CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 2

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t ta'. INDEPEN DENT tUETVVIu-. . ,LLIMOI&~ B.RITISHI BOAT SINKS. ,MARINe DISASTER OFF MASSA- CH4US ETTS COAST., Strnek tY lic-0an Wtter, Gse" tu, thteitottona .ndT- oOffice.-, Loue Their lisres -F.nd. fo-the S. Louis W.,Id'. Fi,. The Gasgo'. >t. 2ii, r A.trndhinîln, (ii tain Duanda,, ftri N-, .',iîiiîiî. for ila H, _N. S_ '-,su,n niîlîi winsîthelii.M, in,.Il- a1 . i \i ma deri, fi t fo, .N,,,, ILiofnfi'db moe N 'e nîiid Ilit vyi, ',îni I i'lier- mran >tinterrriir iuar lîtu witiliber li"it ue andil ried t >111 min idrint. Subhl li ,iari thin't-i ntî mlue menounho t'q,. roithe'.tdî dbu. Butta-sPenionier ittti d-lit Ios i"id Iali.3oîe3. Cash Ba rry. a îi'teranî. n o'. irtrî'd by ,'bbîrs 1t bis hoir' iirnr.. --lie, Ohio. Barry insa a bî'iiim inn nli He is a pi n:i-onur. ad as In. u iir prat much mnoui3it nus tingbilit hebail a treasure ronei'lîîliaout bis huii'. 'The robbers had iviintip ht-muniof iîndtii trjed ta get hinm ta tell sihire bisi îionîny arsa. Barry would not te-l, and the rîîb' bers burned bis frit and bauds with rtedI bot iroaz. The nid insu bs' itsim pansd caled for hep. As ns one livi'd1 ucar hm he was not ansnered. but tht>i robber antok right aud tled. gettînit îîly IEEWAIRDED FOR BAVING A IFE. jury Decidea D. Rutherford In Entitled to 01,000 front D. Hiley. David Rutherford was awarded a .ttdg- ment of $1000 in the Circuit Court ut Kokomo, Ind,, agRinst David Ililey for aing the latter s wife tramn dros'nîng. During s flood last 8priug lliley sud bis vite were sssept off a bridge by the> tor- rent. Hley reached land sud offered U1,00 for tht reacue of bis wilie. Ituther- ford, after a loug struggle. brougbt the uwomauasabore, but Hiliey, wbe is s weal' tby fariner, refused to psy the reward. Rutherford stted and the juîry allowed hlm the full amount. IRAIROAIt WELLS TUE FUND. Peausylvania CoapiyDo.atea 050,- 000 Towsrd the St. Louis Fuir. The Pennasylvania Railroad systein bas .ubseribed $50,000 tnwsrd thtet,0,M( ftod blng rsiBed for the St. Louis worid'a fair to be bs-dinl 19031 ta i-sut- fhemorte' the Louisiana put'cbase cen- temlial Other subsriptions uf equal or gleter amounts are tromised asalin- aitatll rogress la bsing made lu comn- gltln the tuud. Speciai sctivity in be- l" imsulfegted lu ,iew of the tact thaf thebUbI appopristing $5000000 iu aid o!t the fair ln about tolie Introduced lu Pebiaden tu lDant Hi liai. No mtore msy the private soldier kuock dents lu his campigu bat or pin up a liap o the brim ou une aide. The reia- lalon Jut isued by the War lbepart- »mt reads: '*Tht wtariug uf these hats la any other than thir original shape ia Umobbted." Tht original shape of tht campalau'hat la ou tht Alpine order. Strike Leader Beconse]bansane. Janmes Woods, stcretsry of thtelStant Worker' Union of Rockport. Mass., sud the leader lu thse tbree montha' trike tIis ummer. as gone crszy. Ht starttd out ib murder bis wlte sud brother, but they overpowered hlm. sud then he broke away froin them n sd disappeared lu thse Woods. aeth ta Lahor War. Jaullu Weuael, a non-union firoussorker, iras ttacked by strikers, isho uftd brais munekies, tu Obicago, sud detendcd bhlm- sel hy sabbiug une or his assaîlants. lm victim, E. A. OConnor, astrtk.ur, was mortally wounded, sud dii'd ou the sidewalk. CireusesMay Combine. Two unsatisfactory ciauses lu the- part- riersb.lp agreetuent ors- su that stand in thse way ot a ceiinbiuatiou ut the> greateat clrcus iutertsto in the tnitt>d States. Those luters-steiinith te pratiosed comna- tlou are thet illis toibr", Jais A. Bailey aud W. W. tile. Fatat Fait itou, Bicycte. Henry A. Ilsa ri ,tt oîrif tîetemr' elogy sud onue f the'(bief firecasters of weather conditionsu >tnte n uttr bureau lu Washington, Ib. C., ns. 1roiîbly (a- tally ljured by biueng tbross n troun bis bicycle. Sent Firet Titcgrsiihic Mte.sae. Mnr. Annie Ell'sorth siith, s i0 Nut Eoawell Smith, tounder ofthle Us.itury Company, dis'd ut Newss York, 'nurtd 73. She sent tht> fanious fbrst tligraphluc ý.meaaage. 