CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Feb 1900, p. 8

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Hlgber Prices..n& Need not worry you much if you trade here, and buy soon. We bought heavily before the advance and wili stick to the old Iow prices as long as the law--of self- preservatio n- allows. GoWdRio Cofie. per lb $ I GoodSmtosCo&le21bs. 25 Fine Santos Cofte. per lb 16 Fauicy Peaberry Coffec, pur lb. 20 Our Best Coffee. per lb ' '25 Fine Table Syrup. per gai 30c, 3 Sc and 40 Sc per gal lesu in 5 gai lots,- Doll Soap l barnfoc........ .25 Sheetings. Prints, Percales and Denims at old pices for a short tinte. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE,- ILLINOIS. WRIIHT & SO:NS Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal 5 oe ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and softcoal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anything in this line cali on WRIGHT & SONS Libertyville. - - - - Illinois. On account of the uh in photograph business dur- ing te past montit. 1 hae concluded to continue the reduced prtces duing the montit cf February. Beet Ariato-plaino Cabinets, one or two pesn. %2-501 meort "hn two petsant. $2,75s 8XIO f amily groupe, Ariato- PWaino at $500 per dozen. Figest enlarging in Crayon, Pastel Water Color or OUl at reasonable pues. Satisfaction guarantee& Best negatives of children mnade an bright days and not later titan 2s3O p. m. A portion cf vour patronage is soliciîed. Respectly, M. W. Hughes, Wauconda AUCTION SALES. Delng about to quit farrning 1the i . untigied ulîl gel] et publie aueîlout, wilhat reserve, onulthelremises knovn s1the John l'rîce farmn 0e mile sauthof Lîbertyvîlle on uMilwauee Av*., Wedneaiday, Mars' 1 4tb, I90i OOMMencing at 9 a. M. 1the follovbng 6 duoaibed jîoperty. 37 <'lav, 14; uew mik@,sx vilb eives by aide, 104 oph4lera, balance glviug nuIt, lvuu yl oid bull. brooil mare, Il1 yrs. nid, w iL 120, 2 borses f9 and 144 yrs. wt,12010, mars, 8 yrs. îid,ut h1201), ntiare, 4 lira v old, vi 900, 2 y8ar-old v'ult, :1 lotus iusy * la atcl muid baru, part lame anîd part apland; 20 acres isorui in slnd '2 stocks asv. 5M0 bu?' oa, 2 lurotier wagons, irl wagon. 3 sprîuug nilîl wagon, 2 ..aàodbuiggy, par îbobaBesl, 2 seals-sa cntier, sulky u'îitilvsîor, 3 ons-bu'rtse Sallivators, lleerlug biuder, uearly ntev, Deerbog cîîrîu linuler, nev. hKey- atone corn planter, ruuesî ly leu, Prairie Cii aeeder, Cipîler mouvsr. Keyato-ue pulverimt eislf auuîp bey raie, break- ' i lov, walking îtov. 2 set barrova, 2 ' aisaes.,voti rack, set durnp boards, Srnalley feeduilîutlr, beits. roda and pulleys, foaur bora, pover. grindatone, ernery uione,,l5 ogechaîna, "my forl. ropes and îauîleya. Ivo 18 ft. water trotîgbs, 50 milI<all, iaI bboiom boat, vire treb'lier, cledge bamMer, 3 ws'ugea, 3 axes, 2 gruhu axes. 2eroma-cuil sava, hay luite,, 1 corn Iabvea, grass aeeîlr, auning mull, 03M sahelleir. scUlop shovela, 2 sets woeî haruesses, saddle,,2 lpair liv nets, 20ft ladder, borne bue, 3 banid huas.,, 2 "ay forte, 2 Inanure forla, '2 aythe,, »Maprbngs fic iuîmter wagoîn and ma%" other ertiles laîli îîuieroiîs tu itegular terws v W. IL Ait, Aîu'uuuer Baving decuuhed tai leu e' Rockefellecr, 1 VIII close s-ut îuy eniib' aluel v ith- 2ont reserve. fus-sîlav. lFeklsurry 27. 