CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1900, p. 1

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L AKE Vol. VIII. No. 20, pt1bdlpte ar V«e aluiIy. lterbIned al hicato Sun. tnt daturdg.t le tn Gagi g tal Obtalb DO Norville oh for som. lt alent. «an ai honte nai of lier working for igitrlat com.i ment givell lie ocholar. purpome 01 erteti a ailold tau folica of lding of Mr. ella Hor~eb- rday nîglit. Thtiy will by A. . apringa are vt. 0 (14 A. C. ewere led L. Jorgt. Vey. oitt la fidI giteas u lttg tu te. Lhey were lion btat n l>herdlt glt, Lie a tirulit te@ el cadi or bldo Bivd, i 1P. Mi. dama praîz igitt bave lu fatlUj. etnpting to tront ber tu n5 fue fglas., tg ]e*n ut, ii.nt- lUtai of liat lie dembl of f",. ati tajgle, «Hiii boy- r Lt.t. lti 6îa,-lattti y lie watt Id Lurn lit. aUelt a word ni Lite jIrais cneria wnd 'ater men. W. A. Nt. bera fr.nà titutbera tf ie lion.. at l, hors tii tte setrvice.a tr. Howarti rvlltg Park, lIn. a. A. etiutth kif th. Maj. orne to Itai I ieintiry. i, fliavine a Mturce H. wnty.iive days. A allant ttrit Lat ity tn it tltt a Wtitr. intk trt'.. ltani. Woodn kasttt thei OUA s,,l Shirts. .. .. .. .. Ail the latet styles of ail over Shirts just receivtd. fancy ahiria. ncluding standing collars. 75c, luat the [or the lutile meni. SANBORN & CO., Tailors and Jiaberdashers. Kaiser Block, Boys' thing - - Libertyville. 111.1 Dr. Charles Galloway. E WAUKEGAN. Office over LovelI's Drug StoreI B0utit-10WO1 T. .1 Ni, ?,0" y- N boWn0 1 ai the cenfty sent n o tf e Libertyville. - Illinois _____________ i.' i- teanter Niable Blradmaw tt siil Dr. J. L. TAY LOR. In ii 1rotabilitty hi thtonue ptot on thte Office over T riggs & Tay lor's.! GlinA t. .rion tee c.mtt.g aeat.î,t -Hot nAi tt t i t t he' iraimiawtt w i li e Lth M'tS. 2 t', 4t tii6.? t' ' . - rî'giîttar t i t e <City of Lîîut'vilie. oettetn ti irtîatitay îtopomiLc l'arkne ou' f te fiet of te ('oipttty Liinerty>vilIllinis. leet 'tIi ueio maie freîjuenLt trrptt bette ~ Illinoîs. lite test titi takt" t t ilr,.t trip. Mlav Stit Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. M.ito.t ta'tord (,r à lareweeli, Saum Phyican ndSureo titnt, 'teilikîown i.r vetrmamaheLb Physîlan ad Sureon. i e t jerk ut tr V.atîkegau Houttt 5arttlt KOPtttiS' riMs OTt!. hLltO. aIteUtIl toile away h$turdav aternon ~une.Illinois.1 Wbere hein lau..idy known, but thal ________________________________1__ittît theLite Lpart tof te try Hit Dr. E. H. Smith, DENT IST. Offiç'3 over Lak ACouflty Bank LibertyviIle, I. PAUL MacGUFFIN, At..ritey. anti4 i tiýlt, oitr u ttnt' NOTARV PUBLIC tti'i't" ýWînui i it t'4 I -Tti . BAjNK, dît nt r egartd i iith utuli alarn, lita.nIKI. fi Lut' ealli.oftt inging LO t lglit ii.. tct thlaLt tce % a fikegal Htîî,nc tliti, . licltei-ceLing a rontatt.-e fi,îr fîtnre titan :ti, yeattî liat tat lat-i tarrieti al ittI ime ttt mita F. tAit t"t'ti ill l.