Libertyvijie. Lake County. -Illinois. Friday. December 15.1899. $I.50 Last Cai 'OR Christmas Goods. cThese are busy days. This store is just iaalow with hints for Christmas Presentà. i8 Clerks here to serve you. We are doing our best to give customers every attention and assistance in their purchases. The. Barli..'you Corne on the A'lorulg The Botter' w. can Serve Yois. eAil goods are on sale; ail marked plainly. and arranged conveniently for your inspection. Handkerchiefs are the most popular for littie gifts and we have such a sood line of them pPrchased by Mr. G. R. Lyon in Belfast, Ireland. HAS DISAPPEARED. Hlgrhwood Mechan'a Absence Shrouded In Mysiery. Saunine'l J, Breatveil, Jr., a merehax of Higinsood, Ilii.. bas binsu iAssîn trîm Ais bonne sine bia;tFrida>' monu Iug, aud t in feared b>' bis famlly t)nî ine bsn comitted suicide. Winlà, left bonfe hAnc eu0bis tore, foot ai tins cash, nearî>' $240, sud valuaini pgpels tînat vers n the safe, locked ni theo store sud foot a sîjuf h boun. electriceucr. If la4filougint ine ot t C inicgo, Mursinai CAaries Gordo,of AHigin voofl. sent f0 detective headquarteri lu Chincago Sunda>' and reporfed Mr Bnmatvel's dsappearsuce.'T'hesmAs» Iîug mau bas linon married for elgin tesu years aud han neyer been ava: from bhome over nigint betore. He lA a ver>' enfinuaslenspîritualîsi and bhi vmfc ters tiret ine may bave carriso fint somfe planu sicin eInlmsgled van lirrpoiedl'y fine spirit iffbils fafinst sAthin vincinbeclaimed to f îciAu re. hinsît communIcation. HalAnfsfier vas fine ev. Samnuel freatseli, mrrdersd a year ago laai Augut Ai> Cari Petinte. Ever sînce tfinaf fine ibis non bas seemedtf0tirent, vio no tcshlm, f0 fbe deîueued SI UAnen.Hi- ofteu s"idt4)bishife t ial fio sas cled to do certain tings iny fine spurit ut hiafatiner. Ou sonneocca. aluns ho said tIsai hi- vangolug ava>' sud vonîld nof retîn. Ho made finis flreaf tant iiîrsidsy, btrfbis vîfe did Dot psy nancinattentio n, i. lHe ftfî'u vouft i CAicgo 10 coîîulut nplritînalilsfn, snd if may fie th iehaIn goDe f0 fine cît>' for that filrpuse. Tine police do nit credif fiis tbeory, bus- ever. Mr. Breatseli bas a tannAi>'of neveu ctinidreu. He As vesiin>', ovufig s greaf nesi ot real enfafe lu Higiwond, aind is ver>' veli kuovu l u suegLu. Christmas Gifts Il iii LAKE Vol. Viii. No. 10. For Gentlemen. Nobbieaî. Prettiest and most carefully seclected liii. of Neckwear for Christmnas gifts ever showsin Lbetyville. Gentlemen's Oxford Muff lers in the Latest .....Colorings.. ~ ~îync~es.Hînmdercbiela. ShWrs, Collai', and Cuffs--rn faci everything in,'the line of Gentlemens wear, SANBORN & Coi, Tailors and tiaberdashers. Kaiser Block. Dr. Charles Galloway. Officeover Lovel l'aLrug Store soulte Filou1 Ton AN, 670 P. M. Libertyville. - Illinois D r. J. L. TAY LOR. Office over Triggs & Taylor's. 7 tIiW M. I. là. ti4 üdî1 . fIlSafp. mi. Uteideuce onu rîîadway opposit* Park Libertyvilie. Illinois. Dr. H.0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. Oun - -- -------llinois. Dr. E. H. Smith. ii.Iff ce over Lake County Bank Libertyville. 