CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1900, p. 3

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ý 1 11 , 1 ý 1 1 1 . ý ý 1 . 1 1 ý -_ __ i 1 1 . - ý. 1 Il .dWý __ -11 ý -1 liffl ýýj '. ý . ý 1 boat. Perbape, tee. Queen Tita-if ehslf 1 tien. There la a banqueting hall that y« Ay SCII(M 1 ffl , , ý - - *' , la-ýw IIII ýIl 1.ffl _Was piensed ta observe that the youùg 1 bout the fenst or Ahasticrus, where ? 1 ý man's position es bout i bim a certaiL - l'Inn lords mat. You know ýili Rbout Bel- ý . ,ý ,! . ý > . ý were still etterishint certain dark desigDa i 1 ýý ]lave acever board described. Yeu kal THE SU D ý., - . importance, and emil il ta dispial , - M ý 1bi'1ýI11aLr's carousal, ,brkre the lilood of the , .. ", 1 1,ry-P SERIOUS SUBJECTS CAREFULLV, , 1 __ ail bis test points ,if matiners. Omt II,,,,IciIl king sfoitoci lot, the filera of , could mut Lui iniagiiiiiig tirait Mine Pog .. . il.. IiIIqIitIý,-ý. 'ýý,t, lo;', kio- ciftho CONSIDERED. 1ý gy was eying hait a littie critically- IN dure ail Ictress of m.;itL,, -, 3tt ,NI il,ý,i4 ' ' - of for "'Id u lI114, 1 u 4 * filette , I, ý - ý though surely that brict absence could . idly ut the doctes, ,he. th,ý,,. nol, ýýýl,,iL " , - 'I', li-for', ýý.-,IjIi, op. dli ,If fOod 7, ý. Ille 1 Bot bave traiý.'t.ricccd b- int. a otreu- ci i. ta bc crIm'ing aloi relrol.log th, L, - , Ili il . , '! $Il H),L " ). Bol 1 ,iiI-ý,k o- et a A e§cho"r'y Expiansitio. of the Len*" . ý , , . . 1 . lier. 1 oeau ,if hui .tIffring D'I'l -L - , 1.1;. :ý ,t I..111.111,.Iitig Illili. li,, -,f is -Thonghts Worthy of Calm, Rellîlec- 4 il ý . 1 ' 1 ý But millet pii7,7.1el il, mot was ibis: ý God'a ccuplAil, of D,,ry. Il,,,, ,tiý il l t'il , , - :1, !"i, .J",. .. . 11, tiý,ý', , t,ý,ý,11IIt,-,l tin.-H.1f tort, H.Ilicil study of t» ,ý . ;î1l ,d.,ý, ... . 1 ilow wu» il illui bc, %%Ili) hall lett y@ in in thât l'hysical ,!iIýn;;Ih la I,,c,,l il, il ý, ,- m i: Il 1 IL Il, 1 IL I!, l , 11, - llil,,ýIl lit), 8ý iptý.e" -Ti- . W eil Spent. ý Ç - .. - . -BY W ILLUM JOLACK. ý a mont perturivd aloi iiii.xi.,ua trente of 1 . P-ltive danIcý:, Or in kit,,,,ýý-,,, , ý ý fil, 11, ,,oý , a ,,,,,, 'f Ille. il, ,aIl, ' -ýl li 1 ý iýiIind, mitould DO, or hi., returu ho in the , 1 wlom, with ,li, ,i , ,ol ce. ail, ,I,,ýi I- : , :L, i , ý n ,,,,, ,f ti- 1 ý.,'ol, ,iýï,iý Il, -Jef, ut J:,c-,,I,*ýý Weil" la the title et i - 9 i ilhest of iici,,Il,'.' Ile (I.ý,-Iard filet the ý ý loooni, f.ý.rlI-,s ,.! tri, . - ,haft ý, ý l, >, - ,L 1 ý il ,, ,IL , ', Ili , ý . arv ,Il th, the )I,,ý.,[L 17,r Ilh. 18, .and the tkripm . , i ý . ;"-. .. yes invitation vve l'ail , ILI Iiiii) bail reacbeli ý 1 - tion, il ociglit l', Il, ]I,à,ng 1,'..!,ý ":;ý, l :Il l , , ý I, ý ' turc iI<-,Ii-,I, ;ý, John 4: r,-ý.'tiý A tter tbe ' ý IL, ,ýLmtwe are net ungrateful, are him ut tire mo.t ,,Iýj,,itllie II'.1ncnt; 1o:ýt o. il gy*?' aile observeci. making a boLd ý , 1 it".Ijgbt aodLI,,ýý,ngan3 to 'Ili Ili, 1 ý, . Il ci Lý ,ci, - 1, , 11-lo., 1.1i'l'tel. talk -th ',,-!ý nous thore followed à appeal. , 1 loir, if il hall Dot ,,ro boit Lin, nt ail, 1: ? s,.ul,"Il 1 1,1(k ,Il ,Y mI,,11. l' A - ýý ,il ,ý,,,,,ýi,.il - ir, - fi 1'.ý".ý,l ,if 1,,cj'.1I.,,,ý in -l hope net." the younger per8on ,Ir i ,ould ha, - ,,IIiI,,IId, and bogge'l ý . î " swered, l tu bc taketi ,,il lý.,ý.,,] as a day proiser, 1 . . , _. 1.ý 1 Il I, a ,I,,,>t ýi ta. f finit lot. h 'i l _- Il ,,,, 111. gý. pl ,i ip. I-ý,,l ,f,ýh vILI'l' th, dý-II- Of Jean.% bûptized . ý ý Ille 1),ý,iliI-,.ý ,If flic, 'Iloirch aloi lit tic. lý- l ý ý, .Il .. ý , "I', t.,Ii,, 1,-1 ,o iil. m any - , ý.it,,, i John ý ' 1 4 gor, .hittiýIg foi Ii:,.",If nt nigil So ý ---"- ý Il moi iIiiýt fi,- doue by those ,-,,.,;,.i,ý, 1 ,!ý-ll, ,,: ., 1 ,be "And I am only morry lie has net scon «.th= Ibis beautitui Severn aient with us. l'or- there was lore Do roicking up of any quar ... ... li- ,il 1 ],, , lo, ho-, of ,i),,I,,ý fi, hic follthlirý,thfitthl was Indééd 1 ýc ) him.- 1 roi. or the romovai (if nuy iiiisun(JEýrstand- (t.ýpyight. UL!ý 1,1 p- Iýý VIDI) 1 t-Iý ""jlI,1, 1(i(bnr(l BrIxtei hy ria tIlý, - ,,, II. 1 ý-_" "p'l' l", l"i'l'i .leisils, ý,1,,,,,i,,g haps the Kennet mal malle il Bit il N thiïqlidiic,,,Ili 11, l'allonge et" ' - IL of !il> ,J,,i.I."s, ail bis dicy, sItiIIg il, 11, 1 " IL 1, I-1lzýII. I LlLý L'- ý,i.', -,l, , eo, NiIýýýiI,1,. tri,. ,ko. fi, lit, servecif bêtai ý ' - Il 1 - - 1 1- ,y certain that jack lion 1 ing. On the coutrui lac conducted litre- Ir Thi, -i, tic Il r the close et J011ILD'a !ý $hï, sisem ed ve fo th O ritpoo, l,,ý 1, of tl,,ý>I. 1, li, file dor (Ir bis tondît, yet w riting ...... I. !;, I Ir, il Il li.l, ý, lit ,,,ý":.Ii :,,I.i. s- ýI> t, frIIiý ý CHAPTER XIII.-«'ý,ntLIcIýIi.b combe would conte back ta the bont and ' bell' itigt as if Ile bad coule onve more 9 Il , c I 1, * r'R'd lie was #Ir- ýý ý , anc..g fi...,I" aroi ici. ,,a, D'oit .t)li.'ln litre strong -ci ,,, ,Y, ci i ilo'n 14LIL '. IIIIII,- aloi sendinx ont Loi il[ 1 ilo' VII, I- ,-:il l, 1,,>t,ý,], il , 1-, ,,, w.,k, flo ýl-lll, Yfi, "le be one of the dimtr"mon Non bave there was this ta lie Itaid for ber convie- , floc ci ., f., God [bar will cuillire as f',14 il 1, IýfI 't'ici: IL l'a, foi IL ait, ! tu pieuse. disc-Iu,,ý- lie preai Il, I ', Ille ,I,,;Ll,ý. I aloi olod - l, oili rýý,-,,L1ýI,,I I.,ýA,,I1i, rof 'Ileý,-ocel.,ssilidcause ho bal sufferel froin, and noulil rallier Dow be tien, that, if he could golf am-IY à -th, ,hut lu;" 1, ,lý .IIýý , 11, , 1. *Aloi iLý Ibo. ..ý""I , ,, lý:",rlittitIg i(eýt.