CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 5

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tY - 1--.rTu r. wED. -Wr . R. AT Ooîiy Censi ii>, s Jams Irîcs ei'e 2 4 5~is Mrt-e 6 strh adr.i ia'î'i P li,> oa Wiî'iîlit Dd-i in,,, l'regerves 8 9 1 0 1I JIi jini (elre l'ris & Brakfat 15 16 17 18 j>>,,> Ch-eir is e P ood.e 'i 22 23 Do«,m6C< ,It SUN. start wLght. W,, 7 li 14 sondi 21- durls.g 28 Tee 24 CoIte. <colles OyAreteraTriage & 12 T 13r Preni als 19 20 Fîis l'owds'r an il Lanîl 25 :26 27 30 31 EVERY DAY BUY EVERYTHINC YOU NEED AT TRIGGS AND TAYLORS AND YOU WONTr WANT TO TURN OVER A NEW LEAF NEXT YEAR, Triggs & Taylor, 'Special BE&gains, IN _ACHS Having an over supply of Watches, 1 wili seil them at a sacrificeý during the next week. For ten days beginning January 6thI wilI seil Soiid Goid Spectacles with best lenses at $5.00. Ten year GoId FiIIed at $3.00. Perfect fit guaranteed C. R. SHIERMAN, Lbertyville - - -Illinois.1 - ~ w w v PICKED Up HERE AND TH-ERE. 4Local Items of 1 nterest to Libertyville Readers * C. M. & ST. P. TIME TAULIE. ,IBEBTYVILLE-IIAILy EX.SUNDAY lasse lu.:56 p M. &60 ei. i.10:46 a. lM. @;»&. M. ,5&30 p.l. AMEHICAN OIIRIIION. o . Kniagis rAofbeuois .Zeuar meetIngsm ei>i and fo îW.Istssay of ,acih Mots. L. J. WEB. S.KJ L. W. PABIBUUST. Adit. Lî 71EjtLL 4 LDG No. 4ft A. F.& and fourti s aturdara.. 0OssE BOND. W. M. E. W. PARRIaUae. fSec. lHjiaValentînea. To Mud l'ilsend e valntîne &Il tînsel. boas sudd ilded la'>': ies sosis a young sanetheart of mIni. That stlihet ill te ln place:; ghelI danoe for jos. because roc cee. My eweeiieart Maud i l Istisre,.î To my oid svstheart grandes des>. lil send a pareel. trdm and neet; Contents 1 need not mention hee- liom.'thlns ta Wear. or drink. or ici.; No matien! Sise'Il isdgr It Tise salentIne for her mont fit. For 'iici MaylilI bu, and ssnd A prettr book ta read betlmes 'SHuemy good iomrad le. snd frendl.' TuogaecrLiI some assise riymes; Tu Ethel lonr: anud tissu ais. Weil, Tii ber nisose uanue 1I ni Inot tll. Wlios e ndr erea before me chIc>', Whoffo enset face isasinlime,.augel-fiir, 1 d e n fot write a valentîne, lîmestbs. inesd. a trembîllnu yrcy-' HSo deai se l. 50 far &pan) An.] -a'd bec. cIwlyi. My hesri' -Wo'sa,' Home Co.apanio.. idisàBetis Pope le vistiug ('iiago triendo. There 18 a noticable Improvement lun our electrie ligisI service ofi late. Keepr It uip Mr. Brge. Tise Lakesîde (ometery Anasîî'iiOO vilI met Feb 2nd et 2 p. m. at tise home oîf ire. H. Lusk. Work furnished. E. H. Brown sold a geared ernoter 'siudmlll te, J. W. Butler tiis 'seek. ta bie erscted on Mir. Butler& promises Iu lis avillage. Alilmembers ai tise Prester teaili of Arme camp are roquesled k> ansemble nt Woodmau Hall Mouday evening, Januory 291h for drill. P. T. fliddlewou villi uruili supper at the masquerade touigst. Tîîm kuova h15 huineas and ve promise ail visa parlais s ip top aupper. Mir. Ed. Reuer, neye egent on thie Lbertyvîlle traina moved vilShbis f#mily inta W. H. Appleys c ottage on0 Fair sîreel Ibis weeký T'ise 'tslk- by Ite,. Jackson sit the Metisodist churcis Wedueeay nigisi. vas mont înteresting. Tise revival Imeetings are attracllug gond audiences. Mir. amI I1. Pope vas lu Woadtock Weduesday lnvetigatllg lise