CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 22 Dec 1899, p. 9

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I l *TH BS PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. f AND IS ALWAYS MI Local Items ofl1nterest toLibertyville Readers :f ' i . CHEAESTma DBu j LBY c o. eat..le CHEPSTC. M. & ST. P. TI ME TABLE. A rarrtage lenena>. ail l..aiedat 1:, 1MIRAuliilnr ý and Wara.Maizer. o ait m. '%'lii..[OYS OL S II IDiX (10>1) * Aji. M. .a. Te lnlw lir1, O S9Di O ID Y GO D O u in is t a ry t e1e. ,1, Iiw IiîIIdig iit>.>.arriva il ta l !l li 1 BES ofevrytmng hnce(4 Imme iii.lta,a î~ , e l,îîî(kiof al kinds and descriptions. BETof airyhis o aryheee,m). ."' il.:5:" m. . miss put ii phl uh as eil 4* .35a i. 3lia, ig l,.nx lo ai C o r everO l a,.l ioinI-d ourstoe s Hadu_________I._N_____etlirbin"_ltititvilag Do flot fail to inspect our nagnif icent 4 for reliable goods AmERICANGARRISîON. N0îIt6ýKnfh at .1 t mi]ba ea dt i g.e . l n<ulgý o eoh *atit I eMate uauoldtiail> heIyfleurayof Holiday Goods the best and by &aloifoorth W uai . f..h muh î >iotairSoe u b Egerrié . Wrau. M. J. rallroad, for a faucy prIe titis w>e STECiCt~Ce otranid h . .iou ore fr the most extensive we ever carried--sno * SLCANIESnn uerry Chrstmas' M Cheseryaiwam ttbe 4*fancy prices--neverything nmarked in pan FRUIT IN 11.1 aD etibe l'iOwYall REMTAIIiAN. A Mild elgar (ltliieht iue li FUTniglat. Iiulliy. f4,.e SEASON. i obacco. R~ *** Iay Hîbbard, 441the lNnrEVENorNT LIIbertyville wilifinal in lIer tci ug will apend Cblratmas t Aitrora withtb Ibi> eal' a 1141W rallroad. If (uil Sauta faalpret. il us emmeors wttii au ilectrl 100111f iis to s le t fo . Walter Hlaven laniierli fromai Arksuaal. rond ueit Jeur, then l'ar eup_______________ _________f_____ Big Jo Flour is admittedly the best. Ha has traded hie farm property there happluesé, wlilile fîiito overfllowilîg. u4rahAbus Gaswr Swn Mcie for___ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ town i.hîte; u L naat wT. Teanao fezeu w a ngi Bis dech efs Shawls ro 1 opoemufu&Atetower lacl,%mltiiawlo were uearly -worked BnsHroia ld 'F riggs 5 'l1aylorMliiqeaEva aud libanasDuBol ui, ofctoîra leieiilail Blackboards Jumping Jacks Stoves-oy4 e euma IJiBboir va t - îtiPure abat elicious.Je er du ulativea at TripleIt, Mo. for the ol Poor arîneptibîe Waulegai, ho oats Knives and Forks Suspenders+ Libertyville - - - lnois" (laya. eau bitA smpatthlze aitilier lý(Iecati: Books LmsSetr _____________________________________________ 'îrlbCbathntwîu foarl. Lataoeat ni-0 John Alexander Dla'eapruipoacuil B ox Paoers Leggins Syrup Pitchers 1nvassoîî w0nu tr lie LortaîronAeaitaý + Candles Mackintoshes Tablecloths liArc 1115islinare alot ifile>u.