CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1900, p. 4

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wt bbc tulfiCounty Conretilon as 1At laieS Conl) DIseron as -hm t ________________________ felevaHe sayaFi hv ict lretormtubecause be PMANK IL JUST, .Edtor. PUIIDÂT, Felîrar, 2',1' Uêttsd astthe ist-office at libertrviiie Oiliois.uas econd-ecs in atter. 40V11MO R"* AD£ 1KWOWII ON PPLI- CATION. Eh1in Butter Marktet. Butter on the Elgin board Mouday wu am ; offrlugg. 15 tuba, aeiilug t lboffciai prît" of botter ]ami week, lIe; lest yeur 21... Weklv 'intput 10,000in. Altholagh te HouBe lian, pammA da Ptlacialbill and the Meuate bas clone abat", e, l. Pnancial bil htaI ill luoe àe law viii be made by the tii mmvWho forc i te Conference Oom- Mlles, reprementing the Bouse aud Senate. vbxch la cbarged vltiite sesk 0freconiliing tiiç dîfereuces iu Umho abUis. The gentlemen cbarged vfMt his Important duty are iteustors Abdube, Allison and Joues, o1 Àrkwusa,ànd Representativea (h'er- s8vetof In4&iana; Brogins, of l'a., and VGoq o Tennesse. The last-named sieutor and Representative rPprea eut thie oppo@Maiotaoubatboll us. r Benatar Weunery l ou. futlice eonators Who ville ippoci ug Ifs pemanient retentîonu cf!the l'bhlp- jus. y &lite Il. M.advocatea lhe =rle suppressiono!ilte rebellou u4ainsl ur atborizy. Il îeeb ils eaud: -I amn nt vllllng tuaI thie Phlippines, or any par! oil hienu ajouitt remain the propcrty o! lbe (7. IS., sud 1 ami uualterably oppolied 10 tbeir inabbtants beeomlug citizena o! LAIs country. W shaould gel aus, issu there as seon ici unr bonor. digpami suditeresta vîlI permit. 1 bav »Yemoympatily vitit the Filipluos. TAis, aneuov enemies o! tbe LI. S. As MM M astbsy bave laid lovuthbeir arma ps.haps vemay ho able 10 do noms- - *5.5 fot Iem. 19 is abburd mii slip- pous lMaItbey are nov, or iunte Imuediste future yl Os able to go?.t. thamslvea alui. e regard Bp 5U5put a uew tariff mb c f ccl lhe ý i Ma e tAn e r, ubicit contained anme 't' 55 vibaitmnouty bcexpilueti on 8" e gotud of balred towards thia oesty. For Instance, thie United BtUms.Consul aI Barcelons, lu a report l Iote Deprtmsnt o! State, pointa ont SkedSbduty ou typevnitera, ublilh Manai bits nid tarIff averaged about ftyes aaschinelaenovw froni $1360o j». As no ypeurltera ,,re umade in quai. te big dutyseis ;0 bave besu - - .Iqposd for te pirpooe of beadiug off thé of Americaî tlypevrîtera lu Spaft, 5 %bey are lmîîît thes ouly one. et intnoduaed lu Ibat coutntry. Thtenuev tarif! bas doubleul tbe 11h1 onpamrafne val sndlubricaiing odeh, vItiie maiut ont, Ameriesu Insi.. lu Utc former sou crippletia i ti the hie.As Iese dtities afl nl tter protteinnr revenue for Spaiu, tbey eau auly lie regazded an iiavlug beau ' ~ IMpos.d for opite. 