CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Dec 1899, p. 8

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Viiu<wml belleve in ifs oea' app'oach when you scecaur io.Youll led that weve been Iavis1 inaur purchases that we've arranged a veritale lenst for Holiday Shoppers A lo.k though the pretty offeringa will make your heart vOhDW you Win egrIet that yau are fot a child agaîn. so that you msy enter more fully 10xa the plessurce of the heffl J4onbdy Season. Youll flnd nothing lacking in the display, b, every item that makes particularly pleasang and delight, i gluts you'D find here. An entire absence ai extravagance un price will be particularly noticeable. for purchasîng tram the manufaturer direct, enables us ta miake the very low pime that prevail a special feature. You'li be impressed wfh the NEWNESS in the display-the many choîce designs abowna here exclusively-allI prices ta yau in a way that yau cannot aflard ta go elsewhere for Holiday Gits. Santa Claus has decided to again make his Headquarters at the Rockefeller Furniture Emporium as usual It would bc impossible ta mention even a smaUi per cent, af the maay offringsi you can anly fanai a correct ide@ Of thein beauty by looking thnough aur tone. WiII Knigge, Rockefeller- - Illinois. PlinFigures! &evry art in 1 our store às maked in plain figures. We art not afid 10 show aur clom,.Compai<e aur goads and Prime with othesanid we are confident of securing a good sdure of your trade. 28C fr 9 lbe best quality htllest uat. au for 3 botea LavWis lya. 58<pargalon onfancy table syriip. unr30c lu 's gallonu issis. lft 1urlbfor chaice Santos valIsa, 7 Ibes toi $1.0o. 2ft Pou lb I0r faucy Pas Berry coite, h51 ils for S1.0 lie pou longili for heavy Bal made tove pipe. lie fur sIb h«Vavysove pipaeaiheisis. HOf for double front sud backek lusua sri shirts, dgPusryd for Iran Ciesi Or Stan lieatixsg, Sic bY 25 yard pics'. 17 pur yard ior 2j yards vide isasvy siaetîssg. lac sàd 14c for heuvyudetitua. ft par yard ior heavy tuai colon sbîîîlug. i0e for epenjlibargau u in es8uanm ceps. ift fat keat 60e mens» van mittausin Laie Couty. M8 for Choies oa i ttresastylisa nisu tucy hI0e drisse goos 28<58e sund 43C for vomane tieavad Jereey usdruvar. M8 for specis drive in sîze 2f; tu :14 childrisua hesry luece hit undervear, big valisi, o0e 79C sud $1.00 ton meus@ uluLer underuea, sure isîjlleaae. 82.28 for 5-s 5 lb noise blankctx. l ailier style bianskets et $1.00 to $3.30 iach $1.38 frtan ousbina itaunel shirts. $1.30 fur mans'a bonvuvy l(anaay Pautu, Breoina ai leusathan prissent uhsolesale privras WsrM fooivean fur ian, wvmunan sd childran ai pries tisai drfy eomptition, qualty ceisidared. Overoat selling lbas hags sud uu are rnsisadPeosple e huex- amine ur lting kmou s gsîed hing uen they seIW V. -Sauer & Brou, MG GROVE,- ILLINOIE ..COAL.. Wehandie the famous D. L. & W. Now is the time to order your winter's supply of coal. IT WILL BE IIIGlER! We handie ail kinds of coal and can supply you with the best to be had' in nute egg, range or soft coal. WuRIGHT & SON$ rtviIIe. 