CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 5 Jan 1900, p. 4

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CRAPTER 1Il-(Continucti.) thW. e t wIo comen buadîcti 'ý-boéti.bppOlonb cnt as not ttc 4ýo e' la chétisc toot posasesion o! " .îw,~rerLTtey cee sinipiy woftçà .4* everything; Conî ti stxn- :p d adme i dsration o! ail theCacnning ':= mrugntn eu mt neets rasack su*bnty d Overtaul ttéc ootlng ap- psu"; ore aS«onl&W et ithe conven- %M sngsees oZ ttc tertbs; anti >nj, ciscs il cas intim&te -to thelu ibeLt *»« selo tcard. ciien not requireti *w I»eaa, cas te te tbclr ocn especiLai bseon",u. tlnt mheaner menitera o! @» Mm555q iigisi occasIons ity be ait- waf n iswitation. you stoalt bau'e - hec 'Àaeb"ly Quec« Tita eu. to -ma' aup so Md itblis!olisees@Mal vl.bww5. se aa te lt plesi et lhgtb lu, gij Um ePegg, tetlng bb«isoe roux * case,,ai mmtoast aàibook cisere il e»We.i, 1 de ilat thia la ic i-cnt!Oft- ow'-sai tis &ec eret thos. -. «Ui tle tmst&&crota&" affa te alle . e ame vaM munIt tilga SM.Du eanie-hasla berc"An 11pR «tu: Wi.Iddi er, mur oue bIaessodi b. ois f thetact; a gkSta e eet tbttc occard inlti. = a t *at e ucre bein toceti a-r byY5 h a o hat PWW llt >'lu *o-And et Course thcelu-o comn %Wsais ec te **et MAtias tise w1adec cas fouai te open oa ka gcettonaisO aC ure-!b est gzeinit ihai09 ant co wanJe&h Duscomse ailui er ailtise arragementsa09 10 »Y Imiportant. Be ba t e à« lesktfor tiswen fol; asd té ome, aes'botelr than te tla! mas e tha ciiel. ltey tnnth je& t rosti t &shorlin. p - ma me feudly Plea-sart a a 70x*" e t lthe long, tlght ln* ai - tei et ci cter et tte bowsetoi i» uVe rasiy off.lit s'as a ciscs or rtes1bete Wcas ol e - is. ca awhite giare o 'ie b vs c.twitterins ever7 4caciûlovB shIn"la" sddart 100 sfSOS 09 the aiae ier *.ls m radiai a weli-taor tisaI cwu oc gbitisgsUent, UektMvillas amongteir aisu »arlLeMisattlsi. anti tereMU mm v -odsansinade visible an,! ýr0 grfflor e t tie ssudmaIl ce tenlà MtgaIséThases pi le9ffl qvec a"tido. cltI% an Wuéeimsfamilier cateca acuegt tta tat-pal ao ce ie itaiesMant onn , - fer t té "NaméIsc Barge laosMs eporssaoséof tibs t cee Move, Mi uc cent ësais 9'blsdtomfegeto mi& Tise Icilit, dnkelag te tisais so; but t sam iiackdisrda ceau ipi' 01ai co - eut oona wa sullgy cMU Tho rtatis gWUu anitasc é lnd rabi bioa-scdict ~cal alei *MU« iocU witt thse Crreau ai ptorg of ttc boat itilsg vry CIO , versd. ouai «peoplé. w bas haem tee ucssgltiiagtroo - iul 'ltreuninuofttose ill 'faVo.cécan )mia lag, ratherà 1 '40 tises. b"tlt! fta ove teda: 61,'et thetrts. tisre .le tiseleu Îý of a ple aivcr, inte illan-tiul 450s, ant intthé cloul4g dccioret «lgh lthe bisrds are gsililcaili. CnAPTEIR Ill. I t le earli nanring-ealm oantrlies @a snlight lies user tiegrec-nlt eef; tise Masses nf olage are snrn Staoctt Wters o! the ssu-s INièe la qultntic on boardi thia get Singboat; for Jack Duncumbe gm ise trs te a aî citte driver;]b boockla ta the pastry the tico coules s4e»cthia; amthec hirnomen. lerfI MU i~ et bis peutbas fillle te, do %g*m, te tecptirelvei'51 ging of tits, nia" o tu look oUI for ahailow B ut tltisetiitie hb audi- brutez casppear-«soletil comas, ai -' miy boi! ineliaiedte 1laugi, antiloi *dains a aant- "Am hâbt de o 700 tsiniso 70 eoaIse sas. thspot effl ascr10Itspoî c- U ,:g r,,1 be azam es auj d yon do it, thesr wD bai' -011, et cours enudan'ît now leu cers goet on let igh-tI &a Il My lite 1 sevcr saac aàqpx ciDga mate sach an uxil ne Weu ess hom tesiuatai himd teter o!teseepages cinid' boa iis siate eai l&aproper value- aise cas aLlas cd 10 hear. Andtien estk't pin il on for yoursclt: ut.1 ms' lingèeaare sW ClUMSY; and moe, aise Muýai cn over lu du i aosite abucI an tour I i i 'lcuis someone int knou-ked your bonde together. Tic-n cornes ouIt t Per eltte--ob lt. y-. -lic aBus-il ii sud ilourbt te ti,uinOtiOsl o! -esti goi rater petty. au4 bat 70e --~ssemaiu't on it: ahI, e of um'i 'be behinuiialitusi-a It iusa5 tIopé4oflo'c-gitu,; you g,, sut gisr c4bes ive pentîtîtet yiîi ihâve haý - a'bd t!" -u ,,,, é -"'tc boy oni aie duit N~5é Il il bs lue; s that libaway, on çive It ito h L obeaMumei Iea. A d thet drems- mhatkru èe aiu for maklng -70 go sqae. sboudered nowadays; au oblong broock Il Jet jonc neck wiuid voit very wel." Mr». TentAi. eswed, balked, julnPsd lapon, outatared, extesiinated, eau ou S turD and say