- Ed -th lemi, ili,,i,,,i,,!, ,I ,1i,--rý-, milm il,, ralentie telle, Ire* firoul one amks, tri a gluerai Lied of lie would assurisi tri ta join out party I lit mien rather a li evening, al- say,,I>,I ýcnt(louI I, IiIoLihý' ,,;IIl l'iI""!" ,Iý,Ir kucovillu; a vieil dlî,, ILIO 1 a ":", ,, ... ci!, l'i th, ','I;It- of Ili ilit- ;Iiýl ,,ýIIý,:Ii. .1 ,ci prison nt the ton- 1 ý i Bel for lie Il alwaYs bleu eurioug ta , though bliss V(ggy mas withotit ber ban Therc tire two ,di-, il, th, ,harit-ivr of ý o Y li,, fil pri.,il rol aloi hi,, Il,. ,v",t.. 'l'aý", il ,ýi,,,,,II'.] i ,, ', IL l"'.., , 1, ,oo- ,.-,, ,if iI,,1ý:,, -,. iol Ille eastera #hem _., "Certainly net. 1 hIold Illin vlry well, 1 met, bel the cratt ho lied holped ta con 1 Jou for a littl, rater on. mhon cigars il , Iý, r,- ,J,,I,,i-,-. If Il;,, r,.ýI,.,l ,il, of flic 1), 1'.1 ,i, .,, ,,iIliI Il!, cillait. wheul - Illied binu very uell, iiili,-,t. Bat il lie etruet would bc-have in the open limier. i bleu iighted, Jack I)utc.iIlýc. %ho bailli Sainson. The or,, itIiIý,, ,I hLý 1't', If foi hi-11,119 Illi,,,,-",], of dying souris Icie 11:1 ý , ]ou,.,] into parti, tilir,, looiti wil ..... ,ler IL 1 o- If 1, ,,,iIIL il, il ,,il of glc'IN A loi "-"Ill*Il "l'I' ,I."tl" ,ýiIliI> - 'i illoi Ilo'l. ýlIý,,I, le ... L'if ýI .IýlLu s 't.prisonnim t ',, for us a bom I of liaitrank, Il, file grotesque liTid ,Ili, ,I,,I-tiIIIl Il , oo , Yï u alkilig .L,ýlIýt.,I. 11'o ,i'l' J'I",;;, tak, Il,, il lorp., loit ,,,,, Il,, left .1,,,Ii:,ý 1 Ili 1 ont-I h gospel gives ,; comes barit now, if uili bc witb a differ- of the Severn. But we lied no laiell, that 1 bleu eduatcd in (;,,filet, ' ,, piroposed tu BlIt lt,,t,,-, [ M. 4 , ' f the year; t1o-r.ý In a phase of IL, ,1ý.,,ýI, fi l fi,,Ig Ver ý,u hko', v, 1,It fi,- ,11.,- il, 1),,IId,-,. and rend 'If :il, ,-I,)I)(ýillI-rit. A l, far il, 1 'Illi Il ,iitl,-r,ýlt r. ,twtl front thlit of M attheir ence. Thing. have ;Iot niteli somehow mie were ta mile him se muon, On thhN mtlil ' "i"1)1)')ulld ici ) . * 1 ý1 ý but Col. Caincrou offering iwutead ta brew WLtL 11SIOLIS Of -l' loo tr'l et' roal cla ho, IL, ,[,ý,ý,li ,ý,iItl;,,,,i ,ith zeal for 1 ,,.,I,-rl,,.,l tire ,ii,,-t,,,I,. of f-, lýI,,,II,, I4ý 1'-,, a,,i NJýLIl, Iý 14,. if says tw ý , -dotait you feel that? This bill elleins golden evening vre were quietlY Il il ks llr'l'rI1I)rjate te the sfa""n IL 1 . the saine boat filet ii,,ý,l tic I- ili in on toward (;Ioucester, wben CaVain Cu -Wc Si-olch toddy, aý a mutil wboIesom- ý f là ,ý aie, 1,-,,,,:I, lit- ,1,1-11 (;,-I. Phlill 1).,ýiii,,,Ig,,, ý,Ili.,I-ýl l'à . his ý if .,c this -That '1o1ý "Illu , ... glit t, ha", 'Icul, je,- 1,-lIII.ýl Ili,. feeling of tbé body trying differcrit kirofig of polox straucor et ,Ii'ItIrq', Iii L,,ta nulle 8 il atingl y mur sermon. 1 fI*].,Id,, la, all". of lit, iIllitýs, ]lot fi. enfer . non".hociv I-1,Iý*, ,ifu uni] v- ,ý ufi- 1>1L.,I,.ýIý, -i r, gI,,l fil hina and je" > the ai or the Thamps, with every- lumbus was acon ta %top and speak ta a 1 o ' ' gr , Thin giant Do (IL . . . àet York hno, , loir lo. clid I - Tni , M ý,.,, lI,],I"ILIIi, 'l'iIIýv il, flot fil.. lI;,jTIt. h, li fi .tailla. IlI-ýlar,.(] for the laitir, :Y ... 1 ,husky, but 1 port ooloi ici cari, Lit, gave th, iIIi,,.,tr, 'bol]* . The Ivre tu - ',' ][luisait il feel a long finit- mince then; idno-Ls or mhut b, -L, I, De If is ai ý fur flic 'ýIn,.. aloi ili.,gri _ ut IWIl c o tout. jeans mgw , jL ý -O -- - 'ce flot loi ""' ' ' belleve it mas the tunnel% dici il." 1 CHAPTER XIV. ,ItIý,, eugli'. 1,."ýI, ait(] file like, viere .v Till- ,cre rwo .NLYpo , Lu the chor(h or tire ,,ofIý 'io". ý ý'k y.uIjI.dClIri-li-1. .rgalIi"'%tI('1I "' f.,tbýIlh ,lut for, NN',ý dol Dot ait 1) moit a1w.ys s.ý , lot an 1 ,,il, thoy -,ild ail vloile, hll fiatuo-Il the iiirl,,,,e tc, louve udea -Did what?- 'IF Columbus meeting au acquaint- Z I:ýlý on collier, man N. ' ý file mretchira or aile sex takiiig flic- cvii(,ii Il,. ilaritil thrit the Virariseces vve» ýý ý ancy t M l"D' il(,. Bol yet tilt flair [)ami twelve, lý,li.ý--thý boy "A , (»I..t. il, B"'I' .1Iýi ,out. ~WILLY, minci. wN. ,nonv througb th-Ro ,,,, Je this out-or-the-way noighthor- Aý poloon-but both li", tu( li()%vlirdn' - 1 NiVilberforce %%lis foi(] liv Io, dooinric ý wretches of the allier and start toni;)r- fi mong to argu, about bis relation te, ý tunnel# ive aveu) ta bave (ente tutu au- ! hond!" Queen Tita exclaimed. And thon but il man n morr) eveiiiiig. And torning for flic grent Sahara dtsýrt .Iý'>hn, %viril fi thly doubtlens sought ta reir, 1 bc> crid of if, if) lier own ruent, Mr.. the boy Howard aild il, noir, lll""IrIl - 1 ,bat lie could flot 1,- . f.,',tII'gl't ,et ai i row n 1 l' otber worid aliogether. Everything in .lis lwked, and looked again. W hi. Tiotreepelly bit clode theec, remarks: but alike; i SlIllI,11,I, -the boy filet very tili ý le oui ul,."I 1,1,,]::,i'ilIr,.p until the simoun shall sweep neveu foet r#-,,,-iit ai a riiiiry; and then the elteell , different-the landsfipe lm differeril deciare. il in Mr. Duncombel Isij't it, -%il 1 ,on c.xI.,.I.dilgly glati .%Ir. Lion- $amiom and the ookli Sallildlo-but bu"' le enterprises that d,-rijaiidI-,l the grent ; or .cinci ail over thoin and net one passing tien of ibis loirpose mal haire been bag- *'Are tbe people diffIýrtilt?" ý 1 Ibt the lie,. ' ,,et endurance and I)er.ý(-%(.riri(.,ý. lI-iiIrt " fur the neyt 6M yeil bring vired by thu ýoddüf, news of John's et- Pejrgy't lit muet ho!" 1 combe bit, coinc back; mid 1 th.ught lie alikv. This giant --, col do' 'il don't II sbe maym, roflortively; 1 The waving of a pocket banI]kerhiet m il) vvry g,-t adantiIge to-mght, of the playgrot-IIll illol -IIIIIIII9 ould 11.11. suffering ,xci ut nation, si) tirai orwo : back Ille miserable bone of their car- ru.