111. PAUL MacOUFFIN. Atfnrney un.]<'oînsbellvir at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC O<ier. F~WiTIÇi a Cou NTYIfANX, Libertyville. Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LlBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. W. B. SCHAEFFERS NURPSERYV. AIînt.ili..» n i(inLliilti Tio.Orap- - - - Libertyville. 111.1 WAUKEGAN. s sgs aa b nny5a 4iîrn on farmneInli enfo o inwusip n sweil- ing. TtIfnIs cifmted bc nu. bas options nîn cî,zniîeriiily over 20o0 acres. flsfirday fine lieu Carman place aîîd C. W. Va*in DeMark fernmciea i'oufsiriing I1111acser were socureni. Ottber farirne are thclng uegutiafed for. MîînlaY ageîi nteofoct purcinased tins E. 'A, fianisoo fi tm lu Bantou, paYirig for hame $22,040. Sf.siwoOd refiîseîl f.,optionîlubis fairr f 111acres but rîfi-reni ft- selifî.utrigbt.aud fine demi wasxfinnl.' i'iîîsuminatenj. If requireil $2j Worrtin of niampm tIi recordl fine Impers. IbAitnilin,' iret salea(lit- rîgin Of landî. faatbashloin unale lu fine bg denai in ifertiini î.eî 'rgc H. 1(nî>în flîi y r.uat Ais bhomne ou tir.aid avenile Miînday nigit t l'A1, o i-b. k, destin î'iilintiiîg aneia-ge lif ui't'.fd viîfferii]g 1iiInie ilenfîn lit Mr Bî.yufîîu spalor of glitmum ini ,.iiii, 01.1v lerts, forIlue-sca inîaîn aliîd witinmain> nîîîiaf, busimva suîireil gliîn teremfs tu 'anikegan, umIld soiiir, anîd a man lierulnariy endiised vitin fie chsrucfsri.tvfi liuatiag Tant- ng trlcînds. Theo fafal afaily vusas cancer of finefringue. 'Aord from uSt. JosephiiniMch , gays that fins steamer Mary, iisued by- fie Grahasm JAMorton 'f ransirfaàticon Coîmpauy, sas demtriiyed ly tire ut 3 oclock Satturda'. fi wiilluIlereiîem- bered sainat t vas fine steamter Mary wiclinGraham f Morton receuti>' bougint for fine piirlmîls-iîtof taliiiliig a nlemvce trîm Ctinîî.îgîî f, 'Aanegau sud Kenonina. G. P. Cîry maniager ofj fine cîîmpsny say fine iiriingofithfie MarY wil Dt preveît lthe eumpisuy eltabiibAg a service tfti m i iy neuf sî,)riiig. A new bouat wattl le Idl]ii iftii t plut 0o1 fiisroutfe. vnes aîlM. lyFir.1dviesfrîmNew 'iîrb ndicafs' (lit mi,rin- 0.'gclni.î to"t. 6 1-99 tinat H. C. Frick, Audrew Carueglens __________________________rugint iisîjîlmaun e finaînciai Peleter lieliud tf inlmg real eilfste des] W'. H. MI LLER. , lnti l[i îîty iFonrfine liref fea' dnys Tt>NS<lAL I1ARTI fT, ,Iiltarg îiispînfcbcnbave hoeu pub. Il'bey) 'Toun t ririf ennliîve or a6,sinoîel cîucenuAug theo snaied rein'. «ran liaI.'dit rienm, f01".tlîîna betnmeecuMr. faruegie sud Mr. 11051115alLirsmn 0 eions. Frict. arnd if lise een a generail>'ai,. ýix nuo t oi W. t'. 