CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Dec 1899, p. 5

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j r TUE . TH-UR. mer% e r Caaned Olives juis i~~~~ 14h. Iari eib Pae Jolitea 9 9 10 1 1 VIIII ofInrAp l lîse: tm I I ltt Crantera Prtk Ilaltr« fsi .eisy i Tubs <@.buaa-. lbans Fouuîi BisaI (oeei Tt C f('sotes il,'22 23 24 29 auag Dagbiaail hw late Logfem a moet tus 's vise Wasah ligr 29 30 Salteas Iiutler Bidg. 1 TAoi. 1 BAT.1Z& Irish os Maclerai igoda Onalers Trige 12 13 Lobtera Tailo)ra Freeb NBakain" 19 20 Caancîl Lardl 26 27 Peplir 31 Coaiut IVERY DAY DUY EVERYTHNC YOU NEED AT TRIGOS AND TAY LORS AND YOU WON VANT TO TURN OVER A EW LEAF WMXTYfAR. Trfiggs &Taylor, Llbertyville - - - Illinois. Bargrains!! IN WATCHES. * Uaving an ove r supply of Watches, 1 will seil them at a sacrifice ---dringthe next two weeks. Cali and examine my stock. CR.SIIERMANI Libertyville - - - Illinois.i Cold' Weather Necessities. Caps aGloves Mittens. Underwear Feits and Ove rsý A Good Assortment Always On Hand. Libertyville, Ilinois. GO 'l' LtVElLUA D1)IWG STO'uRE' F04 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, pefaln -y, guil, aCornus, iihtr tnsem, sîîp- Shi1.8,tbualdun llnace, ý-ecy suntllalet Ai-tlles, &RF]i aad tttinîiiy »'e bIlli, Ciscs.Pty, PRINIS, QItS, VARNISHIS. pliilI MIRS. Ii~ F. B. LOVELL, - - - - - Illinois. PICKED Up HERE AND THERE. tt Local Items ofl1nterest to Llbertyvl le Readers *t C. M. & ST. la. TIME TAULIIE. LIBIIITYVILLE-DAILY EX.BUNDAY LZAi ABIVEI 6:21 a. M.1046a . 12:0 U1. . 756S.,n' 6:e00la. .I1:4 a. 8 & mli. 6:30 P. nM. aep. M. A MEIICAN GARRIBON. No. "s. Elbtft end fourth WnîTee 5-20t'of eae inh E. W. PAnaqma. AdiI. 1900. Happy New Year. lise Mamie Gehinge, of walegau. vist homne Christmas. Chai. Kaiser and lami, yere guenla of Mr. airas parents lu Chicago Christmas. Chas. BSmith vrote à pOllcy coveriiag buildings ona Wodiiwn (Welimi farn tbie eeai. Mrn. J. J. Davis ahobam been serions- 1, 111 for nmre ime ie &gain able go lie up and about. Ovins cfof fecbouses amiled con- tentediy Monday because of the drop lu tenaperature. 0. E. Churoblil and fanlly #penti Cbritmy vitb their danghter. lir*.1 Dr. ecCnalg, of Chicago. Rl. W. Stafford remembered many of bis Lîbertyville acqualntancas Christ. mas wth a box 0f asaorted pickles. The dîrectore and secrets.ry of the Mlibura Inatinince Company visîleil Woodlawn tarin, soutb <of tbD. Ibis viii. Rley. Heuver la spending Holiday ekinb Libenrtyvîlle, enjoylug among other recreatloias the flue skaiug on Buler Lake. blia. W. C. maiaabrn vas lrouight holme froua tihe,.West side Hospîital, Chicago lest Moaaday, and le fait regalulug strengîli. Miss Wiuuie Caler received s mot beautîftil Christmias gittfrom h.rauut. Mi. Aile Whitney, <f Chicago, lu the shape of a splendid Everet piano. --lnoompleteness' cli be 1ev. Heuvers morning ibemeat tbe Preaby- teraan cbuhcb Sonday moranîg. lu the evenlng, '-A (Gond New I car mott1n.