ýt. *'bat 1 grenat ta fil a different Il of , d doubt. And thon. dida't you? And Ileggy bas eyeb-.1ie bt8ud bÙfure bis eýi1ltltlIoo, of 3ollItIful in him pulpit while preachille IL (-IL,ý,ýl' Free lovimni It la the double On the ulcy fr.nir Juidea te Gamm ,,il put the matter ho -, led extract of Box vomica, rats- Jesua lied ta paoc throtigh Sainaria, ILW , a foin, minutes the 'rom(,ýs- At 18 Y( - ,f Lige ho ,vus bc ý stop and lie clown On a sofa, thn ,"I(, ý .ý'i;' 'il "' ettenosphere aroumi as sonnellow. Dorait lu the course of ble () f (ourse, lie was mach too p ý jeu think il will al odd ta lacer Sir. Hormis Marine. recoguisins the situation. Li , or . l'ý. ý op agate te ILI about hon'o. ,11Itil fi, Lie mlirect rente whi profuse milli bis entertiinaient; ridieu- trot4ried te the doLoý-h ý c and Il longue. Never outil le, tintess lie chose au i - DumcOmbe, If lie calme% b"Ick- tRikfug and observing a part et the batik wbere loti so for a )Dong man; but 1 am bard- Going clown towaril 1 lý1-11;1(h. a lion came glories of the celestiai city dropia-Il un the 8""ietý" griot, baril: ta the old Bible and involved crossing the Jordan tilJelm. TW* , ' o about thoniers and comedies and mage- ý we could essili gel algagnide, wtopPed heals lis rulogy of purity and lis nantis- circuitous mute was used by mmly I»,ý'1 . [y Borry. if mould reinimi hej ut hi, ,W out -pon bini soit iiýlI-,lgh ibis àuuug iliultitude, doing more work lerliaps thail 11, simili articl"?" j hi. horse; the bain, of the 'Natal cumstabc es." &tarit -as weafl ,, sI-)L(-Ii Ille mou- ainiost nuy well man in hi 1 Y. 1 coin of unellantiess-never outil thon will that day, for Samarie waa a hated 101110111l"', .1 "Out deuil you vivant ta hear what bas Barge" tires quietly rua in among the .. ulliti, L'ol si'c'.1, hem Lis cyb how effort it la tbat 1"1(,.Ia y. The bamis of that enmity sboàU 119 ý And yoir iiiiiiii; she Ivan inilr"sed hi ster ILY the long ui th gr". Y ' ' lis evil bc ellirpated. tr itý been golng on In Inverti what new bill l , Illar, IN ha- and Phà's:cal endurance are . i Behold afiso lit flua giant of file text rescalled. Due originally ta a riRew 9»,ýý, ,,,& sud bombes, the gang board ehoved borrowed .,ilver caudlexticks, and fruits a bunKry houri sirL, 1 But il. gli Ili are being talked about, and Dow pl*ys?" out, and Jack I)uncýmbe, in boadui; Élan- bila bY th' moral and spirituel stature. Wfole Ilivre lý a"" in the Kiant of our own contury that tipitthy betweln the pure blooded J04ta*,, Mine Poggy lifts ber ly- for a me- ý Bois un Lits and III Il n't-IlIed te me .ho ,as a made Ille bancs cri., L, !'A left . of I- ii PhYni('al power muet crunible and Judea and the niongrel population «toiIe 1 , and with a Bras,, bine cap gooci di-al moi(- ititoýre.,It>tl in bearing how wayside bleoilling to,!- 1 Ir, sollitug are acbievenomts for tIiosýo wh, arc 1 DI ment me rII.[,.,;;.ý<1 fi, Ine ci. [Aue bares and fief air-] th, grind'og fi, ci ,f bis il ka(ýss_8(ýilil','., 1 (,xý)irp. The Siiiiiýon of the lotit long ago maria, dosoeinieil frýl,,tn the interraarjiol&* "Deuil you tlIiuk.*> %lie .ay., with 1 beaà, and yert neverthellessi baving a curi- all tiieir day8 vrilla sic î à joue town iuok about film, oreiller! on bromn troint lit Corrie ria-lianhe, thât 'l'hI,, ho .tani-. iý ...... tor ,Il, ""ON e mentn or p-fili achieviments of ,bris- tut away. li, fought the lion. He of israeIiIesý with et ouistâ franc, the Vj1ký , Little hemitati... -that lie la finterenteil 'a board and wa8 cheerfully welcomea hi ! fought the philistines. He could tigùt ley or the Liililirat(-ý. this hatred ý 1 1 ,,.,,.k th, bo,_ tel, juul,ý_ l Biber roc., a mourtil ci 4 flI"li, hi- afin' foin endurami-1 cul] Billon [non of ý pieuse for a theatt-r-that isn't a great am- ý the m'unIen folk, sud introduced ta (.kd. ý ll.ythinu, but death wü_ý tue much for intensified by mancy couflicts of whick, rather soleil things? To si a comte -As 1 naid bIýfIr,." .fi, co.tinued, *il ý boit, lied with Illol, ii ý il Ir '-fi iift 't' h,,nlh, men of niu.,cle, ni ,If, mon . ' camý-,-u. . At 1 imouidn't for a Donnent compare NIr. Dun- 1 gel, of il 'ity, tafi,,ý ý.,- 'It, lait" 'd"t'a"' -f phyial 1>(,,%Ii,, te do'v'l. t 1ý t h 'In', Ives Il Il Bray have requireil a longer quarrel during the rebuifiling of the W 11,ýý, blition. la if?*' idn't get ml telegra o"l' b" [ tu the Iord. Gia.ts in body, 3.u , grave aloi a broader grave. but the Lomb of Jerusalein collier Nelieuliah1w - ý "And you ci ý corolle .,th Col. Canuercm. Certainli of ,-,c-,ythiug. 111, Il l 1 IIiI13 o'ught , WW-W "It in a harmies. one. surély.- ý Tewkuýnbury'ý" sait! ho. noi But tir NIr. I)uiiiýonibe*% case, if lier col, allait lit rolied tiýý,, , 1, sc % en gr- t , t. lie Il in ,lit]. : nrvei mas bis zerminus. ample. The Samarotans Lied ourt. ý . * Oh, lieu. Y.u laugb nt the .,.aient ý .-Nive uever thought ut asking for foie- i fancy mas turtieil bis way. overything plait, over hi% ýI, ýl 1.ý ýt(idiig Io fils Behold ali, lit tire e.ory or my teýt il i partitas of Body and Seul. 1'(,ntateuch as sacred; they refuse ý là il and forgot. But illese art- not the things grail qu,,n Tits made alti -we 1 'l , 1 , . L 'e are to Lie coultielled ta zi, Ackilowledge the temple ait Jeraisalesa &W 'ý, La , livriuld 1 i illost prollitinus nul satisfac- bolk, hercetiess all'i l- 1 l ici. l'boit, IiIýIrRtjoIi of Ilo. fat of the da4iý Li i If. then, that remain in the minci. .. 'il Ill'ýrl-f-rI' ý ,trength IIIII d,, if il be iiii.,giiidcýýl. Il "ut Of Ibis world, mi are vol ta go ta': the proper piste for worship, and ffl 'a ,', Se)tiiùtiuI-. 