tebher conipanion. wlh a leui alsgh of rseignadiont @ Iii~ < J~...V"QDili 700 evîr lar such braten impu- so wa~1Aj«'I amn afraid you goaded Miss Rosslyn . PLucE nto it," te says, withaamile wichila lie b oard. mi basby oes- thts enongh. Dont you eec Well. seRt late alter dnner; for ev- bi that ahe la nerelY PlaYing YOD off rYthing Was vecY nugt comft)rtR- bar agitint Mr. Duncombe? It'o Il dose bic: andi two sudi two make eeellent to te pilie hMm. Tha athe way sitelbe. iouipRfioahip. Of courese,that arrangie- glas. Al lteseseret gonfidenies-and nment did fnt aIsays t*xst,, for ioécaslbo- thon the attention elle pays,10 your eligteet aly Jack Dincomibe, vrth a bumilily we guff wrd-sued ail ber nnblnahing enquetry halie neyer before seen hlm exhibît , adi- Oum -tient is ail dons te taatalize hm. That dreffset ineass OiSI direct; andi alwayi ave cigar cuttev. sue bas -e" it ever slice the listenê e i lma atefltivoly. and witb thm &lhe mine over hemu Paria; why ditielle gave and courteuls eyes. lesý watt tli lest ngt befoce giviuq it ta you The oeil afternoon, us heu 'Ke reactetiëa in that marked wsyY Hlenii-Y. we stoppedt ia biît th ornes id "I suppose yuans ladies have a rizht there, ani we ait went aeJsore and, of te opes their portnanteas awbeu tley course, for the W* of olti a5iocifttlons, long plase?' madie our .yay teo Uic itediLûSu, the front OC81 "At ail eveu.t, yon necd'twencou rage of whiclu was one magnîficeut malls 'of 40W ber la ber ulsbWe. Oh.,1I aw )onr wistera, ini fait blousont, a olghi worth vêt talcke! That', a very prtty upe you*ve comlug ail the way Io se. Ilusas wble taught ber of looeIglttuo cd others we were biar îg tes In the oel knowu t eycs whte youlit cinkng wine glases. parli trouîiking the river tbat Jackrae Pledging trlsud*1p. I suppose! 1riend- Dunmcmbe mate these observations: ehipl An& iben that stupîi oIt connun- "We shaîl get te sonniîîg to-niglit;sam iL drur-Wbat kLat of weather represcots 1 have bren thinking tbat il Miss Rosa- te an wiiLmI Bal Rin, dcr--of 0courso ut yn wouiti like te sep a capital specimen 1Wl sailed ber tbt mai to be allowed teo(!ai of an olt-fashloned country Ian, we nalght Niff hme dear. 1 coult see what wes going dine lit the Bull there. Net the White am ns"Hart down hy the riversidE,-that ls h- Qij "Dootlea!"lovet of cockneys--but the Bull that the slt *And mark my words. as soon a'sue arti3s ewbo know the Thamrnes wear by. has provokret Mr. Duncombe Lto paying li won't be eîactiy lile dining t tise bar atteptio--an soon as the h«i ot hlm Bristol; but t wil le a good deat more tlai a fair sa nt beeong lier lae-Ipiclureeque. Whet do Son s-iy. 'Nim Boa*- Wi Wonder wherc you wili ber' lynT?"c t- "Where, indeeti! Witb th, anows of Miss Roslyn, Who bas takien off ber and yestrear. But in the neatiine, Whie sailor bat (tbcreby gracioiy revealling teciel e tie,. voucbaafes unaicb ereles, ome ne *Il the beautiful masses of hier golden- plO Mnatt tlrow tORI a aR don't Yeu brown har) andisl twiniîag the saine un g-d d One.bler forefinger. Maies awuwer very pret bI i "Heav-eni Its very tile yon know ily: "Iarn sure vhatevr rSoat ait ttiuk r-about Petty BoR11yn. If YOu ttlnk that heamin ii te lest. EverYthing taslte'.n i heaven bas anytblng te do witb bier." delightfnhlly arranged se far; it is ike a BI& L; Just as this atroclous sentimnt bas fairy drcam tu aie. Si dot ask me te o t re been uttereti, Ihere ta suddeniy heard the give any opinion, îîeue. it miiin uetutn se tinkllng of a banjo wthen thc 801o9n11-a better te leave itin Sour bandis.' Fun Fe caereleas truninn, spparently lu test Wheo we arrive at our destination ami bol an the strlags. Then we hear a gl*%s 'oie. watt Up IbhroaghCtie tile vilage luete dir t aie que carelesa; anti we cati jumi male Bull inn, there is jo-i enulgh liglt tu gice lu ot somethng abolitounr young American frienuti oe sague e de '*My old Kentueky homie fer aoa;y." ides of wotilhc place taý like--tlhe quaint. rO atTbeOitl Instant the tour opens, and lt-fasolioned building of brick andiîiu i Mise Peggy, witbout bier banjo, but ra- ber. with lta ret-eti KIi'iof. lis pealkes et .dlat. andi freh as a wilt rose in JunWindows andi sial iaud casemieilto. the the and aming contet titb terscîf andnal eteepers trainei Up ttcvieli, te large or- hn as the worid. coulie@ outJin btbe dayliglut. etard an one ide