Rà««ME BY A FAST: INSANIT? CAREO SV ABSTI- NENCE FPROU F000. Pibilphîm ang sirLdy tGo"a for port>' 4veIbuys1Wlîhont listing Sa MIni Reg I isBlance Bet. ~IUA Deprimnt SeveFaîls. rprty-&ve dais wilhoutlà partice e91 * tod, aud complete recOtery tfroui si * senti drangement.in thie ,trange andt nupreeetetd experience et a Piibdel- phia girl. Taken troin su insane asYlunt Vau anoui ut the ce ut physicians. thb$ girl nu,. ierabbî atarved t bsI ber munit mIgisi be rqtoreit andt ber ne-ves atraugtisceul. Hers i% Dot onYthlie long- eai tant os record. bat ih lu the tiratin.u e150e. of tarvation nit as a cure for lsaniti. Thevounug wmnan, viso givea ber nante a i BIcha.desîres te ibe kuowu tIolthe publie us ~Miss K." The qurerr rase ban Sàlinge ot romance miout il. The Youug tan under whose directionu, andt Iai wome slicltailOnNMigsa K.louis lise herner irtiiist. lu;IHenry RitIer. The tu-o Yoang peopie met vison botS Ver, tuients nt Drpxel lutitule. The>' bacante fas1 frienulu, aud the opiniots lu tise ueluhborsoAof uthlie Rîller home i10 liaItishe bond svlicliis inis Ie Dow iu strougar tissu triends.bip. @HOT Dv A& UAOANON G;AItD. Ohio Mau Tires Ot Cunînenient sud Make sa Break for LîbetY. At Coumbus. l)iio, Ijîarantitte huard D. I. Bcuon, shot and aou,îîlîd John Warrenviso o-ns attontptittg te escmPe front tisedistrict qiaraitlon ROfeIcoSOl et ise ganîslpox. Warren beculue tires] et coufinement sud autiespteit to lenve tise premiiss, but waa hbiteit by Officer Dysunt sud oriterei tot go iack intO tise bouts. He retugoet.te bey sud deieit lie ollcer lu stop hlm. lt tisnasrted te go ait Bynut trema orevolver snd lueS delberte sontaIbuis ead. War- rea u mmd b uie te éreI-the bal lan isbaface. Tise bulel strueL hisin u is upiter lip, tnctint out three teclil. Tise bullet spet lIal force in Ihe iiats itouth and ho sput il ouI un te groudlu- grIser vits 5,bis tndtslcontintied on hi jouraei demi, the treet. Waarren sacecdite n eîintlng Ofirer BYnuat, but le an loleolise arma et another officer and vas lian backt 10tlie tuonutsI'ue district. ____ et o oe ïibs sai uriBIYAmlance .01 NewY4w MAies~ thr, lnvba ten a 4~"m askMr. lump- oe ea the samies ai Paongin mas deale d = by alured natives hesded by Bed4lalt pulee& ta.ev. G. T. Shields and ite. uw" mere lc harge, ari es- esped. »t.'JellesoderpI and l'rot. Futterer, Gersan Govetnent acientsîs, were helM np ad robbed by brigands ln Jette. After-tiree years' work nt a nie- gle covert te ChrltlsnllY bas beho- taiued. The B,,ddhint pricts, owlug to China'. internat troubles, are la abço- lmie coKtrOl and wul inkephysîcal war on the introduction or Cristlsuily. TWO 0DIE ON4 MUIN BOATS. Excursloa Steamers sud Otber Craft IU@* la New Tork ilLarhor. l'ire linontise sbpplas ln Nortb river, at tise fot et Thîrt> fourth streat, Newt York, aeriotaly dauîaged the excursion teaimers Harveat Queen aud Andrcw M. Chureis, tiree caumîbotsansd a tell. The excursion bste mere filled wth bale of traw and hs.d beeu a refuge for tramps, one oft hm ist in believeci, set §re to the straw. The honte scoreait. In the belli of thse Harveut Queen wss fouud a bu- mn body burned beyoud recogultion. Seversi persans aino aad Ibat tbey uw a mn juntp trons the burnlin ligiter W. E. Sjualliuau Ato the river mies tbe bla w as et ita belgt. Notilg mas accet orhlm fterisard. The finauds!l Ions w»s*2=000. QUARTEIR 0F A MbLLION LOffl. isuses zinc iPlant Vertiy etroyed and Tavo Me. Kiiled. Fire wbîch started lu the uorth end of the kiluroont, destro3 cd $2W0.000 1vortb of property belouginz tu the Lanyon Zinc Coulpmny t Louyonvilte, livemlcas east of lois, Kan. The 200-foot intal lined amokeslsck teil! kiling two mien sorkiug ou the roof. Tbcy are: Jesse Matthewosud 3. B. cbsub, botb mar- ried. No onue cac was lujured. The de- atroyed buildings were thc machine kilu buildiug, conianicg four large aud ci- pensive reroastlug machines, crusher. raqua, engluesvrou sud two large Contase engne.. About hait the plant was de- stroy cd. Tise leula covered bY laser- suce. The worka entoed about 2M0 mlen. Prefers lta tay in Prison. Tao rears &go J. Dinglienno won ses teresd by the Federat Court te serve a two years' sentence in the Folsoin peni- tentlsry nt San Fraucisco and psy a fine of $2 for having e.uiiterfeltlug luis lu his possession. Dtuglienno'a termi expir- ed on Nov. 23, but hc refused ta psy the fiue sud declînes to lake the pauper'. oath. saylug hc lu cotent to remain