CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 1

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*LAKE COJJNTY- INDEPENDENT. V7voi. vm . No.ïe16T, DATEibertyville, Lake Coufty, Illni.MÎsy Jnay2610.$1.50 a ar jAvace. n g* leglst meumedefuis POPOUOII.tbe ele:en ayar old tianghter uf Win. ref@rring to the completion of the hegnstoamimedeinteproOriOl opp, a0crpentliabo remildea on the extension cf the St. Paul ronant10Foi iowy 'i-ji While lote.lineas. SANBORN î CO. have the only weiI equipped Tafiloing ILwu nnouoe t <> o T ridyreit aide. Ber assilaut ras aB.10w, Lake said. Esîablihmen in Ce»fral ake Couoty.ynay UMr. Wheiock annulid p~7ameyni emn __ ail sren nCnra aeCuay 61money due the Beuton formera PilFab- "ilNwmn.-May 1 regîxiar train Service on the V.1- ,.f n,i Flaafiied. lat Ths ntic rssei ot Sturay At the lima of the ashsult tbe littie lice wnu be întrodluced. EarlY in the t. Il the optionnera in tise six thousand gil vas going hm rn elo.srrg11 oko xedn h Her yo cn SE te ood a th pîce-lh liin"' cr trct uslb.ney tlatMrTwo 1111e boys were wst abouad of brandi lina froni Fox Lakeat Jasf- lOn accotant(if 1the recent edvinc Whelekwil cinBoto prmn lierand vwltlsoui arluing.1the felor ville, a&distance of abouit fo117 miles lontbo eseîc e C tngooe lunat buftons,-and in [st everyfbang thaf goellafou nake sba WhetelatI ea nth Cayn gou sprangtoh er aide froLn tue nooda, viliibe begun land arried on as rapiat- M fteegret r eata st n i l Cut o ve d a .th r v si n f th p im a 1 i throving ber t0 the art11, lieeing for ly aa possible. t e cln flls m t r a ni m ii g stnilsi roedatetpr.vso$0 h otos% h llfe a 1Iseconde Jeter. Hie lnteuded "By the new route Foi Lake la lfty ()urgarment are1the fuil eut, weil made kind, Àtber ipratanncmn victimes acreaaina brouglIt belP lu the miles dlistant froni Chicago, bunt the the latent ln style, trianmring and finish. Ante motn n o petossa ole I.liual aesrira onan ned 0ptAil are properly %sewed ani hot skimped. tba al Ie andonriscl farrity. express trains into service ln the snm- Prices ae righthee eam urn o le falion.due After a vigorous ,ereilNewman mer montha, naslng il convenlent for Wokm nhi iFeebrt T@ usx ta01iaon an avaag e u aaarrested at Highwood. The City business men te live ai the lake. Naghf Robdes at50c. 75c, 98c. $1.0, $2,00, $2.25 tfi $2.50. Febuar tiaitin n a Avrag &butofficiera ol hlm 10 the girl's parente The reaidents, and landowners of 1the 811H Workmnshp s es10aacebc&t aIfesolpeiCu oer a .12c, 25c. 35c. 45rc, 50e Io 95ru out in Beuton Thursday aibout "QO home and Spptrocbing the bouse, Fox Lake uneigbliorb>Ood long bavtieCotCve.a D U betis t n p eae l oi as.Soe f11eotine the victim teathe brutal aiaaflit âtood worked for the extension of the line Skie$s af . . . 50c. 75c, 85c, SLOO, SI-50 to $2.00.l get more tian $10 &anacre, lire. Durlin i h idn nmdaei l4i rmLbryiie n o htterDrawers t..a... ..... .25c. 35c. 40c. SOc, 75c,95c fISoO for example, who gaio $20 man acre, bnt soeeng the manl the girl wbo la desire bas been grattied tbey intend tbe average la about $Io. One thing la eieven Years Cidrent auto tàyàteries. 