mode of applying tise tuberouloals test as applied isy deputy luspectar Pierce. T'ise Ladies' Aid Society nul mccl 121 ther lecture raam of tise M. E cisurcli next Frlday aternoon, Jan. 2111ta îl e com!orls. Ail membera piessne comle early. There will be a apecil meeting ofij C.o II W eattier G lbe, net Weduesiay nigist. Biii- q> noeceand vork lu tise raukm. Membe-rn irgedt 10be present. Vise realdence nf George C. iremu. Necessities. fKnklnWuon a.itoe by tire, Jan. 22d. lire. Green 'wac Ilinec Isabel ilas, iormerly ni Ibis connty, sud tenaa ider niflira.Byron Foui>'ý Cap A oodThereahI lieca meetingoruie noFairt Caps GoodI)ireetors at thse Town Hall neit $ o 'atnrday .Lt la proposed at tlisat ime Mittens ~to decîde on dates for tise neit fuirj Underwear Aiways and lii cotuider revîinig tise premiono1 Feits and ves On Hand. Itein becomiug fasiionatle to aidroea aud tmp envelopea ou tie bick.1 SW !th tise directions wrItten aeronsatiseJ toldei; tise lettes caunot be opened b!an10 uua utliorized person wîishont tise tact OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. beingunoteti.1 triou revival metin«gshave besn progresa thie week a: tise Metisodiet churcis onder tise joint auspices ai tise gatinna Next vel tiey vILI becCOn- F. C. SMNITrH & SON tîuîîeui at the Preabyteriansurb Aflue tirne la pronsiged at tise B3utler BIdg. Lbertyville, Illinois. masijueracte bal given by Aeme Gamp aitishe townuball to-ulght. Don't fait lii atteund. oso exceplti911o4c __________________________________________________inaaked vilb alloved lu dance unuti atter eleven oncl'sien ail aill un- mail. G O LOVELUS PRIIE T 4'ORE FOE Thse board of cupervisors or Lallalle Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, I'eriil'r , iape, Ciimbc, Bru sîî,'s, Tr i.seee, $I])- piirterii, Siiffiler Itrai-Oc, i-aui-y and i îiet Articiles, Booke andl Statioier!, Dyes til fI, Glao, Pitty, F. B. LOVE.LLY Illinois.1 Libertyville Our Liberal Offer..... ENpid tu adysie. va give thea Chicago WéekIy luser o4ean % Md heN one y i d et 7Pm JO-nalove ý;ffl gos 11.76. ai tise bounuy on aparro's sclapcsud have ordered a lest case ta 1be made o1 Mr. sud lMra C. W. Ray, Éiu AIMa Ray, Hoyard Ray, Mrs. Lthrop snd Metisodiat risurcis lat gunday moru- ixnI. Otiera bave nited recently oni vobatiOl. dThe Libertyvilie Minerai Niring Company has bc-en duly tuoorporateîl nuder tise tate law of Illinois alth mainooltie t No. MA Lagalle treet, C binego. Max siodielmner, of tise wholeeale lumber irru of E. Hodlieimrer & CO of iChicago,.Ilas been elected President. Henry C. Mitchell, Viv'e Premident; Henry Roth, SecreU.ry, O)tto D-egssner, 'rrea.surer. Thtis coin- pany bas aecnired thse contrectof Heur>' C. Mitchell witis F. Orabise and arc 00ow operatlng eainerai 'sater bnci- iiesâ. The vigor sud puah is vis hicis this comnpany il- beiug put to tise front le unprececieuted. Weunuderataoil that orders are comiug iu an rapidi! thet it le un tter imposaibility ta fli cmne, AIL Jiîg receptacles have been diîcardeil and giasesdemIjahus aub- tituted. The ,Company are Dow seeking suitalile 'sererooms a ibiolA Liberty'.