19M , ôomrneuclîug aos41b4ou 'mr. sbArîu and eonuituug during thue afternon boeni n shiosusntiulig of di.o,, aêd evsudng ocnitng f dry11îs1. t. b"ys mud ladies' uî'ar, balsand c <aps. gosmîttena, îlotibng, unuerwear, r rabber gooda, crockery ansu i'd îa's xRatg igere. le& f ot E.oeîhuggos rgrIs 0 'u (fraiI. (lui.. ru X W. H. Areupit, Aua'tiuer 3. B. Ayena ilul have a bitg ail.lin Ibm oJd Ayera tarinî ut Hall îley,'Tue. day, Marebcha :lbSec luitue said ,1h1 bt xiyek.1 Illinois.1 WAUCONDA. L. 'Cý rics- sasl s (bl-ago viILOto [qi'I liat. tMr. (bas tlyiick. if I hu u suating rlhtIvu' berrr lu n 'l bi' loî,r m , l L Lsfi4nt A. b uliiin 1111r-1 .1 iliîî ai, e iî, hickuick. r,2Lake ir2ial on1 -~1r 'Lnre t. I tIrah I.t. i ayune, ofkFort HIi lesa weuuii a a i'uui ioud., a MIra.tM- Ckl'rrl,îmueîl tiîi, la uu abs-s saris *I. l, ('LIlag- Mr. aid lir.., b. Ii'cCiaiundanlMi. sudi Mr.. J. i-pruur 5iuIteltlie aMt lei V1 1 2,ii ,u ,. aui 152.% lui lliurlheu t, .oi taleu iLejjd8d thîe imerai a.( kir. I. A. lirlwilici W. el Lulti aLey ai Mr. red LAluil k, ailN.brakua, alld on relaluves a911(1frieîîdaiiimtbluu plare and ul a 'uity 111e nu st out 11e aie 'Tbe oîlaJ&aJ iw wn gisen autIth@ home lui ki . ll uu as alteuided h1> about ans buiiudreui sud Iuaty per&iona. luiesi, aut the bauie li "iu Mobaâ- gbau Februiury 1t.111Mr. (Iis, Van"a aged hlirly.foulr ycars 1l'le fuinsrai vas beld lun latbolic le ch uîb alrday. TIbe 1ev. 'allier 40 Seai oliiclting. (ia tlauuiday ei'uiiig Mir. JîîaePb 'lurubuli uaîuvery llemaeitly surpvied by a a unibcr <i bis rieiîlaa'llgtO retulnsi ilai out1the &nitivel aey uîi Li. b)intbuiay. Ifha evenîng istu lýla.sUty apelut. -.0iii. Miute csaah ugl're la tbe beat remedy 1 ever Ou ifui iougb..aull couda. It is ueueuiial fie slîupn 00gb Cdiillr.u ami lis' il," "ritesi àH. N W4illilam@, Gury lud. Neyer tailua Il astbe uiiy laîl auleme remela lilt gises imniediatý re.ulla. Cure"uuubs 'l borarun e roup, pneinîuuia. Ir.unbiti» su'it.11shi roatl a..d utuug troulules Is * a.rly use Wi5c<fIF NSI WTBrALi RAILWAY (70. TIllE TABILE. A I. 1i1081 AC. L :311 p' W. 2:610 .7:"o0 6:180 11:49o &:4« P M.X. 40 munday ouly 7:12 0 Dau l aspI Bunlay. ROCK<EFELLER MAILS. AIRISE AND LECOl PROIM NOUT13 ANI' 911UTH AT 7:d2 a. n. lo» 13a. nu. 4:56,p. ni. 1:4) P . .arrives fr013 (lîChago. STAR LINE. Leave Itoeofeller et 5:341 for Diamoud Lake, Glmrer, Ivanboe and Fremiont Conter. Rtuîrning arrives et Socle- feller at 4 P. nM. Ilrm. I'opp in onl tbe ickliât. Poltics are warrnlu BookefeIlerý (Iraudma )iyric died Sunday moira- ing. Fîîîîeral wa@ belid Wednesday et 10:30 eat tbe houe. A foi]l RcloiIfl Frank lTbomnaaexpecte 10 moirerieit week 1loto the boinae vacated by W, R. Morne and family. Mr. Morne moved lmt tire Van Horne bonne Ibis week. lira. J. E. Hierschberger deuîres 10 thiatil ber frieuds and neîghbi for Ilisir mrry kind expressions of ayrn- pathy itring the ileau and death of ber lutile Milîlred, wiiose demise no auddenly anîd uutimoly. causoed unilversel grief tir ou.' 11111e cominunlty. Obtuîary vil I appear 131xl W.'eI Mre. G. W. m yrlcic. Anîtlier of Lake Cointys ploneer resîdente bas nsvmered the bugle cuil anit paNsaeuit4) lier revard. kirs. (G. W. Myiril(, of RSce&e<eler, dWiedut ber, borne in tibat village Sinday, Veil. 1411. i),eae as th1e danhter of Joa11ua Adenms aud wax borni Blfant, Main@, Aprîl 4M, 1823. litre vitb ber parents rnoved 10 I nity, Waldo Co., Maine wbeu twelve years 0f &go ubere able lived outil aitar ber niarriage tri 3G. Wý lyrick. 