etlUiail théoot-offiuset ai bertYvIlle UMUi. manseocd-elaiaMatter. 4U?1U* MMO RiA» Ang EOVN Oit APPLI- CATION. Hign butter Market' Bme Oftrings on the Elgin Board 0f Trade ouay ware 144 tuba; bids epmed a 23, adanad ta 24K41;a Vb"UU vl eresald; ooiiImarket mu eta f24e salas af the veek.,333 tub. butter lait week, 2; one jear &go, liSe. Bepresontative Rtoberts, Of MaU- "moselsbus ntroduced a bill appro. poeang $i,O00 for, the erection of a afflue. of the laie (jeu. LaviOn, lu Waahington. lu viev ai the uiaty ffl thonmuid dollars, contributed by lhe people of ithe country, for the idow and eidren of G en. ýLavian. t would seat thaï; Congreas voulâ do a papular thiug ta pua this bill. The laftance of the administration la boing exerted lu behali of thie Payne biB, nov bei re the Bouie Ways and Nmeu Committee. providing for au axlanaon of the United Statea lava ta Puerto Bico, sud the estabtisinent of OUOma and internai revenue collection diafltea. Il the bill becomea a Iaw, PUflla Rico viliibave iree trada vith the United Btates. The regular peusion appropriation bill neyer falle te bring out nome iivaly ta&k lu the Blouge and the passet bihjuilpaaaed by the lionse, vqaomeception te the rula. There vàas ou very plain tlk about the muihodiof the pension sliarka, jut bqeothle amndment vas adopted gitble Commlsioner of Pensions s~oil1larefsetoa py the fa. of a penson attorney vlen lie kuovs Ia" lb. atorney tallata peniorm bis Mu duty tae laimanta. Representa- 'ilve Ray of New York and Mahon, 0f I'usj'vanlsaaeted that il;va a pftouwea09o the pension abarba to file a im lul I$bon leava i for the Congres- mm of the clamant ta look&miter, hmovag liai the fa vould nceaerily haveS. b.e pald ta them vbau tha cae lt loved. eWYNN, la Gres:ltbilalu triunuiag abhrrtoa .dougi" ltai hoa vaul a r tour? M. Boaeleépeaking entilnly as a dsinterestad vituesa myea lititrusta are uaoly lanehicial. l bai beau a long tinte since ve aia &Dy maniiestoe irom ilîpinos. Aguinaldo muei hava lait bis type- viter. The Batimore courta bave flned a man $25 for hngging a vomon on the 4ireet. QuIte proper' Lîmurles muit la taled. Thank Reavena' Cuiba ta saved! Ih in becaming Ameicaulzed! (OeueraI Wood liai ad ta datait au onderly ta keep the ofice seakars avay tram hlm. Gavarnon Tanner bai nov aied1 bis castor ltotathe semîtrlal aroa,4 mfier "-Unle" sbelby Cuioma loga;1 but "-Uncla' Sbelhy atandB to oe 1 la Undle Sam to b alri.1 Day &fiter day tiie currency bill ta1 laid "ide ln tha Benae, sud tue9 Philippine question ln tagen up sud debated botly. This aboya lu vbst tapie Coupais and tbe coomntry ai large lantaemont intereted. The Britsh movemanis lu Somiil Afieaseeoms te la prognesing sotte- taclanily lu friands o! the$ country but the mme ting ba accurred bera. Boaaisofithe buer vien ha lq cornerai. Whatevsr vie va; a min may hcld on1 tbe Philippine question ha bai a nîglit1 ta stage thora tn s daceut mariner.g The rigt of iree speech mensnotbingi il it la habcitapped vheuever passions1 bacome bested. Callng mon mîmes1 dais netanuaver tbair argumente. At thte haad of the aditarial eolumn oi the WaalmganS us. lu bold face type