of thc hue. te rîîw or Thensasys tbe amaler of thet o wom of lait liies in friit.mIntie therë la r eh: another tale to Uli: for se have Madle y* "Look bec. Pecgy. no une aenia te our saY aloug th t auccl fliiiring ut thelot 'dtake any notice of Mtr. Duncombe. lhough corridoro and tanibleid hcailoug luite the ni1 ,li te le worlog se bard for us. He bas apart selît usere w :ti e todne; vie tlu' fer 11 been qite by tîméelf ever sînee break- that igbted ap isy a chesrfai bla- of thl fe ant.Wbat do yon say-shall ce go laempis tliîîg li,î.king i erY Ita»6 slaste and watt ith lrefor s bit? amidcoîforlalile Indvei.M "Plesse. I wanled 1 te i husin bew toe be cotailCl.) Do ~.steer," sas Peggy, tinditly. ar en "Andi conider thla, Miss Peggy." svy A CLERGYMAL"S "BREAK." ad a thîrd person present. "you'Illieote g otatudSort Ma b Rei 'IdteRunnymede vTrysoon. TALIa AboutýY t . .n Von - k tr- "Not the reanditunstynede?" sbc ays, I Aitev 1)-.Uei'kt i. SA. __4 Ol qulckly.Th e.W.Ierct.3Ar- n of -The actual sud veritabie nMeadow tired, who la known anti beloued bi or ry where the barons met; anti you'll sec tte soldieraétati civilians alike beeause ut 0G 't- piace Where King Jobn caited ountelis tender luari aut is kminiy wtt, balile Or. ocher idei sud thceisand tetwren, where tikis îtor2, Iu tell Or un t..perience of hl, ts wu Magna Chai-le wae signed. doWilat Fotl'on onroe. lite Watt taYiuii si tly "Now beaven rant mse patience, for ' tbe'rs t their Engileb istor aalu ' ta lotel the"reliti epring, t think il n Sa siys Mrs. Tbrcepenny-bit. apparently rje uvas-aud nmoug theît jersotui who Maies&g In tersef; andi then ste opens te toor b,- 'lis aequaiutanucti i. ire tissugentieufle v 'le hindi ber. andi cls: "Here, Murdochjone of titeal wat a duethodst ei'rgy bU lu- col andi g«tready the ganghoarti; 1. Man froîn îimeu luire lI Kectitky. gi "' golaiasabote." andi its c-î,manluu l lati a elericai look tr art ltwuai t the entraltce te Windsor snd seenîe-d su great n f tietitita hlmIn I] 'adi IoeePark. wbere we Vere chargcd D.Hriklaual Ocue hlb S inueffeesfor permIssion 1te p5n along Dritrlk ataly oiiuldta e0 iasportion o the river, Ibat Mrm. 'arfe- te coliiatiiiu. liii,,%elis al methdisit. dapenny-bit andtiter companion came ou The metitilon of the iewiu ushere thE Cc m-" board atain. Methodhisiprîtuiher li\e ci[li îiidedtiDr I Ou By the ime we bat got tbroug thrIe Herrick i stif a ..lii? lor loch Bit Cookbani andi poi ecrons tlu tse ,Doyou kuow Lt-w Staud Sob )itUet, igtriveralde Inn Ihere tbe duat bat faileti. there lu Kentuctiky.tise faionsî>iiheirse 9i teandi range raya of igt rom tcew' - man?- heaktid. -Ie de"i d iof tbe confortable looking totlry i'YK" tas thiteiwi r. The, revernC (t sh aottrongis nndernatthIe anent t yevws. A goodnatDled baman guolî, doctor mostlleti lis klili. utîtle. a u un0tuconveient moorlogs. wlcb eciet '-iteard a story aboîutbhla th-e titet vr to, be InsI oulside semebody's gardes, for day,- lhe said. -It sî'eniuvthat bhi-s ibe orc we were irnbedded amoxig baea andi ing a breedtito inil, orets, lie uas a cd ixtesIt uaali ean m d e WC oted character on the race tat ~~s- ~ stho e am ainti canties, etting anti tacing werc passions wlti a rand logrn tco e d idw hlm. The tîie came, lhoweu er. wbe t' coe urtaina, whieeUmIs Peggy belpeto1 lay - he tc dot for dsnner. Jack Duancombe hie experleuced a change of heart. lie Wosang a batile of chue over thse bide lu was tonverteti andi joluî'd n peculiai >gb cool; Mrs. Threcpenny-bib apportioned seci cahotd Camptiellite-s, Or Clristiaus the napkin rings ce isore te relain dur- a cttarch of very ceetuit giti. Foi ibis ing thc voyage, andI so forth; aud prea- acrI uota b'kp l etheC ai- ntly Murdoc'* celcotue nppearatire straîl asj41,arrou',usaY. but ("ne day it lark- aummonet ns te our sentlî îîpoîcd tu e ho ins ng a very fastit )net Now chen four people are dining te- hornedico hoe Passeil o racee truck. Ut 4 uted getter, la êa.ier than to keep theli ,io resolu- th coversation general; hut wheun youta-t d la , antidespiteiii ut young man wiso la ratlier anxlouslu. tittt e feli froin grave a:tllPresi'til brillant, sud Who neverthelesa will cou-1 sent is horne arotidt the- truck ni the stantly atitresa hi# bostesa, esidcnitly- e,- f;îsiion of is utiregi-nrîtlve days. r;apcctlng the ther Ico te lsten, tiun pcr .. îeeboiiy savv iîlin