'inat union was l)iea&ed vith egbî cbrildren, four boys and fouir girlu: ldra. Lymn n argo, of Roke' feller; lir@. John Gieseon, of Liberty- ville. Mary Jarre. wbo dled tri lufancy; lira. N. S. Gjordon, of Chilcago; Herbert, of Denver. Charles, of Des Moinesi; Itoseo, wbo dicO aet1the age of tbirty-live aud Artbhur, of Port Town- seud, Wahington. Mir. and Mra. Myrîck ianîe to Lake County in 18;4, vbere tbey bave reaiîledl îiintiolialy ezept ablout flve yeare lu lowa. Thley lived 10 eeiehrate Ibeir golden weîiditg, wicb occurredin IH9143 lus-y si-re niarried flfty-aevFsi yearm IVANI4OE. NMm Jali oMeille Waxa aicago vi,îtur lest biunday. tir. Louis RadeIw axboe ovor gaturdey Band Stiuday. 'lus regrilar meeting <f 1the tystie Workers was broid luis week. Tw o îîew meruters verp rpevcleî 11110 tbe cbiirch test 1nuday. blr Cl bas boee holding servicîs- Sunuiay afteruîoousai Rlockefeller. birs. Helen Redie, of Chicago, ia vlsitiug vltb ber inter, lira. Carrne Davis aîliwth ier isauy othor Ivanlioe Il vW"lelnttaxie . eu ls Souday [lot tl imite vitb the1e oojle "f irîk Il an utrth Sallr. <bi ofel. AML,,vry.nuion W. W.iiu1î.V. C WARR EN. Nahutm Lamb & Son are grinding fon &elbout four deys eacb veel. Mir. and Mir@. Charles Lamnb attended th1e concert aI Millbîîru ]ami Monda!y Mir. and MIra. Leu Barge, of Grays- lale, vlaltsd Ibefir daugliter. lira. Warren HoOl Mondey of luis yod. Henry Shepard la bevIng a weil put doun severai bnndrcd feet by Charles Thborn, of Atiock. 1the veteren veil dlggerl Mir. Henîry Willuîur and Geoi. Dodge were lu Chicago lant Tiesday on businiess. Miss Cynîbla liarri; ax sattend- bngni aici cn vin lîn lin iiMill bananat wyd. A detailed accoontîoffthie W. C,;'T. Il. banquet beid t Gurucee Friday nbgbit appears Inianuoteir î'olun of Ibie lise. lira. George 'ont) bo baenlieeu 111 foir severai smoitb us geining very aitouly, nervois prosMtratloli ila salul 10 lie ber aliment. M. Gabriel u>,ett, sir., bas lîcen very liI vithin1the Punit teulstya. sioder Dr. Jaiiiiai'it allifil tru'tment lie ià recoveriug, aitbotigli nsure tlieî eiglîty yeera uld. lira. J'lu Steerimaundllber déaogbîer, Misa lottit, bave ru'î'e1ntiy guise tg) Meson City, lilva, fior'a viit viiliG. A. Stisrum aud l fuilly, Mtrrs. lilearilî Oiily soi]. lburadsy Fuei. 22ud. tii .' .c. T. I. ledies bave an eail ay vorî meeting at lirs. llenry Wlbîiir si. 'lbey are lu iisesmore uoîinfîrts fîr 111e Lake Biluff orpiianage. Trwo veelam ago tbey expreased lb.ei2uîilîunige ive, cous- forts. N4ew rcliroada, tleur beink»anti îev teleplionea sesîn t' Iî' be hecl of laIe aandvîs'bed 1tu vitiî pîlitlîa. I lIs and congratnlatiug tbî' neu married couples seem lu, lîs-th.' orîerîof 1the day. 13Y the vay ve undertani anoîber couple l IN lie imiade happy Ibis veek. As Waltr-BIeait la tazing à vacation i bis eel, Molme tblnl it mens <Matie> rinit>iàv, m0r, let weeli Mrs. Miary Hoipper, (Jorrespiindirng SecretaLry if1the lStalseW. c. 'r. l., yl give a lecture lu Walegan Marcb lnd in t11e afternooti aith11e enaie; lh@ evenîng if Marcbl nd ai 1t1e ,usne, ebu'reil.iselbyl ttend lihe ail day Connty Coufereneenteeting at Gagea Lakeecntîrcb lMaretsbIrd and vili give a tal Il'the aIterlioîaîiun the ilîterent 0f the Iemrperanî,e t'alse. site asiiitalil vîtàtihe ieraymlale Pe'ople Suînday eveuing Marcb 4111iili tbe (ongrega- tionial u'bîrcb, bIrs Hopper la a flue speacer and it vili lue a rare treat 10 th1e People of th1e councy g0 bear lier. Tii. teleplione craie bast struîi'k 111e n'Ortlerfs Part Of lb, town of Warren. A lisg 0Girnee f rom Lamima' corners lana aiaureul tlingnas 80031on ath1e front in onut ofr1the groundl luipermnit i11" poleds 10 1e set. Several rmen in 11e viclnitY :tf Grange Hall are con- t.srnplating pltiug lu 'pb<inea, eun- n8ecîiug vîh Dr.