'Wbat G(dbdhtu nooght," trom W'ashington ta Balîtiire. Stittoona for City Stra-tu. Spittoons ouIlbu- plaeed nt distances of 2W0 eet along tht> treetta o Cleaund if au rdinauet ininoduced in tht> ConîmmIl la given apprus-al. Tlhe nosti pant t aid1 ln keeping the cit; dlean lIns suggeteadi in ail serlotlffss.q Deth of DIr. Alfred Watts. Dr. Afresd Josepih Watts, wbàose naine bas becoxut taumîlîar werevtr dentîstmy la praetlced, throiitgnbs iuvention ut "Watts erystal gad"," tid addeuty t hi$.haome in Brooklyn, N. .1 Receiv fut S tutti Dkti Banki. At Mditchell, S. D. . Jitilîe Susuiîh hut apponted . 1'. Aufil mît 'Jinmikmimmn rît celver for the defuintt Plaiatmtonn Buun TIse sppitmnent tf a renieur sas cn teste4, b; tht- Settl-hig reditegur. The ia-frtaehlng ceiturs nIt tiinilt tu base thse attauhmet dîaaalsmd. Old-Tinte Ci-s. -n an DiSi. m Chattes M(athy. as bi si',icuîns clown more than fort; ,>mmunsat-mu miii kisuov as thet Instu intotrin a double somersautit, dropped sIdesd luaS îisunu lait-tr Klittd blii a's.ner-a Couir, Jiili-f Altrt-d theutc, N bute .tsediuc tht Pibaanrra Wtht lIons kIlCutita tyfil ai IWest tPlains Mo.. sas oserpots ered sud hltsd -dy two prisiasera.lieu Richardson sud Rd Grsdy. The> prison iieirseaeape'd aud toce'd the door afler Bring. Suit Agkin.1 Trnst. I. A. Gihhs ut Tatouai. Webhb.,uaprom- lam abiagle denier. hbabrougbî suit la Çatd 1tates Court igainat the .Io " Cedar shîngle Batu- î4 ggÂA.pclatimiorasdeasuaeu in Uie =«41« fO or à violation outhtIsag las10*11111to lus BLAIN IN IRA ILWAT STATION. w... conylte utf the mauaderr ut Le.o!d Iluger. a Young farmner of Itates Cou- C'.Y. iuett&Eitad byT. FpuaAers y.'la i T.lh. saine omnilva« pré- Triafit .Alteaed Abduction. veMfedltrait tn ubg A"on PkIlMau Thoma Ppu et Jackavllle. Ill., slit old Bates Couly farmer, wbo leacon, snd klld O0. Franlk Gincetti uft ldaalý victed of the sain crime, hy a doter- Slt Lous ai the. relay station. '1The klI- minet] stand taken by tht Shetlft s&d bit lut waat the direct relit tht triai et deputies. assslsted by coervtive ci Edwardeville ot Glunetti ou tht charge liens. ot ahducting Fynus 10-ytar-oid daugh- CAPE NOME RUSH CONTINUES. ter. Thret yesrs ago Fyun pluct>d two daughters lu the Catholit- orphsu home ai Altonx. Ht was a iidinîer. A year Mlarty Etndîkera Wilt Attenpt fIa. Inter, Fyon delarea, a fauily named Trip This Winter Down the River. RItppe ot Collinaville aipliied to tht or- Vice-Consul liorrison at Dawson Cti èban houte for s girl for aîdoption. One rt prts ta tht> State Departmnt tlsmt the of ltyu's daugliterosains givea n vtr tu excttmeîît tanied by repoarts ut the plie- :heir charge. Fstlesda hsmldu-t tiiiieiIi, ml mnss of tht Cuie Naie-gîld !timiued ta get harki tht> girl. lie> menti ilabt î ~u~iCiaaae.îu tui tollîn ville sud iwa ta th, . ni>of miilets illii îtteiipt to make thetritp out taking hir attny by frie uhoît. hl- de-of t lle iiidlie this i-titer cdan itht> clures, Gnirii atiluareil A strîîggie river, as i-i. itînt consul 551>. sera>is ai ensued nier the pIsssioau ot the irl, î.fooîlurdy aîduriakuuig. WVlie tDasons butl. tittva s Vît tirlîiis. Tbe '-iritis lbat lit population durnîng the> Paut orent lunch ta tblh i- Ipet fttitly. l'aitsaiiitîr, it liii gnined inu sen1ih aud illo>sil tierai oathata"elIîii'efînre alhu trnoileyis bei'ti Clent lu îoakiug t attemspti ng tii prost'cu te t liiti nfnria tliiris i ig tais , cmiiiipped ni îh a tire de- ssbîiulitIni,t seekh ami nd fer a oamîr partaieint, istra, drains and tber iti ronf. (iîniiuie,tallîlilttnt' ii loins prai enets. 'The gold autîtntfr the> p'sf satstitiii.n tatuaibe îmd ti intientiion of ar ta.,estîîîîîtcd uai ,U.tJOt 3 steslinthne girl frîtni luit atller sann%%as im 0134Coua ltie thon tht> îitecetliiuis eir. acîlottid. W~bea htino n eu iti t sud asînînnshînng reaulti art expetit iii the> rois; tt ation in a last St.,ouisî, atlrthtetli'fututnire troutînhein trouctinuoafliteaiui tht trial, isards 1astd ad i tii ni îrt> siniiiig iiiiiuh iiitery. a rî altrnnd shat UGitiit thii i ilm în R aSE IN WOOtLE N GOttt>8. huad. l'-inu ns arresîed. but ho retus- ed taiialai tatetattit. PritetA> crase EFitiecaPet Ccit. lNt)l,%NS IlEMANDl> AST TRACTS. Iigrht>tthon Ont Year AU. I( ;. Danaà weekly rt-s unofutirmitît 0-ieTiird af th t StseoutMont...a1. a.