~t't * C andles--Tree Ma icLanterns Tablets H. i.Egr il reitwek aue u Iroapeet for any self relu.ilig on h. H Egr wll eit eeklaeîaniiW Christmas Cards MariesTea Pots li,)usoierisiome elq filette demi gain inu C rp t M T a et Jsky _________________________11i calendas. Tbey are beautlehanaud, -vpet weepers Masks aSt lepeal Mr. Egr'$ euterprlke. hlta ris. Carts Match Boxes Ten Pins ~ tfE.Wellsanad famlly are mettled lit ibetyvi , ili iol appopra>e Celluloid Boxes Mats Thimubles eirliw bouelois .NeWberry Avenule. Christnmas exercim i. ai file, respective C ar îr r isa d B w g îg o e raron oibuae ac- chîîrciemSatîur.lay, Sfiiiday aud Mon- Chamber Sets Mugs Toilet Cases4 b, g ing 'O ldthe a ' îîî.Co p îay. day uigit l. Fra i ae tu he C h e ck ers N ap k ln s T oo l S ets K.siome'awndw îblyl hlulreu jaebendrillet u 14ê C hinaware Neckwear Tops -orty o «-ld meri'a"genu, ua, dîîl truuled aud tire>.e eîertalîîmieuis + Cg r rnm1s - hia T w 1uegonl Mo taatillymilou0ou unIîiîai Ment are pritiueo i. e alite ê C g rsO n m ns-C îa T w l lscksg n atire 51 no it>.. imleal aa>'ever jtiim mi hue oirler iii>.,are to ttale Clocs ~OrnamentsTree Toys--China + En a.Ila1CostrsPaints Toys--Tin ..VWilI show a fine assortmnent of diamnonds A flle IpIth co~illlei(109, evideuls ttîe% Comb & Brush Sets Paper novelties Toys--Iron l'o. ate. pt. ia ben andrin A th bCrackercu Jars atir 1pencil boxes Toys--Musical (loose stones) and mounit to order abou:Znt iisW . cH e là t»tdIlY day uliglit Olere are , lie exercîses f. rockery Perf ume Toys--Railroad during hol idays. blind thiîîiîaisluayez aphlear 10>> al eoI rnsa.naiugîfctat +adaogeCrokinole Photo Frames Toys--Steam rîgit. A citizen la taliri are of ln ulmoale, etc. sauta Liaiud. la,.wrttieu ulitll clBime>d lîy hie oynurtiiat le will lie there. A gooit-old Crumb Trays Pictures Toys--Wood 4 A god ssotmet o Çhldrn'sRins. le ~.,aiudWallie Williams.tare fambalioed Cirintis ire>.will lie ail . Cups and Saucers Pins--Beauty Trays A god ssotrnnt f hilrens Rngs shkig bndetaitaiLibrtvile iterlattagfolur, liaeu Cuspidorsdor PiePipeset ...Prices Iow ... acqualutaucea. Th:y caume berefrom preseuta for memberai i he.clool and Cutlery Pitchers Umbrellas Mlihuul, Northi Dakota, aud expect toa) acta othier,. au a 1 h47 ave frlenîls o elinatsVaie wirk lu the Wisconsln lumber campa relative.sabo ilesire lii lîreset Sei.sf. Dsks PlatesValses lien the weathar permîtta.. uitmune Caliland examine my stock. Aeî.aaîîild*clîlaPluENtYTilt\ f i.e esPoktok ae Aneabise tc o cita flde. Doit Carniages Purses Wagons--Toy atithe ILISTUABtANT. nain Droilera luiel îîdyGo Garts Ratties Wall Pockets A lter to theIN>,DEPENDEvT fromnt l tauain l.-storyîaf tiie belle e d o kigH re as igM c ie Special selections for the HolidaysI.V. Sîneutllut ar Bllie ' Art, . Ilie pare cItel 13 aiula.o h . D olmýi, Doit e ads Rocgs HrssWasch n acns ula'ibettu delail the wouidenlul ahool, aud aa groai pais. have beau Dmnos+usWac 1Can prospects o1 liai particîîlar localîty. taken ii. lia lreparatiîun, a crowuîed Drums Safes Watches 4 C.Rr. E MA ,lil.shcunja ltttela id ereatlug, boit auditorium