CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 26 Jan 1900, p. 6

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-OLACIC. Tolastseveastîf thewealbcr iitlCii d ouiierablp. thei' n d iil,:tic. the' u& s haisg liiz'.lestîîniioheat>' em ksiethlUire niri' uiver ritls tit semiset!I.lowIFand FIlcdily n sjieilig. 1b' deed. the hlenýrt>d, iasa vsrîîialmade tisat n'bîîs glus'>'n lu ie n'est al th, more wivid sud nloiug. snd wbcîî t lî'gtb, s tha'oagb nomiee sdîen paring of thc <londs. a flood of suinlight sn'eîst arrosal the coruflidsansd the beesansd the dasiesl meadana. the effect n'as qî te ha- wldering. Thse evein c drt'n'on aaRee tlit osa- aitutamil>' il bsasame more ts'auttisul. Il gmly aemed as if wc bat! coule ont troslnoder thoselond t! arm louds into a raglan of utilon'radiance sud perpet- 1W al oin The stOu surface of the canai vas a golden patihway hfore us; aver- heed suci spaces oftheic ky as acre nove een fravecof a pale bIna, usaI tonched he andthere n'llb a flaka of asifromi tIsi0forcoune. Ibis brilianci could z«l« lowly the vhld Ores luth vent palad down. As we dran' near tu * Esiord simala tharewas a swan twi- ffli on tbewaster, snd as va tola ltmogisthe oulakirta mot Leamîiglon Pri- omea is nint!ansd lampa gleamet! ar- afas througb the gatheriug gray duat. Lote that night Mrs. Threepeany-hlt haanaud lu bethink ber of puttint puat- e *temps on the letters Ihat lbait!ocu- pi ber la the atteflamon: sud while do- lus op aise pnsbcd une of the envelopes %tseas tise lttie tabla te Misa PeggY. 'TIea, Peai, do yon scie to aliom I ?hs youns lady took op tisa letter and gai lis isddraa:*"'Ta Colonel Sr Eweu Cea.., V. C, K. 0. B., Aldeesisot Cluil Hampshire." But witb regard ta ÎW emteats of the letter tise astute mail isanchose tu oladlier peace. CHAPTER VITI, «Tour servant, colonel!"sasys a tai! sud tIlu younnglady.,Sai seappears nt thie 4iii dof tle saloon sud makas s very faim ,A t Il hation ut s militaci saInte. But If Mr. Tbreepenny-bit-or Colonel An, as sise is supponed ta h"aes aay Wbb te cieck tise young pasons impar- ad tise means placad nt lier disposai, "~. Look liere. Feggy." eshe says, "Mr. Oduemesu anlis eeu avec ta Uic town, opt' vasknd enougli tu ask for lettera. esting diitriets;-bust 1 îhink Yes, 1 tiukw It ailc safer if vemu ni me ot." For a second there vnas an swkward ailence;, Nirm. Tbr"cctiiiopbit aceisue P' afraidt iiask hi,,,tige reasun a r in sîtd' den resolse. -I hope ItI a nthings erionsi?" site en' tuced to ay, howeveC. "Oh. no 1 lhink ne." Ile said erasaive' y 15;.n stîsiibheadded: "tIahould fane>'w >,si ,.otllll iid il ail plaion ailiiug ion' nottlyoa get te the' Severn; and thîn yotll nment a stem uls g or iousithing outh the kînd lo taki'. oît dosvo lu. Bristol." I liten'as talking ilu îlite s mater-ot P tact faiýhion; but hi s--med deprîsacîl littie. Then. eshen tîtocheon l soser, be sait! Uc nouid nwais aloug lu the tee gs'aph office, and join s snb$eQueotYty a , the caille. ablîbir n'e nere ahorl' hoursd At th.esaine moment Misa hiezgY . 'st'em 00>'tluber oeaug eoo ufêech herel guidcboloîs;andîthlie Instant mile itad I ai'ul Il cîlsîsr bhlîd ber Queeu Tila n'as a frec 10 exprcess tsr astnnishmenl and berh auspiciouis. P ."Non' really do Yen Ibinla thal wrelch h bas been at ber tricksa agul?" he de- manda. 'Whsl n'etch? Wbat tricksi?" I "Why, wbat shouit! be be goiug awaysb for go sudd!niy If be bnt!n't quarretet!a with ber?" ahe ssyll. "Surely he cau'tW ha an liard bit thatIlaeinuet needa ha mîgtly offended hecause alle bas been C snuuslng hersit a littie wlis Mr. 'Beck- 1 et, aud getlng s leter or two?" t "Yon dont imagine he a i.sncb ae tonl Wbatcmuid litl mater ta hlglaber geîîing I twemty dozen letters from Mr. 'Bec.k-d etT' "Oh, yen dont kuon'. She ha pretlyq claver et leading people oneeu abent &ine prelenda ta bc moast innocent. Hon' aver, if ha nishcs ta go, 1 suppose we muet ]e hlm go. Aut! il wauld c schb a chance la gel Coi. Cagmeron la coma lon." Whan n'e gat hack tu our botel afler i haeing rummagesi lbrougb one or tn'o bric'abrsc abopa. Ihat arcen'ei kuowng) te loyersofufteusesurniture sud racise Il plates. we fourni a teiegram lyng onuthec table addressed to our young plsyssrigbt. i Het tnk il nu sud openedthéIbencuelope. v "Tes." lie ssid, it is as I f.sred. I muet go bock lts ton'n to tdorrnn.' That same nîgbe Cas la he the laI that 00e l111e part', as blîbecta consti- lutcd. naswu assemble logether; sud at tha modest banquet that n'as meant ta console us for our lacis of dinner the lwo n'omen fok wereumistakahlinicined tu ha complaisant to the young man. His bstesa nas vîscy Slnd teobhlm, sud nt oui>' renen'ed ber expressions of regret et bis goîng. botonoce more urget! bis re- lure wben tbat mighl c pracîlcahie for hlm.l *,out 1 host ,lIaU out Fm u agtb fort yeu eate&* waIBd Wi. wuldaÎa MU of sentir ernmaittomwe, * "1 eait Yeu. 1 neYer tlsonglt 1 W«. ta ha a jostunate gatae ba "kasi te Juin yen; land îow tiast 1 am hlera, 1 thiuk ian, dfft- culty wllI i-to g«uitrd of me. If You lon't mind, 1 thlnk I wli go outtaddaee tIf cau pick op a tew bocting thiugs. I suppose ln a rîversîde place one maY Rad what une wants. And whlcb did Yeu saY was the next town yon would corne to?" "Worcester." . "Theu 1 will telegrapli to Alderahot wben 1 am, out, 1 supîpose I shah buid 3on here when 1 corne back.5 The momntlhe lbed Zone Mrs. Thee- peooy-bit tuned ta hier y7000E trieud. 