CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1900, p. 5

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Correct Buylng Enables us to seil at Correct Prices... NO PROOF LIKF LEPENCE. T HE GROCERIES we sdil arecflot to be compared wlîh cheap Departinent Store gooda. ln buying we hirst satisfy ourselves that the quality is right. We buy to meel the requirements of our trade. and do flot endeavor to educte them to aur standard, Our increasing trade la evidence that we are givinR saisfaction, Triggs & Taylors, - - - Illinois.1 Special- Ba rgai ns! N WATG-HES. Having an over supply of Watches, 1 wili seil them at a sacrifice during the next week. Having had such a heavy sale during my -ten day bargain- offer, 1 will continue thé sale on same conditions during February. Solid GoId Spectacles with best lenses at $5.00. Ten year GoId FilIed at $3.00. >Perfect fit guaranteed. C. R. .SHERMAN, Libertyville- - - - Illinois. Spring Uoods! ionti a ttji a lu tihe -'IL; tue a C il 1tit , -S:i)\a ,Ii, uitlut\t . . ye t jeIi i )IIt 'I P\i , .i i i i i l 1 i ,,1t\\ i 'ui. Illi ii gî Il ii , 1 1it 1 , 1, i %( ,ii 11i ,i i i ' , ii1 , i F. C. SMITH&SON Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Illinois. D rugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fiaiiy' a n.i l llet Arti,'le'm, ttuuu and S'titiuiicv. P&INI8, M[S, YRRWH[S. P911NI M[DICIN[8. FB. LOVELLt L lb e' r t ~' vîlI e' Illinois.1 Our Liberal Offer .... U lEN pahl lu aivauue wttgivu bthe <Chicago Weekly inter <iffU and teINDUP1XVIMT op# 75 %ad tbets Vm Jouroa.l tva 'Yom tersi..!&, ,Iw Sic ýFletchter Claks& conditionu us greaigty inijraved sundlite la reporbedl v) ttc reî'îverlug treugtii rapidi!. Mc. and mrs williams, ifVankegan, espect tn"love liak ta thiisvillage glet arek sud aii ccupy tel itille near te tabtalie h rucit Mtr.J. .t.havi. Who bas beenct tIln. ed ita bis itoule fur maiiy aceka în ilow aiierlug alit dropny sud lis îîtîî ttis insaidîtotabe serioiis. Et ('tari prapriebor 0f1te item Huttle ahI serve 'lunner lunlianitelitt ofuthLit bau itolSaturday tî ait]tn crs. tatliiciana ale notice. Tai coilactor Atridge i gablering lun bite fat Wil tscoudîieb. ing ie somt tbirviitg business lu tuait mat tuDo. Have ytit paid yaiirs H.fil. Lger nita carneâ a lInue of paintai oiiinetîtiiiwltt aitt bis bard- ware stock. Mr Eger yull alhn carry a itise lie il iîboggie-ait1i fatan maebliiiiry. Mr. Ransoin abs, lvea ou tho Sladdil tarin neur Prairie Visa, bas renbedl Mr..E, C. Peltona realulence ou Oreitard treet sud exPeeba b,, move Martfit Is fore ii- gardiessi CORRI BUVINO À FNABLEÉ$' US TO * PICKED UP HERE AND THERE. Local Items of Interest to Libertyville Readers. * C.M. & ST. Pa. TIPAE TABLE. .Jtlit Ttî<lelhtfi ie tititanily, i l,litI.:liTYVtLt.P-I)AII.