CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 3

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i, il gm gk2g Ln-evtlýï ïA= I1ý 1 1 ,I, ,-;ý i,,,.ýý 'I , , , , 1 1, 1 _ý,, , ý , 1 ,ý - ,-, ý. 1 .1 - , __ ý ý Il 1 . - ýý ý ýýýý M Ï"I "M ' mmmmm Mg"- - , ý, i, 1 - 1 . - ,,,,,îllfflrdglýý 1'li.- - - - -1 - i ý . , ý - , - i Il ý, , -in ' __ - - _ 1 -ý-ý, 1 , - , 1 - -"t"lý..ý ý 11, -1 . 11, j 1 ý __ 1 _'l 1 1 Ir, _1ý ý '. . Il ', ý ý i IM»,L emy froide Au X ý . .. . ', , ý'111 1 - ý . ý __ 7ý ý 1 1 1 1 ý ý 1 J. Cotton, . f. , dIed ..dd THE SU ---* 1 1 I; l ,,ýý-: ýi' ý ftm« 'u bu »O - b(ind ILLINOIS STATE NEW S ý li...rt fallu,, while visiting in PinekufY- NDAY SCRO014 M*OMM ' , 1 an4 bu bu" tuu of ha 7»M-îu j ville. 1 Apparateu Ai»M'mt§7 Pb - O' - 1, . ..ý 1 1 1 ý 114 the gnin marchent, havlus bought big _ 1 aged Pioneer of Lake - tbe interter et the 111111@904 1 ý - ,aillent ut hith priSs belote It Was reslý- i John Aynsley. an G, uxtave Ulchaud, 1). gt., 11111104111 11111111111111, IR ý - 1 ed, needs no 9YIDPathY frumbcou.s bat OCCURRENCES DURING THE COýluty, died ut hi' boule et G"we'- -lied SERIOUS SUBJECTS CARFFULLY ,, 11, .. 1 _.. cheer up that young fermer W ores PAST WEEK. i 85 year.. CONSIDERED. the Scientille Amerleau a MSt in@$&, 1 ý 1 - . are roveied with a big mortgage and the C. L. Lingo, spe(uti IIonýiIn exaroiller ,_ - 1 net them. The; boa dF,,uéçbt »trillion thora the first year, That ý been I,,d,-rd to G-eo _ _ joua scientific toy which la prodiMU" ý "1 7 . . l 1 ýý by Insinuations alcali 1 - ut Centralia. ha.% musement, yhilding resufts 14 , work May net have been donc no inuch con- 1 llri*ouýrý Ao Shot A IIIIIILIVIL HBY, Win. A 13cholaly Fxpouition of the 1-aulon whIch are simply aAtoni.ý;hlng floir @pet- , ý l 1 by words, fer tbey would ho libelous, but i struction of balt a dozen bonne. and the le.c.pi,,,, le Wifýf.- qt,ýý,ci.,-Rý- ý The inditmentý ngniI-,t of endillits I; . ý r I onner's impatient for occupancy la net Nli.t.ký. li the Parla loi- -Th()tàgelt» Worthy of ('oitu Rý«ev' taturs who bave tint been told the ne- 1 ý , by à twinkle of the eye or a sbrug o , (;crqli,,, ,IItle and ,Perntors for illeiting 1 Il,- 1 lot I-ýI A "'il 1 tien H.If .. ll(,.,'» 4t.dy of the ,,ret of lis Con.ýtrileti()D. If apparenuy _ 1 ý the sboulder or a sarcastie accentuation lu bc pitied, but give your byinpathy te .... le.. Rià:bt tý j . la lI.lIlIter and saw and bit aloi nicha ail .A, .,<-, - Ann ( -týIIo, 4 y.-i,,, old, died at Ait IllýiptI-.-Tim. 1VýI1 SpýýIt. rpproduceq lnstanteneously and nfigtly : ý e of a word. "Yea, lie la ail right when ho t bat mochanie in early acquaintance with Pr.1-,t> IIL.«n 1 1. ,ith Pyioncoit- werv tioli'. pI>,,ýlIi,,,l ikt Taylor, Il o. [à Roi "Have you Inq ired Into that 1, ,,,," ýý 1ý the intprior of the human IIII giving 1 ý man's history?" "Do you know Whk, thL. IiýIIitatjonâ of a journeyllian. ý ' rIuý,_ 1 : ,.il 1.1 lit-' bur. P.III, fruit, il,, . tfects of lolrn, III JI' li.neT.I.-IL 13u-Ylllli-- IIýI11.1.1.1,1t l:ý , 1 ho Il. "' ' illa "()"'r' cidý,t)tally reC't'LV('(l villill' site 'Vit' 111 1) iY 1 ,. ,,il j,ýýýt , ,,ý le-- o f- Jan. m bide opermilon 1--Fwrformfd under the ý . I)nýin sa ho was in before ho ent-ed .Il ri P l'he jt(>1)111)li",Iil StMo L'entrai 4'iooIIIýýt, . ' TI, Il ptilit auti Ii. iiqua, ý i, or je- to every orgau Itz natural eWor. The 1 oui thiý?" 'Il motte that tire appIicatýon ,le Co forth te bc a bti-svbo(]Y in other - Ililon Ilf 1 ,,III,ý,I i il 'ys of tbp imomildered sitter. who bill Fe . lilial on the table uni" norme invstibra il,, il s inatters, .su fur lis you clin belping 1 ,,ýokIIy jali ut 8111-iligul ý I , i I 1 ý lm - (tif te'. toet si (_'ho.,gý, illol pý,sll'-III--'i ,ý1L0I :; ,:ý 1 , ý,I- II, :11*ý. , hn joi, III, .X rayý in what seems te boglary. I.,Iaix-d bý li,,I - 1 d,,ý i 1, 1 firýt 1- 1, i , i , Lý,."', ýl,,L on of in. . . lit Il,. "Intention U- tioc Il en. , [IaIIýl and 'ftjli,- , Il , il 't.,ý,1,,I, « ýj,,.,, , , i 1,,,,.,i .-,I,ýII,ý' bc t1il, ai-t of dram ing and painting be- lune W . . tien# noix, goint on are con.ýuniIInt..,I." th, Io out, and boit, tý,Ln The world - a wati, g resui . ý . _ . . 1 Ir in ensy eDough tu start a mueinvion is foý; of Instances of thont, Who ëVend livIc.) aod BauTogýiL,,- ,ý ý l. ý Il . .ýhI M il y. :, ý., , _, , ý ý II , , LI ', 1, ., ý, 't Ij,,ý J.i,ýlýII a by M that m lit Deller douta, but what n (irmi)i,-n- th- lire lit attela alleviations, but there :1 ' ,,, , ritimb et[- 1 - "-- _ __ ble n'an la the one wbo started il: Thore I. - illâtance that ovër il fier a (hLse of b,'.-,ý,ýl bi ýý ; t,11 lilli TII, ,1I,(-Lli.,Iil.i,, or the %Vet,,,ý. Eo \aIl. , ý[, -ý".t, iii ,i. ,. fi-, ,, ,1, fort, I,ý, ev- Â, vý1I1I oçgaiis. il debate » in, lopfi an" e"i"-a 11,1-, il, -1,ýIt il, 0o ,,-I-IlII L'offipany at Uvntralia. 1-td tu ' ,,,, 1 Il . (copyright, lýui. Klýp.,h, lfffl,) la net au limitent man in any city wh. nli others. il, hua li,,d In . pahire. 1 l ,til ai largo. 1 Iý, . - ,,zlili",.,-, leg 'l' Ilý,.,I ', af, Tio- ý,jij.ira!!i, louais like the objec- ,uIýriItIIy . N filas discour-e Dr. Tairinaze ý- v- rânnot Ille demaged by Ruch infernalimm. y Taylor and il i, LI, , I .il B,,,,,, ntrase 'apital 't- Il, t'ou, $ý,(),Otxl te ý ', ,,,,II , i, :ý. :ý!"I, ,,,-ý 1'. \,,t IL fm .If tiv how we should interust ,lors, 1% lx 14 Cela you imagine any crelature me loath- Radiant unes waited ulxuoI.hý!Im , t'III, of Li , amorti, with the plate ai- wa, :bot. ýi'11 .m.