'Weii?" aN' Raid, wlth IL kind of 'rde. But Mies Peggy auaweredl nothifg. -Well'?" she aaid again, "What do yau hink of hi,,eggy'?"1 -or course 1 don't know yet." Raid the youuR lady. eva.sively. "I thought ha ,voutd loioknmore like s soldier; hie la like -liseanyb.d " ycIsc." 'Il d u e\sei't to fiod hlm weariug bis Vîitriu Cr,ss? 0f course hie came nwsa>' just as lie n as. It in a soldier's irideIo lu uc ble to stset at a moments@ il nnîs near middaY when we were retidv to start; but when we did glet away sur departure n'as mont suspicion@. Ihere was a kind of generai elation lu settu forth; and then everythlng looked cbeerfut iu the xwelcoioe sunlight; and bhere were warm, sweet airs blowing shout; all prnmised well. Our colonel huid greati>' pleased bis hostess with his praisea or the arrangements on board; lie was deiigbted with everything. sud especiaily snrpeised that hie muid stand îîpright lu the salon. Then Captain Co- lumbus haed been dut>' compllmentedýon bis socceslu bringiof the boat througli; aud Murdoch, who wasaSt first rather overcoute with nive on hearing the usine of our uew gucat, badl been driven out of his senses witb pride and gratification when Invertaak n'as coinsiderate énougli ta addressa afen' words 10 hlm inbis na- tive tongue. sud inail>', At the very ast moment, s meascnger hadl corne runuing dowu 10 the canal aide wlth a parcei, for whleh 3Miss Peggy hsd ben aniliouslY In- quiriug ever since shie came tu Strat- tord. "Ani what la that, Peggy'l" aaks hier hosteau, tookin-g St the long tbiug Ibat bas juat heen hauded loto the boat. "Somte magical kiud ut sunahade. la "No; it'q a fishing-rod-an Ameriesu ne, I senat fLor it a long time ago, aud haveNeu n wotsdering wbether it n'as ever gobEg to arrive. They sa> our Amer- ican roda arc very gond; I hope ths one wili to n ot ail right." "And since wheu have you taisen to fiahing, Peggy?" site asks. "Oh, il lant for myseif, it's for hlm,"* the, young lady auswers, indicating a nt uui.tercsted hby.tauder. "Oh, it's for bu. ta il? Wcii. bie cant wesr chat at bis watch'ebain!" saysMes. S'pthire; aud tlterewitb she withdraws itt the saloon. to beg Col. Cameron not to bottier au>' more witb those Orduauce Surus>' însps. (To bie contnued.i LIKE MOLTEN SILVER. 1 ý- ' rN -Williamsport, Pa., Onit. UN One dtern press Of cul necels subjet H oui, bessi'l ",On agus" poiu far ni or hiv legali be ni couli of Do the1 moni, aW cqe lasfotueu;ounsunthe postin5i5 'it, 8ut1. ie ai.> etiouch at0e' seulBehart;s Ihoavol,.enE ~Oa1aed." If I c .n.sid I he-nbb, he bsrdy Sipa the1 P~'Oistisukyou," Mies Paggy says ltevouldhave saidtt had he been goiug 55> Ih A il ottn heut ttt-wtt!r.i .ts * a 0»9 in; "I'm asura I neyer should liorsnmel tMiss Peggy's COndut; 1hv fe er ftewl(,. r'por 6#M* *Sbthe ofit u *king fer lttera et aidnon' ie n'as sftectng tea ha or phnaspborssceuet- ot souillerau 51005." - resol W.gwtak."Ichveful, thoughbe sas nul lu a ver>' I tflStakt'u ras cicr triut U heorth 1tehi Houe u5iPesa>'." gays Mesa. Tbeepenny- gay mont, we rouît! se. Star reporter', "andi I hase sîcn sanme .M bê'tksapostoiseI Oxford; wiat "At aIl avents. Mr. Dumcombe,", Peggy pretty tai rsaiples uofIlu Inte Atantic port *%OM have yun lu Oxford?, MYs t hlm. "aveshi hobelletefait! ysuubetweeu New' York aud Englisit ports, bot *ls,*W hé,a isiI" the says, carlsly, wlthisns ial onsiit aats a-bttdt n un lpealt0a> a h 8" IXIM .tise envalope laniser bonad eût et jouar adeice, îMan aubaetw en-'sb't 1ddntko lpeali o ymi fflIeeeds 45te on IL "Oh ,o. Itfssaybar. kdebtad weare teaju fr - rextalt lun ortiseru waters Midil durbng Ment Ur.WBLekat" liai;lasertiles salung a f Urasun'e thti 1>.timmler. lu Augua sat I 1wns su VUi~ a her aie ovr tise twa or threaa have gotY on board te revenue cutter Mc'Culloch. thua 00 gaa ent tashion. Soon tisexeafier-for Il ied beau a long ln these ling ses. about W1 degreel Stal ceI~I. lea st a aryaprésnt. Did andi bazy dau-there n'as a général de- nortis latitude, boîui nortit. when oua riagE y- *heu i spolie ut courtes ove, tu parture for our respective quartiera; sud nigisl about 10 oclocis I haptiened ita go nlati tuaose. low va vaeesettlse tisa Warw'ick Armens ulsided lato inchéon t!eck. andi i Cas almoat frIgbtened ~? 