'fî lo S.istoe, coteîl facf that Mr. i'nlf'tinsorganiz'. en Stîrîî' ii. t.Slu...ii'lin .rî 'an îg a New 'York ayidicate tei estafilAi seiig. el>iliio irurnînan. stelindutries f0 rival fine Carnegie iofer.'sfs. New York 14d vices stafs finaf Ba Mtr.-FrîIff A aslsocured uoptilomnon a La k CO 1iarge trt t i land near Chincago. fin T e îde nt in t h e to v s h ilp f B e f to n , WRIGHT, DYMOND & CO. wiicin liasl leen lrfirebslng for over Libetyvlle Illnof. vo Imoufin, tgstfineuni>'one ncan Chi- L 1erynhl, lifoR. eglu vl i Wh tinfie dicpafcin eau tes --mm lmeoaiiuected. Wlfb fliat pîrreinase tins Issues IS nterfst IBetrina Certifi- f% Acousiîn (outru aira là"na ieen cate PaableoilDemad. ldentfied aînd If;An fînrmier repurfed oints Ptyrlilelii Dîtinriid tfAe Chniago, Milwaukeeo& st.liant il nipîrlcinfinetract fruiru fie wesfern ELOC TIO ANDNUSC.fiurftif Lake coulni>. H. C. Frick' re' :j~m.<O Uu ION ND nus IC. tînel famNswer quiestiounri'gardlng tine repuiritinaât he n iuterenfed lu tins I-Iivmiz 'iîPiotvîli R [uîiii.yu'.nr moption On 3040 acres 0f land norfin uf Ï, course ini elnno itmîiti i d lilsilc at Waiksgau. lie wiii not 'se reporters. -thoe CIidiao MII-l4erIt léil'ge, 1I1i111l Hosevor iAu ftilleblrg fine report Is .1 repa'd oi t>toaîincl miivildnlsor lbeleveii. Il uc reliafil> nepnîrfeul finn olssses tiiese liiinc-lînns. For ini- Jolinu D. Rocikefelllit is laclid Mr. lornmtion atndl riaes,. mi un rt. siî'Frie -t fiela. Mlg *t. M CLARA AVERIIJ,. D. SINCLAIR, ztrlBlacksrnith and Waon Maker. otical Horse ShQer and aetttention Rivli,.tgeail dissaea Uhrlstmals Bail. 'mie Evergrpeen CIn', utf[Liberfyviile fiavîi arraunged f0 gAve a bail lei Liber. tYvif le TonuHall Chrisfmaa nigini Dec. 25. Pofennior fimitins Cicago hriestra cii firlt-411maslc. supper wiîlie biserved Everyf.ody Invifed and s grand gonid tAnne annured. 1 vili Wili Orlnd Feoo. tmid fesd aud comis sud sy simd flaurds>' ot saeinv thV nooiee.P. 6. Dam COURT DOINGS. NEW DEVELOPMENTS. e Trial of Dunn DeKay Case la On- Another Phase of' the Eiectrlc Road Change of' Venue Danteci. Proîgot. t à ine Dinu-DeKay Case CIIDOT 11>) iThe îroposed electrie faondlfron g9 Monday afternoou, wierncourt ciinvll- Liliertyvilie tiithe Lake shoe., of à- mid wifb Judge C. E. Falier fpremiling. whinlc there Aal been mîîci conjecture àif la Ms tstime in charge î,f orl, wattot- sudt wli,-b cAeneew. reported tW e noyés on bot b sies, end the came pro m-l bave beeu asunued, Dow connesagant il lmes tf excite considserslle interent ans befî,re theo publie witin reuewed vIgor le Af did before winef the Jr'y dilsagrteed. sud euiarged proportions. [Il For the plalufifso, Attoîrney D. fi. During thne punt few (laye efforts bave id Pinney assistet b>'W, F. 