'hos apîte poile!lta noyer a good oeuthn liong u, etlbor fer nalbons or nldîvdual». laiaian ad Port,, Rît-au ligiala- #»Dn ov las thie igh uf uuîv lu laîti brsabes e! CougreMs lit hec Sonate t tillWprovidlng a îîrurmo f.gîîvern. Ment for Hawaii on territorial lineit, la *6ite "ntiniabeti buiness' sud ulU Yl0masch unutî l dpoactio! ,, lite EROO.eeporto Rico tari! bill ulilef VU reportel trou, tie Wayeanad Molina <.oRIaitUee hast seekluiOasbeei cxlled UPa"d vii wtel IePo uti llspoaed ai. Betitbils lg iiprolîsbly pailuas pflY aisasurea, lthsugb the..senti- ment lintse onite in favor uof qlovlng POfto Blenu înreatnîx'ted hostie vîit S" U I. S. viii aUkihec nol a ev mneuibers Ilo oe for %lIt aril? bill nciui'Iauly; butts anniuii'-emi-t h tifhe lr'ai- tient hiat l0e ouiti aigu il, il pauued alithaug in iaî message lie lid recon,. râma fisretrade forn Porto Rico, eflade tsserions upposîtliu tuitlu tAie nanka o! the.. mjirily. Btthle minxirty ulA utilize tebil ,1 umaie, sou. oextendet apetlici. abif lbey hope t0usve tâa'r foir politlam-l V Reputican COunty Conventiorn. ARepubliesti (Xiuuly Conventuion yl le beid et the Town Bal, iiith Vllasge of Libétyvijll, Laie CUuuty, I DIDint, ont Satitrduy 'el.utary 24, il. D- 1900. ah 1:31 ' iî' 1)'ut lu. ti.forc te PoWPCas 0f sleiting tweuty delegates go teBspnbuiî'xii lui-utorîal ('ouveu. tmou 60 le beld i i llîs',MeHeiiny Co iitlihuiîi. ou Ilarit 'M, A .. IWO; and aise furthie plirpuse o! select- MWg thurteen delagatex u hi, lî Iepui. 011111ite Conventlioun , u' ieîîom aI Peoe~ Ililu ls,1un 9Y M, A h. 1910 $Wd fur lie purPose il eectlng 11111110 Wthie Cougregglonal ('ou- ceS. utbe ileveuthi'inn.ilu PIiIeyeît O Lwi 'alicd il liýving ' os resulveil at a tn1ectug dilthe r"C 1m5a Central (;Oauiltlee tiait 'a'h C 'gouti'w.îî ii-ti g i i hf.. ........ teihi,1l ,*u4mbofsWad pcai r lni.îtr.L inri "C~li hIt OuseUie taseid din.i1 vol" ])4n.. wttî olje' I .' .'thei'01o,'ly , 1 B'nt,,,i9". i4 xsîîr-,,' ' d l' il, il lith.. ];, 111s S'. ', < p-' t . . .. ...., U. 7. .'od ici' i e %as 2 Antlih- 394 0-nt. .4 rltudly tu bile àboci Nsad niLling ta Âýn- n.. .x< i et as British reîtelenlablve, uben Warrtu..n. . . ilS ail oter Amare&cn lu le Wanîesffaî. la8tlritoari liti lut. 171 21 Traavasl vere igilling lu the Boer 8'l 339 raIse. Hilsa &terence f0to the Boer 4th *17 Ilcause is,o! soure, oaIy smatter of SlliIs ic37 77 1tantate, but tIefs ttthat the Brtish 2id il9 1 ceusor dared te open letters and tole- LUbert ycIll.278 10 lèm t. 18 grams luteuded for the UnIedStates Wauoiîda .... : conai, aboya Ibat Great Britain ia Cuba .165us 5 presuming on our good nature. Ela ....lo 7Dipiomati.. isitera and messagea are Verne. 1811 7 sre vn!l rUis W.L)eeirÈixl,l tuî i lx i.ô. 5 FeddiCtndr,, W. C. 1. ios. Clairm,tn. Have yot tried the uev proeilsa food ' . : anaA . griuder i lhe Wauoonda Ilill? Hesas 1) .WILIA.l. 'oui al tiom sund coti or any Slnd of 'l'OXAti Cu&LLnTT. A W FLKTi u., foeodaaIx conetfier Long. Orlnd every ExC dey. Couerly anîd get home quiel. 