îrry biacI front lifica' 'ttttt iiùýil, ,r(etîrlie here l'y Fl'22l'.1tit'ii en lite nauliieve niitit nnititii-r I"t 'of t.aellioîtttàlfottt('oit, t ttt thî hiiît 'ilt gto atîtiier t l..itn urniec.rm Nelmoli Libertyville. iioS it tt a. tn t lsa'iiai goîtutîn .xit iS'i rsiontu thie ('oltintido %BENJAINa.H. MILLER, î-t.',tirli ,tdu''eeîr e ATTORN EV AT LAW, t.eittit 1iibiýtlîsttci îat it\A iarnieti. LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. Jatoti. i îge aloti oter Ci-n i(s-nft'tli', t v a 'uIl kttîini T(L(PtOti MO 2 saanî tan1ott', W. H. MILLER. 'ITONSIM'Ll l. R1i18T, Wfi l V ilnvî ttr a -ltî ittît- or a hai -A'I oî tiI dli n HO t tEii tNt'. '4 'IiAttN. ea IIIIIr'Il.%V. 'r e oit So t4Lsp-ipa,. t o q',- ' -rt) t ly -v',tittitn an11 munid~ ahtitn tir item 'Itiarg(.t' rhtts .landîl i i 1r i tî,-t t.-Ittt.ttt tieltm i ttlo îuu et urîtt l ii iii [cati'. i l'lîrailt. tt iti itai, thLite acetît.itîtt-ikliii a bitg ( iva.gutittt't.has- itecit lut- rî'.itt- [nIlfle lin'gtitftitg. t'aller'.tt tgatt'L.ttreitnity au- l'lted fortc li l,i tga ili eros ft ' tt' t r «I V. Nitti Iai Itali .ofNAatîke-tan tave lte-î ritîit-i frot t e lt- 'îp- (j DArt.. 1) pu~ E trîilîr u af makiigLonf, apittvett ttftt GRNnt. E eali-il ' tc'11 t.ots l tteitatt 'S.H. Kenntedy.t Gilbert il. Wairii'.. AT TEGeo hrge H. ilttriuI. MV Y'OSOTI S, intf lait Day . . Illinolp. luttil F. Maovîn Iiratif'tr' F. SiiIttî,, \ illîîLrolî Hlarbotr. Samuecl S rint , iiBeutn. SATURDAY , oteotvr o h a ilb February 24, 1900. a f:tttkîttîn . MteLtî îtftfLt $1 )I,(:00i)of tapitai Stoctk 1ta areaty appîteti for amt i tent lm itot a ttub- Music by Prof Smith's ecrîpti.on thugaL at t i more titan Chicago OrchestLra. $5000i 'him te organizer'. andtinlur- porttra oftheLitiottLuLîon blcinve la Fnur Plera lII le awat one 01nite trougemi feainres ni1te Fnurffles ill e âard îî ew instttiLon, thutLte.stock la r'or8t ffl.adcosum. ilriiiiLei in Antali amountm. among F'o, M',t Cat. i adies. Cotume . people itteeliLy aud ttîrottglîotit e Fohr Moof Caeii'tnin'Costume. eiity Stabîng ccom odatons rer Has Secureti Foicwera. StabinR ccom odatons ree A Waîkegait paper ettmmeuL8 hLiug; of charge. t'-L n tlti towle iattalreatiy ritcilved liîî t niiLulle L'uiity,îîpeople Whto Tt'.iL5 5 ~- Atfi1ir raL a tlt iifîtiitw te $ ijj lej 'ti" eaciting and Lysi ImplloiLly l ini buaînella. CnoloCot'.for rt t nHa. Itwat reported riday ihat iwn fai- r mers hiatieloaed ouit hielxproperty, turoeetgIL ven t> te Zl otniAwd and l na e ftiCoumpauy andi In reitrn for ~ MII wesI.UOIIhUiBUb aIllitelanil, v.tivet ilba a h ie l COUNT INDEF Lbertyville, Lake County, Illinois riay. February 23,1900. We wîil pst on sae hia week a number suit and pani paterns ibat we wilI make while they last for atIclast 20 per cent. leas than they are actully worth. We bought the goodsataIà dis count and will give yoo the benceht. Boys' Clothing.. Wr have the agency for the Stanley juvenile Tailoring Comipany, the only establishment cf is kni in the countr'y. Suita for y our boys mode to order at only a 9hh advance over the regular ready made, Pricera rom $375 op. de ti ilt la, fit be oal Amngte ativanLagita accruing front le livmtcr te irat assistant ponL- magter geserai entîmeraLea Lite fîtilow' 1,i ltteta8t postal receipua. Mute tterh are writt-en andi recelveti. Morit c'tttpapitrsndttmuagaziuen