CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 29 Dec 1899, p. 8

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ENEW ER! x ~if~Oi~ 1 have many bargains in furniture, not exactly "Ieft over," but excellent values. 1 arn selling out to make room. Bargains in remnants of my Christmas stock.' WilI Kmigge, Rockefeller - - - - Illinois. Plain Figures! vEr" atile in our store is triarked mt plain figures. We are flot afraid ta show aur colors. Comnpre aur goods and prices with others, and we are confident af securiilg a 5 soe of your trade. tcfor 9 lb bet quaiiy Eoliedoas. at for à boe Levis lye. Scpar galba for fmacy table yrup. or 30r tu ô galion lots. ticpet lb for ehoice Bantos coite@, 7 lb for $1.00. Slb for lancy PaBerry cole, â5 Iis for $1.00. M'lenglh for heavy veil made tore pipe. aucra hsavy stove pipe mbova. àftlhe double front snd bock siens vwork sirts. M«oeo yd for Iron CI&d or Star sheeting, Sic by 25 yard piee. Sepyawd for Si yards vide havy shutiug. r I~ ë" 14e for heavy denlma. armd for heavy font coice ahrging. jsOI *0 ep l îbargain lu meus& vermscaps. Our Soc t O meàm vwarm mttens la Lake County. al i oeoioce of titree styles nev tfauuy 60e drus. good. Sic lic mid 45C for vomens lefleud Jerseyunudervear. M utoir epecfi drive lu @tao 26 ta 34 uilidrena beavy luece llnedl wmdervsr. big vaine. OMêWS sud $1.00 for mens vwinter undervoar, mure ta pienne. *1.38 for && 6 lb bormes bankets. W obe style biaukets as 81.00 lu $5.50 oacI SID fat meus, abIne flannel shirts. $SS fur otmeum browu hesvy Kersey pan te iltoomes t les« Ihon proeni v bols eice~. Wrm foolvwear for moen. vomen and cilidren at prices thaI defy competition, quality corsidered. Orercoat selUuM hba. begunusud vu are rumbed, Peuple uho ex- amine our cothlg kuuv a ood thng veu 1h07 se it. Vu Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVIE, - ILLINOIS. ..COAL.. Wehandie the famous D. L. & W. Now is the time to order your winter's supply of coal. IT WILL BE HIGMER! W. handie ail kinds of coal and can supply you with the best to be had in nut, egg, range or soft coal. %WRIGHT &SON, tyville, - - - - Illinois.1 beau Iro bled for yeana a difarhome. Bametime 4 Mm ta tale tome cf I Gall, Choiersandî "»U. Attet aiug Ivo boUý4ei5t ime te vas bqotlisoofsl, hoplug ait4may .read 0. ,Par t*ieby baIyrlle, J. IL A Frighiful 13lunder Wil îfteun cauise a horrible hum,. scsid, ont oîr iruisu. Biioketins Arnica Balre, the IedAu inîte vonhi vii1 titI the Wai and promptAy heai It. Cures oid mares, lever sores. nicerm, boite talons, corne, ail ikin emupIlons. Boatl pilIe cure on esrth. Ouiy 25 cent& a box Cure guarautsad. Sold by P. B . LoTE, Libertyvi 11, o. . Taoup. son,,ay lakie. t- ~ ~a r ~ - Around the %ýountY. WlScONSIN OIXTEAL SAILWAT en. TIME TABLE. EOKFLEILLINOIS. 0011NO NRTI. 001110 SOUTH. A . . 