CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 6

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~OUR~OLIDA~SLIPPLEM. HT.-«e- THE INDEPENDENT. FRtANK< H. JUST. EfIrrla LIBERTY VILLE, - ILLINOIS rne twtfty yeari ago. 1 Ilsînlo il sas.or 7 1W mai 1e somthing better That irt 1 ob 1the ibery lu kcow Tour reside ncc aund bort yon wth a lt ter. Tounenver sent aa StsWerlng tUne. 1 tear Tbat yuur attentions rnay have been dl- v Ided. 1 Wonder dld il never trike you qucer, Our crrespundence being se 00e sided. Tel, of tbtissthiroplsta you were te king; Yon aiways maîtaged, withouoivWord or Tu d rop in somnehow. and te teave 1the hing (It ear Id hnted for> on Christmas murni lng. May I ha1 generosty abuse At tis lts dote, hy askîasg for another Wee, little present, ut nu earîhly use Te anyon-hut juil Priscillai lover? Slmply n 1111e vorli (wors, tueki ut act: Tetltack uf Il bas lhrealened 10 undo me. In point ut tact its-weetl, Prîscilias heart. My very dear air. wont yon bring Il lu me? No need. ut course. of menîîunîsg It toe11r. (I own I llnd 11e Ides somewh al shoot- Bt, If yourc ond ot customn and rreter The old-tîme v.ay. tii giodir bang rny siockIog. Toua ia:) bu e v.come. The address I gave Somé 3 i arsaogo, 1 eg vsua y-ilremmber. For o] -timen cokle be kid. and Im iour A. dihomitte ervant t ing fcom ltcem- ber -Theudosia Pickring Garriuon, in N. Y Trath. [lî I IEY bod beco mar- red unI>' sixc cla, I hîs Ruh lîlamer, ITf rom nualîcre, and lle Roty Dietrich. te orpian hll girl. They iad a auto.> cabîn, te reft of whiuh Rus ai laîl iicIoptat wood on te steçp hlîlside and carr ig it do-n lu Lie wagon tracks bile.Iis ltice. wood a-as bil for te cntîng, titere aire a. dozen chitclaens, tv.u pige and a ilts Thits lice stock Rsys aunt lîad gîsen liter be- cause sie was goîng 10 laite the lttIe iei- lose headed brother y-tht ier tit ibadieen sncb s burden to te sant. Su te>' dieu tugeiterin te sso rouned cabin, Ruait and Rosy and tue smaal bu>, aito itad fot yet s oru rousera. RusY itod tien te >relllesî otfte bîil girls, but iad no land, nuoîprospetsel. Site >vnd Rush laa>mer wit unquestîonîng, unreisunîlig truai.Ilie had v. orked al lte sommer ont a farni near. Witen bc carne, trom nosi-iere in particuior, he saîd,lite yas tîiîîsand swhite. Sow i e .aa brus.n and bras ni - Vien ite sked utIle Rosy luotan-y haut and abe said 'les v.mtah- ont question, hie lied gîcen ber a cartoua "VYour couin Kari cals nie a tramp,' hie marina ed. 'i raie fot, laighed Rosi. "he îa mal; bats s.». Tliey wire iappy, in a caeless, inonct s.-y. On Tiantugîsîng day Ruih kiiicd qui and sitowed Rusy hoitolubrî,i thie. He lked tu kecp -lhanksgîvtng do> - lie said. It mode lîm thitntutflite ime isien lie nas a bo)- aîd iacia orne. -Art-tue), al dead - ac.ed Rosi i ram tetore. lie goce lher a tartird ganît, V rpeople. Titce muet be @.Me, but vun0rtiseîell. MI t ave s- ni>t0, Khon, mvi, ýUiî, and Ilîlda.llaaî t itou 1,01e? I sii> bce lu 0ail." ahe aaod, wstllber rîcînli on bis clîceLa Ther hird daY betore Chitsmas titers calot a ialioo trum ticev.agon îo, k. ~Palmter.,IPalmer!i llloa RoslitPlamer! Hieres a card frain te post clice.' .HOU HAST COt-I 'iVien Roit -me bock lie lorîted s. citsnged Roe ries1 I.1koss sot v. iinei-urnme, . Ros sa d lte.-but tere are etters fr meL ite vilage. i s.tIIrctarit The niglî amse ond te mntuog, sîill rnu @tep f Rositon te îiîreliîold. lier ecosn KarI caune lu hear ut th e 1 tr. 