'ruold âl> been muade to seecore from thne villagei lO peare, witie Coi. Davidson oîf Chiicago, of River Forent a franchis for theo new Eiam L. Clarke, Hanua li Taicott snd loferburtoan railway, whoése promofers Coon a Oryla appear for tine lefi'ud- wainit tu n tracks and electric cars te aots. tinrougin River Forest along tbe haut r, Thne coutiaels of ble8mrm DeKa>'ofuthte Despiaines river. - petitioned for a change o>f venue to an- 'Tire sfrip in River Forent Asef0 fho a - otiner c.ounfy, alleging prej udice of thne part of a Dow neenie railva>' systeru y iufinbîfauts. Judge Fulier over-ruided vin bas mat beeu projected. 18 tine petition ou thne grouud tinat takilng Tire plain lan f counect towns lu Lake la tbe case fromr two judges inuthne dim- couelty witin those f0 tthe we»t. hoîntin. I griot as ttney did before. allegiug liro- %eoftsud norfbwest of Chicago,. La indice, wax regarded by flihestatues an iti n stated tiat the compan> pusln. ri chnge ot venuenesd fiey wern- eutitled ng this projeci Abas obtaîued a rigint of -to but orne cbange of venre. il'Ane Jury way for piasnage tinrougla theo territor>' wam sworu ru witln tire fîîîlowmig lier- lyilug bteweeu ,itiertyvilie aud Lake d noune]: Bluff, sud fihe men wbo are aitfine nead 'A . J. Oliver, Neweport, ,f tire i'ompauy vaut to puain Ato e James Wiltotn, Atitiocli River Forent vitin their tad ou 'fine e. Charie@ Johnsnu, Autiocnln. tth~fie 0wus nonthwest of Chiclago. it Christ Hardiug, Lake Forest 'The Ciicago à Foi Lake Electric t Ciarles (frinneu, Lake Fo,rsf. Itaiiway Compauy are the ouly pro- Y Jay Ailinsou, Lihertyviie.unoters iaving a right.-of-way befweeu * Ciarles Austin. Lib)erfyvlle Liliertyviie aud Lake Bluff, but F Lewin Hanby, Lbertyville. wlnet ber or uot tina lan the compan>' a George Bates, Wacoi ba.lebiif fire uew projecf we are illnsible fumes 3.foaiau, Wairnîîîrîla. t, learu. J. fM. lridlle', eruon. A ciiiiago papler cpeakiug f0 fine t Clîries liasntleld, Deniliî. eimpauy's entratnce toi RAver Forest Kllld b Fal. ays: ,'*lho plain f0tasoeursea rAgit-f Kiled y Fit.way lui)1 feet wide. Tins tracta uAlinc James Caran, oue 0f tino lest kinuwrn laid] ait munasponiblesf"r the village and ontlutiental aruerk ri ienon fIver Forent bas grauted tinsfranchie fîwnlip, ried a ilse bonne laitfwfek saintlfhe rosit!bed vill be completed Ilu tWeduesiday, asnfine remuit of s fait fine npriug. Orne of tins objecta of fine wncbh fe received Tuenda>' afferunn. men Whno are anking for fthe fraucisie He vas aboutf fie barri doitng fine la la) provîde a route for touriste wino eveulng Maores wheu li n ome maunuer wAin touse nomre of tins ptctursqns fie fei] from tfie Abey loft tfo fine spots tri Cook and Lake coufies, aud If filuor below, striking is fboad on a pro-. fine road is sllowed go be boUlt t s ex. jeounglu nb înouHewairfniueewau- pet f haretit viii becomne A populax couë]oto i whch cn"Itio howaspart of a fourits vinît tf0 Chicago. fouai ionne tim., afferwnirtin h one ot Thne coufemplsted lite