are stub- sribet for. 2. Euncement tf te vilue tif lat laid» reacliet by rural frite de- very. Ibhis increatte ut valueliasi becu ettintatet ai att lilgit as$5per erre It, arne StaLes. A moderaLte atimate ta from $2 to 83 per acre. 3. A geueral i IprîtvemeLt of te ondition of te ruaietraversebd hy lie rural carrier. A. lietter priceastobtaitîtc for laain prsiduct, the produiter'. btlng brogit itito iaiy tttieh tit hLiteate of te tiariiet antiiliua beiug eftabletl Lu taite advautage ttf lufortî ionitî erytottîre ittttintîtie At i iternting ia8tury of tetsernite lgit.ei, te tliffieulLia iotaI titre en- -tttiîteccti anti unctne,astIdte nattaî fatitnniitt wbih tite atseuL 0orte 'arriccn cia- recieti itby te farmlng ý-iniuîttîtttl'lie carrier'. taar a ulîi- fori n ni ti. tue1' taI toftLitet titY bretiertt,inhil w'elah eouveYanuce a. prtitied itLhemaelrea. (lu two -ttttes tentare girl tcarriers, atd tey are " auufiaggiug lu iheir devoiii teL te itrvîeeasthtimnt, anti a@ efficient. Instancest have heen very teniwliere titrai carrters have been trepoctcd for or etntU' i leflicieucy. Titey give bondtil ine uetm of $500 lfor te taititful performance tof teir dîitea. No cage han Vt tt'urret witrtt te depart- .enh tateiturequicedtieLu alliupou teir Lonienuiî. itoice priett regtilaLttt irte cr- riersi gvt' ecelpi for money tîrdera, andifI teIr patonsdealre. eau inciose anti mail Lh,.ae ttrçticrn alter Lliey have obialueul timin The tequialtâfor te aervice mufti- plied ike att entileaséChitan, every new rural deli'.ery toute establlaliad brlng. iug int tiree tt or oe tppllcatonm trot couigîusti errltty for 11k.. prlvilegen anti lictre four motLia of te paiâ fiscal yeartitati explr.-d te appropria- Lion watt fouinîtotabave biten practii'. aIly appurioîtet onit. Ihat la te aay, te exietlnig setvice, if coutiuel]tu te cltoaettf te fiscal yeat, wonld rt qutre te dîahuraitmint îofthe nnlole amonut appropriatet by congritaa 'lTe peuple goetal!lu L te rural distrits are co-OPOrtltug wlit titi departfeui n prumotllthîe efficiene of te systet r'l'bia furt Lere lbavt bme t Lnty tttbberles of pumtofllice boxest reptîrteti, anti iacit beuefliairy apeurs ttaie a peraonal IntenetiI seaaaing te carriers. Thete ira amuaant poéinumt.r geiteral recoin- monde au extenasion of the lstnen a fer as onalalehl wiilt due coDomy Bsd tbe nonvntence of Lb. publiC. r Lake Oounty with lia wealib an' mm=th egldrural dIaigIcieohtre 3RO .W lIM *0 ht . Ut b Newa0ap@r Coreetents. Appearancitaa 11polul t'- ti, retomi- ntattinandi ce-elCtjott'.1lot,.t ettIL Lyotn, of Waukegan, att î.,-t.îber 'Iite forty-meeoud genlerai -hi'VtiIv f flt(- alate o!f îlinola. Tht'. '.j,'t-ILfitoui.i bit, lit. Lyon w&a au ltu.-IieMber"!f a i'orrittî.L lgllature. atmitIIimervem te bearty eudtraeiet (<fth i-eighthLi,-dî triece tiicfa L'ltt iit 't (Sitorge Il. Lyonl, of waîîiegan., vot-il rithL ou.ever3' quitLiontioittaLcame lie fore te (eneraldtaeui tSpingrt- field .i.ring hieM fila reeer. lite Tanner î'cowd of oat.en nitîtli lIe tO eneompaa. his d eat. lîlt we meîîe'.e tai Lte people 1tfLake t'ointy wil gl'et itainfalthfiul tbttr e. tant a goodi eudormementi. I- lt'y.Jtt îti lvery iîewepapqr butl-w'v' îttLatke colînty aud mterai ii M-Htitry Coî1tîîy have 1" ~a g"i nitri t, gayvfttr t.eorge R. Li î, ttt,îîieale for Rtepreaeta4 a nii 'i Iit"'1 tîtotf tent predlet Ili ~bri. tar field mi. far am any clouae .