15-4 ilJ. SPENCalî. X MSUSINGS X If a kou! la eqîlai tu tuo lopleu aid Mr. Jameis Shermnuasd Misa Hannaf a krant,' ln vortb bal! a lopie vlitît la Jaeosî' e uo ly married Sundsy, 1ev. Chapler pertormed the ceremony. the valuie of tvo via and s drift, 'l'il bride 'and groom are veii sud The New York man vin vas tiued I!avOrably lnOv, and lbeY hate tlie for ickllng hie vîfes flets ouiid stIek boéM i ie. o! their many finonda that to'tbeotd eora May ue a tin voyage tht 00gb 60teoiplanitif ..ateriug t1" ber lite. Vanlty. Goverîton IRoosevelt ban fortllled bimself viithilhe people 1,7 demand- Ing hbat the Nicaraguan canailise forlIlIeti by the I1nited Statex. Nol i-oulent witb deouclneng bis plal!orm lhe New Euglaud papers are nov fiîîding fanit viti t he lit o! Wr. Byrans clollieu. la titi an instanee of tbe iigiier criticiain' Mr. hotîsvets vl'vx otitihue --trenîlot i fe" Ipersuade iun, o offer tfs pnedivîtlnn t ai b.. woud ilveti up the Vice I'nealdeutilitraditionsnme, if bL ieildid li îdîîî'eîl b si'eept lat Teddy lloiîavelt î'iutinoem to pro- test lh ibe wyl not lie a candi daâte for te Vice 1regideticy. We (dott kI oy,1 o! course, vItat lu the gol'sruor'a mmid, [uni v.. 'Io think tI "-tte ld doîf pr oteal too muci.*' 'Ne don% fear Si) muchia! Wr. 'lli- man, of South C aroline, lu the neya- papers. Have bis northeru Irlenda subdued film, or la if possible that thie horrible exemple of Pettigrew aud Mason la keeping bila quiet' Practiî'aily evertbiîîg that the. DeuiocraLta do in done vite thi.. advice and cousent of Mr. ilryaw if tuis keeps op, boy long vwil ie bcbeicre @Omone h.iegua toirail inhlmCims Bryan. Il vouil proi.ahly havi' beeu înooey lu Mr. Carueglea pocket liad lieab- slaiued traingong talau viilWr. Friel. The latterao disciosure tualt tb Carnegie Company matde $21,t51O0.t1i4 lutl ear oit a capital of $26,0010,0W 0and hhat it elpecte ta tmnake $40,(M0,00(1 Ibls yeur r.lllgo far Io aid tfe mote. nment ta reduceslie tariff diiti l'aon trou n ad tel. The Loud bill. atunding the lava, for the regalallon of second CI&@& mail malter, bleîbecn !avorably reporle.d ta lheeLionse (rothels lont Office Com. altee' ThIbelîIl differg Aigtliy from thte aimilar 1bill vbicli vas befors te lust Congreas. If prevides a unuforni rate o! i cent a pound for second ciens matter, vih le tasuclude ail news- papara aud perlodicais issned ae tatedt Periotixsud as trequeutly as Foutioe a year Il alî,s anpie cîopiné, up ta ti-, f tioi.t,Ilî ,i c suluin ptîî lis&, 1501t 1,' t I. 1 0 , You have used ail sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. lt may wear itsell out in Urne, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a ser- ous throat affection. You .need something that wiil give you strength and build up the boy. sco-iTs EMULSION wiII do this wvhen everytNast cise ladls. Thepe s no doubt about it. It nourishes. strnghes.bubàds p &Wn