s ,»..t'rofth . ftae h ardoof t he ..... guet Ofthe Mo.e. '] [le . ,.eu.t-ne- FAILRD FOR 02W,000- îprison bas asseit foc legai advice aa te hou ise @halîroceette ejeci tise COutict. Bioel-HilmaDry 000eoits nfîiiy ofet .luis Asigus. Sqvallowe Mis Faime Teetis. Tise aliegeiibluan Dry Gouit. Cet- Oseofthlietout pectliar accidents ever pauny, wvicepoiat a arge depirtinulrecorde in luOntario happeneit recesilY. store la t. LouAs, flied saiteeit ottrust Theoitere Heaths, a Yotung Catiscaritan, te sconva aJlil»lucreditiors lu tise sut o! aSile Catinsg is i tnner saaloveitbis *30,00. The amounulof assets in uDttaetoi-lb. Tisroe physicians ver. ral Made publIc. Thomas H. McKittnrik of cd, andt decideit ipou an operation. Heaths tise Hsrgasiue-MieKlttrid Dry Goudteies. eut opens sud tise leelh rernos-ci, but Comm». one of tli eiestîrlcreditiorsise diet trot th ht-c-k. vas saamcd as trustee. Ra tout Imiasdi- to charge of lie business and ill -hiCon- Kasîra Collicra Stite. diame l. About 000 refitolrs are mon- A teike began tise ulse day et the tiss-aSt %oue lu prefevavit. Beaides Hyîde Part andt Oxford, Ps.. collerles *l agdilucMKttrc Dry Gouda o! tisa D., L. & W. company. Tise driv- Cmpay tiheStcavicrediiors arm tis ervent ot atton mating Saitemnutfoc ProAis National Ban o; nt. Louis aud JIU incrense et 10 cents per day, maklng thse Con Excisange National Bank o!f5astage acde ot $147 per day. New Tor. _Gaz_ ag an an sd Blowuame.e ]ratai pu ia'utis a Mstet. Tbcee meu enteveu tise packlug estab- Mage Dreyer, the 14-yes-old dautghlî ishment of John J. Dausue. 980-88 West ten of John Dreyer, vas uto ansi kiled Lake streel. Chiciago, gsggcit antd oer- at Topa.s Kan.. b>' Mrm. William Tsi- poscere thtie nigbt waîciman. Jacob Kos- lo. A nnenut ofchilitren. luctudiug bu-at', beu open tise office-entaf nd es- Megla Dreyer, er. ai tise Taylorhone caeprit îts$250. piayug IlS opgua, benMca.Tayor, Caban Cabinet Quit.. me~ug isa aie bitsuttbig uaI oubt Iai. Gen. WVod, Govecuor o! Cuba. beattiscr poguus pieet u au It anisuarcepteithlie resigtîatiou et tise ient- bal vbci he celtetuli tsebrget.bers ofthlie Insular Cabinet. Tise mee Tig nteba t so tîr ieg irl s eiyl rcmaiu lu chiarge oftIheir offies, breasi. hevever. iutilt tieir neceessors have broui Ilecdes fer tie Slcikcc'u nanet. Jotge Morris in comtes pletto courti t Mcm Sanderaun -Net Gulty. Toled ituiislvei thle iijtttetion uginst AI Marshsall, Mici., tîte jury in tise case tise Bicycle Wortera' Unions rtraiuiug et Mr. auterson, churgetl sitis kiting gtiklera trot patrolini the tandard ber buaant hi stmieisterlng grount Tube suit Fortaite vonts sud secosting glassau Is t@ ond, returueit a verdict et andt intimnidatin emploies o-ho tookt tieir ntgilolgtt. places, The court beli thtisIties trikers Tvo Coudet Cars Cllîde. hait n rlgbttle kcep plcesoabout thue Tare eoatteitroley cana came Ato mrorts unitte tilkte10 oroknicn andI urngecollision etaI lathuisisand Fifttbavenues, tisentel cote out. Brooklyn. Mini Versons stere Injura-i -ExprenssPackages B.eueit. and oothing stîrtb otantieniitg sas lotI Tihe traustor offieut IbheVUnitted iateà ot ither car. Expre-ss Compasny lu St. IPaoulsaas par- Fa-oues Planiat IlesiL tti i etroîcibt>firee.snt 3,000 packs- Tise deatis la aunouncedet ai t. roîers- agra ocre testroyet.'T'ise Iota ii eti- ars ut Cb$atier Antun te Kontaki, tise matailtenbbuin tise nesghlurbood tof $10,- tabous piasIst. ageit 82 Yeats. He o-a. 000. tise author ut the relebrat saont, "Tise Former ioshi u î.aî. .tatenlug oethIeLýieu." Tise reidener ot George Iluttcect.. a Cave-lu Imprilsons Minora nealtis>'frter, olue moiles wstof e New A cuve-lu lu the Ligisîner mine, Ange- Abany, tut., mas robbed o!$1030 les IuCamp, Cal., Imprisoned tourn teelia cuet -aas saulteit aud serieatoly Surd asope un the 300-fouIt evet. John Whlt- Blooitiounud failei tet trace tise rltbcrî, ten, a tiubermn, au -s tlitez out. Tiscee Neuroes Lynriseit iy a Moi. othors stere Jet intpriuoueit. Tue aegrues, MOU Martin and jrs, isk DuigisI L"Moodi fleuit. West wn-rchuchbet onulise Bakers ecreek D. L. Mooity, lise famnua evaugetirut, bridge, uet of Bolton, Miss., for tise tiei t asai Norîbielit, Mae. mrtar et Milton 9. lHaire. Tise former bruite dean a&irelateit tien ol o i ry>. MARA TnATXoN5 Viva KIl-elaA a Wrck. A speewai rou, Potoun. Cal., sas- Chicago--CattIe. Commnu eluprime, Soutiers Parei&traiva reckeal $3.00 te $7.W0; hogg, ahippiug grades liere.. Pie ipele re tilleul ant tan>'$3.001t0 $4.25; sbei-p, tair te choir., 8315 njureit. Tise "aia usomptete wreck. te 4M5; viseat, NO. 2 rt, 00e te 467e cors, No. 2, 30e to 31c; neta, Nu. . " ia Vles la Ohio Town. t1023c; rie. Ne. 2 52e t 5 -.Ibalter, Fir. braise est ilu tr isanlîier>' store t choIe cemer>', 24e lu 26c; egg, Ouas. Rock Cree. Ohio, sud the tillinery, Oiet lu lS; polatocai. cisoice. 