ts aloug fine lits en.)espfsiues river, sud tinen firougbn fie He nsas rrliiiîceîi thfie bouse sud fleld f0 fine sontinvest. Dir. Foiey, oif Waikegntn. was sain- >Mono.ed teAine iltî coufinued lu a Ta rsis nei jcouscins condiion Ruif affinouginTa rmîa veryfinrg possîlîle vas doue f0 have, i Tbeu DFaENDE<Nin u steilent Insue blis litere le hosnorfAv alter nind .' irged trpon fine Village Triunfees fAhe rnîginr. îrecevslty of deundlug tfinai ne pirovision hfieestabliained aud main- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb. Itinevl afifine hilwakee Avenue irail. Furnied liv roaiî rio tr 0a nure Protection ta Lake' Cîrunty [Atle J& 'Trusct C. tulc earndta oc tl.l.factc of Tifle. i'Afles niaraiter d. fie pnltirât Itoueh d tfcncan- MnviicTemple lîig Walrkegagîî , 8 rAîoaîîr iafln iolboi snr Lois iiJ. Gîrn'îrsec ' v>. lîore n franchise be grauted fine hI," iil.l'. nd , î"liiî,r' rail'road coompauy psrmittifng tiein o fI J. l.'îîrlîîîel ot 1 21 au., ipet lit I mî, ; piliai '.1' l* w v d_. o ..c.. ..crsmefine Avenue. However, before Inýli. fA .o, 'icI' iîî'i il il, W . loinorlAinsuce wàa sef! linsheeffeof If,' 1n*1 .11 Wt A,. ion t,;! n1izi . 1 ], onmentitoued fine trnnek wan laid sud aIl Lit ulb.î '. 'i if,, S ilionliA. topesn of mailng fine compauyasures wnI., o , , 12.i , l siî,w 'rfieposos urO o1'wî111.-n .t.o, I,. 'f Anîn, to oomply vitinh rvsin hro i .... ... . ...41,1 l Iefore finey vere sllowed f0 proceed 14îi~î~SWkàc , 'Ir Co imrnine streef, vere at an sud. Ni.'hiiîîlîci, Fîgîî ' i .ai.wrîî,. 'The fîllowng communicatiou ex- Fantan sli .r -I'jr 'lC7-I 1 l 'X AIl w 8- ,'1"IcV Irn-.'1141.14 ton,I prennes tfine ntuimnun aswe flnd lif f of W ri lî'I-1 ..... . 1Cle isf mutIg a majorlty of Our' citzen: Faillîîn i l, îNb,.'li,.î Fuait '- niiîvl-l72 - ' "a w lirtII-,' il Mu.iLITon 41> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ......v..f..'liî iW ~ N o l,rtal 1the1 lil.'5g,î. Milwsaîikcî- %% Mr. f..'nîlîA. PadlO.'l, mIni lfe t ro Ar, lîig orian hv $enpmm* l'l.l'î" ,,,t TIIi w 'il't -eIrilr.i 4-4,;,wybaefaeapiss -tii lilI0, wd... îi" .I>r-icfciî,lnouain o orpons. Cls, ' 1,,i"l ' .111 Ot(ito , C ijîr , t tll ui 11 mlîfOi ilniiItnrla 1,1k fi E.A. M'.r' ,ra 'ic î liihî.,.l fur, -iv" li a tn rnnto fi-anuiise bas belou wl.O .1 . .. _ -.. 1 1 1 il.n oeil,'onad iv ur village bhuard, If anu Janv Conîî.'.'t,i C'onrad.l ln'>,', lot 1 h riii,ýaiysbete uteWl fisil, A HI ~lî.. un î.n-.î.ol l. .i"ifon if[filimrond Ournr ofrpafs are lil,,nr..tM lo.-','E..'. unCo _'"nIimporta'int. orne of whl'ici linthe'-ronsîn 11 î ,vr ""iO 4 fîn'f -ol Miioink,-Av'nue. Tisinlll hoea iiiiiilil .. ,I.. . xcul n uiîgiirouiii ono iad willl rier]Profetilon for Do.ra co- to f'iîc E' M..'-'.ifIs tIiLn12 îl.f,af..t-y. Wt, opve tuiderive gaent LA 'c i W. li' .r 't.i ... ' 21n"h, l II-ifhy filice firnniî,iiof tlins roasit but ln o bl,k i H 1k lw.1 . xin...