>ýRds lý I.'r'ý'.t: Il l On m hi, 1, III, linage lm to be produeed orted bit ý monte as the one who rotas bilnsolf or aloi .tolLwd ut gaies ont ,If the cage il, ý'. , -', iiI,,iý. , At 1-eepoort DI. J. H. Il., i Ili. 11, m- ,!,ýýý,gl, a", toit L'il 'hl ,,,>,,, , , ote Of the affairs or oihý - for thvir L,-iit-làý, (harioted alotig Ktreets ý'o le TayIý,l -- ý ,i,ý:,g x j"', ýIIN),IAM). but never for tbvu dain:19,; tl-xt. tollomod ,.I..ely hy hi, - ,,ýiý I : !il' notil. cnu.'y surgeon, ,but hiITu,,Iflhý1ýILa1Iy1eatt 'ý j;I,2,ý,ýý'1g1,Iigp,,ý.ý il,1:i,.1L1Iiý.1p ý,ýf fiýIIIoný ,lip, II Ili t'Ill 'Iglil ,Ir evryorié, The appara- , 1 I- -a te question ail integrity, lit arts, and liosonnaed 9 "t roliiiii. iiial tuI III 1'.111I ('il ,)IIIK)site the persoil Who« ,iL Iiir. I hersiolf catit t'y !,.,Tý;,,,,ý,u,,.,ba,,. r, a dash tor liberty. Iiiii- -d iiiionu Alit,-,,ý,.ii izi,..I.,,,Iigli'x baru. 1),ýl'.. 1 t,,.itl-. Ili, ,- 1 '11- 1. ;- Ilul ii,,I-,-iiý bAII vý- era ýlit, te bc photographed, and ' illiee -0 ý Ipetelr. iv., 15, -A bli.,yl)Idý- lu Whet tI,,u . ý .11 abilityl fil, boueuty, ail chars, tel ? orutrd and in mnowy whit e' "(.ntur't-s il, Ill-, J.- lit I I- ý n". ,I,1.i.ItiIIl,, ,,, h(-iZItý,n III, effect a lamp May lie , matterv." ý bain net a pain. The suit that rose ý gartin-r overploweré I il,. ok,> aloi II,,oý -on lit,, ,:ý,,,,-. . ý :Iilr.lri- 1 H uMun nutur, is the loin- in 011 Il ý Biizzardë ioukint fer carriont. g- ,ni. t bill, .bout tIoý Iiý_ .. ý I It-ýý,tt. 1 .ýt I)Ei-;ittjr, Iloiner Bartholomew, ngeil ý Io Ili. III. ,r ý,ilI- o, ', ',, ,, ý, Il. ý ;, ý 1 , ,,, LI Il !.,I,,,IIP1ý pla- d hebInd the mitter. The lý-ilieucy t,""- ý Mont peuple Doing Thitil, Brut. .il him nçver net. Ilis (1omanaoný -uld U the *econd (i-tjikir) of the worid > e%- ýN'hile I believe onough in humail de- ; il 1 t ho enlargod, for thoy boa no bouclait- Burn. tonna a rei,1,ý,, 1:ý ,- (ý,"Illi"r, 9. mal latail) ,njor,ýd in a steaut lau'd'y, ý ttýrI I Lit il, -- Il w, 1- ', ". il , l'. Ican- (,[ý*ýr;ii,,,,- ilil Ill s ( voryone to look at the istence Voupu, hua il,,. munie ( boirai Lent, 1 uni, _ Th ths bkoat It, , 1 tol, li- ' )il, it roi Li, og , ,ý(.zt-ti through the trou- [ a -1111111,11 lor oeil tu a , Pravity ta be orthodoi, 1 tell youi that the 11- -oz te»tt>d ,,, as bis reiga. U pou 1 ý 1 , l JI, 1 uýP11 . ilialgi I:1 hf, ý li',n, -vutury, , ail . ..a ula, viron- ii- 'I'h,> Ilini- il ý ,,,-,ý,l il ,,,Il,- Il tIII, ,ýo, ,ý -r, and prenaient tbze i, - aloi Il ( and r, nown and en layl'o-, ,>ýitall(.ý. .1 fýý'ý 'l", ýjr- lui ,, il, 1",.g IL int', ,,ý4 Pili- Iý l" 'Il. . ý I tics an Lw.1,1,. in th( mont of peopie whoni 1 know are doing that lustor il..ýl ,ii. univers arnuil ',,i!,,,-I,-ý alid og -ýl.- oid ,klil .... t ,ookod tu a crisp. , I. of iIajIý IL 1.ýý I I L ho, Lort, 1 il nient or splendors bc turned bis lin ( Il and 1 ý I;," tiiio il, tell year8 a bourity 1-,,,,I.l,. tlIý,,I Illi;I,, ;tll,é-:irý insiantaneouldy on the qý1 the cul)- differcin, la-ilug t la the bout they can. Faultg? Oh. Y's. A 1 'fIIl)ý,\,I-,l lit buggies. IL, III :,-, at il,,, lit-, '" 1 ik'mln,:.*"ý _ - II1,ýýlI III.- I-- Iý 1 1",11,1ýl loill, (if lit,, ,Iiiitter. A colotred , ,; i; aiso te ý the charlýterilýiý, fi,, . 1,,Iý9ýir 1,11- It 1 Ixciple except you and 1 bave faultm. But Pot down bis trown ut the tout of big , g ,Ili Il ,j'aylor élirot M 11,'n, i;",.gI".. il ý Il- '1;ý'1"Ii-I thi -tho, day for a Wolf might [Il ,,,I-I.",.ýi I , -,,, ! , on, Ihi- ý,ý Il, [,kj,,rý '1'1,,- lutig, are il bright red col- . I r'.11 III al- WR, 5m yearx of goixilo-l' or fffl yoar. -1 thoy art, ëorry about ILI, repentant on ac- tb,,,ne, &lia on a bloak L)ý,ý,mIý.ý, night 1 -t'y, tbrough th, 1,ýi,,,l 1 .1",[ Il, III, -1.1, ,f ('ook c.uuty. Mena- Tits,,,ý-,,, .1,- pl.- ,pý Il- off 1,,l,,i , Ir, t1w lo-urt i, darker, Ille Teins are ', ý lied .. . Meaunes. iusieaLi ut 9,,i,111,o" ut "'eau ennui ut it and are trying tu du better. I troll lits w8y d'J'Nu lu a Kton, bonne in ý pal-, __ bois ,if il,. ('ý,,iity B..ard were inter- ,,,ý,,,k:,Ilý. ,,,ik %.,L ,., ,1,1 n", ýý,,t j'l'Io. th, ,t"!"".I, :"LI It,.,(Ills are Or' ', i ý-,ý,.kio.IIIt1 ý ge4mi for furty or firt) >,ai -- \N cil, S'I'P'a ý Ail People ail mistalkeýuny tbingn Bethlehem of our world. wrapped in ý Givv. Up Tit1ý and llýýil-u,. ' 1 rupted oi III, inItist I-f (hoir pow-wow long toit 11111,11 il-re lhiiil a toit - - ý - ý-------- ý ,,oIIýing Peter, who mas a kt- uljl(rN4'r ut what 1 thont artrward they art, 8orry for. and 1 mhat plain shawl, and pursncd with what lý',,,,, ý,-arx ago Mill Mal-i (';-IIIff. IL 1 ""r the Tiv, ý. , , II, , I. Il ILI, t'cuit Of One the grtal--st 1 ... wiliérit:I ,,, Jolin mas toit ý : , W" guit, , .11 aroulol 1,,,Iý, oto. day caught I miss opportunity of uttering the right 1 etternies on gwift cannois, and h0vled et wil klj,,,,-iý Toluca -c il-t I girl, tio-L iýIoj ! ki1Iýd ,il Ili, t.,,,,, of Iýý,,,oI LI) Gerbard 1 la fteils, mointili, ait., the 1.,g:ýIý Io 1 S .il- . u, .. u cri ,f tio, yoar '-'-; A. )-il, ,,, . ', a 1 . Luti l, churacteriatie» word and doing the right thilig. But 1 with wbat brigands, and thrumIt with 1 nIýýrr,,-ýiottovous(lýiýIgltI ll-ý,iýitb."gtI ý Gileving f , A ý ý 7- - tur ,if were nevete iuPý-,ýt",I, and blutant criti- heir proyers ai nigbt what sharp lances, and hiddeu in what ýNIo,, i,,,,iff did net Illu- :! lit Ill, tinte. ý Thr- annuai Stitte e(,tiI,-iitýi-ri of super- this timý hl- mis 1,,-ý1,1ýlIY Illo 4 , LýeIs,,ýt,,LL,ý l dIi ý -t.ýh,ý.ý. ýý,ýl,,,.,ýt»-.,,.t taire ta bel mentioned 1 ýpuIchraI orypt, ukitil the subsequent , _'I \i ... S'bac vi.orx, couilly ,-I,.IiiIi..ý.,ý,,,I jkIod comaty 1 interest a lirgýi cirI, IL oý t ý ,:i,::!iL el t Cinna or the '11.