* - Harny Ualiccsy, nf Wauiegan speut Cbristmas ctI L. H. scbaaick aud famlly. 11r. Oaiiocay be ploisaI iih bis Situationu t the W&utegan electil ligbt plant Tbe usual nomber of toya cene on tle Christmai Ireat the qMetbodisichbunciu lialunday nigbt fur Wiie ijelkinlge Wllioemeato avaras tandIlu i ctb Sauta Clans. Frank Diatz sud Worth lîchernuer- hem, aemplîîyees bu Doualaîti & lune- brrys pnblishing boutie, Chbicago, spenb Chriatmas cib Liertyvvllic relatives and friand%. R. t). ltutzen citeu usn10 ciîaîge &hc the adîircs of bis piper te Biiicombe. Ili.. wchera hie bons identiv uuatel, bunt ce judga fron tise toue îîf lii conmmunicationa Det penmauentirv Christmas E. L. DuBie asbaiteîi a ccni frein bche ewioffce ipayauR off mmencho have bien empioyedin l the yard lbadumEsupplies, laîîllng tics, ete., audittt 1oknearly $3,000 Iota (Il Idn. Ueo. Scift, of Pli ian,11islahînue for tle Hoiday&. Mr. Swit la inithie empioy of tbe Earl Laldern (npaîlî, and Informeuns that concenu la mnjoy - ing a gond businena. empioylug aiolît twiny-flvî bands. It cm. buleed"itrnoniflaiee lIat Win. Wlrond abhoul by chanace apecure thei beautilul loi given acay by F. B. Loeal Saturday uigbî. Bot btt cat Wiii la&Il righit, bat cho lu lis fainîiy clii aplireclate a bui. HUnvser i cilii eep. and perhspe ibst in lb.. vie Mi. Waroul taien o!flihelmobter. It cas a jolly rocd, compmwofe elghty couple tht gathrel ai the Towu Hall Christmam nlgbt. The Ergreen Club dance cas the attrac- tion. and as gond a Ueis as not beau particîael ln for many a Christmîas. The mnise and suppen vina excellent sud tbe season cwas conuicive to good cliii, tienne the crncd cas li a mont amiable mocl. The Chritmai entertsijumeat ait ile Mtlolst, Preabytenuan sudCUlion; chunebes vire aitltangeiy atteuded and the progranois ourenIeraI. Liberty- ville aboul feet prend of ber Suiuday sccots, an d t0boear the littie foiks lu their recitationa, oborusesansd pier- cimes in te bitter appreciale the euob- ling aiad grand con hbeiug acloin plieldby the Sîinliy sehoc of todEy Metbodist church wculeopaul epecil servicesaeit veek. Mcnday nulgI lisea lviH nservice. Tiesda; night the meeting 'bll ha tîjder tlb apecial anaplees ethie oficel board Weduesday igît la for genaîs prayer andl nfofence. Tînrida] nlghl unden auspices of the Ep cortb Lengue, sud Filiy nigbt Ji unuday abool nlght. The idesa i tsalI by specimialng tbeie nightfatah respective pinsions enceruec liirasi grnter bineet lu the respectivo nigista. Tise publie la iaznestls lange te taru thîi attention t10 Ibis cent au( attenld the. meetings. Tbey ani eltriélypublic, tiacugisapeciaifued W. have Il lu oui 0cm power te maki Ilissa. meeha g mba peal ms. ThI la Moeppfhne lime and tise cork iNdisale Wm. Walrotid tnaded tbe doll cou by hlm 10 Win. Barnett for a bog. Mir. Be rt Austin, wife sud bâtie apent the fore part otîhbe eek with lira. Atn&S m a rente in Chicago. C. N.l)îînsnd Plenetertaiulug hbis inoîer, lin. Cunninghamn, utAîîdîver, N. W. ho expectB 