1l()S . M. 7.321 P. M. 2810 7"0 6: M1 1 : 90 unoday uniY 7:12 * Delly exoei,1 unday. * Delli. Mien HaTrrlt lirainerd In et borne for the hoidaya. The XMses Cole are entPrlalning friendi from Chicago. There la nmre Salk of anothor crokinole Party Ia the Des? future. We hope it vili i aterlauila. The Christmas eulertainment was veil attended and appreulated by aMl. Tne munsie wuvapeuilly ins. Lut Mauday evening à dîme aneimi w%& hsid ut the home of Mr@. Dean. A piesint eveDlug vas enjoyed by &Il proeoD. We have jnat iearuof utlti homicide of vorthy Frank Smth'@ dug. AI- though we fuel Mad over this eveut ve connut but rejoice over the fat &bat Ibis tiioum marauder viii Do more feast upon oUt iheep sud youflg pigi. Everycue in cordiafly Inuited lu attend 1the meeting of the lvanbue Literary Society, Friday eveng, Jan. 5s1h at the subuol bouse The program viii b. as folove. Sou ................... Maie Quartette = erivanhoe Nova.. ....sRte Decker ZttUOL . ........... .........mtteaCle 80l0- ..... re. Bornese Weis ÈItuttln ý .....Pearl Brith R.iaî .................£unine Amo, .... - ...... aBrry Dent., Bout...............wloQuartette Debt..Reelvr. Tat heUnited Batea 1a, sud la flt lorring the 51<11 LourseWth Re«ard 10 1the PkkllA t in. tamud. AMlrmatix... C. P. Ti.omam. Frank Smith. Negrive. O0-ilW Smth. R. W. Clirbti. WAUCONDA,. Ms, M. . Hill has leeu t'i île id liaI. O. Baneley returued frtrm treator Monday. Ed. Pratl t, ofvHenry, epeut lion. day boe. Ums Parsous lReneuertsiuI Sig a fr30101 front Ohîcago. About sevuuly-flre couple atten<lud the M. W. A. dance. iiarry Fuller speut Xioss wth le bflhor aM Eeanstan. B. B. Neville, of rayalake. vaa <ou Onur streete reuentiy. Fred tirovenor, ut Chicago, vast homle go apend Xmas. WiiI Dillon, of Chicago, tipent Sion- day vlth tiende hure. Harry <Graham, of Chiago, lein fioe ta @pend1te lidaya. Samunel ' agart. of Iliotta. le especetshorne hil e c. Lois sud En siii l are vsititig bilas Ella Hill Kt proeuit vitiug Mis.e Nollie Ifurray. of Chicago, In home toalpend 1the boidays. A socia party vas givon lut111e Il. W. A. hall Bîturclay eVeuiug. lire. Amas Compton sud daugil&ttr, of Elgin, are vialîiug relatives here. 1fr. sud Mns. b. Wbslock enter. taiued lirs. Lyon, a! Waukegsu Xuia. Mrh. Nichols sud daghter, ut Cary, apent 1the irat 0! the met vith trieudai toete. R. (rautliai ansd lsmuliy, of Cary, as xiuca vith E J. Cook sua lalmily. E. L.Harriaon vbo basalîen alck for a ter verte retrîrued b 1tue City Monday. Misses Luty sud May tîlînunîr, of Chicago, arc homie L. thud 11e holidays. Mir. Shaw, ot Barahoo, in le ait! Img relatives ln Ibis place at preseult viing. Dr. Davson vas pro... toe, e il, s nov buggy sud baruuw. aa% xCbriloîcea proutu. Dr. and lins L E Hughes, o!f[ixon, @peut a fnv diyé viniug rehlive. liern .eutly. Clarence Hill, 1 !Cbl'eig , ,spelt Sun- asy vith lis giatuliparlits, àlin sud Mirs. M. . 1Hill. Ber. Duttun udloiIer iBatitare holding rî-vivai neg lu ce nb 1 tli M. E. uhnrcb Ibis seel. lits. E. Wu..ihoîtiee a-il1 îaugbter Hellen, at Chicago, are vlnîîog àlilsa E. Jouta aI proeeul ritiugl. L. E. Goaldinîg, i'. ..iiuugChester Bowies sud c. P. Pratt, of Chicago, voeshoue tg, apeud Christmas. Mr. santI Sra. H Neville, of G.ras- talte and lir. sud Mis. Perry Johnson @peut Xmas vit tir. sud Mn@..Jas. Neville. W. D. Weulvorlh sud family sud lirs. Hsrry Fuller sudubilidren apent Xmma vtthtir. aud Mnr. Wenlvortb, of Moiienry. Uns. E. A. Lamiere, Rlay Lamphiers, Ndi» as yne Bssiey, MamaieOranger sud BH... -- potore vansWaucoudé. visitons the àrsI ai the veat. The