(You're te l a us , attir,'-thtreone hbai. otix ittt airi ula r r rrtv theutguîv1ru uni '.. rîtîj nsd üu lie ther tu sutr at j',ttta'tt'r, rIr.fx t.î,.irlgthe eue l.sie 'rfg.î rsaieut as oulI.a,'d î 'l rrbri ' îtîr'are tt lj tlil'v th,' rî .vtrrît a tu irves te'nrtf- rtrt rt ' a."t tiai tilt. tir,. aor. -ttili. îtiy ,Ivei iruj'd ain l f 'i Iel r' t 'i rtr, h1 i. 1,ît rît 1tr , t itith ï,I.' enurtlo t 'riiteît.'rit a iuiiuster piiî'! . ' uti tir Ji'.r î', ".,ît ril, . - . ila h.Y l y b ir u n 'e t 1, "ttire i iil,.i r'. e At 1 1[l te , i l bcrii i,, r îjtr t' ,tI,, cr i l iA' 'l I a..,rriraulUtjdrrn.a at i -rit ti nt, I jîrurI,. i rî'l t.t' - , ," t i.. lit,.'tb tl",frt101.i i.n a~~~~~~~ tran rt-ii.~ti T. T OJ EIG CANAL HER EVELIOS SA'JED HER A "i.j i. j,..ti ljj iti A'i ttrii .ii'Vlstditefj.tni uic.., i Air,,', 'rIt' t t h t r "t I .t-t t" [,itq tt lit t 'r Ni . i r l it N aIiitrt antid t x r . r i;Ilîtî irrj"t. i rt' vur,'tj"'. inuit . r, r tri. i S à r.fi r',t11 f.tt j ri ,r .uj xi . a~.tti ti~ ."~,.' r .1..r a, .rtr~. t .r t r tr rc'r. t, r . il p'. tt i ..'t 'i.,rii',t, i r i t na -- Iltrrr~r ut' r r , rtrl ttî I N rt .t tr u rctrt.i. i t r ' te ir rr. tt' ru1 li'tt riii.". îr i r , . rr, r . t rl r rttti Iriarît. trrl r n t tI i Ihe tir ttgItrt J',.r'.r ', r ..b ntu , . 'Ii tirt. et 1'r'.t h .k,'Ii nt,,xhl t- ' Irl r'Iit'r , n,'.a ,t, t- r i l, utir frîrIr r' i l ut i'f,irIrrjtt a t attt uu tht' 1,î r"'t ir r.r t ttriibiic GUURCU AND CLEROV. l ' ".tntttt.titi' . i" Ihi rrt ien alire n n' a lianig utf na. r1t1'I xi t' 1 i I, rt1 thà r Ilg h a unrt- Ilutf 'tt a,tiir'ftoirii r" t e r h,, 1,r'111, I '. t 'i ut.r i mira miti'.ttbe ,r, i i ,, t rr,>!.Itt.'rlr 'li.'NIrrrnrî tlîîrir a tr,.'îrsxdon'. JSuit e v Ii In .'-rIl bru' iri ltCttj j tritu'tfcee l,. ut tva . t hie t' 1. ilu Itatu h tirre'i. Nert- jf NIiar Not' ' l'un.'vîrî f't t th IjIi rgI'.tirnai A lInxt x1t1 rtt1rîtr 'r..rd' . ut,ilrtttII 'ttunjtil b. idiun î'.tr aisle rlî i l I , i.' .,r"rt .,.rr i'! tu s tt l u f i, 134.b;rtr,, 1,11Imrr ,ri rrt t rr e rb.'t e d i ie $2(tn,(XO A i n i l.tj r r .'.i tt I h ar -'., t"' Sîi a>" otu e tt'bnt'ilt it'.' ib ,-i ,n'r tt.rt t i tttt ",i i 13erixu h 'aidiers'famixlle's. 'tht'e tit'î ît a' î 't. , .rirg eut vr' tieîlrt litt.gh.es 'iThe NtI,% 'r i , i nti t II ti Iutain,' lit) drî', A lrb ite I -i i'.d' i ru t nftheir' (Ilrl ît-, 'l ir , i . I,' l 1 ht arrr'tbrrig j ia.'jtuthi rrîo el . r,', itt.ii.t tt t i 'jux E. IL iî iih't,n a ,îI """ J rt . . 