app)ears the folloving: -Our candidate for the Legiolatura: While tae Sun shines--no third ternu lite tenurnluoMce. AÀvary algnificant leader, M. Stearua; w'll vitcb the space fan futureadda. .Fav tilgsaransmore remarkabie than tae path! of theaBitiish colonies lu regard ta the South Afican van. Oua vonld thini tht the yonng men lu theie vould la adveturous enoung ta juin lu vîthout mucb thaugbt sabout tbe mens c ftae eaae. But lnstead, the racruits bave been fev and quiet opposition to thea var loi nereaaiug daily. Not go mach cn moral grounds bovaversai item teuxsar hat lie colonies may b. iuvolved lu future vais. The Britishi goverumant ile in a lai -oeserin... danger thom n tp nulary aupposed lu ibis country. If tien. An epidesule o bain spmpathy broieBuersal .dftdaansd o« inlaWaington several days àigo Lsmith tatliii laqute passible ibat m.a la nov raglng lu and oui cf Genmauy, France sud Rut& sa ill ooeas. le may la sald ta 1have tro, off tae mant:aud become oPenly bag g1 vllhBSenaor Raies samevial boitila. Ensila la nov upon the seioail speech, lu vbicb. he Afghan irontier, neady ta march an 4,0 mm theb.belle! lithti ne-tentba india. Gemauy te becomlng dally Ai t oo o! Ibis ouulry von lu mre ennaged aven Ilisures ai01ber g7qpn@$*y vitbhomBoori. Thon Mmenaie. Franea baat "-parOdions om onlsasgresalution aéi.Htfr iMloin' vti auundylughatred. Even towmgniim os la vby the 5151 taé Uied gstes la not no tiendly, - oqm»muS illnd la reocognIne glaceutli as transpirai liai Lord ~~og ordldrepreson"lVe of Sallabunys spparently frank awe -»0TrUa sas epublie, vitich vas about the flaur seizures bai a stilng cfo ato»ffl by lb. Senaeafstar l vas consîdenabla itrenglt tied ta li. -oUd 80 si a au ave il lta the dioa moi the Preident, viaiber Tue Belimdere Norihheatem-,sliai ~thlnioruon iiiauid blagiven. l veei commeted as toliovi: -C. V. »sWuadîle ilietpont Sunday OGonncr, ai the tirai ofMezar à M10 etI.a a bigipublic meeting, adver. OConnor, eîohing mrchante, ibis as a & -Baer deaonsrationl' ai city, la an avoved candidate for MIOkspeeches ver. made by Senatosi nilnoeuuy representatilva rom tis dis- 39% of! Mali; Allen, of Nebraska; tiit sud vili coutent for te bonon Nase., of Illinois; and IEepresentativet agaluai Il comiers. ht la said thai tbe a1.- 1ép, et Toxas:D&Armond, of sani and Ille o! the damerass91tisl ltisouI; Bulga, o!f2Nev Tank; Lents. eouuty viI eordily endorse r. 49 hOua; Lanb, Vrgina and Clak, o! OConnon's candidacy and iliat ha vilI N»seuL. Becaus a -ant happons ta go ta the district conventton vitb tha la a asember of Cangre»s& eant, o Bacue delegahuon. M. O'Connor ta a il eprovent hls baviug the sanie sbnevd pouutichan sud vetI undentande lmaIhflea a aiber men, but many thatte delegailun iran McRenry or -qfsuolb. hegaod tait t. i lia ai lUl ea neeisry gu nominate ýtlleipMlg In a publie demanstna- sud t lsmare titan lieoly iliat lie la tft *iasa snation uii vhlcb tiblenot dring blaui caimnldges ai ibis o.atr la on the mont fnlendt-y tenus. ime."