marriage of Mils Brtha Nelson suit L. M. Hill, of Chicago, loaat unday la annouueed.lMr. Hiltsina Wauconda boy and bis msuy friands visit Mr. sud Mis. Hi a bon voyage throngti lIte. Gi LM ER. W, F. Hall vou tanlle clty on iluiý mnsa lutIveet Nies Eumie Asies loned her achani boe for a veat's voatsion. Oeoge Brovu, of Wankegau, esiled au Irfendsansd relativfes tare. Walter Buge, ot Wauconda veilod relatives lu this place Baturdlay. Ilium Eoo Morse eiosefi ber adlool lu the Grley ditrict tar e veet. Frant Brown hemshut a building for bis nglue. lieteida ta gi d feed. Fred Gros, andl E. Jonea bave put up tou raredcler sud Oenglue for the "Seou. m Fred Lemtker snd tamily attended gIhe Chrisîmas UtroutaiLong (more &Snudayeovenilng. B. Thomaa lîad the miatortne ai bsvIng à vheul on bia vagon break duvu vhile baulhng a toafi t gravel. lirs. (au. Bravai, of Waukagau, ine t îtug cane (il ber fatter, Mir. John Ayusley, or., Wvoasuifons frosi s strate o! spopieiay. l'oiee7 .A ' hil a< PRAIRIE VIEW su» foureu yI-1-, f a. ,t. r. Pittrnman sd Chuita.urm speut W. W. AvPLEyÂsut.ClHr. E Loa V * Chrlatma ouo t ouv. 1Local stock bnyers report a scarclty VOLO. a01niarketsbie stock at present. A Hippy Nev Yesx lu mleh. Misé, Mabel Mason, of Elgin, Io Myre. Tbeo. Wrtz ion thesmiv!k lit. apendiug a week vlth ber pareuts. Wili Dillon, of (Imicago, apouI lirs. Rose pragiîe sud daughters Xmas at home. Flora sud Etbei are vinItlng et Mr. Nick Krelsubmer and vite epent NPrsgUes.- Btrday iu Waukogau. C. Ml. aud E. Wiio sud familles aIe Abiert Raught and wife vlslted lu ChrOtl& dia înr vlth tieir parents at Waukegasu d Bigbvood necentiy. Rockefeller. Mien Jaunie Waton sud Rosie Hueuon iiler liras. are, obiged ta vont are apeudiug the boidays at home. evenlugat teeP 11P viti, the nuxh (If lirs. Kinea returned ta Waukegau a feed grlnding. fev daysasgo, afier a vliIlai Rsîîght A lot of 1the ilcemt Eariy Richmond Brog.cherry trous lu Lakeu <onuy. W. B. Bras.SîrCHAER'% nursery. 11ILt. mis. Olive Wilson, Etàgiuvoo<le Mtr, sud Mye. Wmn. Wbî their tbm guestIdof(;eorge Beuwel sund aunnal tsmiliy Iathering Christmjas , tsinlly. aima eutertahluig lMr. and lira. Lanîson. Mr. J. biheor, Medalia, lio., s.ved bis cbiid' Ilite b! Oue Minute Corîgl Cure. Doutons bad given ber up to dis vitbp croup. Ita an Infailible cure fort coIgh.cuids. grippe. pîîeumonia. bronchitis sud tbroat sud luug troubles. Rellovus at once. F. B. LuvaLL, Llhstyvillie;J. E. BRACRiR,8 Ournee. F. L. WssrsisMÀAN, Raclefelier. MILLBU RN. Mr. Herbert liathewe le ou aIdli 11t. Mr. Joln chope 1ba5nioved iota hi@ nov bouse. Erma Van Duzer aiud Jessie .laîi,îîn vers Chicago visItons lasI voeký Mr. aud lie. Dr. Jamiilsieolt \tia vitb relatives at Llbertyvili. Among the Wankegiii vîsitorm iset veet vere mi»a Jengle Htraug. Libbîy Jamieson, Carnie ales, Mr. sud tirs Oea. Dunesn, ,asd lire.J. am jicruies Those that spent \îuae in IbIs vicinlty vere,lMn. îaml ire. N R. Adains,1Mr. sud lire . ichardi 'lrtter, Fred, Bert, and Mary 'rotter, Rd. Taylor, John aoîets ud <larerce1 Augustusi Loois ala actiug as tolu- porari lime keeper for J. F. Welis Ou th1e fana, reveutly poirclissea l tythe latter. Mr.insd ira. J. S. G(idley epout