CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 12

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_____________________________ I ÈIoR DAY OF SHOPPIN G PFÔE CHRISTMAS! ,Yu will pgirdat XmwsMWea ppoa twhen you seOur stre o u'll feel thaWwe<ve becs levmh la oui pu ees *0aiweve urmagd a veitabl ews for Hoiday Show-ra A loo& thnough tht prttty offeninga vl make your hein 70<1531yen wMilregret ihat yoq ar e ota child &gain, ao tisai yen may enter more fUly lato the pleam Ore f the haPpy HoI"y se . YOUIll Sud nothlaglacking in tht dieplay. for every item that "aet partiularty pleasag sud delight.' fui guisyoWIl find hemt. An entirt absence Of extravagance la palet vii be paricularly noticeable, for purchasing frot the maufacturer direct, combles us to make the very low prlets tai prevail a specla feture YoWuU be imnpreaaed viti the NEWNESS la the dlaply,-the manY choice designs hown here exclusively.en çl rices to you la a vay tht pou caunot afford te go elewhere for Holiday Gis. Santa Claus has decided to again make his Headquarters at the -Rockefeller Furniture Emporium as usual It vould be impossible to mention even a samal pet cent, of the many offrlags: you eau only form, a correct ides o! their beauty by looking through our store. WiII -Kniggce, Rockefeller - - Il linois. Plain Figures! Every article in our store in marked in plai figures We art flot afr-aid to show our colora Compare our goode and prcets -with othero. and ve ame confident of secuning a good shore of your tradç. Z&e for 9 Ibo beat qnality Bolled oa. 38fat 3boxes Levia Ije. 33C par gallou for faucy tâblé syrup, or 30c lut5 gallon lit... Ille par lb for choice Santos cofée, 7 Ibn for $1.00. Mc par lb fur fancy l'es Berry cole, 6j Ibo for $1.00. lie par lengih for heavy vell mode stuve pipa. lie for extra hevy étove pipé elbovo. 80e for double front aud bach mén's vork ahirna. 6epar yd for Iran Ci.od or Star aheeting, Sic by làÎ- yard jiieCu:. l ar= yard for Si yard& vide heavy aheeLlug. 1esd14c for heavy denims. 9c par yard for heavy fat color abtrgtug. soc for spécial bargain lu manus varm cap@. 50c for beat 50a mens& varm mîtteus lu Lake Couuty. 33C for choice of ibree styles uev faucy 50oc dreaa guodti. 233c 8ansd 43c for vomena fleeced Jersey undervear, Zft lor spécial drive In size 26 io 34 chlldrou'a henry fiecce ieuf nudervear, big value. soc 73e sud *1.00,for me's vinterunudervear, sure tuo leae. 82.28 for 5-a 5 lb blorne blaukéts. l3 othér style blaukeis ai $1.00 ta 8.30 éach $133 for méus binue flanuél shIrta. $1.50 for meu's browu heavy Kérséy pouls. Brooma at legs than préent vholdsaie pieus. Warm footwear for men, vomen sud childreu ai pniees thut defy cumpeiion, qualiy coosidered. Overcoat selllug baa beglui sud we are rnahed. People whi, ex- amine our elotblug kmus a good ibing when tbév sue i-. V. Sauer &Bro., LONG GROVE,- ILLINOIS. We handle. the famous D. L. & W. Now is the time to order your winter's supply of coal. IT WILL BE IIIGIERI We handie ail kinds of coal and can supply you with the best to be had in nut, egg, range or soft