CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jan 1900, p. 3

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Olive" Jma riai 3 4' 5 Pkes JlteA MnkIer" l",,rk A' 17 B5-n g presorvea 'I Boues Breakfast 's Foodis $AT. 't-as. 6 cI Roda Oytau#, 12 2 ~26 Candy slattn Trlgg..L, 13 20 27 W- -4ilea ~r thqîtn-r 29 30 ai EVEPY DAY BUY EVERYTHINC YOU NEED AT TRIGGS AND TAY LORS AND YOU WON'T VANT TO TURN OVER A nEW LEAF NFXT YEAR. Triggs & Taylor, Libertyvil le - 0- Illinois.1 Special- Bargains!!1 N WATCHES. Maving an over'supply of Watches, 1 wili seil them at a sacrifice during the next week.. For ten days beginning January 6th 1 wiII seli Solid Gold Spectacles with best k lenses at $5.00. Ten yeartold FiIIed at $3.00. Perfect fit guaranteed C. R. StIERMANI, Libertyville - - - -llhinois.1 Cold- Weather Necessities. Caps A Good Gloves Asrmn M ittens Asrmn Underwear Always Feits and Ùvr n Hand. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. FC. SMITH& SON - k3utier Bldg. Libertyville. Illnois. Di-ugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Il,>- F . B-. Lt- OVE(1 ULDMIU Lîbertyville - - - Illinois.1 Our Lib.ra1 Offer.. Np0We ,Inter ossu 190 1900 wedding of Mir. 15. Hl. Mllr and Mis Ethel Ellis. a-blcis ailI take place ai tise borne of tise bridea mtiser On PaLrk Ave., I 'huroaiy, .taîîuiary Iltis a5 p. nm. Tise H,,rae Itevica-, au uidisputed athisrît!nnsujects pertalui)g ta borna-a. sa-Ja thiat tise prîre Of isorsea b»alcreaaed 100 per cent a-tlàntise pasita-oy sara aud that tise dcrlnîd for iigis t-liand Chisca- c>achera sud roadattera la bfar lu ext-asa Or tise snppiy Clvii Engîneer Kelly sud wlfo left for tiait Domue lu tise esat Tiieaday. Mr. Kelly wa-sa incharge of tiseounstruîctiori 01 tise mie St. Peul extenal..n 1He a-Ii rettiru iin thee sPriugud rnenîsme bis duties a-hon aork a-I lis- >om- meuc-d oua furtiser extensl-'u Iri-t rom Ntpperoluk. lu tating tant a-eek tisai C' H. Smih a-rota- tise nsurance î.u the buildings on Woodlawli Stocki Faim nantis of iaa-n ae were un ai-or, hacusa mlsinformed. Mn. Srnltbarote tise permoal property and Jý B. Aliannon, agent for tise Mîtîbnri. Compny, anrta- tise Jusranca ou bunIldings. Frank Piniertori aho drives lfor Dr. GIalloway. and a-hosc accent proves im 10 tlie very mues Engluis, la ever on Moart for nea-a of Englisis viciari-în tise Sousths Africai ar. Frankaasitn- note dlsesapolntmaiit Iltise source of mues amusement ta bus frienda. a-ho bave dribbed hum --<om Pauil' C. Hulsmaun, i)eptity ruprerne Cisareliar for tise <Court .of onni bas boeaunLiertyvîlle tise Iauia-eek, *ndeivarfng tua ai-ase tise lgginig interemt of rnemliers ort tiat organîza- &ion. 