ý,. U,.)ý,Iýiiink; te Peuple ý ,. ,I - ,.Iuý-n-býr. býlwo,,n Ille ne., .1 ,ho Iýrd ý ,,ý:ý""",,;;ý,e,,.ý"t.ýîo,,a,,,,ai"ýý,;L,11ý ý-iriil)a(-Ii, cierke tout ut i2tjikk, y. Gclirg, \V. Hubý ý ,.,,.,..n.,ol conspicuo- oh.,.oter ý the jor whom lit. hiod ilo responsibility and 1 , i centuries have tried la vain ta tell the , me . . il. g w. 1 à ý, broulied sud hardeu- fer ..^ý. .crý iliptured trcsg, all' l'il" , IL (;eriIi.u>. lSl,ý.'lly aft,,r ý .on of L).""Il" Wax eloud Ir.-ýidýnt, 6 È> /la ad by ii.hilug la Lie '111W tain Portrait fur [ mtory by a( Lý,I,,.u ,lit, ni, lit 1 ý 6 it bc supplication. ~Thar ý ýaikvas. and r"our)ýli.g doxologies, and . il te ., 1)iý%,Iii,(,rt , -. C. Joiro', ltlý,.Iningt,,n, ,no 1,,,ýý,ýden ; IL was during the winter or early apring - ai qubý-quut iýges: 'A bus) body lu -Th- ý amen that closes t ý rria6 .thoy -nt 1 in F. A. liatljal-iiy, Ottawa, s*-(rý,tary; C. , thât Jeans rame trou Il IL .. ,,,m observation," &&yu seule donied ý a Tir e. i Galibso tu the 1 1 : i'Il",ýI" ,yfim i athoedral, au -deemed nations. P l'l'a, il, rgsàde. 'l'iýý-,-ý Ilo-, li"ý'i of th'. 'Ion 'Z', sorry for you, my broth- quit.t. lierently a ý aldt ciIiii> ,azur an- A. Rudel. l'ourla, tr,-a.ýtirt-,; livnv lty 1 point on the Jordan wher, et nien'» waito- .... ý .ilýlhI ýc^,,ýuuld uti, -e a -oman doubied u I John was bop- il, ', [là Thini kitoi of iýrson bon bison a trouble ..., .y bister. What an statut crowd Yeu Lu. Aooý b t he touched ber, non( jug the death lit thl Idd baron suit nilier. La%% ardsville, currýisi)ý,ii-iiiié; - te ý tizItgý mewhere bý-tw,.eu the ses of Il .; I casher lu 4--ry country sitire the murld ý must have gotteD into! Or, au in more and indamIid mu-lu8 relaxed. and "e ,ülling the son bout(, t, ;,ý,1111ý(i th, titl, tory. Cýalilý and the Dend Sen, nobodY knOws lint- 1 : atonal AI)vIilating billiýlf to the work of probable, yen art one of the characters cd gtraight op. lie could net meet a And estut,_ ilow(iI-ý.r, )II, N on Si.huv At the anzitial meeting Of lit, S,ýujud e'xe'l ly where. The beginning or Jeans ,kilim lu- . 1 - oaWloratJou and detet-ola, lie go,% f-rth that my text sketches. You bave Dot 1 n,,.o.o,.l of a ýcung man, but lie broke up Ki- dia nuit de.irý lit g- ,lit lier rosi 9'oiigr(-gationni k1nirch of Rociford bev. work markeil the culmination of John's, any rop- 1 b' k Il uýraIIy begins the prectita"ion and gave bien back ta bis d'Ilý'ý lu tho T'oited Stý'l- 'nd ho' hu- Wesley C. liak,-Il t.-Ild,,rýýi III, ,v:ýgna sud froui that tirait fortb the popularitY ,j = 1ý,mgt >,ne,. been hanting for partridges and quail. felicity lie tip f John 1,190n tu warie, even an he haut- ýPVICAli, Voit I'P'oul(i-.,o Ax X-18,111 7 aillent . ý la the e âoýiâcllv.reîlk. lie but for voiture@. You have belon micro- widowed mother. With apittie on t baroi, Wh. hua bec-ul, natilrah-ell, 'Nul Li.. ta faite effeýt imlucidillicly aloi it ý huilier the adivertiming agent of intirmities . ing the world'a rentre. fou bave of big finger ho turned the midiii satistiod with the 1 nitil tItatos. Mr, self Raid, '*lie Ton", i.(,reae and 1 muet 1LLV910Ný 1 I.iý«iý,iIýd - ý. domeetic inharmony aLui occurrences "'pu: 1 blinductis tutu the per- , ý Wil. accepted, the ýupportors of th, pal 1 le Il --- - - - -_ - , j.pomtioli ýý _ bkoen doown in the marsbes talion you tata rnidnoou of N'cun SI haugier went il, II, uloilly aloi r, la 1 Il [»Ial.ýý bc in, Dot ortho- 1 ci ren a greeulsh tint; other parts of the body - -er ba"x colline - t I,:"ý la - 'ges ight lit - E.P1a..toýy. -tbait but fur [tain would ueN hi ta bave been on be uplands. 1 filet Bight- lie could Dot s'e a man down ..nii,..ý,i hi. inherited titi.> Ili ta, or of hi, 1 , de'-idien 1 1. paint tbemseIveý in blavk on the White o appro- 'le f'els that have caught you et haut. th- a lui Inula 1 -Tben vu te the Public eye Or 'ur- ug Yeu are -a on bis mattres helffless, with PRIBY wi yoling, r brother, wlin git I -, t hl- Itigal IL "Ir 1 ta i i; hini. Th'el ('-h'toircl.hýItio'lti'(it'l% 1 l'ili j"ux front ,;alilêe. _151), was the secret ought tu lie hauled out tutu out eàlling him ut, te health and tell Il ring the pailler- This %tidden apparition genergà- ý -d, Ille 1 busybody in other ments mattero." i g a lurge s'lui of moul.y. hiý, full Iýr's malary and aIsýý1-pros1otd , lie hall becti ut Nazareth dl' jjght sud he,.Iýtd. him in ëbouider the mottions and walk - i r y.oth suit cnly manhood. klow ly starties the sitter; but a few re- If lie 'un g't -ne 1 Two Opt.i.on At-ut F.verilbody. ý ycar, luillai IL« 01 it ILI,, Lin, .",ýp.l"", III-t hl' off. lie could out find a man tongue Th.ught Hi. wilo 1. lii.,Zl.ý. ont 1 hiw vi a pursý of $:Oz. o nt ,,, know abso- marks on the li(,alt'iy looks et bis luffl I. i ficp., Ilow la if thst you ran &Iways find trio thuse yea- worý sps, ' jettifil tu b', . noble ai bleverneut tu *tait tied but lie gave him immedinte articula- At lialboro Frimald Niý,,,"-. lu John Alexander Dowie bas purchamid Intel, nothilig save what cau bu inferr Ir. Lent. . witb. But lie ilitiýt not let il Atop. lici-P', ed. wili place ilitu ai lits ensé. The photo- . . ions about any one and those two tien. lie could net see a man with the ,auto or the ililisi,ý,ri 1 ,il ý(ý1o,1ý1,,A',r1h WacaLegau Harbor and N th cuit ,e forai a very ,leur opinion graph la falien out of the app&MtU& uns ýxactIy Dp"itý? 1 will tell you 1 1 1 os OU a they, lit , (,Plat puzzled and inquiring look of the dent ,but aloi killed bis ,If,-ý ý 1,1- , ("III1Iý;'ý1l11(ýýi -,jation ai-ther lui ,. Icobou- whiképers il tu il,, .ligbt,.,. au i lit' ýs -ge trait of ' e1I. Lbý dt-grec of Jfisl's' uDdemtan(ling and passed among the sPeetat - . - ' the reawon. IL le hermine there are two ithout giving bun capacity te bear the that >b, ,vas a lilgl:,, \1ý,ii,,- .1l'i a I land Which glircis bit., .tI,ý-tlult mort front- ag Tvo distinct parts of the appa -19, l4u, tum wlii>[.,., kt 1. floi, 1,ýIgb"r. untIl 1 Id of hix mission previoti.