-m;s î>betier tht> ntsvyear wlsaiunr t.1411mned by the lRed Men. iin'u or keel t'liîue vi n the Id lta tht Tbe cier and bhi-nieîtnufrthte tIaeh iittiot nhit iitiilteenial iltitortt ta ett> dindiapatiau beldi a coancîl ou tht>:t'iery' i-iarturas. Cauuiaritig iiow resers atu n afetoda3 s na,,îta cansider n tb buosintss 113ftrtht>largeta înd ittîs a berines of aid grievcautis gugîîit the1 prostierotis ever kuassu. a yenr sf0, murt Gasernnniennt, greniiiif ount 0t the> allgî'd thon 40 lier eûtint iarger Linsu Ill J.ituary, frauda ant i uttreuresi'tatiousinu sarions 1IS, Wit cinita tarn hud abuaio eas % treaties sud tht> siotion an tht'pnart af business thîni in auy year çreceiiig. tl tht Gastrntuent of tht> treaty out its canîtot bce eqnoctt>d that Snell aigaini sill by as bcb ater 2é.;,000J,001.)acrt>s of Ili,ni l b e rttited. lBatttht decreilat> of 110 ier was taken train the> ludians in 1874 witb' cent in pay iients tbroug l'itrig bouse" out cctlnlitaation. Speakiug tor tht 1alu' h baly due ta great aptculatise aetivitY diaus. Il. J. lia lslit.a full biaadd i 5Newv York last year. 15traPs tule alii' grt, ailnîtte>iltCarlislt>. said Mos5t iportant industrial etust>til the> trat lu1855 1tht> Govemianent tutered tutu marketing of waaleu garnis, ai pricetav-s à Ureaty with tht Blzackfett, lltheeds. tr.igilIg 1.4 înptrcent hingîer than iast Pigssns,.ro8st'atrueTetan, Assinîbone: ycsr. Sasinu tbr"-t> sss-ius. t,iitiSou River Crowi. BMoodi, Sautet and Yak piîids, hait> benosuiller thaa in the' tonali Sioux by whith tht ludiaus vert> -rri'sI)OIIdnug n etks of the thrt> pre i- given a uiinety-niait year grînnt taalil tht> 005 3ears. l"allurt>s for thte sstek bave ttrritury 0w in Monanias sud lying aor thà bei-a 2-12 nutue Unite'd Statea, auat sudwststou the> Yellwstone rver. ,Nue_ 24i it year, nuit40 inuCanada. tes-n >tari lattr, suthout consetaif tht' 32 ast ear." Indiaus, Congrestook fronti thi-naaboant T Maahe& lien tac ttajtisie. 27,UOt.Otiu acres sud ceuuiutd thein ta Tue înnîîtîr iall hau of tînt' toitn lit their prest>nt uurras rt-sers uion.iThi- Slver ltake, tînd., usas nrerteil b;iit land ont ut whnch tht-y siaint they nere icd uten, sibablets Cm Ob,,' s uIt atnd satle dtfrsndtd aud taorsviebtht, aw n'OnBt 1nith itroglyct> n. The cracksînen cnîr- compnsîation compçrises nearly s thîrd 0ft rîcd ais a; about $4000 u tpiler iioiti,. the> cntire arts ot tht State ut Montanus.l'bohy sien-e ounîîlled toae sevlei FIG5IT WITH A MUtaGLAR. ocau uir s u ushîtt ru by ctizcus. Theut> sacha enautetd $15,- rat-rate Rltea.atnutatoSherili sud Iteputies, by an Aveal Ntgro. Cttou Combiine tituthes. Aliasrt L, Hodge. a cuiored burgiar. Tht sxty-fouir cttan uuils oa 'mii hadi a dutptrte thght siîh Sheriff Sua is tver, Mass., accuy the> uniqîue iitii sud îwo deputita at tht residtucuof Mrs. of hsving aatccsafullY s'ithstaOd the et- Nathan Colemn.uinl Texan, township, tort ot the mrouley potser ta comubinet theitu biich. Tht thet was diîcovered b; s into a gigautue trust, wbile &Il theu Other u)eighbor. sud tht bouse wa;Sulooa sur matinîtcturiiig industries ut sn3 consud' rounded. Tht- negro made a dash out, craie pretensiün havt becu tarceled ua lltunt et Dtputy Clark as hc lied, Ciarbas tht' combuuatinuansd last thuir utdil id- face vas hurned ad bis scalp grszed. Uality. lu the hght whucjî foluiwed torttcn shuts ih vrt.PuleLns were iresi tus-otHodgt isas captured. At FotlWiorthesthteblconvendio Illicie was bit tisice aad striousi;, of tht> National Lise kStock Assotiationu though not tatally, wouuded, Deputy contiiereai a reoaution that al publie Clark Savtd hîmat-t b; dodglug behnnd iud aatidntgani t'lO'5 b a tree, iu wich ire bullets froin lodgt mladadabjed ottaiby noens' ha weapua wcre Imbddtd. Hadge la ii7 are citizeus tof tht> States 51 eretu the ytars ot age sud s civil war settrun. Hte lands lie, Tht> resalutiîuu wss adlaltisi bas strved tîme for hurtlsry- b; a vote otf1322 to 227 destine stroîngop- NEW ELECTRIC LINE PROJECTED.i position. Loe ride b, Qurantine. It Wttl Run Beween Richrnoond, 1d-1 Jack Mrrissey of Oklahomua watt ittua aud IBaton, Ohio. sutîued lu s Wichita, Ktus.. otel nPou Capitaltats havt secnred a rigt utfs'sy1 tht day htcisas tu hâve marrîed Eusa hvwttu iRichmotnd, Isd,, sud Esat. 0., Anderson, and befare tht> qiarsuttime sas satss-u