'r ir x. r t y lr te.' si ii'trr It, irv rtirr,'li t 'iîrrl hl utf uruttrr, l t vt ti. lt. "r theimt e s ii,' i ar , l tiirt î t tII rII r ' ,, .i ..irr ttfi15 >ad- u 000f., .',on tartrxietrilr"'] i wii trgniv l'erun", nvtjea'.l, n . t hn hope vi l tîrvu'.' n aven tici î Iritaina. t ttrir' Ext gtivti ebrre.'irxir.'a vay t list lie j ,ii train troUiles uver iigl ehuun, tivicie, oo m Mo»ey ta fortiraoîuiîg as eniii as ever, nîît.uixee Preparrtous ar e Sing made for cele ued Doul braliag the golden jubile of Archbiahop the baggîi iHeunesys ordination to the îresthood but alsua la the dioceses of DUbuque early nudt detschn le tint I.1ttuh ,lt a, iN g',itîr ,'..ttr mn.1 ' lire tr ja i ...i, i 11-r g ni ut 'r ni . ta ietrtnti> aiol fourxuthe lîansthai i u ofh uge, petvit us ud nmiaunition. for the rsptd transportation uf 'uta of suldiera. m Gr inglof o' The lirst th ong yohanof its will b lngsof an thega1 Toralandstopthe lugmln and the m' toral iand'. stop thneirt . .It - r a i , 't ' ' r rr r 't.rwt h off k an' , i a , r- r 1t s .n. Ol iu ~'ti Idt - k tio t)t oh! sI gurt a;I n, i t h" bct o hIrettI," t xI "1 E 1'. lirjMA'i, Gibtatuiv, N. Marrh 3, l899. You cCsno0w Set Ayet s Cherry Pectortil'la a 25 cent size. ;ust rghî for an orduut'y col&. The 50 cent Bile 15 bet'. ter f o btonchu t15. croup, whoop- îng'cou ph. asbri, and the fip. The dollar size 15 bcst ta cep o band,.and il Most eccj.nomlacsl for long-standing css Cv j j teirrte t t lx'. r,. -' ti,. t i t t,, Ilttat y'lu tJt niaiteltu Aehi.I tvt rr t. A.rIk headeche Pr 7te -"i 11tti -t ta ttChfo t1i. t',ttt ut', r r t i tttttltîinn ', .. i t), ti' titrr1tri. t ' t r t. ditr, t k..u tt t.satIi.n dt 'r ,,,,i r t ' tt- 1i. :, , ' r, 'i" t'1 il 1i' ..tr '.ii uA j. Cir.. at tt ir, rnr tr I lrit.i, . t S i t ll 'r' (t ult tr d -11.. A '.tt '. a d i. r une t' th Iii,. i 't'ueilenir e it'u'. 'r t ' kil-N n 11:1t1 ani t a s" ti totl",' g l ý t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~. anditîî .nata5 (.nstil i, t i tnt tnt t. Inn 't 't r' t tir.' t. t t "t t r"" t tttt t t i tj 'i. titrn .r ni .r~i t t . t tri t r 'lire ý i..xv atfin, c r tnt Qiiljirrrxr'lI.t"u Att L2ke E.W. t, t uv ar.1guature .s8.rou.ia'h bau îrittng tctrir'.'uhackeriv. The Qtwen ad( Creacelil onir 24 houri1 tri New Orleas. The Queen. sud Cre«enet ocly through car lu lu Asheville.1 nu taitj ti, htt10 at -1 .] turral, tu., vt, 10 "-a est Ii-r' titt M a - aveMll!l b iuds.s.U2e. *.oe ..« IN g». Me s x lent eaUssi aller ~th.g e I. MoM.am. glatd y ai nm'y- «tmo& age ome. 2s cous &*à 0 Cents BOWELBRHEAIN! You can always smell a "dead one.a Me has a costive-Iooking face. Mis breath knocks you down. Mie drags his leet. Listeners to his talk turn their heads the other way. lis breath poisons (iod's pure air. Mie ought to keep clean inside; -that means sweet breath, quJck brain. swift moving feet. You can' t IcT'weII and act weN with your bowels Ioiged. sendisig p.a.o ail through your system. Clean them out gmntly but thoroughly