andlt î1ored hlm. ani 1 b aps. thte oter two may, te drivr,-in le vins umîîaaril3 îîinîî<îoui of tht aret sfe. feuise, te tait by teusselves.Moe churliî. A day or twoC aterw'aril aa rdover. euenSoyuîhave icu andt wo tait eul lui., cortesy demanaetstat Sonî shotîi tiu ethm nuî ne hmi h na oispeait lunly, for Sonî uight au. ti$lmîsuai l"tu-i l iureh liaitinet becn Mar- your neigtbors. Besi"tesIat, Mliss lt- a greait biow to hlmj. Leo watt uneit' i are gy cas îeling lier inimedist- comliniun pectedly cheerflii. Hie utIR net ut ail of ber experienees of camping out i theCcasi îiowma btAdirontacta. whte ste anti ber marnta -,'No,' subidlhe, Il ilini. Il serveti mue r erehé iying clit e Sagamuore Htel, on rigblIt.1ougiti 10 have kuOwfl tettel W Lake George. Miss l'egg's eyes satdtitnojunasri)c rh t e en; IL moretan lbe-ri ords sohen site was chat- thaditare' eriiciîrh ihn ~pr- isogedte tqnake confession. Ant Il la10te prigte'ougdlm et as te intagiiedt tat the presecrie ofnune The Methodist îr-curtuie i yonng lady-.Lf rallier attractive appear- modertcly. His comuîantott amiled, arse s &e,% anti julil a littis bit inclinedte lbe but lu an cmbarrassed way. Tie niicheroua-aniung those idlinig young Metheodîst finaily dilot is cyca. la henien tiltnet lent muet 'h te rulivation --Andi now, Dr. Herrick," satile "I telof a generoos gootetiowsbiP. Ste lier- wn o eko yfinteRv sIlf. of course, gave quite a differete- 5tyi tknwm trent. lseees- ed o sen fer tise .breakiug up eft tce camp. 'Mr. So-à&od-So," alappîna is campailOil Rtc saidthtie yonnut men cere almpiy onts teck. "-Hs ttcmat ihat turne.d croctietiout. Il appears tiathey acd Lew out of te litsurtb' w uîeiingtûlt te have occastonal a! ternoon receptiona, l'Ogt. te w ihicstey inviteti sncb neigtbors as o were citip reasontie distance, giving Fim W'atser. ,th o!ftem chat littie refreatoiest cas procur- tirs. OTool1-O'liui :fraid tht' wathot rtwo able. But these festivities provei poput- av Chicago wili cause nie outi mon tai biuis lart: neigtbora inviteti neighbors; ail sorte tit adronkarda grave. bave ef peope camle unaketil and thc climiax Me ,1e-ha ae eVa lonues wft5 reeciseti hen one talaunaUve of the Mi 'lo-'tdtuae etn y un.-Wide wae overbeard te 557 te another lio? ythe atranger: "Be temn nuls irre?" Tuai Mr%. O'Tooe-iO 011t'ilUye. Lie wud out- cas Miss Pcggy's tory of ttc breakînu aisuays take a troîl av liquor witi a cote ymm qupttfl»m l... IuW rm ;R00 -~O F A TROpe '"Od" .fet th a nu 4"y Pem I. T» ofriand *wes wcetiseevtO p"t Te" o S.w athat it Essai nmeia t s and bis ast*tSct get Th., coudta teg~oe sly .~a ~.Wh" hhte a few wexka later. that tic.,Adtotep-am nyse mp" tise Partm ntbouowblCithe poAr huai ai a. : imma poke te hlatout was tise tisIuti Lh« o cvd.wblch hoe ted pueteai nce ho went 3ùgai-1leths foot of a kioti of r«& ,th eglgbgte.i. or VUs bot la D tce East a"tiWstîTribune. inîs dis and i in, aieaargety iW Maia- SEOFM NEG B ngh0 rand to atetain citent lua n ILE F MNTEauITO "utg »eal couatries; 1: lea aio t10lie rond.iprince or <aulels Pre.amt it as alGift F. S, agts tof pioou quailty. lu Most of Oui- te l@ 'witfc.fildt, If stats.Ttc sIemsor reed la an an- NoV t th tY COEM tuatthe 7jona uten il, andti rowndrectly tram the rout lprince o! Naples tee purciss-dti ttcai' iscîtiii «Y spring tuthe heigitt o! about andi ai Monte Crisa. a a prenant for au a, se test with long bladeu or lanceolste hlg cltarnalng Wlfc andi ereCtali 1h51. a Whr' avu. rasembling ver, naucb ln style lmnnung .otge. whleh ha proposes 10 iagît id color eur Ansericau maize or com malre bts heatiaiarlera wbeoevcr tite b lai lW peti or atalis bertiinaies in an oh- fancy saches hlm 10 flee front the glaire tas-t' gE scaIY apike. andtifrom saciso et tsanti bustle of court lire. w i 04e gl'wna e lttie bina anti whits Outlde ofDumal' woa'k you cUl tint tnîie vêtr. ThIe Plant i in owcucldvatet 1n very Utile nmentien o! tiseIlaand. Tel the i wy gt'eat quantifies in the West laid-tat Ilb las hati a romuilcisstory la cî 14 pPclally lnthIsllandi o! Jamalca, prelty clear. Bîttated aIl 5lai te sul, Om chiot Place Uic fluent antimuait Medlbertsli5an, iwenly-seveO )niles Lau iemcd le mmporteti. auutis ut Ria, Ibile mantfesly Imposai- lu Jaaca ginger lanflot aniy cultivateti bic tatifwucasawaysauas Iolateti anti aisut Sve;'Y grat Perfection, but lte select- as desolate