10 mate lier home cltb hlm thia vinler. At thoin meeting Tuesiay nigbt Columabia Loilge of Myhtic Woriers eleead the follociug omfIcera Mater, Chai. Kaiser; Vice Mlaster, lira. E. licDonald; Banker. H. il. Eger; 6ecretary. hec. Wlîncr: t'ouîictor. P. Bock; tSentine], Parl iuller,;l'cket, Chas. Ling; Manager, J. 0i. Lee; Attorney, F. 1'. Dymond; ibyalîtians, àChas. (iiilocsy, J. L. Taylor. lu- stillaion uIll tale place Tiiesdsay evenlug, Jaiary 9. Vîeîtig W,,rtblavs velcome. The Preshyterian Stiuday îclîoiil held their instal Chalsmas eutertalu- ment ai the Coaanty faim monday afternoon. lThe MIsses Ethel Wilner. ~ O~fld P..d. puepirlugireilva, ordlniaCe case d Ci .1. 1j~i f l j *,i I~~~~~~~~ clipe idadct n o Md on motion of obesonnaad Cogleti SWodiueulaju, Tbueay Mud Sauday of inav. <amgg geia i om pi 0tu naifl e e. voit untU u It., notteo. Uovei bj Henb3u and Colti 0t sos.aRudos PDsfoaor b s l. Wa G. IAup50IJ, vsibIIB8O 1 a, mi$ glu..Lius sut OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. F. C. SMITH& SON' Ni A Chrtstm as Weddlng. At the home of the bridea& parents, Mn. and Uns. Charles Achen vas sol- emnlzed tihe nrrflsge of their daufihéer Mable May 10 Mr. Beijamui' H, Wool- ridge, Uonday afternoou at 4 iiclcOk. Ilev. 0. 1D. lHaver perfonmed the cire- mony wblcb bok place lu the preseuce ofthe brides@ parents only. Tlae iappy couple demined the ailsîr go bc frac of ail ostentation and choseChnimss lIme sai mont betlttiug 10 plight iliei trotb. The bride la a Yoîug lady poputan lu Llbryviles social circie and a boit of friauds Viti exteuil happy grectînga add icere wcubes that s future replete cltb bapplueasesnd blesîed of (led miy be rs. Mr. Woolntdge la noue the less knovu and esteed, a ynung min of sterling qualttles, chose application te bis &Vocation bas lu the paît as lb wiliilu the future bring him that sncceasessentiai 10 tue crnting and maintalnlug of a happy horne. Mn. aud Mns Wooridge will for the prienn eslda cltbthe brides pareuts when in tbe apring they bave plauued go eneci a restaence of their own. We. vIîh thailn mauy friands and acquaintancas desire tbe ulse in beanty good .isbimansd coîîgrestula- tîîîus. or Feit Boots AND RUBBERS, THE Slow BOURD la thse boat oem~Ii 1tion ln thse market. C LAND rAm Clana Botes sud Lens Weit a ld teI A Happiy New Yar to vou! 'W e have some very good things in clothisj malter lut charge and hsd srrinnged a This la my isdafor cvery rejuler of l hippy and enjoyable occasion for bbc the leouu'aaDEir, siranger or fiead. b u h tv r o rc s contysdepndet por.A delgbt- A ev Jeans go, chen tîli a tudent !al progaan onailtlng 0f longs sud ai Colege f lisltened 10 an addrea by rectaion w rndoedsui tenRer. Robent Collier, a t'uitrian isite CALL IN AND SEE OUR---... gifla, cindy and fruiitu were di». lu Newy tMk City, cbicb wuases bri- tribnted. Thus wa the f.amtîllsessin fui o! hlpfui suggestions to me that Boys' Reefens et $400, worth $5.00. med teeujîybue sud bei iaddîe 