ff tS hard cou#4 ,but te lurty the system eqalnst luteattACIs. Il Yom a«c mun down or emaddsd You vcaw se ù this An Edtor'. Life Sav.aDbY Cham ber- laîna Cough Remedly. During the ewiy part of October lm;4 1 contractit a bsd cah ilafathled ou My lanugesud wuaneglected unnli1 lesxed tilat comsnption iltd appeared ln au lucipieni atai. 1 vas ennatant- hy Conghlug ana lrylng 10u expel some- tIiingWvief 1 could not. 1 became alarmad suddalter Living Cb. local dodto, a trial bongitt a botîle of Chami- berlain@ Coughfilemiedy sud lte reanlt vas lnwiediate lmprovement sud 511er 1 bai used tires bitles my longs voe reelored t h Ibr fsabtily alate. B. M. Eduards, Publaiter ef Thsekleviev,j Wyaut* IM. For sae by P. B. Lqvv&a.. Libertyville, J. R. BRic,a Urnes, (litArar,Àa PnàÀAucy, F. L. WusER MANS, 0Itocîeller. JOHN MlIatLKR, lvsufoe> htood Deabli Off. E. Bi. luuday, a laujer, o! Beurietta, l'ex.. onces fooled a grave-dlgger. Hes says. --1y brotitsr uavery ov vilil ualarial fever sud isundice. 1 per- suaded bleu tu lry PEhellBiter, sud1 b, vas soon much botter, butcontlnued thlir use untl ite wu whvolly cuxed. 1 amn surs Electrie Bittera uvad his lîfs." Titis remedy expels malartia, uis ailsesse geramansd purifies the blond; aids digestion, rsgulstea liver,kildney sud boveis, cures constipation dyspep . sia, nervous dîsesse. kiduey troubles.i feamaIs complainte@; gives perfect isaiti Onhy 60r, at F. h Lovit", Libertyvîlle. (jl~TeompsoN, (raysinke. Rupture Cured IN 30 TO 00 OAYS bý ils vau I.a F"Ilty Mtbh.. No Suci"ai ')îenaliou. Nu Setirs lait. No buis of TIm,- Niý K'i, itilIC i- EXANDiIATION pees Every rtipturcîl perou nlxii constanth danger Ifrîui trangulaîii, vilî I re- qu.eutiy rcauits iude.thlu e very i-axie t l'ils... x grfma t.-ai ..f ifrig 1 ie be re reatiiil cret y th-- btdlilty àictititi vitiiont I"ba<i hm. Al rup- tured persous lutLake C"iàînit iuaI clultY aboutid taiteadcaiantgr if Ibis npportuuîty. A specilltth ettjuVer ten e ar' Y pniiîic .the Ireat- meut if diflm'it ci-xviii l tme aI mi, 01-e lu Libertvvilie every iter. Doonu fromi 2 tui 4,If v.ý eau flot cure 71111il vili t i t ( oî 'u ',Il 1 . tAviti M 1) Lillirtyvviic, iii, J. B. Clark, of Penris. III., saY1, 'Stirgeouns watt ted lu operle ou me or pilies, but 1 curedti heu, viti lie- Witt'a iVteti'a HaZ.-i sive. It ls iufaiiillie fuîr pilies nudt sklu dîseases Bewarc i-i "îîinterfets. F. B. LovELL. Liberht ville; J. It. liAacgaav. Gu ries, F. L. W.TRiUAaga.loclefeller. PEOPLES' COLUMN. ".Ada Iist*.. ms. sc sva&el Ilsas-rbu:s*, ese un", Il.s'pf ls.. ENT-Slem.fia» 2ýJaiie l, t'a, il Wsrt'er. ia' Do boîta,,. wiliit. resre. v' g, ltrt' Agipit' ix Il. i. .1, AU.Tm.latbe ytitre.. - iiîlu IIi l. .11lets CHAS Il WVLe. A I io all ,i . l'a ei uaillen lt FO'UlîBont p<oIws9-1 t' nesideuseais',fr sA,1 orn-eti.. Wl, I sil iits SID vîit o moceavar. WA ) BAlLai 520.6p A-m- Il N i. t W 1_ .1 l,-9 .