10 spand lunchb mouey In lending ALL SKIMTIS ARE MADE WI'TH DUSTMUFFLEt. .5prng tyls a e a l in ... no cetai, auit n tât he icuBer motiier rnatied Onît exeliiig additional enhtancement 10 their Land and Invoutment ComlpllYingOing..Dont brinig thâttmnuii.le the properiy. to malle the big dea a succef l I It a bonne. ' "At tbe lioward bouse lu Fox hake and[ro auappara o trifcer Gordon went un and brouglit Thtnrsday afternoon a mas-meeting poasibiity, adfoalapsr the girl out. 511e salk.-d ont eabrinai- ot reidenta snd iandowners vii l e A -notait te withrop Harbor Syndicale SA N BO R N & CO ,1te Allerton Syndicate land the Chi:i- ngiymand explailied "-that laehieRuent belli for th1e purpooe of considerlng cagoe&à orthwetern itairosai are He le the une' O( u t ]et hLati toticluplans for th1e improvement of 1the rencort fo bttebdfronl istfral The prisoner *Altlbug OuLy pro- probable Ibat tbere nu lie aarbie- IAlW LO W I Tailors and Ilaberdashers.forling t inehaue fr on ein11 deai afong, am" snncue ieaé a nd 11Bae poennt f ahacntryil.rluaeaA in the developailiet of that nortlu terri- claminghe nnceE El, rstaTnsleimroeuet f h CDltr oN V. 25.10 U tory. ~~~~laack toi jaliland Ihurmtiay arternoon ani a pretentiotis Platting Of tori OS STBIMDNO.2.14 Kaiser Block. - - - LbertyVille. III. tory. pr iiy~rd uIiidharnlefrJ u 1ummnge lots. fno or îiiree more iioteie, il te WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPI4ONE NO. 100 ItDow pmrean trigbt ureb tase 1 igbrood. sId, wnu be but un 1the pring, and _________________________________ »o vli argeuactariin a nebe ', The 11emanilina a-1.-a ie -gaves ies as asoon as practicable and 1te Severn] Dr. Charles Galloway. Nelson Cole ti an ad about hall of the onanje sÀ p l~uaiedIncn lu th etral rs akesavliî 1el Sd t. Puîs oxLee T WAUKEGAN. L>rkln property optioned. u oiIe id nocuea 11 ti l aeb01eLae dsftricmrimea JfflceOvO Lovell'SrugStOre earned Iise eel that tuhis hdbut se rien ai lier lhime, 1the girl nentt."111e Fo haedsrccmpie sjfi os. rya i I 's D u to re lsa a . 1 .ay Sa e u d tr ie ,a d i n . D r in m b bysteries rben ,r,gbt before four of t11e largeat lates n titisstat - »OR xX1T 1aetf OsP . L sa . et e Rtysuae. ailtaifof ierproert o"trlbt, tfelor.1. epoeiiely ideiiied viz, Foi, Pistakee, Nipperaink and ARE A FEW 0F OUR MANY BARGAINS. »--,I.imnois n ilhcballpofibr prnu dyo 111e mi lireas ler aSiiSLLt. Gras& Tbe laIes are lutered to- provement of the laud twil very soon A man naneed Joues said 11e eaw gether In 1the f orm of a uhamroe7î and Bu anyLBryBy kts. ..-S3 Dr~ .LenO . at veek the drug for trent-t!- gin. A bout25o actes ofiber property Newman rithtn4>roi of the place arceeonnected. Wile 11e exactoa- ........., '7S Dr .L A L R ise yeuasconucted lu tibis cty bY' are w&at'aionce for doepnttracî,sa nbere the crime ras euumitted, a fese lion o!f1te stations bas not yet been A.x and handfi ready for chopping . ........ 7S Ofic oe~ rîg &Tal r . trA. ilWright,.wva îud ta, J. hoMe.rdet.moments belore 4 o'eloik Wednesdsy. îlecided on, itlmlacertain Ibal1t1e trains BluenBa*& Buck Saw .......... 6 -tb.t t, si.r. macKecnZie, of Chicago, Whoî ai once Th1e éite 0f1te Zion temple as been 111e elloArai bld lusinglebonds wiii..eîa75 7 o l.i.. ii jt 5 ù'lansiniedi charge ',f 11e lremises . changai, the Company baving decided and lodged i hiee olllîy jil 1et W5au-lferntilies fluasBide of Fox Lake, DiyArRfe igeao.7 Brsde ,ou iîadway oppoite Park If umî.r has it tuai a syndicate has 10 iocata it on the Nesoni Cole farn, a legan. Duel laie and Nippesnpot.1eDasRealgAiRfe........... o - aBa of he frmersite Forthisst. Psul eompany lias pnrcbased 200 2.'qt Granite Coflee Pot ................ 