ý Io bis enteril ratub ýlý-f,-idýd y- ý en te every chararter-the best aide .arl-h of lire beating on the drain of the 1,, r nall"d, lni,,Ilý.,i, - Le Ili Ilo. 1 fige on the laine. Ttu, pricr pont la saut on active mork. very net the wh.le tomn lm ..bI". aloi .g"g. A Weil disposed man ý w 'l'ertaiul ý v th' (Io-ol)prute In the production of th" .1h -I'. eau no mure L'aU il it or put IL a.,,, il nd the - .rat aide. ý car. lie ccula net fice a crowd of hungrY sjttjIjý, roo'n of Iloi- , II ...... and both ý te tic $4ZÀ) a. livre. Thus hat purchase or ,oming to .lutin for baptise, indicate . Il-n the chiefly seýk. the b«t aide; the badly dis- y9a eau a il 1. in th, air ait(] j peuple but ho made enough gond bread si%\ ille., thought "Il, )1ý,ý-l-, hua le- i li- directly south ut the other land, and th.t .,,,,,ý, flt ,bat ., ne. ,ru in hils .,-ray trii-k; naiiiely. the mbeet et P&- , li,ý".."ý,g T 'en by 11.1.1f poned neeks chiedy the worfit Aide. Be 1 ut required ail the bas- jir*ý a A noite wu, il il I il the kit, bon I IL 1,,iIig, Ille salut), of the big Inter to lier and the objective tube. l'III. 1. au the wlrg .koi .11-t. ait the desire te Rire the býst aide, for IL )a a kurplus th lire was I)eýglituilig. for "i"('11 bc mont e sheet et' ý f lit Retenu, of titille i.,,.,tt.iý,ý., but .fier a lint.. a,,,,, and )1,-,ni. xx)ilog Ili" tý'IIglarW,-,ý, ' .Itj,.st . 1..,rýit 1,.q,,Illýlogranl, w'tb a prýpare. \\ fiý.it jsils ýiii-w (if John'à Before flic experinient. th ,,,,-,,,rd ý burblealtbier for un go ta du and stirs ad- le solded onIv twic, that 1 remembe,, t,3IIg to gel in, v,,ný I., - ,if,'s Ild ý iiiib, and a liait et lui frontage. wori. woula tI, likly il, show him the paper la treated as tulluvvs: It la ptu2N*ý- Il todiwil bas given it .Il .,IdLtIi..l tivoit kt or 1 rniration, which la an elevated stat el once ai the b) lxx rites m ith elongated vis- ,i,,.II, atoi took hi- Il \ ý ý, - 1 front mulot 1 1)(,I,.ýt]I(ý 3l'irri, Goidfola "a, round close relation bot wet-n su( IL prenching ut over any anatouillcal drawiug lgbowl»c 8 Il ,,,ýd the contes à mtory In ,o-c -rol édlaille li,."ýý1- 1 whiIý the diture ta find the worst nid. e and the uther liýe when a sinfui Ilo. j,ýI-. not ootifiiig ti,ý,, ,h, wal il 'ý gýnIIý ,if ,,,,,j,,,y ,il jýuukuk- und wili ýlwntnn,, ai nelpal thomele 1, ,I.,,-i.,i.11. k-pn eue in a spirit of diequietude and ag I., , III ,, i t i il g r,,<,Ii',', il ý .ent tu the 1.,.IIitýýntiary. Ile wu id III, NI-soinic roformation the position of. the prt ý o«. If IL ý an hi, litipt gollig. oriel Rwhile a huit arraIgned an cinfortunâte in Lieu. bi-turninglo_ _ ,il 1 ý kilo- on whioh ho %\as about tu cDtýr and abdominal origans. If the sbeet: of 'Q tiunc fur 1 di.rriAt and menu suspicion, and that in a ý ý'w luit. the , ý Il a.. a of our own nature, a dis- . jIIo,ýd to vieil, III) rite lourder of Mr. and John poreived iIIIttiý,tiýelY, Borne say, palier is net fou thick. the dravring em ýý . st wul llc large cluongli, tu -Il il,.. att'-u wornan, and the Iýrd, with the ["os, su- Njo.o. ,ut, a final lie kitý boit '. ,fin, Toost of 1 fisr rement cl our own chararter. 1 am . \Ir,. Eintc (,'huoIoý or S'I. Autiv. Who the hta .ý ý tien of the e-utirt» or the prtýsb)t(.rlfIâ or pun"'X perb 8arcasm that was e%ý-r utt'r'd, gave .kia Il lui(, fit-ed, li. I,,il 1,,-ii,ýtr.ting . . ý iniuss purity (if bis visiter, and bc milieu througli if. The space ocCUPIed ', confereul- or gýýý,o,ýý permission il, any one Who relt himelf Ni- NI ... Ire's brain, \1 Il IýlriIOýt lu ý toit hiniselftinviorthy il, admilli.tera rite ,il tsatur- - « f id the imporf"tions of othors will 1 entirely c.inniýn(lable te buri the la rat .,t;,,,,i, 'a, his afil II ,,alle and ýoInI mer, ,Iýtl'Il.,*ý.It ,il 9).II,1,iir, isins. Sidney ý change by the luugs ta then painted with a ý the scandai. abriuzd are tlul - ii of t1i il la Wu: ^oý!,o, Lod. 'rit fast- that prc.ýýtipl)ooil repentance or a il III, Il un y 1. Ilingo, a Ii,-g,--, t he diluted solution of aulfocyaulde of Po- -', ilie one W ,' missile. Ail for üthers. Ilis birth for Il ... lo.a, but bis Il [, ,- -r regaind ý qi itingo, 0;ýilifoL%, lteuben L. lac, liý-eý'Ir. th , ,il diý I bout I'otýr In Ille Lotit aille- "a kirodly man Who wiýhr. P,ý,, 1 or i en the c-ce , - - 'a A more concentrateil solution -' ,1, Limoug busybody in .Thor ain'- iiattý'.. , . .. . i others. Ili. ministry for othors. Ilis (on1ý 1-11111,4s and di,-ýi il ,I""lt ail ho NillIer, Illlinie (;t)](Iilillll, Vio)(1 CareY 1 -' 'c- I ý .la of Jestis' blamelesa tassium. ý "oýw ul oý "' huild miadinj4 ouir Own Hubin- ý wf'11 selon demonstrates bis disposition in I deatb for others. Ilis ascension for uth - 1 , ,il , -1 arelli, .otwilh.,tituilin.- bis own of the Rame sait lm ilsied te 911 tb4ý apam ,i ,,ý,.I dry ý bis Ioolk.ý Look et him. Admire hitn, 1 ern. Ilu, týiithronenit-nt for otbers. , and Louis lie, . ,abluin, .11 ,if ('hicago, 1 , a - az lia that lie spolie as outllned hy the heurt and principal ails , , Ail those - ho try tu do lits") thlDg' ý C.IlIgiratulate him. On the oth- band, Cli.t-ý, ltl-,ýllý-. -or, nt IZIugoý trial 1:1,1 Joko, that the belulit exivtýn,,i ,, r. lie- go te pioc- -Ir bouilli or 1 if eu,. 