ato l btas been lithIn tieseSitit i. acrsplng, dryhug andi ail the noces. utte enure. ri. u7 detalla is praparation are en- There arm grotts e n teIsalant, bot Th 'cat with tte utumasi cane anti nicet. hiardly aucu a aonesos Dumas deacrles- u.01or Interl làimorteti loto Ibis country tce one r 'blct théeoxarvelois fresure -'Th, bas' lne t rtrin of tisedti-ed reote or cas toun- .Atbise sns tinte Ibere 5am ,,rs a proserve ini ayi-tp anti cines fron tetw planes In tise corîid chers a lrsas- Prof -hin China. Atnica andtihie East orure le miorea lklty te te burlet, andi for u'ruuu mat ladies. Tise Preserveti ginger the Svery gondti- eson tisI at iygone Mits 'Dm tise West Indien la muni s teenset ires titîs Islandi of Monte Cristo cas a a gcJ ad Otamne a avery higit price. The favorite u'oaortof saulers ant i rates. e('o 1g0r -et grOwli lakotty brsucised Neitter toces If coabals anytiing Usd Cou eakginger consista o! tise Interior tant. the smportsman and tise nainralsi tioîu 00is, wch h ave boitaisteepeti in boit- wcli tint many fressur'es samîiitis naseof 1 g9 dater PrevloQs 10 bcbng tried ln tise of vont. t un.Thecolr o th d&ies Lide, Thot the Prince aud Princeas af Na- thc coaver, la Dot hlack, btumrs o! a pics cuilhcartly ettjoy witever tays eti JrtJbrOD O atne olo Whte in-ttey tmay lient oui ltho ruggetianti d rt ross ne o rf t e o n u r. bt n d in t rom an îtc spot sa e nrta lis. B o th uft he i ' n a n te cnsats ! cl oundest ni est e are fout of outdor lite, andti iera are Ihaut 0 18I s c r a p c d b e n g n t i b ie n r î t i c a e t e o t e r p o r t sm e n t o n t t c P r i n c e li n i o u îllydîttut blti sIt. Il la linm- jurope. For that malter there are yr u lrcalemllttous 91114 aore pontent tuah e oe h r osaît ta __er ue, .e bisct, andi t'onittc tactfibuet tRethe PrtncsscWh aesmorguni- a rifle. iiit te5antisu s00 t 1rouIs are always Itt Prtnei ncessweta h tgo atife.poit lected,.wite gInger la. Indepentent lIfte rne andolatciiouliteanr Isin YI - the meuliter oftlitspreparation, super- teY eau iti telu tat eeron of Africslan asd or 0i black, anti always reahutes a mnch ant th titis dîffernne IbsIofiti min Igiter price ln tise market; but bise tditteadwltors ttertc us-habeza tem luit"a terence ut color depends cholly upon taytandtanpre ro ier ai r te manner o! cîîrlig or prcparhng. For tbey o e tra! hoteiy.l ro i Facis îth oft Utcse Made thetlubea or toots Prvess. ion re allous cilte nîpen; flti la5 lthe>'are fo, 2t tua uli until atter tte annlai stalka MONKS AND MONKEYS. Dri are wiîitredt. i. Tisa principal carliecao!ginger A ()v et.i-sar. .o!.d s s Gse ,f knoco la commerce are, chite gInger EabeCimn ecbe i --Jamaica. Cochinu China. Atrican, Eastl lupara vîsîl tutc aleent decîy u t t Indieanouniteugal andti'ellîcuieri; iblackIAmPertaiii tutus tntalis IatetOfi-ct r o gnger--Jaîte lto uaop an Malabar ony by a ew prests anti thousanîs or uve- J in e ra liv aio n steti lot o fu r p e a t- an t, m o n k cy . E lep ha n ta ro m t tc sta b le s i i w hieht enlu v ria tl mo des p o! tra impent, fa!the m aharajah o ! Jeypor a coq ry c it s r v tîc t e n d gf r e in bu im p r u e a t i pth c b e r p a rty . T h e iJil o n w c hc t hi e ad P aura susceptible la gluiger bttce mv- IYsad 8srone yohrbg îes of ttc il>' or gInger worm. Thesa bills, crocueti wit t od'ers anti rem-. arious moties o! tri-aiment are casti-Parts anti cos-ere i wtht tu-es. TheStreatia tug brghtnin an beacing an thecoatle tortresstands ont itoidiy. Tte g. e b a rh e n bo g ain t l eac bn g, anti t ie I tzen a n a , o r c um a os a p a rtm en sta-a s P i ingdes "araiginae,"isthe kuclu ie sextensive bluekof uiludîing%, surrounot t I r d " o r i o a b ," v i a., t t c g i g e r a s cd ty a c o u r t - l a t ce u ly p la c e w c s e l een cleanot la us lter shhgittly aî-lieti; antitîîvcîy quarer.ace tlt o! ta-lil brighi." thue ginger ushîcit basu nd unîqurerlîre rieof d toue the preparatcîry course ut bi- g~uor o onomu m e have ttm ieele a no4ing or tresiu of lime tort anti treedom. Tise Hhutoèa'relii- fi ,tt. 