'Vyon wll sec hiamn uDo r le soi. "Our neititor IHaller valîhed biamjunip sn thte cari. He was a tramp, and >uu base no uitsand. He ias leftIyon. But Roy wepb wth Otto in iter armi and sould not listcs, Th net dsy wus Chitsmas eve. Rs.y anid Rush were bu mite a 1,-e for Otto. lb wtas imailiecti-green on te hlîsîde "I will cul il and bave il real>," thaugbt Rosy; -anîd he will core. He i. flot un- kîsd- Yet ahe wept whiie site chopped the tree with Ruaitu bightt a. She klled the chieken @et apart for te dnner, ahe bîked pies and made atrange figures ut anoiaia and people out uf gîngerbread. Snow begazi tu fai, and tll Rush came flot. -Yon olall reîurn vith me," demanded her cousin Kari, s.hen be came over thte hll atter darit. We are sot cold iearted. My mother sent lme foîr yîo and for Otto. 1 wll carry hm sately iro>î>îd op.- 'You are guud,- said ilte boy, vith tears,-bat wiin he cornes th cabîn will be drt and cold. No, n, KarI, 1 wîll; an> how i ttl the new year" She set ar thte little tres, and dressed it. fliere were hrtghl beriies slrsng, there were rows ut %% hitte poptorn, there v. ere long vinea wth red ceaves caretully dnied. There were tite reddeît applies, thte gngerbread dogbanmd cats, boys and girls. Titere were red stock sot here v.itie sie kntted auid liecmode al- der sebistleýs. Sitesut long, but Otto called ontt rom luas lttle bied and she went to lac by im, titen tel) asieep. Hlow long &lhe lept she kîîew not. There was a noiîse in the outer room. She rose ouf tly and wth iteating heart tule bu te daor. The tree! Tite tree!L n among the pop- curn and the a>pleu and thie gîngerbread doga were strandsofo gltterîng gold atnd ail- ver, pînit eandy licarto, oranges, stars, or- rows. oye, a dozes gieamîng devîces. From te top bough hung, as ly ig, a wax ange]. About the rough sand w.ere thangi Rosy had neyer seen, save in dreamas. A roi-kng- chaîir, a beautiful eloak, al tur and red- lîned. A grand bal teaihero, a sik dreas, dll> bine and crîmaun, citanging in IN'" she dreomîng? But a figure crossed thte fluor autl). a figure titat set aIl doubta at C H RI1S T A S Dear to the heuit is the old k 'Though faded and fragedi And sweet 15 the face of thei So fasciDatiDglu far:- ings and mttens toities l i Rosy'a nîmble fingers, and a btoy dot> utfv.ood, shlfuli>' caeed by Rush, Il 'sadrcised tîy te tle wîte on quanot trouacru, bituue and cap. Th'bre v.erce whstIes ut aider a.d îidgà tad- der tat gave a deligitfui qaijolaTiere were cuas' lons coeeced witi tioue Ilaîer and demtinied lu }îld the candy Rush lu buy aI te village. 'Alan' lasi * sobbed Rotay, tiere is nul ony caîîdv tor Ottos îoa, toit Ihaut' mtde tiîesc sugared bais tfroni cake dougit, anîd lie atîl nult koua Sitame crept tto Kali liesrt tai lie hait flot mode Otto aCh(iristmas guIf. le &pute rougll to bide it. '*You are ehaldisi. R s- . Neyer befure hsd Oto sncb a Clîritasua.soa.- 'For my man made il, my moen made i," sobbed Ruoty. 'and nultîhi. blond ki..Ns, nu. Ksrl, I know hitta eart. He mil corne home'" Ksrl went bomewnrd titroug thLie sorm. Roty mt b>' the slave witia ber apron over ber bead. lb was bitter. Su oflen bad tey A BEAUTIFUL CUSTOM. Ghrlstmas Glvlng-Its True Signitîcauce Oflen Lost Slght Of. Titere is nu more beastîful'custom tita the Lime-honored une ut Christmas glvng, when ILitits ereed in te trucspirit; titat ia. when tegiltsamarethose ut love, flot ut îmagîned obligation. l'resent gtvîng at Chirstniaa îs ot beathen orîgîs. Durîng thte ysletde season unr iteatiien aneestri v.ere wuîît to makie roncil. iatory offeringa Wtuteir deities, witoae