CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Mar 1900, p. 8

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~Lower Prices- 1 rhan you are ikely to find at most stores -at present. To obtain the benefits of same requires prompt, at- tention as these prices are for a imited time only. 1 =olyFlur fi Ibi sacks Il1.90 an pur bi......... ..... .........$3 75 , IburB uperiative FIouaii but sacks $1.00i ar lier bb ... . 3 85 a "d io coffee, per 1Il ..: . .. ...1 ... ........ 12 %Mu MaIsCoffee, Pe lIDa ......on... 1ft YW S eiaerCoe, pr ................... ..... ..........20 0-.a uaeala Coflie, per lb.... ......... .... .... .............E 2 =im Tble Bjmup, 30c, 35o and..................... ........ ... .. 40 tir Par gailits in 5 gal iota. ! Boui 18-lb Elgin MlibCous .... ...... ......... . r2 10 We can also save you money on Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Hardware. V. Sauer & Bro., LONG GROVE, ILLINOIS. WIUGCHT,& SON'S Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. Weý canaso save you money on coal otï ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anythinâg in this fine cati on WRIGHT & SON$ LUbertyvil le, - - - - Illinois.1 On accouai of the rush in pwoogrps busines dur, tmg the pat zmonth. 1 have coucluded ta coninue the ràc pmiea during the moth of Febiuary. 0 Beai Aristo-Platino Cabinets, ont or tvo permen. S2-50j more than two persons. $2.751 8Y.10 family groupa. Arieto- Platio ai $500 per dozmn Fuinti alarging in Crayon. PasteL Watt, Color or 011 ai reasonable pritcs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Desi negatives of chiien made an bright days and am lter than 230 p. oe. A portion o! your patronage ta olicited. 0 Reapectuy. m.a W. Hughes, Wauconda - - - - Illnois. MICTION SALES. AUCTION SALE. Betn abut t qut zaintg ~ The undersiguait heing about to qut IEt.eigedbouiiiomai a ubi aucheon, rmng offert for mae aspublic anctioin bad«gue wii oil t pulie-ucion ontheotd J. B. Ayree faruinaisail vitU ai 1ee Jon rica trineamie f Tuesday, Marcb 13, 1900, commenc. aseihta therJounvîUceonliltoune ieng at 9.00 a. m. aharp the toliovlag ave.. Tharsy, li.un Mlwaukeedeartbed proporty: 50 bead of choine Ais. Theandy, Meh 5, 100,bred Jersey catle, 30 cova, t0 treab sud e.asn~lgaia. n. ~o fllolugbalance springers, 8 cos egistered, 7 'y 37 cova, i6 ueo bead pure bredand anP reg>tOred fi a si ollitm by side, 10 bull balanoYoung stock ail hl I ipagme, balance gvsng m"a, tbuj grade and butter bred, tiaey bt I cy ld bul. brood mare,11 yrma- i, idrlor butter ad creain. 50 ho.d 01 '. 1j»0,2 bors 9 aud Ilipis. ot 1"0, uebe 0» hn ig.Pr MgÀM ayr. nid, ot tIWO, 1e*ara 4'lyrs' rgeredPl)hsd C bi ndboglpat OS& vi 9M, 2 ymr-oid colt, 30 tons hay rltrdlU evysaadato ami Da, parttame ad part tier and ail bred ta a raglstered abukmd bru. art&%meand artboar, t old bear, one I yraid ana a fev i~m; le acrea corn lu stick, 2 &tacainmali bors and a lot of aboate. Hrs sav, 50 bu. Ossa, 2 1lum ber wagons. là a big chance for Inondaion for bod, maWiwagon. 3 spritag M"l wagon, 2 a.tibey are bred riglit, oavy work buggy, pair b ié4o4t 2 aeated & oulie, au» cuilu <. Sane- orse os, 3 colts. drivera 4 and à yrsotnd, MalUvasors, Deerin g ioder, neary tans prime tîmoîlay bey, stock asrao. 