-.laniNons mlue, and th1e tluîuee lion. Tbis leleplionLe lise vili lie biîllt and lepI îsaoruler îy tbope iiitire Intereistesi litisil ami lita fru',liHi i.'îb ae centrai et bamb.- ('oYrea l tlb a Probable rneigblaurlbood uenîral et ('bancs iWlibrs, (;range 5ev.lir Cole preoidesi attbe liera] Hll ljorners' of littie Mulureul teraî'literger att rlberu' ,Ilhe sers-raI bjalugema anung Rtxstefeller Frluhay l'ela 16. Ibsa arnus-ra afWarren this aprbug. Mir. B. F. Snaav, 11e lhfe , uîarac, tir.Lewis tMiller, tof HaniuL akeC, ban agent, ubo vas ber.ehbout eugbites'n prctlas eullb lalel Sbepard farm ut mnouthe aiîîce, us agelut usîrkliug ilrî Ibia amlîs' (orners .Mr. idney Hoolk The Ivanbue iterary roe'îety uleeta lcniday eveiîing "eb 2.Ji.teth11e cîbool bouse '1The pulic lmus ordially 111. vited 10 attendi 'llie party givei)lîy lthe Miéie i cOIe vas Weil attl4egte cons@iderlng the fflvsrlty Of th., veatbë.r and ail preselît &Pen&I a Yery cijVeleeveuing. Mr. ilIfforil Payne bas e ine colis- tion ri of vcîuîispe"îîIo'îîs mfroliîth 1e suirr<.uînding foreas. tir. (?weu Van Piew ls alto startiaig a l11e collection. De@Wltt'as Litlie Early Ilisera purify th1e blood, clean tu1e liver, invigorate the. system. FumonsIa ttie pilla for constipation aBd lîver troubles. F. B. LoVIELL. Libertyville; J. Ji. BRacusea Curues; F. L. WfsTutticaaA'c.ok@fellerý DIAMONI) LAKE. MrN. (lara ilitit bais been on 1the sivik list. Fred Tbeîs lm ulrawinig lumlier for a large barn. The Olamina bale creenlerr pald $1.25 for Jannary. Btorn, t10 Mr. aid tiaJobhn Meyer on ]&et Siullay, a girl. The sociable vas Weil atteîîded vosi- ailleriug 1the cold weather, and ben dollars vere he mecelpts of th1e even- ing lbje .venîhig services ut tîje objirci are faîrly Wel attenlled. Corne neit 81111419Y eveung andl bring youir Gospel HymB book No. I. The Ladies ufth11e Dlamond Lake Cemetfr.v AaaSuiatiolb vil meS ulti lirs. J. Krtclkmaii Tbnfsday liarcb A A 1vk ibertYvile;J. RBli li.laiu, flavlug a complete lilue ai! Isibi 2(5- L.WSRMLN Wefjl 8&qqa of Wal pape.', 1 viii aslias lubsam5 the lowellitand Cali ulsu hauag Il m ltIîu' Coilctor'. Notce. gaaworlmaul.bîe mninrr lsie C. (. Sai oleo frr liit, tuivî #" deomattve paintng CarrfiaAc 0f Freoinî y11uliblu lvuu<e luu aa aigu painting àasp.iaty. s.' LUTE WAL?, tary Feh. 179h., and esc.', Wed. flaliessilte. aa a Sii liereafier. movea lIa the marx Huis, fan unthe uuld plant rnaauiThe Husîl fauily vili 1e greatiy uuamealiIlstii.' i'liol Iid neîgbbirbuusl tir. ai lira." Hool vere , lgîiit up anal bave lived no îuaîîy yeara. tMr. Ed LittleI muses fraîînthe b), Hare farm tW Waeiuegau vber, lieelbas puzcbiaad e bomne. Mr. Howard la mîavlug on the plae Litt le vacates îd(url suanaiîtibnwi mive Ou lise Oliver %WbItrnîre. arni ere Howardl tsss nau I gus îllver th1e Ilaus LAKE VILLA. Mr. 0scar LSbpomdson bas glos- 10 PentisYlvaîsie fusr aviait lii Ihm former bomne. A nuimber îf car ltuf-iî,' ur, Iaaded bere faut veel Iîy Knickerbocesr Ie Co. for Swift and Co. -Worl bas ii eguru on Freul Haunîiuu's ueu bopse, auJ hlun iuber ilaheing bauled 10 1the ground, lma,. Della Wieuricb, from i Wlcon- ai, lsspending a labile vithî lier &inter. lira. H. B. Sclied. Mira&5'. T. Hamlu spent a c'oîuple of daya inu Chicago recenlly. Her ater, Nazie Gall, accompated lier home. Hienry hnad vearsa abroad amil. on bis faceo. nov-daye. The reeison of it la tbat a lion rame 10 gla<llen their bomne oue day lent veel. A. K. Baliu bas rerenthy pitrcbased 1the property ownesi by Mir. Oiddlngs. Ws are sorry te lome lMr. and lira. (id- diugx, luit