4ad-aadtisera are some la- geral silence tisat lay ocam tisemleug >'ht gtottcsa Tiein 's %à la a ehurel la Bath tisaI ve o ov. Ê* te1»0k aet Thoen there âtre kint! r- - -blowing sharlu etîough to isc the white % iu raemisra.acas ta evarybody. CHAPTER IX. caps, ansuthie shole suao lookt-d aa Iffit 'r arLl" Tiera n'as a welcome' hostie of prepar- acre llghledfroîu tas dephelby million NmPeW as nte p s o ton o hbat had beau iucesfnlly arc ligbta. tbrossiuig their whîtes a s Al sisi aàs v a ked&liong the Plea- beougaltasins lu SUatferd andtbldnon' upward sud Midier lU(' fiylug toam. Thse Bnp r«uqaqi itbwud tisa ovn, Mie ta hae proviilued fethtie reamPtiOn 01 iolons ofthte na\ssném'e dark, but thei ~t» bavae tan fraya ut baer Our voyage; IlLiken'te e hsd ta amite our every crest that broke, shoat-esi udtho -U *1a111108artsar.Pemlale tise unaccua- lest jettema hatora blddng gbai-hi toe prl and Iht ruihldaiiotgstte pe iaulgi as o ht hmbrl;civilisation sud ouce more diaWearingutbdglli e ri;sakei si lwr lidwt gtfe b«MM ep h vas .Jolanga §ares deighabrolu,> the the alant or!1.il1Froin the ides outftlee 1h11> art-at ruila feri tea tramt the strict surveillance ti insaPeggy appeara. mal a uttle . of broken whlte 1Llt faItan>', sut! Sb.smmd lier i n nhbard the "Name' brestles. ashe lefI a roasi 5tisaSy of suver>' Jusi béesiga;" et AUI évents, a datter I1ala "Say'.non'. aatila ruer fricot! liu'?"1ifosîn as far basA as the eye couh mot 0««O set (bat momrulabacc bers tound aile sakol. lth soine ehgernêesa.reh. lu t WIthh tisaues ofuttiseseIlire islands. "Wbsl fricud?" saja Quaca Tita. "u bu ti orr.slt tifnh "à MY. ob*i* ie &@ais. st as If Uis sot!- "MVby, Col. Cameron. et course. la bie "utr aou t i is boutr.ilsu a test i i dot coenfidntl lappeal vere tUimost cer>' hait, andténtia. at! saadi'aired t! iigdtpa.lee t sa fteu atern>il his lu the n'ort!, 5'vlia thé Iia vil& a iamustache, tliat las a streà ishlp aure plosint lîrougit a ses o01suis Ustaer vltb Mr. Duneombe?" uf gray ln iI; andi bIne-geaa es Ibtat whitelilgbt audh lis the- n'ter n'as bel s "fou, mont liel>." looki ai i in-a ta if tbeî laed sain vout tisron' back from lier pron'it tu-l luntI b "Wbat do joli mcan?" before?" gîtru ie flghîln ii akit 'Wai, e mi lve em ormng x- "Yeis. Ihat Is rallher hle ikhm. Bal n ha, surface teyinand ituas uns-en far ui eltad ides outhUe féminine character. do you mocan. Peggy? Hee nt couse ai- dowfl belon'. lgitig tht'esieptisafiau if ail cli Teaag men are soft-heat!ed enuogli te do resd>'. Is lie?" th lcrct-o lona eeho.crir tisat aumeimes. yen kaov. Andt Unu "Weil, il cant be lie either," uahe rc o i; îtîe uecrle t Ihoi i'lt5est' ihot and in amsibave seen a young lady unhîtais- tames. "He aoit!n'l thinik of gln liiopna Icter-yes.t! reat! Uta lng Is earltaJolirtIutiliemtht- nest! bis snten&od o- eirfo i-boating lu a costume lîke that-a truiSbrît Itl ttt niteall tO n 4aetaOxford!.dono--aecIer tal aimnt!cmat. and a Isil but. yellan' gloves. patent deaceut;lat liAashis-il us second sudt isn ph, ils-aed otxfords don .Hm a ba vesm leatine bots. Well. if il la jour fricud. shut nul forcî-r. i stooil onhe ifore- basalat!ooî ut bi suca. H' sply obave he loksa saifubch at!just stepped ot castîe deck lonklug doîvu luto the bru'- liu ile$si > sc daîs'c ori f Poili Mail. liant witie Isrmoîl of tise 'siaeril outil husacas. "But sebere dit! poi are hum?" - i began te fet-i as If n'e noce allos.Ili "Oh, aothiag af the sort. Don't yen "Whoevrrhle ni, ha la dasen helion upo im ivrsnsdar u maie au>' mitake."sasys Miss Peggy. the bail. ' uo neslc ta u c.l'u vith décision. "Thera la somthlng Iros- "lInib oel?" c5n'~tYfeeg took possession of me. bu, liahlbm-sountbng serions. What do ,Yes,.sot!-sut!hle looket! ah me as I The white ablp n'as lgbtud b>' the l y« lbimk no sho t lt tier lat pasaed lmnaas ifliec îhought t miglt le- phiospiboreueof t hewaters. go tisai hiu u~t't"f"ille continuez. "Do sou Ihîuk ln amu prpsstlt, as te dei" lUcre nas a pale. p oueendTl asali k e f ol b.,"ern "lO'f course ilb i.,Col. Camecn" Nrs. ' n'rd swite. lti nîMalle nuefeu-I as If cal 'More likely bile bas n'riteu ta teil Tlrerps-usy-bit ciclaima aI once. "GO te Flying Dutcltuau' are nbroad en &lu n'a shail ha celurnlig Ibro giUean'.>'downuandI ask bimlua'omie ut, tpon bUe Mens asuld puss tsei b> us. coi asalleru coaoiiea, ant! asklng bhlm if b Teiegs owr v.d cane o ride ocer ftram Aldershot, "e" Ss ite girl, lu anme aarm ise îsa tnrei lrnai>' es>ab ie e vissa veare naIsanme lneuxpoint, sud "Oh muctidnt. I don't kuon hlm. Thereé the titekui.uî tsc'ofp-ot!ln liâc a th lb~'might ha amislske." toot! out dialluctl>' lu hlighî O ",Wal. I1 suppose I muat go mnyneif," est nshatoas. Il sias aIl as ghost1>'0.1 "Wlat la Col. Caineronu ike?" amisemasya, putîlinghack lier chair; sut! as if n'e bad selle Up sgftinst tise roSiJea "Wlies >ou a-e bila, voo aiE Prabahl>' therenitb se letves tise ro ulaad lpra- thig. sud Iln'as a positive relief te get -4 mil lilas a long. red-headed Srtrisman." eeada duinsbaira lu recive ber oea via- bacS mjute enard rouai, abute tisere- i 'BalSer MotinaIsd ovcrbeamlig. is ler"'Ior. 