ý The uaVlIZ eie ~oaiiMa» la the Dakotu vuk probably a formet bard citizen of btheaestupout viom te deompoalug proceas talld S0 work. àhislarelated ibat whie probiu fron thé text, "Ha givalihRbl ooved aleep,' a Geneva minuster etopped lu the middle ofaieissermon, aid upon is sleeping anditana and Mai: "-Bralin, it la bard, ta raigues@lt voudrons, nnbounded love the Lord appoars ta bave for a good portion of ibis oongregaiion." Thara le, perbapa, noilg vhieh galle a porion vlth, a questlonable record mtre aevanaiy lian totaheu aIliers vaîl spokan of. rhua itlai that the tangue af gasaip bai a local circulation amoug people vbo gasalp and are, therefore, tiiisubjeola la ho gossîpeal about. The 1.110v vbus. lied record la the subjeci af legitimate comment and entioiamnonyer luesa au oppatunnty ta mm ibathe arci light ai publie prejudice on the short, oomiug aifailiers. The fint fouud wighliniiowu conduet baa osaaad ta aunoy hlm, but the praiseabeetoved upon athers gpaie au bu conscience vitb tart uriug severit,. The INxPNaIuauItT ha Utilea use for tbe man wvbowansd amules lu publie and &lape Sammy and icksoi te est as soon as ha goea home. 0f ognrse, va baby many men go thrangb anongi ta try the patience of a salut, but bacansa tbingi bavent mrn sulootb aI the store or abop la no neason vhy a man sbould nnload is troubls ou the iamlly beartb. A man migit oecaionally remember th&& a voman bas troubles of ber ovu sud needa tgla beered and bighbened. We ara cantiiugaly Sld that a vomam abauld meet ber buabaud villi a mile, but no voasmueau mitae long enaugli or brigbt euaugb ta raine the temperatura lu a lions. viere s man le sttlug around vitb a seovl ou is face. 19 lae neclpracity, sud 1lis met sas mmli s nana$ business tO &rile snd matte home happy ai It tg a vomania. PEOPLES' COLUMN. .Adj - la us cllsise. z ar w ps fer ii n 5 lImarI mem; "or iv. au«i c per lise. S TItAED-Two amali biset shorts. %0 Fuder mleoattu, Jonn DmiTnz. Utbentyvlle. 1i. C'ORBALE-vs tous of turne and upland tgprinla hat. Peesd n or e. aI lats ta suit fa taf a ion La .mnloa.l. rites neasonable. Termecsi. il. S. WazieLza. oue mile veat of Libertyvilia. 14-4 F S ENT-Fon a terni cf tsars-Oua of Fote aussi stteak or daint faims lu Laies Colitircontanm nMares. Geonla-g Wanse.(lange barnsi.neyer filling ville uit" wludruillA attaaitad: ne vaste land andba nevet beau m-ntoi. Oeil opua or addreie RInWeaD (IBBoseva. cna. Warrnton Groea SAE-New Mli cave sud iprlnîeen FORu@iLlt.rtyvllle. ail ORSALE-Mse ertaim.1el mpnoved lu 'tovu Of FeMUout. Jea. SwONYa. SmB.. Ivanhoë. l"ig, F OR SALE-Mia noom bonis and i loti la OQý@ .Gnd ba.i»Bllad ci*. Mijuafslr reasouable. Wu.. F aLi L efeller. t_ FOR SALE or RENT-It mlice. eonslstium Foi aloi, large wo item house barn goOd val!,largMealitai-. lamW caller. aunerai atone. i living m-comsand panit on latfuora i ruons suds& aluneis ou Sud fluor. WI salil vitit stek or rnuland mail stock. iedRK A. Feamyz. l)etrfield.Ill. E. McDONALD, CARPENTER AND BUILIIER. Fiin8 and grinding of ahi kindas. Wilt repair ehi k"ndof wood work, Chaire recained for from 50 to 7 5 cans. Reaidence, F. P. Dy, monda place, Lake Street, N Çfyop$ Troues are uo-ta sapodUila le the Oua 'lrue BWood Pumifier aud NEPVE TONIC. A Waukegn-- GRAYS LAKE LOCAL NEWS. lirMs. Sheam ia s authorlasdto recaiva smbseriptlouasadadvertismenta g..M.NUA.ifs 'e Sfor tb. I»xwi>mT also qrdet for job priutiçg. alMou er for rat-on. big 4l44444444Q4*4404U44444Sé TIME TABLE GftAYSILAKgE, ILLINOIS. oorne o im oxosu. *O&I P. M. 4:4V Sund" only . 