îîîltîtgo... He. lm.noL blowlng hIm -nilt2 ttrn v.ry ioudly, but Lite votera are lî'tttîng atLer îL, and i tl 80teeiat a fatttfîi .ecvaft, whofitan eiood Gon te rîglilaide .of every ittîpot.ane nen trî- Lt i ta. elînse ni) turing Isatieri , "lit- lj' îîot tLtrltel, tioi-it&0 tmer, . t h .1', 1 î'at ttml.tlîîof 01iny Imat. i - J"e't FOR LAKE COUNTY. Fren Ru.ral Mai Deliveryt' 10ha InauguratedJ Mr. Austin Clement and t rin Lacee wtttt ue met sontt of Lîbertynlie, htave frtr sonse tIne ieen endeavorlug t teclîre a trial of te friecurai mail tielivery ayaiem lu Lake C'îurty, andi teir afforts bave beitu r..'tted 'tit Thiey aecured ignera tLa apetitln LO Ltt tfet Inte section they deem tept suied for a triai of te ayeiem and forwarded sm rne LoCtngretîaman Foâ,an.Who jîtereaied himaitfin .,teIr iwtàht f. Sitttîrtiay Ja goversimeuL ofilejl iWatt ttntL tîtti aetertte route. 'tiici îtm- piei th Ie fttiiowlug points antd tà twenLY-fine milits lu lengt. i'tartng at Prairie View, te cari tcF 'tîfi prteeeîjt inte followiug order to Halflf)ay, Lbertyville, aa far as Park Ave , titente o Rockefeller, Diamond Lake, IvanhÈoit. Glmer, Meyer h Cornersandît[jabck o Prairie 't'ew. Ail itersona deajrtug to take aLivanL- agitof te î,ew tyotitm muat provitie themsaitvea wttliun trou ftsil bo.tîn.L te piaceti convenlent Lo te hîgit'ay, anti motbave ail mai addreaatd t Ptrairie 'tien'. Thisialli prove a bototml Lo te Prairie 't îew poatoffice anntinn crease greatLy te amount of lîtalîtetta tere, and pctptrtlt.nately detrea"te t abttil ltt in iter officsalont.g te roufile M rtIr tn Lt.c'e 'tti t rol.aily ,.tvttrv te appotinttnt otf tarrder. te .tary beuIg $41x)t per yeair iL la propîtncd t, tuaxgnrat'te tte- tytel AîrlilKlt Te anittal reptori tfte ficat assisa- tant poaLminatter general liai beeuu tatueti attd le ifiLereaLotig to i n iîabLtatf te WIit regardtt te rural frite deliery Anat. te repotrt apnaka entbiîat a liy.I tere itaa bee n rothlug lunte hitL' 'r te service, IL l ffataaeti, 8 rcîtîarkabji ast te growLh oftiii ayaiem. Wititin te laat Lw(1 yeara, il i ta taetî,-'largely by te id of te ptetopleit Lemeelvea, Whio, latappret la. liotfth6 ie ielpinif baud wliîeli Lit gonerumeut eutxended Lo Llem, ihave met tmeitadvattcen hait way, IL f&im m plaîîLed itLeffa., irmly upon postal ad- j miniatratons ait au ano longer bit pcouiîiered lunte liglit of an expert- e menL, butt hant Lults deait withsa aua entabllaited t<itfly of prograsa await it Ing only te action of tbheitougres. to a determine hot'trapidly it: atdli IL wîîld bit Iti' 'tate tf wtrda t re'.tew te bornue rtý'. trîlof Iiî"rg.' IL Lyon lu Lait' h(t înty, niIere'lite sandkia ltîtI aH sirjir am a buitii neaa ian if abliîîy andti tttgeiL! amtîng Lite ptItletriWo haNi knttwn hlm a" aiboy andtit ui, for ittîre tan flfty yearn 'tir i.yî,lî'n ofiti-alre- cord la wiîhotLatain. f,'it aiat- waya voLcd rigif antîin he Litetiere' of te farmner'. aitdil iahri îg 'lat Ilie greaL majocîts ilfipubliclt' entiiiiîtteimt for bIn rectetit, 1' -t Leigioiitre Waitkegan Gazt il ltcpreaentatvt r.