4 ,yniral about the rharacter of 1 Ed"i,.[.g the E.Trth. 1 IL iý ,ý1.1"ln that 1'tii, ý:,ý 1 , > arc "ou ! In are paintillié ,, ait. e- . , either un to th, bln- -, I ý , ,,koh a ,", 111-9170 1-il COlif"ýl('d il' the murder. ont, who kutýw Ille ,harvoter (If bis cousin telles. A few lag velu I, Choir fortune They go eu outil Ill-kloIV othIr. and ohielly observant of deféctn Thot spirit which Ieadý one ta be Luisit ý roitted ,LI ,ourt 1. Th K'I'go ma, 1. j'ail ai Soient on the date to Il, Abol'r rýýlirý)ath and I,,ýond com- vlth IL solution of ferrocyanide of Po- ,,, 10 c"ts on the dollar, or lier 111,11 -1)' ý and glati tu find momething wrong in char- l for the betterment ut uthe'. la going te 1 h;Ipl,,ý,ýtýýl ILI î1iliton 1 ý,, jury , iziiiii,ýi. lie was tic quittd and Goldfon . tassItini. A more dlluted golutim et l' 1, Pro~ ý j t jar,>,,n, t nom ., ý I,,,-Uta- Fdeuize the round cartit. Th, Ille word 1 John-on 'III 1-all, dl t' 1 ' ý ' 9 ""l'finti( " ,od ,Il, , itllý.,,ý., Il ý _ kri,ý,t -I. Thý "Suffer i jesu. recognizes the ' ý:1.1i Wu@ 1 p .ur ..T., ut ýa' tbat Dwight L. Moud, great orange- 1 1 Il, jI ,oon ýjj iiigiii. ý t for a .short j'i'tit-o of johil Il exclamation, bu th(, saine malt la uged for the etoM&ab ,ý illitc the grave- %ýe e8nout n'auý'gcý 'hl' ý ter. the tact lm apt te lie domonstratýd t, cent- affairs of .Thorn and i- ý in hum looks. lie may smile, but it in ý 1 'tb"' 'Ir" lI'v;ý't" Ig Ik-'.Iý a f Ir t'-ial rotas. The rem ,., 5 the fgir, prosperous. ý'bde Ive lare iliquIr 1 a gour %cillé., There la a #Tkeer in the liait gala te tue ai I'ifiin'11ý1ý1d, .N. J_ sud ' 1,.-ri,,,i Iý- gel thir Io-,,Ii-,ý The a,,,,,, maints silence ,,, view of ,liber curium- si, a em, , ýý t relu- l ..a of au- inflation of th noàtril. There in a Dirac ý lie repented the message for nie to o ý,.,ýrily jo, l,. i ,m ,,il their -- 1 'l'h, , onDil ,if ý,],IIini.t,;itIý,Iý 'If the et the body i, uniformly painted V» ,_1 jeg bui- , ----- , a the but ut th- ý more ait ,, sintii.(i.ý. IL il iiiiit-ed iuappropritite fer t. Mary'@ ether merchaut Rua linding uni how ý ,orvature te the titi. was, ->N,,,t-r bc t,,rlilýti-d Linder any tlIrIL the door mas fI,,,,ý liolocked, aloi i I;. ýt,. IL. Doltartno-ut tif llliii,>i,. met ut pý,rt.-,-t man il) ,omo, tu ait iniporfrt one il concentrated solution of tanaim TIW 'ill ýý There la a bâti look ý Irs, ther aspect ,bois operatlon thoedi Dot take MM 11ýI I"uy notes lie hua tjupaàd and how soon 1 in tbe eye. The devil of sarrasin "a cirý-umstaiý(" tu 9 Ive Il 1) your weekly I Ill,. toil ' v siIqýt.ts Tind piiiiil rideau and ý .Ji, <kluuI111(' to uztltlt' Ill' 'trio and malle for tleptism, but there la une le butés- ý 1 malevolence sud suspicion bas talle. poil- ý publication of -riion.ý ibroughout the 1 s(-att,ýrý,] lit confusion, Il il th ught 1 %arions arrangements for the Iiitate Vu. te bc consideredi J,.,,Iýý la coin, te begin ib.tiý rive minutes. When the papIr 10 _, ý' , ,bu, , ý ands of whieh wili dry, i tif- drawing lm absolutely lafida'b,ý, , , Ille will proitaituy be wound up or malle . O an assignalcut or bear tbc mineriff', bain- ' ý.rld." 'l'lia, sohmu charge 1 witi beed Iýoý,o ,,,ý)h,,e.,,,ter,.l Iýo ,oo- were in 1 I 1,I.,,,Ill,,,t,, mbo il , iii inect tiocre in NI-Y. a in-w carý-r, the - III '4 il.d. Mr. ý *"%ion of him, and you Aloe it plainly. I .ýý..ýý. if c D.oo utl. but it wlIý The unemixir, j)reý*oiit werc Senior Vitie- ,.ail for immense ýpit tuai remources. Tbe for Dit the above named »IUUO»,I» ý long sud tuer incite bis coutiter our own affairs j The élanderrir almost always attempts as long es 1 ilavc strength te give thora ý e1, 1 hl. race are getting .,ix..d up and ýLuJangerod1. ito escape the %caudal lie lm respousible and the newspaper types desire Co Lake .8fe lit th, Pocket of ,III of the jurymen- ('c)iiiiiiander A. F. liVoit-oit, (7hicago; ,hange frontthe quiet years nt Nazareth tolorless, The abeet of peper la ub*r -1 , ý artn lie- ile we are ,ritiuising our neighbur fur for. Wheu in lÏ41 John Wesley was tilleul. Oh, ye people back there in the - Junior Vwe-Comin a "der FI. N. BoYor- te the busy abors of the publie MiPistrY .eady for use In the appamtus. , - 11ý lin the we are negIecting the fer- preaching et Bristol and obowini what Sbeflleld mines of England and ye in the For,- 1 Retu- 'If "la M-uey- the Chicago; Departunent Chaplain J. H. made necesary not iudeed a repentance 111 tIve tube delle itet eMtgn* , ,'titution, , .. pour crop'our Oui field@ or &']ow'D« 1 maison lie bâti to trust in the Captain of shffl pasiturest of Anatralia and ye amid AI, e,,iti.,g inridot ýeurnpd on Cronder, Bothany; Medical Diretitor X. for Alu, bat a metancia, a change of Dilua. T e ObJec ly a amen atoàbw il ,Ii ira. hé weeds tu choke our own corn. While Eho galvation. a bearer Med out: "Who the picturell berrares of New Zealand east-boului BaltiPlort and Ohio South- P. Bo,,Ittý Assistant Adititant Generai an Inner revoltitlon, toron ta -My liens. but merel ýI wIth a solutlon of ferrie are trying to extract the moto frurn wu@ yokir mptain talion you hanged your- ý and ye among the cinnamon and color in- - tern full inil toir (-',itrlylti. A co- L'. A. Pariridge, (Illicago; Treusurer W. self. Thosp who fguey Thar our Sairiour ,glled ffl«b1ýk,,,ý ýI, wa» neighbutr'a eye tais full under the . Ioltri. lit New York Il. liose ('hi(-ago; Judge .