CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1900, p. 4

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flUais s~sann'i.clammater. ýjVZMG ATS t INOU NPPLI- iarin at 24 cents. qkidgleg frontheRa arount of talk by- M096M, Rapresentatlvea and oblier Wbobaia. about the Nicaragua canai "or D ow before thea beumia Coin- fflSe on Foreigu itelabione tbe canal In iRaleontIimportant aubjectî nov Xim e ecountry. Altbcngh il is à«putcertain ltai tRe trety vii la xeuand kt aboutid onot ha ithout Md*rWameandant, baiaua of îlis MOIUdlg for tha nentraliîy of the pilE sd forbiddieg lita fortfication. Mt W»ty sas it*%anda ta prmcticmlly a ÉUlla@ion on the part of tis govern- unl md public opinion wonid force government la violata tRe huliutiy clause by ciosiiug thse canal Illié varéhipa cfuy nation ve migut 84 avar ivitlli t le entîrel, 10 "là Porto IRiomnbill vas 10 Rave »»s takan op lu the flouse Thurosday W altbnngh it is sirongly oppcaed no doubi ibat itgviii be fUzpemsd. It protides for the of Mc na dnty eq uitaient g0ouan- of tRoue lmposed open aother W<p producs mndt i&aitailmoneya Oiàifor th&& dnîy, elther lu porto " or IRe tU. . shal l be pent for tha NimteIbs land madte tubatittanls ro report lia Istor of Ibe bilîlaya it gfl t Iplantera of sugar and tlite- k*- ro iOO about 8,000,0416 aYsear, MMOSaIR quantity of those producia lei ftbviiiR nucieut to oring »Y auj edeoion o! prisa la the 4Thia argument la cumbated In qmftiera and benator Plaît, o1 -lut, vho"a conaitueuta 0idàsabia tobacco, aâys lie vili StMameldmant lu tIna banale 10 th Ieduby mt leasi 60%. TRe Spal oppcsiiiou go0 le ita ihhow. ta PMUinI, bamd upon iRah wig» Uaitaidla nconatitutlonml; IpMP M I30 oning nov a part ni l40 S aeulitied 10 fr.s &rude villa S~ar arlaOf tae U.tb. 'TRe SlanItaratig une. aud l idèglyregreleble thut il uould not d dided vithont tbe 0»* otpouii inewbut tbat lRas of ite bli "aY tfRai Ilti for mking s pranedent for - dusy on.9le aproducis o!ie eu, IRaI free grade canonsiha lQEinauaiaipoussalaiu vWilli- tRe liroteqon a yatoua avermeut. Ir, la auread UM #àe question la going te k sggeeavay lu tRIau yeur'a Repubigoan Cnunty Convanitlon. "à Rapublicanu onnby C'on vention 611 oRaid aI iRe Tovu UsA, I lase WMM of Libenlyrile, Lake (ounty, bh-94%.on baturday Februsry $4, A. agi1.30 oclock p. m. fur tRe 01 slecting ivanty dilogates ~-Uepnbicmn bnatorlal Conveu- ,be heli&SWoodatock, idc Henry Milncis. on Maro 8, A. 1D. ~m4alan for the purpoée 0f select. Sdlocatas %n the Itepulili- Contention, t0hoha RId si Illiuois, un NMAY M, A. D. lm0; #»mio for the purpose u oloting WaNaM $0 tle Congraaanuiai Con- 00Uan of IRe Saeui Coungreuiaioüml 4Rj"dy«m tu be c.ilid. Itl lîaing b, msseolved ai a Dmeting orai 1e »MsSr central (iomiitte IRtaI eel Oultu. praninci tu the cou ily lie lered a primary district mnd tisai "=aq eniosor c.uollse iealiad ecommand thug primary Ofibaor aucubsa e cailed for eiiab W*y district in sald connty on ~aft6ebruary 23, A. D. 11401, nt iu »Ma boum. l'le epresaulmiion for ~.prtmary district wtt!lihe nue ~agieforealitveniy-"mee.i vt8a, ir afority fraction cast lor Ithe 49aRleai candidate for Preidets lu *. Tbe materai priiany ditrIcts OtR*ssba entitledtb aud uelegalea îO<U.a «M C ouniy convent.,ionas lnovia wd 10 primai-v is il 21 idA étil 817 il ........ rr.d..r. .1se1 . 0U4erutmmebayé Imm SwO apit@3a4 but Kemxm likey la t u I ibava Ilig, VgmnkioelLodOs ud Lo,îiavslle. A wMan mnnoh tlked about M"aybu las ma irabl a nmre men, beltIR" Boera do Do apply it mirue ta Idy. amitb. The republican Senators vbo bave not baeu "mentloped" for Vice Puai- dent are not gtttng ait the jollying due tRam. The Ohlo Elupreine Court bas Randed down a decielon e»ainingtRe anti. truat lmw of IRat state vhicli aboya &bat the trusts eau be remobed liy 1mw.. Extrernes met vben M ru. Eluer Fotar and Senaior .llî Mason respondad, te Sats ati a banquet giren by the ainmnl of e Washington vomau's lav Soboul. Evrery Mun bas the igbt in tii country te blleva andi airvaI ha planses, but nman Ras, tbe rigbi ta abuse anoiber for net seing thilnge as ha dons. 19las aaid Rai the ibrea mou% napid matbndm of communication ara eia- phone, telegrapli and teilawoman. IRhe latter metbcd la recommeuded te acatter the mont rspldly. The Uuitad Sltas can nov manu- facture paper as cbaaply as any counntry lntRe vorld. Tbe question le wbaaher ihe protection to tbe trust alietild bc continned. Congres@ bas no monopîr cf iRe menl who are alwmys againai vRaI thein own goverumeni dons; thora are anme lu iha British parilarent vbo talk qnie as ldiotically s our ove. Staggrlng bnmmnity! Bosb We hari more men hillefi on eantb ide tu any ona of llfty batîcadnriug our civil var tban botR aides bave ]ont altogetbar In Ibroeamoulliu ilglug lu SoutR Africa. (louerai Ballera& scouts have foîînd a place one the Tugela wvbe thie Boers are not in force. Tba General sbould retreat fron itis vicinity wili aul possible gpeed. The Boer la mont daugerouis wben ho isnt there. The Porto RicanaeaaeprogresIng: lhay hbid s riot the othar day, as tRa reuit of a celabrallon of the triumph of tue fedarala al; tbepoU.sand tourteau of tbe * 'besi citizen@" or the Wfofo Fajardo are lu jall cbarged vitb murtier. It wonld ho somewbat incon veulent If tbe British sbonld retaliale by bold- tng pro-Fillpino mneetings. As enator Haie pu$ t i, tha orat thing &bout Ibis Phlilippine matien la IRai i% dis- qualifias us froin Ialklug abont liberty and aquaiiy. Before Goen. Ager geastoo larah iD lits crlllciam of thoe vbc express sympathy for tRe Boers ha shonld lalk ta members of ihe Preident's Cabinet. Becrelary Gaga bas expre.aad tbe hope IRat the Boers voud id va nd altiar 'memlbars of ihe Cabinet ara snspected 0f feeling the Ume vmY. Glîmpies ^cross Thse Ses la the eharming tlla o! s ciarming book Irom the facile peu o! Mr. Ban T. lovar, tRe Wolf kuowu autbor sud newapaper editor. The 'tIllmpaes" are partlculauiy pertinent jurai nov Whoui 00 many people are couidertng about goleg ta iRe Paria Exposition sud inY people vili bc glmd to knov bait taeChicago, àMilatiske A 8I. Paul ilimy Ras puncsmed au ediion of Mr. Clovprs vwoir for