38c ta 50e JevelrY and dltmg stores, potollice sud Par busel. tciapioeexcisaugo er consumait. Iadianapla-Catte, sipplug, $3.00 tu $6.50; bog, choice. igisI.$1010 o$425 IUM ea Bletu s Trais Wrec iseep, Commun te prime, $3.00 ta 84.25; A êtae vi on utle engluerethle ubeat, Ne. 2, Metlu70c; Cor, No.2 local tala frht Les Angelas, Cal. Caus- vite, 30e te 32e; oats No. 2 viite, 26e eda s "vucWlah"icsbr@e e penons ere to 28re, kilie andtwiec1i>'oue Ajureit . Iol-Osile. *$825 te $7.75; bisg $&W ta10$425; aep, $8.00 10 $4:25; Iratbui11i1&s a Relative. vist, N. 2Z 70e te 72; corn, No. 4 Waiue Reftlelit, mea et M'se latfielulîeiluu, Bile o33c; omIs, Ne. 2, 2Me te emi WPicet 9 DcviiAuse" Ilstieid, 25c; rie. No. 2, 52e le 54e. 0" 0sué lli.t aus5. fatlelit.sonaofet Clcinai-CsItle, 82.W0 le $6.W0; lane lu« Orei, Tise uhooiui ocearre in l *300le 4.5; secp,$2.50 te *4.U>1 c1ell0p mue alste t Mtvsu. W. viset No:. 2,7e lu 7ic; cors, N.2 VL WAY» MS O& lathie murderer, os- mxit 35 3e; eas, N. 2 misai. 25e 01110 alaith ie moullas. t 27c; '.No. 2, 62c to 63r_ o- end n CuDe.toî-fC&ttAs8 2.50t10$6,75; buso ,~ W lloi DmiluCiaris $3.00 te *4.25m; seap, 8sa.11W>tun$425 etelrteutwieat, No. 2 70e te 72e; CorsNO.2 Oiie sauupes te t atis lili yelov, 82e te 8t;cInel No. 2 visbite, 271 âho.liee asiug ils tise io 21c; rye 56e te me. visan mie tell fortsart. Tolaio-Wisst, No. 2 mlixai, 09ce t - eulecnusé Ipatis. 70c.eru, Ne. 2 mixcit, B1c te 33c; uals -5 ~e . - .N. 2 utxed. 23e te 25c; rie, No. 2, 54 SswUe in *bc"l ieia. te SO; ecvr seat, $470 te *4.s0. Wb MareburnaIte demS, Miuwaukec-OVbeat, No. 2 nortise uhiciluset- OM là MC;eOru N. 8, 3le tg82c; ost p ete fatal, sué No. 2 vite 24e ta 26c e y.l'N. 1, 5N Im.severahyinSut tu e. cbiavic, No. 2,43e la 45e; puti - -asvpet ti .mn. 19.75 tu $10-25 r it aIQuinci. Duffel-Cetie, goodmiippn stem $8.00 te *.75: bom, commua ta Choit * - *8.1te ".0; ueep, tain lu cholce,8.0 ItSiis AeSi»0.0;ambe, commua te extra.,4 rock, s»- te & liteow 1 W$06 l.e.25 " telL7.s 1h. l O, 8 > 703;,mm .Ne. th gol Ir, ceelviita l. tM I -'me-. me ~ ~u. -qt rani Ploseer Presa PifRISH IN r.STOHM. £ARTI4QUAKE8 IN CALIFORNI. y Taseti-oue Eugleh Nelore Lusse Tieir Masy Tovn@ on tisa Coast Beverely 1 Lises. BShken by HBrr>@bok. lu s terrific tormi the Britishistiedn- Christa îocslug ut 4:25 o'clokase sip Arinos asas asrecteit ou Diaiaouitver.e carthquate visitait Botieru Cuit- t aboula, off Capte lbnttîcas, sud lo-culi- forain aud renaudetensiuve dîsaster. Ai fi ose ofthlie ccc, stece srownuci. Hait Ssn Jacinto. a tome lu iversId. Count>', lbeî remained outs lise siip outti tishe lise he eacemeitotehave haitlils cener. Tc asters anieceedeit in nîaking sas,,uneetlon Ttlesmteit taeîre seconda only, but the W frou lise sore lu thei- arek ail moult qverity Oas great. AItishe Bsboda lu- & have bei-n saseit. 'lese apin nuit igist dieu resersalinu six squars were tîbled C mon cemtalurd on tise boat tilt a breeches b>' tslug matis, lasu tatal sud msuny t bî,oy n-as rlggeibuop anuittiseY ece suteit. serionsby lujuced. The tain aObock mas1 Tise twenyoouteson iso chose lu isk precedeit hi a land. roarng Mondtans to their file lu the sbip'% liteboît store awsteniimsma at bu t ln Ime tae ecApe 1 drowneditbetaseeu th1e vessie! asdlise trot t ise doomueitbuildinga. Tise buainrsea ahore. street was ,urh a wrckrtlous of debnia Tise Arloslo, 2,2e15tous lnet egisier, 'issita10bu romovrul before hlins lurounît gailed tfrontatialvesoonbonl]fur lHeut- bu entereit. Orer $50a,000 diamage la es- hautrgia Norok, svlire ste meaut t t inîteil il San Jacintolo s et lemit. ne totîci fon col. Ii-use tsg hba prevailed a saI tewnunear by. At tiseluIter »I off Ibisroasit fer* se erol ta> , aud, ai- pace lise largo tourisi botllwnas hsIldig tisotîgi it liftedttheis tlbfore, h 11,tdamsgeit sudsieno the hompitat at Sansi believed fihet tise .sip liait urevioutiybhat Jacluto. The rear aralofthue Jolisutou n hec bearingsansd guI ton close ilusthuer. boek lu Henîit teti. Fortnuat0-l no peu- d ooue efler the Ariesto sîeuck tise wateassnsas