CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 5

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( And tram tesie- pIsfrai ear Tciesrering- ina. w 1ta nt To weicome In te brthdsar more 0f oneInl lIent manr tbrIs, Wh. dîrd for mes, ard relass aKing. Ai tearîs take ss is I thessie ad aIcg As angein san. o're tel'e'. tilt, Be peace -et, :acll tMen g-sd sel. Wben I,"hrlslms ures And tsIIy fIangs"Is'l'-te watt 0f lo ht ime a.dsct aly .11 Tisesmen l'ut Is>. foc ove bicefdat. Tte carex thal figise iaeaet Ail ttoightlsIbai lsa h Carneszltritîs tsdsay of thee ear, Ta giadden -teac oad tomnes, as-dImake mas btter fer hi. lra-se ac Wh-n Ctristrnas sanie W me Whrn Crlstmax tomes. eyfe thie ht.e-l d kt. Thon friesdhl ire Ie rrklndl-d 1s Cald hert. sea doors tave long been "Cone n'rIngs et f1rrallitand bat -Carne leo. corne in th]is Chtri.tmas day- rut aIl Idd iuferenees away, loin banda and tearts as ail mens ioulti, In unîrersal trotert oot. When Chriaimas caises" Wten Chriatmas carn. Lai us remember. grnrrously. ,lie Iorn of eartt. ulsereer ttry Sle. "ad staro .tth iem ont Christrnas cieer. As Christ .onid do, If Fie serre ereý And stat wr do for B Ia drat sake To Hewlwho came ta attInklove. no May racittrac telisfealty prove W len Chrsîmas cnesZ _Ebe. E Rexfard.ln Chicago Ativacer. 1 FE bru nof tise Si. * Nskoiaa lsuesis as rneriy goîng, tise bell of the quaint cisartîs seNe- Arn- steritaîns fort close biste bue moier tui eijlIcd sceunit Manhattan Islandt. Ding ding ing dng. It wasaChistsmas evci-dîid MdestSt. Nikoisasi bru have a rightlsi sis-g ier- rly? It aemei tetay- ieslsscrn- iurg, eomsng. comig, andin ilsfit -fulnl s onos mîgisihave aglit icecuise of tusaiJun bilant proclamation: For antis usa Chisli us bore. nte aso-on igive, anhtie gev- erenel hahliibcfîsîs Il is aultirs, and His nane shalltbc aled \\ osderli. on aer, tise migisie' (Ud, tise vrlsing Fa- tiser, lise Prince of iee. Swing and ring, 0 bell! htissmas Was comrngtin iîg au a> iron setsu1 lis 11ev. ]Prire Sinyvesaîi arnpinîg arîsaîidthlie litile oandt toitn on hiii. v.od- nleg, ta thetiownsfolks se baggy lîcecelisesorquilied pettienata, ta tise sseaey ssars in tlie lgiterzta tihait 1isid np tise caaidvsd iog De lueerenGrafi lia dayis Breadi treet), or tise searnen sinlise crafi roord sy tise shore, tise tisoagisi afChistmiras hroagist a orse jny. Hana ýVan Seienerisiooit on the st.op ai tise ahops w-ierelise soit ieaver skie notoh- er frs, but lise rîngiaz aofisce belisougis z%0 apecial satisfaction. "Whta t etibru rîîsgsng fr?" lie asisei, iorniog te hiso angisier Kairyne. "lt is elnging for Ciiesomas, 1I iiik, fa- tiser.aidthtia goancssa. 