't0verbeamlng ihe ramtes ut the sainMiseeg . 1ethnas someiluamore hatmiu. 1 dld'iIR stocki ast'Ue gent ]e ýi.e.' " "I sas>'"observes Ms, zy.wt whua longt It Isatat, but sciscu1 "And! jet tise I'sîeraua are a figtiug Mmre iappointmcnl, **if thal sn Col.kun ebdn'loclc ol tl »ace, aren'l Ihevi" Cauneron. ha îs'l lbie a sotdier ai ail:.nethe 5blesbi l o'iins ouhdthîi "Oyen, iheY ba-e doue a litte lu tisa in 0koef Ibose iciled cnes- va>'. aoier ud agnin. t!oriug the past crn- turcs you sec aaling bu St. Jam,-' Port luni>' sîste hoon" tory or tn'o -- treet, oailE sodt!sarceetasnt!polualiedtu IiHe -n-W1407 "f siuad it]rSe tus sec tom," ahle gasystise ver>' llngec lips ansuthe tocs, andt! Ciiii its Ne Wdeied _"tIply; adt tbelier attention in dam- lookiflg ai yenotînbh a colt!, bUnaitglare When Cutudr tdir.Uîtt ad b the bildiage aor thet onuou War' of.indiffereuce. States Nus'>', nas lun charge of a ra- wek wvîlis se a'fus. Do yoî kuowoteIi, Miss Peggy. ihat cruting station sfic-r tht' close Ofthtie Whaa n'a goî bacis to the itotel tisa if you nniy gol s glimpse of humnaus7Yetn'ai he rt-ceurt-oan alplî5000o. eqsaaity ot ouc sailai parIs rceicet caelu b>, you tasuaged ta ring aaay a "What Is ynîîr ame?*' asiedthie conn- nunexpettet!ahci.Wcbut!dussover- prety falîtul porrait." inodore grilt]i'. Qàa th ie Aonuuii, t niigabte e-ha Tiere acre eoes a ithostt: lnthe ,îexî Don Elliliii ale Sauco Iazisulu," n'as terme Strattord andilTc- isa-sur'; sat! no moment Queu Tts appesret!. follouat-I te ru pi>' v. bat! resol edt lugt aout thIe ib>'a a l.thîn., sutanned persant vlo, Illvera b>'the W'sra'ik -JîlRirmingua rarricul bitabat i u n htt d liNar. nw'rs it .nitnoe hua Canai. Mt-anishiC -c ,sit!es-brella n tise slac heu lihi' ss d as î' It>kei) iisr 11titn le it' nied Stateîs 1liy ,el hy suat ai s fur a, iSrattr t ilOdnaced tha Mu-. I"cc. hua tyca restt'd oay>'ssitt Sa me like tliItL Go ana>' hua a» 'e aioull a),s' ho hlmbackii her on her for aaisalnt! iiii a kitul lok. atnd!gt a beter nsine If y'uu nt 10 lit as ppsopoiet!.intorieýr lu avoit ging ast if tbure idat! aIret!>lxt'î'i Bone sight i îît.' ae (is pari f the route tunaee. us si-ot acquau,tsnceebetn'ecîî thini. tus doutbhe eThe uc-tu ils>'.briglît anduly t'e sestisa "Nsmelci.Bauge' a)IfIisr <are u Iba!fsî'saildbua se n'as îof oue pacbp im mr epeeead ua Ceptal Commuas. 4'iiule ae sl"iausu!ru a'beclii isl isaet! bu beisas. 'l'eit uu-murahetid is n oibrouli0s t etrt! dl' cail. Wbs n'as I e &astdoisn aud prorepeet!to epaoforeigts NOnive sait!i bis Dame seas "h'red' surasatoaiment tu bear .lsek Don- tisaI s' hit! r, niivet! une musgreua'a crick Roigers." Ansi tIis lime Uc n'as vosaba caml>'Dy su>' l s ooes. ta.esn u IssîtondoouI> the us'ht before. ac'septrd. 1'llladelptlalsPol. - "I am strinid. if ut conea l a ta, Iud .1111uaoî-sîcaiglit s>' downa tsh,- f o selm juite icare me ouI. 1-I si IliraIttiiisî-lu the morning ho sec abat A elîtr où relaaalta "*The OrntieOl vey s=u, butI tetir I alait haset tago n'as n'anîu'doft hm. Il u 1 l.seUuItU States,"' atter a Iong bscli te town. Of course, t tnt uhle "To ktsoa. Sir En'u," said Mia.joine' lrangh the mails, n'ai velj b.a.hlng ,p tise parti; joli eau ecasil> e y-eeeis'bit. -s'<is 'nsc cheerfulsssaapropîsel> «ent back bte etar lu aees e l ate MYplace. I1assure 70 'z' cunltcIYeas Žouie ails us 0O1ltii Dgnvee. 2 m.aon n ow siatli1 tmtei8 i5'11 q00uite undertaut!sEaisel rvluilulnepîgaep ~ li lenuei sellbtfnI su n w ili baye tl u pt lup vîtis. DSalt 4 uset!n t'pig armottakep va am e lsotinslb enea mon. intar th"kliyou ouglit te gsa!- saMd ie ou.ot themuah.. JNIFORM MARRIAGE LAWS. aidaient to thse Constitution Mai Resbult from Rlober-t* Casa me resuit outhIbe obents case Is8lise minalion ut certain Congressmen ta 19bte passage utfulforta marriage divorce haws la the several States. course. a muastitutiouai ainudmeut la ssar>' snt!about a doaco (jongreas» and! accorai Sentiasbave lutraduc- rsouiong prosusuicta, ta ubmit lte 'et to the State legisatarea. lan the e the jiidiciar> caitîute? bau charge ec matter sud uts chairnian liA>' ot vYork, ta tOîccestiot hbai persaon' la obouasa tas ialls'report aIttis ,on' Oe of tne ui! tbil 1inbtrodiacet! t1 came 10isisCcugesssotie >'ears naît! Chaîrmian lRa>'. "Cas one pro- ug au amendîsat tsi the' cunatitution uisorni marriage atîd divorce Ian s. 8oaa' possible for a man ta bave tour se ian fui aises lu as u tu>'Statea. nt s apîuruacbig lirit!>'closel>' 10 naît! polygamy. Each one nauld Uc olp Iswui ile nu lte State in ahicis arrisul ber, The piolice of New York Id o nosîuuh the titansinla ennaylvausa. itou be coîîld ion bis Marclage trust sua isuinit>. 