suudmy and M Onday vith îDeir parents at Rtockefeller viiere vas helîl s family renuloný Mn. and Mrs J. Gi. Lamsoîî bave started On their jaurney 10 Phoenix, Arizona, vbere they expeet tu arrive un Nov bears %day sud JIl111 boped lîY thoin muauy friauds tbht the change (If climite vilI provoe heneicIai ta thIîr beaith. Business continues good at Ibis place, uatbvItlâandlng the pour rail- rad accoramodalloue, but the .patrons are hopîuig ta sec hngbtor prospects lu t11e opninig. Beverel bave bail 10 discontiuine shlp)Plng mil ut oacouaIt f4till îbaîce of terminale lun tic. it3 HALF DAY Ai Happly 'New iear, B»uner, rtolothe cdlv Wilie Rome.. Mis. Iodla J.iiNton î eet ia tram Belaît. and Mr. l().C.Hsrriogtorî, aI home tram lova. Misla. taleMaKoiîJ, lhuai.. foin l)eWltt's Littlo Early Rimîers pont! Elgin for 1the iiaym. 1the blaad. dean tuie livur, invigorate lira. Warrenc Nprsgn ad w the systein Famous litl illsi for iiSl e consti patlou aud Aiver troubles. F. B. daiglitnr. are vJitlng [le Sprugîl, LovaL. Libertyvilie; J. R. Bitsceatiamily. Oanruee; F. L. WasvNTE ss.NRo)Ckefeiller Mr. andhlins. P Moyens enterneîîa LAKE VILLA. Henry Cuni la bavng a ewe-11i dig iy Archie (ihii. lue? t)alry rplir. of ('ivia gi arpert Chrielman vîth lier iLcller. Ncbool loeed sent Fnisav foîr a ivîl vueke vacationrid,î he hotiîiay. MisFdns Convertee epeut ber vacs. large crovd of ! tiejîde trn.îî< biegi oce hr ilax lin and lre. i'. iH. Tipp speuil ('hrietimas itth11e isîlors siter. lire liornîli snd tamily aI lisîreevlle(. irsud lire S.L. lripp eri<j îlaughter anîl lie. J. Richards epent Sniiday vîtb williasm Hutchiniga' famil su:d ceillr&tec Chrimaà day with J. lion vîth lier parente et Fortl li A. Hulehingé' faiuily etaI <ilrvîes S Il. Little retîîred bolîue reveutiy. lIl, e Criatlm r ee ail entertalu- for thre vnter, as.ioIt of telîîîstament et lhe cvhurch Friday evenîug bave laid Up was erjayeci lv ail. Thie large chorrb Frank Slbencoodlâit,îe homt, front vasx. vowded it lwiîg necossary ta Valparaiso for C'bnlatmam, ltoit retnYrrei1 brrîîg lu chaire train the hall The Struday evening. riidren doule verv îîiceiy vitii tbeir àire. K L. iotîîitell undl 111e, Rnby souge, revitaîlcîUa. andi the Stîaday Dive iteen calIag on îrelatives and eî'îîloO vkitu tIiank ait vho helpeil tu reuevirîg ecqoeitneuî..îliert. tue past Mallie .1eih auîemaaiit eveliitg frthî 1e veet 1littie ulues and empeiaily ilSauts [ho iiWe cetilîn !îremnlel l took lxiimio gave5Ro illîcIl elrp)'in el chargelîf the setion iîe,.lintIecek,iî aa'i moved Ille fanîil i tiiJohn NIcA AIE Nuity'e bonî î lîr Mir. muid lire Ired Humiln, 'tfî iîia. iydjaie tihlhanfoa 1. ga vene 11e glie8ta (f retlvemi lîre viil during the bhoiiîlys Banday andîl lonîlay, aso cuMnr.lîaloi Mre We are e,rry tu leanuî lîOit min. W. Phaieîî, <l Ldleury. Zlninier ln .lu 1the ict lIit. MisesMalî,'i Richardls vc itlîc In Iri frandl lra, <I. Schuit s .cit Itoceeter s fev laye tIîla eek, sud ('hnistuuse citi i lbicag.c frlende uttendeci s party giveiîy Mr. Freter ud fsmily, of clilcagî, v 1h whiiilehugraîlilcîl ajplit Chreiseas itii, riele mini Bld Meeker buesbeglin luî,iuuîiîg lt. sîsltiAle. grain, et a tarin whi, hicinelise MIlesDlraeIorî.p, frontîîi