îlle and Cicgo for &&orage Of isuudredeof lied derijobus, contracta beiug etîtered loto to supply several leadlog Iiosi,retauraiits sud railrouis aitis Ibis ester, whi(t iisvii put tO test the entire output of thse Hygieue apritig nos» îctrolled l'iy tisis om- A represeulative of tise NI ilk hipper'a 1Union vas lu b.wn tig sweek, and ques'eeded lu înterentiîîg c-îîîîrner iof fermera visa joined thi'I ny1 Mir. Tbas. BEcles. of 3 Milwankoe, forrnerly .couctor '1n our mik train, Wmas lie guiest "f 6fr. <bas, Averill thse latter part ,f .îst weeli. W. F. flogan mua d LiiWi1C'lcof Ft. Siseridanq vere iu t-iu Weduenday l(Ovkinga ait oWe h.,>>, stI-y hâve under traîner Duseisîrrym mnaige- ment. Mir. lteed, formerly assitant cperatî,r îîuder E. L. DuiBois, n- » t Warrenton Grave, vas lu town Runday, and laugist tise asîl yiclame. îver visicis isepresidtua'siile bere, et the prembyterian cisurcli Max Kohuer la speudîng tise present veek vilS relatives iii Mt. Loisi. A persietefib rumor In tlcatiug abiout town ta tise offeet that Max te nil to get married. If an hec thse îîrîy 00e 'io knows of il. and lie cait lie inter- viewed. Eibert Wlson, ai Ciego. attended tise dauce at Libertyviiie Town Hall. Thse dance Wvas Asuccoeffl ineverY 'say, being ordesly sud adIeH ondncted. Tise baya are V) beceîî'igratulateci be. caneof tise good oruLer maitineil et aIl o! tiseir Élances. Mma J. B. AyVrec Lia- scîid ber icrrn near Malt Day'to a Chicago man tiy tise nîme af Riibe. Il iereported tisat John Ayrea aiso-îw occupîies thse farm yUl mave Wa [.iî,ertyvllie. W>, are lnformed, tisaugli uit cuthorative- F, Grabbe tIbIs ut-k ,eicurpil ain tiserehpective leaders. analysîs of tise lo'situg ,pring oui>file Tisebeautifull little paem publieised rosidence lot, sud it îîrtvel even super, inliant week's Scisoal Notes dld not lotto hâtof lygeni tri heseens lu bave tise dewire<l efect upon Springs are kniio 1, i- Ilyglie î hoieefor %s>wis. t was especîaîly âprings A and B Lbie 1.8t iiiîaiyei. 1iotended. is 'se ascribe 10 tilu does unt ahout tisei-e t a tracetif 'cility of tise irilinary lmiraita cape objectlonable mntter :'ith eues, a 1leeical production. As %l, e are lu recelpt (A!ai iîîm uica- :tise task iof teeibing tise people han k> tfo cgnod "A Citi 'îi as fîlîîwe enj y tise leaiîtieo andl secret meainigs -,i arktuesa bac reigiseil noiCe Chrisînsse of bigi ciese poetry la 100 great for us ulgist on tise corner tif Secoud and toundmertake imaided 'se have cou- (rcisard etreets. M t i lIl ot mii iti cluded nut tii write aîîy more poMa lu on moouligst lis, lbut uDow are tise future. Asi îur succeesor wvlU be greatly iucouveillei-eii tieretiy, electeti todey 'se wîll uni have a Bero's a pointer for î,îîr ciectric lîglit chane iii writean!y even if 'se ahould Mali. b oicined . we trust tisat Our Mri Arthsur Myrlio f Port Town- "'eccssor may lie able to idealize many @end, Washingtou, eurîîrilied lier rela- (if tise commouplaces ni acisoal life by tivea linbtisvillage [)y liez uneunounced putting tisem ilu rbyme andl 'se offer arrivai tise latter part (iliiastweek. iili- oîraseurauce tisat we et leatvilii telligence of!lber lather's îllnea, irapprociate any efforts@imade Inluia Wm. Dymond, nsad Iecu '-ommunicAted direction. would andertake tise long jnurney. tKr. Dymond l in icli iilrîls cilandl it le belived will revn',er. Fornme lime negothetlons have been lu progreua wi a News York part! by the syndIcale managers. loaklng btiste establishmnyttif a i mnuiacturJng induatry lu their bricýk ot miacarry a ciîrnpany fr teisau lecture ni poîrtable elevatcri wiiillie1 organized, iargeiy backedl ly usemiieme of th1e synduieUte, vîti a Nos> iYork Man vWho tisorougil! iunîtertindluutiie btîsinese in chairge. 