%avocate E. B. took this or any other Mtical stop in bis When presseil the rubber balbý#mo&ý .eltý I knout the Man Who »aw yoU tlaW(ld gTOrPS Of Veylon and ye Arment- boy en route t-Ili weight of the beaut in our own eyo. Thoute ý' In you were rut down." John Wesley Ans weeping over the gra- or murder- C'ity engagea I, a gaille of lards witb liainilt.a, Quincy; Chief Molering Off! lit, m iltion - t struggle dl, net rend the gus-, --- - 1 1 1 . IL ) lu a Who ed boumboids in Agi& Minor and ye amid ,il ;ost IF.M. Ile d'tected . 1 ý .>tIon. in men disturtx-d by the faulti, of otherb are i âalied the audience ta malle roulait and let lm Il strung'r' i' Lier, Ni Il. Coffman. (,1111:llpaign; (,hier pels aright. or (-..a desceuding . ..ý 1 1 themwelves the dePot ai wh"-b whol' j th, 81anderer cla e lie front, but when ý 'ho idolâtries Of Bewares on the Ganges th I tvo men il tripulating th, lards. and uç Staff NN'. F. llall, Springtieid; S. A. ,qie .aw the 'Spirit - 11, ýt, ation's Ch ' ,if revolver, ,bioIatuIýd oly Glissant 1 W . . 1 trains of faulta arrive sud front, winch . ..y W.. OZ. ta t sud ye dwellers on the batiks of the An- producing a I-mr Wright, Ný'.odst.ek; B. F. Ilee. Rock- liq a dove." II! 1 1111-n- the elanderer, instend lluke Agen *'the U whole trains of faults start. The men 0 dro»Icogen and the Alabama and the Mie- that bis itl()illl lit n a bodily terni, un a dove.11 Iý ,..,I.ige f coming forward, lied the roumi. The ý , et li,ýIýd. :11ýý, I ýI1 sur- ford. A, 1). ('uda%,-alindir, Lincoln; F. A. dfi,,Dded i 1 ý,, ý i I,ý Mr. Who bave krocceciled in secular thingn or .issippi and the Oregon and the Shannon riludered and 111, .,ý"lýY w: 'Il Iuto th ' n'il- ý z:IFrubký, Iluy 2, :; - il -4, I!bg), more eauges, or Auch a phenourainion. relli thi.g. wili tell vou that tbey author or distributer or blanders never lin Frev,. (,'aleýbitrg. Wodneday, Thursday Ji lx oseiling te %peculate on the. ind= 1 ' ' il... Vi,. . %_ bave no timý for huntint ýut the deticits wu Lits ta face bis work. a the Rhine sud the Tiber and the iI,.:: 1 Ï 1 ý ý )o1k. in Danoble and the Nile and the Euphrates ý,,..,Ii ,,,1,ý!ý,>Li,ý ,,,,,,, ", co kfidui, o ý -ompanied IL. j of theof others. On the way te their cotinting Gift of ]Kyi& Tockfifum. 1 --lolo, , 1 11tu. e-ilod ulxul as thu (]t'tel for Ille ,11 on the nature or th, Ilvoice out ý :, 1 i ....IIIine ý room tbey may have heard thât a firm in on the day of Pentecont there wýre ý and the Caspiau and Yellow Iseas; yo of M'rýýk . L'a. Ivith 1)3..-itý. lqu'noul. heeveus- filet sel 1- - ý 1. 1' ý :il, Il he- 1 I the four cornera of the earth who have ne troillil expect remarkable ý 4'..koula. the Rame linc of toisilless was in trouble, People endowed with what was calied the grceted me again and again. acept Ibis A ,ouili-lIý,11,IIl ý ,l of the ("ýlI")' idatr', 1 Tho so'orna animal meeting of lit,> Sta te a . n event o Tint only and they "id, -Sorry. Tory aurry " but -K'rt Of Longues," Rua tb"y OPRIze fer i TuTI The aigu w« intend'd . - ý 1 ,toui for 1 ý point blank offer of everytbing for noth- Street ltitilIzi, ( oupally was mre(keli ý 'I'rý..,%irr. and All,ýý.rl' Aloviation or 11; and long they Tuent in and mat duwla ut their table 1 God in muni, languageis. But there are ý - Ind J,-ff,ýr.,,,ti ltr,-,-t,, ý illinui, ,u, luila ut the ,nute hon- j for but for John as Ivre the ple in out finie who sceau ta have the 1 ing; of everything of pardon and comfort bY (IYB'Illlltt- lit .III, ý . n artorward the Bniti.,t reussur INT&RIOR et T133 elixcmvic rv»t and opened th. bl-k ,ontaining a full i P" cd illumination and satety and býaven. in il'(, heurt Il 'if , si' The ýý,tý"'I.Iý,,i .a, (.11, ý , ed bimýit ,,ý..,i.Inn.. Il atatement of thýir ,,ff,.,ýn te .- if the), ' gitt of civil longues, and there 18 no end ý a I'f il,. hostile-, 1,-,,11- 1 end big doný ting dis, ilai , as te the Mes- - d,ý Alleu were in p, -il or hIlnug lia ughti. ý ta their iniquitous gabbW Every city, ý -Tvithout money and without price. ' Siringfil-l -loi Il Ill-L a la-1, -lo'l a L'Ille i cabIý illý-,,-,t,ý-ýl ,- 1 il,,, hI>t Ili og, la %coup. ait, net au every apectater tw0m"4, ýý . st.Le- a sitailar . foi*,- tr -1 _ siahship of Jeto - bý r, ý .91ling th Que, WIý, . ai ý ,t.1ý,,v r,,,ý bý, . , , - ý eyclône. village and nrichhorhonci or ilit, earth lia. ! What a gospel for ail landa. ail zones, ail of Poil- loIIIIIý1Il;II Il rit. Th, oýýI, Lý. ,i,,,> .no ""Inný-, , ' ,- imý-diatêly followed te a pueumRtie sbutter, huit Iât0ý ý,,ý,,.k,:ý,,,,m- 1 ý hua driven through IL tbese scavenger ýý âge%! Goepel 09 sympathy! Gospel of of di, et., ,or, Iý, kon ait,] ai'. .Il, ioli, l'hot, ,III lie JI, . .t L:ý L. Lýhý,oIT;ý,IkG-nenI A-,,zkblý,-1ý , ituai exa,; ,lion of lit,, otu, eu, Lord wu@ visible spray et the pertoblodde et pocket. a Il to fat luick on the , .. %Vhon anYthing la said te you de- b NIiu(l,)N%ý and Ili, 11-i-l' toril 111). Nu,ýu ', "ý ,ý; L' , .,ý ' lýyTt"hýý'),ý-","'Ili'tý'aýtillýi. FLIhfrointhospir- aloûlazer. As a result la fine ope! Gospel of emancipation! Gospel , , _ , N LI. ý . f, Gâddr.ý.,,»Ioii town, with nantis lu ý ,art, _hý. ,kt. 1 of aunlighti Gospel of enthronement, via., livar th- I.. Il ut III, 1,IIýýý. lit ý III of lit,- now retenue 1 1 head, waiting tu hemr bsIpful netv.. are , famatory of the character ut otbers, imi- , Il, z- hkirried il, the spirituel testini: 'If the solution reaches for a momalat.. - il tic failurelé nom or will be failures. ate Jos-oph John Gurney of England, ý Gospel or eternal vit-tory! Toke ILI ail otherx fi,, ... il il ý , 4'. IjoaLltItý -If dl un ý aiing a boad or relo, la, II j,ý ,1ý Il * , as a true piture of lire. 1 onnutes. ('hris- Li ye people, outil your sins diquod. Tho re..Iriiion I , 1 ý ,d Thar 'IL ber. IL OuIr shéiot of paper. What follows la Il . ho, when il hua repurt was brought te Il ,ýofirecaII pardon- .kilo .il t lie ILI, , o Ill, ,,lis Itian men sait mionen who go round with , w a and your sorrovis a 1 __ ý ý'Io- .i",Iiýl)I.