1IthiukIt 1cau boucatly say ébat Do Mens vercoasaiat$S.00, woalh S10.00. mi ib courty istitu busingle "cnn<n evar did me as lucha Aisa Meeting of the OliilB hi(i f reaî gool. Nm ftee ugel ,MensSusetal$1000. worth S1200. the hiodi soc Iet.couveed at the phîsed lu my owu vords. I wila Io close 'if Ln' Meeting Weiue»iday ulght sbirewiuh you. Il wewiib each othen Boys' Suiteset .12.75 worth $350. lait, a large îauauer 0f olI ierebcg a Happîy New Teri. ouglit ce net aime premené, itvas agrecît uliauim.îiasly try to do I§omaethiug t<îwacds tule These are all good goods, made to wear Wall thît the. groatent laartfeit utedet realatiîîn of thia cisb- prsetint a revival. Thisamsthe My ouiug frionds. he sui: »*l(ePle candîl bottef of cvery «mie. ila rtue iouni, lI wih (ld. Neget Dotthle ifti(If t. deep feu iaoed ail titroigblb.hechurch. ta-. . icnsntin upriver. Bo«&ig sudsus Thins hve un ur lloglaalo il' cos i., helan wi i..Hlm.ilfore ionrisc Thiga iai. ran sr noîg I b ro~athea 'rayer an ioîi ibatHe ciliihelir étime Ioicalt a hait sud met îiîîr lires mii to te-u îundri- 11i b yîir cort m'bat- Our h ne of U nderwear is cornplete. W tocard a reiecai of fait 11, Il W"ai e-r tha alaiho. a% HUc su ld bave liii mecedthugicdsy eiiî.%it e conîI do-truIl tunmer natal. boule peuple iafit you in price and sîze. mei.cod "'hi comm.tnme cuitiiflb..e volîni ot the VoIet hi liii von. 'lbeY have (loird or 0ofthe Spirit. Ilin an thii lb ie. Be calleil, vantail. Il sud are fiiy i-zjietid trou it10 hile armed la lit for.the prise, te lie, aitiheurd 10carry il oh. Ilb lmau 1aui coiiticta of life who la pluhu t0 the riliat Wteryoidoodu wii Ido mater atimlicus cîmmeucmeut. il II]lot o uiprtîtthe sort nayasia, if il la every ineaaair plan to aiteund aud wurtdîiuatali. Ji lm wortii dotng ccii. Vjishing you a Happy and Prosperaoà vboily gi- buanaeU 1t J, piaciîîg bhlum 1od noer cuit@a au ta(10 lugresiltianga self iglit with tiî,iiasd maili Fîlend I. [lc lot do thl 111e doutasesail. lDavi othraar cnaiiî il 1 îe cnvb iss'a aiKng.iait ho am O ral a îaitu 1 New Year, we are. otlirn re oinig ip o te wrkwhysiieplerd. lioci Wasl a gaintevangwsli. net you' Lit livail more togetIbr oraauîzer and edueator but liewu Irat aY urstuy and we il abîîr for the kaugdom ofrfaillful toeuler -0 a atilclans of rainged Y u stuy oun.,Loîni. li lbrcirhaaebsrefootd ..lday atolgirls. Stick 10 or job unuil yon amre una heartillJv iîted tl ui it. Thecitire botter ona. or If ion vlah 10 put I i a 11111e & C o e comnmuuity la ernestiy requestel 1to more revereutly, uaep on doing fatbfsll attend. Let uniail turc u lr facées ivastever ina do umtlieu onsliaireanisBalb. B (lue bird llnitheband ie baller Uan ten lu tire bush. tm voir paysyoaei. icar con DEALERS IN EVCRYTING je je PIC U$'S il il lard. the satisfaction derlved frn. IlIlttie lle rsetîîîlîîk atla teNevininli; dont trowoi)la oirjoli. Unee111n l'iar>itcilo mtâ h il leglitumate miasid)i et ballai vont Libertyville, -Ilio ice inft