11 Ilinois.1 .sbOM iroubled fer yeus.Au s'ditto prinba hiN I'ape'r tî gîve "0 dlurrhues. éSunitme is patrons. uthenaemiof lheday sud for k1sa lmta taie sons.' or the wsoîss.y tbrrO imi lu it. He lu pre- lhColle, Choiera Ud eumî'd lu iusîw of %bat ha wriias, y004. Attr ung iso and ho gens'ralv doû..ssWhou ho .'. 4«' Blo ige hà. was wrlteaaa h.' doars ln the Leader (ourie.r, tut" t immlal, boping (iecasla" &IMMs., a uihant ee or hope 6131j aUaied nMay reaid s- rs'ward, Ithalt -Chamberlain,» Cough à-bssts...T1homa IC. Ritazel s .niaglcllîy, end we have Q.For salae lsy founid Dnue, iscter lu aur bhausahld. Ijotvlle. J. R. If you have a cough. try fi," 19 nayb.' à,jý i.W»TZBANg., accepted as au honest e«Pression. Wuà.axNACY, wortjaq of scredenca, For sale by F. * B. LVELLLibertyvIlie, I.L .BJAaza Gurnee,, iimiYtiLAKitEPuHAiWAcT, P. L. WEiciTeDIIAM, itoCIfeller, Joux MaIKxs, IYaihoe.. Around the County. WISaCONîSINCESxTU&L SAILWAYtCO. 'IfmE TABLE. iiOCKRICP]lsLEMI, ILLINOIuS. GOIOxOR5TH. iOING COUTU. A . 15 5501x A. 2132X r .251. "7:44. .lf>11:4w, (E:45VI i . 410 SîsUia1Y unis' 7:12 sDalls " ui sndsy. ROCKEFELLER MAILb. A55IVKÂsîANDa sgA FON NOUTEANDx) SUTE'nAi 7 :2 a. ni. 10:03 a. ni. 4:56 p, ni. 6:'49>pini. arrives from Chicago. STAR LINE. Louve Rtockefeller ai 18:30 for Diamond Lake, (ilmer, Ivanhoe sud Frenioni Caxtar. Eaturnlng arivas ai Rock.- tller st 4 P. nM. ROC KE FELL.ER. Mir.<Clana Drassan lis home trom the s'Ity sUter tWo waais unri thara. Miss Gertrude Carie la 51111 arn. ployed a& E. G. Payne@ lu Chicago. Mir. .I. Morse lait for tie city euady moîuing to wvan for E. 0i F. C. Shadille Informs ns that hae eujoyed his tnJp ta Montana vaîy A lot of tha nicsas Eaîly Rtichmond cherry treem lu Lake Counny. W. B. 8i IiARF}55t'S nusesry. Mr'. sud Mis. A. D.. Looinis, of Glyuch's ceese fstory wusa lera Wed- uesday oalling on friands. '[hosa uhoa slippad live stock tram tiîlsplace Ibis uek et rne Caok ALusk sud Frank lianry. Wrn. huigge lias megt reve1vatis lina lisa tOf ctaîhlnatiin bok csse@ sud couchées, jult tha tbing for \mas pris-A Xou shosîld visit the' furulinre sitore. It ilîl îspay youI. Xuiggas dlsplaya ftor the' Holiday's ia latter than aven Mr. Asigusat I<rs'bniu, rsrmeîîy a Laie Couuty Ioy. Iut uusw of Humer, la., imade s short visat bere recently aîoug tiiençs. fHe wus a coipanled bY hie vite sud ivo sihilsiren. lins.. Kiichmau lasa sialan 0f A. J. lRing, ubai sell iad nulsoeau loi ahusut twenty yaarb. As a cure for ibausnstism Chamber- lalu s Pain Bslin gainltUng s vide reputation. 1). B. Johuaton, ut ltîch. moud, lusit, lias been tisubîrd vils lIai aliments ssus'a1862. lu apeasîilg ofIt ha says.'"l neyertouud aiytilg thsI vouisi ralieve meunutil 1 nsad Chsihciisiu'â a in uBau. It sets luke niaglu' sittunma. My fossl vas sioolen antI paulig ngliesry maisch, butn" u gousi applicatilîisoeuh PainBah rallevad me. Foi sale hîy F. B. Lovsia,, Liberty- ville, J. li. Bi'ýiicas, (urnis, tRAÀyis- LAKE PHARMAiiCYF. L. WRATESMÂN, htockefallen JoHi MBlIxELsa, Ivenboe. WAUCONDA. Ms is. Tssmîcvrle onuthibiseksiâthi