2S biibertyvîlle, Illinlois. t-en fîtrnêdi hi iuy np ail 1the electric littie eto h omrst.Frtts Republoafi Stalle Convention, acres of land i Long laate, and non 3,,q *... ............... X __________________light plante. on 1heeNorth shore in Il]- easo 1e Cle fartai, r anted aI once B11te direction 0fhe 111 lllîuoeaPul-th rptylinbeadeoà mois ahi10 ,perte heî Iromi a a,'the prospect il&a tItbis 20) acreste optlelu1e1Ansfa Dr. H. O. . YOUNG. nl aiso 11 purcbaaedwniinfa elcau Stale Comitiittee 1the Iepublican landecape gardener, preparatory toi ts lare.eîH.a 0lnt.nB.c YuOUNG. l**vitarz of 1the loversil ,,îîntien 0f the hbing made a pienic gronnd. Phyîclmn ndSureon ateil ii %%uîegan. BoaInAîer Causal and bis meou1be- tate are reques t ' l t ) s u 111e g FauteSalaeareanowJackksonordersSfor Binde Phy8ician and Surgeon. aîiegatein15W10have alà bn'W*l. gan îayîng 00t1the line of the mile ton, Stata convapitîî. e field l induattrial commutationer yeterday. eaen wtkn resfrBn e inlit ea-r fututre site clmlina- sta lMidywlbteNrbet-Feorlle, Ilinois.4liyC 1(1 I i T. - i l it11epoieo iî.-oee. - - lilin o tiîftlîa e1 ree blebDeer Hl huilid lbrougb the Durkin and o'eîoaî a. m.. for htie lînrpose îipltac- Fox lais dltii a"e isutoiater for a Louaite Jn D lvey been ialutprograsa for gaverai veekl, __Ferryaia............ ..........te...le.aile. Or. E. H. Smith, vii olu voted foruaIthie Novemiier eledetioii,res trains beween Chimuag aud thePlio.hSadrd. 1< iîa'.litil îsitîitiol, .111 ba- Ilen.-d for 1900, for 1the f.ll.viîtg îtl-onit it1te 'ort îsskit.a il r.,,eelhlefor prws oti ut PlymouthMandla ...... DENTIST. tiedîî it .I.ity nta d îîitntv. le-- Republican Senalorlai C;onvention <rder naUi,'î. 4i. -uo. aklta t thoiak.-anîarrive In tue oit. ai i) d->i v,.ý-rL,îk(ICoutniy 8an kl< 1rî,nd, aîitî.i) are laeking 11e 'l'LI" Republcanof thet7hiilute Comi overnor ta'oa b-h.ou..anî to reaielihome letu1h, Twine is sure to be higher by harvesttimie.« (Ail'. cterpnive aîi lisoe mosî prîîmmtently ponsIng heElg1thSenatorial District bLieutn~ntt î;,î,'nnwionn.t theand Plymouth is the best iîî',,î- n the -pnellimnoiu.ani-ui th 1e state o! Illinois. are neuested ' ecretary il i-ate. aike anilsteamers .11lie plat lmb Servi-e Libertyville, 111 ah', have norkedi the prjeet frott,0 1 »end delogateago a convention W tO i Aîditor of 1'îilu ,ic t (twneail the- atinartîce poîits. on(te twine mnade. _____________________________ruîîr t.' îertailiitY anch1011 filviig.beid aet1the Court Bouse in 1te City Of State Treasuielsirilae PAUL MacIGUIFFIN, Charles Ni. Honlian, J.J, Page, Charles Woo3datocî, Couuty of hcHenry, and Atornîey Gînerai. De udny l'htuips. ( latence E. Smith, Leasue 1P. Stata of Ilinois, Tburaday the iltuiday Three 1rid,',,, t(Iffluhe 1 (If Atrabig hoDesn udenvl. ccr Ct,rIîle> tandi(i îîosellor aIt Law. îîallî,a. SD.laicotandtailaer repre- cf mardi, 1900, uallie bour of 11 o'cock blinoîs t hie ah om en Lertyllourrd meentâaive men 'of Lake County. A. Mrfor 1the purpose of pia-,Ing ILu Aise to îoîiît-t,,)ie~r t 1edai o er .tnpSna NOTARY PUBLIC Foraiigml n âlYi esDmnainawnte