coal. WRIGHT &SON, SNjrtyville. - - -Illinois. iesm teeiableid for yeare lie disithue. ometime Wffl i futo talé some of s'a Celle, Chalets sud jeumed.1 Aller usiag ivo 19l.eiaise hé vas 0". Ibisteitimonuai. Ipinàg OWbni7 afflielsmay resdt Lb"nliedeI'Ima C. 3. c aéby ~ Ubrtyille .1R. iàue. LL WU.KEMA, A Frishiful Biunder Wili ifiuiuà cause a horrible lImru, aeauld, Cieitir tirnise buekiena Arnica Salve, thé béat ln thé vurîd viii kilI the pain sud promptly beal h .c Ures nid note«, fever sures. ulcéra, bous4 felone, corna, ail skln emupilons. Béast pile curé ou eartb. <uly 25 cents a box. Cure guarantead. l<old by F. B. Lovuri., Lîhértyvilié. G. B. Tmaun. mon, ayslake. ~WLée, ~ Around thme County. WINCONSIIÇ OENTHAL EAILWAY CO. TIME TABLE. ROCKEFELLEI1, ILLINOIS. 00150 NOTHl. 44011(0 OUE. A. M. Io:tuI A. W. 7:92X . :510 7-440 6: n'11:m0 ..Pl M. 4:00 tu day Only 712 0 Delly ..zoPt llnday. 1 Delly. A fine 30160 inc'h mg for 85 Ceuta, ea KNi(.oms. The Ladies Aid met Weduenday viii lira. Croukbiie. My;. F. Tueker je building a fine tvo etory sud b..éeei hennery. Mine Belle licArthur, of Wsuptca, la vlsiting ber aster. lira. W. L. Utaeh. Mir. and M&. Lester llurdick, of Waucrnda, visied Rockefeller relatives Friday and Baturday. The services aStihe churobh Sunday villilbe appropriage to Christmsa time. Ail cordiliy Iuvited. Mr. W. Di. Porgeous bas been elected présidentofo!unr Christian Endeavor fur Bii ixmontha of 1900. lira. James Wilson, of Austin, in spéndlug the. present week vih her parents, Mr. aud lMra. Ueo. Hardén. Mr. James Warren sud bride see Leurs Joue@, both oi Pottervillé, Micit, vere lu Riockefeller viol îiug ieuds. lMa&. L. Speebi retnrnéd Suuday frai River Vew alter a ev veek's vist and la agaiu among Rockefeller relatives. MimanBeale Palmer, of Waukesua Win., made a visit ai the home o! the Misses Herwcbbérger Baurday and Stinday. Mr. J. f. i.n{g wvas csld ta Wau- kesha Tbursdsy of tiis eek on Impor- tant business for thé Wisconsin Centrâl rallroad company. Crokinole board, funl size ibroe piy liard wood veneer conter, rui> flis liard vood hoiiow rings for aliootérs, ail for $1.001 et KNiOO(EI4. lira. J. H. Cronkite speni part o thé peut week vitit ber faUter, Mr Aynaley, wbo bas been* seriously lt but la ei présent reponted ,ncoxbobtter, The Chrimas troc aud exercisesarat to lié held ai the Chapel on Saturdsy evening. The cbildren have beec dolug exceliéutly tu tue roheasMsa aud a very lleasaut êveulug niay bE expeird, IVANHOE. tir. H. Di. Wei@ apéni iaat kSanda euth bis fainily bête. Born, to Mil. sud lira. John Wells ni Tuesday Dec. i2tb, a son. Dr. G. E. Cogaveili of Waikegau ucciipied the puilput hure o,, lest Sa bath. Oni Wi.dietdy Mn. Lewis ltadke aiue thé sinter. Niek hueilter bil four hogs killed on. day [esat vek l.y uoga heouging to Jin Davis. WVillardi leach, aitd Irai Snîtl,. Air. Sîiltibas iileite uis, Ne ruaele iis fo munmontaa ,îf il martiage .,f àAhis I une Bîmi.ol formei .of lvailboè, to iYoung tini oui ibèe. MissTlîlrza'smnt.y friéii Rend Coli gnsat iuuo. on liai Tburedsy evounig a iteraiý wam ugaized vib thé folloviaz ofileera Piresident Mr. Churchill: Vi, Prusllent. Hoîward Beach; Beeretery Loiiie Cole; Treasurer, Anulé Vsn pies. 