-1' I tlts'uuîît~îr,.î iii'. la %X ü"i" l.ü * GRAYSLAKE LOCAL NEWS. SMita. LE. %. RMAZN. LessI mils.. M»r. Shermanu la authorised to reSeiveiiubsoriptions and advertlamenta TIME TABLE GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. boule 1soirs. o00150 OUTH. A M. 10W.16 A. M. 744 x 6:'8 x P. M. 4:4v Sundat' o1, ' 913 x Daily. Mtii day ove nleg tiabot &rtictili sto itpn Algin al ntl y, W. B IOLRY. Agent. WISCONBIN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. OFFICIAL PARIER 0FGRAYSIILAKE. Oscar Rommel, of leerfield, 18 vi@it. iug his sOnt, lira. Shermat. 1ev. Stevens attentded the MBnuday scIooI convenîtion ilittoa'kefFlIer isat Friday. MrT. Abiott, fortuîcrly of this place, but uow teaching lu Lake Bluff, waa the gugesi 1. (0. White iasal eel. Mr. and lira. Irving Payne, of Chi. cago, vere the guesta of their aunI, lira. C. <0. Smithî 'everai days at week. Mr. Frauk Fritaî,li vaa appointea marasa.i a the lacSt meeting of the village board. 'The appiontaienttua couflrlned. Mr. and lira. Jlbu Washburn went te Oak Park lisat Saturdaày sud Baday aud celebrated their vedifîug amniver. sary alan thrir parento A belîy girl cante 10 teip brighiten A surprlsing ccurence of ast Tue.- day te thte villlsgere ilere vas the tusrrisge of!sir. O. iR. Bsrron sud lira. flonghlountaiWsnategan. 'lis liid beau reportedl many tmes belore but alusys vitlsont toundation. Hovever ibis tume I16ila srealily sud lte uely married pair bave lte gooti vishas o! tireir Inienda boes, wvici are leglon. May tie evellilg tif tielrilves tiialen liapptly ogether. Soresia Ciaptar O. E. S. celehrated tirir 49b annlversary ai the Masoiiie Hall lant Tîîesday lîlgit. Ai ltut a few of lte membere were presatît anti ail tireadres lrought vîh ltieur s hâterinsa o! tilenisvesaI01 uany years ago. Tiesre vere drsvn by lte gentle. men wfo upou inding the originale, escortedtirIeur te aupper. A 5004 pragram vwas reudered. "he Wortiy Patrou Wr. ltagluaiiî Uedfrey vas then prebesed viii att Eastern Star pin as s tolen of kiudhy remembrance frour thte ('apter. iteverai happy fours wers speut sud alter slnglng thle Doxoiogy they dîsperseti St altoiti midaiglit. tii1vas neariy deati viitdyaiepsia lrled dectors, vlsit.ed muinerai sprlnu, andgr.v vorse. 1 uad Aodol Dys- pepsia Cure. Titat cîired me." 1,t digeamw vat yen sat. Cures Iudiges. lion, sont slamnach, lisarîburu and ail forma e! dyspepsîs. Y'. B. Lovrnt., LibertyvIhle; J. B. iIE.ciai%, (Ino, Y. L. WUSTRxuiAa, RoOclelihe. tic home-o! Wr. anilid rs. Everettl NevIlis lasîveek Wetiiiesay. îradlni~IX~ T ' u i ' ni oins lu Ifs bappînemia. ABnubtnt ltIOufllitîdîxtry. lors love iciter. bave bueîxr"eieveil froni Pierre County. Il a feu more v5sry dlsbnleAreted t,) parties viii tel] lia aJI Ibhet kuev about ilthtuepublici'tl soin lie vise. lins E. iJ. igley sud son fiiuxrul if Russleil vlalied a ucek wvlh lra. J. H. Shberman at