l ghe weleome, Mm, and tirs. Bain as% permanenit resideula. lira, Jeuinie Thayer anit daugluler MiesaNeti, Thayer, of Poit <hau- lanqsia, New York, arrived lent veek foras viit ulîb ber aialer, Mria, Ben Osnin sabi sther relatives l' bresiblidng eider dhll net corne at S'îuîulîy, an vas expected, but yUlI lm ie e, lart-b à3rd sud 4th. and VilI bol liii'îuurlerhy meetlig andl con- ferlStiuý(. Idr nd clb tras. till Panrier, ebo have apenl the vînter lu Chicoago, retnLrnud 10 Our tuvu 1ai uesk. Athongh Jrather labo, ve Offer on ooasgratuls ous, sa mm &qà sNtrimarateipvery qis. aM4ir lahl, M vs uova s ut VOLO. Frank NIlarviui, of Fox Lake was 113 Volo iondai. Mis« Leua Wortz la lb. gueet of M»r. T. Walsh, of Molenry. lira. P. Boweis bu been vi«tliug relatives a4 Grass Lake reeently. lire. Frnkul Efger and eblîdren are visiting ber parents lu Ibis village. John andl Wll Dowe drove tu Wau- kegan Monday and returned on rues. day. Miss Ratie Doue, of Waiîegau, vlsçited relativensuitd frienda lucre lent weel. Niait Kretachianer drove lui Wsulagan Ia aturday. ffIls ife,tuîurned borne viîb birn. John Dovubas renteil1the fan 0of John Wortz soid vilI tale possession tu1e 11511of Marcb. A fusil of yoting people from Vole attended a dancing party at George KaUingers lent Eriday nigbit. John Wortz and famlly expect to misse 10 Chicago lu file future ubere tiboy îlI niare thlir permanent bomne. Tbe concert given by th1e young people (ath11e Volo Caîbolir cbueblà tes Tbursday mad Siday eveninga ln Stadtfeldia hall Wllas e icesa. Net procî.,edta 565.15, 'lora Wright, of lBrrevîlie, hbas pur- cbased 111e Property 0f A. .J.itaymî.nd veNl of t11e Volo s<liîaîl, Inovu as file Jîîu Btstsfrd place.lir. Wrght vili louve in ii bs ewborne huas pring. At tige houmne of Mr. Ileorge lienveli 0on Friday evcning lier. Und, th1e society of tige Volu, M. E. cliurcb will bave a social for tiileudnit <of Ibeir pastor, 11ev. WD. tDluîltou. (blîdren lieder fifteen ycýarS 0f age lu centso, ail îlder aunuî'b iCmure-as they feel diaposed 10 give for th1e suppiort of th1e gospel. A apeclai Invitatiuon la extended tfi)111e friendm of lter Dlitton ln Grant, Fort Hill sud itoaevilie. Everybody wili lue velcomed by Mir. and Ui. Itenweuli ubu ar, royal cnlertainers. ey. Iuutton wili b.' luresent. Co'orne and ail and sPeudnL Ilellgbtfai evening logetiier HALF DAY 1*2 ielou zero lent veel. l'bat wu a record breater for fisnululer. We underatanîl that E. H. Manoru 0f Fvret itbas rented 1the Sllbadle garni, bir. and lira. H. E. Glesuon sud and dengbter lhelen xperut Toietîlay in C îcaégo. b. H. Kruger our toun rollector u 11e foriîid every Tuesday from Ilii, 1-2 oclock ut A. Stancilfr's Mir. sadMlrs.H. Boof Chicago, foîr- nierly of tIbIs place, bave iîecn î'lling on obi friendo Ibis veek. Tuere villI le a pri7e masqusrade batilutthIe Myosoltisn lexi turllsy evening the '241h. i'îîstnmes 1filrenî nt the hall. lira. W. 1)>Hlaley vîho recenîtly re- tomned trorn a long etay et a city bon- pliait, w, are gIR I1 t report in ait'le t0 11e out again Hf. H. l'egelow our roason contractor Who th @pouding tb, vînter ilu Wlsconý sio la reported] conflued 1<tii)#-hua" on accouuit of Ili bealiah. P'eter Muiwers ba]1tue inisfortiiîie t10 locae bih carniage borne, faut veel, vblcb îirooped deuid, white bllcbeu nup wuîb auuther asuit baling voî,d. W, iiiiiierstand tbat Gratiduja Mit- cbs'll feil andul uliacf.d ber bit, lest wee'l, vbu riîay prove serioîîa on accoloîl 0f ber advaîî(e4i agi'. Dr Gallowsy im lu allenidane Oiur sî'lîol