injurerd ai itisor place sait fracnasu Aegan to roll os-en bec, anditlweuly-oue la tsown. ta meu of ber creeuIsunchted t iree of ber Olher placesece tli- Obock wax se- boutsautatt iempteit tu conte&alluore. serely teli more Souls Ans. Anio bdHo Wiiu plain sîgist ofth1e valcisers. lu- Bernardina andt Riverside. tio-oeir, ne p ctîîiiîg the crewa ut the lfe-saatig sa- heavy damage la reportait trotsoi ut lions., wio stouul upon tise beach. powter- thons placea. lu Sata Ana dursis of Tenusa tbielp&hin,îth ie bous' crewsstabatSlda arreaimat noVoit trouinliseir botte, Isoerlites. One stler suollier tise îiree vdocks mre sioppoit sud brick u-alIs of bouaIs ounderedith l- evy aras. Not seversi buildings vore badîy cracked.tu oner ucesedn tr-cing the shore, mait Peuple rouseit front thoir boita. vuaiscitot Slot one outhIe occupants escaped it sthelietareola, aomn t uIoe nigist ciothins. bis lite. Csptain Baines anu it gimou, cuit rentained up ulli dalgbt. Tiseti lise remaînder et tise thirty aboarul theo*bocs i errfitî 51 eîc, butlnoute-r veasel, etecird lu reniain sisoac thlie shlp clous damtage va reporteAit IVeMturs alter aihe *truck, sud Ibissauveit their bouaea more itamagr d liste sisuet vas lites. foîboweit b>'a igis vînt suit ieaya"c. ta itrenuoîîs efforts wccc maitle iy tise Tise ieavicat earthquate eter kiow u cres-oruthlie HatterasansuitOrscoke lire- uccurrei t ahuieimi. Il latit toeuasc-t sansing stations tu asse tise iniperiled mles ondeandsuittsaviolent front tise begin- ou the Aioâto. After acterai ineffecîsiat ning. Lodging bouses vers emptidand a el efforts te aud a hl nhnl tihe domnettise treets sure Ilicil sitis aiivering sbip b>' iriug il frottise gosantiqre, l people. A attacher et buildings were mas acconuplaboi. A lino amis reeeierocket, but nserions diteag beiedoue, b tise sîraudnit steamer aras by tiloue Tise rouai>' ospillnt Boaer uadat-N &board mide fasitu lishe mont, asdthtie ,get 4>y the cartsquase. 'heisctobct ai- brecch u>ot oftise Ocracote sation';atutalhoot RHemit te piecos. Tissirama rrest vas senl out 10 îthe sip ,by Captalu but lau chines left in uovu. At lied- IHowart. Soon abote tise boumi e sia slanda tise sObockis ie one minute suit tinlun te bnîy tltd ashure un tbe lite a queuater. liue, stiile aitit ubiera arose frent tiitu on silpatnitshsore. PICTURE 0F WARS IORRORS. c FTY IcJOWN 10 BE DEAU. laucdent et Boer Strugale Whete I LisI of Vitimesaof Brazuell Miue Ex Lauicrn pesaeTvo Berghsema i îloviun le Ver>'Lage.Tise soosmpauylu g intrulion. tic l Tise borror tf thse Breznili mine ci- spearing o! Ivo Bora by su Enslis plosion sean l<rosssasille, l's., lan-erre lancer, briaga bcfore the cie a vivit ic- thon irt csliîistî-d. Tueslci mornlng ttue rcutaur's borrora. The incident, tise nuaiber out eda-sît keownu tei, ahicis occurrei t aIEiinitlaagte, nearv os t~rfurîr.Ladysmitb, onus sel-heit hi au artisl et Tiseexplostoîn s terrifie, andt was tise Ilustratoit London BNu-s. lu Sieis isearîl pliuinl3 at Bros nus ilte,' four titra publication mc are initebteit for the pic-V disnt. Th ise sa:,uaft wsas totll>' turs. Tie description reands: o-reckt-it andI rend.ts ed helîslesa. About 'One of the Boerastond teins outil tour casges o e iitait guise downtu ------ >stock. Mr. Thisa, dtsecugentan, on bic t osrth tritp, was s-, tl - ttbollen itbil totlrtee-ittisn. al ote tisethesignal fort lih-e age te rite, abes tise explosion oe- curreit. 'Tle eue- was s.,Isuonvitster- rifie terce ote ise oth ie siatt, aud tell bock to tise itIesss, siuplttrly block-- lot' acrmsosthe in, -Titubesra sacre Suri- cd isundreds of et;l the louer ring ut biie stock in ue sisfwanacomptteli n reckeit,and i isd tub,- tuunetei to gcc lîto tisermine nt ut'. Trhseexpltosion sas, cuoseit by s miner's n-,ted igist î-oning ijto contact aits gus a lin aroulisashere nu gas a as aupîioand to *xt The1 'is tippic 'ais wreckei andtihe a )suildisgs user tis, fan sud lise englue wire siatterei tu te mîsîters. Tise tros wotk attdise bollusît ut tise saft vas twstled lu ail imatgsisable shapes, iellilug plutnty et tise sst!si force oftfle explo- sion. Immediatoly fulwiug the musc et file indergroundiissinuo blackt dsmp pouret ouI ofthlie il mouli, Iitiig cuffocation sud d itlî te tiosewouwoult glaillihaliste ueeand suigee lutise ces- CT Eou vWAu's ,onnaoaa. eue. A tcmporany cage vas riggcit Up tise cavalry (Firthi Lancera) vere vîthin ei tise sic aiait atti resclirs vent