the bîîue uof ber soli E. Ji. Silerinu Mm,. lberman bas tesu quite 11h,. ittls is aluiî<uat eutirely recovered. lilas Sable liurgatnoyd emîecalust a numben o!fber fienda at tie home e! Wr. sud lins 1). .Whithe hast Salttr day evenlng; a&Wiia veek saguî Salur. dsy î'velng and liiti cvctîtîîga vere very eujoyabit. '11l'ie ladtes' A1I.1 oî.Iymet utiil lra, i). (i. White tast Wernlueuy after. nooli. lut ovug Icithe ragîttg îf lthe blizzard nthat dey, 1h vas uni as veil altepnd.ed as vnuld itîbervîse have liecu lic camie.Neit meeting vOl îîrolt)ally te bîsît in the chutc.i A numben o! people cotuplalu of itaviug b.d aiclens sholsu ithe pas fe eue, one famllî milng as uany si velte oue nigit. Ila t irmtsed ufere tfe ihome O!flte lhleven IN aud IS voniulu e veil)forthem to lis loy for a time, at least. an siiit-guus are ail ready lto hot, sud vos iintu tbe man vito la catiglt Iu ajiotier a iiun-bjottse lIdeu(iul m ervives acre itllibIft.e ,citunîti ie.t tiultiv cvetiuog.rmin- moratîng lii' ieskth oif!MisFrances Willard. Ii.ii'cli rci a. utscily decoriteîl f,um tee i'stuti ail the ste ou Malae .Iction r- e! Wishing ta reduce aur stock before in- voiclng. we will sell regardies of cost _____ lieuslBas Milieu@. per pair ....S....$ou mule SRiinMilueu, per pair ..... .....l M5 et. Cali!RicinMintIs per pair 63 $1.15Buckl ...... 9'7 .1.. . 1 I 17 Pleeced Colo la» ov ... .. ...... 19 Llited Buck BHln (dotes, vere 75v.,lnt ........539 lien'. 110e Floood nderweàir 1. . 39 WrgtsHeaith tiudervear..... 9 ieu'a Clay Wosted 815>00 Milita,...............12 00 Boys' ..' t$8...113j75 2.U5 Butta ut...........................I1 40 1.75 . . .. .. . .. .. .. 1 5li Ladies' $6.50 and 57.r(1 Jowackts at...............5300> hIclle aInnselete At . ....... ...... 98i $1.36 tii 11.45 tu $1.0Over@lloesa at ...............1 l Ladies Overslioeu........................ 7 Mises Overalsues .. ...«69 ('btldren's Overahoes..-.................u lott of mimes Rabbera epa ir.................. 10 Lot of Ladies 11.75 aud 512.591 situes fier pair .-1 (X) P'ilah Robes $1.35 to..... ..................s5Oui 5 A Hors@ Biankets .... 119 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake DeDt. Stare. Grayslake, Illinois, Buy Gaods of a Responsible Party whosel' Guarantee is reliable. Don't go to a "Cheap' John Store" and expect Something for Nothing. WATCIIES. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES IN OOLD AND SILVER. Icarry a good une at rlght prices. Table Silverwear always delights thse houtewik., -1-1-good line ,-,- 1 have a .Extra fine Carving Sets, and sold right.. Clocks in varied and unique designs. ~ThreyeuagoIasairun Repairing of ail kind. daw1 vaI, ezhausted hd ~ wiIl kee r-airis pij~ ~DROP HEAD me and 1k antl gDr. New Royal - - Miles' <mvIiaNov, Iam New Homne - - " as cv i V. ohm.A. whie is-esa IasE.B. RM qaiv GRAYSLAKE, Mer&Uine WISHING TO Bock ombesrt snd amnent bonr., or. UMIs Ndeal Cosapwty, Etâwt I. CLOSEOUTI ladies ,ftie l.l %%aci 1Vi ion - -- - tool j'art iii tii.' cx the stteveuîe aic"gatvi' i.g nu aud apiîrqrts.