert-thli fouillent: ou pim you ever maw. -ith i net a Mt Ort! entest 01el gravestoues la Il. Il% pertertly gri lit, was lrom New Volatil. yoti bear blm say bc wost forker?- -;q), lot exactly, but 1 overbeao&wo te tua rk t lia t UODU Of the Plct»M SU IW Corcoran Art Galler7 wc» Ollée thri NvIth the pictures la the 11-- heïr and-" .ld hot d beeu he, wm ty &Bd wu* oir.11 )rOught À ý à ber. agelit adu ber My& ýve ber 110, Ir % te bow .. Il ýý 1 C Il ail' LE BUNDAY

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