jer- sonal mocementa andîdsirect isterterencea un eartb sere suppîosed tu be trateable alt that period. Later, whîcî te eharci Clhrtitan- îzed the custom, te gîvîîg tf recîprus a] giftt -su beautîfnlly syniolical of fiod s great love gfttof a Savtour tu a luit world v.aâ substituted for te lîathen obervance. Althougit tu IlaU seiit oatlste le lîgbt in gving far exeeeds taIt reeeistng, ilutan olt sot your day a sucre"Isf te, la toniltu ) , >iur own firesode. Forget itot tose hinîea ul'oô whose iteartins nu yole log i arnîsg. AmIâ they are aHl bu ilumienlus 1cIkout îuch an onie, and transfer tu it ai least one ray of the surtaine whiciî giaddenâ your owii heif and bornme. -Ktharne E. Megee, ru Lsdoe@' Worid. ,hrlStmas Advice for a MIIIJoaIf Although itastdcapîîd by yuur crrum- stances, it si,t îImpossile for )-ou 10 ex tract soute corfort front i hnsmas. Oune of the beut icales a n'l to allîaw yoursSlf lu tinit about >or cetnîs Y.Uu old giadly swap laitci and s tumîac ho wte use plor decil wilîîlias tu carraluxi os. slivrait. buat dot îot dweii ojion tis. lnwlead, 55,cr tain te addrt-ss utf0010e îoîsguded îhiasn îlîrîî;îît v. >10,sinthe hIabiît uf gînîne a Christmîas dînner to a lot ut ragunîufii. 0MORi4IN4 - *HARD -..TO * CHOOSE ove, ~ It is haTd to with wear. , Which on new love, J The new can ret. Ruadit, hecrtusbauid! W'it o er>' he iturît out.,iber laxen ibranla lîangîne, lher eyes aianng. lite ried to ber riother ounglic; -Titou hast corne!' lie aoutited lier witlî a trut in lis own syes. -Did you tinl I would 001corne? 1 bad li gî toluLawrenclîurg, 10 lite iani. Tiiere ciaos oure>'foîr me tat Ii iongît otilers ad.t taten frum ume. Sec, 1 hatve made mY failli fîîl lttie one a Christmasu.'VTe inov ke1,t isack thîe w.agoîn, bot 1 gott ere befoce Chtrist- mas day. Sce, te sIockis t I2. W iVel lîgitl ihese crsidles and c al Otto. lie cou leep lu nîorrow. lie blitsheandles, tîll holdtng bis arm sabout bcr. Au tiey went tluthicbedroun hie laagiîed ogaîn. 'I il lia, yosr cousin s tqm toc ,you lu morrow it yî onsy os I 1 h e, ater long sisappotments, corne lu myi oscn. And I bave you, trueit iteart, that wedded for love a tramup. Art htappy? 'Tas Clritina. day." -Chicago Dsly News. But the oc yet tie excesaive gîcîîîg so itiah 0n vogue at te hreseft a,îufl by its ocut v.eiglittex- tîngutiitut sortie extelît tiis îîteasurec If al s.ouid have te couorage- if teir cous ictiona on tItis aubjet anti retfOse t dcýgrierats-te atîctelît castom, csu ironglît n-thttaered meontng, toto une ut excitoîge and barter, tlitis danîger v.uuld socuni he oercoîlte. Eccuuttiîn te confines ufthte faiiily vicne the Irue sîgnîfic.îiîte utfte cstccî lu 1,10 utes iîst siglitî ot, anhlie oiîiortufilty te occasion tîterossemiîracedt t, nake vole necessary article cf ciotiog, faco turi- or ite lite do dsty for te Chtristmias gîfi. Thtu la a usrong I iteqt)rettoit of te testial. Ertint the iead uf the fanily duciri îu te tîny toid dler te Chtristmas gftt cloaillies-t ting, nu malter hi ii.ilgllfiaitol init ltf, Ibat tari te treaaured tatd tresrved au a menteitto ut tlîc ji)-uuuoct-ason Mate te eason une of >0> utîreme. Let te Chcistmas spirit Ierrneate everyting. from te vine-wrealthes wîndowî, te ysale log on the henth, te tree laden wit love offerauga, down Lu te speciali>' prepared doutes. ) decide between them - me the heart loves the best - in Bot bc resisted, old hokis its own in the test. -Fe,. B. Weiîh. (beLihan lu laite you lu the pliace and vew te movnitgspeel.le. Ile wîll le gad ta have ion cee îî, andit a-il> l e as surüeeut consîderableoamusemîenîti>00 I iTheti, after youav iîî eeen drîven hiîts, >on -titestit mole te clit pcr lplate aîd te numiier ted, aîîd eaaiy ascecrain iom- mucit you lane saned by fot doîng te saitne thitig "lu w01i coulaagetlie glîtîsov,5r te ne moînder o ut i ita oli u suad hici ut n- î îoi- si ittuliîrunîse miglt be a cieecisa Cirtmas.