(-orgecIL1, i vlii' "i W.aikcgani, itba îttrt t' hi'. nuMeroit, friettîl ti, vacîtîtîs arlt tif te eo.ity titat 1i nllt' a-att date for cettî,t tii )i. t the Lit.glterai sagenu iv IV rtiîttlit iittivtt ate Wonttîîtitl '-n IAi t o Mrb, iti n LMnn is ai , 'i llMrL, iit' rlial cteritti itaitci tbi et h eju beau r. '. to ' rttîd tit' t" I , n 'i ptrttgcen1,tnot t ,i,iag tt.a îiîîîiîntu titteaL H',ite.t i î,%l fuir r'"tttt sa relre'n-ttatst t 'ti ti it.. tuiit' Tite p-p"e ein t't, r - e.îît It t i Iîy hiane iilit'e, ttu II 1r, L>tii.a ritnwty, nei' i itt netî ntititu'.n ti ne repteatu lat, t It e mnt i-t s eil't teir iftiterets. tt iti lte rîgitl sre (4 evcry qîtitt i 0 tpblitc p.tttt' itod Lhity are litatit t'l-t apIli". 'hle croaing a sIru-titiMater- t toui greatinportait-e treeLt. ethnie -toee thite uct (icucai t n'cmIt!y te.);termtL of aîîy exlpcriiIî.-t'îin lieIeur ie nîttaka ite e nele--it>. ltic f r.Lyonb'. anl litîreantî,l t rtiti'tetY t Iltu. Leîîîier Froto J G. Larrsoro ,it. .' .Ai,. I . 1 tt i --t bu it th ,ii""NT HC tttM iti t ontaîîGe-t tloe- 1t ittîi ling luta, u nt i tiu t t6aitI ali i t tittit, tettnît tI tit Lit -Idîttu - t'.tîniuit ., nt ati .1 tit fottt tS!li Attîtîi.lina-.'-rutit' -oi e.nery itn titi" ieiiutef-it itI'-m'ittt Ilitnoit art fi titi, 1 h ". VItt* là I , t u'iîlcst tif itti .fn-u1 '..tîtin 1 in Thte cottoi w',I it r-s art' ,'ariilvInt tirii lradtutti întlit. san.' ititibliita'utf -ui e.Witat1iil te afnd tad t ut. AitfaarowmtnttteIiii TIent are in., îtut- 10 it'tirtt«pdutîuaitliouiit Il k, rat itediry. ilur trea mr.' ait iîtkteti aL nigitî. Btuildintg ttter,î'.l'araelîtoit)titt M-t urdors for hrlu'k ton 'mait bit ..M'un httînea are oft uit. Ouir lumbert'tt- extenminlt'ly f6m iOregon anti Wasinutott anti le oft âie qt tlY. AU i ail ti.. Ia uliglitti totntrttandtt wiîte and 1la- re a-tlt iPieaed wthiî oîr le inuatlon. Wit beaL regardstit smc Lake Cîmittî fcî.udin. arn. yen trulis' oitra Ifor4eds oi Prairie %w. P NDE i $1.50 a Year in Advance. LIGHT PLANT BURNS.Anin Liberttvilit Electric LIght Plant n Ruina. Early I itîriity morning an altynt of lire iwttkened ottr citlzeltt, and iy te A rrivah,, imoe I it aleotiyetiwhere te confla- gratotnwatt it tif.eecLrilig lî l îant ,wtedi ly A. I1,IPurge watt a ntttthtof t tir t' the vitittget tgitte ntatt uittîdlti o te nIet', bt la 'lrî-am etîttitDotikui gtt4'n .ieil te tt.nlu itie Lto Ion ay effectivteywttrk The englue-, hiîîer ttdiilltîe dynamo are rulîteti bevttîd repiar, and amt Mc. Bl urge Watt ,t îtaihto Lgel Inatîraîtceatil lit. pitlan tte "t.tititprove -a ,erioit lA hetîter or li.tlite ttitt relttîibim In t l'ln t, ittlu it sy'tet Lte village n.l h tiiiîtdarkite'. .fr atit'- tti' t'I cettUN. asitîforttliaittVy,filte- ittage tt aid have Ijimitned (If ,tan V If te 'iI streetlianîptt and poteL, ftrnît'rtv titte i tr luttttjcaa metn alid JrIvtltMt- tut Iti ial siaii.g