'riese lattîýr uiodesouttrealmeiit ut iuusly refrain truni hurthog or kIliIng tbi tinger ountil rei-ettly %usefe carie-tuon auy animal, ant ilt monkeya. has'lng cl ,xcuavcy y e.hor niuope, suitDo tear, ara mouarcha ,of ail tlsd be ( la onli>' dlin the tast few yeaus thaItithoose 10 bake. c thse art tus been lhou oduscet iluta1fille Tise tuonoumauo. ot languor. la tise ca eontryPreteit cci ginger as juan- stacret monte>'. an4 Uic laigest rouandine gfactUred beni- andîin Eturopte la dock lu Iodla. If@ eigbt Iso'mm Ico anti a ( anti fIi-ous ltut %lien pieîîîîîoîî In1htie bitte ta our fret: ls ie o lanalugularly et [est or West Indtien or Cina, ttc West sIenter anti supple: uta face la black ant iId Indien especialhy, froniu ceYoung routa. mootiu. excettfor lang ie ciskei a. vil itlha shunst branulîttrenl t 18 Impo t te haIt oms ttc body la gray on ttc se' tn jars, anti sîîîîuîu te ofa t , back antiwitte uuticr the abumant: is CB rellw coor. inge in n aote nu t ail la long anti borew t asiget B lama~l an irl-i ut aboutli()()pouuuî ut ou ar ou the endt. The Hintoos haveti eachta.staciai tari' aîîoo'ance: <from a legendtti vlcbexplalus luts vcry black u Cochin Chiîna anulMalabar in cases eori aiee lb enystblioges ago Boubo- I about 2(1K)tunl each. also w1h actuaelmnia. ttc kinîg ofthe muukeys, dont ta C lare allowauce. Atricuin amnd East lui-asist Rinsmoil tle conqucat utftCeylun. P Inginger cunies un bagu et îgo1îaulnîîs Tcdm'iu ttclltttt eaclu bug. rieti off 1 a, the vître utfiama, anti te GIngerts onie of te tuost 1prtît ua .-îiind 0rescue ber. As Ihey menîbers outhIl, sple -taitîli >.'Ihe c iii i, rtoe Islbantd1Ioonoomauna Import tables slîîuîv iliot tîetuseuu.,OO cislylo'îu ped ever lthe stratte. go akiliful t- 000 and 6.000,000i piîtidsif teilrîed ajlupor uvas te. ont.finng LItnlie as rout la uset annîtaiuy In ibis toîtinltrt, usas cointotingt ber citbte neca ttat -P, atout tesanme qîuauîtlty as s9 taken uit ber hushntitiwns sppiruau'tlg, dhcn v cassia. Bebocen 25,l,uîOt) antid -lu-lias aria.thue ternon king, appeareti anti pountis ut preseru et ginger Is îuutpoî tu-il nîmade iHoonoumaiuu prisemter. Atter set- d aunnaliy, bbc au erage Import ptiie for j îlog lire tu the monkcy's long tail be thc preserveti article andi t 00 îî gave hlmnibis <ceetioni, Iat tie mlgpm d about tour cents a pounut ia eoci nase.c retur t teBaron. loonumaun succeéd- a, lu ortier ot Impiortance, as sîlous by cd lu blowlug out lthe lire ant theecndtoftt the ImPort tatI-s, gInger rack. citb ie tatI. but lu 80 doîng ho biacnei1) cassiasutext lu lu-t'lur. uvîtuntas twcccbis face antI aungeti bis hait 1n d me-til an popiular as îny otiter opine, ant i ubecomhiig faiul.hýoti Ttc.luttaof huis 1 loves are a goodti Iirti. heauysus Aicutbte pour boautthat Rama Mate aillte monkcys ot bis LARGE PROFITS0 iGA.titkimni.or tbltack dcte ILegiesa Man lceived Ce'hr~ ttc>' remainbunthis tny.-8bs. S'iciulas. t Mate Hlm ilch. BîîsvMissosians e e 'sde. it 1betout051bot legs, anti cho. scabeti in at.,,acc.rtinabuAlnsie'5bMagazine 1 icter basket. uusbc- ihmselt alouig lore's ttc ue.ry - nIl Msuri:t c here people ,ould se hlm. Coins "Teuinsa » muntaineera took adi Mamse to b hl ntaiisaoera. Tise vantage ut fiue tnoro eel land@ ut Mia- basket cas a part of! tpbusiness oaiit. sent ietaIstate ta an n btredil? 1Wisen off diii>. thatlei, um ben not solicit.'boitrt "Pare ut tme atter ttheicent>' ing aima, becuwre Issu uvil-maîie ai'ti-liillgsaddîkdu ruee wth the Osages, andti u thes tateMe Onll egsoaticamont ui ru ets.wuint anti abundani soli anti cater tiey- k n !banis mltl IIacsmîgia have matie "one a! sIte largeat 000e>' tlant lu the acason. anti taving Ianti greabesi utfthe AtIeIehitU M&st- dgaineth ie goodti lU uf a resident af theu t ealIta neariy liait a centary figetati aplace ho oset intodepocîl isslegasaitlte uni the vicînît>' bren on tcmptl5g 1tubita inusbouse chien itc cent atreadti confetieracy anti su Important lte Iml SDAOMUC8 MUT I N t for ana App'otiobat B lect OIt' sri, Mess'Maur AdjisseesAbooci sU Boutant andi Thormno nome, taenesabivc hlall et thse statebouift Springfield tcastceil filed ti Tu-adOY ct hen the forty-nlxih mainthmu-et' of ttc Illinois' ite 'Teacters' As- ltion as t egnu. Ttc 11ev- George gymour, Episeopaal hhstup of bpring- 1offered thse openîne proyer, anti i eèretary. o! State Jane" A. Rose. ng in ltat 0 f Gbv, Tsnnuerruadle titres, o! caeleomete t te teutlers. su I'resileuiAlbert G, . ane o!f<'hi- al-nîssiitt tit,' chirire usR5 îreàented ls pretetessur .1. H. ('oliuus, uslth a il itadue o!fs'eut troi lthe tousu' lu eh Abrahaui LincutîIl formeriy livet. ais attir-sa Preshid'nt Lane exaiet naitésion o! tbe telachet andtihtecinflu- tuof bist crk tapontatc, uel- tuai antI [iis3al lnature outhttcyotung 1 lits iffu-et upon lthe iî-un&nlqsîutyMr. le cas followus-ti y Chartes Ni. Jor- sluîierineeiiinu t ofschtiiis out Iute- ,la, Mii., umi an attireas cii "The Mis - i f tte Coino tun Mchooh." Musii furisusheti tîring th eeing ty ttc -hi-rs' Ilarinony Club or Spingn-field. 