1 ý w,.,, tou ,Dort, engaged in watthing t e ý tory sait ue bhotilil bave notbinz ta unes ,aut tu ,ý,Ilýi, ý ýý 'l lit Ainalosit winh tirait Col. Canieroij [lait not plople purniring the water out of their el"', .ith. She muni: mille they ork't lied .,il ,!, , I Il,. -ý--t of Il n on Montait Gerisibil,, 1 ,ý repeated tirait hallali or *Gordon or Bre( li lame , ; sveno, if) me Iliat ibis mari spent il great ' Thim body and sorti ainsi beau part. What touoil of IL eir ow bonnes.*, ý bb . 1 s tc, bas a. ilItib coulloon bon" hl, ýtrI-ujtb liý-. ' ' Illif of Ilis i in doing cvit--this San, 1 shail bc flic destiny of the fermer 1 know F,.Plý.toýy. ý la;' if 1 happeil ta lie .uako ut roght il 'ýoii" merci lie, -I thought JOu muet .a atly.II.. And 1 ,cally dit (WrIk thoit There lm an evil -, ý , living in the ! ,on Of mv tvit Ta Lorry a bet whicb ho 1 --dcou ta ,luisît. But m bat nhall bc the -A city of Samarie, called $Xcdbwor:, 1 conces loin fuy heurt. 1 met-ili te hear Ille . 1 , . fi'. zacs.'lig or bis U , ý very loue@ lie est-il. and il innkt-s tire huve ' wasbed away somewbere; 1 1 ýIr. 1juticoroli, aboued ta greut advan- varie . y or Sorek b> .cole or 1),ýl'i.lI. 1 bail lo.t b., riddle he dostiuy Of the latter? Shail il rise into Jacob's ,voit in located a mile and a ý, liardly eýer expevted ta hear of you il ý rage tu n'i;1,1." Th') appoint ber 1 ý, , lit ni th" ý'-"' ' r.hý sud kdis [lorty lie, fi,. Ile m'as net thc companiomhip of the white robed, tirent from the modern town of Nabl*ý%ý. @hiver, it in #a terrible a >tory 1 - h 1 * 1 , ý - Col. Caitivrou tu m ritc out t nt 1jod you sec the newmLALPer£-ý IN a, l T ne ,...tinuc-dýl Th, I'1bIiýtiDe Bri - ý ý- I in flic sauce ()ni)- gigiclit,.- ici ,trtýiàgt;!, tint giguntir in i %buse sien Christ lins mInin, or will it go the sachent Shochem. Hait a ille, ballad fur nie." .u[,L,...ý But. ý%ty. Itai ma. ni'ttrint; i - __ biL,:,IIg, Dont then I, 1. go" t "Il, 1.,i,..IliI-t Il :Y (vite of ili,,,cý Inou in ail 1 clown aniong tire unbelieving, who traisi cast front the ,voit la a viliasme . ý -Dare! That lu ait odil kýroI of %vDd. l'ut gaies .ira atD'm. and fi-od.; I1ýa 1 CHINESE HABITS OF INDUSTRY. 1 And -"'ý S"D >(,ci ,- , , ".1cat il, file sl. ,go, ,If file , or! 1 , ho, tI,ý,,.-rftIl in body ý to gain file worid air(] save their sortis, Askar. Sychar, mil used te be 1', ý unie 1 ,,,.Ileed h.w )Du likld 11, . L.ý'ýla 1 . __ _ c'ci f lire ýt-DgI1I \ý , 1. [, ' bc sIL3 , ' if or IIlýIl Il, ary f:o ull> ,If ,ci, Lui position , but wero »windled ont of both? Blessed lied with Nablus, in Dow gel ., , Why, he'Il bc dvhghledý" ,et of A ni'.. 1. filet 1, . E...1 Ail 01h- Ilý.lIle. in 1 y ou .("I",uld faille ', 1 ý Il - -u uilhe, icufil i, mlaffli, Ira%(. illd Illeàr htrength for 1 be God, we have a Chailliton! He la no thmight. ta ho Askar. -- 1 Il 1 ý -Will you unir bout foi 'n"! ' **l eau assure )ou", baid Ichi-, ' m, a ý Thici, mirict 1.;c....iIie.. as t lit,, fusion wil-i - , ,ith and flot 1.IlI111.,I., 1,,IIr,."ý'. 1 Ictyled lit the Bible. A Champion wbo lins Jacobin well lm ta . . .. - ýý .Dthi,,6' tu ,..SIai. of '. th, ,a) of , Ni, i of foi-il, eau sijl tire Chi- ' t1cenc iLII.lId trio, 1 -: ý o 1 be p,-rfý,IIý If i. not the I, ... ail, -Lk no.. of th orrquored dvath and bell, atid lie la ready to-day, and the genuinene» of films, Du you think IL, .11J bite?', 'Nca, lo., > i Poil ,,Ic-,,." Sa ýiýý 1 1, lion viiiii Ili. 1 i il) fight ail loir battles, troll' the tirst ta ta never disputed. One may fusil '*And %hy la bc. cri ,-,,[,.,Ic.;.," .he ..,I', >.. tire u-od tu th, %ý',ý,t Iligi, ' ILI-L' lu, baLuts of i-nicastry uni] thrift. 1 , fi,., ,Il,, do fil,- (lainage. Thov . ail 1 1 1 demande, with u.,ý-:icui,,ý, 1'. 1,Il..,.,. ý d usà. su3.ý 1). Z. SI)I'fli(,Ij In Ili, Atlantic. , band,, and bay., -1 il , oo, the Vioi: ILD-IL , [)il go ý,,-iI,-.IIg and lotifing auboui th,> test. **%%'ho la ibis that ,ometh Il boire, am in comparatively rew ý - '*N%,hy inu't IL, -, "' ,:I1,1.,u, or lauci, * lie remarked, 1. hi. off ha- - lion, with d3ed garments frotte ilidestine, that lie la et the extet ' ' - a ko'pu Il lit- NL%ýItb fil,. loi flot) of NN-týst(-rii (iv- 1 unes: stofes aloi >1c"I. aloi barditing ' fluai Edonc ILIN c il, tY.w, if hl Lait nul b'.cýa ý - .Loi lit, wiIli,- ý, 1 il, [hough flic 1, ý liýzrah, iniglity ta toci If le follow where patriarche of old and ODIM ' gortorall- 1 .(,ulIliI«t filfoi ,,I,,It ci .a.. -m of fil,, coin- oule, ,L,.,ailiIg (' aloi the Bible and ,Ooo , and tb,,,f,,,e tu ho ml,-mc(1, hl i Mzation the v:i.ý1 Yi ,ciur(,( ý were ro) in)Pedi",I ,! ,S[,,ý ,oaý--. aloi 11". 'iI;",tl--tiI-., do nul d, tic,- damage. in Ille wako of Ihat Chanillion. clenth bas hiniselt stood and spolie, and resteillic, but (..IonI-1'."' croxbl baie bl .,ad, tu .uff,, for ibikt ý Iry wili Il,. dI.%, iI,;Ic.,I, tire prodirots of : ,,ai, aloi ,,à,. --ý, ý, , I IL4, the '_ _t , ,,ci -ïou are a but, i.,o fý,l,,i,,I, ,,ilb tire ,IIi,,.dut ek.ýh; but .lie noir &Lcid. 1, power and Ille grave no victory. The -A moulai of Samaria," liait fille a ý file soli and tli;tllljl;l(ture will lutter- Il ýlLN I - il and he roldo-, o,ý bave ci. inihil I'c'. Illey art- , ermin ,.rt mari trustint; in liim shall bil bis marine woman; net franc the trity of titlo on yuki, ,l'o 'f lIiý ,at. "', * l'here in Plugy. 'bu bas neler Delta 1 I.Itely fil, r(.:IýI ý aloi domestie and Ili- ý 111y.u 1ý 111ol111d ,.zý - , , lois.. tint fIl,,l'. lot Bat if D' ci * ving liatigs alleviriteil and Ille future il- maria, which mois miles arvy. Thert -And y.. Il il ,,, croit -- >II,- -y, ID th, %%'cet llli;bi"de. mirait ci. >ou .