CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 7

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cl"Id, t1o, N'- c!.ý ýith itýý goull ýnl log md -p-, Mllului, th- itrt, til.- wh. sa) : U, doli'. -th fil-, triti, r-tim tu I-- I;ut, if ev- there vau, ally- thiltg il thIý o:d .- 0, It à ther. stIljý 'l here -i, new gent-rations m ho find nu stalci-9 Ili th, antique, but tu %hOlut file maine n.g(nuýratie btiloului (ý'Imes In thi, %%I- 11-Il b-au- tholte milo m(lit ue h(-ýped u.4 tu !ive; lit ux ht, . j.k,. t,, tho.t, ho are blit. wOming into )ý,ung(-r 'S. Tinlet, Jest 'Fore Christmas. For Chliiitin-, -Ilh ts !et. and lots of "I'd ji Il Il k Wa. mad, th,>, ü, 111-Pcr kidî. an' r " f or n au ght> [,o )' So waýh .or la- -- 1, rIl h your hair, and Il d or p ^ ^o.ý , 1. ý1.1 ,,, 't "o 't out 3, r j-rialýon3, and ,- t tar out y-r ýho,.,. Say "Y,.s.sum, , , 1 11, , ý1 di , ý, in' . Yessur'. elýy's omjeiný, don t paso An« wh- t h ).or j,1at-ý for pi, 19-11, But thýnkiI' of the things y, r*,l liki, ti see Il- th.L tr-, jest 'fore Christmas be as good as yer kiý W -Eug, n , Ftid. %Ë1h Christmas at the Enahsh Court. ThIre is one (ustom aima) à gent, ihrough w I:risi ni - Ive at %he Eng1ý,sh -urt- n, e ýf 1 h , g-at l'or , of beef. J- at %% md-r. f,>r the kthn ill , t ai ý - IinýAat, it. AI.. 1I re - . ýig -,ýd,,uk j-, a boar's h-,j ill tb,ý qu-n pium 1-1daig. Ths 1--i ý-f it hau quern f,ýr her (1iristmas Iý Icit u. furt-h (4-rt for il th, il o-r --d t the Ru guin court. tri Rouilà,tula, at Sandring- týig 5 iide -ine n- of dý.,, ,ýery, wheri the -eet faeed motlher aod ronniong f.ther f-I lot the burdl il of ye-, but art, warmed with the youtIifu;iiebe which the spirit of Christi- iliakes perpetual. plat the day fý1. of the f.llne.,s of. it. Il Beýa.,e if of the .-le bright cheer le not brought tu every borne and ev -y pýýr-n. 'l ho- wh. mo- il the true spirit of the Chriotii- tirot- rtàlize uion this ddy, above &Il others, that vien art- the eliiliim-t, w ne God, one em-th atici one -ill mon purp.., (;..d ill and lion go limid la hatd. They ek the 1,... and unforturiate as (lid Ile whoee int-mory we -n-rate. 'lUy ould x- repo- t. thea(hing beart. Tne tothepromptingRof the Christniax spint, they wouid make it the brightelit, mweùtýt ail(] beet of ail the da) s that make the year. - Wtroit Free Presé. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Its True Promptings Would Make the Dag the BrIghtest and Best in the Yeat. It i8 the day of ail the yeur best and elearcet ainong the time marka of our re(ur riieg e ilendar. lit iii the day for peace and in every beart and at every lie artiotoile. %%*e celebrate (;od,â chiefest gift te, viiiiii and dis(ordatit thoughtn or cou. t(ietiý)rjs have no plait ait the jo)ous fes tiý.1. AI! h.uld ring 1,.r and true ad bwFet ae the Yulcýtiiiit, (hira- The tilorn of Chrwina. ieî thât of ffim whose birth it conjuit-morat,- It zoftens cvil, xorrow and hopeleureu with the maie toucli À Oharity, for in ( barity is the ein- bod-ent of ail the ( - gni - It ge,- te, wodn- . hrghte, I-týr ad tu re -1ve a x Wér It i.s a opirit barn in vvery heart that (an krif,ý% its inspiration, ýjth(,ut regard te) (reeel , raie or àtation. i )f 11 tio. day. t. ýbo h mare h'A givýi' qo, d alon, 1, -a ý grý,ýii iii it., pe- r, ii, lxauty and itý valu, It h- Le i o ý'f tIo. grandý) elvi- 1 1'turgy -'l r, tliat le.'i Oo ', p t '11 Ly tlo. tr- 1 >1,.rt, bot tlei. 