lmprogreasitig ii,-s'ly lieder tîje eMelieut nmanagement 0f J. F. HunIer of Haussel. Tbere fbas Decilua liuuîîually large atteuidsuc.e hulul iner, anuithie iiiuluersare uh lin(rreaainig. Mý F libre, forgnerly of Ibia place Who 18 g ippilig on a nortb ile <able Ilin, ti Chi cagu, hbcd the luaotun. gel bit mgi the slwuulcr wtiî the.'lever wbiOfli uluuuufili' Ubîhbisr-,l fo-r a few day.s QuiteIL ' iîuîllîer Mlu i n theii' îk lisz letil eel lMr Il Sclîroeier witb mnalaria fo'ver, I'iusy (ierert, c,îil anîli orotîby Ares wib ibardil'î,iisà ail eîîeîîded hly P.'r Tylor, unanfuîir Seliîler villu rleuinimisn lam icîiî hy Dr . ,'iî)z 1b ielig The fre mail d<lhvery lis u'illing 111e attentiomn utf pople lier.' iîw, btt la not meeting wiîb any favîîr arnoutlg people wbo are near th1e Pîusl-Ilfiî'e, as a niuch better service insaupplied ai preseutit. fIl ili îmly bplit îî euvaîtage 10 farmerx at a dislanie. Bnrmor las Il tbat i0. I1fLucîe bas tleken 1the roule of tventy-eiglitlmesfoîr1the î'îînsiîls'r- atiol, of $3où.. 'Tige hoîchât aud New England ul pper giveil lun111e lovu Hall Ilen veelfor th1e luiietll of 1the cbtrercb vas Weil attendeil cîoiaidering lbheotld eatber. Four dlollars vas reaized from tbe graisbug aglogne and over $14 wus cered iu al, Al report bevlng bail a good lime. Singiug andl gemes aen, indulgeul lu and the furiuy articles lu the grab bag produced mucb mnerri- ment. Many expismesi a desîre for more entertainments of thue klhud. 'Why not prodîice sore play by avblcb more money coîîld b11 reslized for the mncb îieded repeir of th1e cburcb. 'Ibere te noballer Medicine for tb. babit% Iban Ubamberlaln's Congb Reme'ly. Its plesat tuamnd prompt and effectuai cures maite l a favorite with motbera and aimsi] children. It quicklîFcures Ibsîr conglia and î'olds, prevenling pueurnonia or other serionîs coosequenoee. Il &Iao cures croup and has bess usetaltu teins 0f Ibouàainda of cases vhthouit a single faillure an f4r as vo bave been able ta tearic i t îu only cure@ croup, buht uhen given mis woon sas thecroupy cotugh appears, uîlh prevent 111e ttack In cames 0f vlîîuup- ing couigliitl iquelies 1the loîugb mucus, amekng it samier ta elpeclsirete anid lessens the a.verity and freq tisncy 0f th1e paroimm of coiglilug lb lis depria'ing Ibat dinesse o! ail daugerouua t conseq nauco. Forsale by F. i. Lovatta, Libertyville, à. R. BRasxul (Irnme F. L. W»amAau, IRockefeller' (Iasve "ARB ÀM o'.J LONG OROVE. M. GraR lan yorklug for F. Sanor ai proeunt. M. Kueuller wvasosen ounOur treets Monday. ti-r. noraua.ieln ial a i woon .Awei1Cl&oludy oit"" jChcao Sitay SHKIRMER VILLE. Mir. W. Ingersol vas a Ohicago TlAitr'r Tuesday. Gus theb.iarber Osays butinesa lm plciig Up. 0110 Fuule malle a flyiug trip b, Th1e Maeuner ubtîr mîets evcry Tues. day evening. MIr. Buraloli bas reuiteul a amaîl plaî'e1 At Fairtielîl. Mrlin Feblrnn slaid 10lhe again wel enolîgli 10attend acboîl. Mise MartIna Saîîer la tekiug leutiona on ber usu Piano froralirs. Schmnidt. lire. Heese sud lier dauîgliîer, Laaur&, are again living ou Uic ol hobo- ÉateiUd 'tou abild l'orne 1111e sebffol bonne and beer tbîîae uigbtlîîgale vwarlîlera1 every Wedunesday eveuîîugig David Eisler in not oîîly second organial buit la aIso genersl agent for lit. Valentino. '11lie eIr e bear vilI lie tha& 11e IN ruoinlng for ('ongres. What in the luette.' vlîbliihermail commlssilersi lîriligea nit (if repuir are left lu Ibis delapiimted coudliî,n for weels. 