miles tant, for au etetrie ue,. It litd tht> ichît Rla liadt roCail s s,>ta la uderstood that Ceveland capital îlahb, Arkansas City and nurrîed lheur; Ad- hiid tht prajeot, îshnch bas iu vntuw tht anis, a railronîd brabtutnun. liotabiishmet torftht> grettst chanuofai «ltctric roada lu tht>eUited States. The> lsttttéitttBatik ttobtd. acheme is ta caunntct et Raton nth titi- 'he Batik ut Elletas ilt, lad.,-n'as rab- Uinetat Day>tan, thus formiug a liuk n th bed betwen 1 sud '2 o'ciack oit a receut tht> Dayton,Hamiltonansd Cinueuua tî morniug. lt i5repurteni tbit $1,t5Mn'as eitctric lias, i5l tgsito gustu out thut thetatkt>u, Tht robbers tried ope>n tht> hune aler reacling Richmound illsibh ex. dams with crowbars sudued ntrogly- teadt>d to Muncit, lad., tht ceatt>r outilu- etrin on tht sale.__ diauas Cas btILt.. Cnue tt1de tid- llernit'. Moutey Fourni. Tht plan ot rono.liiatiug tht> thnrty- At Chippews Flsa, Wls., John St-' two Icading bridge building calapaulea tiat siger. 151 years nid. louatd a large Ramaunt 1 der tht> nilît> of tht> Aneriun Bridge of utouey whnch hald beeu hddea hty Comipainyis ta îîe emrrieni out. 'Te cap- Coopier lSyde. aold turrutr silo hld i. tati i lieabout $32,(MiO,000S. ed tL.a lite ot a bernaut up tu the time or 1.O~ i utîaeCn bis death a month ago. 'The hoy. iu putli pn.eo Dang .i bâti avernorne nid boxes ot tur cllîpuagu Tht ear trapit laitlit Lociri, Ill., snd raga. raul seroscurreutnu dexonuu wuasopeaed tht> ther day aaî thtelwsters nations of fron$1 apilt 10.1ert ot Lat,heMichigan Joîntd thoat ut tht svas also a bax uf guid and silver pleces, tMissisippi river. - about $400 lu ail. O<-iouno Dîtenala.C.Ptutesi. Statue of %Vbi.t t'Unvt-tlld. Nevwssvas rt-issed tînnt Osman Dina, At WVashingtonu l'resîdeuî Mcelsilu', prinîripla general of tht']aic Khslila Ah- aud bis eutire ecabinet, rt>îresttîvas f ut dîîaîî bas hi-en captured. tht> Sinate and li-useoft itelîreuonta- E.Xeii NosIieit Plisses Asn. tises itud the indiciary of tht-tUited lRichard 1). Blackinore, tht' nîniel st. States Stirnrime Court.,îartuitupatt'd tatht' didnedt 'i'iddiugtina, Ruiuiini. îlic nias exerciuies atteniing the t aisi'iing ot the bioru ai Lungisortn.Be lrksthire. innl, 182. bronzett>uie or f lm it Webster cet>ut 'd b; the huait iolptotr 'lrentannae, Tht- t liita ludee ad î lrun id ta te EUited Stateis by Tiirtc I taliatus wsiît nttii deaii l nast St i sînu iutchiils. hi tntaemly trossinl au I talla n tenu nnmt iumenu Newi York. lu tht bruni-h of îprommse> soit of IL. lak otbeti ut $tOh),Ç ). Kirlutbugoiiiist Itrs. l ry 1lgtgleston, îruu-d Tht> lthhilppi.tV. Va..,t-ankIvus rob- i th' Distrct Court mt Lmrnu-d, Kam., bed tuenCht>r night ut $100.Jt0. thle jutr> retonnesi muverdict n faî or ut Ritk kurSitJKirk hîardu'd witb tirs. tiAtKET t*Ut>AuÂUXS. Egglettu and rhaiuat>d inut sue borrowed mono; frima u itin>ii yIaiuS hum ta tuc- ,Chicago-Cattie, counmon to primne, lies e ste acii sndl unumanry in. $3.00 to $6.7t5; huga, siilptutg grades, Atter geuiuug thue moue; lira. Eggletoa $3W to $4.75;tabshep, fuir tu choice, $1.() retaaed ta aiurr,> hnnuu, tn $100:;siheai. Na, 2-)red. tt2c to t64c; Bsndof oines k, Cutod. icon. No, 2. 30e ta 32e;ot&, Nu, 2, 22c Depuy UitedStaes Mrb i J.M. 23c; ryt. No. 2, 40)c to 50c; btter, Deptt; 'ttted tnt>s larsau ~ houce cenamer;, 24e ta 23c; eggs. treuh. Duggsn sud other 1'tiderai nficers base lue t-o Ise; potatoes. chalet. 40e ta lue mptsred a bal gansg ai eaantemtctet pr uim ishübaiae opsrated probabî; lu theth atbidunapohs-Cattle. thippîug. $3,00 to for years, Tht rendu-aoous and maina plant $6,50; hogo. chome- ighi. $3.00 tu $5.00;) of the ooutefeters asa faund in s csve ,sheep, comunn to prime, $3,00) to $4l.75; ln th outtkits o! Nllrtrt>esboro. Tenu. wheat. No. 2, 66e to 68;corn, No. 2 1-ra-o.neasLu- la Repealed. whbite, ale ta 33c; oata. No. 2 white, Tht South Caraliuas neume tai lkw bas 26C ta 27c. bts-n repealcd. bis parpase vas ta relie t St, Louism-Cattle. $3.211 to $6.75;, buts, tht land owaers of part of tht burden $11.00 tu $5.00; sheep. $31K)00 5.2à:i' uf taxation and to trauster it to ciapital- (1wheat. No. 2. 6I7c tua69c; cran, No. 2 ltsaud protessionamn. , Tht authonit. 1TIIOW-31C tu 33e; 01at8, NO, . 