and keep them ean with CASCARETS Candy Cathartic. Bc sure you get the genuine. CASCA RETS artnever soid anbulk. Look for the trade-mark, the Iongtakld -C- on the box. You wih i HM that ail bowel lus and the nasty symptoms that go wlth them are quickly and permanently A ",MR% C UREDMBY - ~ rGelt t 25c. 50c. Q a,.the To &a Ryudy mntoL whe cau't affrd to boy, we wIi mail à box Irak Addn Um ng im dmy C.mp.ay,. Chicate or New Youk. 'eues' thst Mee thout rve moted nm d the t the asit San-j uough le as rd as e has near- over 'er on e the ROBERTS SEEMS 00)MEDt ACROSS THE TUGELA. Asecal Hotâtcoumittele Vate. Agmlost______ the Utah MorMOU- A vote was reached WedDesday nt qt BULLERS ARMV LOVANCES TO. oetig tthe apeclal cormattet of I Hou"s on the case or tepreseutstivee dent WARO LADYSMlTH. Roaberts of Utah. The aaUiiiitite 5*11 iiosnimouin luthe question of tsct. aud uxuidieint i aiso lu the it'igbility of t itarts ta bal The GenerolIussa"Ade 1 t hiLea sjin th ir, tîsî. 'lOtii thlie uIIî'trî le. SaYilag Thtre Conad lie N. Turn- bt'rs 'Ilt'din tuvar tf a report titu(ie ' tg Iisck-The Firl 'iiusoIn Wun efî'ît ibjit the Itoune vias rvihju tIIt by th. Britishb. rigt,lu ,tuprpijung irslt thl' bar ofthlb llrit' ad thie ther tua fuavor.'d s r. ilr'4 -ii f.rtt poritrtut lier' Vittli ti i l "i a , Or e'.tir,.tii j' if.. n ttIr,, e l vi uiir'i j mlt' u n'! L. , . ' bu sîx a " .' i I hrlr1r1e1 fort hxix' rrrji'rriy r'îr I urt'> t(it t - .j1e s t rrIl r i c' i 'jl u f AN' r Ntt.'tttt , of ît Sur r ' r i, r - xof \\.,tt ' L- ,î a ... a 't IT'.v itr ,îr nI l, aiha. a i'h v j) e .'trrt r i r'B.rIL l x th' 1 .~ r , r s, ' , t r j r r j tr hrrt ri It' t ' ' ' irj't jr" r' jr- t' i t..i 1,. 'r, r. ti "'l"' ' , o , ijo u i vIteI . l t, o tItI', . n i te r r,.r f L ' ';eLn. t. rLijr~itrr iarr', n th Ii , Ilrg.tr.t t'plitr i i ' " ', i,itLL nulil, i, .i r' ' t t IhtIIja our! irit7, r Ilax lcttti."Idiahdi-taii liii li o l t r.rbitijii r ttt lj titutt , i it ra tt jîr' ltt jt -Ilt,5U...... A PO I I o t .ri ' î.,rjta.1 rti ..tILLt , .L, il," trat tt',jtlLru l'r ijlnlkulîînînt4,iîîi 'IIjjrt -. j. gtti t' , ' ' a i' ,I ,i rI.t j I'îi I Lji . mnha i.- i.îi ,,1, iei." . ar, r l ir. r , Lir.' 'u" t of'.,t rtî.ria , îYrt , J a il i j, r,,.'Lt..n 'Vrit -ibj ci f. i' l t.. V theti. l 1iltte ffl il ,t ' t' i ttr of tth, i, f ea'e. ll j'ut lt' jStippe , '1 ljrLltai alt? 1 , t Mr t.h. r Aar le b i l i r.rr'ota, .,4,ttî ci efo ltr oru P i t IIj 'i. aI , irloild~..rrr.ît tir" Sini , or t xi. trtee e tra i.. i gIln ot' 0 " ,t r ,, i t r, r. ii.a iritî b lihn.'rin..rt,' ri i. lr orlî tbtt i, ' rr.t g'ru " l .