aaireail. goelet f.eFascinators Sisand Peppers Water Sets îs. u.NIiaA ITHEiCO. . Games Scissors WhiselBrowms Libertyville - - - - Ilinois ",.r.a,., . oois of wachlunery aud At uie.uîîiehr loudo ay WkBom jlînler arrived in 1the Lbertyviiie aigit saua Ciaiiiie xliiml>. lils f yards Wedueaday foîr the Kuicker_-ecndl ibWipbie appearalidefil ur village 4é4 bocle iceCluupauyaI Lug ~ filan year Noue are muire apt luiné 4 ô ôé 4 é é ô bokrioCmaya ogLk.decoràtliia han tfie Gerniiana a sd a ______________________________________________ a, '~~~~~~~~~~~~I ilawlll le tha irai fraîght ahlpped leaifî renaladrit>.îuî u ANTA CLAUS ~~~ oarthe>.ueW rond, ltier tiU VOi- wl at hrMTOITDI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ strlî<~~~~tilii aterislfr,rthe>road. Exerioil ali Germaui t aepae M T O IT D NG IiwtvleLtgNo. 491j A. F. AIlirPlaLeagîlera .hould lie tu itteudaua /1 ýjprjC-i" " A. M. willI lutal officera aturday Suîu.liy îulght, ClirliitmaHoliday. A M e ry Ch ist~K K - MAS HEADQUARTERS AT -ugî lcr eeule O.' i îî-1 Iii.Miile iuîgli li re sil>ie [Pe lean lieu 0t».eire. i iliht, lectd Decmberqui.'l f e t- eedy I ever ihaeulfur ioîîghs, and étalitîonu Alltuni b>.pubic. fa. cuutalluieqiiî&Ifor whoipîg subtiîay aclooî ieacher, alionlut TO ALL O UR - -lected sere. (ieo. Blin.d, 1 M..,îuugli Cl.l-reri laillike fi," wrl a. reiîîauuîer tic teaeiiera meeting liai Ère.tBon .W;Mletr M-H N(lty'lldA I. parliirt, Sec.,;.J. Aiatu * re,... Neyer faila. tIt eI.ouly harml,.. a , couvene Weday at 85 p. m. Cs oe s renieuy tbat givea inmeîIît.lraaîîa, te d theudiaprayer meeting. Cs o i r t chistiaa aervice&a batti mornlug c irecolighb. coai, ioarsnea,.., crourp, l'o onap pe@cas tibra W E T Y u>vuîuate'elytr*hdri nelinlIuiiia. lrouelilîa il Ilroal Ileyîîu epe taanîbri TOdy ThYS jetfirleuuuaigand 1,105 troubles., Il. early unea>. oer luriy lant Sîîuday aud .1111 Ibera )iluday. heolijec fo te mtrung prevelîta -otiîii ptin. F. B. LOVELL. lm rimait for moire, and mrauy more who HAVE A WELL BOOKS service alîl oie ->5 lieu JeBsaWaa Ibm Llbrtyvillej.. RH4AÀîHzto. (urne>. oliugluî 10 lie in IL leîler leglli wth ASSORTED aun ketiielialf. lie lSuuday acLiovul F. L. WF.aTzilAuÂv Rockefeller. tere er ASOTD GAMES tle charge nervfcle. . il». Oea ear. We stili have a good supply of HOLIDAY STOCK 0F NECKTIES iBera Wall lie a catata l'y ith. eALETT TASETti>.revival îueetllg, wîllia reuewed,Ï ____________REAL TILT ET ,ST id l'y ERb a fier tbeiiolidays. Ti lei.cou- GOODS Ieft. Donat delay any longer. H N K H E SMrs.. WC. Saub)oru who liae Iuellili Lake Counîty Tille ITlian (o ioeaIle dilitereni: awakenedh H; PURCHASED C~ELLULOID GOODS-, ws ep2?îd hnte Satird:;, but te Maaboule Temp~le Bllg. Wu.kegan, 111. ourgailzu'i l ead oîf tihe cubhe I>1N .Flaigaruulcsa.w nedt ieEEYOE C ROCK ERY NOV E LTES Ilyâtlau iu litcarge furliilsle >-HJ Ia fuuuuuilal uMualI1~1~ lieritrin:uLIi> pull.rveu miaia ieuire aitber furtuitgli. Mia. 1uiii iait ln llut .16 M. tefotrtls;a h plilsrie ur customers a littie CHRISTMAS PRESENT. il YOU ueh"l FOR THE CUFF ANDOCOLLAR SETS auban»il> u iproviug rapidly lgm-lhunu"' . ý#.