âky, . "Illi tireur 1 , gr 1 Il, day, Ille inigaded gi- ý 1 unuisual in t1ililli -I , .I.- terilaitiolial ii;IýI.- u M lie multiplied nellbelit u-d find 1'. col 1 Y i...,Iý or course, nothitig I.ý;- . 1 illil,, 9IilIi4ý lu ihý>i(al iloer, or gui D ... in.t..Iiy. No> - , !-o 1 1 ,,,,I , - ,ci 1 1 1 ý 1 1. . d.."t. 'L'I't-il, 1 "Ili 1, Il à."I. IL ou fi Ici j..t treautifui .ad 1 lu Il- Vr-pi' Irions. Nilu, lit ail Il aie. shoult bc ,font Lille, i,, i ilivii.- $lie tic , J .'ulneil, or grain, il, n i Ili i light or this subiliet 1 vrant ta that this ,voulue should come au M "Il failli, if ha. bleu huit mith the rcll . ,.Iiý, Ber bauds aie] "' ""'l'l" ocial l'a- : rail vour attention to a fil which mal front liait a utile ta a mile te $et ways callicig ai(- à s'bout ziri. Loir, tfilre 'J'lightflil ail ttirough," that )DO ý teir , .i relation or China the about, -They el , 1 lâ- Philist ineý, ,moil. 111 gIllot, ici III-ii lho Il. th, out bave bleu, rightly cousiderod, and front Jacub's well wheu elle could Il lully C YýL Y. n ulif Ilv La @I'icle[)Ce. NOt a . dan'age Ille .Lier ,viii, ,baril j'en, that ý, are lots of t1iaigs 1 cri tea'i' JIo;ý' >.Id pr..,Ptiy. "NNc lied ,ai.. .1 lie w alks ont as cri - - al, lie tint before- - filet le flic fact that %Ne inust bc biotight got water militer home; for the ww i ý,n 1, rciig,.k, aloi th'." thclr 111-111 811 . -- , 1 "No d.ubt." course nu%- and agalu, but we didu't dollar NN-111 b, gathereil from the soit net a, obstru, : ýý ýil She couxis biiii , broligh our Iiii-rattire, the lutin %,Ici) IL iota judgment for the tiuil)loyni(,itt of our ibis weil Nives e8pecially grand, fre« , ,, "The rotil rive bave .ci noYLL3 colonels btýw Io minci if. \Nbat 1 remember ta r ru 'a trouille, fiom mines, troua matin- .gain, and lici, say, ý\ow, if 3ou ehould . ý phYsical oi-gallism. SbOulder, bruita, haud, miel subinances than mont et in Ameri(-a." site romal ,ith air to-Il 1 ý 1 Ile power of meaitil tu l:aultion initia ýe juet bN-autiful." facturles, without bis securing a due take theme, ,,,ven long plaitti of hair uni] l ý foot-we mont answor in judgment for the neighborboud, and therefore ý1 lar ait, -oï .Bailly ibis. thict ai th, end -And y« got Librougli t-bo t-tunels ait proportion as a remard for bis part in IL this licencie tolite 'wcave III-mil intc, :1 and brilui- justice, nul] inail, trutb and I the ose le have made of thom. Have sired. Jeans saith auto ber, "Ut" . ' 1 O' of Dur mur ail the hurviiore were raisod : ,ikt,.o,, 1 b to their golden .voi.ter. Nlia- 1 they beln oued for the elevation of so- drink." He was til And WILD . , ý _. I th, ,iIterpriseý lie wili patiently and meb, 1 confit n,,, gel allaà.' Slý file "'lier ow te iliat raLk. Thet maà wliat a vrai i oll -pink or that-thut was ta raitilfrilly work for a master for hait bouse lueur, 1, il ,d LIQ, aild 1 Y, 'l'oitic guided giant. -look out for th,ýw! lu the 1 cicty or for its depression? In propor- or; tant wae the plain tact. Tbffl country did. 'l'bat in %%bat 1 In 1 1 truc dr'ý'aLir 1,- euoi Mrn. Thr,,i..uty foi. with a geueration, and la the second hait ho Ilies brick, .i,,l al, 1 forivard. . ,ýI il long middle and latter part of th, last century flou il., our arm le strong tuait our éctep no artificiel attempt te open a 1 gratitude. WhIct thry dici Ivilh people ý . ýbuil,.,. **TbanL g,ý, me are ta Y., nt the plaits of fin'. il - love,, 'lilo il "ell. , no il oubt therc %%(-le illoitouitis of in ci lactic mill our account et last ho intensi- lion. Jeune never did anYttdog , &bave that traite 1 doli>t kljc,%. bat ait 'bc, 1 Illil .. .i.r, of thcm ... %%fil ri as fils üuu munie In l'arig ami Ethribargh and Iýond.iL ville ,; e Then Bhe ,iti, l tir hawil, aI - fied. ThoiiýaiiLIn of moral are preached The surprise ho Saura îerod a little in the lic-ait or la thriviiii; business. Thus, In ,ý , y " ý hated (.;.il ami bla.,Ihm,-d th, Borne of al, th Sam ýl rouf werc made (oloulis. N% hait di, ion : -.1 seu )ou bave .. They corn - Ili l'iýiiitiii, > ' Ili ,alks invalida. 1 procil ibis sermon ta was naturel. Sho c.ould leu la do nt the end Of on, of 3.'ir vitti 1.1 1 wa,., .1 bc -utinued. gluai aluni; th, tire industries of tire future, vviierever out as enli, a, , did befc ý , ,1,iIgg ... g a ý t lie Almigbty; but they did tint littio mis- :1 "' ut Dieu and beaithttil women. We muet more that lie wati a lew -NVe hil finie fi, Il. .u)tlk'. tic- ! ,oar and the aides ut th, boat, "You'il i there la mork te be doue. there will be 1 chief-they werc @11litia men, insignificant Illy t part of th, 1 1 arive tu God ait secouant for the Il une man-a rabbi, probal --ýýl,, 'ilh him. ; men. Yet t1ivre ,kore gilliii. il, tbose (oeil mal.thor ha, 1».gIl[L." , have ta lie up .omoý,bat for repairm of In-se revidy Io '*sell strength." f lits physical organisai. Thiene invalida obutild condescend - -Theu ).or eofiller. gel -ry amar 1 roumi ('11, But aft,11c'", ,If Stlenkuth. 1 I davs ý%*ho cau calicibite flic -il ha,.c ta J -* Pltjltv of con- you muet look il t ' *'ore g for hir- 'a calleil in China; 1,,»r,,IaIi,-, l"IL L ý .".' Il chances. Say, do you ILI 1 colid got i yon iiLaLe your app"rance in a gaý)'and 1 as morkin r .- 1, , .lie r Rousseau, gkorig on mitir a very en- pave coulpariltiloi titille ta accolant fOr Samariau weman i"" -_ ý I and tbey vvill seil more strength fur tell the trutb. Il, amis, -If Io ,11-oi J ý ý oelllni,$. Thoy could not lift twentY deuted. Her questio. 