'lie Robesrts case ha-s had the cifect nIt oui> attractlof attention auca lu isot> cuiîou s rîac ivus'of the' Mur' ns su Us.tah, bot of directiug notice lu .s asîuisiisofo!nuet iarriag .e and di- e laies 1 beoises s'in trtintn bilej trou is bal sud 1 tbxiuk the agitation ,rlilurîn Ili -sit in a favorable Crt front thîs couinittee on one 0f tise ilious sud in u t-s sadopstion b>' the M'e nauit!bacc bat! a favorable te- u n tbîa subjeet Isea Cougreases ago, one ofthie Soatlts'ro members de- desI tisaIthae oussttunal soient! t include a prohibition of miscegesa- aor mtzed marriages belacen black 1 hiles. Hua State bat!s an' won apoint, sot! bc didt! manasUnitedI es Ian' that seosld permit sncb umar- ges bn contravention of the State reg- Lton," THE COURT IS ROASTEO. -ach- roeuiglier onthe Jolia. Mur- elsu Verdict, t Ciisttouioga, Tenu., in bise lîrcl îtîsî ('bîîr. s Ssinday uscbl, îles' J. A. incghîrr iseaslied ou 'Malirder' usina Julia Nlorrusun case as tbe basta. The se usas crosdu-t!asut bis reîsrks acre Nuenhi>' Sîsisaudet!. Dr. Broughcr, re- rring to tise Juia Horriaun case.,sut!: "Tbsî ias just such a mlscarriage of tic as encourages pisi carryîng, hbýan otl>I'iuug. Hliamac lIte is iseit 100 light cstsîn lu th"ls cotnmunity. 1 iht have forgivin the jury ils verdict bu' nomau l iasathown nialt!es'euup a- liber as'sbsiii iii îhbat!goti' îrios ri- icy, bot icsslasetlanta herseit and! ,crime ini ihs' face'of public' dec'uncy. sope mn n-lu delîs ers ber le-cture hîce wilI ct hem1psîtp beocies. 'l'btbiýsbbc 5l na a>' hoiwuiucriP dlilCs U' urît jz- inrss. Thu%% isshîsîlt!kousîs inoses in mâe. Ut'nSi usrtu stui jlieus act opots s prtiiI, uîb bgliudeuusd andi îat!p trageslîu'u asthes' illuoc of Leidî'u il owuv uiis li siicsii hu' iiirl aSi-slc bece orthIiss .îîîîîi AGAINSP- ADMIRNL DEWEY. Ii il. nstth, laIssafor tîrîzi lae Tise Attocuis1i Ilertac asfled the as- er otflitheîîîted States aunlte soit ilu tutet! by Adsusrsi ls-ne>' ln bahait nf nmsifatsnd usticers tn tise District Su- rene Court iun coint'ctiun alUn tti' prises aplured at Pliuiila. 'lhe Attarneyi Gen- aI aska lhitatht' case bc referrut! to s mmiainc. He avers Ihat tise croia ar Ila de Cuiatansd Ila de Luzon, and )on Xl5an de Austria acre souk inalead ýcapture!. a, cîsime!. The Attorne'- ýencrai denis".that the cnemy's cessais. zpportet! Up au>' torpedoea, mines aaid ut! batterie.sacre or superioe fore ta àe vesse)a of Dewey's aquadeon. ILLINOIS MAKES BEST SH-OWING. ]Reporte et the (}rowth 0f the Untela Mine Worker. 0f9Aauriea. 1 Tlie third daY'e usaal ofethtie Unitedt1 Mine Workcrs of Ameelca convened etaI undianspolis, n'îtb John Mitchell, presi- dent, lunIlie chair, There acre f nli 701 deegates preseuL Cha1.rmn P. J. Kco- unofutthe credemia'aals ommittea odmit' ted bis report. The i un ýping ut the vari- Ou tâtes naslre than exrPected. 'ie Indiauawdatricîs veeported minu>'nl cr>easea.Pr.,, Cil>'. Ala., ha the ltre' est local, n'ili oýec 1,380 paid-up mcm' bers. Streabur, Mi. bas a local n'ith ocam 1100 meieca. Ilîliota mode the hasit1 ahowing. seciretar>' W. D. Itinof thte 4tate orgaunalîuîî la also treasurer ot bia organizalion. ahicli non' bas $112,010 cash on baud. During 18110bl rained 1 over $300,000, sud more Ihan 9'250,0W4 n'as rased by Ilîlinois lu 1898. htyan'a orgaubeation litas 35.000 members. l'resi- dent MilcUcllia report îauche'd mou>' sob- jecté. iuuiodiig te refusai oat he In- diana blocsk oec Io ss 0aigu te l'lits- hurg agreemenbtlise ails mue of u!iOOg rates. the eight'hoîi t iîl>înu the South- wetsern truke. sot! Fesîsral iujurtiaO. At tht' lait anmatul 'veution lise sec' relarys report showu'd auavecrage paît! ni)î membersbsp of aptrxi.itely 33,000,> the lrgeaI nubre h sunluthse meo0f DereuibeaSi n'huc lime there isere 54.- i77 memberm. lun62S local unions. AI the psent tinse tittre are tI loi-alionsa eî'tb s total nsmlîershlp pait! pofu91i.- 0. Doirng 189 387 oea' locata acre srgauized. te memberbsitp inireaing more Ihan lu au>' otliec year in the bis- toîryofutIhe nrder. Thet inauces are lu fine shape. s balance utf3W0(0being on RAILROAD BUILDING IN 1899. A Record tisat Ras Nul Becs Equalet alo '92. Estlmatea made by thie Railrat!GOs zeteson' that tisa mlleage of nea rail- rondsailil durng lise ycsr lSll>aggme- gale 4557 mles. Tissis moret' Ia double tht average mls-sa fer tise tour years tram 18»4 lu 18M> inclusive, and! bas nul heen equsiiet! ince 18M~. Lasi >'car there acre 3,265 miles huillinlatise United! States. Tise State aici stands bigbeta Iuowa ait tolitai uf 553 miles. Next camne Miuncsota sitis 374 miles; Ar- hausasa, 265: California. 20W, st!ndirhl' gan, 178. Tht-ar ie bSttes include une- It! ut ofthet ohtlmileage ut the Yesr. TaraI>' niue outhIe Statesansd territories bave sddct! neer ifty>'miles ees h o ibeir hunes, and! seventeen have addet! neer 100 miles esch. Anîong the latter States are t'cunspisîawn'th 170 miles; Ais- huma, 161; Louitiaa. 