ý,.,ýt or ilic boat III ,ý-,iýý,, Wn gientest t(-illl)latilitl art- aPt le) coule understood by every étudiant *et t? akr for zcouth and Ioký full of interrogation bim'conI-(ýruing anybody. asked: ý e ne a and your 1 .1, - tl,,tlý oursel,- the Ibo - L)Ost ý Mi,,t stoIý ll.pp'. kTzý î Tu j-Iý 1 [il, 1 irongest. Viilike Ji-stis, ,Ic ar, not al- points ta finit bu,, .onc .tiý,r (hI,.ýh know any go.d thing il, tell 1, ,,, ý ail riglit-il itnd your dying pillow i 11.111l'i lie a su'ing of il ,,,y 1 zc il 'ellu, il times ,vin, latr . . 1 1 inember in giel, :ýýrniTlg ber? Sine therc la no g%üd il, be spread nt the foot of a ladder which, sillimul l'- , ý :, 1 lit IL, tiI,1,iI3,1, ,If Ili(. I1tiIý Il. 'lys lirmi):Lrt,(l ;i,,,iiillýl .,il il attai III. The rpartions between ferirle salits » Il ý.II,ý,Iit.ll.x lit ,--,.zg,,r.tiý,. ilr , lute. woold IL net lie kinder to be si[, ut 1 hough like the on,, Oint was ]cd down ,,, il Loir, divil i, i 1; ý,Il,,r,,, aged -.1 ýý:- - j,ý,o ,If ý,tIj,,,, for the ,ýilliiiii- ýIkI« ri ý 1 -pire- teil in a s, One aide, valfocyanlde of petanagWoý ý .1 for the drinks tac crov-il Il, ngi- 'l' his home for te , n e i(iiiil)tiitiý,ii grenier ootod, .1t,,,tiit,, (il' the evil? Charity r(joi( Bethel, May lie thr-liged with descend- NN illi'lli, W 'l, 1'l yon- old. a, - l'al 'ell"I Il, follou': Eý .Ill It '. t'hýIl)ý i jlttj".ý. , tlI,ý . «III ,I Is , ug" i palgil ('o- kly, 1,1iý,il,,It; L. 1 e% ,if selves go IýtIlo gra- in thoir hoftrt8 thut "Jýiily." . 3 ý ýIo>t ."il 1- 1 F', , 'j"01, -- rolaied il il, Ili, lli,,-I1,1,., in duit way. Bot on file caller side, are among tbe j0jW,,,ý I loi aloi erthel"s bavo r- tu crioligit for you ta , Ipon, I. ('l, sIý,igi--n 4'oInIý. anil A, IIBO one ail [,,-,Il th- ha- Iloy. Il, prit ' But Ilhec in a mrtliv and ('tiribtian . 14, IL, front ,if I , atter V .i,ý,ý-,, t'he (ltli",It,.ý,, ,if iý iv'l'ng tlilit lin, sonsitive of analytieal teats, *wb#jbý, . .y . ' limb. tout over fool, (in rkiligg of liglit, 4,."ýl, ('ý,,,It>, 'i- iI,ý,>Iil.,.,I, ilanol, Mc cvul, 'loi lotuall, oeil, in Ille i,1,jiý-ti,ýý il,, extraordinary Intensity of the i4 li, portion toi 1>,-ý,iIlýI a- ,,,tI,,-(-rat,ýd aloi w f 1-oking al,,,,aýl open othr,, Dot ' till 3-ou, go ,leur ,,Il out of sight of ail ci, ,Il Kiiuo,ý. Aclunis t',)iiiitx, seiri i irý : Simon lli,,,ý:,l ,1,1I,.,.. ,,*,I, g-al, aloi ille- ', la Lu. and black colora wbieh eMghàgbb, ýl iiIi] ýI,. holy and ,- fol thoy a- lonient ,,th for the purltoseuf bringing thni to disait ,art bly perturbation, into the roalm The ,id Ila"I ditiItr,ý at 1 ""iI.ii IL.g.ý." ,ý"4Il'gýItiýI,.ý kI,,oIý, -- tant s,.,ýý - III-.ýiý,I...r others and Il,,I,,,,,-ýl lit .8y: ,*I,ý,"ait tinta 1 ,autage or adrerinsing their ,,oa6-,Ii-l., m ill lx, ,liI,,,,,IIl,,l Th, Iliýtili,ý'. y i, ILI , roching in lin, ,ceurd i,, ,bol oui ,ho [mis- In tbese reactioffl. Heure the î,w»ý2) I.. 1 ,Il,ý.u tare bear the oth- so1ý o 1 1 or putting in -grest lýriin(>r" tir "paragon ., wlierp -the wicked cesse front troubling .. ý L ,oii ,,IIrý . Tuvob I'ý lý,.,ý1.1" 1'..",,:i ('ouuf,ý, ,aIýiIýiý ,If un toile, ternionnon, a strucizle taireaus production of the entend W , iiItý - f that matter. il and the mtary are ai r" t." 1>I'ý.lýrt, ,if III, >, ,Iard Diliii,119 ý il ,i,(ý,,ir. - sutil. eluile a, reai a: iiny outer -6 il, ý 0 i toit ype their frailti, , bat tu lifter holp, syn, 1 , ,,,,, bol illi cannot bý-liý.,ý. illat ýhn ,go agninst 1 t --.- -- - - -_ - olny, ini'. "I'..,. Ind, IL -,nt I,ý Il iz I ', or- , l'a t hy and rosette. ,rhat la ('bristlIk,, ý ý. 1 , 1, a viobl', Satail ,.,tllýl bc. titre. 1 1 ' ' font thet Man or Ilý)III,ý, oulil me have -koe IleI-Heaaed Girhu. ,!,a". -'i', L ... Il ý Snov S',,Iý,-riýIiýý,ýýý,-tt ut ',,ili,ýýi, AMe. t '... ----- kt >Il Dit hl il lit, doo- su 1 in- the al)llai,, of - Il,, ,1IitiliztI toport te -,ý-;;:ýý,I,-ý, ,,oýt 'Ille ouooot Iboloillitize ý botter testirnouy tiiiiii ttia4,gi,ý,ý by th'.- ý a 'l'il, gK)gr,,tlitll(-il distribuLion of red- Illi', Noll'. \1 Illiain, Il a,, 1'l-, I, 1 Bal li', ]III, loua, ý, , Il. .1. C'. .. , l the bigla hvavený. Just look abroad for hoailoil girls la. forturi wide. Tlit-y throogh il Il 111-i ý, Li 2!)-,I5 Indiana :1U, Ill. T. liarh., ,.iIIýII""".I,,,, ,f ed", 1, Loi Lin. >"I..Iýii t. Il Il , I»-Ii,,e MRS. WILLIAM BELL LOVM. , ý llan of scandal mongers> 1 gutils IL lm a lit , the people Who have made great miitaký,s ý . - ý IIýoý at \\«.ý,),i,ýgtIiIý, 1) i, l'Il relau 1 about il ,-v illust Ill liovc illat IL m'ils a : -1ih"l' ,,a, l'III . ; .&tient& Worizza. Who win ne pujou'l ý ý ýýýjtlt,()Il NO Ti- flic judgii.lIt 0th- 1Ic.pdý. c fin je. round lit every habitable quartier Tint., (*Iit, iiý.., II , (..,Iil,,,i .... .. and put a big pla«tor of condolence on 1 , I ,1,ýI,%, th, totýIj 1 ..... I 1 I, i ý r i il I ro in rval, not il formai, t.ýý,,PtIIti,ýt,. Je',18 t, ý': If God turl gi,,I, LI, villole weeks and 1 thour lacerations. 0 f the world. of ga"dinu, \\ H 't Bu, 1 t ilient et the Pari. Show. Snell people are netrel 1 l". Staiv 1,,,t,,ýýý n th, 'Ig, , Ill 'Il, , Il Il 1:,re 1 1 f MOTI and day,, ,ilh nothng ta do but i 8.