51 zDaily. W. B. BIOLKr, Agent. WinCONSIN CENTRAL AAILWAV Co. OF'FICIAL PAPER OF GRAYSLAIIE. Mr. C. B. Sherman, nf Libertyvilla, viaitedl bia mother last Wadnesday. Mr. il. J. Allardt. of Chicago, wats the guedt of his aInter. Mns. F. B. &barman $bis veek. Misa Jacobson gave a iitiday party ta bier fiaonda Tbursday evenlug. A fauait anjayable event. Mise Neilie Godirey apent moant of lait week wltb cousina lu Antloch. Wbile Ibere &ho aîieuded the (Cutof Ronor instalation. Mir. Fisher bad the misfortune tir aprain bis subIe lest Naturday snd benoe vas obllged to b. taken tuanad trrmscbool. Did not rmiss a day, bowever. Installation of oMelers of May Flower Riva, L. 0. T. M. via poatpoued lait Tbunsbay on secout of the roads ha- lug se, bai l tai Waukegau Rive, ubicli rywul do the work, could not be present. Howevar It vill be bald nazi Thursday leb. lat 8 p. m. sud every one tn lu-, vlied ta attend, gentlemen ah veli as ladiessa the linstallationî will he publie. Tlie musical ceuveution field Iere tlie pont veek by Mr. Griumîcll, of Clii cago, eioaed vith a concert Ttimsday uigbt, aud. a guoiiy uumter ara preant. The pupiln acquitad ihani- salve velI consderm:g the short tines tbey reeeivad litrutian. but oua can- noi expeet mucb lu so short a tuae. The Prof. bimaelf, wife sud dauglithar reudered »axerai excellenît selectioua. About ivo bundrad l1f iy people vere preant at the joint installation of M. W. of A. and it. N. of A. Camps l.ast Fnlday eveuIug Mlir. W. Edvmrds facted aas taillug oSncar for the Blatter sud George Kapple for the former. A good program vas reuderad econsiallng 0f sangs, recîtaiona, speeches @e. After the Installation sud follovlng timt refraalîuients vare servadt. 'lie 2bib Century Club ubicli met vlth Mns. Surgi Mouday niglil, la nov iîrly stated inlu ilary voeu sd hidi fair ta bomeso. apoteuttfacor in the nplltlug eo!tlia alocteclalent0. ofai<nysiae. A veny good progrant vas rendened the mont of vhihbirell ta thlitei.asd ovof ahEngenàe YPIld. More young people saniud heconia mamubera. Tae nazi meeting viii b. viLli lira. Emma lHarvey Eeb. 5tli HAINESVILLE.' Miss Carnne Robinson va. seau cu aur treet lait Saturday. UmsaLonsia Blet clos.dber echool lait Priday ior a vacation uf tvo mouihs. Thte Ladies Cametery Society will meat vith Mrs. Lau Feannazet Tliuraday silarnoon. Ueo. B. îlatteaslall bas bean absent fon tbe pas& veak lraucting busnessi lu Chicago sud WoLukegau. Mrs. Devaa la visiting bar damgltere lu Chicago aud Milwaukee. dshe iii ramalu mvsy fan a mouttb ansix veeks. Mr&. Owen Wbo bas beau qut. sici ion several veeks in lawyyreeavarlog. Dr. Shafer ia the alteudlug phystiia. Misa Nellie Manvin bis takou charge of the bouzehoîd duties of the Oven rasideuce and vilI rognais ibere until Mg@. Owen liai fully recaverad. Gaa,.iteneban bas pnrosed teu acres cf land iran Sam Lîlvular at Round Laie vbere be Intends ta