'té néxi aubjeci for débat will ie bu Retiolvéd &but UnitedilkSatesi not puraliluag thé proper course lu th Philippine@." Onlesti Fnlday uight ibère s a s O prise pari! ou George Meyer,.fit v anrauged l.y thé famlly snd S genuin surprise ou George. About eight gueatm w*seInvited sud a gréai mai: reoponitdem A royal good tim - vaséu joyts b! ail. About ten o'clock th guesis vene învied te thé dinin oom shuré a boîntiiiul auppur wv 14pî-ad for iheni, the tables groanin undér thé vélgbi cf édibles. Ais lab bouîn aldeparted, voting it thé mom aueeslil ufîrutthe kiud béldj Ivanlune ihis seamon. VOLO). A Merry Xnatu bail. Edtl Frost, of Cbieago, in homte for shornt tinte. Mmr. JOues, of Waîikégan, las visitiu ut Ranghi Brus. ,>,îln Richiardsoa,, peni bonday au Tluesday lu Chicago. W. M. Htison drové b, Muilibumrn i business liset Hatrdsy. W lien In Volo dont fonget tu gob John Richardson for bangaine. lira. Tiirnbuli aud danghter Edi vihlted Mfrs.1C. lDillon une day la week. Chris Dilln rêneirned in<,m Vallo lasi Thursday alter salés vekaviti eugh relatives. Henury Stadtfeld sud genilen, frieud, of Wsukégsu, spent Soude and lionday hère. Unra. R. Churchill, Bénlin, V., s 'unr baby sas covéeil vwith muni;i @ores, DeWitt'a Wieb liraI alv curedlber.' A speclfýC for pile su mâtin diaenaue. Bévate o! vortbhh coîmuterfelts. F. B. LoVELL, Lihémij vilie; J. B. BgACaxa, Unruee; F.1 W EIITRItUA. Rockefeller. ta it ;an ay kya Dg Ie ni oas y. L. Attend thé M. W, A. Bâti. Emiaer Fard la ou the @tek lot. Claudie Pratt ba& goun ta the City. Hl. Fuller ws a Chicago. visiter 'rues. day. J. A. Not, sud !amily viaited rois- tives hèere Sundsy. litsud lira. W. fi. Wéuiv,îrth were ciiy catiers lionday. lira C. Il. Wellsaspeit s fév, daye lu Chicago redeniiy. M. W. Hugbes aud F. L. Carveré eiy visiters liai véek. Go.Wragg lias iradé is lia tansfor City propent! andi takmunpossession of saune. A lodge of Odd Fellusn amsorganized in thé M. W. A. bal lis ati arsy evéning. 'rérée wlîl ne a Chm,3tmas irelu thé M. E. i'hurcb hMoudsy Déc. e5. A prograwlitl being preîîated. Ail tire Invhted. Siurpriae parties véeobeld eai thé honte o! biles Avis Cook Frlday even. ing and ti aMr. D. iiaaoit Monday evening. Dlou' forget the Christmsas trée andu rentembér the place teO get a nice Xmus préssentIInnt the Wauconda Furnituire tere. (Yu Tnéscdsy evéniug of ihia veek île hbme af Mn. sud lira. J. Golding w&a capturéd Iîy a large number ai Wan. couda folk& vIa blidplanueil s sur- prise for lit. Golding, ibai day héing the igbteéatb anulveraany ai Ur. sud lice. Goilunga marriaga. Ail nad fa very plauaat lime, . H. Couper ssved aud aplut a nord of vood in lite bouma for Christ Hioche. 