dis- tributioui. lu sedntg yonr addra for s oopy ploasc enclose six cent. 10 pmY pGmtae. Ueo. IL. Ilsfford, Generai Passenger Agent, (lAd (olony Building, Chicago, 1111iiota. Did yeu oves- try te doige thse ratm.ds-oo P Di mot ancossi vos-y 'ssiio, dliynPIts just as uosel e t sy t. e freInM the germas .f cofofmptlou. yon ca't di. Lt. Toy aim &bout us on oves-y ha"d a"i w.are cons- stamily taktng thom tnt. eus- 'Ibm wby dont wo ail have this ises? Snply becaius those gos-ia cemet gain a hoot- hou En a ots-ong firot amci lum. St à whoo Ibm..ane weak that the gos-ma master. Tii. body muet b. wo aupplls wtb fat. The danger osmes whu tis bloci (a poou ami tho body la thin. If yoor couagl dous mot Ftied.and youititrent a"i lump fbd M-W Mi SOie y.. abouti mot ioiay amodier daY. ef Coi-LIvos-OU wltbh ypopâo.- phts et moe, t Winb*del inflainsi membranoesami pooty stremgtbom Meonau won. lIle ilgooton boo.usstrngor, the apptite botter ami l b. wlght Incres. The wbols"-be cosmos w-etl hrw"flij germia of 1 c o mumt m se gawu a footholi leta I ii l'imoaa lt MWd stromglist.g p.o- 09 scorlrs ExtULSION th.t lias maile St of aMisVaine Ila OUt wasting Mi oahsau dhmm& tasu d @ua @s56MI Gon s oliE, 1k^mouvaYl. BGb64tyMoiSMil Mia Sid oU*es oimlovDov "elegable te I$ f». btr.,Iohn Thepis aMd vite apent $M«&« apla ORlip. Mms.phaleip, et ld*e mi, Iowa, la viillag lra. RBasul. M. Ilecry' Taylor expet. tu move tu Brrleglon nul va«b. J. B. Mcleary, of Chicago, *peut Sueday viti% Rnmhber. Mr. Mcggsyounge o,ma rI 'died Smsday aud vasburled Woduees. Mmra.Wftham retwreusifin. a viait vllh Irlande tu Oak Park Wsdnasdy. lire. Mande Jorgisoua. ofDeerield vas ale. 1 vhilie vlstung ber parents boestait veali. Milsa Mablle Gilberlt o tla tend- log obool tu Waun@puapBnaday at *bar borneRare. Qnarterly meeting servicea vili bo beld Suijday morlnu. Dr. Mander- -vile vil! conditet the service m"s pramoh on ilalurday evenlng. Ail ara earneatly reqnested te attend thama semies. lira Amana dled tory suddenly Monday moraing aller a Ivo days tW- DeO" vitR 'ltmfammaliou of tha bovela." SBeit lea a haband and thre. amail cildren bo mouru bar nntimeiy deuie. Prize Maiqusuade. Theme wyul b. a grand prima masque- rade bal ai Meyer'@ Rall, Prairie Vlev, Tbnrsdsy, Feb., . b lisio by Prof. Smihs Chicsgo orchestra. Tichata tOc. Supper extra. Tva primes for hut draeadei lady and gant and Ivo for mosý comte lady and gent'. costume. Costumes for rani at Rail. uollstorm Notice. C. 0. îBuali, colieclor fr he tovu of Fremaul viii ha An Ivanlice on Baturday Feb. 17t., and avery Wed- nesay sud Satnrday ibereafler. FemO aGrundînu. Hiate yon tried tRe new procesu fend ginder at tue Wanconda Mill? BRamI 'em ail. Corn aud cob or any aind of feed ut six cents per bmg. (ind svery day. Corne eariy sud gel borne quieti. 