3 m»v, Deertng corn inder. uew, Key- lo.,bnder. ma-ev. corn bnder, @W onpatr ci1ynw rii Ensilage cuter with carrie, vil] palvaerizClipserf dm ayrebr. eak- uelsleaez5îot; enps manurogpreader, la a pioo vif dgpa", raeharos-Keytone bay leader and aide deoiletry walkng pow,2 se harowe nie. 12 fot Woodms rake, arnail 4 horb. S airaies. voud rsck, set dnm ngluemoatesi; bob sied, cutter, 4 bona, 'sneyfeduiebtara bmoui putle e fou trbean rodainch tire wagon. coru abeller. fanning9 md pllea our bore looer- mitboy iraci. putlsya and two LJriebu, e rupeaanduie. 100 >5 fi. carriers, two boy aks, Towar beyjout, opn ad pllesswo18 t.cuivator, 1-borse tmsod ppower, mi vain troughs. '501 anuil caa, fdepain. slppng cana. 3 c4xley creauierm. botton boat, vire streeher, siedge 1>2 Cooley cana, Coter amiles, 60 tbammer, oedge, 3 ae 3rb cogallon chrumboiter oorker, log chains, S oras-ut ave boykule, t cru lot of 60 lb butter tutu, au gallon Cal& halvea, gréass iseder. taunnng mlit n iluegoesrergrgr Osenshelley, scoop bovela,se" te ut>kti, te ogr, era e tse rainr - fi adar, Donc bnacd, 23paind iace.tsfreezer& and loi af ire ereain parhers, 1ayliobae, 2 hr , 3fora 2 bte, 2ailboiter, cool or vood boater. 2 b.d bal frkns f mor ur Wagon an2 d sira utedo, 2 ingle tro a id, a lot 01 saintite rl onumerwaon and bâtia, 'Mgaltan mmt jai, largo coffe. mamilothratcls.o meosWboler, urt> s ate nsed lu ras- liaular tenus.tantante, a fao diatica, eider harrel, F t;a rivas, ' roi: ac tcvchickens. 14 pure brad usammotb W.H.Ara., uT Ne roi lbronze tinrkcyo,4 4 pure bred W. H AP1ýEv AUtpýUýr. scotch colite pupe, 4 taons aestea.. a Ovlng tothUicdeatiti ofny vite tclilot ut hovy<Oakîtitber. nme «Jet Maltaipublic onction, liai urday, Maren plumne stut edtion and a 10, 1900, commencang ai 12:30, ibc n a r eramento fatilviug descntbed pr::perly .JerseY gireni 4. T. Araza, Pro) bailer, 2 yrK. old. 2 breediug loos, 3 W, IL APPLET, Auciouneei dox. cblckena, crnage, nltter, une hoewagon, bb segla, 3 tona# of bey, 111111810carniage tiarnesa, single 001k The unnderatgned vii ilsti ipublie hernel., uheel baro, boyfaisuia a.baMrbFrofm, abovala,12 bumbetsos oiv ome- usti00un te(.Moraab efr g hume 11OWi, gonds of ail kids, carpetsld, teIn*&-way (I ,cb 7, l',fti ous , Mhaire, conter tables, extension t 1, ecn S U. sha7, lb. f ao, 4 loag.,4 lve..di.hli b t. 100 Iug property to-oit 13.î s.d u aie esboards, . c, 5 cridsof s>ovc iood 3 rnoe,2blea soigip jegulr Terme. id ; 2 yerilnge, balanceusueLr',vs Gi. W, MYRa<iC.irOp ne. Demlug inoer, wac aoo ,ýw W. I. Arruar, Aucloneer. suilKy centîlaor. ban rate, aty,u.t r -0u. Mante Cougb Cure isIltheaio X@m.ey Ilever uset for roaîgb., andl oa.Il in unoquat foi ohotuplug 004h. Olilren ait 1k., it,- oiteb ->5, 1. v ans, Gentryvîtle, luit ,NuemnSe». hIs tethe oniy honnie., uimuiFiijvel tInnediet..re4SaIs Ooeaomgha, caldi. heansenoa, croup, puefmi., bnoncbltin and alithtioot »4.. law .roubtees. is erljuse geste.! oo»uuapIn. P. B. Lovza,ý i7jun01ftlame boy lu bort, 30(1 boakeis oate, «M00 iastst cua, &Q bmbl poatase 4 ehutes. urkeyei,abr artIcles tisa agr., 4uotmeiauou Regalar torms CisojsLR04 Y, HALL 'Prfof> Mnlriu WIutp, A-tucsgsr C .as.lîîNtc t, imiti.ileaR* tr ie Qu0 WIBCNBI OnemA. ài2At Co. TIIM TABLE. 