lagin the enectian of s uev summer liotel ai au esrly date. C. P. Westetileld, civil angineer, of Wsukegsn, bas eompleted the ptating of about tventy acres ai laud ut the Batterabailisud Parrott arm m o It ai commuo aisi.lanclose prozimiy ta the aide tracksansd vhan titi depot vill b. bulittese lois vili b. offered ta parties vlio yUl build ou them tai svany nominal smmm. The indicaticus are tht mauYronsideuces sud business places yl b. Put nP thara na 80un as matarisi eau be put on the #rouud. The fanmera vaît af bore vara very mmcli di&iaiiledvhen thie rumor reacbed ihen thibt Iaineaville vauld bave nu depot sud vare very emphatic lu aayiug that If they bad ta go ta Urayalaka tu de ibeir hipplngr- tliey vauld gîva ibeir patronage ta the Wsconsin Cenîtral nsiraad lu preference ta the uov rond. The officiais of ibe road kuov viere ibeir pstronage vilU comas front sud are nul caterlug tattoie vha vouid seai tu taie ilfromu Ilen. Someaf iliepeaple cf (irsyabe Whoo daim ta knov It ait tell unsbat tbey ira ta liavea adepat tliare an tihe C. M. à St. P. sud tbat Ratuaivilie vii flot aven liaveas stopping place. If va ver. lu laies their aord for Il vecearlainly VoUld not bave suy depot but va get unr information fram thonselit are lu a ponliion la ina, Ibal Urayaiake viii gai s dapol and are eulllled ta vital more &Sbey vili pay for l'ut kialnenvillae lU bava a dopot juai ihe smrna belar OUs)alirepeuple vant tii t4 ývol or Dol. iiaaRaR Wt;.cK. 4 a "Oua Minute Cougit Curaeii&Là" M îamedy ilever usmi tar . ugbe. ",tl culida. il la unequal fan vbo',pliug ougt. (ilîdren," %nto Ri. N. Williamsi, Gntryvilie, iud, Neyer tails. I lasie only bamîsas remedy tiat gis aiimmediale reauite. Curas cr'rgbs. coid", boanoanae. .ru pnunnonia. ronoillianmmd al' -,ou& aud lung troumbîn. Ia h ýý-unsa prevanis connumptlou. E . S-L'- . YILL. LIIbertyvi.le;J. 1. BEtiania. - ,emn; F. L. WPsNTXvevAN, Rockafeliar. Rchard Hardlinur Davis» New Stury. La Ltine d'Anniaun la ue of Lhe hast love @tories Ricliard klin.himmg Davis bai yriiteu. Thotaitcene la Wad un Landon sud ilie charactersais. a heautiuil Ameican girl, ber moter. s yeajtity yanng Harvard man a vloliuiît ai the Rungarisu (rabeatra. The Illustrations ara hy Hoar ¶ Chandler Chitty. La Lettre 'dkncun la ltae leading itory in te Midvinier Flellan Number cf The,S'uurday Eeea4a Pool. vlileb yl l e ousalie Janusry lte 25tb. - - - - - - ilo "I am padtiva 1 vouUldnat ba Heari Coa. I hadheard s- cm for ya n odo.f faldi hlpni. When1lbe- cam tdakn çedr zMedy I1vas un&L W a n t.,éfor weD -. M D. Mles Mudcai Comipany,. Elkharni nd ~-c:zm-ON A CASH BASIS-mî- dent Jars,alsires, per ga.... . .. ... .. I ittraw Màtîiug, per yd-----------------------10 1 4 qt Tin Mli Palles........33 N neb plat Flle.... ... ... . .. 13 I1 "" ........................ 1...... 20 . 2 "............ 23 I lb eau Bakiug Povdam- .04 Dliîble Rltaiug Pan witb 10 liii Cafter. Ltghl Divlug Bidies---------------. .. . - . Z00) ....2 50 Tugi, eaei ..........I1 50 l-lncb Sunapa, petioz------------..... .23 Odd Miens Cots ...... . ............. ... . . i 25 . .. .... ... .. . .... . z 00 $7.50 Suais--------------------------------5 00 $8 .1 . . . .. . ..01 ".. . . .. . . . 