2 4eta tien pronautuce tht law a farce sud Dot25c; ryt. No. 2, 52e tu 531c. ose objtetion suande to tae repeai, Cncinat- Cellte, $250 to $0,30: fggs. ______ $1100 tu 04-75; shes-p. $2-M Jtu 9;; Mrs. . M. 1. lient, Dies. sihaat, No. 2 70e to 72c; gru, No. 2 Mr%. S. M. 1. i. eury, for twenty-lve ixed. 32e lu 84c; oats. No. 2 mlxed. 251e peurs natilotnal et auguint of tht wona'a to 26,c; rye. No. 2 59le Lu (lic. ('bristiati Tuitopeancet Uia,.hladead, D)etrut-Cattle, $2.510 to $6.751;bout, S ine dîrd a> t, ailit. Teun,, font pneu-' $300 ta $5.00; rbeep, $3,00) to $4.ï51; munis. ' sueat, Nu, 2. 66e to 68c; corn, No. 2 Scrisjîefot- 'Steic. yelov, ti3det534c; oasaNo. 2 whibte,. 27e Dm. i. M. (mune, chet of tht wctber tO 28e; rye, 17e tu 59c. borunnuof Teuna,s>.il etallsh obsersa- Ted-W"btt No. 2 mîaa-d, 67hc >0 turwn nA tht>e iuigolf lo-ts sb-- '!Oe; corn, No, 2 nised, 3e to 33Ic; ots. gîunninuîut su littuaauml i.huag hua No. 2 mizsud, 23e >0 25c; ryes, No- 2, 5til %OLint aPîrogtrtua. ta 57c;, doser su-t -. $ lt>tu $5.00t. .luttiiaukte-Wht-t, No. 2 nîmhnulem TltrtuAre Pat.tty 5u aida-j, aileto ta6ild; corna.Na. 2131c ta l32c; aats A tule n tht> holr af thtelioserLimeas No. 2 white, 25c >n 2lct yt, No t, fu5t yacht Ct-aî'on, l,>uag n tht> esrai lot-k$ata>tu57c; bârtey. No. , 2.4lc 5047e, porh, Deissiame Ciy, eina.deti, scouuiag muet mens. $10.251 to $10.711 ma-n. thmee af tht-m su atrionni; ihat tht; Bnffalo-Cattle. good sipphng ste-cs. vili dit. -î $300 ta $7.00; bois. commun tu chouce. Rîet-onuic . C.B.vakturn. $3.25 ta $5.00; aheep. fair to choice. $11,00 TIse Lagiatatae tifrlKentuky bas for- ta $.00: lamba,. commun tu extra. *4.SIJ aally ciectel J. C. . lBlackbunuas Liit'10*8&75. a-a States Seuator, New Xork-Catd, $3.25 t1087.01; bats. $00 te 85.0); .hé.p. *3.00 toU65.S; Mob liangra Kanian,. whett. No, 2 re, 3tUg01e.corn. No. 2 At Port Scott, Kan.. a ,noh of 4Md men 40e t. 41e; .at.. Ne. 2 wbt.. hale lu 8Me: tyaeiied George and Ed Maek. all a bmnmw«»»Mel. Zie to e ; ega,.wq& Ulti. tva K»asaCiy crlmass. visa«,I. .2. THE BATTLE OF'_GI*,PAN. ~. ~ts~ __-_____-__-_7_ _ - - - --- ---- -______-__--__,_1 MANY BRITISH WOUNOEO. Butter'. Fores Suifa-t Severet, in Bat- utrday'. natne. Slit>ial cable disîmnthî's tramnSoutS Afrnca ay that la tut' *î, laity> tf Sitir- mnana('amp,. boas; tigluint n as t ini og -~j res ail day Saturdo,> and Saiida>. Ilu saturdaypa bglit s touiI tal r tient« wuauded, tsIo tiet tllndI-tutiut- reponted Th, lif l m s* i'itltii-a mutSua da> 's fhghtingtgae lomtuniu. unt>ut Iibose kllt>d sas tC'mu .t ttutu ln' , a! thlit Duablinu regitteut ut liiuntis lîlîtnutue toreliuead. 'Tht> tre t-îîîîl t ismid thne entr3 's tartat. Tfle Iilîîiug. as re fîullia of ssounitdtabiot jus> tuu. luin Bmitur - wire.noudou that te , tu-t> , l ung tuso staff otiltei'., îîîl t2t9 tîrîn i t re Kpruit ilturds;. Tht' ulîsrauints u'atiriti iiîîuî'îîdai dan n. (jeu. tarreninimtuitht> Bt>a wbo oceunpned a lti tg îmn'.tii mii lnu rlght. Tht> lirntnsh armliet 3 delia ured s heas y uhell iren, laii t he o ersdd ntaite- pI; ottîl 2 'ciock. ' htu nthe British toîtCAPE1(1 t. xtt' îON x' cout'iutrated thet'ireu-tnil inr bigg us 'IbhistfaIsn ijtu.t aatt mutthe> Aar J iiiutîîuu mul acart],mîtlt> un ,r lii mta uIn. ou h iluetuemy>'s artilhun t. si hut>tht inuau îîband% of tht-Boers.mI lu oas riportu'd t0 hasc e b-urutumiedt,>i l.Ii rra.h. try ah inmcd titidl'r cmît i-il taui dlîs huit laner repomrts du mitul this. eriat- a heur; rite lire. heBoe-rçsiîouî bountIluan; nesI( tsil RUSKIN AND OLACI<MORE. 1NMALLPOX IN MANY PLACES,. forced bark, and tht'.Itritiaush sarunoî'l T .om'e h )Uh -GetEilmeo user tinot dgt'. Tht> Boters retire-mlilugîmmm )d ontta ta Wos tr-.ts Ii lia-t -tiiltai inttttnititt ordu-r nd îook tutu a ut'contd fain s luu uîîu t ofEnliob letturs luhli('utnmis liut t tu>L fItî, int Ili wuhieh nmaait btted ia hta ; a in um-Johln Ruskin ut utni lt ard 1). Ba ku ar'inI In.olun tioe>, rolfa ais u pusetml, mmni bamdieint sa nuh iyddiîi- ahslis 'Ihis tatced _hase passeul so,Y. Bth t(lded lun tht'-T-N. lutuse, riremur) otf teS t a second rttreat, tht> eouty beiug ci.el; foline.saot limenu' ni taith tuer ur ua o Iiouud oft ii'lih. sismtuai uerihui, presaed b; Geu, Wurren's menm. lieu. complishud, hut their