ý lt..Si NLAY Wbhea t.inhi tis-Lut'.ltrlitvî*îilitlib iviARROmE tyvilleIt' iînuay. Nt r NeddelhoiilTr 6:26M..siiri sa.s i).. reinoived is lahinlodd iigoi îîîîivrnthe :2 "' 46ig ai var t,, Ili., tirnl. I-ti i; ;iretti 12:9 . l .:u h tîîMi' îîîrîîth fbîî andîîi lîî.ii l. ii tIi te dl 4:isa, n. Wurn law llxer iîîrty. tic at-i lnt'eî s:aM a. Batt:» 1, M, ntediately ta ereet ilrvcii 4.1: i*it*Drenm iup yîîîr Ii ?le niat i w ith a talion madle suit aitl liiin ' ltiit t A EIIICAN GARIRSON. No. ito.KaIghLý Its ..d tourtitWlea a u ts i uuiiitl. îrî Euer*.. Hall. Mrid tWikgl, E. > ABRURT, ýit.L. J. WEB., Mý Fei), 24t, Mr. l i 'tirdLtiit.tof L DERTVILLYLODE No. 492A. F. & Lillertyyillie andd Misa t relia GoidlIick, 'A. . Rwilr --nd f Lke Zirib.'I tevoiiitg ecouple lol furtl GOSoos tC i. W . M are very Weil kîiot IniLllwrLvville1 E. W. PARXIBUuaT. SOU,. nud vicinity and Llîcîî niany trienida <MB CAMP No 174. lu. W. oi A., Meeta etndl congrStîîlstii.v MrMordi A irat sud tiird 'IaU da f t saab moiti ai Woodmnen»S Hall ov r r'. liard" rehîtrmt ocutpies te hciney tarttiion store. Vti-ne-bos a «"""sic M ilaueAve., wAller, b,, viii It;e. H . B.R.. V. C. Mlau w C. Ai'axx,.Clerk. Ibis8 at times badi jît ient ai I flot Fp'N~L'?,'c. 73 iffte int ndadTu- îgoo1 poîîcy te seIdi1-r carry îtîîîey ltiy.on cti làmouLu lu Woodnvsn's Haill Saht should reýmîti in îîr tawit FsosA XWULMii5oTO. .W ' W5bi Mss. MiAYiTrAPLEs. Resrder.La lîelp toas whlsircet îjî.avoîring bt 'na ke an itoflent lirîiîg, amil very i'olltlt's' PolitesPtiie' ollar speilt lu îur tvtllage, it iiniy Wedneaday's srgow alforded te tirxt cashso ar n@igitltiir lice. luit il goeai sloigig <if te winter. uteana matbtatniigi'i iîîqrîîu î'ilitlttii 'heitebanley i uvenîle Taillrlug Co aur village. do bî,îtbork. SAsiohuN Co- agent 'l'ho, Metitodist c'liii Ilkiîîîly re- 'liter toasl Iroperty tas i tis Yexearnsba at parties ii- hai et' aktai in itigier aitits real embate b lmiiî'laway copie& 0f siuiîg lbook eiiti ' t lower. "Sacrsd Sangs" bto lest t te liei'es, Mrs'lTho. Pitelpg, of Chticago, wsubtxwks plSluly nmarkeýtheii'îrîîpcrt., oî te gleat tof Mr. sud Mrs. Win. Wsl- te iturcit, yull picote rt'tiirnitent as rond Nouday sud Tuesday. prornptly as coulvonit'iit. A largeiîtt Mr. Arthuîr Crosby, of Evtstii, ber aire mîssiUg au(' t"'. ir "te o ra vîibsîd l.grand ftbler, Mr. Geotrgte liîeieîi tin chuntit im, tru'e Lee slituuay. A. K Newtoni iiIiîaî, taa, ii Salin)ru .1,(ýo. neceivsd tiis eek tbialenbt week sud arratiigel Lii goii tb teir sprlug stîuck of wooiium1i lite! ebtebe bumtlitesa iere. li, t itailtle bavitte a nute lîne to select froiîm Dustiîîîl Lake ie H SttM, ,Itt A noted mlini5t-er rocenty nad -Tihe reading of btenewepape? la fut ta lue îilapi&ed by &Dy one. IL iv ver; asy tLe May -IL la fuitl otic btitaitI have t., gay la that il t rpile<tti'i lite it niuit bti1c0toitfilies Soie onehall sailli a faneýr - il g, atiîg four or ice timî*v a itaY, l"it Io. Sili îint even goi to, itnlto ai' hu lis ChIiiiircn tri' getttng aiiiiig î uInie muintiîsor lirebapalliii,iti The aîlggentiîîî i, titlli bti, ilq.n lv thte Patron, Fi i- v raniin tLi, ii.a Ittarti i W iir proigeny art, adit .iiing liciter thii,,,aiur itheir ,va i i \ 1,1 h If a île,, isper ni iad noting visgete tiid ii, , ht v ban, on the corner aloii tiîi'k le everyliiidv Iliat passed for news, il,' W,,,t l pr4 i iL)tu tiit lOnt eVer Vtjiig, l'lit -iiitiîr', an ýgcîîeraiiy elipiiîyed tn bhe iiîvttîevv uii1artnient or titeir office tin tirdililtiake a living. Nihabt they lire alite tii gît aM îddluties giiel; tii ilIl ni) épare li'ti t liabamed of vii,,r gitest.uriii, î i ,L negleet a neigitor oîr friend ahi lvimstet