'Vrriiy, dangisier, lisere is soeneîsng bei- tee than Christmas, andthtis a ta snew la roring, anithlise hast a liante ssith thy father.' "I pty tho.e wii hota-home-" Thers se stopped ont ber bine ryco su filet wîfh teara tiaitisey sere luse sapphirsr flooting in fouintaina ni rysiai. "Corne, corne. chlt, tison hast a gond horne. Wist is tise matier mus ushe?" "Thou knonsesi, fbiser," «Hornph!i"grnwted Hane. Thenhiebenke oui: "I know wseai ails ibre. Tisou art sighisig for tiai siaier o! thisne. anit ia h Mny fauli of mine berause se Wold, yes, would, in spur nif aIl I ronlit ay, rarry tisai Engiiol salne, tisai Jack Lang? 1 warned lber. When, tisen, aise ent inotise wiîdernesaa sas it rny inut?' Katryne tunee away to bitde lise pearis thai fr11 an freiy irornlber bine eyes. Sise tisoogis of tise day seben Jacks Long anit Lysiset Van Scienkel amile ibrongis a gaie- way in tise matiniftise palisaitcs runnsng where Wallh areri now ia anit gîviog a carne toit. Tise invers tisappeorri thiere, and net for a long day v. as Lysiset ae, but Jack meyer, lb sas aid tiai isey wrre marriet byan Englisis cergymnan, someweiere, ei fsfl .~ s~i~ as bo broken up it> a eilits itiobetience. Sise tisai broise tisai ehasîs must take tise reapasi "If broken, latter, con icet lie mented ?" "Net nnleaoass i, jstiy donc." "Christ soysa ta we mesS love one an- aiheri As see jolue se was f.îeng e rusde Wal pîctuce ni tisee it Jeesiih i . ýmatis rs arma, Joîsph standing ty. Look, t tisai, falier!" Ste 1oinei tothie pitire. "Tisey love anc onoîlser, fafiser. and- "I love tise, gsssd daugiter. Tisaercorogeit Kairyne, ands ie isceke ont in&boIt proposition:'TMien wlsy nt lat L0 siet toeneobier?" 'Katryne! Ne more" Onlytire orts%, bai issute oi' For the Children. God Bless Them!-: port bien teIlier Sisyveoani. He iii beai '(li-sui. futisr" I'usc. iiy risilib 1 mas iiily tet,[sutansi toi shosw ilsît tisy lii ler siit iare foc ilic.' -l tisonS ie.'A Fer tlise îleaesss t ansi dtt i (bieis euei ucre mIai ienec. Ilatit moi is'sre lise limaiiopen iceiiiaee wsf h ias frelit ksîsg I s ii- nsds miiirsg is lonsg fernttrd pipie. wise Kafrnec mateiere spnting Su'wisei up ierrsly rousnd. lhi one of t ils s o~i~f ie maiose sasi 'h Is tisig 'rie assît, my itisît, 151ev. îng ai rasgtitlesns East river assi 1llicGs Pl, rrr rent tlis el nad ilîrîtcaie "* J i iiocnscihisiz, faiberi" "~A fauntling, Kairyne! 'Who cambers rny amto itsusa founniing? Tise mata shialltaise t ta tiere Stuyvean eilisa ncy isigist." Faliser, aiay tiseel asat ontdaise psoiitdaittelîselaresn tise ssall . 'it'a lisie tise Cliiot eiid. WeVuliiai tison sire llsr aWay tisa eeaifthi esoifentl o iif tise Nativsfy? Ne, îîîskec i tilii1Ieti bak, aepway, I1îray tfiscs Katryn suv i very ircule. linessax very xbissa', Ecei isa ioiy aiare of 1 51 ee is ier 111 r s rînssîsa isîsandsut ifa asasliiig out ef tl.e lita asouStisse sîof oeusaxssii .lressy 1iss'.(Iisîî lier ,indt lIns. île wa4in iaiili iiîîii'il,' childitcet aien i t as iîtaecd tua obcsl reisîrnesi, ant a ssî sen fislossei lier mise keeli hesisieKatri im ai issitde ont aaid. *Fi tiieW' ',Arsii tlsaamii freit e ily faf ber?' Tia ioi ssa ssi. Ns,, ii al. lano eeaelisei siKifri lisstantd s sIi us-li io f Lysbet. T',lIii . 