'h'['gý- h- I'ý , n "Le 'f j-1Iiý eti' -d le, y.nd , ., il a , :-r, r , ,,eept,.n -f the ý-h EngUsh ChrLstmas Custom. The (,hri.ýtmas tr-ee fouriel its may into Fngland through l'rin(e souri after his I)Krtl)al te, Quevii \"j(týeria. A peculiar Englisli (uâtoni iei thât of paseing a imali tree r-ed thv tbIiý ýftýr lhc dIýe,. fr.111 hi, h -, l. 1'. -'1, pi.ý ký thu gft preýi.ue,ýý jehi, (el il.. 1. 1- 1-n or ke- An Enthusiast. Ted-Tom , à gi ( l- r , i ý.f t lie Chri-t to.- d- 1 -Y e, u4ýy gri ju.,t bce eu- le.- iie1,1,1 te, , at( le fi- uride-r the nij>tl,-t,,, . -lu-1,4ý Y PAPA -> ý al San- ta Il t t-, An Ald Wili lIkv hi., T. 1-. 1.- l,).ý r i hi k, ArA t n' 1. 'A m y Anli a il ni t k But,,l à Fil .tl.., i a, k l", k t ni. t' ii.%vi. .-shares of ulis arl downs. 'j ýt , tý .k 0., a , e . like T full, We're sometlme- righ But on- . ys.,, ait Our hearth is bright to The bahy's hand just tout fils beaven Wh- Daddy lights th, tr- Fr weks and week, th, latle ores lia- 1,tted on th,, hnir, And fil bas PI-111-1 for Il, Sjoý , on lol shý,,,er. With h- kel. thele - t1leul, j"It I'ý 1Y.- 1ý"nl ý.ýul-1 "ce. A 1.111,9 aga-t the r1ght When 1,ai I> ý;ght, th, tec. The tir> tap-, glow lik, stars Thy 'mind lis ý,f h, fl.une That Ift,,l ti,- ky Th., no- lit, hild , ame; Thé bItssel argIý -K t, -th Abov, t1ý.t ta, We thitýk they sing ait-, or hearth When Daddy ligints the trc. The, w-st kid in mothý,,'s .1ms Laugh, ot rd laits hr bands, The ret ,f us on tipt0l walt The gr- n-op tr,ýther stands Whre lie , an rla, h jkýe top-st branch, Our Santa Claus t,, h, In trait .cet loor of When DaMY Léglats the t1el. Our grandpa sa" 'twaý lait as fine In da3 s when lie ý as ) ourg: For eery Christmas ages through The happy bells have rung. And Daddy's head la gr.ýi.g gray. But yet a boy Is he, As merry as the test of--s When Daddy lights the t1ee. 'Tis Love that makes the -Id go round. 'Tis Love that lightens toit, 'Tis Love that lays up treasiore whieh Nor moth lier ruýt cail spuik. And Love is In our humbb, home. 1. J.,g-- t.11 sud frel. We ail are very ý Iosl t o hlsven Whsn Dally Itght, the -Margaret E. Sangster, in Woman'a Home companion. CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS. Glft Maklng One of lits Most GtaclOus katures ot the seaison. "Cift-makilig is one of the most gracloui fcatures of Christinas, and one that 1 pray ma), survive ail other outgrom"D custoir, , ". writea Florence Ilull NN'Ittrburii, in the Womaja's liome Compalloil "%%*Ilt'n love and sympathy arc there is little feir that ,, diall make tlie mtstake of leaving out f ur luth, oDt"s st'o'kIng the particular thilig lie bas àK lits licart UPOU gettutg. Aloi il lits Ioie I. I.,NiiId us to gratIfy, Jet us touje as near to It as vve CaB, and nul ouvert ibis seloson .ta . -rt of convenieute fur ouritelves, t4irusting lapon hu, reluctant acceptance such prosaie arti- cles as olloc*, bats and other emsentiale of the tollet. Far prettier la the Germant eustüm of beetowing gud - y trilles that have no use in theuri but are part of file glitter and fuhion of tite bu lulay. When, it la possible nothing là êo good tu have as the traditional Chriatma. tree. In allier years mernory bangs upoL It fondly, and we ble@s in our hearts the kind h.rid. that toýk su much trouble tu give