îîr ojt ttalti, ai, accîttet tRepoîrt i t to ithe ne wmpapler tmaîilîahit feteîîula ia! s huis' abiîît lbý ia a ns tîct,,Tallto i te (traint age (ittil ai, ywal-re icu ciW iii. 8loringii atitld ,vk port fbe a iii idronw n It there was l"0 trient y iiatid ut, lîide bu sssilb hlm I Fr ttbel- îii thte iiitehltruisa rîîîgit alitiati, l]8ofri'î'k twelve teet dîîwn tii Lb,, ater Hii( it i aIl bbsb tiatauce ter,,tire ii,, ii'outvot n,îachlug 5Oy one Who,, apitî,Lii ofail in. ('ontracti thave ilcen let for bte, ercti'tlotf lite savitlg lailierm ail aliiîg tbh, ligerîtîts îtretebt ,fperý pdiiuiilar ivals. ta hili t; tiitmie s utno;iuîg peratîn a eticn, , ,, a;,, ir mdi on lie resciteil liv iiit.iuie asaivtai,,e. TRADE WITH Me B. Colby &Co., DEALERS IN EVERVTHING. As Usual Wc Leal in Ouaity and Price. You might pay More. You Cant Gel Better Valtues "Didoii îîîî c i ulainsi te ii Prcl hi to îe ttateMay Siittî' eti Jaro iai."asit, t thîg.'i)iit Fancy Checks rentait ite 1hOUle i l N,1 litmik-e Av e lILout 1riii txitemely iiterestitîg 15WolnDesaodm2~f 5 itti îî,cuîpîed iy Ut-,Dixloii ,ili ~Yîît rvaIil It il itîtIf lovai ntellasand1 ole îlsGod îîcrîîpy saue Sith it Ut' atnity'abittiPermoutai itiLlIt' As yîîîl oîkeîIotî.cr Maret I'iLi. I n tt'fi, ai", Lt ui ai tlifs tcpage. ite nia ny tri vil nitenti, litsm"3'~.., .-~3--'t ueinîng tle thimssuittîn' r are ritsîil c(l arry' aiLi Li iia 1 i1tttttite t tt'tl4r b, leave bheir naiu-nes ai bs îtie ali % ti sii'aiiiî iui boyéililover8tir 1--u miiat, îttîteIlr ta tiv % 111Prîztîtle paper a,, Ouîr stock of Warm Goods in Gloves. Mîttetis, Footwear, Uûderwe h35 ai.3 ven bi ii otrt ielitî titt it a ira bt ruted abtit: Clothing. Caps. etc., etc., y foîr retiecet iia tr sii nittit v scR" ilt Niaîty 'i4ooallienrteiilit e attettîpt us îîîtly »a(il îtutcgei.sbitii,'iait t)Ilit i .. S 511 t COM PLE E.. ta droi thtitlorer tli"te Pîîlîb'a"loîcal tîsper and i t iitmilplanoiramta il cOiut t I)twbaOn G. LI A o ui nIA. I. te past aloîi ritita i%îbat a rnîlrr ---.,, Stearna 1 bere arc i1.uletberli 'tfbfile,(Iflîtat e;ti fite pîlper eoct'.Lta te organizstittiti on iîîLh idleitantj i IL Is îg,îslI ettinuitbe titeLi reuaile am a cunuitiereil tbie MVtiiii .4 a slige r tit fii ite lie, a B (jdotiin gi f te Coîrne 'i n and ÎR e-f it boI big inevery sens,ý ') 1' iras n ue eomntîlty aitiit is asfroiîit eek te, s polîbicai gainte. Lii il [tan bttlpt ikc ndiy ear Liiyear a,,tîretîtliy a ii fat ti mae hlettîs îîrMn.PoirtraYeIi. Peoitle fitîse a big nil,. IZ ..........iIŽs Stearus.tie l'y fadiing iii jilav'iionitileth te IL isattepriunaty Luthitfe eai oli ceipi'ý oft hi(.r tii huer(. b ii ii Feh Sok o C k sa dC1k r ta doue. 'i lite nitrait .tiI ite titlla by ILL aI Ltt Vitrs Iii'l igy prizeul anut il r So kofC k s n ra k r co'nvetbionit lau 5gîi n e ceti anti tititeiinterewt. If ytiiî haven 'L niade1 taL nomniation tC C Ltiteci, h tiia'o a Ia ratii'e f Luis, Iflmtait exc'ellenit E very VW eek. bbc Voter us euucerî.edI, ut the ratieni t , tutUtLii bgu nît Il yon bave aeo hu, t'and dufotuLattendi te baumituye rtYeet Lîbertyvîlle Taxe.. aie a i itof eip titheniasutofyour 'l'ai citiipet.Ir Attritîge wlll le ut 3 C1 ic citaice. BeI n bill iiuy pronutLy 1B. Coit,;& L'usstucr' every îiay wivtre lcII1I1maI1Ls at 2 t'cal1tait halau il u it,îî ar. txe8 nialy ticpatt. Mr Pault LZ nliamIoiglit te bouse 1j bbec eiltîtiiti "upierliteli at te l- ...,.... s.,,.f., .'