E, L Harrion iii uibisesiciek >. L, Mirsie, u a Nuda ' iicdey. Revr lîîl,,of Lvsustesn pi th,, M f. issreh Sunday. trsuuu a muimls 's vsst fili Chicago. Win. l'eiampe sud tainill>are vsist. ing relatites lu Wankegan. lin John S'.rss, ot Evanel on apaux Suiday silo lir. ansi Mi#. W. Barrils. Mis. Leurs A. oaea f xliaisbona (iroea thebisguesi cof Mr. ansi lins Wnj. lisîhir NI. W. H ughes li4assarsga titi ai Chiriima gotide. Ceil aud sais theni bafoue pnnchasing. A lot ot the ulisat Early Rihmiond cherry tiaisa lu Lake Comty. W. Bl. NS'uIAîs'i'.xt's nursery. lieu Coggîu. ut Nesbraska, la visltin«f îesaiverd sud ftiiad.. in t#i@ viclnity aL pisucct wnitlug. Mi&. E. E. Woodissssss. ansd danghter Helen îetssrned 14,thslie cty Frlday &fier aima dîey'a viai bates. - Ai the [lat nexagnancommuncation csf Stssiul'oIisAsge Aý . F.àA M.Itis W If.. . C ( IVtt.s, M. W ;M. If ?Tori, 4. v A b. f'r.s. ruas.. J. ris. sssisAO i t*Bty Bll bola I aarla us. scitrerh perlsa [sc. 2lic 444 Xtw MXy Orlsk-["suutsble fat ( iibsaaae pv.vo*Pls 5111lis fot mal.. k ,'u te.y â a.U, )a«s at yon usut faq('aSesprmssai.. ie. r me n&40 walasli ,eIre tiae. fin the' 2'jud wepper Vviti h*sa senvat ras, gota2P. A oe'AdsI hvls"in aextcudad ta a&l lsos'i forgatthe .tiensansd place. gurprise parieslarae thse rir f tise day. on Weftg&dy svsung IFrank Wragg uarms avictini. On Thursay aveniug Mr. and Mna Lester Burdici Bore vary plassautly abuipiisd. Thc gueule prasmntsd Mr. sud litr. Burdici vibii Oarocker. Tha, evening vas very pleaantuly seat. Ou Fiiday eveulng the party Bas at tiahe omneof Mr. Webster. Bacerai cakes ve pro- senied to ibm young lady ln uha honor tis a psty usa gicen. The sur. prier«tinpt a ceny plasasul lima. Unr. E. Churchilil, Berliu, Vt., maye --Our baby vas covened viLS rnnang sore., DeWit'a WiI.c h isel salve cured lier."' A specilc tor piles sud skin dlseses. Beusie of vomîhiese cotunierfalts. F. B. LovEf,!,, Llbenly'. vIlle; J, . BisACHER, (lurnns;F.. W iITRSAS. lRockefellen. AUCTION SALES. Hsriug concludete t qut iarmlng f u'lhl aiKt mY regîdmuca ose mils sud a halt uoth-aast ut Rondout, commenc- 11,g9ai tan sîcioei, Thnradaày, Dec. tics, 1899u, tIse fllovlug dsibed pmaperly: nare 1; yssses ad idulgbtrsg 1400 lb..; h.îrmea 'syeaersaid ueslgung 1300 Ibs.; C'tut 7 m'luths old. 2 nisu Milis cave. 4 s'îsus, spiugers: 4 hotter», 2 yaara aId; '2 iuurîîng beltera, Yearling bull. 17 fat bu"g8, 21) t0ua hav. stock 0of airsu, coin fosider, 200 bu. c'orn, M3)1bul. ostq, Me. oTnici mower, plau) Barveatar, sulky cnitivakon, Diamoutl toath culi.ý raton, th*row, seader, plov,bornse saie, illîn Bwagou, apnlng wagon, boras boc, wBlelharnov. iay ract, Balai tank, mik tank, 6 nilk dulhe harnees. Cook stove. hesnt stoce, bush sgielgo, ay ton, gtlud tounis. oushold funiturm anui oShes. aices i 0 n geotaMemâilon. Raguier term.. ".r."",ou %Op uULImeu"£o mna W. W.Aîss.iasn. FLOOD. V. C, GU RN 22. L- J. Woiloy outertainod the nia)e quartette 1?idey ovouing. Miss Pftrl SmuithI vised friands ln Wanisgau sioday alternoan. »Ta. MOCIUretoertaiuod the ladies a1 