clowu.n-col>' yards. He then jompeit Up be- A gbantiy algis inîoltisein gaze. Mungledl lit souislev Boer andthtie Brillis con- bodies acre touait ou ail aites. The tise porsi rau balthisruugh. Tise lancer, niso loukeit lite a total aret. Tise roareuers rouît noi ss'lhdray bis lance, watt short- pusiseulon asson tourteen mon mccc 1>' itterwand i ilei." tîken out. SaBo t lese mre itylus, îpplementiry tlufilb, il may iebuasd sud îesiy al arre isribly misgbied. usai Accordlug ta Britis aceunta lise Fine brok ututhlie mises, asuifAtas>'lancers inspire Streeit ear &auxngthe orthtie mon tili tisere vere alIte tiser.Barre. Tic latter stand viile aud arllI- v; as eser>' Indicationt iut lise>' oult bu 1c>' r m ch tise compeur. ut teterana, 2 uffocatei b>'scantille and tiseir bodies but tise I t lite eiartlng lancers. leburucit. _____ îit idelong &peurs pointeit towaru tise Ta MONOPOLIZE DANKINO. iheurt, demuralilac lieut. GetCentrai Fînanclat fouse la id t4 eat te Be Pisuued. j WAR NEW$ AN BRIEF.R 0 A Bru- York dispatei s a £ ront ~ I, inancint istuatîlluiotabu rallithtie Na- tionaIlBank te tis tlit States, or tise ixîy-îvecases ut entenl eterceare 2 National CUIitd States lBant.la fout-ra,- e fo adsih 5clot. Tiec biet lata bu a consolidation prettueLdstts efthIe National Cily Bank sui thte Han- Bitoiauxa offirera andt privâtea continue over N atlouai BatktfNew Yort, buthts10juin tise Boer arn'. of olulcis .ai tted, are conîrolcit by Britlis cenaureit reports sa>' oîly 400 2 the Rockefellerc, sudi a cmabbr oncern. weuntei t a Tugela river Frits>'. lc Tii -usolitled iuatitutionil a 10bc, si- Prom'laeoftutes e BoothubRider crdits, to prescrit past, tise centrai force WiITbe u clowvn tu10,000. o müsnitîy ipoaer ofetiiUnnit buSttes. Ser- Cossu Doyle, thse nevellat, bas volun- reine>aryf lise Treatur> L.yman J. Gage, leereit for South Afrîcan sevice.. 4c t"fer bis retireclluteont lise cabinet, la ta lic-iuw'thse biettise hat.Cape Town udvIces alas fise Boers are 'it ilTe National City lanaiccoring tu messin« a girent turce nt Stormburg. i, te diuî,cts-i, la no uas-îcctcaby waisa is Freucis press express sympatis>'fon tu pnltseeio ato helieIls-bein u act, <e. BlIer lu is ilesgeld itigrace. t fisc rlinîucla> agent ot tise national 10v- Lord Buburtaitenouneces aiuntro. mIe- eenntent. 'flic haut. t saia, lu suptport rira ut diisoyubly amont lie Iriah trooie. 0r f tibis auiiption,. titi-ilas tise reociven h mrasdthe le hf en f tise tiotersii-ut o! the nînue>'psittis nbi u ie inLn 10 tise liuereitit hy tise Pacifie rail- steamers bave been ehatereit a trans-. '00 rands: il actît os-Ise repreu-enîtive ut porte.. .0the Ghevertneinlutise payaient «thlie Qiiecu Victoria enlertalueil on uec. 21,~ qui e.000,0lOtu Spanîîfor lise Philippine Ai Windsor Canie, tise vives andl visi- 0,Islans; t Sha btise favored national itceu of soiteien S outs Atrîca. d iepostnry otf(josecument tuts. bStlug Thse Bitishli unudeit visefeu lotslie .2 ontrat ofoo-fitii ufail lie Gevemut Sou, blandsa&t i betusag have IsMM mancîn depoallet Anait tisa isaet the ressovai t, urgherèdp.tes afil W, a1 erg pre wu Re tio du eh, gel er thi IqE an tai ou liv cal mg w de, pu A. st au rk I er in Wkum Isd" mm Sentis ASsie. thIe >vifi Triai, Polituis lmBeitwi usaine. Detis isaiDe- etructom bari ires Wied 9"ane@&O linir causes bave comblia I0ma"e t" meear INO a rathercentarbabie ose. t u opeanngwa& aigualisea by tlials mmaeder ofthtst aIvestigc Of ber mov- eregty ntîlutise western bemlspbere;lis preresau brougbl forth the decléatlou of oir belmeen Englasd and the Trausy"a R epublie, sud lse close lestes the*@ us- ti eus maiti cugaged inl a blodicontent. t' motiu resaîtitnluimportant Political c auges ilàS outh Africa. DurInt tise ei tise fishtlug belmeen the natives anud Uniteditates troopa lu the PViP- pnuasibas continua ansd the star la jet on. Otisor events, amide froin 'arfare, tisai ave occupieci public attention to a greal- o r or leuu estent have Wue: ligulug et Jthe tresty of peace wltb Spain; settie- n qeut of dimculîlea u Ic eBamanulai- aide; trial, conviction sud pardon of Cap- ti n Alfred Dreyfns lu France; aner- oeus large ores tisaI have destroyed Mani tirtes sud murs propcrty: toruadoes liaI c mmcii dîsaster sud deelis et Kîrville, Mo. la April. aud at New Rlohmond, W ian, lu Joue; cverai fatal sislpreckd; d esths et proineut men, amoug tient Premveednt Felîx Faure of France. (jariret A . Hobart, Vice-Prealdent ofthle IUnitedt S tatas. and 11oerl (0. lugersol; grVat tract car stylike et Clevcland aud labor flts et Pans sud Cartervllle, 111. A brlef ebrobolugical tranocrlpt et tise cmasevenuala givea below: Jaàuary. 