ýmpathizfiil with, aithough they need 1 t. ed ,hile i,--ii,,,- lie moniun (; and LU mu't ha". b".11 i-ajoablv ,ai Iielkling, eNe , lit 1 - . Theso-called al races .are frequen glowing locks. The I,ùroý I'a ý ,il . or th, ý,IIiý.,I - Il ý ,ý - tu hl- I,.,:i;i,ý'I.., 'il vhoili --Il 4 "O lie could toit Ili' tf'[Lll)l('41. lit, -was tonipt- %ira. W illiam Bell liowe, or A11111001111111111161 1.1.1 Irn- ý ý gauge and niI-zi,ý,rli and a-utinize the af- 1 on ifiaity or,-e. Dom"ti,. uitak,.. ý ly gl,,i-lti,ýl by . i a- .I"lý.,. Thi t,-ýaI ,,I,,Ili,,r ,,t"1" - vil in ,III points lik, a., vit- arc"- nul In will bc bonorary preaillent for Aubo$M' 1 fairs of otbvt-ý, -c'ai nii-lallý. Ecclesiastn-al miltakes. re ýwarthy as a race, but I- Il Chi-go. ei'ut,ý""Il ,ý,", ,lit ,,Iili,ý,ilI,1,. ýl: toli, ,il- 1 il,( Le lý:ight lie morne ex I.; Spaniaxdss a , ý.,,,ill..,l ,,, III -)!,.,ýl> i'f lit,, stot, 1. lit in ait esm-ntiýil Te- of the W omen'a Board of the Paldb,#K.I, Il .. il, . the purest-b ooded. Castillians troquent- i»..I,,ý.,ý ý l'A.043. .If "Illoil 4-U.,990 are ,IIal,-,. Th, .I-ýI:t. The t.,Ilý['t'.1. I'II,ý-ýil,ýl il, hi pollitiou. Nlrs. Lowe bas beau peàib-x, cuse for birh E-ti)1)1(i3ti ut, but 1 do Dot ý Political mixtakos. The mi bas for 1 1 bluble 'or'ý ý :IIýýýýLtý;ý, 1 nited ,,tilI,.s I)itr,,t ý b .a .- and ý ly show tri-s (if their Visigothle blood 1 cour, bv fi à , , ý ýýf $1-,$,,;.I-. 1 le , Il ! ;, or lig' d.ý,1ý uilviolune is -.2ti,7Iý'-'. bodily ot'ed', 1. hi ---- 0 -.-, I, with IMOW anYone \ILI, Ila, snob a surplus or 1 slich oci, jo(osit ) , gestu-e of deplora- ý , "ilion il, ho -Ii,ý:d , . unibition, su hi. faith 1 l'riitiI.e. time Rua c"Irgy :Ira 111-ulifieRti-n that bc ý 1 iozà. The,, in an tinoreupied field fer . and red 11ILI The I-nf&nta ut .. i.,,,,.t,ý I".ýý ý lher. - I_'ý7-;2 Iludding, I,,,ý,i for bchooi Ili G ,,il ý ý .NIr. Al- cwn afford mort) of the finie te ait as a i York, my brother. No une bas been 1 by bine eý el, luoi,- il ... 1 ilo- ýitiIýiIti-d ,iýl.,i of ý,booi Sal.n attiII,.ý everv tuait nt the j'oint Tr, ý a Io 1 ry there 1 F.u, (IisI,ý., III $49,138.72C The number of 'hore Il,- os cuovst ut alýlýroali. It tray ý, . 1 ho bas no o,-ý,L'1'.. .,ta,-I,("l M r,, 1 L'a Sroner LI th, lit :lit failurel of otbers. 1 Take vour case or niedirines and go ther Eulalle, m ho visited Luis country In . Li RuPerVisad l and asL Thom where they are hurt and I, [ g ru, - L'. k Polo], I-lI,,,11,-,l in hIgli "Ilool, Il ,'ýs,(,)*-,I) b, the roi il IL of others because - v. d- ces Colon il, ý -erý. itý-.'-', ( III IiI'l bce point or bis Worýt. lit l let, or ail W e are iniial)a(it;ittil for th IM la reil licadka. liýi,1,ý-I-t, la ad plait divine medicamùnt. R;àýt.i,, Itallaffl are fairly numer- -1i-,,I,,,, \1 th ý .1,i.,,i, il Il lis bis bet - Ili, lie,,ir, -, ý- ý ', or -pret L lit ý ,ý:,,l tri privale aud par .... huit schooIýý 145. ý 1 et the affair III 1 o nýý r:,ot 81ý.P .111o , te -rouira th(, loyaity of Lien that ho Bank '_ 2ogil 8 ý a Divine Medicine. ous in Italy. They Tigre Most numerous revolver, nuit i-,,- lier diauioni I-Il " 1 ;LI. Thre art, 2.j,917 tea(herl emIaoý- 1 ýf ohl Ions- geftmnynot 80 mon blâme as we suipt ý livar IL' The more itou go te banying tu the northeril provinces, where ther xlIý 1-i ,11, , 'l'a Inight iiiiiift thni. lu Ille ans, tirs %vkiiý,h 1 iank tifi'. ý u ý yourTIeIvýs in other men'@ matters the la the greatest IDfusIOTI Of Gefmau mond rings rrui Io r ul,- uge ,LIIarý ,if iloin [,,iý,-I,ý-I'x il *0IAý.' IL - lis .ýl-.,ih tbere May be all(Iviatl,)tin. There may 1 botter if you bave design of offerins re- blood. il. Ir. TtI,,I,,, ,, Il- ciel 1 -1 LI, iý,il, LIT, ý ,ý,,,IIlli and of moiloin llI.ýI.27ý Statistn ý 1 that the end doeý net imtify Fruit, il 1 rra front Seriplure show tint , page. It in n"er riglit te do wrong, frotu, ber car, j,ýul tç 1 ,d. ,if m boin k;t07;ý art, Invii. The a-r .il, Lord gale We moly tind Il devul'a ' . 1 lu'IL Xir. bave arisen a conjuintion or circum- L lier. Search out the quarrels, that you -Bd there lis no girl In the world priait- - on band 1 o,,:,ýe.1'ý.ýnL,1, \\ >Ir 1 j'Ille »Ik) 1>tý.OS, ,If $4,:I:",D,083 total ro 1 ý. ý1,1ý-stlo'. atilinces, wliich woiiid bave dong sny one ý Tuait settle thora; the faIIýkl, that you -il Bouton 1 1"1)reliill'iýl Ili' , ' > ('11 1'ice of ý may lift-them; the pangs, that you May -haired ' ho', Il 1 . oý lollail lutoulys tu ,cuit, thoit Josliq vvicx familial viiiii the - , A il Il L ' in Ille report ,ho, il balanc. t ý; I, - - À-el, ,era,,, - >-'i' I , Ion, , , S ()Ili 'l'ý.,IIitýi,-ýit. but thât lie huld il il, be ý cif un. The world give% onlY one Bide tier th&n a red-hudred Itall&n or Span- jourguil, sort, III, 1 (If thu III ,,, IL ý , and "' a"', ý ý. lit , 1 ,,,,,,, the transaction. and that in always Ille 1 assuage thora. Aria yourself with two la.rd, except it bc a tell - 1 Vc * *, , ý . ý'ý 1 ýý L- r the year en,] __ - _. Il ..".i\.iI,, D'en hII,ý:1, $18,526,4,132.141, Ex - ; Nie Better die titan (Io the ](,agi wrong, but In Lrel&nd a red haired girl lit made liolixe, ('lli-'igi, Il,-' calmir rligbl, ý Il ... dit-ex mer, $18,--'W.S):t.37. hiok, . r. and the otber an anaestbetie, the latter . ý ew-IL case atrikingly Qppropriatil ta the ". rit > ,goret aide. 1 hontes of divine medicine, the one a toute con. B ' 1',1- met lit Il, . , I .:l .1tune 30, lii ,if ý liine truth. The words quoied are in -1 --A-...- -- .".Ilýýl". nzninst the ý - -Ootho ..a mliet. the former te stimuli- miserable by beLng (ýiLHed a "D&ae." Admirai lh-, 1 III- al e'-iit-ýI 1 l'Il iI,,, I!;ý . lirrltopher Frielv of East Si. Lut- ot, alion, and the cotititi(.titin is t'lit ail ...-A Il. Illittoix Gý A 1 1 ,,.ýý, ,.i.iIi,-tKi bit il jury lit the Distrit I aýý(-i(lý,lital but ail artital ont.. . _ . . _. i o IL -

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