.ouIMetaiiit eîîîî'hi'tty' i. tts tirclaiarl trcct Mc. 5117 aiireut te place, fbat uîg pttrhg'd ai t a. a spei'qlî chates;ieiler, apprenibte at KaIsersh baruelicItahiuîlad àa t.iplc tf ti tebe pit ilut tlte tif is fit navra livthe ic t [itnitets titUeItIjlutCrcccnbly 1 lielun jîury wam svitgit i iîievei. Te poitilua ituabihui litîîlrttii- Dabety roal utusoe Ibie îgtuîib te psiaht c. Evcry minu as a rigbt tîu uts îopinîion uiiîtL 'inuttisllugiluîg"oui ititer smite lmwaitlicdcfliorci à. J, Pirta'uii ttvet Tue.ay itti Heur; herti smlbous iii utOreisanîl treet. t'. uidllî' tati fiiy a bw vai-tedth ie hoim tis ii iecu Inut M rm. ru tig v cuit bage loit <'itircit Street. Ohir. FranktisLgit,-L' ofi.ni1' iaitotn, stcdI, lee Ishatti klitH. B. Eger's baril sare ttire Lea liasagaliýti aiîted i ciltiles auh gelicrai agentt forte Attte rtuisetit ug 'I iesility ut igitb Fieidship tCourt tf Hutîttun f L.lerty- vii lu' ttai utii , onr nli ieu nlieraý Aitott a duzen vialtisg untmenarafitun liraytutake Couîrt acre ini sttcudalîce, Antet v iagtiisu'op ecuetainninent Tîtcsday uigit t ii, he Uniit uttri attracteit a largt' auutetie lT1,e Iicturem a txbhted tacre anditît u entertaitet i i iteretit,'ilithe gititet lug. $36 acre takelt iut ("hua. Raier recenbly roceiveit six rails tf tarneasaleatiter La lie cou- vert.ed ihto baruessen. Mn. Kaiser bai mauy urdera iî,r sprng delivery sud expeets Ltg) (aIoauluig buituc Lhi comng seattui "'Te lpard Treund of te Ages' aIlltw c Rcv. bic tvers st1)Ullt at tutLb prtîtbytt'ris,,itItini-it Suiiday.IntutLie eveitug bis tente isili ix'."tGeurgi Nt.aaitington, .Hi; Situ ncepttiontoa f Cti Leliti h i titutnta!v ii lit a il;ely îloy fl Ilenyvllc Lt itit1881 delegatea it bat ,Ilt,,-Vî notiuîg ot interembed pltititiilS i u(lt i iir trîtida. draivu iite 'rby it' republirlait cintt! 'îî Seittiiui, tutr village ai bic itent'eîîr te v. .01,,, It5tShaw, utof iiigo ielut ri'vivtsi teetiuigb iL bhe Metitadlat abitrili Nliîîay alterlioOan sd even- iliig ltevi'iiso' t ci of ltiterniat of tlc Peplîe i t au'. iti'ibsuitadiseautiti us tIti meetiuga. If bail been plstioti L bul it,'m uîîbriîg tîtît weik. %% miiM ilir, aIt,, as n0 suddisuy aud tertottsiy tricken vibli pustmonia Iatweek ansusddeuly recovered sud, la aIboust baTs agalu. -Bill" desirea to thank i.4fis ndéansd tse l&des Who no &ludly miuiitewed te hlm suda". -Ur. Taylor for b* eff10lesi4me5 4 baprom *Ibb b <*4* h lu Illiee -uuii ih jritir as jretti ly decurâted -luhtte attuaîl eîir a ttteLie utt"erviiug tare MartLit rc'prea'ub u l it tI)"i oritici atîti hury A Nim0tLof lorne. utAfu bite lttite tetrleitur- tei, Id- Ifctie k1.SI -tri e lit (i.1sai bite woultl titet 'uniplIcttuitisa tiettule iuouig ' atie Mrs. t,. Il.L l, wbu attLenul tbieiwrtât tetti iitgît, b)ut bbce begg l tir tir. hîua u . Diacîîvery. mahlti i atimorestuii Li uî saveil ber lite, îtîîi e iher uit aUiatpttuut. 'IULLettalttg, the ai,qp t nitit.