6 00 Odd Veste............. ....... ...... ...... 75 Heavy Cavai Coite-........ ...............i1 73 Ail Ovor Enbber Aietlca, Candea make .... I 50 Hiorne Biaubata ai casi. Bei Blanieta ai cot. Vith thecomamset ai my comustn IwilI try the cash busness for s perW ofa thirty dey& msd during thae timne I would like ta hava thosa ownng me to psy me m unucli m thry can on their iccoumit if mot a&M Psy what you ca sMdthen" w wil te 0,0. Batterihall,' HAINESVILI.Ç, -à, tLMLNOIS. Is ALWAYS WORTHIREADJr«1. You Save Money by Keeping Posted Kuebker ..... I Washburn Crosby Gold Medal Flour. per sack $ 95 ' WyandotteDakBou" .... 02 1 canULin laame..........- .... ... 05 10 bas Féiry Sopi ......... 25 1 pkgeFlg MineaMeatfor p;es.................. "05 I pkge DunhWaCocoaut.........b 1 pkge Armours Vashing Soda ...... ........04 I pkge HulIed heat - ..... -,07 Cracked Vheat ......07 Whetasl.. . 07 6 for 1 lOhg Tobscco................. 15 1 pkeRoyal Smoking Tobacco 03 1 lb Mlx. Candy .........05 XXX Soda Crachais .......... 5 XXX Butter Cracker, .....0 1 have some Fur and Beaver Overcoats lett and wlII close them out at cost. F. H. KUEBKER;Ç Grayslake Dept. Store. G raysl ake, 111li noie. Buy Goods of a Responsible Party whose& Guarantee is reliable. Don't go to..a "Cheap John Store"î and expect Somneth%-gfor Nothing. WATCJIES. 1 carry a JEWELRY, good lnef v SILVERWARE, at'rigt NOVELTIES IN OOLD AND SI LVER. prices. Table Silverwear always delights the houtawi&,. 1 have a. t - good line - - -.Extra fine Carving Sets, and sold right... Clocks in varied and unique désigns. Repalrlng of ail klnds. 1 can fix your watch so It wilI keep correct timne. DROP HEAD SEWING MACHINES New Royal $1- -S9 00de&ringholias1 New H ome , 29 75 E. B. SHIERMAN, I LLINOIS. You are going to buy anything in Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Feits and Rubbers, Overcoats, Suits, Pants, Overails. Underwear, Hats and'Caps cali and you wiIl find our p r ic e sith Cupsan amiSaucer,, hst Engih a va, pen selt-S 45 n *..,2.25 Chls3 piece Suiti /1 50 Trunks, $25o up. Mens Suits. $3.00 uP. Mens Overcoats, $3.50 Up. A Good Assortment of Valises. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLA KE, - - ,ILLiNOIS Protectîon -Lü 1-urcfasers Wr caution thie public agalnst pumcha.immg Imitationms ci obsolete Çanmm of aut machines. We keep ep ult mie latemit derrn.pmaMu11,1r maiig nouhing but the iighest grade cf proelect, amnd haie a.mjr.-e. unqualillrd auccessin luta sale ; leuc Malîy Unîîemnj.m.. Ut ioimai. ;,j ,.:lb, Illegal use ef eue inadetminnme. A Bm-as Medallion, of tae elliptical terni alicn almve, bettes out m-gis. te'bd itrade.mark, and is placet],upomi the itrail ni ver) oahincrýl3d, by ai. NONOEMUNE WrrTHOUT IT. GRAYSLA KE. TH-E PAIR Has just received a thousand volumns of the Modern Authors' Library. Paper Cover. Regular 26 Cent Books" We place them within the reach of al. Any volume goes at .......Si of them we wiIl take themn back and If ~P a CUtU you Five Cents Each for themn, thus glving you the opportunity to read them ail at a small cost. THE PAIR, 1 1 i