1h lirimeiaci tenture of Widsu aiy iitg'5asstisn cas, a s)uilpomiiim nit he luleai Behuol," in chli ttise uat- usure W. F. ltecteleau of Chicago, I. Jantîes lE. Eirk o! Carbondale, Bnp- lundi-n IIL 0. Yung o!flocttort. sg Cuira m. lîsustites of Pontiac' sut 'eraI discussion, 10'ulby ContyBSuil- i, Eint aBrysu of Jackson nty. se announci-usent tat tise Chcago total. Scre 10 reclieeau alrier in the ho Buard su-ilion meeting ilru' a sti. Ttc dig-usniuu tno il.-ttasle, ut'e Man Poer -In Beboul Adtiistra- cl" as a-teel by l'rot. t'. E. Juiner Whitll, t. huo lpukeoftliîs advant- zea. The éouc-mnîawi-r. lt sait. uas resuut o!a stî'îuîy î'colutiî,u hn îsIýtuli îagu-ntent. andlthé- a- wr-i lanccgrant- to prnep sanîl sipriuteiitits a natter o! crac- tall 00w tecoine a lter ut gîtîsipolit-t. I'ru-tîialetin- tn Il. HIl outuht- 'hic'agou Su-huol lrud sta-akirit 'n the utîser balbe of tt sttn,é saîul: "Oiieisun power us ootb- gbut bouoimius, shetter in giesernuient, îlesci or busiiaa. flit uhiaitul tlu ron -l bave sen il, pertupa. In ttc fielts id tte fsctory, ini the ttore 'ant in tte se,' andtiev-miin tht- tîîsiestic i'irclc y puu t'e -PLI the'pttty yrgû1. What usas or fee'ling? One tif tre't, loatbing id voiitt'uiit.Ii ut bu' ilsasu-ue, o ominstu o iug? bI l lor-ciu',uts ts oac want sur slott'Iteunarta. pro and n. user,'aléaise uut,-b) 1Prof.N. C. ugtu-rty of Pei-n. Ireaidceh A. S. rpt" iif thbé- I'ivc-rs3"iiti îIliosand rîurlIl. G Irosbo f i hc l i'Boset-i Ai tIie gen'uîî'rstetî'îîîî ,î'sîupmer- ir gui se re-tîilutiidin(e i't utit,rt , ars' atsiias t,tiili-r huit W. H.t'.1 ix Ill, lily sup-iucl-î INéi-t rk ce-oil an usIîIir,-sw on"r te Faiisu of ',Trliuii utPci,-so itntercstlng nIgîaii)uso us-cr arriqt i lu usections. ni'oehtttiuui ussatIti7d ii"siorialiln le Nattionual Etitui ationtal Amtceilttion tri jprosiatuSotIti s ur té, îronmoicîthe iti- if spi-Ilisi rcurui. -Al tte muriaing session on Titurote;y ,tf E. ltînauîî ndsire'ws, superin ulbit ut t,!uhi- <'tiiagi, c-su,. Ili rI - sm tu-iturc on "l'atiotsian andtihe Pub, P u itoohfl'," liInte -e o! btsa ed tes lut- deelareiltbab if tt- Ppiplusab occil lu go uttotf th etuillol <c-dM bai the pultuesl t'onditions o! the roua us-cri- bopoeot hu- 1,-acter tati nei tiliet his tuttialulabt-eunation; tisait ustu ci h-acter steutti ndowailtolushowiu'ai ntutionithat coulai le - ntdist mi 0nêtad l u *t 1 e smli lan amititon ta -liter Ibeat ttrontitia*. >rés. I. B. Black eitler ut Chsicago, represt'nthng the Cti go Wnmau' Clubs, tealoitobte 'Et Iathoiail 'Vork no! Won'tt Onlîts." Oflicers o! tbe ssoaciation cere ec-t si t tht- eloqinx sesoitun [usqfolloca PrPo cent, A. V. Grct'uumasi. Anuira: lin-, ritIremidPitt, F~. N. Truny. Kauukakec higo huirti vie-prent, 3a . . F Ban"s.Puntaise; oeereîarY, J. Ni. Bouslb [arbitidab': ircasover, Waltc-r R. ia âiti, Pitîshiit; oic-îer, eeiutci-ou.01 i t re e f o r t b r a s é s - eo r s , N és li a b t buscs, h)'atu ourd et dirtîltors 'iuairmulu, I1. Mîsini-.,itettevll:Mra i1 p. WIisir, tiutîî;Mu-c. I i . lli Molaoi i ls; Mit-Blanichelaca ll,,u;Iult, tome ailîil, hIiti il agalutot tht-ie i, tSt-hoBl, ltîurît. a-1 îouitug tl" utthe A.i.siitily tu îîîîî phroplriatioluifurirtl'(- tîIIlLRti(l 'If LI roicelinge o!flthe iuatlî ici- rni" ýeu enaiti atnilftî,il ti-o tpiirtiolutiltI choot t ax in ut otiI iiug t ouigti- .t abuimt a tnt' t-thuî,il 'i) oili ttc 1 dIan Tcvnitory. 'rTe couttiflitu'-éuath'- n-aulna' lrcss reeenuiieluulibîhtltht' dutien uftit Suppriutiuisit "sltlà nu hougernÎbu-Ilu ae the ustitis uttht- BoaîrulO ,it ce:itii tut stotuit liciIuil lbY it ittlite tas and aooconuuiuiind oii iut ilnamui the Illiios Stale no nona1 sehoutîs arc-1 itie-itto tIrainufi-uho'rsueotuity Irai ung acttitus altutit ut'ieurgiuiîeul 'r mciennee ctiande nat'Ifttce chiio le rictulu ni Tite u-ouiuestîitt l -liaithorirséayi-vé in[ lth an adairlneasutn "TheItelalio uf F.duscaixlîuus narilorfattlitiea lu Il Dois," ty Antrew iK. lrlar, jre«Ideul i he University o!f llols. Onîcard Wor,.lilp A Criuaple Creek pallir tellsusth -the cindows o!fliseBapblst Chur have licuco ashesl anti preseint a ve macat appu"rait(cef ron t te onbtie. D)enver Punt. NoO Vce Casipilaftity. 