114-41J. SPIENCE. Mn. James Sherman sud Misseliannab Jacobson vers quietly married Bnnday, Bey. Chapler performed Iha ceremony. The brible an" groom are Waeli nd favrnably kuav, and they Rate the beet i vihe cf tiRaI!many frienda IRaI ibaîris maLy ho a bon voyage throngh lire. Sanator Abert J.. Ueves1. ln hie lamons speech la Ihe Uilatd Statesa Banate, told one aide of!hie exparlêemain the Philippines. The cIRer and more permonal ide-vbal ho 5w»ad heard o1 -The Amarinai Boidiar in the Field'-Ra illl li axcinaively ln an early number of The Satfàrday EXeeiag Vomi, of Phila deiphia. Rupture .....o.. Cured Nu itgca ethi. Nu Bavera P@4n. No Loss nofl"m- *XAMII4ATiON Pliee Erary nuptured person li. cou tant danger froinstrangulation vhicb fie- qnantiy resulta ia demîh. la every casea1i; causes a greattireai of suffering. Thev aure radily cnred by~ the Fideltby MltaI WiRt cs106801ni ma. Ail rap. Iurad persona lun Laka Couuty and vi- einlty should lake of tit opporiannty. A apecialiat i vllbveu iveuîiy yearn' experlenoe litiiRe trami' ment tf dillcuit aesaFUiI asalal me ai my oMute lu Lih,rtvtllln erery alter- uonun il 210 4. If w,' eaun uot cura yOu fil iinul 'istyona vteut. Cmi] and ana ca. Du. A 1, 'l'iàvis, M. D, Ltturyville, fil. J. B. Clark, of Peoniu, lit -, aayva, -Surgeoum vmted tb opera%@ on me or piles, but 1 corail &ahein ibDe- WZLt'a ii leha Ramai Salve." Il la Infalli bla for piliessud skia diseasa. Bevare ni COnuUarfeita. F. B. LoVELL; LibertyvIile. J. X. bàImaa. Ournea, . L avaî.Boesl PKOPfLES' COLUMN. lAa luhitcsiam. sac pFeveakafr tive lmas orlms; star Ua*m#m., se partis.. being a part of the John Hartes tarte le towîi of Warrenî. Sasn boute. WiliI e renîed lor to gond arty. APly te0 R. M. OUrapa.'àW9 W. MonrOe Blit blago. la-d FOJRSAL-M Uikiwaand sprlnaera F R ALE-racsre fa=. veil lmproved in O u of Fremiont. Joe BxyDmms. r.. FuR iilrreferreii. Planty of vouer. Wlndmil. are aed shad route. Inquire A. L .aa. vent Of orange al. on Use Thns. D. Wiltnira fera. a-Id T ORlENT-A veil lmprov.,t farm e-ntain« uisisasur-s stuated 1i. Waren town- shln on-the nId pieai miivrteo ni a t of Gagea < and oniatmile eut of Bb.runn'a Cornera.Luxge hous. 2 buma lieni, af gond fruit. usitr fading valer$ Avers, desitilm o me for gow tuaio. TeninsreffloiiabW.. Correspond wth-litàQN UsAîsI. Park Rldgr..iit. 15.49, ORlilALE r tttT..My i,ifte.onîto tore. i living ronnganîd Iantry on 1 -t iloor I rnesni ,,ias-isou udflo,.r. WiiA Mi wih iMotceci nsiui dei 10 10 id E. A. Famevi. Deifrleld. fil. GRAY8LAKR.L OCAL NEWS. muM. . IU . u ,Lu asBt«a. Mmra.Shermnla uthrme riplleeuoeatiand mdvrtiamuts TIME TABLE 1 QUAVOILAKE, I LLI NOI9. Goule mor. 0150 BODNN A. bc. 10:08 A. . 1 p. M. ,J.1:1- ~iI P. M. 6:"- Biiàds onI7 9:91 Dally Sunday. Suildar eVenleg train golng coutit stop on egnal ou. W. B. BIGLE?. Agent. WIIBCF41911MCKNTAAL MAILWAY Co. OFFICIAL PAPCR 0F' GRAYBLAKI. Qut. a number from boe Attlended the Fermer$, inatitute at Atocb. 0. R. Lyon sudi A. K. Stearna weeln I tovn saking bandsa witli friendaib tis week. The Valentine Social Wednegday aigRI vas Wolf attendrit. $25 vas cleared.1 A number froinbore, ttetided the limerai of lMra. Lawrence Amaun lent nortb of Libertyvilii- on the nid silgley tarin. E. B. Shberman vent tu Springfield, III, a@ a delagate to fhil tate Court of lionor thia veek. E. B. Sherman ami W. B. aigley toox the leat degree in th. dRapter 01 Royal ArcR Muaons in Wank@ggn luti Priday gtaning. Meinorial service@ iou iho dextb of Mima Frances Wiiimrd wilî lie held in the cbnrch bunday evening, in iliarge of Orayalaire W. C. '1. 