the. W. C. T. U. Thuraday aftrnoon. The W-ren cemeier sodaity meete wlth lits. Heury Willhr nazi Weduas- day. Joa Vinoit Sud family wullmove ta Arlanas, ifew'wees. HaOas pur. ohaiad a feria thore. Gurnes Wooduian, camp 4140, wil, giva a public Installation of ollicers at thsa hal Jan. 13, afior whlch a short Iiierary sud musical progTam vwili be gîvan. A gooral Invitation la axiend- a d ta aéi ta attend. Admission fres. The follovisg olliters vana aleciad by <une, camp, M. W. A. ttatnnday ovobng. HarrY i<ood, V. C.; Fred Schryîor, W. A; John licOarva, Banker-; Willls Applayard. clork; James camp. bell, Bacont; David Young, Watchmau; Will Cashusarogentry; Dr. iooug. - . --- -jajgia . Bath of Long (moves chîsîches ;ai wI v a osly dssd iiidyajîe pls angaged lu active prssparatsinfer brled doctors, viallasi minerai epringa, Christmas. sud gnou vorse. it usad Kodol Dya. I)OPI& Cre. he eredMany joui advarîtaga of the favorabile digesses whai yan est. Cures Mindîlgesle vasthar lent veei by anupplylpg thani t'One »our sîamucts, iaantbsm n sd sî alI eves i ulisood. foimsaiordyspepsie. F. hB. Lovîsa.,, A lo'e tisa nll is.'aet Eàly Ililehsond Libetyvîlîs; J. R. I'ACH u, ( e.', cherry irisesflsLake Cotiity 'iM. il FL. Wss$iTt xA, iRockefeller. ?ts'sAslFiusi's nurisery. Mr. W. Derba thge's1.p FOX LAKE. AllIa auiig. Mr- A. KIinuanus, on unr streai s are uevesr salcisina. gturday. Messîs. fileansd Laudwt'hrireais'Issi Min. Ed. Brown vlsitad Wsssiagan fyoniluuinnrta, lisjspy aslarkM. "hey gatrdy.badeflunetimansd vers, ussl I)ju.'a's istrs. Tedvotd red twltthLe countr.y. ROlr. .Twe vstd rands ut D. Kiieger sas takesitet lis' huaistal tlins J J.inay tdCheno lent we t'ti abave au ufîsratiusspet- Mn. J. J. Laa. 01, Chu'au o urniesi. At prome'ut Wuilung ssthinlg J. B. Gailgan, of Avon (ntr saa J(l seilei satrut hrsiil hît FOI Laeeoslîsilunday. ou. elstywelrsntaeexiga tiîsg. Wh,'u MissAunl Gaigar0f bis îaalac ht'ailxsg thut (-i.ter 'l tI J llcs'kletsi saelsing Ms.. na Smth. ellai ais,> vieosi s if tul sitsisir Mr. . -Mocaîf sud famuly var Fox aight sr taxi, b,' t'Jssvssat".l. 'mii cuill Laie visitas on Snnday. danke dia KOPipe 81sichasle i." Mr. G. 01009% sud lin. J. I. lolsat L. Bulleuaah ile untesagis exfss.nt is ad vifs vleta<i Fox Lake friensis Mun- shsilug borns. Leat vissaiMr. Tone îay. bîoîîghtbî rsouxco ts iliii s uis Issno onuaaI Mt iarty vil le wusuisi touîsli. Ater VOLO. lhavinled fis'lmbu fuir a wblle tsi nou Mi. C. (i. Hisîomi viitaitl'lui'ao vail. Lsssîls, hirsxlul bla sitsgi vaIli) recntly. 50 ! ipuglsit yd dLti svss sîtroIIetl sutiu1)ys Ed. llooi, of (isayiae asa lu %,il,tîsun. i if sunis.'he.gais' i1). ânt Frlday i105.NTS N . a . F r o n t , o f K e s o s t , l a v i i t t n g M l t H i i s L t t N O T E i 'S. l u s l u s Mn. Chas. Poilai vas. is Waniegau day huit ssark. )art o ue&aswea. Thea 0. Ws.Club cs.,utis uslxu W. M. HUBon iiansactad lsisaele luJet§haiueti ug Eîlday. 'icago ttiet orsf the visci Mauy isi' lcsn ieusieto dos Millertliesn oved lu tlse living l ls.' sure.Its s e, jss .:, us o0ms aven the mesi-maniat.