>. un-r tlîat w,'mai realîxe our asiioiniatAoîna Harrîi l (olîllali ,1 j.tî lI n r.h' I l tl* 1 re plrtantr fiaf &Il trains allail stoi, ai L.o 'i, , -c i ' , i .'i i 'î"fl '2 r sttin;i buît as ti, arl o fiieh r ;iOn. l ... il-I Il ..l î". I .Ir ' 1"n '1Ii"toihave flot leiîn nilpufafeil iy 24 r ..s . li i î 4.3 monr f f si,,-ileorInîîfferwlsî..w, ruilit IIOW trust Alîtll,î,'Iî, I . . '.il'.. ... tiu i l.i, 5onjIdIeice îof fthe, faiheren" Otto, /iiii, aii i f l.oit,' t', l tij,! knil i.iilly n,îîîî,i î l fl ite mrcî tfully con. fia".luin--'or,,.1-rt-'. 9 -mlil n '1 Irrlb airasdta lwl ai o filî1î iw liv'f i. 'X uI'in s -r i vîî i. a frî.i ud11f i u a L'uilA iri A î ...11,f ', AI41,i.,îH'.. ,t fs iiriiiivy 'AIîn lfbeli le f Dot1 lu li', j .' r 32-4-0 oIiiîii'ie l itlýo fî,traifroads Inii aeral cul 'vi lf h, 'l. "'...... lux,.lx) ilstoryIüloi-o fot show tilin roami ro Lu, lui YOifîulTinîrsfore fthewisdom rot (;roaf Pronnioni ffer. sua î~eis ,'îfile iiquesfliiabl.. W"T aie tîîlîltra ine B onord baina., wrtu f lie f'cî,NriruuV. r ls fire' f)iepi58fi ont offiîrialml sarfa hsthe rosit will coîrîîfy paper. If culs 'cr inal. Bufi. nai,, ail resoiabie ooncemmiion In oînr scnlitii) ri fr Iî', . f5i1 fie-r ye r. fIl'@ Iîîi'tl ,m nd fillis*'feint"' bas hal If& ii- worfhin I. An su extra iriducemleut. roudgelfî'.t, limsii w and10 rua r the roa iovever, we viii foîr a Short time g«Ave posseiacnon tg insur pointa In mv. as If firmeeas s premium a splcudid nalbum p nîimfts the roittu irofine masdefuidanf lit of aiifhine photogranphe, enitlfed, tolr 'ontriveruY. Tinem la no douint fine l"Fighinig lu tinoPl'iippinsu e rouff ,v-il ounlalbave manie finsneoessarn aaid 'bmî'lrie ociusmasonn baiOuîr lntferenf enver ln eîubelllained sitin a picture ilîcî,u irenî'riy allarîleil. Iliu lh case wi of Admirai Deve'.. Oid subscnibera e,',îîfliot r naeiaaly hbve'> lven sîiîoîî payiug a year in advaure are alma fl reo rfii.d'n rI'tiori iînt'rleY'.W. monet now eufiied 0 ou of finee alumshope futil f crilje 0forinr grand oppor. Tinere are 150 pinofograps i si iiii'itefi 'rent 0f a.fetlln sAltIrli album.a" l e-udf yîîreoe t oidirînîf e"tInt i ________________ ii gwuîoul erifla ri oirIiiuvties A Thousand Tongiues Iun'.1,ouiu.-rîrv-Lsion miiid 111uf express fine rupnture or UNE 0F THE PUBaLIr. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPMONE NO. 1» - STOVFES The best assortment, ever shown lni Libertyville. including Garlands. Acorns, Universals and GoId Coins. '.We bought one hundred stoves early Iast spring before any advance ln price and are prepared to make prices that defy competition. We deliver 'and set up stoves fr» of charge. No freight ol risk of break- age as is the case if they are bought in Chicago. Compare our prices with Chicago, ..prices before buying.. M. - LIBERTYVILE. ILL. Blankets--.,,. .STREET BLANKETS., Co-mon square Blanket Large Sîze. 80z90 .