îe iierî forL t a t a t tj(- , rttii. t li'a' eILr.hat i i, V t1 1, i. ,, îrua priî ti l hr L"iodr ifv.rtenii, ari atrj jrl 'iti ,.ILL. l l j u t t'. rt n in Vah ij njjre't i h qaîhd te n ut'tu t," i t, ti, itr t fe. r r e hi' t ir auJ IÀhe for uIi, t i l tt e Ia î.t 'tI i.', îrta s .inal a t fa ' "iI' brikn n LrIh, . Ili il.u'tt.ibr I i ,a t IL, b. îpor l'e'a , i... -d ILt~'t , rr.rg a îrit i. t'sv in o rsni.l tt "j i ltt L:.lrl 'Mt. tiit ' 'a" , d e l t iaiail,.rau tt ' ,fg l"init. Il ut..' 4i ila C 11 i.tii t u'en il'itl d j.e i oIr hii-tr,î 't rr eut îrali 0 iTh r. ttt'i ti,'ad t. i liv'r uni t1 ri t rjil.1 l t t . i tIi leitr ,tt ut trIr tt-iliti t . te t t..', 'i Ilw tt tt Ati. , ov et: tii'ou an- îttruute.i, - r. trrt îtr 't t t al i'trt Y r,', .r îtni El . 1 ,tt t '4ttutaît F i u lYliet 1), Ihe '411 er lrr Dlant gru'e ier a'r ufe H iag el.eritue k îL,t t. t t e ' --,e r hirro Y"" zî'rzr.i"are srrre heailirton y- ltt 1 rr . h rt ut , i .vrt i, tzu i t -l rI AII- il" , îî',,i Ilbut 1 t1 r N. li.nai rfr, .. t... ,. jotyng hIl jl- 1 l ar' ' i 't' rîi adeiphis ,r iAr r,,'ut, Chroutc Nutsl Cat.arrh pi-nt ...ry bro.th taut tadrasur tc the liuijs Thare la peuxrae rvunarly dru4gsna tht Mwssdy frt ts etureA suail .EsaUtlty of E'oCesuBaluma plaed ituret tiunratîj repraadas ed nia. uiteda u ne srs reiva ur ndaeithprdaîritua (sua. cbmnas, heis saudtae.s, lryîîg in balnt,fums.k.. a nd.s sut1îaff siilti' deveLop dry oeta3h; theyiiry lrp lb, serr tions wheh adjer . t" ibe reul rase and eepos, a.. ng agf-r î.'rt, seruiafts blthakthoordiisrî t,ri. A ctarrh. At-id ondrylng l 'aait.l" ia. C reta.mhsl 1. reliabie an,il sues atarrh, c,,I, tn eaodand hay fo vre u-l! nit ppeasiit àrgi ts8Il t Kt50ir .tsr i iiikt E ad by aiy Brothers'thraii., 56N. Y 'r~lIIze ,gh Il.al "'lins il t ' Itr.,nn i., r fi T- loHsy. Thaf ,rn" i Thal ln ew l-i iit E ,t' anid' ers rian -th,'.'r r.îlie u 10,t rt, ii. !. u triM. lgtV 'l MLa i" o nuI i lt I r 1 i . t yad tLreu ~i~i T.lr i t 'j 1J. If 1ut' rutil tbite thin vi i t d JA Bus1.y Woman la Mr'a. Plnkham. Hep ~ ra oopresp.ndance 1$ under hep own super- vision. Every woman on this oantinent ahouid under- stand tuai ah, van wrte fjs .jy te Mra. Pinkham about har physical von- Mitonheooauae Mrs. Pink- hem la A-woman and bSauae Mra. Pink- hem u,*ver violiea oon- fidenve and boue *a kne>wa more about Me.MIS of woenian any sber Person lhibtisCoOuntry. Lydia E. Plnkham#s Vegeishie Oomondhba oureda million aiok wo- mo>n&n Every nelghhor- hood, almoat every tfamiiy, con ains wOiflOf reileved of pain by Vals great ,ndcne. ïTEWON'DOLLAROA'S "Take Tine by gte de~e<I f Ztt theiiy y o rua 14,0 T I U IE TR E The Forelock., aho,1ntl i okeate U E FTH UNÏ D-S A S of x 4s, rso tht' tati.' allnKeýryv________ 'Do't Iwit Vdfl <'5e O'eraktei YOG. pur -hases. îîrii a lii ; 1,il f r d ai We htirdfeeling, the ferai h<u-and iatarted ,rlu.tr Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Catani,4 blo r rfest wIJakeHo'tr3apof bs.nd .'dbrmtic sgr'er Coughs, Colds, Grip and Catarrhal Diseases. ei[d an m you qWft recuite 3oiirFel.i and "ifi ivlt'ti. 