149; Ploeids sut! Mississippi eseis 148: Souths Caroluns. 131;1. Ceorgla. 137: Oklahoma, 135.;len- nesace. 118. The ralîiatn' hîcb stands imaI is theC (hisaco tint! ortliaeater a'ith a total of 358 mile.s. Tisen folan' tIllinois C- ' cu itnuh 1998 miles; the ('horluis, O> ' -jora and! Guif, le-; bbe Atc-hissiti. '. a an sd Sats Fe, 160; tbe efisl' d Air LUne. 145;3;Minuespultu ansI Sbt.L'., 1012. amsiflice C'hicago, NMii ssauisee a.. i St. l'nul, 98 mies. With comanîiuîus t>feas exceptions the larges la' hultuos io iiiilcitgc bauvc bees madie by CUB.N s.ENSUS tisas tf 1.2(x),000. C. Il.Ol thcesi.isli' tastant drecýtu. of t he t'uuhatucînu'.s.i b tfonr atlîsî clanas 1jsi uitor uss 'îo hat!bm-n vueS ing fur the lguI sevecai mintsuin bCuba, arr 00e in Sce Yurk. 'fisc>' rougbt nit 1h tbu'î t eul' uir boaý t ifreetrds ail o! wuich nere sent ha Washington, ,Manuel Rasen, Who wasatise sspervisor Of Hacana peaviase. dit! nul sccoutpacy hie culeagues lu Wasittn.IlIc saidt t 1.550 enumeratir't asi been appoînled, ail of ahont ereCu.bans. The resuillofutîhs' nork luducatîstA b tise Spanisis ccsua laken ln 1887 ni.l prohuisly hase ta he reduced b>'about 400000. Thîîs tbe present population af Cuba ai ha about 1,0,000O. The cuat ta the Gocermiment outIakingtlise mbas n'lhl ha htween 35000 ud 9M00.0 M4UNÜREDS OOKID FOR PAS- SAGE TO CAPE NOME. 1 amahi of REI>UBLIL-AN NATIONAL CONVENTION HALL, PtIILADELPHIA. 33.4M10 forthu- ilPres posii uyt. Ir sisut'asuiuti t.î'ra ibers (-tîrgi lêniilIt'> nas bant! aInt lIai lusu ,I u , ur kîllursa l'sri'ns an 4a e I.amp nt Con]d I 'saiItin, l'a.,.sot! lissa. 'fhutaasansi Alits Itib tIsntredt! destin, Chsrs-ss 't,'ssiî îg. Isr isi.l'a.. tisaI suicide. jam"sM'bite. W. Nlîru'ec, l'a., awas ilI- et! b' tise bfftitia suCau levtrie sarter for s gits engin. Preciýtitu M h testa uoins's I ,e sl K. Wiistnn oCr I a:'aIlI uir of o costuma ntt sclit" 1>._ & &hlM. SI tus trosn u eisrpisi> nu finemen nuore thonsîs25 o sara oit! sut under 1610 pounumIv hntigbb. Goy.. , psc..fsCin a,uhuissîiidpoc- Matai la Abuadant-Mon wit Rude Too l kala. Geat Sguana-Markot Quatkans fer NacoasattasAra Riai and Renta -ouat of s9lmta." Abram E. Smith, fom'merly editor uf tha Itockford. 111, <jazette sud oow United States consul et Victoria. 1irlliah Co- humbla. writes ta the State L>epartneiot ut Washington that thete hin great el- citement oee lthe Cape Nomne guld lieid, sud that there will Uc a great etulgration ta that nen' Eldorado in the tipring. Mr. Smith gays: "T~he indications arc that there wili bu a great rush to Cape Nome ueit apring. oosuctbînu like that lu the Klondike ln the spring ut 1S98. l tat evideut that numbers will go there front Victoria and taia pîrovince, lu prefecreoce to either At- lin or the Nortiîwenl Territury. 'lite transportation companies beresud onl the Sound are ail acilely eogaged lu prepar- iug steamers fur the long trnp, The dias lance frum Viest'in tu Cape Noote in "But uotwlthstanding that tact. the transportation cotopauleti have airvadY bouked ail the- passengees tbai cau he carried on the iret trips, on cverY veasel that eau hie seured, At astracent meet- ing ut representativea of the cômp)anles It was computed that 65,0010 persona de- alred tu go to Cape Nome as monou as pus- sible. "The reports that bad beau circuiatling ast sesn in regard tu the cold discover- les nt Cape Nome were generalil dl'puted here, the opinion Weng that the Ailln and Klondike countries were mure proie- ising. and alan caier of acees, but lb. lasit tn steamers tront the Nrthi et' feciOSilly dlsselled ail uncertaintîe. t'i. passengers hriuglng n'îîb tber n ldîsputa- hie evidence that ail &long the heaeh la the vicinily ut Cape Nome gold ln Psy- ing quanîllies cao ib adltur lte digglng. "A aumber outhIe"e meni have ealls'd et the coasmulste, exhibiting specesmens uf the goid, sayiug îhey dug il as the' bess'h. nese the vwaters edge, ibat men witb ui>'band sovel.andsiithe sînIlplear sud rudest of pants ceered tramt $W tu 1W<. and even $:M0. per day, sebîle aîmnetlînes a Ieàn Iap ut front $1.0W tlo* 510bas bien repocted. Nuiggeta worih trous $300 lu $44(K) m CCC fî,sîod mac An il 'relk, sud it ta believed $1s.$ttu *01JUOW wers laken ont of Snoss uil'1.lest!-uni nier; one omanilt la said. tboisout BiJO. 000. whlle enother claitms Iallîlmore. "-Everysne 'if t he' menss liq) salue down expresaed bis recsle il) returti n the spriug-sanme eeu eng.ging retiru pas.- sgt' on the' steamecra onu îlb Lb.'th>' saine dosen. Accordlng btheair lsîjtemetthe goid doisnot extend tis a grnt ld,îtit,. lise or six feet beîîîg a'i l-isas aný aveas yet wuud 'psyiug dirt.' Mareket Qîtalin iais, "There saroe Lois.w a5ie,$i sud 6I.0(JS people ai Notule ie I îîî Aiiii ty.> Cape' York. Port ('lactoe aill vu îsty. 