1: ý=hft" , a copy of *Mon (If Ille Titille' cuver there , fa,,tijonat)le place like Bath." ' ' thus*taýltiI or inicloily. with firy imagine- 1 laonuds. They could not walk huit a expected ÏR IR 1 in Tewkesbury?" asks ibis im-rsili-Ut ý -Bot vvait a bit, my yomag frionci, , the 1 the monv titan %%fil Bleu ut auy other take a rtizir , -heurs n'id (lit ,fl IIII,, t with bolduest, to ho . questircuner. .iI-,-r.i.,ii, tint in; ",cbut'. thn you re tiolit long hait, 1 - ý i bc j,ý,,,Irl,,,s aloi il, tures of bis day, or David Home, wlio ý Illile withOut sitting (]Oyvn te rosi. yet an of ber close. Notice thât J ý L a dollar in the handu of a the hands of ... ý ý lo-tule, - Scimsoir ý,[,,,',,,, cru . hov, Bloch Briey of iliena acetimplish. Ria, mont Il toit a certain repellant "Yeu woold bc noire liki-13 to gel il tri sa3oag about Bath? Is the Thau es and ý "IÀgllln. pl.3od bis lifu a., a .pâle, emph 'v' If' ý ilig up in judgilient, standing boside the ence in the, very society of ALIIIIIIII à Clouell ý Sv,-,. C.roil bloLed«ýl" ihillairiau rýIrecT1ts fer gricater pur- and tbat 'Io. Il ,, net "jIk,- IIIIII ,Ili dot . illnifig Dur .linon w * - el "u"'lI"." In ' p ci monter, %Ille lied ouly littit ILI Lien, allowed no such feeling te int Lhe proc, - ýýi shearmé; hell) ci, ,ail 1 ý trait, lit, unualy, or Vcultuire, t1il Io ý BI'n IL. -Io il an ellýni,,ý lL."k,!*' 1 -l huit. lice. mil inquiiI'%," an- ,1,»,jg pou el than ILI does In the hatids in. You k.'"' illat the Ilarbe's or th, , st , sical ,uergy, and yet consumed that en- bilan frava sympathetieally and fodth 'il dOti kikow; p. l eLght or ton àmt-rtýti ibis diligent youth, -ance 1 came or a Euroitenif. la China a dollar will ,.et bave ýoý Il , ýki11fuI ,a, of ,,,.,,IlIII_ ý lealicd man nt l'in daY, marhaling a 1 -ýgï lu a ,ontlagration of religions collier- deuling vvith lier. lie loved mm Dot il, if ' 1. CI.LII'l'-Ier, and 1 rathor fancy fi la gielit host of .'lieptil a uni] Irfiding filon, eàilling.. But if à-1 D'clin 1,,L3'ug purcha- 1,z,(" 1,1,ý,-t-,s of cash coin L.,mg , hl IL, il ý [ L , ibis vun *,Iaý thrkt lit- ý 1 soom, how ,fil Ive feel itbibbed! Oh, what Laer, ,as in them, but t« 'W î# a bulky thirig tu i .rry l However, 1 will get ta Il more to- ,,,, in (lit, dark land et iiiiiii or (clib- l i 1 Biglai or to morrow moruing. But £DY- posed or , opper nul zinc. l'home cash, stead of ,ilL,ý-- lp a sleeping iiiiiii thev Il IL. , ho sl,ý,,,-d air iiii(ontrol Ille" Of file strOng Ilirra seuil the atout ilivre might Ille developeil In thè)e , ý- -I ti)uld lut ('lit Ili.. pages 1 ment. witti a bole tri fil(- conter and strung ail wili put a iiii, ,,de aaki :ontoi n'liiýl, IL hable heurt mille ose are )nu making or your -1'iving watil in theIôvdb» shotild hile tc, ici, al] tiret col. carnatron 1 how. . . by .1à.tild ycuu nui go d..u tu t-igh s(.Nc-n pol À ser- 1 boer the Iiý,i, - of the sht-Lirs g:i D'l", 1 c, ' phý.i'1 al forces? Will yod bc able il, stand guage or Ille tinte, was simply ha. d.n--ft limt of the engagement. bc ' Bri.toi ! Il il ho ever se mach better à, cord, v, ý l ' ...... I ' f fil,. uo't fa,, nating 1,,ýriý,,In ,If the fi,' f tirait day ,vil, u t. an- ,vicier, sl)rillg wattýr, as dinde 1 ha. been la; t>l-,.III- -b,-,iý.- iatlir.11Y foi,. 1 .1i('uld like to .ee lier go 1)1.wing 1 labul lu peleilit Io agfùust cai-il - l l , ', aloi 1 e il u lon 4 woi Iýxitii,-,--*"l'iIIý DI, liti, nad J'ail ., ý,','ýý't'ýftr 't'h , use ut e , ery tai%ètitmwllltetlier . > 1 vanI., .,, c i,.,,,,,,, nd a 10c" fiI111119 ý 'l rire .,I,,.,i,ý, or ,I,,ý,,r a,- , it from standing water. ILI la interouting. ullen 3oku are .ci i ,111q; il . sicaut la,].cb." glu( IL giýe ton days of labor. a c.t,,pliýb.>, ,,'ýl' ,,r,-,iI ,abc, aloi icelv , I , , , f ,, th,. Boucan 1-:II,1,ire'*- a Ilook la Ni Ili( b -r, a ph>.iI-al ,ueli or a mental %'trsLý 14 tuant be poutiered. "The anyone train day tu day- . vil, 3 ai, u cs., l'hil y.u.- ski Quocn "lie- vall'a 1 corpen,,, of Illusion six days, tu secure - - - 1--oni (IDIIII Ilot cri, .1 ... 1- , h -il] fil,- ,1ili:,.Iýir, Ili hi, gchius ' lie ,,,,,,,,,,I,, or a spiritual pcliver? ,Y, "I' fi,, .'le. la av. b»^ thl .IIIL rope, and hi cr thlit 1 Ahall give him idiali Ille 10,'_ n'Ir d'gli'ty; culot of cash. This mainey ý . Diairuified th, ,-ýrlcl., of q'l,,,,,t,,I. disci- 1 l'hl A 1,1".,Bl .17IL firri.t. Il ,ell of water spriuging up into, ' ' tu liail .11 about IiiiI,." ', v ýl ý; , l", Inuoi, aloi 1 ý Il ple.,1 , hile u ith a ,pa, ý,, ,il %, of UoLIL'e -And .ho toi -ý , , n C a tir t'a""I:h Ili Ll'am 1a.nhsý ý ..nId givc a conifortable supper tu an i ý,lýBIy sh, ci ý ou finir Sir 1 'o)ii, ilbat ,as gooug through the fait- 'bc Vil llýt 1 - - Ilpon ilo,. ý,, , , L' 1 TIoý day Iillt-.liLe., and 1 silo, one wlio lusi lire." The lire that Christ ý orne ma. ir, 'Nion or Ille Tolo- " " flinily. Thi doiWs a Il, ,(>,,,,., 111 1ý .1, il ýýtII,ýzgl,-. l'Il. ýI illat 'lu'u, imil I- f.ýIg",ýlI Il,. 1""ted Or ý iiii., ,oi %%a, ;lit oil aloi Loi she, i, Là t ,uc litc; if grows, and §ives te -Your "'fe. 1 ,IL, Il lier , bar .ýi.,." .klid bc, ,vitlh perfect g..,l fronoir; 1 averiIý;e "' flic, ('briiizIiI hi col, of ,,II.,I,, il,, ivorld "Y .ý.lIcr,>,.c, khi., will bc in flic open. There l, Blondi, or thirty six dollars a 3-vair, strength , L- - ,v. 11, i, ,il flic IL;, Id, i ut, Lý,t ,,,,)[,,ii, , stands lic-loi, file thiotle of Goil to an- fi% c- If a Christisin Linon net Lied , - 1 ilm cc bit(- lLaý ': ' 1 %vas miel, ail my days. ilo-ru I,,iisliktitly articles in hie bouffit ' battles lie bal lic"Il ,,,, .,Ii ,hi .'d 1 loi fil any danger-not much. ut al] 1 wouitl coýer tire living Ilicollie of a of lits ciliiii, - ý )n". 1'.i,,,.r. , 1 had but ýI r3 liti ýtrvfigth, bat 1 Liai inspiration, and ntrongth and ouKht ici look thI-,ý" c I.-Ills. If site> tlhould bogie tu do auy- 1 ('11no se fatillly of file Ivoi chriss. 