'Ilere aigbt aveilih, sebool buoys luioffice M) lwrfîurfi thus dulleen euiientupon Ibein. Miss Olitve kitzentbaler ametndud tlhe cbuircb social Rt DI>îuad L.ake Jait wveel Friday evening andîlrotîrned bomi, laIe theauine t-venilng. buit itla ilut klluivî Imiîîu 'reailinal smie walleu. '1'urfflay, Feti. 22, vawua* igln lIIrtbjday tlay il bave reclajllsl our uiludl,1the valoruiruuîsdueda îof tIi Falier 01f su r (cl)itry sud amla- spired los tii uorerats îîuîr Ilef, lath1e welfairu* <,f i,,r uf,-l ovinsu-n'vuýr :asbe dld. (i. IMeyer li.dai]ai b2îliIlratuuîg bath one rîîîriîlng lest wve.l ielng in a buîrry ieataited tlîuli %hijîle î-arry. ing Ian plaf ull uof ester, stunpleil, eullaluseîl, prei'ipiau'al ail tuei. vter <ver bliîîself, scratrlî,eîl ila lite,, changeul lisclîlisaiul uiillu'tit a bath, I bie il. W(Ail, baslulas p il i hue lieu stutp all[iîiu. Puîpila liait iWiîils-I ulg lî "InEn i ug s-aoinatîîîIl 1, buù-1 Iîîie prigraun for ne1eiiiiu1.,lest Fn day vsw eoru& br.uapeillug in IL tales btut a minute-'lui iercome tickling lun the Iroal ma dt., stop a couglu iy 111e u*e o!f On. Minute Çoîîgb Cure, l'bis reuiedy qaickiy î'ures ail forma îof tbrout aud luîng lroîuîle's. Harmieas and pleasaut lo talle. Il prevente ronaurapîiolîu A famoua apeclllc for grippe and Ilaaflter effeî't. F. B. LOVELL, iluelrtyville, j. R. BsscACOsu. Gîirsee, F. Il. WgaTriî. MAN, iRockefeller. PRAIRIE VIEW tirs. SItallvhuO hbien 111 fur su-vend ulays la repurteîllatîr àfîuii Ittempel lnadl the- Oisfîînet.l,, break a log whilue îmbwjjilîg i la r' log niauhine I'liuclm5. lir.a lbreclitw11 l îbis 11launrîîuîied vut tbîrîîpay for sum-ýi' llis'l-a i erliui cunluhus 1prescrit A Stearos repreneiuaurv-a. lîaking fuir "aîîckr9rs 1 n hliivi iitv r"'îh buut îlli Lot senîl uai i ýrýIrtr I le bighwvy i "isiueasd clerk ver, lunWa:uiii-gu.iî tit rilty (oui ofllui i ilusilesa1-. 4 iu'- ailu'a1 hacrt Attorneysm ,hîui uuIuii uler, oh Libertyviile. veru, ini bîîvîî lirail lof th veel amiîouieiluIé-r lire r» hioulmtu' four oliflîsutaI It. A. G. lisetjer liai, bn aàaltterer frOiîîu ut'urlgialin4r s-sli-u i iiYs, anîd louik- lru'IV 'beeky. ai .&y. lie duuen>t fe,.a it II I l.r unt hai aîli' i <ut elîtber. Maiy flasselîgera cii lils i'en litî lbh' hait of lakirlug Irali usI frmnulie,. src nîuu guduug froîrn blerl3 vsuIlu', ver. cil or l'aIliAille iiuurtluiiîvtlimue 'aru vs-it ilit., eficîl. ('bac AIbrei1 f bas uvla liuge'i a Iluaic îl y uf luay fuir a Irotiiiîg liîruue from t11e <aîîuk dStock'1 uin. lb, right kliid uofliorses aebriugiug gîaid prices, aumi atilhI ol luîg ili., 'lviicars of abîcl vî'nî'repuîrts'i fuîr mblprunrt frî,m dre lotir uigbîs In succesauîî lait veel, lufors a trainu came lîîuug tua talle tbî'niu ff ail rî,ads vers lukete iWisconsinu (entrai (bLi- cagui people vuunll get illigry ualniig for proiîsions during cold miaps. If lh. reauler or Ilîls .1ilulluceance 10 lnîîv of auy (ue vilim lasuhuleclbu) attada of biDious Colis' 11eeai>doho ir no jrrealen favor Iban. laîtell hlm ofa1 Chambserlain'@ ('tlle, Chiealeand Dlarrboea ltemedy. Il alvaya gises1 prompt relief.l'or salueliv F. B. boVEtata LibertyIlIle, J. IL. BRAfisEi, Gnmnee, F. L. WEBT'RenA, tsioalfelier, GesAYStAss PHAiIMAuT, JOHNs MEIKLX, Ivaubos, Chàas. Schmidt returned h omne fl, day afler an absence of a veel. Mrà. E. J. Hoffman and little dau4il.. ter, Esîber, of Wilmette, apont a frw lleya the peutveel ai borne. The Aisip Brick lii. conîlemplatie a, th1e Increaned dnlland for lbrick. Mir. C. Hulimmels bbg dîug veut Imal euldsndly lest iialsrday ad Mr Bimmel vas oblbged tb 1111bimn. A. C. Wartb expilns fmovei. tiraylaull lu 