1i Spalu reatona soverelont y oser Cube. 4-Týrain briO up sud robbcit ai Maconth I. .Pene eniywitîh àpain lulroduce.i In tie Bassin. S--ourteen permons killed sud toriijht 10-McCuy lefealait by Be aHe Yor.... lever. rien ls CaîforolaNe il-Pire aîi Mempis, Tas., deuiruys eholesale drq guaul bouse of J. S. Menkla & C.., sad causes 61500.090lom..... l>esth et Cougreaenau ingley 1Nie C4llihhrt AsOcla stuksaet Tacomia euth ier eutiacruor mutoensue 1Z-Death ut JobsIRussell XYong, llbvsnls 1S-l)a"%trou$ oud at Ctevelaud. .tievnt cosul S gs amoa. ejeetefi trou Su. rene te Cpourulbsug by Amtca aud idtait ceas. 20ý-Saab at Arthur, 111relbbad etf$11,000. 21-itaetýh.q" ke peelpsns u - taiao.U. ee..M assace ofspaia ut oeca hl alives ai Iiabse, lal'ihlUp, pue. 2-Ose brudred lhousaud dollars lainage leme byar Sets1Johastous, Pas.... Adellus Pal sndiRanme Cedecaraom arrleit ai Bre- ;-Ez-Attorn.y Oeuvrai A. H.Garîsant lies auddeuly la WashinCt . nrtma il anSd% tis. Chas. n sKa ugiliy onder ilIColdusse ovth ie West; 13 degres seio em seAtaIChicao W-T«o nOra.d thssad dollar lattice Farda IrelaChicago. FebrueT,. 1-Seves perstns pccl.b La ssowatlde la Rogers ls.i Il. C. 2-4110.000 are lu Columbue, Ohi,1.lu ubleh manyore IDjord. .. . Bnniugut tihe Suck- tnmThealen, Loîîleviiie. Ky. 8100,lB0Ora"taPhitadelphts. 4-iBtio hclesu i'lilpino. and Amecimesu i Mnsi,&a....Mca. flotblu ceceises, lite oea- teur ocmonter ...JantesA. flesîn.Coin uauder-ln-eblef G. A. kgl.Oies lu Washisg- tou. a-Làai detachaient or Mpeulsh army lasses Cuba ... . Death utries.tCit uCaprisl. former Chancelier linfiipce. .. . P*ce tresU ratifiat by l'ailed SMuleas Muala. 8ý-Masito b MotaIetWlinipeg borna: tons 10,0....Eleveu business boumesbars lu Vrairie d Chien, Wl. 9--Tweity-nue degrees lrlow sera at Cet- ego; oldeet d"; Ia turniy ais ynrs... o0000 re lu Frout alcet. News York.... nise bualusesa bonacsetaIHeringn. Kan., »0-Explosion lu Boiler Slore Worts. Iamsalueld, Obi. . cususa$100.000 fi.... Kelly Block lu Clreeand borneasé 55 13,- 000 ... .1200,000 Ore lu Toronito. Ont.... Americsu iroope capture Caloocan. It-Troops under tGen. Miller tase Ililot .. uEgagament oulside Mldalu ubwinb ElUinunare drives bark. 12--Twenty-four Itlien miner*and fanti lies periiinb la aulîde etStIve1r Plume. colo,... . bMclorrabook store lu Chbicsso boras: las. ..09.. .. Seveulsea Ulampe womeS burued lu desth at laublas, S. i0. .... Report et Wac iusstlgalUDg Bosrd mate publie la Washbington... .<Great ares la New Yort Clti aud Albany, N. Y. 13-Dihgby. N. S.. aiment wlpd01hi Or. BlisasedIt he EstI nSouth. 14 $50.tO ae lu manntsctunlig district of Cincinnati. . .. Borains ot mauufacturera' avareh.use lu Chicago; lts 81.000,000 là-Muchine obopt la Brokln AVYaryard le-tlc)ath of Ni. Fris Faure, Presîdeut af Frauce. 18-limite Loubet choses Presideal ai France.... Iltats lu Parla. 20-Pire causes $5(10,000 lbuAstsPlort Waah- laO.Wln. 22Cty ut Nantis Oired by Flîipluv. Marris. 1-Death of tord liecahell ta Washl, ton .... lSagone isulttcy resigos e aI sett 8--Georg eweey nmade .aiuAdmira] tîy Pre.îdeat MeIlutley. 4-Cougreasadioscos. 0-Otacin deairoy. lIte snd pcopecty ln Fast Tence. .ew mlatatry tates of lie ut Madrid. ... Terrîlir powdec e1ptosiou i La iouran, France, khIIl. slaty ?praus 9ls.T. I)eWttt Tatinace reaigna hi. Wasbiugtou pastorale .... Baille betweeî Antericaus sud Csîîadlasou Poccuptu. River. il. C. il-lie.. Miaim, . orn-adejioscd trou comandui ty COuaaeî. 13-Pat.s captoccd hy Aterea topa, Cuderasding reacheit ou Samoan affale ...derbert ilutnsu. utf Boston, appointes Cougressionait ibracian. 10-101 shotaulu neg ccaet PatIntto, Os.. .Iestbof dito .ZaepMedili.... lvse tlilcd 1o alceet cIl t t aotSpriugs, Anis.t ecîlus duot lu Ni. Lentis cesuilîs deutb of ls.o men ... .B. P'. Iutchin o. wbest operatur. direai Lake Geneva. Wtis. li-_Pe trealy gurd by the Queeu le- r~ eu Stpelo ... . Wiudasr Motel humaa t au wtYort wvith guet loaaet lIte. 18--Fatal Mot lu Haveut. m0Ma anislacaeialctrocolcd as uer lu Litl ive1,r Count, AnS., uheca muninegroeusams lachet. 23-islletoaTanue ccowued King of Sa. MOm. 25-Opeung o f sblp cana! ai Port Arithur, 27-Bucning of Artour's frit wonbm ta Chi e3L-Aneresa sund Brittsh usrshlps bom burdBatrve toufis lu ....... . Blublug lbe steamer Mowens Lee, lu the Mislp baie* Cacuthertlle, Mo. 80-Oqs budtd and tuanty ires o10.1bj ahIpuracis or passeuger steamer Sitella la tob lualiseb eanuel. 