sgc rsuted uvear liliurîyvillie Ri*iisrd lndmue a bort viait vîtii hen parente W11,01 asîh tiiîaeî he tirai lie inom, audîîl tnîîalu Plainle (reu occuplenai id vili tale pîîaecnmicii in C. Linileck, rot Wieconalu, in epeilîr- tiarvb log Illm ( biriptruas vacation ut Aile inîle Aboutît 1irty tlvc îîrt uan y aîîug i suelcîi v li nei.i,îîel uI and people niuprised Heury (aille ohue âe evouaing Ai v eek t St ilehome Htlie tne mîlcn recovîýred ieh und ,leir ii We are very inîccili plesmerîlt, c-v maddliosgiest4ifeel aI homne. jclly Mies T(irgAer, 1fr.Hitilium llpollîr gond time la reported. ldy vient, lied ilu lier cli placeii.. tire. R. Chiirchili, Hielij, Vt., smYB[Doro. -Our baby wvmscorereci vitlî ruuraîlng 1fr.eand N liheur! ie rîl111 marsDeittm ilh Hze Slve iliece Mary, <if Brriu)gtîîiî .tulct rcurod ber."A epecihiv tîr piliesud Ciitiîa isiilier r atm diseasee Rilevire <f cviriileee iîalatlie, cauintertelta. F. B. LoavIrL, Liblerty- vlle: J RILBiAcýHîIt,Uuinu -,F.. . WISTRURMAN, Rockefeller, REAL "BTATE TRANSFERS. AUCTION SALE. The iiudensigued beiug about 1h quit farming villmaIl a% public aucîlan on tbe Bilas Wright fermo uarth-vest o! Libertyvlle sudlImile south-eset of Gages Corners on Saturdsy Jan. 6. 19(X1, oommenciug it Il a. m. o'clock shuri) the talloiovg gods. riz. Temm bîy hanse 7 sud 8 jeare aid, bay mare, 9 yrm aid vith tou],, )aîc horst, 10 years oid, black colt, eomlng 3 yra aid; rond mare dyns onid, 4 Poasd Chlus grade soya. Chester vbIle grade mow, Poisnd China boer. 12 abouts, MoCormick moving machine, sulky cnhtivator. Diamand 1001h cutltibor, ust laver draga, vaili plov. meeder. fond grinder, Irct wagon, mille; wagon, road vagon uamriy nov, bob alelghe, Oinglealmelgh. set ighI drlng brna, net boavy tesm barnes, set farmi barnesa, bremking barnigs ansd cart tva buggy polse. s el dump boards, 2 vatening inouggîs, S acres cornî lu stock, tasbey, eiack ofecru, coot slave. bestIng stavo, 6 dinlng roum chaire, table, sofs, led room met, 2 sots aprînge, toiding hec1. epning eut, 50 bli cboice potatoos, and mauy otiier articles tono numenaîlic omet14mo Regulan terme. Mes. J.I0. ilRoWNi, lr.p. W. il AuiL, l.Ancticineer. Rohbed ihe Grave. A sturtliig Iniudenît, of vhich tir. John Oliver, cît Philadelphie, vas île subject, is îiirrstedl'y hlm sitollove --l vas lu s momt dreacillial conudition. My mîhu vas aimiol Vyeliow. eyee sunten, langue catod, paie ruthie- elly lu hack and suiem. nei ppetite- graduaiiy growing veaker tlay by day, Irbree phygalans liacigiron me up. Foriuustely a trieud adviiod trying ~Electrie Bitter@:* aud go my great joy sud surprisqe, îhe fOrsI bottie madeaa decidad Imprc. venin. i conlinuai tbeAr use for liîree yodsm, and a&m nov s vel man. 1 kuav timey ssred my lite, sud rotelued Ils grave o! another riclim ',Noone sto,îii fuil g try tem. <)uly 60 coule.guautef &i F. M LOVxLL, Libertyri le, 0. 8. Tuossp&oN, <rsyeak. Fîîrtished by bake County Tfie & Trust Coi. liîsanic Temple Bldg. Wsutugaui,111. Louis J. <huaNsu, Secyý Audrev G. Johnmln andi vite. teAnus Johnsaon. Lena .Audencîn lt 2 iîji 17 Wagluturu lent v d . ........ i ' 49,y Freî W Casiereon andisite io Cory J. Contercor vW ' i t 7 1111,24 lieRai,'. ind dii t. Wkaii q e .I ý... auW) e Be lit of iii Hencetdeuci 10 'i Richard Witon da sonIn luoi e lin, 99-44-il) (toneot Antioch) wv i.... «Mi.î'l Ce-e . Comepton and hîîeiand tii Ma.ry E. iynh 0 mne xnee24 sci le acree lun ln 11 2-4-9 (love of Waueuunda)q'o d ..0..... - ,o Jonas G. Lasmuasd wvite ta Jas. F. Welinm0eIle 3 ,r Bse 11 itt rev of Vernon) Wv......... .......... @oc cX P. F. Heudereliot and vite te Dg&vii gart4ofte front on Edman Court IlMft n u! Waabiutou Bt Wkgu vml d oeo0 Edwin K. Smith sud vitalte Win. H. Johnson lot 8 bik 4port Clinton (ex ntiwd ................ ........... 2" 01 Freit J. Baldsun ite la G. W. aa I. .L9etsaheUl uicic biute7 aWtguvwd................ ton (, Audrw Brsut sud vite go Lare (to nv r e7inse 8 00.i Anîrev BIrnansd <mite tn Lare Johunliii <r Il v linitoc, town otNeviirl Wv ........ mm00 o Frank R. (iront end ileite) oB. A. Donrena t aIW v <r sue<r suc 12-46-9 Itavu of Antiochi v d............... Xo o, Cio. A. Trcaedeli and vite to Nthanu Bakter iota i9.20.20e.30 u Aito4 rIpniet Sluff Aîlîiqaod............ ........i*, il Jno (ioder aud vît. te JaonîehOgacenu 82 aCé InPt, I W Ira inee3-4311 town of Vernon) wd..................... 3M 00 Jas. B. Hobhîsand mir.-iciNanala E, Wheeier lots. il. à. 26 bk II Lake bluff Wd .......................... M0 00 Jas Theerer sud vite l to Eli tuilolph lo n ls aifclrtsct8 2. 644, ce uIt1- w-uaiwd ......................:. fl0 X.11l R.0doph sud virot.)toP Sciren- lioter Br6g Ce lot 1liiiosuAof lots du. né. 65 Hlghbwoo e v d ............. .22010 Hz z P iller sud ie t0 J a e 80 fSfaSntJ.t i.. edar Parka)o Heury P. aller and vite te James Wai"eelotis0 Ceder Park <tove (d Antiaubi vgod.......................oi 0 chie. J. Wigbtina,î andmaîite te Lo4,onora P. Smih lo 4 la1k faplto! Oiraysieke v d .............. .....'a Louis Radkote taJes ingrleli pt ne soc 2-44-c, île,, pt m11Wîîr sudcv ose!I-42) ln aIl lie teoMeurevîio! ......... ................... 7154 tU LONG ààAOVlg A. Wolf sPeut mo aideys tu the city. F. Rudulph front tb. City lé villtiiig hAShOù ut G. Hmtbsâ. & J. P. titzenthaier made a trip to Ozueto Air*bsnu Libertyvle tdtrdy. proui09 thé iThe divldsnd digoeired by the Q04* ieh ' cresmery vas $1.31 per cvi. ieidg* f s 'fbey gamyP. Wagner vorks for A. DZYT, S~s stafi ut i ives a51205 stale. edttor for aw Ye scribe vielbes ail a Happy New This i;, yeur. Tois limte 1 got 111usd ut you. The aillS t, 1 C. Stalil sud fsmntly»pent Clîistlmae moMt, imo-04iè#51 aI home. Whs.o sI utonscoti.aatyél ii Vl d 0 ft m11e coid. fne a sée of et 0. Meyer$ colt -bas 'boeau Blokfor lbe preutei»ià about a Mont mad il vilIi iteiy dis. thse alimue fi vasa iuesuima. Saigo. As 18e un soute ut the girls (espocialiY 01ns) the lima tom@a Sacl0", think M. (Ureu. 10k 11e a profussu? tates Ibis oppOrtOUnll willi hin goid spectacles. tbem te taesb1e lu Ssturday. Junuary 6, 1155) la installa- your homne papet gumma lion day eit 1e iodgu. bL every baut, muet autsP Moiebr Malte il bié dusy ta attend. saske oonuty pee, Mis. olive iîseuthaier te at preggeut l nesgis "0 ifmmend~~ ai ira. Miscbalias, Diamond ak for filoU. ifyon t tielpîug lber wlile ber 11111e girl Iis mailestopyotéI yW Udr. Bubef asaoc from