%sL ciNsa' Lougîcilîx ,îiglit lu hall CIm-0 wijail asat Wouîlav îoigbt vax cc îIL "ale onue. A wrî'"r" ou t aîî tLhe prograiîl Wisau ex ofii-ii ancsd lira. R.<'Churchill, Berlin, VL.,nasys proverl iliat t1wt' leiti..til("i.tttry "(unr bal,! vas î'îvered vîti inel, ng C'lb la doîîîg god vrk ti ,a ittimry stipes,IteWitL'nWitu'iHarci iSalve vay. Ticr utietmeeting vii fle viii i'tîre r-'"tA speillefoel<r piliessud lira. A. W. Harvey nexit Mouday uigbt, sîlu diiseahen. iesare of wîrtiliesa sud losc iteresed lulite o ctterfelta. F. B. LiOVELL. Liberty- andlhoe jterstet l tb W.k 1ville: jJ il BRACuul, u,(irue F. L. shouid joli Seud yotîr Dame ln,. WP.NTKJMM,,iilOC-kefellen Money Saving 1 set Single Harneu, s$900 13 00 8 qt Granite Mik Palu.... 12 Extra Heavy Cofice Cffl s .. .... 03 Vegetable Disbee large................. .18 . mail... - . .... os CrenraPaîchers.loc ta . ýý35 Whips ai cost. capes. each'.. ... 25 Cloka, ach -...... 25 Pan Cake Turner wiîta each sack of Buck Wheat Flour, Geo. Battershall, HAINESVILLE. - - ILLINOIS. i Ou GereralCataoguequotes 4.them. Seud 15c to partly pay postage or expreatage and ve'il scndyouone. Itbas atoopages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes r Pices Pu nearlY 70,000 thiugs that you eat and use and wear. We constanîly carry in stock &Il . articles quoled. un iim g &%WM ýWA» £0., W. 1 can lix your watch 80 It ep correct time. ýD SEWING MACHINES. - - - $19 00O duriag holidyt' - 29 75 i SIiERMAN, ILLINOIS. AIL MY CLOTHINO l's, Boys' and Children's Pants, Metn's and Boys Overcoats and Jackets. 1 WILL ýGIVE A From my already Iow prices which are less on some than they can be bought at wholesaie now. Mens vercoats S 3.00 to Suit. $2.50 ta .... . Boys Duck Cos.s,60c to ... Frlts aMd Rubbers complete - Candee childu Ducile Aretiesàsues51010I IlWool Uned Aléslras. ixe ô8102.. La"d eNd ens Fei Shois and SlipKpesat cost. A ev Horse iankets at cmi W.W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE. s 10 O0 1000C 90 1 65 1 95 35 50 - - ILLINOIS Protection to Purchasers r, We nîution the publlic igiuxi purcku.txuIg Iitiaions o! obsilte fonms oif (,:Ir machines. WC Iicep up iulli e l.uiu'.i ievtiopuinisîx in iiiart, A o.uakusg ibthitig tthlie hgirît gcadeo r o ucii anud hive ailtievexi triqualifit uedicepss un uts sale ; lient. riuauiy a.muu i :iinii.tiiii til the illegil uit if %ur (rde ine .. A Braîx Medalli-i. ,f thteillptic.1l tenue hovîî bthîi', rmaou. regfis. o"cii Iraxie-mark, 'nud a plat-d upu, îh h lrs d frsery mîuî bie maxie iy us. NONE GENUINE WITH'OUT IT. M5QER l 5WI#MB.UAO nIIE 1 dOLD ONLY ST THE 81,94c" M*iUlFACTURINO Co. mi th 'P4 însisting of Men Suits, odd1 a 1 ý'l

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