î,Al'i theisu agsulif bnys siu '5.0,', liesueaJacah Woitz sud Banni.' Wag. they agii bavaehi , j» Msisutlwltr thje aie have beau lu (ilicago ibis peueîrfeugirls. 'ssw im.Your chiance, hssvu, aye. They neturnuet home Msuday. -- - -___ Heanry Coseamanu vent tus Wsiiagan QUENTINS CORNERS. ait 'lhuisday and rittxnnud Frldsy lsîi1 i,. Wt siu f' iih a ls'ad of coal for Pater Stadltfeld. lon Wt TIlýf. P. Bavris.bas reulas ieBn Hiliî'n s FhreullA'sais ois si'g u 1 osae lu tOwu for tise ululer. liltsls,!fprssuiisutast us'rit. ioved bils hausa.hlîussgoada Tiiuiisss.. Mr. 5S'bhlt, Ossfsat S .Isgaisu LAKE V ILLA. gnie lgo.Volsu'finis'e u's' lus ud i, MIMa htta lilbmond, ifsu 't,'srss higld siis si ssIisi 55 'int, Wila , itisalle srst t h ir isuis t, Mess'c M tf. f lBarritschuss. milue a1 mea. C . i. Harbisgh. vîssî t i s fityse'.lou' is et. i John Dunislte isouge agas us alter M sus. iiiils. Qîls:ts. usssittsiuasl aving uorkisd <un ibisraiussssifo Lfsu l~iinu. fru i latti,,.ise iille' tel sii i. ut tua or ibrea mioulue.â 31i B. L. lisle'îîssaxd a-lie sus, Gresai piepaîaiogts araeiusissg usail' t<ripu Is, luýIfsui.. l'ut I*ridasss r Chrîsîias. rh,.eawilIl blausgoss-i, scic. amical pîsîgrsm ansi a t' f.for tii, Ms'. 5MinsStis.1,! :sJ.- ur îlie folie, us.' casrsage lhiss ss . I(sl n si, The let sîesîte a <5n> Sah îl lîîsusniudLakt' teuded as le siouîld bave basus . lise Ilesysili Ii f i i Iss i I mu.ier l .,5 i ona le on Fiday avi'uiug, lIe. 1hI5kiIisg ni kils o'li.:uhl'x sS 1h vlan itis aubjavi llaaoivLd, "Ibat t'ii, thisa ii.s le Boers ara Jusîlllaîsla su [bei r S>ai A lui tJO ils,' s ar ils' 1:.,'. ii.o ganât Engiaud," usl lie dise uîi'si cî .1ry i res lus l.i (s' C. iusy. Ms. 1w sut mi"alutasa uer.' are misus.' giodSi it 5Fi .tll" 5ilis..'f asians on esci aide, Fr Il Ilisust s l, sIsusialii' The B. N. surA. ese'aitht' fsuîîswîng u a l is' /s5îs'îîtisus uss's' Ils'.. s'sl ficere for the eusuing year et tOile tii 's' isl sstise II... laid s us. setlug Tmesday, isaic isiltaue izMns M r. il il. lIssilix, >"r . us ery Caits leinto the, usderi 5 racte', piOtss's ttie5. iii.. lu îussr iisstls iciauce arshsigb, Vic.' irasît', Olaésut pisiit.ibut titilu its'iss binatabia; Recorde'r, Rala Manzei lirusuo sI-Sblssîiskr leftf-fs. irissssrss ecalver, Barilel Itapple: mamsi al, lest xis,su ,tus sfýIssîsitlie usisssr. l lors Ker; 'hancelo, Emiy Ne Ils. s';ai,'v, i îll u.s>.Icî'Migil], siiise aida- Sentinel, ay Laryg î îs ssissgsa1 sills, ti re Pl C ns du lai i M. LONG CROVE. WHECLING. UmssL. Mlet vaslu th, City There ulîl lb. pressxhlng servicsa rec e n tly Li n te«hn a i u te y Misn Lins Scar @peut several laya Wi e Petich olsi la i hey. v w ai A p ak îie. a m i d e o a f lp h o m e J k la. Sta l & B muith in th ar in l 'lTues-a m l aeo i h h ra day.sud Fridaym. A gUn club bas beeu oegaulze<i hore. kir. S har and fam ly were at North A pigeo)n sOo4009w as hloe Buuday ai Nort hle d inntay. w he h F. M llet arid off fbr si honore. The Y. 1P. Alliance lied a bijinesa Alalus Becker who loft home @moret meeting Tliuîaday. tîseeagi> lias alisted lu