'fwelye nea- niamiers have baen aeue -d and tise out loiok is brght for thse local Court, a-bit-h -lu undoîiltcd- Iy experlence s.stuîr.y gina-tisf rom riow 011. Ae-condiig to anuca-change, ail rler bas dona-i aed Ify lit. l'gui aridlNortis. Western rallroad compuaniea a-min mont mnaelcome uea-a to parenjt..i la t tise elfeci thairoiid ucCorm rimuai colect bal Sre Ion ail chldretl Le- ta-cen the igea of live and ta-elvis yeanu ot lioilg tickets Thiiarder i8 fun paratîve and ava-ny ,-,,iuîtor ou collectari laeapecced ta enforce ît, Thse nea- Rand & Lalin pb.adcrr nîil.s sit Plogaant Prairie, in Kenosisa c>,îity, have beau compted. Ili.-y have leeu under cattstructiori fui- more tisa-i.a year, and tise plant o, î,ne of ithe largegtgusetie wonld 15- -ontsr>îr sixty-ive buildings ani tovens sa-ersI [isnnred aes nof land. Tise mnu- fîacture of paa-der -iIIlibc commence. thse irai of Januai-!. Pleaaart Praîii las ai tisa-Kanoaba duvisuon of the C i N. %A'. raad whare t crosses fil Des plaine& river. Tise ica bai-va-st usa oriusud Mise cropi la gaod. 8. . Papa in ftirnillaiiug tee1 ta ail desirng it ai an agi-eed pri-ieq per laid dlivered ai tiseir respective iee hanses. Boca3use îîf Mr.Bovacîsa remaal maly are lnqulrlng a-bu,, il anyone, a-lU furnlah ice udt tisuîn>er for use of privai tndivîduala. Triggs and a-iI furnisis p mar. Tis ta tisa ho accuatolu a-henevel 1 i-.a. Boots A94D ~~ COU NCIL PROCE EDI NOS. PIC ED P H RE ND HER . oard 1.1.4ilu egular' session. PIC ED p H RE ND HER . *corlett, dro.Haniv .sd lso lir«aien t. géýsanad Dubois. Pre,., Local Items of I nterest to Libertyvil le Readers. deut lAveril a.lekhal-waI. On ' i, I.1l[lkulbv .ýd C. l:. Lt S. tles'u. fiod la- LEAI jaxxva - There wax a faihii, mi0.b.riig ri arîl aljoojlefl ' I .'aV lh IOZ .W.145 A. M. relatives at the , If* r. B MH mý iJau. 2Isu ard 1 >.~ New ea î2-.5p.m1:56 P, M. sUl>ATs 1:4 . . The revival miilgfIHoare 10 Ill. vI 1î1:1YVLtLE, JAN. lfOl 4:55. W 145L il tintied Ibrougli o -t ,I-I-k at l. Board înrt lu adjournell session Bua. . I~~l '~' etbadjat churîli FîtI ard î,rr.rutexoept I rigi. t> ~~~The lienbeing taken ,fr,,î,î if ler ::,jle f nettugg If D're4tb ahnd N&EBICAN OAgRIUON. No. lé«. l<aghtn I ake tu a'lit twve.. o,'h ll sud, Niom1-1 e w"a. l 'n otin îl-a'o ofte Gobe ~ ofnser.51a. t <f excellent qlily.Tise buta were ref.rr-d il PÏir's- HallL. J. Wzsa, 9. J Mr. Ândrew Mii airtiryr, (If L.eoIî. .. 'Uî,bee'c"l ituret aîou nd warai hlrllteb E. W FÀasuaT. Ait.vlated frisiidoiliere silud t lola irie ,rîîerrîî .rawn ou the- respective lliiosîn recently retrniig lîi(mo' %% erieadav . mlmotion ,f (Olea."rî aid liiillV Wieb .entnry are JOlI living in? S. F Miller sud aife luvI,'k lî k î f,001h, . f4 son wus bor sotl Mr. and Mia I. viaiig file puat a-.k lînSl.' L. Bî.rg.' Haven tant week Tbursday. Mîlera parent.., ,r. aivli N"I i n ( , Wrl......l..r .8. f Ir Bill of tM. krr'nian fr 8 orpeci.a Constable Limberry propomx n a a aY. polce servi -ex m , îg fairaa re-,, move ta 1lihertys 11e early lu the I*bore wax Muan m lo.',.sioli .1i ,,. tnd 0ou nmotion 'If H-holîy ,,îl >r1lî f apiing. day nîgista toar rd i.'