teserv ice nill i14 t'îtrcbi îmewittt iîton ve',îcti, ait lailthope fotLit,' apeedY (t'ttntrîîî- tiIiml itc î lîm)lenLtlfa new tplanit New CenIrai CommItLte.. titi S.tîtrîttt v illIlti' tsrteted tthe l)rgattititl il a tint Central t tht. liît 't t tîrîîaîîl ptt. u aîi tttltern ,tt tht',tiimtt'clatee i'çîrieti thehin 0i e. a tt.intg ne rvted iontg euttigit Nt t.' let L ti- lie t'iitteita 'orniLt'y tif yottitg tîeft iltî'eare îîauv lu Lite ettity eareet tgei't relptt)itiiaia, HanecîtWtli b et 1ilg t fl alte'Vt 'f l'tiîagi. liet te Latkyei'îtoitytt lIi efllttm it AI tlb crtvsuie Stt.t,-aftll ttc t tttillait! ntttLalttnd fht't-ttivnttii, fit geL a gltîit.e t'ilt-, ttît duýbt lasire Lto i-, rnoei iTi'r n tîga Ft'.osbttuarCau.ctna. A ( ai tu' iff tie repi IileailiVtLer% of hite Ftti'nittiiîf Lîlert.vvtllie jItere- l'y talietiltoi lltîe'LLt e 'îtn Hall, Litirtn tille, otii rtay te 2trd dtuy of ireliulracy' I iii tn t cck p.- iu., for te pucîîîîae if '.eietlig en delegatea ta attenth ie iepuican CounLy Colt. veutlon baitl u t Liertyville ou SaLut- day, Feheaky i4itaut1.30. Warren W. .T. U. Banquet. i he th.t 'iait t ai tanqu et tif the' vartt'ft% 'iCI1i.I1'.aitititiIlin W'ood. maît Hall at itrîtee Irriday îîght, and decip'tLite t etere cotil weatitit a biig î'rîwtwi ii ut, 'u.anti a more tieceas- liui Crt it ut ln il have ite i. tLle p~ateil. iLnaia,àî.,113 gattittrittg taIt arLouk ofi theInt'et iltIFi'etablten dete motat ai tr(tLli .N a1trttogî'ti Atlteer tntpie Mfrs.Nlve titie aitaiiotedthLt'rote of tat ît t 1le' at il f ieilte tiltein lan adilfiettttii- itatitter. lii ttîr tntrtiitt' t'-r tey t iiî.kte, tht' '.tttinarî,dthtlie wîrk iit ih.- nantIi1 itinttte, îotîy litiere ttttg lat'.. she ci t ftduited te tr' ,Ieakers '.1 t1 prttpriatt i entant antît î t' i ni tti renpititetto ttîtitînt, iere tht' te1prtt 1t tfi'aali t ar-ltadtresa tiii ii tIti'rvait tiIf very tarefiti pre- ptaut tin. M . EiniottîtMet-il, "lTe t f le'.tet tt'ttitî' Mr,, Mary A. t"a mnstttthu ut tiitt --- I ati,. -'btlei' 'tAtntnuîmrn -1lon G î. ardî'. Mn'. ueutriii "'tA'î tlw Oîurt îcne. i'..ctft sat Itàtn t. Lîtqtatetteh, . nait'f nti leti 1 it e qi tettît r' uiýted ..c l iit hi- ti,] lit'. iitgmelttilern Mati' tquartette, -Men'.nra. 1 iaiti, 't îîtîg, ttt otuieyktutti M onoe. I 'enate ilîîîarteLte,- lira 't ouug, Mrm, l.aie. Mima l'îitugt Mimia Divij. i tie atnuitai ltt5ttjtti't prttneti a dé- lighitLttii nîtîean, rcetttltgly enjoyeti ty te giscatitti ndrefIectut great .'re.iL Peemlum OS fer Oisconttnued. Havnîtg exhlaiit Iti tr nupîpl y of 811urso thUt îf ttLigeapt.ît of -O'Iuli New Ptisaetittitt, 'me iiiot i eea'.arily dis. cotnue s itrîrt'ntiutiîîoINt-tasa aver- tnseul inaLcaîl'me are ohicrltire yeuattt 'itlitttil>LIOlimth itte I an Iottrnîti icrte boîtIntiHi'. teula' or "t'Iafnsittih Alenî ut aralîýga, - % tut t-hov tIeWIitLi te ye f.tia oc $1.51h. VA t 'it g.'ivel itetalditteoitut ts uait papete, îitrittsilauhtrI'inagttzhiieu ln W'ittttuit wt te Tt.tRitN S ie Nt' urtiîn'rî, i iînîttaNotrma l eilitol, Dtiit. Ill., l iuIie'itg ftee LoltiOLI lu îîîty titparLinetL. tîst î'pL mi,'. Lu a lîntuteti