n ersit-lre fts-rnuoir.aller ait il),e@" 0f but la fev titan s yeýr ie sorething las yet un- Cive for t1he glttue of the State of Also 10 nominalîe ('ne elector froni LIBERTYVILE. ILL. Libertyville. Ilinois. eundi 'f in tibis Cily. But. wtb 1the Ilinois; and to tranaact sincb 0111r each Cogressîliai Distruct lun1the Deceased wu& a son-mn-ian of and _____________________________marriage tof Misa eiteeCooper 1We linines as May regulariy conee befote State. rhieliiu triet eiecton liail1be niti bais family lived vithli tre. J. B._________ O0ti. Harvey iedueday ufttrnit, srincocnvention.t selected i'y lt.e- Llegates 1t- the aid tAynryes. Pllei.ffre fo SBENJAMIN H. MILLERY eîîî'h s eeoras wLéetab)li8bed. At 4 'flicentrerai couties liti alti district state couveutionllfrom each district, .Sagt .irdtevng e s uilae nfoir isuru's TeUUim ATTORNEY AT LAW, o,i',ck Wedntesday atern.onun Christ wUl b11ecntitied tothi11e foii..nui.g excapt rhene iandidate8 foîr lector fsil h omgitanr e itaf1enaouit- I~e I I I LIBC:RTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. .l,llrI.U te vung people illetti.îed nurier of delegates have previons t, the conv'ention bacon tayllyaugit oeIa o n ati er-E Y U weretinite-d inu bonds >o!fnoiy matnh- ake ....201seiected l ira di..iostitrit V11 siocayailmenot a s onl uxil O RDRtOo î.îuuy by 1ev % ni. E 'Il oui jpro- Meury ."'. ....20 vention.n sudaait anoon 1ut1e concieLie 551.. i' i. l.~.*C5K~t55 l nînn.e' thie woriis t buichliave j(iued Buone ...................... 13 Aigu ta)ile('t ,ir ndelegates -at-largecnutsdtraric te e T(tPHx!'~~>~a s~'~' t,,,, ti. lme"e.upeanc(i uaried r otai lniimber o! doel'es ....... 53 andl four atecruîaice 51 large ti. tie Ni- ae ee tit sicl.' Dr. Tayor ras I ~A R N E! S S il"Fehrnury 22, 1597, liri- Lay Ortler îf the- senaf.oniai eO.îmrttee houai Itepunbiiî'aî ConveitiiotsILMMoned sud preaCribed Bsncb P, IS H A EFFEWRS taitglit#"rs tif 11r. and lirs,.ias ýoi)perfor sii ltstit. Alsofor the ellton .of a liioîbIileaUremediesas woîuld relieve lis spela of (i f irîîii av-nue have beecu marrîcîl. A. C. tFASSBTT, Cliairmnl State Committe.. coudstiug tif ii ou,' tn FORiSPRING W ORK. At 4 oci1ock 111e famiiy again @unm- j.xi' r iae-i . î~ Oun 11.1 tiue t lra Esche rue ni arrietal I. T. Sa19lua. Seccetany meiniber froni uo ogreseioii.i dis- mîîued tie doctor afler iuduclng the ut a,,t î 1 )îîr. 'ev. l erformnîg tiet nif11e 8aliemnu ta. uDI ed m 'rî. i ,.îî. i~ r~(lu"' ue cnîmuîîy.(lu(>itîîer th mma may Run Passenser Tralne. Alsi. fir tii, tranmectionta i sick a 1 al 0u ie.' VI'ii.i"' ' jante euhliSet Patrick were marrie-O îin i as been currently reporîed tlîat otiier nusneei..'lamsy îrîuîenîy viile tmesediati upDn.sTayng r111e sed W ilmatih r p o or d lv, l l"" 6-1i-i.99Ok le vanston. , iehîcili pla'e 11e latter ras tic Elgin, Joliet and Eastern ltailway ,,,fore the coîîve'îtion. the sec o lda Cre, nDr. alo svadW eImake ten p fOW fr d Ildr _______________________ u aresîd,'îî,t da..0 here 1the ouîiple lsu,în ras alcout 10 inaugurale a paaaengen 1T1e sid (Stadti'Conveuttlou lil h 11 as c uiy 10 atse paienlutrto ho ingywhen you want thern. W. H. M ILLER. liîvinig. uecemlier24111 1ev. li TOI, serviceoiver tue road fror Wanlegan corposed o! deliýgales front the seversi dtocokh rahdhsat inarnied hoîtielireue 10 Joîhn Ct-an- t10 Jollot. cand at o5theoauteof Ilinoibreatbedu ils isetMMNU rS-ciA 1TIST, uiîiid, .