1meyer. liov ia thai for a quick job. Hérman liroèkisaubaih purebaseil s new corn ahrédder. Tuey muai gîte good aatlafaetiot. to the farmsera fot tbéy are ail gettîng theai. Paul Ray took advaniage o! thé mcbbltswvile thé anov lastad; hé shot tfiteeu n lutIrée îMs. PanI gays hé eau get thora if snylsody eau. AUCTIQN SALE. Thé nndérisigned beiug about te quît farmiug viii oeil et public onction ou thé C. W Shadile farmn 2 muies osai; oi Diamoud Lake and 2 miles vet ai Bal Dey, Wédnsaday, Deceinhér 27, 1899, co)mmencing eai12:30 p. am. aharp île fnllowiug guoats, vis i1 l aiulce. high grade ,Jerseys, 1 apninger, i farrow cas,, S yearling hvIlera, bélfer cal!. 2 montha old ;. téan, heavy marea ulîla fou], sov sud 4 pige, sawsudni 7 pige, Pulai China Bhat, lîîmhemwagon nearly Dev, séttruciiks, bey rack, miik wagon, net double haruéma neariy nés, pair bobh slelgi,., neaniy nav; long sli, Denlng binder, Osborne moyven, Enerley séédér, Keystoeéchieck roser cama _planter complété, land taller, sulky brssklig plos, vslklug plow, aetééel lever battesw, anc hotue culti. vatar, hrsé ba, grlud at-one, sulky cultivator, fooentcier, sIa3 feed gnd- et, 2 speéding jucha, euh ,14§11, povén cocu ahéllér, 2 set nre' boards, 7 ag$otif cana 2 barrel chusna, 161 gel. mach, dog poser, 2 buggy pales. 20 graina baga, corunmarker, 240 lb. silllards, steel crus bar, vatemlng trongh, malt box, meml box, sheel. barrow. and l nîay other articles tua, niimeroiie ta nntlou. ltegiular térms. bina. E L. HAwNY, Prop. W. H. APPLicy Aîctluueet. a J. B. Clark, of Penrds. Mi., gays, a --urg#omo vautéd ta aperate ou rpp iforc piles but f cured then with De- Wite luiths lage)Salvé."lé la 1lafalliblé for pilés sai skia disça. 1Basane oai nutafeits.F. . Lovant.; Liberiyville; J. B. DAUE R. D. WYNND MANAGER. GuaMOu, Ii iga es-800 61LONG GROVL . i W.APLSAD.Clr. ri4Gmng. W. W APPEVAR. Mak.H. Fehlma la havioog à vall dag by GURNEE.Mr. Barman. GURNEE. IP. tablhautad ce af bis corn salit RCimer Rose vaos à Chicago visiter ontitop liai Pridsy.Vi lai Moday. miss Edueachbar W»alu the City B. B. Dixon vinited freinlis ai Russel gaverai isys lai veek.VII Ma turdaY night. Il la rumorai lIai lMns. Eibalbere J. a. Brader vas lu the City the viii ratura to Ivanho.. lirai 0f the vaek. Mr. snd MX». 0. Mêler iook a cuiter yl Fred Pierce la vorking for the C. à ride ta Paltine. unday. N. W. rallrS inl Chicago. J. Knopf lest quit. a fév beagu Fred miorsaken, of Chicago, Vieited îbrangh the pravalént diae.. ei J. a. Bracbérs lai Wék. Umi.0 . Bitaeq$balér visiaitd berN et litse. B. J. Young, of ioaersno, riait- nucle, Mr. S. K[nuader liat vaek. ond ber sou hera the tiret of thé veek. A. Weudliug frram Hall Day atteudent oh je Chriaimas ires sud eutiertainmsunt ai thé meeting of the Y. P. AllianceN the churehhiere this aiurday even- Suadsy evenuing.M Sing Mis. D. lilisnihalar and Mr#. In A meeting o! mille skippersawuvia lidWheeler visitai et J. P. Riliaenthaler'a la boesluti Fridsy afiemnoon sud vas vell Batnmdzy eveung. M attended. Thé Y. P. Alliance ai lité bualuem MIsse Dorsansd Stella Dijon oopant meeting Thuray declded te gué new et Slant Baturday sud ltnuday with friendi Germen sang books. lu Chicaga. liMsm. J. P. snd M. Ritzeuihaier sud ci lisMera Waaitburn Sud Bennett, a1 B. Wertamberg bouglitisome cava ait e.Wankegau vesi i ur tovn ouboat- thé auctian Saturday. unaa the tirai of thé veek. A loitaof tae nica.tEaly Richmaud Id liaihev Dalr.lel aud iamlly fron, cherry iraou ln Lake Conuty. W. B. )r Iova, are vislting lira. Daîziel sud SCiAaaa'1a0nurséry. il if. Ir othber relatives, horo..