'The buildinîg. are. O o iri'.siClb. iismon tetnpssrsry <t araîle r. Tus, nesi <taper' ae priotcd the-, trous wliîss h1 taise th(- f ait: Bref, vpar san. rcat * s lian . e, er latt . . . . .lis (si Btute'.,.r picoonisd ... 1ie issiel asik. lier '.. Sa . istîri fasis t.andI fritil.,as MAPîs' s ir-ts, ier u ...4 155M P5îtaitcf. per î'wt . $101 Ii...... Is. (M ilii , P-r -wt., $10 I ,.s> .. .. . . 15 XJ Toutatues, sr ,.. ....a .... ... .l(y tuai. per tua ....... ..............'.K tlhiagle, Per hasc...... >.... ........7 5C ptr itootalfiet ............... -o(i itutlng "Ktstanat tsrlces Steak., 8 1.50 ta............. .......3 Iteadeer steak..................... L E) 1'arkethopu. .......................5, r utton chopa.......................i1 54 1 9ollc d asteec................iM tHot cakes sud Inapte ariiii... 7. Co.rnet! "be tti ...u .. . . . l lckied pis'. fret .............. ....t1 ( a Mua h as d uilk... ...... Eam, orsattais.................. Xi Hiambuirger steak .......... Cisas ehuwder ... .................7: gardines, par hss .........In 1italk.n t7iSc .. lsrk»m .. . a heese, svith sa.yorI-C Hautanii.r..... 2 ri Th-, 1119 2 F"rau iit la si.i sIC t'offre. t-'asîosi..Lî>2 Pl-, -aI, . .. . .. ...1 Renrts Are iroass 'Au oriîtar> u o-sîo ry tsiilinag s eigbt Ci,. irii cliii îrs'siue'iilst]) ,r *'.IN) Mouili. Ircighi tîîisi'i fcss.Iuih. issus wh i-rf-i t i as ls'-1 tri sirsuîirs ii bage Csi3s.lss iL.40 III I's'ii p hiiiriii trlîsssiiiro<f li .15vfrs'sgi tnplisri law 1ii iind -10 11 Un "'-Tleviio îtli sîsia anai "rfr îa hoisr (s'il$1-i40.5 A X liii!-,is '* fiton-" shirt, 75 sel ýfsiori-iiga s orn-s i -i l i hirt. îundî $1lit -,,- iii' rs.ln il talioîn uA ii,--Cars ndtlsii. mi kîî'îio, as ..bch owhte' lîrni o ®r iiiti hl t- t'I d-'s t ::11 ... iî îr for th,- t lalsii' i C 'l ic l ,4C)i * a1 a, Tafh. i 4 iii r i Cii. 'Il li o,,e l )ir i issa ssiij, !sic h . ine frin' .t fi-i li :iS r i, I f, 'lie19)Cls't ii h i 'l i ' tîy u of sTheli'is a .iCl hCi "l 'a riel t Niuitlm %Iay 1, l!'(0). sue i > iuilnu ii-- littu ls.aît!ozeip', sut ifutusunu ais C ssu , l sad heir ai! r ili --i n l . nuuui-1-i'l-sI,ilibhis t'ods',-ni iC uap i .g nliur ts tueurndcis, oui1îli'.i ec i, k nsur t.u'acsu lu sk tis aijI'Cluii.> C t uir blussiiuic IoAsakmoleý ,Ite ,' buts i il >1l i as i I(s', us Auaget t î'uuîulîi ia su l.- alilulc sssis.n t! if, -ient u iuiu'uîs la tus Iittsii an i n do ifu s'uîîuîîui isc i> ttî C'trOil>'asureortantc ta iîsi i'tli it-is amu-itystrmatnk an>' 1.t!sa us 'a ihil>'ut tani'ot nels e n v isuisai us'. I tuu 5 lil btsohmesneyer hust.i ulilsrwu it sug ult vr mandi lsu th-isIa'i itlist ( bta lon mann i, unsd aI ue.C hi.usen tbngoabo- pala'itsc>' ICslaies'diIjc.odnaonlce prtnt!s n lîî' t!prbc-uî'and 10 rthee o rai uiclnteiai riens o s.r o Secretnrý oi.uî hus sî rttu>nan au rnsi lsletCu't4Oigrcsa Cs"istimnding Ihat Boute 11 hii'iud Ibc dru set! b>' hiecis aBrers ufth bbc aus> tia> Uc reisarded wnisantt Injury tutiiblir s.umirudiiiun tise service. Ever>' lunte a taat nîhis eis promotat! 'out o!rlis i coýuijrcoi'urse a certain nom 'bar of lino 4i.5uuirs 055151 sufer, sud Itie case ufor nuit. lhus.sho brotigisîtheb Oct-guis usruuii liirus Ssii Fr"ncisco asId dîi hlb isii s r ilutthle battît- 0f Sani tiaigu. s sitet!lils an exouupts. Altinugb no unue usill ds'np uhlait Clarkiss quite As7e tflicb u..ui 'tl(, u lîusuor a ndsi renard sa an>' oficir of the ani> o ue>'av, be hlast beau piniset! Up th, luomuoa 0 f near t>' ail te -Pinjssiof sut l es afluet oce a it! Sn bl«tush ';'î':iý p' 's; tdu'îusrt- the 1,tt I si ta s Uc'sas before lina 11e i iE l ic Sta.Sîss is1us .u Qut-en NiMoIaia h l tseestsieiiashoot! id comtortt-r. itl?'tlUher ss0%e,1ls1s('5r 5sielu Tisa main Philadelphie, exposition bildng, lP n'icb tisa Bepuhlicau uationà ud, lt tstiBse- htpti \isuaîsu ltust aesolcesi ronveRtiontif 100 viii hlaied1, la buil l structurai eteel and! brick. altI pln', ourtpen aoltli'cs smade isaîie Up ae rsle sh a isn1eupîzîiuo a i te acsing sent!staff onamentatiomis. h n'lli, at a comparativat>' aulli rosi, ha vice lu tUe Phiirlutta is ls4n 5O o mci o!the at sbeCnr 3,000 teans, î coaverteal into a covention hall that ai set 18,000 persoa. Tise arcaedes and thse ssylum et Mashiitgtull. D. C. 'ba els-Ia chd anl conuectint buildings are motî 0f Word. ailli brila nallau antsIUel ea Ts si t apibielîtuheele nSoyazethe but uhis i,-e sun ns iubtlt concet lisiitidigg malt' ame MaMnuttiexhiition hall of 1.00l0 fiai imilengtis s majarlity lu tcor otflte caudidate>'outfor fuel andi Iser. Ilis diacocer ii- b>' 40) teel lu vldii. The atire arestof tise main building Isa14W.200 aquarae esiWdeut Diazx fi nuthsîr terni, based lupi ite asi' ePinciple Of tise taat. It la dlvl!ed bta 'six sectitia. vhich cau ie oha ovr(itE îmyt-ed laioaa oe ýUted rBlltes erlip avwae ps -rtg a.ndt!b>' anuarrangement. ot tas auditorium. tis e frutS ot viie.l mtesi of extaudig nortti a", as ssion of the iand of Sîbulu, inutlb. aulrors bu cas gathar 10 a ftuoruta at pu'aent, n'E15 , itb tise aide wall ta4oe na mi làa hallenlas'aid. eM&Mi «M e4l ebtveeu the rltlipplut-s sud Bar- I IanJuchesea&il outheba aya OftIhe isoin Iba ami vest s sa. 