00130 Sorm .Gorge BOUTE A. . 10:4181 IL Bf P .2:610 -7:660 Sunday onir 7:12 o Dalr except Bundai. BOOKEFELLEE MAILS. ARRITZ MinDLZAVIE PEnomOIRE AN!)OUTE At 7:32 a.i. 10:03 a.a. 4:6P. . 6:49 p. im. arrivs trainChicagol. STAB LUM Leave Rockefellerat 8:80 for Dlamond Lake, (limer, Ivanhoe and Freinant Conter. Beiurning arrives at Rocks- feller et 4 p. En. Artie Berghorfl et~ra Monday to attend achool ln Chicago. Remember Cari'. loning out ae Tueeday. Everytiing go«.. Ulm Mary MeAriliur. of Waupaca, ia vieltIng bier a&iter, lira, W. L. Eich. C Rov. Buck vit> preach haro Bunday morning and eveninfi. Let thero bc a good turaont. Mise Luella Herscbberger acconi- panied b yMlr@. Spechi retnrned to Palatine Tuendaymornlng. lira. Ed ilhden, afier àa veaka vieit vltb Rockefeler friands, returned ta ber home tu Obtoaga Ttanrsday. Fan RENT-CetriRatai at boboe- toiler. Eleven rooma. Termne reason- able. Reply Box le, Rockefller, 111. 21-tt The mllk train due bore al <6 p. mn. Wedeeaday traon the out> dld ot reach haro antil 4 a. mn. Thnredzy. È. 0. Payna vas an the train. One of Mr. and lira. Win. Knabker'm trin hables died ai Ivanboa Thuraday morniag. Faneriervices et 1030 at Ivantace church Baturday. trARD OF TXAIIIS t desito ta aftk my frionâs and n elghaors for thuir manl acmeot kind- ne"i and expresod sympitby in my receat beroavemnt. 0. W. MymIOV. lir.'Jamem Shermaia and Mies imnai> Jacobson vere quieiiy maried Bunday. bey. Chap-lor md h The brida and groom are voltana tavorably know, and thoy bave th1e boit vishes of their many friands thal theirs may be a bon voyage thraugh tlte. IVANHOE. Mir. James Meikia vent ta Chcago taitBatnrday. Tho Orgiard boys are aiowty recover. lng trant their ilinema. boy. Cote amd on Harry *pent laàt Thureday and fridsy lin1the ity. Mr.rClem Binall rweovad tai money ai John Meilems store lai Baturday. tn the fer distance eo hoar 11e apprmocbng chine cf marrlsge betle. Mils Als. Sith vas initlaied imbe the Myste Workors minjerles lent Tbnrmday evenlng. The aadden change in1the vebr rocetly bava cansed many go become arnited viii> coid.s and Bre Ibroats lu tiis viclnlty. Tho Ivanboe Llterary Society vill give a grand euieriainmont ita about fourT veeku consistiug mamnly 0afetroes and draaia. Watch for tbheannaunco- meut. GILMER. Levi Price hat bis vood mavedth11e tirel of1the veai. John Hotsnd bas beau vorklug an. île la. at Lako Zurich. Mrs. JFred Grias viated relatives lu Highland Park lest yack. R. D. Cook bas lnved ta Rockefellor Obere he ha. purchausa hisume. Mrv. Bierman, of Lake Zuich, ba& mivint aapart ofin. ble ,house. On evenlng, Febnnary 19th, limter pflip Âmes vas vory pteasautty eurprige hby a number ci bis friends callia« Bnremtad htu oth11e annîver- ary ne. bis birIi>day. WAUCON DA. Mru. C. L. Pratt ta upuding a ev idays ta Chieg". W. J. Bangs tA a Chicago viitai ai prosoUt vrlting. John Forbeu, <of Nuda. oasu aur etreeta necetly. B. G. Sherman, of licHenry, vas on euir sro.ta Munday. Tý V. locuin niurnuodtfoas Akansse tho tiet 0f the wyod Wsno>ds met a soid delegallen go LihertyvMe laMusructed for Lyon. Mn. Laainocf arringion, vas colîectlng taxes intaebisvclty Tues- day. lir. Jo. Klin andI Mise Kate Frouad, of Jeouburg, caidon