.-tlm.g. 16.lll, l ywlfAt.l, Mr%.a. I.S. Itadcliffe and littie a Prîpiioîst1e(if Ilildo pa rt, li.., .a>r-hr~'.rf njf. ' datigiter, of Jolet, vi%41Mt wtis ber proposje..tainatuatlaI it-t'ri.'l Dev,-e,',. aIil) 1lne aJpJ"vdi-li. brther. dr. F. Croker ami Ialully thse "'lu hn.'d elýcLrIe Iiirlit al Ind ,U-t'r hhlî'".'1 ntt .*- nIlu .('l latter part Ilf laat yack. a'orka plant, Ini evcxit it wollnîrl.t.- 'arlet -ftm.Hainlr',' - tell and plaî-ed .11 t- cýArnl~It "I,1nlIlirai 1 oriol> Mr. and Lr». John Mî-Cornick poaaîible at a future tlîrmetu> aelîre a $2-5 2'ze î.c-e( l-ilitiglninîtla$3 cntert.alned a party of frietîda and franchise. Theisempreaaionu aee,.d ld olnt durnrg a,"î.tIt $211.29i. nelgbbora New Yerî mighl. Carda prevaleut tisgai 51.h anl enterpnsse lBalance ml"t> baud $1q13 1 .îîitt 1u. We have some very good thii iàndw)ctliucurneerve tous te wüL]d srdl pa in Low of ibery- otlowlng lisenunion itqu. sude ca icore ets t an t ise id populyaoluNoa t.ou f itertlanstion it wasxrnovcî by Morae sud llanliy urne easailh.vlles o uti. No dflthe pana tat thse lîist c,rnttee lie luatrueteti bought at very low p Mra. Win. Stevenson ard tobeifetes su rnitdtie r- ta examine ligistaaud determine lb tise ciildren left burrledly for P'reston, mter of tise sebleine sirnply seekig cotract, be-ta-en A. L. Burge and thse Infomaton hrogh Llertviie illage il§î,roperly llvensl up tl y Mr. CALL IN AND SEEOU Mmmn., laut Yrlday, called tottie bedide lbrnto bogsaLletvleBurge. of ira. lStevenso* sangler, wbin ivery friand sata visat chances tbere a-ttC Moicd liv (f eafairi and orleit that Boys! Reefers at $4,00. worth $1 loa-, ber reclivery being dexpaired Of. Of aeenriug a franchIse and sifheu. meeting adjotirn. Carried. W. C. SA'N"Oius. <lerký Mens Overcoats ai S8.00. worth Inviatimm ae ot anouningthe A New Fîre Uepartmsflt. 1-- ngs in cloth prices. 1 .00, waa ln smore tnknuru matner sat atire Furnised by Tufdâ feron adw oly Lake Countv Title & Trust Co. e Boys' Suits at $275 wortb $3.50. Tuesay bteroal. alsd is nlyAbtracth of Title. TîtIesGuaranted extlngnisised ater a t,îndy llgit liy' a - u"Temple îuîdg. Waukegan llî hs r i odg o s aet erw tîneket brigade 'r eitî,'enté Who asou î.Jouîs J. Or'E2iEE, Net-. hs ar algo d o d ,m det w a happieuedtolieoavallal.le. iuheîneforts F.fa-.lIl tClark andi îf. tl, vla«e or l.ak. z- /,,i66<afi fro,, n lt obensou creaeid mucis a,,,îa-ent and Av- l1la.' 1 of Lakeul- hinWa-d .I 1 o, nf-oglitzlug tisa-rerf.'î-nij-y the- ballw- Frank WIod.-nl. and a-If..tu AnI'!r iîîg (Rt-aâIl beenun îr, lo P ok ..e a ký.t iO, ur lune of Underwear is complete. W NO'rr'V Hattil,'E tiRedeker as u bnald ro Clarafl.B aiuam 92 a,'..liiIn tmq (!0 Tf,.