5- et ise 'aiii taFsry rilite, nlty k, isil , , îsi aiie And siutîieiiis ti auif u'rsth ,iitis te ll sîssi iii iiiif izissii sff t . is,' lsy lsaie Sîli- S us1..Sif i i licsmao l-e si i, -rss f lis 'S'iiS ie i , ssi A. ltiiusN,'Y. Observer. DO -tflot knoiw whatbe w h ai slia ige-m e s ra, .11 Th Wlý IL. 1t ilee hNeaVer od As itm h s thierea tfo na ilstf There frm She cal ls sy T at.Ifl I 's r. I rn! . Thltsi'sK asetsUsLie asrtod li isafstht e r as t uaeldns Ii W Thoo.h Ifdc t se Anteas tn h.p-arhe fath tmya re That s.l fstise su.u5h'liseall a Mysgh ate dPria..s FR. tss,îttt' sas. nkN. Y . srtheor e -Moatlse Wdaisptd "Sn as te sae ise stisansd Crgtsgr TeaId ttasik Sa ilis sld ady besisloert My grapn t ethaifsraivi whn&i 1 Sietensea use pretiert asd ig asiesagir Ile liai i o îg,arisae arytat v ieral- Weateit Used asoutlit aiel.dye isa let diuseu alit fisyiuoseayf er viseavuien s ah maavo il 'ue osas gan fav monriedsi t tse mes lie asHoflheraolsnaay a ti air lifsd lsaî tiaia- igi Waoaossdriedatt .dss iod r. vi sloot r itvi sec tisa asai etLerosaifiie was If , ii. . ssai d l ise - spib u usadd i .,#ts ypea "I re s e rsistet . os h arpL ee il ison 'D O , liiîfi, itit ieacd ssi- gd t irsi o reai ofasitil' hutss%%"aisias put ofd listh telic sasu i' a-fis lit sssdlie -idusatype ..ik ois i islie i-rdo is ,nd at odlir ace i issr ,liuai 1u c lsîsa a ispiiiwi assdlia sile cor lii sîîs. jl1agiàsgase i 55ii I Ls , il,,-ss ai -iii L' ils hanl oua i, a is iii l on sgIiii sofUoliai lsti k koi inisiLiiiik i i aaadi ss'd in ma-i iii ssiii i i ass ýi-t ssii 55 miissile loSiiL 'sidliii h1is tiotisrlr.ird iari ib r i Sigi i isiilt .ii liiridiiteiof Lir55 issu ' i,L, a Sus 1 11lîssîse fsîr' us a Iigisrsicn tu '. -ilus.i suis1 hîsîsi ali usth se d li r lis-- .iii, sisgisi l ioiss I.'isio'. ndsi kissd lier sstDetsi .' i-raitsFille THE NEW YEAR. W. Slsnsid lett ilS Tsais and Tempathons Wiha StrongiFailli la OGds 'hris et urni ii New Yut 'aiiri ayinvites 'liu l is ii' tîithie ss e reltec- tLiii, iUdoIss,uiIisii lust itf551 an ciunit ubHoiisiiii5 1.ssi siis U ' r butl, i issre La (agn ssiiiii u l)i'tl, ii-s sssss osils wliifibtaie cdiiil asi " K bL l;d d die l'ii s eslsîf ai li, l -i .ei1ihi oilsut ai as eenf.isi 5any. ihl ili libu t liilise 55cm car os-su brng wsnew heu' erîcîsnstSaOr ecourage. anr es- i.foris endiarantse, oar sîcadisicas ef char- aeîer andsiplaser ai rcsksaaeee ia la lietesird. At flis-e'ud of the >ear wr are goîng tu be xioliler mîen ansi mnitîsan Wr arr in- day. sic ae sisusl have deturiorateit moraliy, ansi fiscsver sfferosard lîsere wiilic n.irrow- isîfssp. l,,rutesle. W hile me tini af tise latter aIiecn ative ilf a mviita afreîgtien anc I arta iy fiscformier. let us seieve isu ait are nef gosng la lu]and ise have token a long teis tisiards êaneecs. Wben asîîsrNew Xci?, day oessrosunditwe are goiig ta lie abile Le reekon sîsisi gaina iif iruurer sw'on flrongisthtrisalL and tueiS .atis assitemegiicisei tisei-ar'. Tise nîglîf hefisce Clsisfma i s one of ilse r"'re 's'issflsous wsich te amali bey Ia ils einudsithssiie sîsoanssu-l'ais.

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