(8 lb) 80x90 - s s - S 75 - - - 1 50, - - s - 200 Ail Wool Blankets. 76x80 Il4Il0Il 84-9- Duck Blamikeus with Wool Lining - .... STABLE BLANLETS .... Burlington Stayon. lia duc] Wool Lap Robes, $2 25 3 25 2 GO ned - - - - - $0 wk limned - - - - 200 Whips and Horse Furnishings of ail kinds. Baum's Stock Food Always on Hand. Chas. Kaiser, .1 BERTYVILLE, i.IEER1TAVILLS Thne followlng VlIagis <IAYSLAKr ame Included in the DaUCE AIE nu c Lake County Teiephon11 NÂY DY usOI Company% Bervi,e- OEPULL"R Connection is also afforded wlth toit linos of Chicago Telephone Company and ail their exchanges, givlru a complote service. YOU SHOULD HAVE A 'PMQNL Ai Uine EPworth League Convention. Tine Tii nAnuai convention of fAe Wautegar u Snb-Dlsfric4 Epwortb Les. gIns was fed af fine Lake BIfii M. E. cinurein Iafurda>'. Leaguers front ai partsutffinecouuty vers preseuf. Tino difertif addresnen sers npirited aud iuferesflug. Thne repo7fs from fine differeut isagunsi show Chat fine &icî- elles are doing gond wvîrk. Tine lpré gram for fine day sax as folovs: liniionia.' ff.'n.fIng of'I Miiuu fi', ll-iiit r,,n. fiagu." i.. î,i Pari r i....'a..'A.. 1,1. J'in r Leag- su. 1.4h 0 Aill'n. 'ilal Mnvi filicMi ihrm 'fo f- . C - ., b té,MurltilcO - tlnll'.i Apî.no,,iîaîiiîA'ftii' 'lî.' ."cH . .",îm Thne î,ltcers eiect ed for tiîe eiusulilg Waikegsa. l'res.. Erueof Moore, Urays'. lake. Amit lres .; F. f(art le. Northin li i'agl, sec'u-tar Treas .; Mrs. Ailîie Mllrey, if aitegani, Junioîr 801,f Hot Shot. Saru .lines the evanigelAît, preac'ind lu Cila9ti, Sîrindu an sd Ais rnsracter. irei manrnier sud language ratiner inîrriflei Borne offinhe pus chien in 41AT siudieiico. Be said lu part: *'Aid Ilion' liear pîîl,îî'.old iîrt.1'tlî lnlt vite aloni h- oflfl'i,, cii. .l.îo1twiion liiir k iion".prirt I îîa t(.1 1 ,- limur týouintrî' trruiîîel i.' rai agi... 'îfni and olmr loy'. fror ii.l'mi"tlii'ry., t-lîOt 'f tlii l kii'v mlut W.. .10ri tu trIhe J'.1. olin rîvnot'e tilichedirI y. fîlý, p -uollnitigucnic that f rucfi-r el. nInîrio aid ilîino.tli-ti M.iIf"1.foMi)"innîiiîf iîili Ion tlîat the dfil fi 5111 a miisiil iil n 'I bri'threui. arimciIhave,,, h1c.iililifii hiliri Go. .hei' Cli t rrriich oh,-jhv 110li.- cl tie,-i 'Taki' iîîîr Ilîlîinois lfciiujjiîlo.n ahid,'mo. 'noétt, linuu 1,Tanner and Affg,'lil. ,- I iî-nnii. 1i Y sari hIf niiiiwlIl 'ilîTanjier unu fls liiaina 10' iniglir Oandfruiitrier it, ln fila ,late'.grlase MW ,'dni vîil nvî,ll."Mi' 100110 In fie morrling. P-)Ir rit nOthieni, nvink Oit sud ni' :'Buy", ffat'saieati of nnîing i*ve gcof.'Ho'Amu.,the blle irilîibo on taRt .,sge sud go bal rto hic Ownri rolînî wfl tie inidersfandittietAi.he , ilîlot .îîî tîbir vnein thoy nt)n-nbfor nîlmlfttî.i. '"Ifs ana, an mo nîaîi vote w1hîtIe i, rly polltfî'af Ipar'ftîio of to-îfny tha fofîti-vr fle, liînînor ais,, ii'y unidbk-i1, oîî. F)any vin h (ioi theniàl'v' r'-ac'riny lilîi l vanaanîil Ion omuîlngrtirei,,'ihtioaopiny ot praynys'.