1' The rvantietli (entnry Club viii give SU entertmlnmeîîit upon the file and poeRiI o! Henry VW. Longfellow Monday evening, February 19tii, in WOOdmns Hall. Admission only ton Ganta. Corne and enjoy yîîurseif. A vary iniereatiug doule wedding occnrred bare let Suuday. Mns. POterson, of Chlcago, bacoming the vile of Mr. Jaobson and bie danghier, mis" Hannlemarnying tMr. James liber- man. Athongh it vas known that the Young PeOPIO e re to be married Ibat day, Mr. Jamnoon'a marrige a an entire surprise. The* IsNEpmxNDEN eltenda coilgrainlatJong. lir. andMlra. sberman viii lite ou M'r. Sherman'@ tarm in e harmana cornelrs. nompany la offrtegl nothing unreasonable. T-ha compaur dose not make any exorbitant claims or any undue efforts 10 meccciv stcck. lindoar is.IaMPIy claima 10 mmke brick by a nay mathod more chesplr than iber eau ha mada toi othen mathoda. A ooavtnn pmoof ltha comnmny lasnot a swindiIng gsa" la that lbuRnrufuaad reinmaIal ceshlist avary Nieraios-ar for tRe control of tRe eomtiay. This refusai vas made for reaona ton iengtbY 10 Vnllmah Rare but IRat eeuld not MU to oiimmand the admiraton of eeryreoader ifbe knav tRam. Tieciomuimur Run uexhbition samples oI atone mnd brick vbicti are .sonrncAing argumenta. 1 wrIte nuac facts gmlhsred largaiy froni gnquullamadein Pierce uouaty. Win.. vher., tbe oonipany expeets to Iceate. A liLiums HAIN ES VILLE. r, .Washliurn tl allAway aitheb îÏaï if b!isA amtier lu lova, Who la very aick. lins. Aman,.visn bas beau ililfor nmmee2, Ras n famracovamed as to ha able to do Rer ovu vomis. <Ian. ienebaui lia bia be bouse up and tllid vib lte; aino bis Rarn fln- ishad. Raml. kA Bona butit tRemamnsu yull build tRa botel ans on a thue foundation la remdy. Ourn painter and papar bauger la buay taking orders for vali paper and curtalisu and aiso baba. jobs of painting aud papar Rauglng st tisaeamneune. i4 à#AI> rT This week we wili seN Our $7.50 and $8,00 Ladies Bever Jackets, si1k tined, for. . . . . . . . . . . -.. . . ... s 5 00 55.0PMuéh Cape, ai ..... ..... .-4 00 $16,00 Fuir Coatia .. . ... ... .. . ... 13 50 $20M0 $30,00 ... .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 00 .. .. .. .. ..1 26 50 $12,00 Menas Beener Overcoats ai .. 10 00 $10,00 » Jstr 7 00 $2.50 Boys Reefers ... ..... ...... 198 Mens Cloih Top Feit Overs IS1 Pair Mena Felt and Rubber Ladies vershoea... .. Our $3.75 Alil ool Bed BLankets .. .. .. .. 1 90 a5 3 25 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake DeDt. Store. Grayslake, Illinois. Mm. Watt in au ex pari. lins. Wm. Bnîitb as mturned Iroin Buy Goods of a Responsibte Party whose a visil &0 ber daugliier, Who in a. Guarantee Is reliable. Don't go to a "Cheap tendtuîg sehoîauinl Chicago, andlbail John Store" and expect Something for laiton a anddan coid; bub a mnbber'a Nothing. promn ocon id tisa ciud. Tisane la 1*1k of clbltug a rond froin itouud Lake memons or belveen tuecar a farins oL14bltmona mand Ieneban to the WATCIIES. ar depot at Hlilne«arlie. aiso onue acmosa JEWNELRY, good fine hemg froi e atîîwu of Frerut tn{1 tise dapol. 