31-F%11 or Matlotae... . l500,000 are Ilust April. .-Eleten fBxes btou 0boraIng 0f WRIllsc Andraus caerdence lu NewY ork. 9 eath0orjustice S. J. lField. retirai... Seveutean tisesretutby be n t0f0au i Vo T o ellowstoneiive15r a u<Jludît 10-Bleven perms kbilleitlu rdot St Pana 11U1nois. 11-cixebauge of pene ireaties wltb 80pa1 ends the sitei.of nr ... . reek roasterns ris punks off Tripoi ulth ba08Offtn-Osv lire&. .2TMenty-thrdeeCrow Indiens deossus, la IomnSeidan. Wîe. 9BTeaedsi te parts 0e t@OelDe. b o wea a"d Ne BaU . ... See 1= 111 hl=la atrain ureeotOsers Waterlms oo, lune. 9-WReaiuvet a Gnasvc. n.. 5effilles dfa tV ltsan et aieriml a lIu tort ICI, Wi.idr M bs taraua, 1500 pensons beug IlUe~ ..DOMa nllis esi IParts. ISieimNeh.. iostroiedlbis sauras. lThcesportants deowuefdilastat boet accident ucar %ai,- rssi.. .rwlce BaineC. ie B. a" , feecommilIet arganuaiil 1 500. 29-Daetb ut B. a. Plaut. 20-Niae lites lent lunveek 0f 4etlli Margaret Oitli lu Lobe Hile. &WU=t» fsolude lu Frimce...--.W&iisit aI lmaeiMils. Pitisisurs. 28-DixastroueaRonds ln Tae& li'. 5--Doats of Blashe J. P. Neumm. ê-Detbof sioBee onner .... Ordet 55 onet toc enilsîlelitet tn es filueuls ftctu 7- Ileluath01George W. Janse n anll-slavery leader .... LUndellJ4te., coin, Neb.. borae. I-Stctt lsite lusuguriela 5Biras 1'. N. T. »S-asignation of . A. Ager. Secielaq et Wa. 2i-Daitis of Robert O. IngeesoîL 22-Elihu o ot »endlas SaceLar> et WU, ..Teegrsp is esgers mtinis.at Clate. 23-41.000,000 logseb buruilaget C., M. à D. elestor ai Meut Voledo O0 e 20-Aguasaiton et % =aleutDIua Ilcoreasa of Sas Donago. 27-Deatb et A. LlLutenitauJouaI, DL, prisos. 110-Tuppee Lake,. N. Y.., ulpefiont h re. 1. Elihu Sud, et Neu York, suons la W SýeraofutWer. c--Thlntyr.e kllefi sud luelve 1Animai la Iroll arreeideut oserelarfge e ea ...L5iliaieof s terry mîîp aiet aibsi. Mc.kiliita Ieutiîpersons as uates tissu olbers. 7-Dr"e trileal begius AIticoes. 1,Frane.- 1&-Mi. Lahoci, oennami ton CaPt.Dreiua @botai aBrennes. 2"-reat riet lu Parle. 21 SBumînas portion of Vîicor, Colo.. de- etroyed by Oie. 2e-Cbleffo Colmstframework cOillspe tllitnaggaisemen and Sujarng u auras Oe. ieptember. S-Extremel> bot vombelatu ceffe tbemometer vegilers, 9 degmees 5-lOtI>' persans laJU e a nelos nMlie S. ilso. Railsl ai Caneuwistlle. Pu. 9-UmpI. At e .eyfum contavfi ai em o! hetCaronnas Vniubit 15 Trust couterance bellisa lbnaC5l 17 S5ever n.grses tillef lu ntmade flot et Corteesiit, il...Duluthof Chas. A. Pille. hucy ot Minneapolia. 19-C . tu@fospardouct. 21ý-PiAsCbicaa ocataiirdst Um 28-AdmiraI Deucys UagsblP. thé OIWI- pi riaivvs la NewTort. Îà-Dewei msaiiparade in New Tort. S-,t.000.00 arc la Big leur deo a" 5 umahouae et Cncinnati. Octebec. -Praîtfestival lua(.binsgo. 11-War la .gsI outAac. . . For- mai detratto laf useoth. A nes. 12-PFose tboasmutpersons kW" iedbMsali- quaise lu Cecansl Mîlacca loi&"& le-Columbia arin$ orsirace fer Aneras» e17 -Columtbia Wine second rae., Sbamnet beilIdîmileil b>' bneetgof topee. ZD-Caolmhlins isaibd ae.. Serd. fcalculet1 leuce@. 21 Engliab detet Barreset ainaidslsagte. 23-Baille s lue .Boothb Atci4l, 24-Boerscaie.f itl.dysmitb. 2al-Dresib e» a. ouy y. Heny. 27-Iteati ut Florence MarnyatI Baguai ne- Briti-h badîr ulfetedin sdeaperste hosta ie tLadysiait . ... Fescyliomst asb le North iser. NewYtort. aSdtieses t.t Novembec. &--jefnriesdotent» Bbatey lu New Tarit. 4--Auien Bt SeeI andlWiree q0m plant et Waskemu.1ii1.boras 7-Cnusav Chaleaongocstashore et nothuesi coat of .loson. 9-Admirai ieurey sud NMe,. itlitreit HAMe weddrs ln Waslstou.... Joubert hogisu bombardaintuofetLad snillb 12 lMaljolJohnA. logis tllled te batil la Philippines. 21 l.eath ut 'ile Pvasident U<Jart A. Hoibart 2-.tnItýtisi di-eat Boers lu tard battileta ýI)ealb et George i. Davssetorag Dilrec iic tenerat ut Wori' irs Pie e te 27 Dealtb of Charles Coghian. the seller. 2W-Boers defeteetlu miasea cgagfemat os haubs ot Moduler River. 29-ltuetout Philadetphie, business boume hucrnd:los 1,000,00. liarember. 4-rFttly l.tb îgc.s pins. 6b- Iieàth ut4tinalor ibsyward ot Nebsss. 6- i>let cîllnaig eomurderer. huraud aI lie tate oat IMayas t., Kyt. to fbergT.i.tvTb w saluerain tllait bi ga ex. ploa umine at carbonado. Walm Il Brih sonuen gestlnes la engage- Me-at vusitoc.n, 5 aesoi 14-lieu. Baller bauliy deesed b>' Recm ta atlempllsg la cross Tny<elm River. 