'ii' penbubi'y s ut a seiot~s sck-Te'ý. 'Bce t.i' 'i.' r'rîr - i go get H uts, becaurie *'i"r. T h'" ,> ,', ' ' r u$,ti,ýý ' l.î,ai "llat',tr' 'lt . r, t ri,.'rr tii, x 'j rir' tk t %Plt- " o ' un rt 10 DOLLARS WORTH fOR 10c. ii ' t', rr i. le ,cliT. r r' r r 't. r y l I 1 r.î,iPt î As - , ' Nhltt , 1,jt r Ç~LRTER5 I frîrbrut.., If ni li, at ' r" AU IVA iA. LOCKOOD, LATE CANIDATE FOR TKBE PRESIDEMC. L d a iriiuiied a 'ttotxrarr it r hi, bh4rrfltiýt lu 'i:p et eir a tr Ier Mn.Selva L.ckwood, the emînetat b..rrster of W ashington, D. C0. la tb r'..e ,*jrrrr'. iir'i lu th(' frture . ru rt), ttr. oely womma wbo ba» ever been a candidate for the Presidene'y of the Umdbd t , t . ~--t w t , ' 'ti'tutx.'.j'u i i. 'rt,,, t id *.IIU 8h. la th e aIt anowin om nla Âmeri. As the plrneer of brM r iar.tirrutiL Ila :.' tirîl 'tr, ttî. 1 ' la U>e lealprfesion hohbs gtered fAmetnd fortune.In a letter te IMM a. r tere"La, ~i.'""f r ,, ý f x," 1.'- r t tPe rrina m edictue Compa.ny, thesys: ~ ~ .i"i"' ~ .rhhOo.i~~l.:ir r'~" -1. bave usd your Perula botb for myselt anld my othr, Mi M t Iq.'r.i uIt ,'r i, ,'i'fî ,irttt' t t1II. ýH»e oo. eant for old, ln errh ha>' leerand 1indd alsaesai r't 'l" 'r tit ri"rui., zn trawd tanic for feebie and old pIople, or those rua down. and w» ha-rl.it'raih.-ratarrh mal ttc yorgan of theboy Women ar sperially lal TI i, 1 cswin-tDo of the pelyle organs. There are one hu-ndred rtîesoc t Mho' 't-t ntyti'amt, .'t P'pe.vfrorzunto one oftctairh of the bed. Most people think. be<taUfllhy tir.i~' ~ .t,,i" itti i, lu '2 r e ije trn have ».eatarrh of te head. ttwy have no ratarr t aIaL. This la a greiu VIII i.,t ~ ~ -1 r r' ,t.r ' k u rL ýýj 1t"" i r.i,,'I p , xtr 'Pl ft N t,'a takm nj lu 1h. cause of many cases of sick'ness and deatl, Iteall.h mg "f~ ~ ~ i ',ri ri'xN i at iir x t iiitee irlt i ' rvýlin-e -nfltire Býnîty"uet frit gowomen oniy, by The Peruna 'dedivtne Co.,Coloimbeil. y !',.,nf. tre [lv r 'no uts a î'î ti'e____________________ 't. tirxr" - 'il i ie l'hili ph'j tt it t ' ýi r 0.gLbe Bris - I T 1 ~ r 1[ q new Iwocm 50 every coupie cotuigtg 1l àrai n J L u ttu,.lmurte&WHY BUFFER?-' P,'q RPosdY for Catarhtla tne hest on* Sotti. et n-m.'leter tat disea1 have ever 1-'n LCJohastas. lola. Texa,. dune Pris>. sd poverty ara otteui aten ru- W~il tpte PftiNe retber but they cin hardiy be ca.ledWIISoth t. ioresi if 5 teather A FEW BOTTLES CURE. S..d for Fs'.. Trial fl.Mk DR. S. A. RIC14MOND Ça., ijý. »d Ces"n oul thrughCHICAGO. ILL. lsUu . rte Florida 'i ru.4 iup I k s I r I I.