1the spring go, asnib, 1 nleurer lui Lia vîîrl em lie im theeagi- st Graylanll. bbrY Wagner upeult iuiîiiay lot Long bake auJ seYsitbei l ugerls>ck, Ice C'o, plau n saaigb9,t WorthB aelliF, They bave au, rrulgelllelit tîjlii flffeen crma et aulime. tipon lbhearrivasl'f Ilis K. hl Sebi undîs fuirnituîîre'lu b'iii<'agiiîlt,, imniuruiitel luonî Ibthe b, ulur 1, the lionnile bhliulrented vas, tg, sisa to permit 1the rnoving iu 0f tbe piln and lunichi luiber etuliarra.ssnueut hal I, getl maselseubere. oîîderg,îiiig a peclllar Ilmet cis miînly knovînunasruluber lied ubîi. coilues Çfionlholdi ig the liuendlilufo, îiprigbt poumtbn. Fîîr tbhe past ilr"' îîr foîuîrruu tuisIbere apl)Issre i Iluilb blegvena amouthb vîsîiy froun ev a<sretbluug ubîclu îaaeîi -vrrybîsiy It- Wuodera, ut, ou ui sait si,, a bl"g. bailîaîIî andl (lIers atollIut .fta seatro, lîglît andul flîin the '"ula lî,ufili îîtIlianyvs-ru' Iflou, ifilîchir lel &htbalIl sa , ota i'a.Voiî Iy luiely 1l ii i arguxmnclta tîi the cou trary uu, lu lîl 12 saater tueur lielief. "oaaif is is. vas a prohibitliot lîuthorne îuîgbîj nomie grîîuîîds Utlbîîk ut wsaeiaî, etc , butl oug l i" lie fat tbat t i flot, nomlaulîsute Lbodîy liuItR t kniu 2 ubere thry acre et cii-n tiq.% oiuerved l tbuaevenuîîg star. Il -lI til I1vuuld go irazy sItb pal, ver, tut ufour (Ibaiirla&iu' pain ltluritea lIr ", ' I. stapletun, f Herm'iur, l'a. "'l lave leeîafflicted vltb rbriurntliani for arveiui yeare asd bave tIrlesiresuelli.a sîtbItit cnomber bilt PFu»buliis thlb.-talnedicine 1 ,lave guI bîîld if.' (ieIi,liatlItî relieveis lt',paiîifuir aale by I'. lu, boa 'F.u,, Libertyville, J. II.(.l l~icî, Gumrue, lcAylL.sKr PlHIisiiAiy, b. WR*iTRUMNMC, licuel JOHN MlEILaC, IvaUhoue PA LATIN E. 111l-sa9ilars ir elurnleul IroiCh li. taguu Siiîiday 'Veonug. hIr. aundMelr.. lrîrî nemsuanuviaited ut Mir. Henry 4laie iuîiîhay. Illîîv Ieîîvy agi -gîîhîst. Wluy 'HB bae, an air liof'uîow2iligsii., 1 oai fuir bljuuî'f. A very hic, aurlîrîse play nt!uH Ienry Lomgblrmt uucl'nrreul NaurdaLy Fcu lý'aii Iueing bls lirtilîuley. tMnde aays amille,,Inaditl In1.,v, vulb lieur lieu Wiu-el 1,11ouîIIlbej.r case wiler.' llaut1 Ii. 'lIao&l îl fnulaIlIl uu-ryý Miss lflalirhîei'4siliilu ugmil urîis'u friîuia viail;vi lb Iri entîdait. I uyi s'. suai Evaiiluiîi a- 'uaileai hu ly Niss I e.. Catllîw eîud ber frlrîul lfilonFui4t',vutI.ui andl atte~led tliepaît v ifli il lus I, mens. ilIuSatturtbay iiigbt. tir J.i'iuee .S.'du.1i1, M.",- sIuveulusl uhilld sa1lir i ltu' tiluîîit. l'2ugb luis-, Kîilar uI u er 1'. 1o to i, ewitiî uronp Ita aunilifaliilîit- line fuir hrîno-bitlsa uî i In t aiI l uuug trulles. ll' .ve.'i 1onie' F. hi bvu L. ibertYVHi..-L E.,IRAsI uPP 1IT 5 [T'E Kaic Dr. Offic Libi Offiî Dr F REAL ESTA IFisTRA NSF ERb. llî' bUlity I i, . à1 Ab li-lsc(siu 1111' I illus1- arâ"nL". 1 lii .,.. u î.,Su Ma, t u rus-tu- Il I 22 tuai MT. ,tîI Oi4222 u 22 m aIa 222 71 11-44-, 2ri 2 S-i 1 1 I lia' ti., "I , t 1 4-45- h . 1 1 .I Ri. batusW tsO - - t i I I ,ît,fi., Pt, 21ii1222 1 W 2W La 7 lf 11,2it t h ', S i'tf 10 lstta' . Sýt 1Ifl i " I' r tiIli142 214 Th'eal and fLkui,-2f, itt littie hjI I tsat e'er 35 4 i.2,' ti r . ou m Ne 'i, lui,' 12212 fag It 22 .. 23X2,-wp lr iîsl'Iaiin ibliellttgleinut beLii (illa['I21118.- Ii ifs lusiug WrI., An Unbreakable SîdeOorsst, made .1111 extra stayR reiii,=Fortn s cose:a breI..«.gf aauautle=l h.bra kabl * ~~~COReK re, I gTCTD %aSSube u reln 1 Ir »t eteat obstsont are overePto rwilb ia 150 5&h Ave., P1 il

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