- 111 li 1 arujltal litaaeralceavill belaIgallen. dant think itwas intentionai, but oblie us by mn O LIU YS ETC. ETC. iner, audawaiti ithLinme î,flerare.- Laatiîiiurei, l I. l ,Ii u aV ,- ..1ula , li' ield at the .Methodial chîîrclî udt inoval li ptleutly. H. li Tuud(itia1 it rhur .. . nau . Stjc urte m ri . Stb bt is hwwn iow Byntlul l n Wliii ji 91-11 23-3-11 "Iteaauiu aald Falth, (outraste iu n tlie Itllidl IatW>>k ndli u rrng. Tii>.>. 'u) IPeravu of Chriat., AilWhio eau sea e~ I.I(,âedIin lest weEk nuit y auT.rane- mluul 1llui a J .- Ju6F . lt,Iaai, O U R . . .AR . -G H .*tuinlt o ipzadnuttiug cildaîîl u mot . i -7 i Town ,il lnoiling nouble liî r.ceivlug a great eeunttiugwyruî air hopeta)lii iuiitilNella C StiIlil li . 1 î uIiu u id oîuuI'n,îuu !trîithi ly failli Ihat lie& beyond th>. Jack Frost and keeplhie :iudow:olar. BLord Iari ý eblt , ail ..... reacti of reasou,iletter attentîhils 'The IPair, F S IT Hliauli 44P.1lud ind u.If, a u-'li s aervice. luit the evenlng Ihere willllie taay Cniama praens auplîpîîute iulto Ni kg:'IIv .ait approprIat>. soug and concert Ber- tany hrstaspreenm ppo îia uî.1 lituunl là viifIl, Hîunnîî-ît vceoli,[,if 5res 8e iaLi e ty ile Ibutier BIdg. Libertyville, Illinois. fur îfallait iiever li>.lbe ptus>.a, .rauî ui iiîuaw. r Ive.xi nfadea.SeilLIeL V me our Llberty>.IlIe merchaula are a ul. ...- . ,ý . 1 ni tation___________________________________________tri____the gtîlus tlîelr aura of Chistmias traite. Llman G0. l'au 1 1,iifnllu Ao lu farmîug eimiulty Of Ibia vlcitlty ta o - T,,l~~-ilaauuî Vit If -1.J-46-9 Il,uud-lig attenlibllese arvic-es. May the>.farmers l'he aaaaoîî lias beaun ue of proiiperltv ou n:,I i au oo 4litliuunguhfareu us a tei fmii A Elaud »a aresait mauY ulollara are hein 9 ;g -- .. -auuaraueaflsLuIrîgiii frîi, I i ri I, l, L HanîIuii O 4 ta) eh îil h eCcHRgISforASfa.Our mrchant,.s l î,aouui, ,0". i.1ihî uuli * ~ CHRST A REN OT have langely luereiuneIl tbeir tocîs Iurtîlli I lt-u u,,Ntiuga uc.frt-iltnaaa J J .. N D1D.Iriýlt ' aticipatiu of tii> hulîalovtraul *al R uaid "" f DtalctiIulus . ..î,u tn raut tllumx",a e ll c lîi,,M AEla a- *d SANTA CLAUS OFF.l T 1 sJuii,, i «ît o-I LOVELL'S DRUG STORE WILL BE AS USUAL h.eireI.taibi> ien )rIilaseuti I1n.! iuuuaSluluul-is W .1>.FURS WANTED. e~~ M.,ra li-Iîiinnd , , ,u au , i , 'I I u e - ~ ~ ~ ~ II A~~~~~~~~~ <i ht. . Luiefiluispeuilting luiaiie4snIli h muruiai ni u ,h si u , T ehgelm re rc iIb ý;uLHEADQUARTERS Lake Foreatn rIle- e as Oledil)ap t~I,,WiîluruWuîhuhgetmaktpic ilb us îucaîie i niiua fîileat Euiuu iilu lg iik iiaiu ,pâli frci,11kind. airaw nurs. by lA, E oe lucruivubuinesu E, lal Il, iuanu laiuuu a! . tu, l îîuuIaaa aaau

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