'lie eleevctîîr ini questinla o'i-e A resirment aiiii tire to llud a resu>' îîîirket. Misa lenn1îîi 1 hius.n, î<eîîgisir if Wui. l'borna., cliiiliv"., ce.t iof tis vilage, retîur id <rom t i>ii tisie mtate, recenti>'. sisere cli.,' lid leeii attendinig echsuîi' ul.eeqnentiy our board of iseaiti roceived hotu'>,troos tise abate Iiiiirii 1ha1 ams arali pîîx as prevaleut lu ixoni, tbey cee tii it tisat Miss Tisornai s wc properiy vcu'ciyateii and talLe proi'eîitiuue ta prevent sny pomsibiity ni tIi,- îresd diseace gettiug a fnotisold iniliae locallty. Hcaever biscre ceoreiii' emkinent danger, am Mieis Thomaes i leraelf free <rom tise infectinandhi iii>taken aeh neceseary precautioiie Mdeaers . ay M. .reeand Atisiin 4>li.eeier returned tise lutter part ni boit 'seek irom a trip tisru':ig Is owa, wsiere tise> isad gùeelu qui-st ni a denîraiîie loca- tiotu10 tart i r pure4ae egenerai stars. Tisey eiiceeded In Isurcisasing a weil estabuisLi-d business et Hartiey, Iowa, a tban iý about 1200 inbcilitaiîtii suirrîurided by a ricis farming coiuntry, and leave lliuY for ttiseir newiloca- lion, tir. Muir.i-'& vife ,, acioupanlng him. Bols are ýotlng mou nf prrveîi 1abllity. Mr. NMorse lias buit severai ysar'a expemienu.e l in iciimefinni buuiness, isaving clerked un M. B. COlbiv & Cn'e itore for tise paet fontî 1 1 p l e a b i n g m a n n oe r i e n a d e mi a ti > f r i e u d . Mir. Viseeler, tluîughis noxl)rieui'ed ln lise validit>' ni the liv CuntIl in le ie perticular linso oftriide in a Youg dmcided nniore ordere on tise connty man ni sonnditîîîslne&se jidgiiîentc and treasurer for sparro' soel pboulties the combnlutiiuii inscure tm ii îî'ee are talise laaoed loy tovu lerke, Cerluly If the' goad 'siises if tiseir Mir. MKinzte, a soldier of FI. Liberty%îlle friende aveu tley sili Shseridasn aud 'seilIkuavu ies, vsabecoome MillIiîlre. veunt ta manisl laI pring vu@ lalsu Atasrecent revival meetin)g ini îii> stkithvismalerlal fitves lu November village it 'sas suliggeted sa day li faet- sud afilerbeing silk nme lime vas Iug lbe obaerveui Nov it Pl, bappieîie sent tu Califoria vIens lie dted lait one of!(our locaRl allors 'sas et tiict Fridiy. aia remains vers eulonla his meeting, ashlie d been et othere. lHe home lu Indiana for luterment Tmes5- la concedeil to lie Oail riptit" frntn e diy. religionse aadpoint sud a "gond Il la deired la bsiîig 10 lise attention <sHow" irom c wOrldlY vîow. Yet lthe of parents usat, a uniber ot children t'es>' thongis Of fealng'wua sUfiîlcieyit visa attend Bu»day echoonl sud Junior tu mals himroa," Tisels's here Lengue mneeing@a&aIthse M. E. charc'eiie daietise lino,,sud his expresioti sud visa are givein money ta put lu thse ai agony ai tise suggeetion 'iscpitable. collection, are in thse isabit1 of apendimg Ris religions Ideas isad reeeived a a large portion ai tise monoy given terrible sisock. lHe belleveil