îf [intimtanin os. groceny inm. 'ieplan reporled, Itinlmaad, pro- chounieso teplSta o ilnie IIIucdespité the eifforts of bothaphysîciane Wheii yul> ,tut a&'jeasu shave on a vides for une puconger train a day ventions 10 lie 111d for that purpose te revive lmn. gaand huitre(i-lt)11ii "ib'FeodGrndna. gong oaclu ray. A train rouîd leave except in couîotues nbere 111e pimar! Calrerîc poison vas@1the immeiale Rock bottom prices on heavy double tl5iF.lI1 I, FClAS iase yîîîî Iied 1the uew prottensafeed Wanîegau in tlie mornîug and proceed eîectîon Ian le lu force,îIn sucla coinle ause. of death. N,,tIo, i , ,u. Stýd tore grînder at the Iacunda Mili? Beuts ta Joliet, and one leave Joliet lue the they shallhoDe'tuosse n IIaî-eîînanee Deceaeedvitas loru lu Chicago Ang. work harnesses. nsMaiare il '111 ii.'cmauhti Cornu and Cin or any kfnd 0f evening to retoru te Waukegan. nîih aid ian. C, 1857. He ras married Oct. 8f, 1883 eqng !nl eedat ix cents pert1ag. Grimd every The numben (f delegates andîl 11e t Miss Annie Ayers. Four chiudreu day.Com ealy nd el ome uel vor H'.. ree bru t ler, one bovin« dled Ida sd gethome uick.Your yeu.manner of Ibeur selectlon wnu le " as b ~~ 15-4 il Je&ly . SPENaCER. Prof. Mi. J. MoDonagli, practical nrialrpoild oie years ago. Th1e nife and three 154olmnniaferrotid Single harnesses at ail prices, and ail prieoeà La e CuuuI Banki Expansion In Northern Wisconsin. otlalaeoegaorh aabati ii u irsneto o 1e Ris untiely deml most regret- are Iow, workmanship and 111enisepoo ianrhubongihalocaled at Liliertyville perzanentiy. gaverai countîe nîll De oue deae able, belng justIDl the prime ofIllfe. WRIGHT, DYMONO& CO*f Tarr onesyprenman Who111e vise prof. MoDonagb nîllibe ira the fobion- for evct-y 400 villes tAS& foir the P B aana.noealigdaol quait c nsdee Libertyville. Illinois. îuanulacittiter wrbo erecled a factory l u in ndn nae-lmndaii ican electorsaiun 186aîud one delegate lion pravented an axtenalve aqUUIn- Nortiern Wisconsinflafen YOaMs&90o.&aY commniucation»s adrese as belon:free diiiaifato f20o nime tue ner nul55 p-Oapt-Ou assuce, aud dning hia neariy tro Yea'& -.MMM a111110add-whe tieâ erODot S Pu*PrOu abWadsnorth. lloscrana, Mibnrn, more. edecinib$Yieutfmhv Issues Iutrest 3eaiiulLCertifi- t11cy are nOnet'ara rea&piug ,,tisaeit- tuaebnue i ThGaaaeIltil 1e delegates fror ('oil couinty resdee t n im n irtyv l, Ie ave catesP ',l le l)et nd. iug expansion inluthea rueat sonese1o mdBritol, Win. Wlteaandexamnine shail lie selected Lay pnîîmîry Oeîîî oe 0Ior11mitmaeî al0 the rord. Opportuitles have not thse eyeds free of charge and fit "P districts 0f wrils sud tonne lunaccord- sevic om eel railotber.homeral Ca .K a s r passe0, by any rnesue. Tbare are atlbi9giaae& sciantIficaiiî- Huia test ls go suce wltb iaaid hane, and shahl be caiiedsevcsnrblda11ebnaW- tne lna1wllu ieslle a iorougi tisaI it enablea ilm to fit any by nardesud îm( ileiie' rsîît us It .r.Le.DiLIicalg ru o &M1 hm&iiannrr hih onbupt-oun» ilifirt pair of glanes lie e thie rolin the IQate Convenîîî'n luterm'Dent wallilu Bail Day <iieeiy.LIBERTYVILLE. ---ILN nel s 11 mnuacurr hilice T 1 bera"ed aily-s exeude

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