Minnesota lter 0csPuD or &Seaf8 are viiîîug aî b"cro, tMr. itcheif lu vborn yon eus formnerly lived l Jif and beiideàç mai7 eipioortlAbei , relative bas a tout1 of fieudi. AuDio Baner, danEtte? of Y. Baller va alkun lu a hospiuietuluebmCity lu i 80<51 une», have u ope ration psrtormned. AI pres- The t, sajeut for the 0O W. eut vritiug &soeIis improvlug nluoiy. Friday vs "Question 8b3« 'l'Le choir of the Evamgellual uhurch ' weut Itu North Nortibilla tondsY There Vas vocatiolUt oisig eveuing. ilvas »0 coid uorming bsiîk Wise suhool vms lu seusimOg t th&& lu order lu keep Warn u le0Ciou- 'ruanta, s amsuDfce U sidered it s good chanve tu malle Vutch love.auly moyen belug proges1 7 bomenewVsheda have beeu crecied maa-Y ladi l.-.-- s.oie o O«l on ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I Ibovneia anrbgone la Iýbniamas day. lis lau b.âd 1h57 could not have been put u the nortb sud, for lhey both ERILD detracl frcm Ithe looka 0f111e place sud ~ ake up necesary room. A. C. A. ape t.iit @ hlm h idIdaw' If th1e psrty vho look a vtch tram eitY. i Vý bauer .1 Bras. deektalnt veeutvIii Frîîr Bieinîiti *ponit OhtS Lreluru Balue vhore fha fouud tg no quuslioue yl haoased; utherwîse 1the clty. lurtiher information viiili o de public. The numnbers uf cane sud Barney oRiterujan spolt ist.08 niovemtent are on record. lu 1051. Buth thie Lutheran sud Ersugelical 1,rjcolntn. of shmmetv1" V burches celebrateli Xmss Vith appro i l vîl Monday. pnb teexerclats, tbm former Buday. sud 1the latter Tuesday eveuing. 'îl e jsvkey rooilved lhiescart loui: 1Luthersu churcb vas psuked lu tbe day. Nov they viii <irebSU lt doors. The chureuias tstefully l decorated 4and the eereina e, mo900d. hl lie4rriDm, 09 Va* rJohn Melers 11111ie bqy carriud off Ibm rve a i on oaa honurs i ps leaku.Paàtar Schmidt rv.asitvulody< delivered a good aidreas. Meinhars 0f Mr. lianktlAlard. t*ofCbIaWN, the e cbnreh, iiunday acho,,l schofiars Ch stinman wvUnhbie istfter Mte.U * ud iitars vers remenibered vith *preseutal, caudy sud applua. The Jiabreuileg Orchestra .115tf exercîsen a& 1the Evaugeilsichanc male u . .roof garden a reiiected <redit upon aili Wh Parti- ut uJ telpâled. Eeapeialydoss the »taigîg eveiing. leserve reoagnition. The îiecoratious______ voe..appropriate. Miss(). ittenl- thaler received a flue gift iu cash f rci y_____________________ IWU~WUq Dle ntles l l IT is grown in the mountain district of Ceylou and 8POW~ prepared to suit the American trade. It w pecked ou fiai where growu, in oue-pound, half-pound and quulIsr. 01duer air-tight lead packages, thereby retainlng ail ita Uoe ir.grdlce. It is sold only in these lead packages-ssa'etkW yoii want the very best tes, ask your grocer for MAMAN. OWNERS 0F THE CELESRATED CANNED FRUTm AND vEGETABLESm cwFHI BAçING POVI EXTR.ACTS AND TABLE LUXURJU FRANKLIN MACVEAGH 4 CO., CMKIC! ýM B. Colby F, Cao. Libertyvile. Triggs L. Taylor, Ubertyville. F. C. Richard. 1L Som Lake Forest, Rowling L Barnstable, Lake Villa. R. B. Diion. Curnee. Conrad Brome Vaukegan Gma A. Ott, Dlamomd Lakeî V. Smier & b4e. Lma # PY., Pacte Brome l DmY0 A. G. gag mxép4am Club Homas ad CaulnofrandsE=cL l 1

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