the regular Mr. and lr. J. Stespl iitvlsslai amy sd le now elronte 1in the phîlil. home Sturday. Plase. E. Queutin nasym ibasu"t a liog ou Asto Sxîlpt. oft achoola, ' Chas, W. bils Placaeut prient. - Fsr sIl gis saStereoptlcon ehibi- J. Graxi got hi, bog agniisailter . su tUinHalDi Wde(a exp ausa of BveraI dollars. evesiuin , ec. 20hl a the l tpa ln e of M in s O live iz at alur fllpet i . An lsterestlsg utert luàm ent for Il Darba <ut s aday or two. . uwlil hagiven. The chiidrfn of the E. Ququtnu rtsn>Chicago vimite<î Whalilng ssolwill oiug. Thoewlhl with hie unele, 0. Qîleutin. ha uo admission chsrged, anti ail uho Mir. Hueil to.ok somne poîsîsss , uthte are Isteretted lunîte schesola of ur City sud racaived 55c per ssck. tovuaifs arte cordislly lnvltt'ul. G. Meier psrchad is new bol) sied. .sulsoox. NOTES. L o o k fo r y o u r c h a n c e n o w , g irl@. i g h l g a d b ' an i ok 1 1 o The girl. unt want t seesisyonIs 1w, Thj ener rth raeti thîBok 111io Chare, baans you are collector. teWre rtlei hé e.k % e m b e r m , h aaM u re t a f r g e t a b o l ti t t .fi e C h olet .s W . C . y l a v e sa ls c a e lO ct i l u th ea le g e S t ssîi sY e e u C r i t à p r tg r s u t aith i sx t ue e t,. lu n ecle, 1ýll arw Jamison. Mr. J. Shear, SedaLlis. Ms., sauvetilsîs ehlde llte Iiyone sis iluta Csluh('r. Doctors hsd glvt'n hisr soptss dis'uli croup. ', giaisluluîe cirafuir canghe t'aida, grippe,. Pissusissîia bronchiis ansd thiost aussi s1s trouble». itallevea aitions... 1. LoaraLL, Llbertyviiie;. E . BRAu'ssîîs, lionne.'. F. L. WESTRIIMAN, Rtocketeller. A PT A KISI C. des ir s'roui idPPires.' iu" liaIW Weluoidlnleagaun ssnkiisg st home. WlIla t!'l-YIcy lwstri sg gfoi A. J. GlIseretuauel I ,xt Satustlay Ia his Bî,nk la Chicago. Fred Hervchar, ot xiksar. l i st- lug bere and eit Long <lisives lira. luntz Ban câlit'sIhume tram Naukakas y hy iescnens.ut har siater. Mis. Wachnlng and Mis. Mary Wldnéen vent tu Chie.geslest Ssisui. day lo apendl a fe's siys 511h relatives 1 om mi FI( Ba FI, Thar Throbbinit Hesdlanse. Wsuld quîîckly leave ysussif yu uscaul Dr. king@ Newu Li' 'ille.ihsaud of suferais hava pisitiel tisiir matt'h. loes nieri for ici sandsinervosus heaut aches. '[hey maiespusre blussel and sirong nerves sud bnlld uîp yaun ùIsalh. Easy ta taie. rIry tlirm. 0111Y 25 14s.Macey ht.hIlno, ,ured,. Subi hy F. B. LoVELLr, Lberty- Rabad the Grave. A tatiiug incidesnt. of ubieîs Mr. John Oliver, of PiIladlliilàa, ualise loubJectinla nrnatad Isy hlm aun siivu "f vU as nsMost disatîfîxl u'suditlti. MY akixu vas ainioi iellowu. ey.' auiken, tosugux.'tsssstd, pitn rouititnu. ally lu haci andIsisa, wssuapsatite- greduehhr gruswlng ucaier day by day. Thiée i' piss'lsi.tuus lisl gîran [me uîp. FtîrLsteiM:v a tuîensd sîlvisesi trylng 'Elc'rtu' Bitte'r-:' asd ta ny grisat jruy aud surprise. ibis irai itile mades a decisiesi Imprus vement. i cantinueil thai is.' fosntiras uesi,,ansi sm nov à veil niM]s1Tkususu tbez savesi my lIte, asd îotsî.id tuegraveafotaotha, Vcclus." No oi.' soulul tuil ta lny them. OnIy 50 cants, gaisrntceet ai J'. i LoVXLL, Libantyvîlle, '6. ~ M il TfsiesOryae havet lis îs e usn aîIeiitauait tojv MInuutes ansýi aclis0( 1,ileasai.0 Ta tisa tol uwathisi lliîd eut lien tOitisu a Pula latisnse 'l'hssraulsy ssssrulut aIlive s't'lsss'k. Mrs. Moi)gan .