J. Vinend and famly Tueidy. Quite aanushor tram ibhis place ttentai Uta dance et McHetry Ist biouday oielau. J. Enîptaitnovad isote tbe C. B. Gardien tease is veai. A. Hednond villi vola faime uer bondent S"1 oosaimg ye.r. Diei, at bis bomn lai I ilag Friday umeing lMn. Frauk Gelemd, oi., aged *el-yo» m $vai o nna. The ftuea wvas bihtla liaCatboRia chorc a Bmde. C«urm"e.0etWau- easPosu 0. A. I. cf vIab" tae dseo.aai o a amehr a"" ias pst> houtons. The ellsshvai dreped oitb uSesséceandMi lpie. DBv. Fater 01oUN.icetatng Th deausaaileave. aneged vile am four ame b mouru titeir laie. A 61i=gpnY ef Apftukiie Young day cvooîug piasaut hour ver. agent, ma-ite Lbu ai ct. Pire 11,01*5onlatueo.60,Wi<dersoit.l lie lai leadsy algistbot vu. ex. toumslahei buoineamy Vary serioni damage vu Loua. lired tram ns noit iO&O4 ebnu" tbava beau ésli>ly ont it r*Osir. Towo b$nlhda pattiesbave uaito laite oaty Pumt = b. ilra b4tbd« «W»"« Uomh*li et Miie VWetmii voa e ati 09um et sMd datai 0&& yemgamami nddleoue. 0".t fla aequom Vary mer,, Une vma edoyid. la il. prepsinei W or pmsUi que masie haL "o»i 76ms ai 'lue, à my W. W. A5p àmN. Ummn.0a. GURNEE. George Daialal vielbed friendeI n Chicago suuapy. The dao. rday .venlng vas vel etianded O"daiialg 1the viiber. The Misse. idwell viaee friands in the Citytélttler part 01 lte vai. Mnr. and Mmu. A~i1en Dixan vlallad friands ai InssaîlThursday md Fr1. lay. isa. Bannait, cf Wlnthrop Harbor, vtalted relatives@liera the tinal0f tae week. Mir. sud lirs. Green, of Evanalon. rlaited at J. R. Brachoe maIntTbareday and Frlday. Mise Dore Dixon visltod tfrionde tu Evanaton sud Chicago the latter Part oif tat vel. Ed. Franob roittmruei from the alty las% veek wvisealho ha een varklng fer aven a yeti. J. B. DubaI, of Chicago, a muaie leader, talla 0f conductlng a muaical convention bore la the amar future. Ho cames voit recomnended. WAR REN. Town canonsliarch 1711. More snov, more sielglng. RImer Raie an4 %V. D. Washburn vere Chicago visit&s tIie veel. The W. O. T. V. vili miel vlth lins J. L. Boayer, Thumaday Mardis 8mb. A gaad atteuisuose la deslred. Mr..and lire. Chaarles Lainbvere omlted tothe eddofo thelr brother- in-lmv, lMr. Morrail,' lat veri vho vas it> a dangerun condition ea ieshoine inuea aad = l. r.iorreli bas been an tnvmiid for sne tino and foamar eisleilalaed of is early demise. UT]vaa-A tetegioni ielltng af bis deslb va receleio laser. The body va broughi bore for anternions. Funeral services vare tield asthe resîdence 0f Mi. Charles Lamb lait Tnemday &fier- cocu, oheré thé lai sait respects vere pald ta a mainoble man. Mm.Morareil va a acholar Mil a teactier of seversi yeara oxporiance and va Ioved and kdired by mii vbohlaitthe pleasume oif him acquaitnce. PRAIRIE VIEW Mns. Hill. of Chicago, le visiting ber parente, lMr. and lire.IM. B. Oloasan. ia Jeale Whlgaui, ai Chicago, spent Baturday and Sanday vitI ber parents. J. F. Fisaersad vite, uf Rubvanagu, Wtn., @pont Hunday vlth Mi. and Mr. J. B. Grtdîey. Misn Mabel Loaula hanreinrnod aller a fev veeke i visi b hfriends aud relative. Clias. beiinam las started on hIe trip bc Oermany. 