(iî'nfiemil. viii inîlofie. gi-ne,. )lm owardiifoîn eow min rafni ,î (loil. clesu Ii Four persnaf liii', if yoîî would iraY. Vo-i In iv., i . Y hvi liiandl ke'î) on Baylnn Four pliayr'. butîlatir ecd Prnn.r Foin ouffi t 1nng.'"Thaiîk (bd lin sAI iiI in onr>ome'-fuolriflng dîlriî van wiulî' oun sn." A CGreat Obrisimap Numiner. Tine Christmas oumber of The Soînr'. daOfI remiîig Poai marks a 1ev doper- fîre lu periodical lilersiure-fine llnafs nceensful aftempt mu gAve for rive conts, atorien, articles aud pietîrrea b>' fthesasme wseemsasd artisievina mats mine inlgb.coo magazines. For exemple, fine opeulug »tory lu tine Christnmas Pont insfi> Rudyard Kipling. aud fine tale, tinaf of Prîvats Orfinerîis and bis dog, Garmi; Joe Chnudler Haris tselse a.WbY fthe Coutedersey Falled," a nfrrlng Sftory>1othfinsSecret aevvlce; and Ian Maclaren, J ustina MCarthy>, AM. P., Joinu Luthe Long, X. E. 19. Davis, W. 0. COUP "d W. S., Narwood contrîbul. gloi« Sud entAche. Tb* voeu. 19 the aU=uleas bj,.BUwft, Handkei'cilat Sc. 10c. 15ç. 25c t10..................Soc A VISIT TO v TH*ooq WILL MATY OU. NEW IDEAS ARC WORTH A$ MUCI4 Au moNgy. Aiunie E. fipringer, o011125 Huward Mt, Plfadelpbia, Pa., vin s e fouud that Dr. Kingn Nov DAcovery for cou'. sumpiion b.d coînpiefely cnred bier of a AackIug cougin that fuer man>' yeRrn bad made Ilite a fifrden, Ail otiner remedien sud dociora cofild «lys ber ninoiep. buftmine gays of tiaRoyal Cure "Ait sono removed the pain luanu> chessfaud 1 eau nov lmp noundl>' somothing 1 eau scsncely remembier Ldolng before. I teed lite souudlng ifs praînes firouginout fins Univers.." Bo sli everyoue vino tries Dr. Ring'& Nev Dtscovery for au>' trouble oft1h, tiroat, client or longs. Prioe 50c and il. Triai boitien free. Ev.,, boffle gîar#uteed. P. B. Lovuum, ILbtbei. vjlle, 0. B. Tuompson. Guayslake. DeVAitt'tLIMlm E a ts u '64 MlOo iSielv.:uIn A Sure Cure for Croup. Thne flmnt indicationuof croup la boarseneus, and tu a ciid aubjeot f0 &bat dissane t may binatatou sea sure aigu of fins appioscin 0f an attact. FOlloviîng thin inoaasessas taa peoulsr rongin uougin If CbarnberWan'n Cou gb Bsmedy las given saswon se tbe chAh! becomes hoarè% or even aller the croupi oough appears, il vAU provint tins alinet. If Aqusedlan many lthon. sanda Of hOMes la tfiIs byba< land and neTs>' disappoinia lb.eaniousmolinez. Wo bnavs et f 0 learn 01 a sngle in- stance Au whlch il has not proveil effectucl, No oliner préeparation ma show suobta reood-twentr.Bve years, oamiant nme ilont ' a al. For sas injP. 3. Levain, Ubortyvine, J. IL Ba&cmuu. Ouse.. WL. WU>'U5. M~ oo&aflr; ua zu xxPZ&u. COUNTY INDEPENDENT., HOUBE £STABLISM.ED NOV. 25. 1 "3 el- a Year in Advance. b ct t tl M p v 1. ILLINOIS.