-They 5111 ré- H. Schaéfer'a birthday wvas 1mai Tuées. jemain util atai' the hoildays. day and bis béel budu Il onttelooti ir -Ilvau néarly dead vith dyspepusa before thé day via aver. M triéd dactors, vlsitéd minéral aprîngot, Au agent vu *raund tryiug te suad grewvivorne. 1 remet Radai Dys- iudîîce thé directire te buy a Languiage w papale Cure. That cured me." It Chari, but they vauldu't bite. f digests vbai yen est. Cures Indiges. . .HnM . .Y .l gl tion, taur stoumc, hearibouru sud ail J .BnM . .Y-Z nogl nforma 0f dyspepsie. Y. B. LovICLL, clerklng for V. anr & lira. helping W id Libertyville; J. B. liasca, Guruéee, ibemn through thé holiday rush. l F. L. WEOITEEMAN, Rockefeller. The Luthéran citurob vii have ils a, ~Christma ézrci4sSuday évsulug a e0 WARREN. vhile thé Evaugelîcoal cbnrch Viti Cela- id braie Tueaday oeéiug. lierry (Jhrlsimaa. P. Meyer fait froina cornsanlées Charles Tucker ahipped a caf jouit of stcdk sud gui quitae s sevére shaking B rcaitle te Chicago lait véek. np, yei he cau be thankl i hai ibère i ai Tbis véék Charley Bfrovn sued W. F. are nu vorse couaequeucéé. Clos éeahlppéd Sa car of boga b. the Ou Weduénay lira. 0. Baker wvsil ly City. crried to ber liai résting place, ltav. j O. B. Whitmcîré ia colletiug théeSalîssiti ometcati>s. Although ale M iulibumn1 luanurance tai lu thé tovu <of présent réslding ai Barrîngion site had Warren.- a hoast off iendo sud relatives lu tish of Joe Cistpbaut vsa athome 'I'huilts viciuity. r. giviug sud ls ézpecied bouté for Tnesday ai one ociaock oecnrred thé 1, Chriatmas. futnerai of Mias M. Gisa. danghier orf r. lia.Ur. sudlir@. J. Glu. 1Bev. Schmitt 0 M S.&ah.Wilbur vho banaliei lu preschéd thé fanerai sermon ater i re poorbhésitite epao.fes moute sud vhlch thé body vas, interre In l&tie gY vho snoffered au aiisck o! thé grippe céîuétery béalde thé church. on réceutly se are gîsiltoereport morAn téaeul lcto 0 hé Lyu à le etr.Workera thé folloviug Officiers vere Mian Decér'a achool vîlI have their electéd: H. H. fliljé, Miager; A. Christmas cutertaluemeni sud tre aitSMner, Vice Masger; J. P. Bil zenibalér, Grantge Hall tis véek Tlhuraday evén- Bunker: R. itchnsébel[e, Recrelary; C.D tua. UuriieeBuuday OChool willlbavé Sturm, Conductr; 8. K nller,SKeutiuél;i .y thétra Sainrday evenlug. G. Fehînsan. Picket secretery 1Hill ai théteillât shipper'a J. Sopi, tMr., ville oui rahbitt 011 Union vas lu nee 1fatFriday andti urting vaiked luto a isarrel vilcb addtéssed thé mille abippéma ai thé vas set into thé groud sud coveredM 1, Ouruée Hall, tibén orgauIzed a local vith anov. Thé harrél vsa full oi l- union. Thé follovlug oflilcers veré vater sud no lhé haiîpeued te gel vêt. o-Iect.édj Ornu Metesîf, Président; Llkély be thought héevwu goiug t,>et d Eimer Rasé, Vice Présidlent sied purgatory even If Il didn't leel like 19. .