lua lisem ior cidy. Por Inane lb Sas pleutîf nI religion, One tbtisIwoild coma 10tise agitasoaiteaciserg tisaallon f ot îir or lire meuonic eek visers parent@ have given à child lIv days sud adozeu auSunda', aiLuna Casteons velu apeat for csudy sud toa fat a 'sole dsyl 'Tnai tue muet, one pioetdlalbe4Mlection box. Irieansd hes@ nvecttigag tiser religionsa geftllo m.hinsin e ivan 5#4roqet'4 ofbellots ta fiudtune snited ta hie part'- tisosa IeteNIl i tisa vok. entier Idemas uteuds. EASY RLJNNING. WM You need a Wl nd miii? Why nat buy one that ruas when others are due? Inquim oai sr ddrOms E. H. BROWN, Labertyville. AgefflC f.r AERMOTER MILLS. Cross Creek Lehigh Coal Worth 10 per cent. more than any other hard coal. Also best grades Soft Coal, CÙke. Lime and Cernent. Gi. H. SCIIANCK, Llbertyville - . Illînola. F. BAIRSTOW. M AN UFACTU RER 0F Marbie and Granite Monmments. CErIETrERY WORK 0F EVERY Deacipton. Gorr.apendas s 50"lt"i. 82 eass«« SI WAUKaCAR. Ilu VALUES TALK. 9îe~ ~ 5c 10 MAO gIolioD 5c 10 $15.00 giu-Y oilwiaj lof11 19 imoi .~we~ 1 MMoaNd-ÏOi *ni0 WEAR WINTER *IERY JAPANESEý MATTINO Ni. B. COLBY & CO, DEALERS IN EVC&UYTIhING j 50c Vomens Whitec Vesansd Drawesm soile4 10 close.. ... ... .. .. 50c Gray Vests ..... ... ....... 45c Mens Hcavy Uadesshlrts ....... soc Mens Cotton Sweater,........ Assoted lot of Cbidres 2 Sc Wool Hoe.. 35c Vornensa Heavy German Ysrn Hom --e.--I 20e Mens Haif IVool Socks......... 25 ScVomens Gray Cashmere Hose ..... just recenved 3 pieces very fine Mstîang, Worth 30Ce b 45e, Our price ta 2 ansd ....... -u I The Pair, Li bertyvi lie Lake Cou nty Telephone Exchal* \.LIbertyvilIe Exchange. Batterfteld, E. F ........ ....... eadaUom 123 lemenI, Austin ... ... Bridge WalerPain m Clark, J. PF ................ &limaillff 24 Galloway, Dr. C. Rl............ . ....... . 4 GalIovay, Dr. C. R ......................... 8u51I15ff 124 Grallon Stock Penn ... F.IL.XMWu 5 LoIeli, Y. B .... ..Drugsansd mediluIa #i Lohoîll, F. B . '..... ..... 1 ÎÏ Lake Conuy Bank .... ý .C.P. wr1ghik ce~ 1 Lake Couuty lndependent......... H. JV^ uIm 12 Liberlyvtllo Hotel . -W. ÀAi. DMPro> 11 Lake County Poor Farm ....O. A. APPlayigue 1212Lace,0. 1.......... itsiimOêf 13 MaCormiek, Johu .....U'... seaeaIIII 52 MoLacbiîl, Gagea Lake................... £@§Umm 25 Trigp à Taylor ...... .. ....Grocees & NO" Maima 3 Taylor, Dr. J.L ........... ........... eea11 125 Wells Brothers .......................WodlaWU Vfln OnÂvebAxI EXVEHÀrOM. Siserman F,. B.... ý........... Druce Lake Dlamoud Lake <trayalaee (luruee G ilimer Hait Day - Meshiauea prame iese nEoteue NOTE-When ealing eaU bY numbar. Smunriers e bmIapemmet payba a yeuu in elowu, Ma, e"iid au album aofulthatic photapha d off Ou fii W-îh 29 Libertyville « Illinois.1 PUIIS, 0118e YARNISHLS. PhMLNI MLDmiNF3. mmmmmmwwm SCHOOL NOTES. Election todayý After woîrking long sud bard tis c O n a n t i iti o l iî n i t t e e s c e e îe d t itu.lssig.aconstitution leat Friday ahortly before tise literary Society 'sa cafledta order. As the constitution met tise approvel of tise Society il "as adopted Tise Socety dlvided into four sections, A, B, C sud D sitis Will Wright, Ethel Wiener, ly bue pu-.- ý ij

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