1 SIVÈRWARE, at right A tiidi tobthe farmnof Henry Harb ne. NOVELTIES IN vouluGs o e fRineat barils of castie lu OOLD AND SI LVER. prices. Lake couaty, setanty-Ilvluinumber, aH raimad on the fanm and canuot ha Reamifor azireluthe stail. 'rbeare tuel Table Silverwear ilways delaghts the housewile. 1 have à property of tbis snn. John. gow line - - 1-..h- . --. g- lea cuttuug liauau the trner ni the day for sevaral days pat but uililng prîvate les bouses dos noi lent long. Tha hi. Paul B. R 1in Raullug sevrra train loada of ice for theaKickerbocker le Company froin Long Lakae acb A litile four-year-old oon of Mmr. mud dey lira. Hanry Mogg, near Gages Cornera [ Whbile ou iRe stibject or the railomil died iast"Sunday, sud vas luried boeave void «mai IRs e neyer mmv an wWedaesday sliarnoou. Bra. Stevens mueRi fesling aiirred np amng the oMilated. Dastb vas iudlrectly' due fermer@r living vent sud nortb or Rare. ta a sid raelvted tise Friday previona.i. uregard ta tRe locatiounIfihe depot Anoilier cRlld la alliavumy fi et t aiti point, many of ÈRam exprmsang praosenlturme frain samne causa. TRis themaltaa la sirong terme ln regard la ihe IRird cItid thb have long lu six t0 vrai tb1Y cuili "slpping on ihar veets. Theîr many frInde bers tom"' by tRe Graysaae peopla, lu lry- heartlly sympahias viItRaileu. lng te bave tiRa R.llmoad Company a agYuT&àTIGU. mgres not tu bnid a depot t alcns lms. IsmoI.Nottieganuitem lin Foran t ville, tbareby lâjUMUarno Iem tte elex veeka ssume conemina. tiseIllinuois Blate tont of troin $5 go $10 Par sce, aMd ait jianfaoiuning Company. cf Delavar. tIrongb misiraprelientatioa o! theefileta ar,10f the ais go thaoe l so IeRal vlsh ta maire arapilimaViretotme ar Iat, tdh al Finle n u vmy eonuicctad lvllb the aboyanai ysatn ha i taavai0 eOmpmnv but tbst i have ioiicvad its vork Rinasvillegoea 1 Miienry. Observa mas vlitb sori ne test 1 wrIte Ihîs lie. thé-Golden Rule. Bet your affections naa» 1liAnk thie actiule eferrai tf la ou things aboa, untion things on iRe usnânt as t la uiusslled frIo l fflme meeartlî. Lie n-t -,ueti anther rallierb.stu Inca aman i., pli bisvà a tatQu'o Vsîsu-. ment 10 onejuai'.irbaruitar andS reltectinr apon thei,- harsuera of sererai 'WiALL PAPENI. nîber moi, of!bis owu vouuty uos the Havîug a cotupltealineor nI 151 de- neuelpt cf tflAy oint lItar froin a datauce. igus of vatt paper, 1 yl sali as lov as i,ý refarning otahle Compsay menUnned 1the lovest aud (mn silo Rang it lu the tha vniten of blest veeka antiolie made a poinut mont wonkmanlikis manDer Bouse I atRe fetart aLbw»vaslioiîfCompany anT sd decoeatlve painting. Carniage incruormted la Delavare. This tPoint La and aigup pailtting a apaclalty. texpiluiabie ln tue lault Ibat misto! ofCool.LUT t,. WALT, 4 Pont"s incorpoi'aed lu Detavare18laiun.