- mrsns rof,, ,,Ianir.- ..kt 12 --11 t jn ofr 'e.wat".uwtd ..... 3M on can fît you itn rice and size. Yu. 'l TIurnday nveîîlnic. F1 , 31, 19W0fý,r their ii-lhI nînîl' ýff rsn,.l ot 1ai Lakt- 11-lposf- îif .l,-,tln l* i ..t. aloi t'. &III. Forest W .1. . - . .. f45868 o Ju,,lnu Moore nd E . 1 k a-if l 'L. C aaWsirk,î',f r, EIw r N'l iWskot'f JI-' M lmI... Hela . B.5 2 (4' w Anre L. J Xý'oi , melle,11w pat , a rl nrew Your purchases during 1900 wili be a N'.A 14 - sonfi ,b ..,r e., '" 40r' IoSt 0f ,A.ti.u'i, . -'- A .. . .'211o) o profitable to you as they have in H-«i. nand ,Ift. sa arii'vd .i l tt,. a- lfl f8o>d.. ,. . lpreviaus years. if you Thie a"Oman a-ho gi'-..ha-r bîred girl 'cilal t il. n luff ldlàltsw Inea w uothlng but a eook book for a chriat- Bourton) fax l-11.rd ...... e lw mas, present needi t ropmecitou her Axei cl> yf,'ani andi .rlfs to Marin Ff>,.n,fout1sHitchnFaur'lraWoubin ille china forever Hîîrldalol Park w d ...I ....1200 00 Chas. PhillipA anud a-eIn 0Jortn ~lM . C L Y & C Afellaa- dûwrinîu\ hrnmont a-,, mn L-rst-nlot a and n Pt tlot ébk4 h . C O B C @ý a elunk arm uittimmr hai j smnîath & Adams add to a-trI. lit c d..50 0 a aknk aimlas vîlumr h-a usiLaker Cl> B & L A-nat. J. (G. at-ai tigured out that b- ronada- $15001 on big srrlght lot i it j Park, add fa Wkgn DAESI VR7l4 vetue H ldnt take finir., a 110lx'DAR NEERTlE veuttre. lite dM.,iu'tt.a Wrag in sudhii8bafd to Kmatr tigure u tis sccr" ",o~h î,,,,fn.-ilr -o 27 and Sa'n ne qi- Tise tan. booka a-l lielate n go"Àg i4-"-9 toua of Watiuonla) Wa(1.%X»> 01)a-rLi ertyvîî e,-- lufo tise bauds >of ie r.nllrtors I tilHt . ,,a l, .rr W4as i - Ivrian oe 'î1 soi' seuin. IL May lie tell touard tise lot -4 34 -il ( 40of q nîLI'îd ..... ol ( of February liefine tiev cari g-t tartcd EnopC.îrop an.d Ife tua- 5-5re on collec-tions. The a-,rk of te ise t.- ,orrn f 'LaW w ' . ... n. board of equaliation wamaasix weeks @ nuKr"il Or. an aif- '.H r laiter tisan unaa-Itht.. yera.whivh Io Ela) . a .. ali l, 3 ancantalle Sr tse d'iî, ul ~-ttnE Slnlt 'o_-,t lun -a-(qr 8W- 'I-r e)* oui tIhe l.anks..rlil to,'Wîor lWro d - ............ne0I 1 N u&,i.-w M sudI'n Wil -ire- fnMathilde. lb tise ta-entieth 'entury lucgirîis ïl-lnnemaoil w tIo ht lEn.r allc. 1, MIî19 amsomr ten I u u,rrI.- d' n wrr r IlAnurît Mlir -r Pt lot a Ea,'ar ie la% iorri. IL Pl easy cilougi bl t igure t aran o rubof pt 1- I46-9 t,,Wf omt bowaaboy t-an ha twenty Jear> nid <b n.iooý, 1it1Ef.. 1F t no a-heu lie la rineteen and, a woman a pr lot 7 1k 40 H ik a- Pt of lot Botys SL25 Swetrs Sailor ColiU ......... tweflty a-bt-flsfIolathirty. This t a tonll, o'la'I u.b9 M Ci ir.... agl.ato, to ai..BS 3c AIU ool Skating Caps..... .1 accî,rdîig ho tie laa of avernge and fC. if',.g'lt .,%iv li Wlî,la-. ' . 