îTréssnrer; Lonle Potier. Seuretary. Wéli, théré la tInte enoungh yét for John MecCunîier, Deiegate. tient. e Elmer Ruse vain n(hicago lant Saverai vééks ago the flamand Lutt j me Mouday. Ed. Cook shu bas been lu reporter mae a spnutter beicause thber a nie the hospitai thé ponario vééks camé créaulery palet a fév cents pert.i g. huméeviitthM. kils band la doug asa more than thé Long (irové creamnery.1 Il véll as cauld hé éxpected altér loine; Weii, vé Long litove people are nut , tbrelinger., only aving thee utile euvionsansd no ve wvêtu taaly aata au inger sud thamb ou tué léit baud, havé ibem beat nusfor 'once for Il de, Dr. Jameson viii résume charge of bis becomes onoterions taehéliet thé héadn patient again sudd apeedy rerovery la ail thétilme. We thangbi they vaald1 y bopéd for, hée maklug demanda forthatsi$100> lu g Mr. J. Shéér, 8édaîf a. Mo., savefibs thé boule, but, aroncé thé! havé nai. ve née childa lite by One minutie Cougb eCure. euh ta lnurni thene ihat the mauey ry, Doctona tead givén hem np tae d i i, laeuhi bere sud s un leas tbey havé n. croup, fis& an infalilil curéefor appropriatai tg sud are eutîtléod te any te congits colda, grippe. pn.eumonie,.emore it yl hé iarth comiug. Thé qs lrocliis sud Lieroat; sud lungreportersDname onglet te lhe na$ lie troubles. Itélleves ait once. F . nB. Hisit.iss obrt TARBAnî,n." LoVELL, Libertyvilllé;J. R. BEcnzu, SCHOIioOî. 015. r. fGinruée. F. L. WEMTzBuAN, Rocefeller. A morutier of thé puptli havé ondéred asSogbos ne DIAMOND LAKE. an a ty M. Erma Ritenthsiér vs detaiued frons y Mi Arnold taon thé slck liai. achool liouday. nu Mièsaas Mteél la véry aek, Théliesebool eeibrated Chriimas ;lu 0. A.<lOitlias julitréeeived a iiew lot Fr Iday afierno,,n. sg 1ofrflouer. as Fred losiien î,îiteiaeyti houine véry s '8éeds" vas thé sabjei for coiu. 119 flue hogntessnvéék.eration lua(0. W. C. liai Friday. eté ait Evérybody shouid have ilueir stock- Lloyd Ritzéthalét feul front the bey in log ready for Xuias. wov and Van sevérely iholigh not Riidolph fafranti sstu Our loîrfi eriouisly hurt thé irai af thé véek. As s curé for rheuîmstlsm Chamler- <lai Brothers made a lmniiemiatrip laIn'a PainuIfaire in aining s vIdé te Chicago the irai of thé aêék. répniatiun. Di. B. Johuston o!1liich.- The oysLoo hoe a luelot(Ifmond, lad., basn been tronhled ville puTé bos Ttookhomea fe loSatthug ialaient &Ince 1862. lu speeklnog pdeyr nTtlatârt. bt atîrof hhé .ys: 1noer !onond anything day lgglitat; vonid réiéve meunutîl f1uséil Oug Unruteber killed a horme the .tber Chamberlalusa Pain Bal.In,,fiacie Bie idday for bi,§lbde. j'copie, look Ouît for magievite me. Miy foot vas svoolén ýdyour piugo' sud pelning me Vary mi, but ane fOut village biackamitb la képi very goad application ai Pain Balm réilévd OR' busay ahoelug borsés ou accouni of olir me. For sale hy F. B. LovnL, Liberty- siippéry rondo. Ville, J. B. BZAsCHRl, 0101 11e, OsAis- te Mr. litaits bas retiund fron, North LARE PiiaàMAcy, F. L. WESTB1MAN, Caroine.ansd bte ouiathugai# thé> Rockefeller. JORN MUraLES, Ilvauho. ith country to ire ini ti Our Eastern Star Indiua veut lu a sleigh to lodgé tant Thîiirday ngt.