-I"liuu, ago ysusra aid igisi nantii. sie sas ain 0. issi itr.alet'jdue. Mir., iltstugtssn, sof Long Beasch. Cal wssisus JIsas lucn vlsltlng tilessda hae, entcl, Ituiakeragbvieil ber lsîîtlieî. hDr stiuht)lsîsga tilîla ucc Mris. J. .H. ScisiIi i g ssh.,sssiaili' 55fur a lun uag T'isaexstgixer sun tht i; P. lu. train Siilsy tngîsi wass auîprlned t4s sec St fusrnildalslIil 011 Mu ise îsii j u aheasi lus!itt am sen i lime 'ussuglslisc luieveuit 9a iimaît...illusiglrs ,em t i,. Ilsýe clailsst tus.M" asu'iseY osut lt Pl'a tixnc. T'le Isa i uan i lad est lat' bust ils55laî,ss andi gsuisd ptiuiemaxi pmvenrutt'sl su l iîssise. l'Ob, t gi t4ilspet's. Il taks',, liss aii ilàis te itsssvc.rcsme tlit-liîsgin tlis,' tilrîut nqiit.i ,bMils s À li. i. ieîs'sly sIsis'kîv s.Ur.'. ai Ililiu 15e andsîl)si.'sict f. s ais. h isis s. l th ssi nll su A fanions txe i l ' f I g r ip p es a ui t li ft , , i tc l î . F. B. l.uste.L, Lllsrtvvlllaý. J. If. Bisi'uu.Il Uli Grne., F. 1I. W.ips isAN, hssiefs.ilisi fil nmîdlea.R unie bau ha saloon. Mir. snd lire. lstab uer. lu a Msgillent Frldav. Lous r ez. vaN vlssltng etho lire. Geo. GOnier wuaa hof~s viitor luti vei. Miss Amenda Piugater flasn lotifs fr,.1 Evauston to work. L. Sohiulaoer 18 pntiug a brio, fonjudaionlimidar lis houais. Oui C. L. a@pant usa home ouudaY but torgot aIl about isi beasiiy, vsysof 1John Bain hardi snd vite muoved l% ibeir noir sltlug ibis tirai pari t Augnai %Voit! bas séicruu aponitioa viii the Jnig lirewigg Ca.lit Chicsgo,' as omnle agsssant. Miss Sophia Voliz hua necsîs.d aý very promlns'nî pisitian ul a Weil inown lau linm lu Cltu(ago. Il l in orad thai Mr. MeerBad Mine Hausuin ars ta ha marîiod Christ. mas. (.,ai your belle raady boys. Tie party ci, Misse Ainsutia Plinsier lest Baturdsy oersinogvas not as ssuteeasfnl asiitengdeil an accounit of the ralu. Louis SMen rbas au a Ici to Chkîago ta ressine file dutie sud rasp(>osîîsîîîy 0aIhlle sud Ipaelttis sshlth lhan asIllst for yasre. C. Humimnel bas blight Oa heboso- calledFrîucls farni, ibhe dasl lan mo cll dyt btithslipartie. mav give tîsaint'Obtienîttfil-' liscer Part Of tOus Week. (lias lE.s'îpr ali awi-Il mousby ail arsuud hart', sdi, usv#'d k)s Icss tut, yesrN, ags. lias Isesssglit sfaim lO Nssrthpru Dakota ans i llilveon "ssue tri the aprtig Wihl <rrpeîan<si sfs,ais, spnDig Uii'iî bsieyrcas eI t liais>.. Ravlig îîs,.' mairîel JOlu ha, lest Tlîanks- <lvissg, tlisy azpet'ctft, gos baci tu thî 2ev hogne tlu iss hi niean aile MIss Aulsu ,E. (lxaslig lyeMs'. Kaay, "-'l 55if,'ýrt'slàa1lug tî'fri dysp"ý'jîsi; ua issasihss cr PIt&Iasy s'sirs(l use. h 'ijesta uhet yv5s asît aussi s-55i,'s ssIlfinse ssf atuiuss' irîsIlîle 19uevt'i talle te, give igi- ietlîate rtIittilis th., , ,sit q50. F. ". L,,, x ,,, llheu'tyvilla, J. 1<. Haaesrs~. ihsîrure. F. b. Wsautauàa, Racket milan. IT i, grown