1 heur fil, ý: ,;L DE fil, gicir a, ilo, 1 .,Ivr»ta.N iiOg ( .. "IN'hy IIý,[ ,Ik h't.,sý,lf"' 'IL YIg lie cart 11,11 fil the illi.lIll' il. b.alli 'Iýh, no-aning of this is État tire China- tàke Ici, - , '. j'loi lhIýI , 1 ,ci, Ici,, ý ()IL. loua, of ,1,I,,i ili', Il :I'lh, 'Itil. mea fi., " .Il Lis 1 c"Ill'i tri being kilid to those wilh solothing te spuire for a a . ' "O h, 1 ,l,,,[ýli,'r, 1 ,ý,,,IlI,'l 'l') (11:0 ,ho- ' ' g al ,t.IIýI'I', I lý r th, sicaur Icil sud they,11 .toi, ber, ý [Irait, ,III surNive finit ploper under l;taý:i ,, ý, i, ý, tIii,1io-;ýI,, 1:,ig il" I of -il 11" 'il 11-9h 1- ,ho - r, iui, -1, il ... 1 noire .till,,,itig." ,,i.I-1,1, lie Inay suspect sonnethins. exclaint ... 1; onol ilo ci >IL, 'ioldot, - - L . q il,. , , lal iI."IttlII!, il,, il or l J-11,17 for al thl, iloool ILI 11". ,1,,,,r , il, q., IL, il, loik ber' and locel. as upý lt'8 ,lutte infur ý conditions ut lire vvIlivil vILIIIý IlKc,)ur- w 'y a' b ý ý ' ý ci t('%'lItIl l.ýqIý of allY ' Arol clui9 mill say, '*N%',,Il dolle, faitllful T, -get religion," ilecorillui; te tb*' Il proon do.', - , ,ci, and il', gl'i't i, 1 - rt, 1 ,nict .,,I,, Il, ,,,Iýý,-i ,i ,oý! I mr liI"' - - , , wil - I.Jirile, lis ,lot to acquire a drairatil '" and thetre %ý:,. fi'.. Tril, ,:LoIý 1,ý",..i col pie." L_ ý agi, atjl iiiiiilly oýorvheIm Ille Luro- nd 1 ,ictit -'r to l'i',', t1cat I!,at ý And th, il il littli, ,hilil will stand bofore session tbat lm ta ho. kept locked î * If*, Iloite biII'pl.ý," c.1,iilain,,d M thtit la Il- - 'ý dovvil Aloi Joli, tri, :1 11, - . onel tI:II,,,11, I-,I-lý Il 1ý "I,;,i[ .,ait l', gg3. -to have ail our things sunk lit ["':"' baillis on il, :ýý , rani, , ILI, 1. -l IL ,x pou I , 'l' ,.,[,Ii t', GIl ,lil 1, l , ,-L . .... file i atoi ýho -ii suy: '*On etil 1)Ir.,ouzil lise ouly; il la te open t1Wý ' frcsh. .col e",l IL lk ý IL o1fol **(;cci<1-I11-11, l - - - - - - - lia",ting l'o- ý , mon ... I ', . 1 1,:,,l il , 'l' , kl or [lie 'l'inc, and 1 Il Lis aloi lot th, grélut .triýalii ut divine, , ing", ('IL 1- J.p, \- 'a, .NlI.,, l'I-g,-, th, D'IlIlle or the ','.-,,ý,n:" Cour-Lind 0.nn Paul'§ 'NI ,.. 1 ý il ', ci 1 il, carth, I, 'L'il làl'oci ,ýf il ",."I, il, loi, inu,'h ,(,.Il"ý,1. 'o, ,Io. fiankly krare bon -And ýIor luggagv. »,Ir. I),lý,,,oult>e*!" 1 1 lie Ilour girl of the I-ountry'd"istricts duy, ,col, .fi, , ', ok, lII,,,ýit, I'ItIý;,III.I,,tiI , ell, flot IilýIgILIIIIII, lllll-g,ý!,.i Ili .11o, ad ver, -al, cl'ol 1 ,lLý, ",rý if, but 1 n'cd tic, throtigli the heurt and out agait Queu TIta asked, for sbc knew thut peo- --rk, ,iý,1,, ', i ki 't il,- , ,,,,,[l IL i 1 :n"I'l"tYdýIII, lit I,11, G-1 uIli dirait, tu -gilliI-, 11,11,1i l'lit of th, nildmomi -,iIýt3, frulil and I)Iessinsell ' -ber band aloi IL,- ,il', 21 11111il Ou r ý Pl, dor-t dOI, down tri)[, t c ,il' the S, )Ili,] ýýrl',I'an ltopIIll,ý _,A aille iýlý ,;;, ,,,, - Ih IL, - :L'i' .... L'Itouil lu Ili,' ; aloi long filera fil illà -al; in.1her, and il tii,.h,,, la I ho locid. la a of the vv.rici ci ý pti,,lý. bi, 1 ... 1;, Il 1 1 . tacc a, ,he I--t'Illil',l Il', 9l-I-iýl1l-' Illoci on- 1 fil gi) fi, to, il ouly ilio-e or tu-il Ne a yertir, bis i,àý ,1, ,l ý d, I;roIi.t;ý ci,, il Il, 1141Y IN 1 i Il IIIlIiIooýIl- IIIIII Ilialler, IDaýlt ,1II. ua, ,oulfoi vvIo-IL .,hi> saw the The kovil queiit iouing or Jesus laya ' Lige of ,nuit (if bI.tiig flannels. a qUil if hl hJ! hl;Llll iLuý IIIII -01! course 1 Look fil Il ne(l tioii Ir is to attend the .Na(-Iitiiiaitl, (iii7,a' 1 and ý1a-, k ... g aloi ,,Ilj,,I, shall .tIIid ,,,,,t tl,,,,,ý,s ,nt Or il,,. ,,ill,.D,,]. . y things in a Il * 1 1 file suis of mon and wonien witho« breakfast. 1 lo, -I, ,ci the polill'oclit aud Boule, 'lid ,Lot ,JI> touch, l'ut 1 ,]ici sIiliething." No one uved hý),peito become acqu ý .aill lit. "N\'h,ýil I got yI)ur iuitjition 1 l or (onjuluilloil, Vibi( IL Is tire ('111of feu- F ir't or all, ý : -Ici in thli, glatit .il, Ilo, 1 ,de . -i ... il, ai'.] ,Iý,al roi' we 1)ýis,,,,i niot ,if i inornirig in 1, 1 1 nid bc a fifth whccl to the tiNal lit* tho- 'l"I'ply rolignous 1),ý.1)1e", to.t tbat I,!,ý, - ýý ,, 1 pive, il -Lý ci blo', loil ;rail J"d'liai .,Y - . le Aloi Christ shall stià, lis lit, takes ber up mith Christ al, LI de bis mine. lm@ TewLesloury, bziing gla ahore and i 1 _m- ' "' ,,,, ý ,,il " ') 1 ,hall 1. rL11lý: Ili[h flic, l'ghluing., - ,lain lit hi, ik'ii, ci ... 1 k1s"es hor, -'L'i'l'Il don'. i do But go together. Thiada coi( lit: only il ivil too tempting; and tholi ,Iii ilouarti C. ilillogas, (if * rbe Brun- tILI, ho, , ,loi il col, 1 ,,, .,,Iý(m berod up tir,- ,1I,,.,,, rldJý, ,Iil.i,,-,,y tank, , 1 -A fi, nuelf flint 1 could ,a,,[, 'fuir lt,,I,,. Ciil of Sentir, Africi fil fi men whoin Io - ý , f,,,Iid ,,il , , i t lie li'.1I"lýl 1 1, toi,, il giciat toucy Il, w'Il cloue. fDitiIfIil servant; oliter thon ta,, ,,,,,,,,,, hait But týxpected te . le of a ,,.iII.,i,. 1),Ijijll .ýtl,,iIý,i fil,- train lit intu tire j,ý of Iliy I,()r(l." %Vhut, ther, ber douil-stic allairs. She thou«ht,ý and jbtý11(i. incoac. our uni iiitu ,lit-.tuwu. ai a foi(el ,,b,ý,,iývr there ,,ai. a ýlIitI-e." 1,;Iill(ýs' iloine «luiimal. *"rite jourrie w an the siI-jý ' ý,f 1,1t, --oý- aloi 1 (irviiiiistanc - that iofflod doua the roui- mili b, saoi lo lis. ,o to %%,bout tilt, Lord eh, folintl rital. ber new arquainta ý NN', ,rI,,.,Ii fi,,, A-o. II-t illon, g tr' 1 -You ,hall d. nothing ut the kind y outginuted 1, 11* 1,,>.,i,,I,. 1 :,ci, far with blooll, as lit,, illiulielors -IDY If did 1 sonil ,he; for .lie in . 