dtpatltttt, Iever- drusi ps'msî,is 111ise uedu>t.asgeandiut,- Clerys sud len.. Warren'% commande tha-tes. bas siddeued thouuaitda ut bearta nvascuses ai-t'bu-ut futuiutaily,>uanadî tht-n imouacaet on tht grotînd gaed, af îîht-r-su-r tht' last lu Etuglishliteratme nu maboni islut a 'i, l'lu-iiiii' ui u tcr bu-ssi,> bonibaduug, fu o ntîe turne, 111epovI ttSi ul'nutilonalpnmnitiou. twih Rs i mau surprlie toarltsmli it ttiÎurotIa ..,ig.Nmr ulnit rart1 ontn l banbe ni(), 'taI> , Ktua. ,g tht> sien' ta relit-s ug tht' mri-suit-on a u a-mary ttudn. ortrebas b,'ît l i c uuliit ua tui nu,- Isa-d. T, unî WVarren, attîueku-d tht> -tuu'iîi'.s ft> ut ; l, 1 bo suu'eegratio tîl,> n knni ham-uni' , i luo u. . i-ît' ti ot l'otgit-ti'r's drifi. lit' îusluenlfmrimu rut ýoing tt itu e hî cuasedtI tii bc' a lin. .ît-lm't. iy t, .. l lu hu'is uaniry, n miera-J by the bti tien tafr-iE iil'iglu-li arit'ouut ot u.. fil turimii,,sth. laslî-n sud ntua-siguas, mîth oui the uor lutikuit ofîhe riv ,'nddî'dt lic. hein thlt'te 'tluia 'n ui-n. l --uiui s 't ln tatrys ftrut(îlîauueî- turutul,-înUoiuers haîr- l, n'-nfesius.trikingtigtanu li'emu i c u.iit' r norte m ta open ire asmlu ubsur Nnurnhînfu'nu s s t tvýn iI,' uitîrttu enuto inf nth, lam 'm Il- lolu, iii ulo-I-.m, i'ts n. tintIl pintiller, saburb nossileîlî-u'td by l>dnite thîitu at.John u tukuuu tt ii uth a - l u,'1, i "- Inl thIl mnmi 'f t abiis i a tijiiimtt-mofU n hmuirusmn mlrannnf b' ii.. Il mmmtho o (u, lo t littn , N . 'Tue Brit-ish arefullv ssortm'î1 milvtm hetî U' nî, ft he iumru'atii- mnt t-.i od i m.mninzi'm , .-miiuNmI 'mm 3r, mi blls untitl iîthmnîliXt) ards f a. oI- of ltturs. n ss I',"lt'.,i iour l mmiiand i lIItît'Ii.- - u mmi mnadîng t îupjeunutsavhuh tii,' olrit-r-ît e'gremnt orutu t>'. ru nîmh tunt m nen' m. ita-lon lin ~.îm.nit tt t 1-'a- ounontrutt'd. îonceaî'lei1 bî'hind ii m iiiîî'g,'iiuni. lu in-li'reualu tut set ri.. ýsIii ta,"tui tî . -I . n .f E, t Ii t, iuîss'Iders. , uiu iutt-, > uiy ,t-m bu' 11.i Baîsuîîno s it i--,t b fi.rlmînt auit-r 'ot ' i ,,' it- l m I' i umîl.i ill,- iml The> artlri peiiediiiltht' îttanb and il"t't tb the (it um, i rrînn --rmiii mmii. iu .r. gît, stu i ', 'lmimiit, ., 1.til ium, batteries o îritud cintinuliuti'li, pî n aruuu -umelu m nis l miii i ly tiut mi,o Il >uIt , i ' 'f mih,' I i . tn t, trani s huu u i 1m m n tli the B em, 'vahum un1 ' ,tni dml mlle uuii m.îc-ni'. 11,t, ii i1-'unlit, t ,lm .m,, des'ated tht-n uatentionltu >0 ni iikttrv h r tio tt l t- lut->t mIinîànu tihtui mmi i i'nmm Imi mmi inlHu.'lmm u, l î' uug uou iih'elBritish nfuir,>. Th'Bo-Hers unrnî aIî'.s und ttmrt> aunnulis li'-i ti -i l t l t'te 'tî of n t 1. .t , il' stucshtuto -ir iT. hy-t ns- î 'su's 1imîlu u'ie .ti.tmloi mInl ,, lu u tm îî'î immn uHfnt nl , ti,mi stunt mmii l,-, greate-it ti, Il mmund mt thei'it@ ofsia t ui ptsini il mi iluhi> fannmmiis-l-Iiii -li,' n-.'il II .. ii u - ni l ii, the du hu; tii, l ii ltt îl ul tanitd gur" mt s i nu mmj.o.,n ii i - mIl Im u- id seru's s a it i îgua 'ths' Boiers utîtar ,ts tut lIta, buir - o lu. ,tt>d mî' mrof i tif lir m lutfsai doi i-, l In.e ilu eaîl,>' b cu e tintgfuit amuio it,> mlii l ti' mmtt"' lins Inut he-un m l'y ii sînun'a muo intsust tint 1 I lmn, mul t i- (i l M inlir Ilium r tht> htntisb iu T'i ba'. is t".' it-lu tin . Il lu îiuii . t iii. ai,- i i um tj i tulI; tutwti m ndmiiraau'd tîs uiimmu'. m,îmî u,omlof 'thml,' -mu - mii îîml tfn i u- ln tth,. - î. l . inîluhmtuuthim'ime us'farincirIly, oi'fli' i lns-iu mi u a mri mu! n gilm i i ilt' lîom1mIlh - f 1. 1tji' I-mi k',ii-m g I l~mm t'ouunuluilun hNuln'r, uthesil- lthumu v Ithe m i us ni mn mut-c im a~i ,b . tmiî ia ait-t.t rinlg fi ii nit i C, t tht> nosutt lis. mîthim> guumîn. au un s s ntlci-nt tiiu luiîmm tant Breitiht,îts iti)tue nit-r. mIII, auuOie. A*,uuVEtURnOPE,î "StLENCING A GUN." A Terni, in Wartsfuis- that la 'ta-y Little- t:.derttod. Thermi- s as -ctsi d o0f ignoraumu' as to %t * 'sii iî tg a gutu uteatî. .A gun is u %%'î,'ie nn tht' gunauens are dus- abîed olin en tmuimrk uni!tht gunut or gt-u carriagetudîîoumîgu'd. It s a cuuuunuu >iauuiteh pht-nomienon fuirs"eaînauus M hî'huisve thus been 6iliii'ad tu ru'mon ire uttîr repsirs have bt-nnmade, the guttimens rai- lied, or a tru'sh cou