------ rh.. h-à . fi».et-,.. W.. Anis vau lovsa usndow. BEAnk LLange vu a tiii ta ndow. POUF Mooreawva sChicago sighisea Mn. C. B. Heston vas à Chicago dater Moitia. mmRa.em Wbioeoiub vasaà Chicago latitait Monday. M. Hovenlerwuvas aChicago laiton Monday. sai m okeuh vwu a Chicago *ghtsaér Monday. Chria the Jeviar vas iu Chicago Eonday au business. Jockey bus orderai a car ai bran but se hiani mécélvad I yét. [r. Henry Ostérmu vho in emplayéd l the ciiy vas home Uunday. Um. C. W. Pailla put upca nés vlnd. mill ou bit premiaes lant veak. Beligra Orchestra vîllamfnrâtsmuaic ai ommel'& Park Nev Teoiss aghi. The Engliah Chnmnh yul bhold lia Chrisammsfestivicies Ssinrday @von- lut. BIg JevIa obas bhen autha %tek i thé lait fév ideys la Improving rpidly. Harry Whlteomh,ar City poultry aiser, bas his uev bénuemy uearly OomplIeed. A. C. doué a hésvy buàolunee ibis rsek funanisg Clîrlima ireo, la th cammuulty. Ans. Wlntéra' ont seetion faréman, Whbu biau een ik for thé piai lfevdaya l Improvîng mapidi!. lira. Frouts, sho bus heen ou thé &tck liai for tue puat vesk la Improved smewhat ai preantivniiug Bgaging jcusy lat Mr. Frits ileimohi 5111 ho prépsréd te takte con. tracts for saviug vood by baud. Oea. Piater, Onrt iy ézptéaaman, lid a tbtievlng busineas lest veék taniiug fBoum lot M. Hoténbergér. C. J., Our architeci. bas bis boy boumes mtiY aearly oompletéil, but C. J. »aya hé vua'i mové lu until $prias. APTAKISIO. Youag lady ai thia Plané, diei ds day morniug, Déc. 16th. aile auffereil vill malarla lv haliD p by hlgatablr titres ycarsmgo villaeviilng i aiuter autitankahm. BHope.s eutartsined for ber recavemy on"* Boata camre ntif s emaritageà Thuraday évéuiug. filer at faiIed raptdly ositatan d sI. k hem end vas near. 'lTse fam.ily aisling 0f lert sîha udmoi brothérs sud &tâtea.vêe 511ailleW. ber te ber bédolde, eh@ wsautet lq te se one bmoilér, éontig on Sa1181% , but jus& as thé trinala sibilsihMa bresihéil ber 1mai. IMb. ad lainaithl.é Glermmn Lutheman cburcb ai an age sud nUQv bld Jeans te mliava I4«r saerang. liaeasai -as barntsa ele aine yeaca &go tthIée Rmelonte kfr vhicb llehébu nov deporiéi tes aetb~ lad, vhere pain sud anfferag »,vr enter, shoeéil inlabright snd faim; lai leavea hem parents, brother.sud faluns te maîu, ber mauy iieuda te mie Robbed the Grave. - A s#tertlluig Incident, Dai Itlu.b, John Oliver, ai Phiadelphie, sesnité» subjectinlaarated ly hlm sa toaint'a4 "1 vas tru c mont drmaiful enudttel, Miy Rhin vas slmest yellovw. a aunkea, longue omted, paneoutinuaèlae ally lu bock and aides, nuo appetlte.aa* Çr iiually grovîng vesher dey ly daW. ý bhrée physîcians haul giron me u.