ut. luten tfbind i teu, tplay in. Lhe Dji-i I(tiege Miliiarylilauti, F.j ut tririiar-t. tîlulesa te PrealtienL, Titere wil hemà grandtî hall ai LIbet'ry. ville Town Hall FrltlaY igio, Marci liLit, SI. Patilekit eve. Music by Pruf. Suntiita OCiciagot orrheatra. Oyter aupper wIlI ieb erneiI. Danceticket* 54) cet.. upper extra. L .J. Webbt sud F.BMan. U8ttaffl. the Latest S...Ii1 Ne-xx (ioods for Spririg. eut ii titt Ofoto soes for ir$2.00O1ior Made o f Fine K iîtindtrînr.,,Iy Sewed. The BlacIss cone in Button or Lace, W1îh Patent or plain leather lips. Light and flexible soles for indoors, Heavy durable soles for streeltiuse. The Tant corne in lace only, With tips of leather saine at shot. Solea are the mediumn weight kind. "THE BEST SHOE TH4E MONEV CAN BUY.- ýHOUSE ESTABLISHED NOV 25. 1843 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TELEPH ONE NO. 109. tiere are aFe-I 0F OUR MANY (Bargains. Good Wood Frame Wrunger Tin Boiler Ax and Handie Beat 18,lb 8 gelMilklCans 2 Second Hand Cook Stoves with Reservoirs 4-fi Poultry Nettîng. per rol- Large Wood Tuba ...... Sgai .Galvanized Iron !il Can with epout 4-fu One Man Crosscut Saw I have also put in a fulli une of farm ma- chinery--Moline Plows, Steel Drags and Disk H arrows. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH ON ALL ....GOOS .. LIBERTYVILE, ILL. Now's The Timie TO ORDER VOUR LIARNIESS FOR SPRING WORK. We wiii make them up flow for delivery when you want them. Rock bottom prices on heavy double work harnesses. Single harnesses at ail prices, and ail prices are low, workm-anship and quality considered. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. - - - ýLake County Banlk,' FURS WANE WRIGHT, DYMONO & Co.,--- Lbertyville, Illinois. Highest Market Prico Issiti -;Ilitiî',st Il n, , t ti vides I î't ide mi Pe im Wiit C.eint Feito. 1 nlii litti itttiff -ui attul tdi Wednotuyda 'l iiutrit.Ity tutti tttuIrtlUN ii itacli nieek itîîtilItrtiter notIee., RAW FUVRS By Chas. Stempi, Long Grove, IIIt$1S TîoýN ' - hitliauitt-atItîti li Il leigtiîre, bui i ttt-rt"f thi. paraégrapliha'.atsti sud At fi, tl'att iîe,î.*tkm,] lie Daîtin 'htn tt ti : Il ns tettrge Il. Lyt Il-it an Iteen ~..ere twîî erme, kîii s I.'.t' lu efftetive wîtrk ani ittt ..t t ('I ,t.geL pulit'tt it.>atty n ne ný. It-.en He" lain lit e prime f lit-'lt. tht' ttll patttif of litsbuatîtesi ieanatd ta a Malt tf large expertc. te.tif matre jutigenieoL sud excellenti litty. Ht' la fîily att lu evers ' titteitit wtL Laie eotiîlty tn tfttlittLerett Mr. i4eralaa vitîti natî, an tîvet infutht'e otinty lut il , lent earm. andi thîttgit a wldit-ttnitht aggrcatve man, hl ie uaL otkitif.Lie vrt.,lf "-iîke a Loo," &a don. Mr . "t Il Mr. Stearne would Ici te ultttie. aLel"IgLh»"'d oe! t' î-rtîing ilt ,.,n palier a.f-wyearn ti-r'. n tîk we î'tîti .up.ort iiiIteurLly. -lie- aidesalal tht, itila ýt t"istîn Ltu" yci lteveral otLlezaltWi itticapable mitn have clalmai bef're hlm. lie ve ahal support àMs, ,yon -14het'dait Rua i Vewnieftir. . .$I00 60 75 2 2S 2 00 3 50 40 50 1 75 ILLINOIS,, .1 ý 1

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