- 19 lino-il ilaluusvle, ymasassable aniSas ths stock of tiIs Cmpany itlc ha nvedbla-gel' hp itsamploynesiitle deslrble tiat t sal e made as inexpen- *-1 vas nearly dead îthl dyspepea 4 sire as î,os#14 ) t.,m1m. Anîben point tlried doclora, visitell minerai aprligs, M uade a"lhît th.e oipaiy vas tbat a parti antd gnevW ocse.Iiouedt Kodol Dys- a f thse laind sas "diist a foreîeiulur, sale. pepsia C lre. "Rait -ured me.." lb rTrliswvas(doue interiiontiy in the ,rompauîy dlîgeta vjat you eut.tiares indige.e * le Chîia axerffs tIti w vAîlh lu Wwoisin îtlion, atur stommeR, lîeartbîuru and il .t la as good axs.atille frioth e govsrumieut. forma ofl FeitAt . B. LîîVaUL, As lu tlieîîtemlîîg or etrso(ilnary Indus- i Librlytîlle; J. B. bitAcoxii, Uvrme, e menatîaîu huetîgaîlon vlisow IRathiReP. L. WzsmruAMî, lRockaeeler. Money Saving -z-výFigures. 1 set Single Harneu .. ......q... oo90 1 . 1 .!.. .. .. . .. .. . 13 00 8 qt Granite Milki Pana ..... . . 12 Extra Hevy Cofice Cupa............... 03 Vegetable Disbea, large .......... l smaIl 08 Creare Pitcherafoc to ... ...... 35 Whipm at ceai, Capes. each ..... .. .... 25 Cla ks, each . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 25 Pan Cake Turner with each aack of Buck Wheat Flour. Qeo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. - - - LINOIS. thons. Send f5c to pautty pay postage or expressage and ve'tI send you one. Zib as i zoo pigea5 i?ý,ooé,iIlustrmtiom, md qutes pricea on inearlY 7-,- othinga IRat you est sud use antd veau.t We conatantly carry in stock &Wl ardleea uota& .-Extra fine Carving Sets, and sold right... Clocks in varied and unique designs. Repairlng of ail kinds. I can f ix your watch oi New Royal New Home wIlI keep correct time. DROP HEAD SEVINO MACHNES. - - - - -$19 00duringhbond@"a - - - - 29 75- E. B. SHIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE. ILLINOIS. WISHING TO CLOSE OUT AL NMY CLOTHIG Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits, odd Pants, Men's and Boys Overcoats and Jackets. 1 WILL GIVE A Fromn my already Iow prices which are Iess on some than they can be bought at wholesale now. Mens overcoata, $3.00 b Suit&. $2,50 to.......... Boy Duck Coats, 60c to Feliaa nd Rubisera complete 1. .. Candee . . ... C "i d B u c k le A r c tic s i m 5 t a 1 0 - - - ý . . . . . Wool linedAjskasi a 8oo2 . .... Ladie and Mena Feit Sboesand Slhppers at coat. A few Horse Blankeis ai coe. W.W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE. $ 10 00 1000 - 90 t 65 1 95 35 - 50 - - ILLIN61S Protection to Purchasers i Wr caution the public against purcltabing imitations o! obsnhric Ins cl 'v-machines. Wr keep np vith tirhe lasyt ii.' ;niî' i h n . m.,h.',ug teothing but IRe highest gradretof produt.înd thh.%. - o ove.! -'1ieualified ruccess in its salIe;Rence many aitunpLs ail iciutat,îî .andvhet iJieu!.l use nf our traite naine. A bras% Me4&alilo.' cf the eiiipîical focm sIbown itx)t,. bears our cegîs- t-ead îcade.mark, andt is placed upon thse braS oi e-cii;,hi-o' uitrh,-ivus. NONE GENUINE WITHOtJT IT. T~; Io~ M*iU~ACURItC 00 *met* tuoi,» v y wv q1uçoý Il. & ML a 'i l %

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