in the muti district Of Ceylon and SPECIALlIy >rep:sreîl ta suit the American trade. It is packed ou the garde,, "'livre grown, in, one-pourid, half-pound anid qatrp65 ulslcrd airtight leail packages, thereby retairîing al] ils wouderui J'igr.ince. It k sald only in, these leail packages --neyer in bu/k. Il i wa.nt he er), best tra, ask %or grexer for NABAN. OWNERS 0F THE CELEBRATED HALF DAY U i .S'a us"itil h i ssr'sîî u lu l'uhis ushuter Ia . fissI 5r li (sas assît' t, lus AIIII , i its I iusulg" isu Mri.Ususîl 'sI, . l.îsUssuurss., is' ANNE!) FRI.IrS ANlsD VEGErABLES, t'tsgre.uls ht 45Lsl'lsi'i- .5ir EX'TRÀ.c- AND TABLI .'.sm ti,'ustlhuiFRANKsIN sîsussus art.5' iuia t us,ri axîs1 sutrîss uu' tsuîs iirisîniiuhru'u'eUt M, . BColby EL Co,, Libertyviiie. E'vsryisue (is 'siily ls tieiu ttesuil Triggs aylr E.ryvle 1. Il. Clark, îto usef .. II., acvus "Susrgaisns vasîl tus liet),rai 5555f555'F.C, Richards E& Son.,Lake Foret. fu i lis, b tl ia iee'sl ýiie, ls'u vf i e' Wîtt'x %V.illusfluzs'I 'Salve tu"l Rovliuig E Barnntable. Lake Vs InfIll 51,1,.tsu hile, aussiluilsd1lew-s' hicuu,' u uussîituru'ia. 1 15R. B. Dixon, Curue. Lovs'.x.n: Iilsrtys iII'; j . li,.uuai OsIrnas. ,. WE5%TBsSÂN.Boi'it-fs'lier. Connad BrosL.,Wauki DIAMoND LAKE. Gea. A. Oct, Dia 511h Maxiassuipeli sti u i tt SilusV.SuiE fous .Sae y5Siti'i .ssusus' sisuss o iaFoot. Arie W hijii,' ' us i. us gai s> for tilt, A. Parkr Batlet indriviig or Ir. oding Bras., Wauconda, Talrea, iutril illu srlc Club Houce and Casino Bnands Excel. They'te Bath G'oad. th s . T ' i e r lan v u sk in g f , r s a t 1 Alasoî et prssent. liait' Il. C.(iiO st us <lismgtihe iai utM . ofi tie vaisi ounssius Chsas. itay san. r'nteui E. lisiva,' Saot 1~ H t d uarter Isousats isr t lIeis'r. M . a s M u s I l . l l u s u a s l ig l i't e rA r s . E apsut Stîutiuly s tli 1' 'l'aillerTH C' A. Bill Isusi Ila idug us ruuusissg î' slls'aîaet s ril. v aucondaFurniture store Onat veeu <' 1i"agu" vi lor. [<siiw.". Whene eau bc bond mnany articles suitable for Christmas presexits Doli Iran . fla "y'c isil ru isuiut ts ILts gr.snid u .slay iu e i ssl s Carniages and Cradles, Go Carte, Rocking Horses, Sletieu. QI: te-, vas ssu.y Issu vo-i Crakinole Boards. Children's Deak anad Blackboartla. Tool C!Iýcs;îs. 'rîsere vîli îst' a clIlht isuuu'nta Tables. Chairs and ather ucelul tays, Why buy presu-nts cf t1usImndLk l>ausl[si'ehussl hisuîs.'Fnl. day aven iug, l)'s' . ~na use or value. How about a Combinatian Bock Case, Marris A lot ufthie nicast I-':suly hu'uusrs Chair. Couch. Bedraam Suite or s fine Rocker far a Christi.zl cherry tracs Inlu sikes t'Sslni . St'V. B. prescrit? Prices the loveit Hs'sIAEFF Pi',, iiuserv.' The Iliamond iLae Suuîday cs'îooî Bring the childn toîsc the Meu'rysgoro'auad at the viii hava tht'sn lhrîstailos treluus Friday i-venlng, Die. Ulnd, linâesi of j- à4na aeig atre nouln.Wauconda, Furniture rçt ,COFFE! BAMCNG POWDER, LE LUXURUES. & CO., CHICAGO Villa, cgan. smzond Làaie. L'Bro.. Long Grave, SBras, Half Day, 1 1 1, toi

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