1a01) M CbdreassAUl 'ool Mina .0 cliatont, but bo htie Jear liNs, ail %Nn. D. %'arWood,,and ideIf-o Wuî~ P. Hnnni>. Iloti-àti lmrs In9-I45-Il Childrens Double Mitts ..-15 r end shere It liegimsis la5-lb >lep forn au i r .aif ........ M,.1 >600 ordlnary pîuggerr Mens and Boys Felt Mats . ........ 07 Farniersand ai tera owriug ilais Cr s e k lmported Sszony Yarn. the 10 and 12c kind. darfr colome a-Ilia- lntereste.'lInitise ollowing C o sC e kper eskein...................... os tdîspatc-i froin Springfield ' Ibis mr te Childrens Heavy Fleece Lined Hose, the 20e kind sit.. 121 .boartl of lire stock comnmisin>b an e i h oBabies Knit Bootees Sc anid.... ................ 06 8snt ont1 a ra-elifan calitig attention f0 Velvet Stock Collar silk embroidered. former price 35c tise fact that -enibo-spinaI roriluigitiai Worth 10 per cent. ta close a .10, bas appeared amnrg thelor8eh il, Revera] sectlin s oftiese .<.le. Tise more than any Misses Feit Lined Shoes. worth double aur price, 75 and 65 diareila18repo.> nt. uMacoipîr. u,t.h r ad o l Cumlicslera-rd, Marion and Sit, flair thrhr o , ýrintieii'lThe ,îeaela traced t,, th,, U feelng ofr immatuîre comrnlusjch aa- Also best grades Soft inspect our Job Counter of UNDERWEAR. ý "n-ii er hy il,, Col, Coke. Limewill find some excellent bargains. 'I'lue editor rof iii ext-bauge tellu thle a d C re t a4tary of a Younîg ilarelor hsScih. , ', aled ta serve ian aitachnent miuîa wîdour. He taàI-d anud saut, --11tadani, G. M. SClIANCK, I have an atiacisma-ut for y"'î-Suie Lbartyville lîlinois. biuaised and said tise attacismentt as iectprocata-d.. "iOn rînundenvitaud.'-- lie saisI, '-you nUst proceed to courit,- E. McDONALD, <tise told hlm maise nea- il a-as cap year but mile would rallier lie aould do tie CARPENTER AND BUILUElR. conrting "Mâ>Iain," fhe contlnued. FINE RFSIPFîr. rEs a trî(I'Al.v --&litax n im e l.'ntrlling, tIie julti'e - le wastirig." '1il1.,I perler a iiniîta-.e iîgadgidn falkna a-d se, '-a silihe mari-ed ume e fil fadcnig fal i ira imre. anid I had bad lut-k."' Will repair al kinds cf wood work. Chairs recained for frein 50 to put lu a sullicîei.t asupply 5to ]lie undersîgud belng abomut 75cns «tne .P y prtvate ludîvîduala oea-t hum-quit larminga-ili -l at public asîctio.-monde place. Lake Street. lbia-uîî lie pleaslug 1ltelligemo'e on tise Bilas Wrigiit lairc iorth-a-a-st of iisa-ivea a-ho lvea-oa- Lubertyville ani fmile sonki-eat of tuad ta liaviug oc nuppfeuGfgea Corners 0ou SaturdyJa.f,10 'r noa-ed. îumnu-ng ailIl a,.us.' ltkaa F.BA IR SIT O W .V ,et noëded. ~tisa folloa-ing g,"îds. vîz. Tearn bey M N FCUEO sa- Years îigisi abo'utît îîirty horsas7 ansd Ji eara olft.bay mare.,AUATRRC "Opi reaondei W liviatiois 9yre old ia-th f'ai, faîack borne 14) saps rap>da- b umvltruoîayears nid. black v'oit, camlng 