-late. HaDII) Chlldren. lesoed are te chldren a-ho cou mt» itong Il>teir alociîngi and telteve îm îîitciti>' titt a rcally, truly Santa Clans wîll il tlîcm. tlrooilyn Lite. Look to the Future. It in not wise lu bave su mere>' a Chrit- mai that yoiî connut bave a happy News Year.-Chacago Tribune. fO»>-BTE. od year, laoaet ber Maiy iU le-ou th.- lisE utsia f 1 .. th. a oiI.ngW-Y îi.t 5..e th- .11» ahs .r-. Oi of shadue. Thedtt MilllA.nîl uf p.ser. hi lie isis-eP WIli turaid hibnde A tew irmurtet-i, ri w. tir. orI(ari- A re, alors aurds ltIti s.kc luittrcblt; 1"" aT.hpad àr A To11,, aI,î- . i , ,g .-lAr l ErTh, îi ttit- 1 ailtoi- ,adue.o . Ai! OIEit) The .111,Ib .rcc .1 ih mno. Id 1 a. ! ice Aa>i nl hall 1fI, i) crie. Io-cîc How . k iland brav e atdiru. a îr.d %e.. lue iah, tw.Ir, J-i oni,,l cor sm .iri u.sltdr îid 'là) Wlles h,aritanîd lys a-Iir, mulcua mca. ..y A last t u.>14> yTel t hotig t i ifrit nl;i a(,toi.numore 1 i- 'lh. i u0c.setiîîI., îrrtbas O.p 1! -Alilce t a- . ;tior, t ad,.s Worldý THE IIRST CHRISTMAS. Tihe Town otf Btehem Wlîere thie Wise Ilen were Gaided l'i a Mlusterious Star. ,il,. IlcP il , 1 r ' Il - i i, l. Il c., t- l:.i. 1. ) 1). , lu t-t 1-1-i jr,-i! 1 it, t ri, I,- li , U,î- 1ai lit rt-- 1:i. ,. -.- li- - ,Igo i -'f s.,, iii ....ii tl, 1111 h ,.ir,i5 lin dIl ýý , %, rt; ,, ,1 i , btisd , r t -l - .I. '. 1, r1 ft, tas, oi.j du iîî4Jî) f'i. 'tAu- , taisc e 1 , i 't it , l, î . .cd. c .1i' i i i f ii. -ait 5. ofati- - lic i .1 , ali ilît . r i i-i ia. ,- ,i-c irc tî, - I l,c rr,,lic. silo j-eaîrcd , i,. strtci:- ifi,,r l, i-ait acre Dieuflt fr-to ti,-T-tA. .ai-t ibil i mnus ticl- alîr 'liti.îicgAir-, - tjia Ilî,rn, c trcio- ict o ,,î Ils i ttc-t t.-- t i r 1it,- l,-triaouit l î,d clis tl ic ' i . i t,,ta iai lits :ioule c ti ,tlru if tZîci si rr, til il,iîr -1ti tiit -î,.î,î l itt' lit>cîy t, cil,, ,aim'trs c l l1, t ii -t i What He Makes. 1lc1, i ii lî~ i î,î nsAtraClaus got pI I, oil. liii , S tl i - 7i . li 1 . î, t- i ii , Iriid thi, tatli,,r. ou - ijît) ~i th , -re.aits tif a l I, ,.- crire,)litth ie Iliffry and niadle se l t r ii rît i1,ilîIal it taii----C'ha- -Peace on Farth." A l; m. cv t,cts , cr igcg K,-i i ,, I. t hcs-,child n1h i i-t a 11r- enî, 101 , Ini,î.l r llii. i Di, mhcc.rn Th- i. cî,.î - î,î hiidren 1.- i p-iii -Jltl 1 i i i c, tr i tel-r ,, v. -1godes _ r t h r rai, , ,t i cto ni î s i 'i lili ,1 i 1i ltmî ict STUrIPLD. I*m. Malden-What are you goiug th give your luaband for Chtristmaa? Mrs. Atkini Really, 1 don't tnow wbat lu gice hatn. lue leen loukîng tirough bte lieuose lu,0 mornîîîg, and I cant tiink ut a tîtîlîf se nced inlte wvofu furniture or decuratton iliat 15 aithînounr means-Chi- cagu ecse.a. A Phlanthropiet "I wiqltt1Iliîed mufle' enough ter mate evri- putîr chiîd in N'Yrt ihappy er-mur- rer," remarkced Duit> Rhiodes on Christmas eve. "Wot would yer do?' inquired Bowery Stsggea a ite finîsited bis schooner and starîrd fr the tree luncht. .Tut ib inter gover'ment bondi an' ]ive on de ine rest" replied the philanthropie fluaI>' Riode.-sludge. 4+ "c neu 11*ar. 11, ý-W

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