- Fartnuatealsffind advlédIi 'Ziecîrie Bittera: and ta -Y gremi j»t sud anrpriae, thé liri baille maie à dccldéd Impro vomueai i1catneel iléir uefor ibree vesîs, ad aum cs à veil mani. knav i&bey apiva Mr, Ilis, and rabéd the gpave ai auetbs« vîctins' No oeeaboula l $0 e tem. <)nly il> ents, gwâ»Mtanlae ai F. Il Lovais., Libertyvflie. UB. Toa'aa rYiake. DewitIs Luttse Eariy Bisera putty thé blood, cloua $&e tiver, invigorata. tthé sy.tem. ramona Iltiépille for. constipatioan dltier troubles. F. a. Lovz]LI, Llbsntyville; J. B R. Bu zp.a Santa Clans lediae~ 19 LOCATED AT THE Wauconda Furniture Store.' Where cam be foundoeany articles suitable for Christmas picess.Do# Carniages sud Craies Go Cwt., Pocking Hormes, Sleighs Skaes. Crokinols Doards.ChildrensDemi.s âd lackbomrds.Tool Chemi Tables. Chain amd other useful toya. Why buy pressisof no use or value. Hov abot a Cooebinatuos Dok Case. Morris Chair. Couch. Dedroooesite or a fine Pocker for a Chriîmm present? Prices the Iowest. Brin3 the chiiren b sme the Mesry-g.'round et the Wauconda Furniture Stoire, M. W. HUGHES. Pro p Every Pair of Men 's Shoes, Overshoes, Feit Boots And - Overs wi THE FOLLOWING PRICE 19 JUST ABOUT ON E-MALF' VA LUE. Mdena Four sitrop Fmit Biwout- s pair ...50C eni lîekle (Iver., li alire ....... . ..... 1.50 Sloyais-f iie (lri, a lpair ... .... ..75C Bos'fiieleMotaOver a pair .. ...... ..1.00 a pair... -...... .50C Must be Sold at Once. T.HE FAiR, ThéIe mev pfut.11, ewi Zion chuta viiill ave a C ires m »Mia. Mr. Jhason la bnuding an to hm bon»a.r W. M. Binaitsud fsumily vini vosouo 84 ramsec, III. 1 Pemaee Séyke Mdidae W are expeotlo ue Olnia&. Ounr mendiante repurt C traiedez oepiiomiy bria 111 iaklng aivenlège a! tuéeflue the river. LivAci Walf ll iiattend ..leoi Bryat & Stration. Blule sitar JaDunarlti. Our lms mon are anxlotîaly avail cuider vesiler. Tnu ese or-o aearly al hanveutiat tains imi year. W ' SÙMOOL Nns Editl Simyker lbas beau ill. Thée. MuSfai vas a ialtor e<. Ucleol closes Frlday fto Ifl vacation. Thé O. W. 0., Stais84 riday meetim diacussai île question,. i-le t l IOW the FirtiYeur af the l201h Ceaie or thé lait Yeat a1 thé 19làit 4sut7 fi va@ deedil bai lte latter vas th ease. When do.. the lOtI Century bouia? Thoat la thé tapi ltai ie thé maet dia îuaaéd ut aur depemtméai store aveu- &us. A. C. doesu't thiuk th éll psy te save s téléphone put Ini thé block for thé vintar, so hé vont otîtîlué hie planautil aprîng. ur Litorary aoc.iety shiels boldo ul& mieting@ every Sazurday evoing la geitiug alaug vélI no far. lThé chié! lapin for débéta 1ma iurday eveuing was as foilova: .Bésalveit Thal a Country Girl iakée a Botter YViffTbau a City Ginl." Thé Contry girl von. au vang men den't forget vhen yaîî gel mnriéd tononsult Deénleld béfare goîug élsévheré. Evéryone la coir. diaiiy Invtatatuattend snd a plesact Mimé la ansred. An emutas priaisehie paper te Sive lé pâtruna thé neya ai the day aud fat the mouey thèe ia la uli. Hé la pre- samedi ta huée, aivhat ha vrités, aud le géneral! doea. Wheu hé stieé as he tle Leader <Curier, t)aceola' Mille, Ps., vilbou fe eor hope nt revai, libas -'Clamhrlailaa Congl Hamedy sact msglly, aud va bave louadinnaueboiter lna ur bauselold. Ifi yoa have àc ogh. try Ist" t May le acceptai as@an au oeet expression. vovthy o! étedeuce. For note by F. B. LovuLLs, Libertyvflle, J. R. iiaacugns Guru.., (lAsira a l'MMcy,. y L. Wz&vaaaax, Rackefeller, Joion Man.. vaabae. W" -e.. e. --r. -14 _ïU4

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