1,,,,Iitibiý knad . front thr.uý,,g ý , disci-c"I't ,,Iý,,,, l'i'.', ý Ille Dagon lIl,ý>Iit SilI,ý,,II,', cars. Alid KaL, pIlý,oII ,lr,ýll,-tlL aloi colitilluous 8 ledý etl 111,11. tirait mille might tant r effet tho tiI(-iIIDa1,1, loittle of soute tour ý ' . lier way, "Illat la, if you will iliaý iIý,liiii-Iý il meuk's or a moLitli's les[ statil 1 il ý 'e lire fi 1 ivils (if tili11>Iililý ,If giallis loivu golle lif.alt1l'e JIYIIý, il thonclerm agIiiii. The ,onte ilolili tzIatte:ro; atte .. ""D', In L" - ýý; ý LI.,n fi) deuil, aud hell throligh fil,- ,LIocýl judgiIi,ý.t, tir, judginelit, Id aistIdrccl. yentrs Igo, flot 1-11ning ýcIIow 'a loit ai, ,vith the discoinfort of a bed in tillic. loir if is 91NIYs ail ellocil In a tu have gruat : ýl,.,,tatioii týlýr'Iî,""1'I- * 1 al tact, to iiii[Iiiice the old coubrir , .paie, witil the reulici h,,-,Y lailis. lhe .âlý,.B." Bool, giii's life, esivelally If she Is sicklines., or ,ý !ý iltution. 1 ,i,,,-, ,,,,IjIi i fa"'Illation, IL -c-c-lus IL, ,lie i il la , ci., A N%'Irlcl'ý Terallercince C..gýý.. about Ille Samaritati wort8itWup ont . We fonlid file S,11,11 il loisy river, and -And if youi would tike my bertla and about 'ixtovn, vvIleil $he 18 supposed te sec any glýý" ,il liai, co-L'I., I, suk i IlIgh thui, tillit l"IlIcit aloi Illatfoinc and 1 A uoriTs lemperance congress In ta (;(ýriziin. .Itiýt sa do men to-day , wo lied quite sullic 1,111 o', cillai in gt give me the bel] la the saloon," Col. Cam- have attailleil the illatt'luloilial il ge. b outil ach c. \\ 1, ý, 1, ý c r o Éfci i i i il il i i r I 1 il à- i s 1 I)rltlt"lg ill slivai, ont ,,gaI,,t file lin lard --1 past the air(- crou interpoiredi, -theu 1 know YOLI'd bute Tlif-il sorti, lail. rollust Boer youth, made ta ii)IIl,,. h, Bien cliol ,- ....... noir, l 1)"ritl('ý of toillierrit .'o'ictyý 1,'aý,tIji,,Ii,- ý lie Io-bl fil l'ondon front the ilth to 194b turii ,t)iitrsIititIu front their Own . 1 ting our ami, ! of th, ill,,,;,iitiIiL or the Bible or the ces.sive sti or halg- flint %vert, being nie les.." whom site lias inut ut former Nacht- robust should Il , e the 'rii,,, ,r L ;Y aloi pi ,Lký : "BuLier flot .,I,,-ik. 1 of -'l"D', Illico, initier the iliisiIiý,e8 titi Of Moet, or the iueOnsist«eW%' '*Net et ail," said the younger man, ,,,Bals Bi ,IIIIIIIIII) enough Y 1 1i-1:1111ý ,il, 1.iI-c .p ýdv,ýr.,,. ci Yoa 1 file Nittillilill Touiperance 1,cague, an- brought ut) by ýteuIIl IuNNer ilgrinst the e goosi l IL, ', , Il as Of -- ., ,!;ýc_'(:ýv,,ýý . ý chtirh ,kkeinbers. flocad, we having to k,ý,-Ij outsole Of tilleul, ,ILI) a goýd-naturd I.ugh. -l am the 1 . a o a rage Gynimastics IoIIý ho posiliv, là religions. ,ili niake Nv.r- ,hat 3- ,aut il, mll ý siste(l by toiriperanve organizations In ..Y, worsbip ye know net wbat: and gt our ta%, ,opk- .- their sl"()ke- Duc mho caught ta apoiogize for vaut te ai lier whethel he may viril ai ber Velue Or Good I)ig,ý.ti( 1 limier. I Iott1rjIIý-kl int gýiýI, 1 1.i gv..Loýý..I ý ail parts Of the vvi The .Nledical kil vvhat ive vioNhip; for 821ve , ' stacis somehow or anyhow. Hi" ng boule and have '111 'Ili)-sittlng,' whWil la ci,, not tarif 1 ,t,"ý. , , fi. f Tempeli Itcvitý%v, (ýoiiiinf-iitiiig on rite jewg." Here, speaks the loiflaf' t with Loire to disturb a happy ramily. And ta- How oftir ci il, illat ,ou ,ý Murdoch aWhe how and CaPtain Cuit"']- mght, ro show you bear aie no ill-wili, a sort of ultimatum before an ultinia- -physieni ellerg, ,.ili,:It',,,- or si:ii-itlial 1 le ,>ar,.*' But th,', col"I', a voivý front titis, sâys: Jusus proceeded ta traite the fraicital 1 . bus on the bil Nive cielleccelleil in gN'tý y.ti',e ail cati ta dîne witb me ai tum. If she consent the volatil Boer power! If il ,ilý;lr liend ', mort more heciveil Iveri).,.ct-,I.g Ille railloing senti- A siffliair %vorl(I's ttýiiil)t-ratit-e con- out of the womail bY a tirai. ', ting by without any serions iiii.ýI)RII. , la lu,. hotel. '. xvIll sbortly aftenvard ride on borse- than one dizz.v ,ith litrlI(ý(ti ci 1 vertigo, if ý L1ý.tulitis or Ili,, Ille ýI13ing, -Cry mining rejection et the Samaritain 'haqelà, ;. 1 1 IL il, ,part folz. l'fi of), ; IL gress IN as belli about Ilfty volitifs il this fa.hion w, .wil triong l'Y L .NIr. L)uneonibe!" bis hostess protested. bili Inait - miles acrossi the plain ta the mu»eles with th, Illay Of huait I in 1 wni - Y, Nulle lilic, a . r argui ý .ý _ . ........... ...ýý, .1-i, ,,,, - ... ý Iý ,i.ýIý ,ý.ý.- but tout mas ctllte In the early days of 11, lied no intention _ . ý - 1- I - - -- the mm- L I)fflw Pm praim- e eommpw Salir 4w lout1à Il me arme tried to sens- apoke NIr. Veu ý tti*t the bave pre. notes, to iiotelr," for &il Il by the atuybody bond% for ! lûtereît luge Pas#- 'opriation itially au red lu de- question lilial le£. itroth la ca ugl(lwr il dincus- ý!ieu el 1 liepub- .ith the niuliý-ally ralational ýùJl maille l and lhat the I. initial In of the ly luinor Vt)tb and taraff intu un re- notice The il 1. Pro- hnance m:y rou- -liý,,irnýd i-d the blil was ut Dead- Aftltlr a -1 was m the t h.ý" fil. a lv ed by pui-Llort ll vote iloil went ."Utiàà- -A the -gk-d the u li'l Ilr. w.8 Dot oýer nuin- ýýd. The : traînait CIK.18 in ilé-Il; al» fli-d upon Duririct ft'd Mr. rial bill, 'Ifflition 'u $1:1A), ait Port- bill lu f-rninent of (lit trIlles nXI, and ,111 b-P lory', at 'ini tvas lit in the liti-Blt- ,]IIilitit ' il -w l'f pupil. il de- jiill or the 'Il hant ýwI-rlIan invited he Evu- Missions ,lut cou. in Aptl .1 York -umbed rolly be th'-D eu- Lly with 8 simlle a un in- g organ. liib. Evý thnt h. t). Tu, ,er shail on th, in large D Ba(-k- onstruc- 1 lit Ill tiducorm of Lu infau- bëen il uajor or litimateil cording vul 'on- about a

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