* I ttLlit i-e ttc ninty cired tri Tlste niarvel i i., îedicirlm ta uiarutti eîl SI cure ail iiuiîîtt, citeat btîî1îl111u. dioeaa8ev i iii ,i'Orautî$1,i 'i i 1,1 boLica ttt e. f i. LOVELL. LlIte, t; ville, 6. B.lHç)moNi, Oraysiake. F.1BAIRSTOW. MANUFACTURER 0F A àMarbie and Granite Monuments. CEI1ETERV WORK 0F EVERY Descriptioîn. Slcid. WAb3KEGArsiM Cross Creek If yîîîî are tLnlnkiîtg ot i.ouing aîîst bu botter y îîîr titdibbon write Lii(Il. CtampbielltA ,, t, arsîînst hàattua foî dtescript ivI e 'i ciltlar givi ng te nabîîral ativantagem il Laltette îoîîît'1. hanvat. naturai guit tut petriiteiititIL tss a gr,-t'aL uturt' iii'itc ,tp icn i be .i'tr.iglt Pt; c" hali t aîie iltteht ii' igar iv ilebervectioptîtor a1ti l ilt aînilkTcv 1 rY It' 'I tirWiit i i . NT.tiîcîftYviilte18 2 EASY RUNNING. You need aý Wiidmil I? Why not buy one that run'; when others are Flannelette iemnants Percale Remnai We bought several huridred re mnants from a Wrappu Factory in Chicago, consisting of short lengths of Calico. Percales and Flannelettes. The Calicots arc o! the best miake (Harniltons and Siinpson's,) rua from 2 ta 8 yards irn length and are woth now 7c; however we wîll sdil them aI the low figure of! 5 The Percales and Flannelettes rua fram i ta 4 yards irn length. arecrnoatly double widtb (36 inchea wîde) andl anc negulanly sold lrom 10 ta ( 15cuîake yoitr pick a ..... 2C- Libertyville The Fair, - - - Illinc i die? E. H. BROWN, Libertyville. Ag.uit lW AERMOTER MILLS. E. McDONAL[), CARPENTER AND> BUILLiER. FIE . trsuiii .Su~ iu i Filing and grinding of &Il kinds. Will repais ail kindi of woad work. Chairs recained fan fromn 50 ta 75 cents. Reidence, F. P. Dy,' monds plaée. Lakte Street. Lehigh Coal Worth 10 per cent.!b«An more than any1 other hard coal.ý Also best gr;ades Soft Coal, Côke. Lime and Cernent. Lake County Telephone ExchiLngç Libertyville Exchange. i Blittertiliti.ihh F t tlark, .1. F 24 (.'aluiaay, TDr. t. i 4 taiiuiay, Dr. I L. 1'14 lrattein Stockti"tr 5 i.îîveii, F. h G i,îuvctt F' Ji t tLakt Ctiiuity 1iii1ij t2litentyvi lIt'itt 122 Lunce, h. I t .I M tt'tiriui('i, à[I ii i.... 52 i lc'itlln, itags . ak, 25 Tlrlggm &Ta Iorît ..tir t1 Taylotr, tDr, .1. It.... 125i Vell. a tîtlî'u.a . . ..... luge wabar Faim -Residmeto .......ResideaS .F. B. mazsl Druigs andt Medicines .... -Eeiddeno. t'F. Wight, Caab&u F. Il.Juil, ELiMb Wi. A. Deane Pro>. ....C. A. Appley, khapi ...........teadsae ..... ....Raem o. .....Iteidme ........W uiodiavu Faim Suitciuin E.iu........ .......e .i Shrmte atîii 1El. l .. ILadn Pi trie I.ukt tIlittni t d lîit', Gr tacv stlatk i [tir, ut',' t il îlot? liar Ltiterbyville P'ratrie Vies Rockefeler NOTE--When calling cail by flufibef. Subseribers ta thse lndependcent paying a year in advac. ne AtIod ~ufm ab i m.thsatgc pbotogpw .1a m t* ol A H-arvest of Bangains, Our Store the Field. The Public the Praper. Yours if they Satisfy. Ours If They Don't, Libertyville Illinois, y whosýi ."Cheap ing for ght prices. I have a 1 right... itch so It îrlsag holidayd' a i -.5 f0 7c à to 12je LINOIS. liiidre n's d Boys t are less )ught at s 10 00 1000C 90 i 65 i 95 35 50 LLINOIS -ce foarmi tîte art, ai eved -îid the. air regis. Jie by ius. ý ýmpiel hy the Ktipoun lamlly OEI 1 1 1 iio P) DIICG STORE, FOR --- 7c

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