us pleasaure. -Then the stocking bang up on Christmas eve bas a roitian&e all it& -wn. The break- fast table dreosed with holly-I)erries and gifla paled under nom%- napkins Is agraceful ý, and is fat nicer than the bliant band- Ing out of ont giftm. Sonne trouble should lie tal,- týt r,.te il., llement of sup, j_ \\'u ail like il, but il is )[te of the il, j, Ife iiud' "ni me 'afolid tfl,>oý,e to have bun that mhat is biokeil frývard to moât cali'l-ly s'idolil - t m,'11. It la ad phIJoopjj%ý, %lit itue, that il Is dangerùu@ to set one's litart un dtl>tillug In tills wOrld. But the 1-e litat bides lis intention watil titi, il.ur of fuiiiiiiiient, and theil let. out lis se(rlt lit ,Il .Illl)urst of generosItý, Is the best sUbstitUte tioit is ever offered for the blleýLdi Pr,%u1cn--ýSanta (']ans, aud all othr g- ton, iuý ths, *,.Il, -ample f g,ýtiýrosty i. ý logt upon children if il is true, roof artificial. They aie ýcry milling to live nit to theur lit- fi, kIjQýbdge, Il me allow thein flic (hance, and part of our doit; to the day is to en- ,ourage in uur 3 oulig people the "me kind- liness we (ulti%;tttý tu ourselves. Il Is 80 much casier t(, lcam lit )outh to begenial, sympathette and generous than il is after embittering experieiie" have hardeued our hearts." ille First Celebratlon of Christmas. Christmas wae first celebrated in the yeý 98, but it wIý 40 )ùýtre later belote il wae officially adopted as il Christian festival; nor was il until about the fifth century that the day of lubration bec allie perman- eutly fixed n the '215th of De-nober. ni) tu t4at lutte il hâd been irnýgulýly observed al, %,,titus lunes of the vear-in tri Apiil and in May, but most frt-Iluetitly lit Jarluary.-I,.tdLý' honte Jour- nal. The Festival of Motherhood. n.t n- i . t h, f'..'t L al ý'f m ', t lý (- rh od It cali.ý tur tii(,ugli4 l- k to our - n be gmzn,ýg u, )- g.,.- .. hr u' , hon, 'b- ne, h um, ý i,,ý,,g :., g.",ýl n- nt. fi- and -th U> her and pr.y- fir u.,. Wý- plan and TUE LETTI:k Dear 9.,ýtý ('l'o, Nil ;,I sa> rro. as I IB ut 1 11-' 't - 'l Dý t or - , :, , -r II, u 1, 1 SI, t bring 3.1l, Il- 1.ý k oh, -Id. t., AA, 1 rýF r 1 o v -7 T l, il DI Ir ký.ý 1 11 SI, 1 or.] T. je o AI 'A Ir lIIl o, Iý T L' Il T,, l t 1 !A 'Ir WISHE.S [IF TOLD THE TRUTH. Smitb's Trouble 11(qan When lie Sold HIS christIlIas Prescnt. P, 'L' ý 1 w ol. ovlll Il U il,- and X. t t:ý 'Igo III, on', M't II and 1 u:. It l', ro, and d.ouo, sIlk ' ý-d .,cir, g!an,, - ' ]ý "' tl: a had 1 , Il. . n -ild I., -ý t- j,àý dI, 1 ormet, roi .. Idi-, ",g i 'ât an lIImlIý d - l r II,, *'JýiI,ý I. ilb, ut ri, l'Il: ýi, - .1, ed a,, 'uýd gl'e Tro. àý cej.t,ý; 1t., 1 figur'd Il ' li- - Il Il, lýtI.g f', : iýé l - t 1 , I, ýt Ig,- ' l- lio, othl, X25 - l 1- gt ."Il t ýi p I I., il Iký io, Io, & Inng f while I ineak tli,ý1 IIII , ;t 1 11 1 u, -1 ;,,t tean. Iiuý 1 l'um! 1;", 1""1;. l', riiu, ho'. da, o ci, a Iog a d. **TiI.-,, Il, ýI., ý. 'oz r III, do but to IIÀ c. 1 re e-d Il a, that 1 JiId I JIor IlItil IIII Il Ilý IIIII - týIl dIll''l' li!m out 'l - I,ýg Ioo g, - II, In 1 u il 1 1.1 t i ai lo r Il lot t g 'IrI! W.LJI 'I' ýA 'o, Il ýiý.n until il Il k.s A Profluble Combinadon. "Talk about lu(k' That nran 1),iiý:ow has it in triple plaied tliunkm." "Jlov du ý ou ligure il out ,«ýNjý, li,ý ife - ,ri Chriýtnia.. and Ci Iristir- is ai- ri,, of their niarriage %'ou -, ý4 thl, year is pure velvet for bini. '-Cleveland Lea&rý ONE OF THE FOUR-FOOTED KIND. Made HIM wajt. "Mrs. Hopkins, bre is that Christmas present you âaid ý(,u lia d bought forme?" "Weil, NIr. 1 lopkins, you talked so much &bout hârd tinics that 1 put A awaY Until your Record. JUST LIKE A MAN. Lain I nd ai 1 )CIun., 1 k 1'. 