1 Deissh ut Tics. M. Brumbylias lien- liesa..t I1. N.uacabîp Olympia. 1%,- l'trrrtîey billi passirdlis love as .uua of Cagreca...... LacîCtemenl ou Wal ateint __ll tel.tactUtc tstt,g 19- îleu. lienyW. Laulou tlitefi betoni Suan ieo. 1'. t. Wisi Plahes Ac illîpperi. FIis of almoat esery ort ire, vissu mf ross entiglit. slippery unit bard lu boIt. Thils slptorrin"sa la diseie1a sosri of mucus exudedtiroîtgh tise seule, aud la ufthtie greuteat Importance to stil alimi creuture',. dOne of!hImp lîiortanut f unctibunsoftheb lIis'.sllîîy colting la lu proiert Ih frin the aita otfungus, a torM ut Plaut 1fr toîtnd la nl waters, saIt anuittreas, tîtulanod pure. If te lts la*Asmc jured thai snse 1O ecnse icoteteit b> t he mubîmo, a bîîroby visible tUngua viil bu- llkeby 10 lodge tisere, unit wheu tlai once otîged thtent ocegs ot reprodttctilt laosery raplîl. Il @cont endue over the glîla andl kilis tise iais. Tlîe primary purpose ofthe lia bMc o the fseinit la to reitoce lia rtîon Wise ID motion ibrougis tise iter aud Incecu. Its ispeoit. It ulbo serves me s cumbbon ie the arca, s.icis Il tissais protoctis troul mnauy Injuries. le *Yezneedn'i bas taitou ounslCh Rsus M> issus lMuvassey. jist beycnajet mAWA. blu madte a Jlggor ou t# perlcesi fOre es m Mu min ent t th' graineoppisis l eihyle." ,omnu' uppbr ignUfltW. It 'ah bc jtaila, à Moti's a m 5gS iaul' lt *,yen Otandos, Mime3111% gHoàollst. tVgo dougis criff t, go i, graw 'ojiplta r' "But 'c vIut.ibuoa thli' Mme; 0;1 'il deutelIcretîbur. 'E ti't elýl*3 udllubI colusiru s ' perpisuruàciles *1014 is! ' e, yez. bbleoeelJuparpismit et kîlur? Au' bow <¶dig Aenise>' tI' meUg M-II in'h Digo linguago?' "Dagu? Il WUs guod 4AulICibkl oirisis, begorvai. tisaItise>' spls, tu, torst abisdt u le5 sdm a paultllee. as.rvorr"e Iila hi.u*~* etda timcisMlsu Mlb a ton eeslà iii e ten rad"lutis stubo~ a anie trae toccrsel. Tise bot arsstalau Tis Ehet suid etrh ue tle 11111e w tata part la iels dsds Theseuilrirlvr uI aas Mreund, vise uadIt* cabme lu conact vIs lre 355r. lare boag ou.t" lsun 1mné tmcs relsg îm tie lim â l lemoilii mas etogl aY.tetchn bgrlsbelec cias eai [Intisee59" ondthefpoons uy tbionlese beAu@ h adbeau. set su 855b« tru ie yuagoflie utile-sf tios8tu1 ajee.Osartteean, S ,asitao, teoit at nm a th d-sa l se,1881 gev.Bulaceforutse issmntie emde iFatiser Aitr te aise *le, breon sucrouge. as êeisi l1 Uad1 elsis wu ar zlm i thf ltia The Maut nsut the lug, Il sm Detn stvèeudgirlsudfr11 llfclem ute ise et* s a encte la thlie tris atet Ïbe bam an peresre tcame scil .wt*5w lou ba yc toten 1lmeones Imm aithe tMon thberma ge OUstWu wuf risopîal uit mrge ils Wtta» lu sei crsa ucraystisr an ell1 tr.Bufoa luhesicilite gati'eIsUd,1 md Father Aw me sosmi I te~ boe u tulauds. Peet. M tb e BleradioPeanda, LlvIrazOVS è sar it ubenverlaiaihW l til tise h aisd anttichesalm th*, &meof andegu tobessI ama i Fend,"Frandcis scio la viertise O beCrs 0f tieogregatlie a .- euo~ lue "nfehrseietutiose Tab*t ioaiet rd iuglu ie Atis a .a*M ofhtpit. l l sudmm e ucv b." ll» tea cr is e sret tou tseIm clhfrm a ise sve is wuib Il. Fr aud mouS et7,ait lle s eainlg lahet.ilvacis lomuceQV» th le nde ut1h. ivgeehet I idl ii Wee. Francstatheselusa Iltls ae lM caeof ntisaconventison utet Blb. titi. Burhlnglo 1maIMal me o tes uu ageet rasdLaiegisty. 0=1s Aotisder eecor abd-biussa usft fairuthail"trainet fots mutheu as mui a lita Feay.nce.Tisé ula lefI uoneuof thelovt ouRetiulI siSute lae sud Arri fth~lusittintearise ditaedla 2he uerbigpanotbnsCoRI l ur20 iut e. alitî alm 9e.Tise a fatmaigh" tre ofltes rtromeétp t as-tise a b estBlve.maTe bebvea o letose pint. Iseatrt-§b %Mues e lt-eand Meutotalanit Anvlon mmm .v*dý, in 20h iutes.ae nluntes Nar>' aelise - listrinasunusmadei les,?. m- uite etue oserilad ell~ 1 thserapointoTetheixMa ihtw n egsndtllend an heu CO W Ia motesrt it alanblte.arli*làgm*o rh otrintymUs 'su hir eumm al OUW« icirth aiim nfer isade Se.. avererbl eîmtapond pet 5fthe mwu 1. Iaoutt pople au eur. ~tasl à suItetspors la bAreissos e* V of iîcs toouetise (upmc Ua à a Cadybodî l u ote, e. 1DOI1a c e rraible isentto l Obut AM If Itay ti plartiislci. ie.dl I chAninofSene. iiiselc. *. 4 vInd asudlotctei t11l55 a t our 'andmeith tisa bunia e e ards. :wh lt ea tI 16enrs mtai tie h nieI brvavie. sawkveis * cent. t' aeu 2.MeIR<le lesto iate aa.,- in is pve sp ome, a - a o