cill " "lu in"iîibl'ic tInbus liii l lion amrelnasonatuhi surevof laviug ieaan Itlîoil on lui chai ion hava. Dont Oro"a s )lndjienîlil ion geltoit. Jema spiiaed If ail ii îîîmorei-cllinug b ldo for oth thie sainie uiught chef hi suid: -B'i, o ora chiat iiîey eniect frmInI hi ies. amaious for tue monroc. for thie Mrruc Ibis cîîrlîl souiîihona îretvgoîud aaliaitsecure Of the thînss1elf tlaf. WOn pîli... î, iiue-lia. dîîrlng the day, vont faitbfiuly. con bard. chen ulght 0ornes go i) %cp. Do the "aMo Air rgon girl at a tra 1)ffor a lboar athingagaiiitomorrov mnd se ou and on. fîc nighta agi snd ciugbât a îîmîan it.ilan,,l ion dli sas-c iursei Marait dei iof auxle). If ouioa ii Lo1ubcth Now lîok otfur oiaa eiîly auiaî i o II; i <h ymaili lita e oor on bbc îric of oir iail,. aitîfuli; ion hais helim auntanion thai ail A fate octr bs helworiinng lu tiîîsa ciilcon tugthir for uîîur sood. .4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fa.Be lî ai1<,Il, t tii:1. d.have rolîr ocuneit. Ilcieur il.. ity, aml iii alIbi.. 11vlatim-Don't lue a clic 00.Uaue ix.pi chiclb crs sagfurîl"cointrscta-ieh lîlc iîîed uion ca ii aun,. *'iBoIl cuir seuihumble out 1 lic Ilote rtcirgiîîg fi-îiua $011thiure 1lao iO li, lieua..Doi't roma. to$50Riolllag ton- elsiler n, mois, lni tilts tIi $011 .conitry il.e place 1.ahout am good ai Rilgliig Brîia. are rc;îîriert tiI bave auiitiien for aiil honeit 111511 i. mata. an pirî-îacîî ianîla <rtfilîî, mo iioinit ill. tl iiita;se o2rui 1A Happy New Yeaî! cassé of Floulîla. Tbese ili aaîl, lbey wolcdîai ,lî,i-uliasaie T L U LSOES ciii uiceas amlin raieur id anîiniam.Fle thelove if neîc. Be coînttcth OAL UR US ME . Thlic iaiada are covered ith Illtich nu- oliuilthinga mai îuufias.. forilie bath siid: dergrovth sud the animaisvii bhave "I di ller "caethic. aor foréalite e.-W ihttanteifoterlbri Heoi,. 3 . A lttoeral tia-iétion frm theWewstahakhmfo enlbea cverytbiug tht tliey -oildriii lil, bleu 1L lreek hiel li., alot apote le Iis nativejoungles. I i.y cilliiho ilinved ' i iviji lot "ser lu aaî Win". have tiiee lier patronage in the paît. anid we wW llry otan iperfect liberty luekry wuy sud then .uit lit mr a is.l i 1cec formait. theaý besita deserve it in a stil grester measure ciii [le captîîred ltau te moiaier es Dunt lugraîlgo, otherm chat tiîev have naei 1,whn ato fo tei atveb ib. an îuîpoa.ia. emnbe th reare aiin the year 1900. Home. iveet home. "he goiiiue aen muîleîlswamo illlluir ine as thnYours respecthdily. ring lu itaiclà te briglite4t jeciel la 0ouîheli. ilot on poos,.senug. Whitie moulet THE FAIR. moter.A wridof trie qut nt a uUvllentt Ilîasto have anilelanot le naîtier . cri n snie hu îîî s i sîpod. lin alumie Ila otilîcevr LibertyvilJe. venrtir f love sînt lu Home lia lathe stmatedaisud n segr% minimized. The llle fbioauiof a hivcb heaven in the fruit. hast porson tht vitroll the eanîli. J55115 Illinois. nome ls the cîzietit, slîdleal. aaca.tehatvasa toor sud lic cho k, ev more thaln an?