'U>yotî lmuw," saidthttcyotaag it uslt te cîgaretta', "the 1 L love you 1: ier bton h love nay lt? "lot course 1 don'it ýnow," refplieti fali' mah, "but oven If Yu du. h IL&av vcry matcte, 1bottsiofet, cuimuttlout ilfe yuIileetiý" Th. appontmient of Adelisert 0- ElRY. son o!retery of Slute liai, as United otaita sensi eb Pretoria ta sueed Mtr. - - Macrums bas becs recchvcd, witis @aie L U faction 'by Engliasb Irnmen chos e rcw tives are confci at Pretoria as Pris-, onets o! car. lis punit un of the co sular agent et Pre- torla sefDot an im- -Aigt.ugRTIL s fAty.dtiles Incude t»i ieuing cf constîlar certiicates -on1 ait Amtnclai gootls inporteti lato the Treine- vi and ibc la aiso sutpposed to 100 19 r c the Inteinats o! the 4,0010 or miorc Ameti- cana cho mate Iheir homes in Pretilà or la flitecountry thereaboots. As IberI, in praeticsliy nont gexportoti trointhe Tearavaai 10 the Unted States lie basî little to do In that direction. Tht EngliIh people ai ookint 1cr n wbo are responsihie for tis e tp biy Inadequate condition of ibeir arnay in South Ar- ica, andt lty have > roundi one ln tte eaUcciior o! thse e3dxequer. 1 chose perverse paralmony rnncb of th(-trou- Mein ha dtreeliY etergei. [He basn draus tte purse- strifgl of the ne-- Ilase» itliy isat Bisl isiga-CAC .,engt money 10 properly cquoptites ati transport Ir cllb suMcient wpeed te the theater of car in flot ta bc bat. 11e in not over popular cIth bis eOunrYtafl nt5ny tuf honi rail bim In cOleslPt. "'MIk.te t Iarpiot." This itise ofthet diminutive I in anie tan cdonc more te eut ridicule on the eminent stàîtem than att ttc criticsis of bis eneniies- 1 Tise Ducbeas dtUzes, cho bas Indig- fianîly repudiatedtheItematement tht "0 la bactins tise Bocr recruitlng MOT-Ici in this conutr. euth chînt ber ame bas been as, tise ceaithic«atsl- tuerais o! Francs* anti une of thseg bleat . Bbc e in b a osner of tise tace- nus yîsejv'adad champagne pata Cliquot, cbicb sec intuertedtirousanb motter. Bbc malutain aseveraliImmense establi.ahmnents. Th" diitheo la a daagh' ter of ttc fanuly 3f il-i tetouar-MoOte" mart. Site cas niacric t I19 10 the DU4 d'lUses, une ut tii- tteWbrated otites- mten of bis lime. 9 These twcemnon-s Amarica ccM 8.are Ihe gueate ni <eoi l tbodt's thse dia- 9 mond king, la tise teeaguered clty et :) Kimberley, Sautk Af rica. UmssKues 'Y [U I~~1' ticr usate gýrteat miniature paloter ilà tise usruni. t s inan Indiana ghrl. Umo Barils a a novehIimI andl nu-capaper corne. @pondient, andt uas bretdinhaoit Kentucky. Il la tilîl uat Jaunes R. Keene, tise n'ail tru-iet ,raii.ha, msadie s,0- i) by ttc mci tpi, in thlu, t*ti* "'5 uarket. itlm la arn- et, t-e that Nlr,, heu-ne ta in scie in joytnvnt ot $2,5(OI. M)X nftî it-eau' î, .u aviliePd t5uuIII, a r c ti , i u s f Ie a t ' tc-p virtuue of an atîre mlent mad tit -ts ci thers yi.uirs agu lui t JtitiS sî arr.'1aa tins ut-eu faittfuilly Ictt.antI MrsIteeda,' by reauca cf t-chreutd-eaof ter tus- 1< bauîîh us$2i, r>OIl i-r than as c AS Marqis e la ui-itan sSeetary l iS4tte fucr o f lGr-at Bitain, anti la ttc- tacgci fon ail tecreniiulanoc heg teîpet upon 155 W an I)epartqMM,, for ttcocnttiet et affaira in BontbiAf- rien. lie laibmth weeattient lamioiti ia Engtaot sotdose o! tise invecostian uwn rs la tha curîti. Ueocsa 143,000 acres of landi.anti bis an' ausi-u i, u.stuî a saidtho aggal $300,M)(. Hetuas le-en Unter Becrcîary for Indus. , Gvernli e c-icrai o! anti Guvernor Cencrai of !Wlailscu ativanre tt ttc position of Secrets"y et Siate for W'sr in 1895, 1 Rev. J.J. Axucli. teoaUMgregbo&sa - iinister o!fitoyat Oak, Mict., gaizet tmuhntooiely bY tbis prize ring eii- Csnter et GUS Duntevo, a saluas- tcêpcr o! ihai ptacrececiliy.Ttce- saon nman accus- ket bim ut cocartuic anti daret inhumta u ight. Reports have l ttc divine uta- norketi ail kindu o! bohouka, uts anti crusses, anti cou, hanta towu. Ttc It Detroit ,Wotnen's-msgla ou. XTELL.- ChriotinTemuperuce thou approveti in Va action at a meting teit attercatri. À oite bas dune great .Isnags 1l, U*1.HaIs areluonse, Boston, isura. tDiaeAldwod, 6. D. buse. L 4O ý_ ,7(ed5 a klc

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