3 yra aId. hy Min Edytis C,'lliy ud rond niai-e i yrrid, 4 Pcrland China M rl ai ai bier ihuome ta apcîsci L" grade sowa. ('hestribte grade aaw, 'M rl in ocil etetelâmet.Poiand China boir. i2 shoats, lu soia eiariinnet.lleconi-ick lnoa-ing machine, aulky and f vayions kînda a-re Indîatiltîtvatar. Dlîumi'ud tootis cultirator, chieS feature nf tise 8eeiug set lerer draga, rrlklngpiuou. seeden. Granite tn sdveriilerent conta-st. Ad- feed grinden. iruc>k wagon, nîit uwagoni, lents, or portuonsaof fatulîlanr ratlrwago~nriearlv na-w. lbobu eiglir. Monument&. mitîgle sa-itgli. met lîgisi drlvlîîg lîarnosa, aments a-ere îut oui cuf rens- set iseavy bari-a elory paparesurd umagaziineandibarrisse, lieakirg harisuas an(]l >ant CEIETERY on a large sfbeet of papa-r- sud ta-o buggy poies. net >lump bod,,aa luaana- of tua- roornao. Tisa-ie 9waalrlng irotuglia, 5 aties eoroi-ii i WORK lhook, St tans hay. stick ,of <-Onu.,->ok wnty-iisree adva-isemnia lit stove. iseatlng 8t>uve, 6 dîniîsg roîl, 0F pimex a-as Awarded liss Allereuhairs, taba-. sofa, bed rocou net, 2nst VR lfor racagnuzîng tise lai-geai sîfrings. foldlng luei, îprlng coi, 50 b SmR g 0 aricles and tii-ms .frontlise cholce potatnea, and many otli.r Dirpln articles boa ummerons to mntirnDecrpton i cf $V.tbemelBs ahoa-.i ItelilaLr ternis. sjýrfl toesing contenst sud ailus. J. 0*. Bâtoua r, l'roi). ~1~ lanOis. A$ alaie ibofut- W. H. APLLEY. AucilOOeer. .corresponancea slbmd 10 iseIr reapective homnes A lot of th is-nceil Marly Richmond y i 4.6 aomnssat Ï»Z s'ý vose 0f ihaks ho their cherry irees ltu Lait 0Conniy. W. B., £gON The Pair, Libertyville Lake Co,-tM"Y-tf'n Comniiý.ýy'A H1-"- .5,. raSKE IR>U>'a LAKE DIA&OND LAKEi vin c laer1oým Connection is also afforded with -toIIl lines of Chicago Telephone Company and ail their exchanges, iving a complet*qf service,.______r YOU SHOULD HAVE A 'PHONtE,' Contract Department, Lovell's Drug Store, C. N lhesad. Lsa- 01.-lt. tics Reaper Watt. feu i.-d on tuy Un.' hu> vtrts Chi-Wg. Illittal Shalrlffs Sale. Im îr o ua f I i -I i ap.. l i,X-oitl.ii Conuil o>,f . r 1,0 ,n.ui-f t1 0 m diieo-te>l ua "it"'2f 1t r)f Niasinter A. almlnlatrau'> 'or th>revinat. of id lllI fila d.ecssed iilid ,galnt (1.rge W. Mil,. t nliallnu> Tnsi ot hi sday 4,fJaStaUr A. D. le a u- b ,i , ,> ,, a"Il a fbm r lSttîleandlitea-f a OmageW. mui. In. - - Libertyvu .1 lîuorih-rriu ýtnlit biif cfth. n>tisns noirtis rse.- 111ut» r ',ilsnA. D. IfS., Eî.vr%. J. osarala. f<(li Who metn y d tateoai. vlalted anî gew wa-ase. I m pepala cure. 'Tb" i dîga-ata a-at Feu Mti mon1, bsali aoaIeDb, lý forme or * MeanyWa . 7 $UN. MON.j 7 8 aIl! ll- -r TUE£. 2 l'Ap i-i 15 1 29 22 23 .1 7II1LEN pa d lR miaue W. ulve1 yssfor 11.75. THE AND (ýiý lý) PIZI'(i STORE, FOE 0 -

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