- plac in he wridthe cene (ifourbodyi cI@sasidu that the rilb caiihardli plae i îl vnldtbescelesîîfOuienter tbe Klngdoin of beacen, le. thait lb lu -pureat esrthly joya anîd oîîr lîepesî liard for te, 10 bo. guod.* If therefore aorruwa Hoe i abbec <-cerofo!iuir volîr neigîbor bis more mouy. hb.habisase affectloni aroul vlicblilîr lian mole cires snd dangers to combat. I bas no lls chaI lie.,belon vîlnilliiih hatst laes tweimi u al liy, bîel uuîi. ligean 'u Imai baie tomnilSain snast the boat place for a Ma ieul Mainliafter îosss. ion Mayhave 10 citues oved biiei b oîir-u 1oîîeubonne benoatb dut,- rosas tu the 1 cosaneen. Yoîî Mai ba"s-o cîtucas comm Diamage milita agalust itiei fir<efic- thing. thaîl ti ciaybmi hiareil mii tive aiîiiwatikg have tieon a vin ncoml- Iisses . me la hiiaî .a aoi bdortla mon tbiuag. luit their frcîjiîî-îîy le ]table '11. nier la hier iOl. te tiw esa Whou iltI h t I1 nw IIOL clmuni icl______________ tl goc t tetuî tié r(obd îîaîîy fais mîîe -City attorney lu Chicagoi lalma i. bave Anid nier soi slip il myiri wi lociellb. Initier fip mod Iliids thugthîe He Matl.e.s ce, a <o i iCross Lreek F A S 1 suprcuae coîurt bss fheild uitthebue pr-. ion1 go on îlot tnowiiig aunasjubose sidecaîka are defectuve anre t woulid not iîi iibt. , iMANIUA TNU 1 couid ralier c a lu te dr iat cii4loi Lehigh oI - hable for sut-Idamages sanotthIe City 1 'barîi alîl,, 11e iteliih. -agaiunsî cieîh tie nuit ihlas îîhe e> WV orth 10 per cent. bnougbt. lu otller veits,ify<ir aide- waula l efîctive aîid a jiericin in. lu more than any, A Detat. b jîred thereon Y-ou are bliîe forî the potîiy îyterpotttoh r daniagea aundit tie î1y or nmtni- hadscus IyCipsiby. Ths bina auo il iebooves I loft my lutfe andil lî, and I cilii lth hapeople t10look wccli tî,tiair mle.prc'vîîe a home foîr ber cbeu èahe hA soJe ga esS f vaits, foîr yeaimy gave ait expelaîlve wlin u 0louve lier prns iscaault. A lutile tiane ami mouey LFws D.1)Ki.ox.Lme Pexpenîcd in ieeping yoîr idlewali liat . lproper condition cilii 88ve yoi the[ and Cernent. a boie lîîneceisany bblgý COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS.__ Mise-LîntEfinYVELLIC, ILL. Dac. 8.u189.. G.IM. SCIIANCK, BI IiaAnle E. (innung. lyre, Muchl., Boardt met in adjeîînueî sessîcu vitb ay, "1 suffered a long lima f ront Lthua-tvvlle llinois- re agpeil longtdeail sud became veryfulbrdpen. mi ceak. Kodol Dyspepse Cure comn- Au ondinaulti, eutigled l.A Ordinance - id pieteiy cured me." lé digeste wvitl Iarelation icopi ralluganalînoad aCross aM D N L , yen est and cureesil forma cf stonaach Mllcmuee Avenue."cas rend aud on . c NA D trouble. l evin tallea grive lm-moonc(IaonalHibodi CAP TE AN LLU . i di oderiele relief in the corsi cases. mto f(l»uadHrh ri APNE N UL) le IP. B. LovULL Libintyville, j. x, nuance No. 116i cas passe. Ail voted Fie anU l. Ue iIT SBEAcENi, Gurnee; P. L. WzansAvc, aye. as kfolr A bil o B-.. . . Millt for, fo soi

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