tresiobtaineîd, ht Io a rare thuug for a guîîttu e su danu- agu-d by hostile tire that it caunt bu. re- itted and brnuîht ita actionl t-ii. "I saw,' soasPrinceioKraft. of the- (hamian artiîitry. lu tue battît> utf limivelmtte, "'manyrutOs durng tise canuionada-lyluns- minerahly on t-e ground un ingtud. that l, 's'th a broken sthi-l. But lut ont> nus wthdrawn: tîe ntijured guns îs-sre ah- wsys speedily r-pairs- withu thi- htlp ut tht> swagona, îshieh ocre near. su that ai tht close ot tht' battIs- 1 could not tell exactly bow lîany pleets bad been lut tenîporarily omît o! action." Tht Nas'; Leogne Jounal, ut Landau, soa,Iths expert opinion tihonid pot s stop ta Ig- norant wlittltistis un tnue frequent siltnc' Ing nt Lady>sttith of "Long Toinan.t uhe higgem ofuttht' tBner gnuns nai lItd. 'iht> usvy htud dît,> fter day to loomk aller Ibis wuaponauî smmd-e tlwith lydditeshis bat oui eurb aumsian tht> work woxsi]] fuli; due. GEN. ANDERSON RETIRED, Gen. Ludias'ta Fii th e V.ainy Ctcat- tai b,>Ili. Reti,uc»t. Brig. Gi-a. T. lut, Andertson, U. M. A. wan rstlrîd Saulrday. bas-uns resreeu the age lhntint f -i yeutrs. Ilins Cani- utsnd, the nitar; departîîuest ot the lakes, ouIlbûlueme poraril; piam.-d un- Wade, iWho com- manda thet> uituiot meut 0f Dakota, vith headqusrters ai St. Paul. The __ yacaucy ereated hy omit. AtuD.jssoq. Gen. Andersons retlrement vlU bhé lled hi OGea. Wm. Ludlowv. 8. . V..m.vbo te à Ilentenant-coluel lua the pe et engi- TEST FOR A CHRISTIAN Pý -R.The î ll.iliaIts fttlto i- ie uaIlht>ei, 1l-it Authn" of 1t1. Hi. 5tia Nii dit .o iotc.ict t lu ttsDiuy itu, e Wsek. ' Siu-tri'iii> 'Iai)r mml tue Utmîtu i St o NI-' lIîrus il Sin'tlnnn, snuîumr om n 'l l'rimi.urt vmî. ituii.,i 't im mii f li,, lin Son"hta bc guvii)u aîuîporun trit,> iunnuî su tu udt a dai; nîmuîmnmînr a-.lie îîît ui miî' i itît' n lim , mu C)itimandamhy tbnmmid be s-mhtu'lid 1i' 'ii iiii.,ril mmm -o tot iun iltý.- thtc îs'î'k eghunia2la siIrm-h 13 hln'tnil - numiuuian m Iii m mi' in Nu ' t u,. ' hase ainsulite nmimlo sryhhniiu leii-rum-utmmIi lu -hmiuuil,mam t mu-ýttot the- Topeka Caipital, nt',edîta 'h 'uiI, nil uund ads'eetisiug. luitmumuen-sart> t m-n.,,,t'fi'ur ui-'t. A t tht>cIleuroit cn mmventiton o! tht> luns- Tho.-sn'fruiu l'th nîhmn, i ihi, isit tunu Eunhias'r Socu it; NI r. Shldmnnasti-il S mîuiîîî ini, is, IPumt, i, aurtinu', ,,bhat "hlnsthropie tntt' Inmtmuthîs nuil muatu' du-suna bIt' eitau't IBut ubostu sigt> utmuinificen-t ennlili unts to emiiiî-tr, tonultiti'imnigal-r, 'iii t) u,> iiÀ at iottali nstitutions ssonld fis -$ve .,uttiarc iuinli-sr faî,tur i uîthileu, -ou lu tor tht creatioui of a giunt Chuistintu u'uuioiati'i. Tht' iuiniii-iats fronîn tht- daily ?" Thi- phianthropie gentlemoa nrthi nsiailyhI l1-istuatli î-b hNets York lias not aîiteared ,ith tht> monte, ,but, bout ad for thet' t 'o'. mi Iltles'Nouru b et, lu respoase to thteuppeshiso! the leaduing9mbture tt>; yIne-uî'fett u aur'ndtun citizens uf Topeka, Mn, liheldonus lbnîîi- -i dliall) rite ta Ilue farnu o> mrsTîte tawn ti li-l Its', r, tht trmside-ttoutthe lubl ttu e hrdorti .u ftlute (omut Tropek-a Capital C'otmpanty. ffs-rad tu gise tms . Tite othurs linuger abuilmit 1la urgeu tht paper ta b1n. Sheldon for nsuseh, (n!im%,sNemivautr, ('Iîîu'uîgm muid Si, jLquis. and tht offs-r bas buts acepted, lT,,> goin lta statt ilin lla ud ep tt-tu it lis nnienutfuod thut ibue writers lnre t; tna nrooni, onrtt>,> xis'oî rutît î- to asîlît Mr. Sht>lonlan ud thut stattu u(lhiru or urguit grnidrs. nnd nerer gui nus-n. 1rauuniueut divinetms aad etitors of a s' t frisai tînt eltiema. A fuis smet emuîîlnn,> souneuof flue dailies ut Nesw York, CIi ' c-d lu tht',cal amu iromineîîus. ruigo ad St, Louis wîli help hum b; snîg- gestion.. .1 -- MARTIN BERGENS DEED. WAR NEWS IN BRIER. l'ie o 1n)nnbitounwarnueo s us gros' nng mumare stuiot. (i.n. bute sii assuredi; tu eht>ittd >0tut -nlue. mAi hu ex tort s are forlnidulîn III the 'ie Plk- 5ftl'Marlbornoughbnul got-at thue fi mattmus a Yt>îut>atury stmff uttrur,- Thtettarisatintransige-anmt ami,>athai tut-m are -111 French offiîtras iervlug îîith the Tht Morminis puai bas juined aiben Loathon papiers lu demanding a ehange in the luinistry. WerneLn. Heit & Go.. London, dîainond mercbsuts, hâve