'tPu R0 u,&cra or «roud. Tise main Rsie of the national HlouaS of ltepreaenlativem, as muight ha uppOS' ed, dividles that ehamber loto balvet. One aide, ounte Speakers rlght, la ocd!1 u< pied b>' the I>eiilocrts, the otlier aide by te Republicana. If the two partill, bat! au equal oumuber ut membesrathls arrugetaient wottld be complete, but #à unueParty' la usuail>' iarger than tise otissf s tellofut.lsut" have luaRit on th.emi'- noitOCl aide. Otie ssoald St Brat supposé thalt each part>' nouid beglu a t the ai- tremeort t ItaBide of the bouse andd tli Iu tonard the tldîllie, tUic part>' tat lbed a maajsrily roonuiog oser the main aisle 98 miiilt on s neu-eur>'. But thîs la Inef the n ny l la insoe . Eacb party dasiraMu lu holi l ts poition sof pariamentari vas9- la;ze onî the maigl îie. sud ns, the ':oVat floW" <f the' majority> bave to go ave? tu the exîreme seat& ou the inluarity aide. If tbe L)eoissCrats. fisrexanmple, bave Issubhandted sud t.enty-fBe cueill- bers et a Itsîe outhîrce hundred aud sixt>, abosut farly-livi' or thele tomber' n'ould tolké- as'ats ou tbe extreme lett 0 the Speaker. lu tbee ient t 'iagsn'5a. a fea îepiîbiicans art'-s.'ated at lhe Speakers* extreme right. Whether It la on tltift or the riglît. the rîîw or @sat» la called the C'îhe StArli,' and Mea-n bers wbo are sRoiiuforlutîte as ta gat loto, il. sîs*ak ut bcng "ovecein the atr'1;-1 Andîlyet, su>' Party' lîkes teo oaa (is #trip. 'rhe hpeakcrnhhii utofI tousa ai- ,Raya gises aititil. Aimoal every nmicamemibeo utCuitiie coules tsu 'Wa'shngton aith s satchel tuAi ut speeches ou varionîs subjecîs aihîchal saudlnsblas an opportltnity ta daliver. Day af tir day the>' ait ln the flousa watt in& pallentl>'for sachutîce lu make repu- tatllons ns oratorio.As a general t'ile tht'>' nîtet n'ilh sa sî it la 1 s'udom l in. a iio lusc se sres recognitian tur the paCtisaCss titinsg a lous speech TMille I;'s a ijii ai1 the questions ItP-11t '. bs'1.the-C i "Iiaare pi'epared v-'c sttl..,Lg i tlIcs'stiispecheu of t. i',a eî s'tîliatipl ittheir 55 i y iilis , hiC a.a 'tus l Of lo1te yeai5. susC ir. uca itt-,, 'Cisliaii re'ogntionla n tb grClter ce'tlhisn a decude nzo. Oth- CC ii..-ter alus susl',i1,,t ctertalu t lissiîgb oa i I oili iii 5fta itious froin the îiîî poutt beir Cci îli s I 'uu Cogressstee- s1îss'îîiiy ha%(-' îîqsjas t1Iiîtiiî'a tiie t upos lîseti tsar %sblI l tîI' uibitious Cul- legau aCa tisa la gs-n'eliy the cae a bs'rs' a il.- il, i 'rs r.'1itatiusa usau ira lor a liiléî]îîîs u isu Ia ker lias 1ie"dhonUisti 'acesa fi'c> treqitaut ]y ilii'tify thé ei'r-I,tsittloO'uand sdd tu 1h nu ýIl sîisnt-, i baii hisetng. boa- 5 .55C.n iiiil'CnIssl,,ihai'rved tn'a or thir.. >t'inl( Iu ir athoîtf 'iii ilig ini,ééls sa-is'iii', ths.-tiior and tî Ic l aýîssc ih î ls.h r Cire. bis col- Tii're i a g,é-it .111salsiCai luit>' et the ceussia siIlicthé- a3m anr sd il t ilicon- tinuetfor the Seit issuooriiree yessrs. op i irt'ct sr NI s'CCiiii ts a cil ts îlisd aitlt ) hit nea basldîog. s i. deitgoed by haut ansl] c'i'tt b csi ihbhoenterpels' àtieretssl*sec th, e pssîîéîîîph ave beét'u 0) siîl iCis ait 0,cr t,issu i. ii)in9i ucnh m) por litas'. ansi011cV isire oî'iit'r st.. 10 cuiict ur cî'usfsrlable. s. bile tise prt-ut wnaeirau. Thie remt bill fortise lestl ressua waxa ttishse e 50M PtJsud $175.t510. Mc Nlirrlsen-. iteîsi litta cout ci'witb asyn îdicale ut il4 resUi ciste mîens, îîxdec nbwh hler'erect' xl id a nliulîlîtt ig i.ii lusdesisgnîs, abicli cunesecaIl*-',") squair e e!,uor @bhunt two w; set! oiehait --séci s. T',beiinllg coul 11 $143,000; thhi utilîiiîevhch il stands la e.titîsaiesil tuhi' nuirîi$175î,M0, and M unîler ie,.Nie-rriagis. casxe the Gharm W i uent alis>' ya relututf$25,400 a jeur for liéee.~acx i. tb sun iPtion lu rineur aI tlié, raie ut ai1..>5 year for a sec- oîî td ii pu '. srtsi îiiir' a.ietsty 1iîîîc s iîîîî lu. l'i lu sii-c. for 824.>. aiýt 15)1> t of 1Y-tiiiai'siCssîccahpcr, alibougli is il, ail éil iii cc ia sct sterewed luis tsiiii ai Onîrs Piss t fhe iil aisip sîiînii sihlsd' 'isTe>'are réi isd -dsst a iîdlî'iic la i' stts'C '-'. 8'." la i n'miss' . iiils .1 Ablè,géiupply tn 'r lsi ui ilsl loti . Z4i.qsi'l narebouse. l i i 'i'i'sii iilic îî3'.5 aloie bas r I liPjilsi ls.îuiil i-s'- , s ci 2K5 esery ir ii'C l,, ii.. l'us liii' jls t nCitiie t.tht' - ccciii StavNîl'. ':ic uIt iiiN-3iclartimeu. a hls .rI rsi.ib 'tiihé îiscs Depsel ;nent, ilit' i'r,,Iîti i sC i. lte ptnt. é,i 1i îiîîî ii I C i"ii,tiî, the sic iîoîaîuig . sîi l 1s 1 o1 l t.odu ciii> slipý é liiié léu i'ui iss u ttu r s ph. , 1

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