11 t ,II, If tlIi,ý gi- - , I t a ry chnt d,ý . TI 1 t fýI -r,, , 1 , I t 1, 119, 1 il lIrIl d ami Ig t g arg, J., f I au, b-l Il"I ,ý III- !,ýI Ild- hI.IfIý 111I M LI I,,ý al im .. ,ly 'I', da,, , ý,f ar, in I-I Il 1,,- ,f 0I, gr-, I up, Th, re Ii ý, , tht, NI II, The Christmas Dinner Table. f, 1 and t'a, 1'l t i. M T. 1 ý,I ý r i,ý b, Lui ; 1,- ti, M 91- If t1ý- I', 1 ,,!, It , , ý 11 iýý ail t h, IiIIA.- Il fil I., , - 't ti'v ýn ý, , , pt, 1 1 t uf Chi, tm", f, 1,, 't -d a 1, gh t, 'w -I ppi, g, q.. 1- d. L- "f d"I' -1h n ý,I h -I'. ot th ut gi-, kmà d;-hý ti11ý I ýtI. f Y One Cause of Trouble. II '], 1 n"IlIv -ý a Ilca v,,ý ai 1, and gý,-I ýi1I IL , t , q : g 1 ý t 1, - , f - in ý- 1- 1 y h d iijl tji, titull, L>f giizig Chriýtnias pn- ýýt, "i' k lin iliat Ih, S"f' ý,f Nlao ', 1li,ý l'on "f G.d. 11at 1, ,, ý,u,- ý qnn-ý; nature grq,ý ýý -1b 1l"n si,ýrt o, 1hu ýp:,,t of i- ( 11,-- lo", thiý ýp-1 1 il,, 1Jý.--l obdvý g-n t', j1ý A: c li un vàrý c'g gý;arii) -'l , th vý,1, 'n, gýai t', liýlvd and ý juda1ýý il,, anýpýe, tlcý ý,o1 1l,,ý L11(ýi 4 t!ý.1 to h.un t > ind-d a Ln', a';', ale ,toug!ýt 1,.,- t1ii, mw ('iýr ýp.rit. It to the fa- , F1n,-'mý Ch.] ' v ýL>, if. It gý"C' lit(' t. ix tlýat M1enný de-1. li ùýor, ý,- the C,,!, ý>f hati-i. 1naý1,e and ' vý To oM ag, it l'r'ng, tlu. k-, fr-h ý of vo.t 1, and to ( a ( learer apprec iat ion of the prit tha L pt e ýde, at t1ocir Chritrna, ýevý1,. But 'l'ove ail. thii ýpiéit ýhiý li i, di, di vine ,Iýirt of Cliri't'n"s, inak- it a daýv of loving of d-ig good t. th eý, of s"ing tliat ail about - Itave at leaét one briglit and Lappv oftliv dying yCar. The adi-niti- of tli,, la not aione for univer.-I rvjoi( ing, loil foi, individual tontentment and tloiu1-giv!Týg. There is an nleal rea(h(ýd wlien (bil. dren dance alont the s.vml)oli( tree glitter i ing with remtýml)ran(ts that Éill t1uý (ni) of childhood'a joyý, wlon -h and e 1,11 eI, 1ý UM She Knew Him. J", 1, 1 hat it to t a Il a gi 1 1 J't 1,'ý Keeffina the Anniversaru. A gv d 11ý1 1 1 :t ', , g >1 'am, thât th, thnig g,,,,,- 1, 1', 'ke a 1, Ing of id A"Il 'Oa', IIII. (T-1 nias 'Ith 1(, Li;" 4 lh, Chli'b A Misunderstanding. -J , t-- .1,rk., ýpeil, t- You. **%%'Iý.,t , th, plattri "' litil, it. 1 ý,týirted to talk to him d, -atot,.ý the other dav j- th-ght 1 , t, th, Hai k hé got ii a broil %vah a mutual friend re ýent;y,*,-Judge. 'Twas Fver Thus. b"'i trymg to -tch Dolly un but NIi.s.ý Autimin t', be thýý on1% 'm'. 1 -11 ther, -«., to bv mi I-umi of thý wrong girl in die riglit pla" -Judge. "Do you hang your ýtocLIn9 ul), Miss stout'e" shall hang up four of thtni, Mr. Goa- liýg--, ,Good gwaciou-! And what do you ex pect to receive ?I, "A p i ano, Mr. Goal ing."-Cleve]aDd Plain Dealer. -John is such a goose; lie gavc- dear mana- ma lialf a (lozeti eilver nutpickd and a nut -Well, iýn't that .11 right?- "Poor inanmia, she lias d ' vâpepsia, and hasu't eaten a nut for '211) years."-Detroit Frce Preêè. 11, ý-W bat the ý of a or

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