douated £W,(Stlti>tathe fuad for the eqnipflett oft tIsYeonsnrY. It le .tated tUit tIse Bu-tabave beai- 9Uiy mled Jobaaebtrg SOd U lat npaaiut h *t tt« cli vIsa. t te w mt,,« The (ireos B-oeaîîtaHsýtop %'«ns No lo.ult lnaune Tht tniun ml th mut 'Martuin Bergeni, tht> B"81t.1) nal,î-ber, nmmmii îunln: t h, b-gîm4t- t>st baekýtsp muin hem' ta îm. m',, Li- nvtenil di uisamî t-ctu .i l'ult,>h tit' minse i n te in s iii ofti l. " I b ilos t nu lia mil es> pht>1.rin- île wn mimse and sanlen sud twite desented ita teant, euv- In& no Word behiud. Notwitbtandiug tht fael that hie vas tht hest man ln thae busIness bebtsd thte bat. he ws, talie traded ta une ufthtIe oiher eeamus for thIq eoulinsason. A brother lm nov cteb- lag ftheb. orýt Wau.In.. ai.teimm He Pg*.souto beamlaua eab maca The senatt agr'eed ou We>unesdAl telle fiuai vote ou gald standard bihll e 15. i'sised Nir. Iloars reuituhtion offfla- iry rî'garning i'u, ulu t t liumi)ln t W as substititti. tîntj îtîtîlai ixta'iiiig resui e tuons. mtetiil i sluhilln Vuleut y thnrties, billuIil v atm -r sjuî il Ide ate andl &fiet>ru 'nnmm I u.1 îtnu uimterifilliy 17> tu i tilium mu' .îî , . rujînt'd ll %I,,I M, u.mi ima mni t1 tr. bill 'lii ttîmi ~,î l,. mli t. m tutaS qli bi i i ,,,, ,t-mn ofi tnt I ti 1 nî 1nr.I ' .-ng r u ru'. tir III -ii i tfi-t'u i-ii'mt W-111I 0,1i1 .i' >. metT2 1mi lins', n ' -n N n i ih nilIi. ln.t.n . lu i Ii. IlmIîmii . . f tînt tIr Iý , iiI' i i m , ii. tiltIr u it, ut tint' il-n hI,cuinunill rmut lut tiuuiunm unii'. Iîn- ut Il itiiîsiiy rep- bill .î.. . ii.ý n.m.mi I si-tlir t in m, Ii mi Th. in m i l. att'iie ut -'i., i -t ,~,,.., t, uuîtis i nian 't '.'.. lu Ii t l itt'p. l~aui. mu .ms-i,-.M ,nl,l i l.-umt, oui . t ii I .î I . ., m Nn i. mut I It lii'h ' t n...i l. .ii liii-11- bill Il) ' . ' .,m i ,'i im tc i thalt[Iii ;.t- n- i um .. n ed tht f-n ii.l.i attiatt. A il ls ,îmnî n i' t ii b, . ti. fu ituh, -iau. m . ilî, I...Il I'e. thei di n is. 111LI:'.i'. '-in I-. m..r m da dabi ' l l ..I.>. . li -1Ici'.,-m il isti dr pi n. 'alie . 'uis ,tu ine ire- tii,,l ,ti i"l eit, ub. u pre niai' ltmmit,,li uttutîmmu t tî,15i lu i-S midi t, li,- u n., unî,mînd ti. Mary'@ N1 t ,,l,î I'nid a Ilg sud .acrtîîîn il'In..tiImît e-sunlri«thrie- i I. S m li. litsIrei.ttti .lié- Iut min'-.,tt. It titltiOU n It tu. m m.î...Itn li, . a if tintl. d Oh -n. i.. i lh Ih I ,-d kitic , ti a u mmii 'd ,îi .* 'l ,il '\'Il ) un î au m . i t, îithen r- uI N,.Alleut -"i'l tel.u I . ' . i.i i :I u ntrafo ofIor thie i-ili' Ir'. t 'l fi llima il. l,'i stu t ti Il~~~~~~ r. m. ,lltiA- il ~ în, o l li r il i 1, .1 ,, l i s ua miLl Il C I miHn , or loin (t l i l ., , f.',i.tilî h anish simili di' .i('miv au ionu i..ýe i i, .n S - Ilm, i i ,uiî i i r.a L.iili t1 . ' 1 :. t'.il I' 1 amî In îr iut Us-ttf Sm vo lta.., of laii,ü550finîide- icii tt ill ilieusin ummnSmt tt't-ut itut anîd ditu iargn'd LiiAi hum ., t hic II.î-îa ut li' l Ilihirn 'hu mmuuc.Im ma t ib imîî'r f tI'i, 10 s it' iL ii i mi i l m luit- tti' t Ifut I lumm i u -. 'Ib ot ssithu i the to im'tln ti 'siit',; l ttnes to re- siranuI, iit lIritîiis fcamin tuunioling mui. hala stao ither 1l'luidmr tht>'l'rinls- TL' ui atr isutnu are urectuttotuiea to the me. la doms-stu ithor 0I f ailLinde. 'When thetmnarue ralta-d an-a; t. 1gb vltb the armi. the siomea1-gu Hight ajonc vlth the wurk ou the forme, and thus a uae an abondance ut supplies. N thîn thtea but Iut-vu Peter. IV, flattera-", Haumas U thse se latence tv tics asntp thse ouI; thse char. mealutais netis for i Peter, ta vaw gui1 ailgh t ut vere se, clsm 0f tut vbomu vtith tht md by bi ailsuan or meus. That 6 niaket ii atood. , oaplorat don tbe seu" £sels tu wltb. I vhiper turu. n thse wht eau Do .n thse kt aeei tunudret àa» giN tIinof t he seS Que wl1 bualho Ail t go t.o t thelr fi 10 cent Inte tb affales talin ; ing ho, ether many he wîl an "a are, g, "'>Ire el.s men d trains vwhole wbo h relgsk bave 01 ou1 rocin thes and t the, anda vert ~tpocke btad, thani mont pont inetns drink greet "Iîve no 0n parti buly otites ve i tan that betta scsu N.a mon fain case ]Mo, time cotai 'w «tc et 1 lsel bay t vas B lm mia: cutr ina pat: bsal Wh Mes tbis '1 tai ,IaIl me tac mi 1

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