11e expedli go lie absent scverai monthe. tt la expactei thîe nav systein of rural Maul dellveîy viii b. put into oportion train bore April lat. Win. Krugar and f-mily are iovlug la their ueo bome necensly purcbmsedl near Laie Zurich and Ibis townshore. by loes a gond citizen. J. A. Masou aitended the meeting of the alockboldere of the Pooplea IBank of Wanbegan Monday. Thi bautikh many country atockholders tram Ibis locatity. Vary litile "iulers.l lu tie raeeni campaigin la iislovu viteltu nosaie bous lb siemed tualho a lack of '-prlncipte' and viseIl as ail aven il vas bard ta lell visat real -'prluclpla' thora vas Instîs vole aflair anyhov. Bul sncbit la lu up ta date Politieas and il one ean not toiioo 1the gaintelbe ouiy thlug is ta drop out elîbar ln Illinois or Miontana. HAL.F DAY Mr. John Kaininr, of Cbiao, vas out ta bi&stfai Monday. Tva veeka more of vunter accorad- tng ta the ground iog bheory. Lauter Moyens sud dîughiomr Alice viaited relativea&lun'dimukegan leni veel. J. T. Ayree vîlI bave an auctlen on the aid Ayrcs tarin nonti of boa on Tueaday. Ranch asti. lia LucyiJohnson wvinsspendlng th1e vînler la Chicago le vleltlug lier parente bore at prosent. Mm. John Baiter, af Waukogan, con- tempiabea mavlug bock ta bis fari in tii place la the near future. Km Alvena Hoftman, ai Chicago, wii> a Uitie filnd vlslted bier parents hare on Weitnosday and Tburaisy of lest voek. Our liabbatithehol ln nov boIt lu the TownvallJ very Bunday morntng ab 10:30 vhere thee hou@e eau lie mare easiy varmed. Mr. 'nd litr. Weyer. af Wankegan. bave retumnod haine after spendlug a oeek Liera vîtibier parents, Mr. and lin@. H. Eugieberry and other Tela- &Ive«. Biade tnee eoutracteos, oi Chicago, are lsavtng mony largo tises, moatîy lns, hauled train aur taresata in- rove ith noribera addition to Bose illcenetry. Our prapood frectamal deltvary roui bas beeu changeda sa t tas f ram Prairie Vtev passing bbraugh Rait Day. Libenlyviie a fan as Par# Ave., Bookefetler. Dlainsod Lake, Ivanhai. GUmer by Majorsa corners bock ta Praire Viev. The prixe msqnerrade hall at the Kyoiotis laei Bourday eveulng vas oail siuidd eonsiaring th1e savon. veahhier. Porty.tve numbers vere oold. Mie. Dora Foule sud Fint&i Kunda and Zosmottand Bd. Glesan vara the reciptenle 0f1lise prizes. Tiseravas disseUlon and quise a ively time ai the canoni lest Prtday. Finaly rsaen d.Iegatsvere e ecoti tg Mn.Dexta pWuuris quité Bt. r.Tbompeoua va s Oblgvsir Roy Lewin la vlslilng at home tor a fev veaua. Umie.Amy Amon la vlslblug At bar brother, bogar Aines, ot Wadçvorb1. Uaie Joue Thonmas and Marlou lialvilla caIRd on frleuctm lu Russeal ltsi vek. lira. Pari han been entertsiutng ber9 binso, lir&. bchvetl and a frlend, 0f Darien, Wim. The Oakdato Cemetary 8o016$Y met vîblu Mis. A. 0. Vanta lut wea vitl quile a large ailendance. - The Ladine Aid lSociety 0f1th. Baptiltcbnrch mai vith Mît. E. J. Melville Tburaday liarcb Jet. Mir. Caruey maved t0ausel lest viol duriug 1h. torjn. Mr. Japion vaited anti> the starin vas over. Mir. A. Gioason and lira, byan voe maInsrd lu Milwaukee lait veel. We axlend congralulaione tram iboîr1 friands. lias Jeseoama, of Libertyville, ialuiued home theo unI <of ihis veel atter oliilug hem ister, lMa&. E.T. Mr. sud lire. Harrison Silvor expect ta @tort for Btay Ciy. Ws, liandsy Mardi Gth Mr. Winî. Mlvlloe bas iented thoîn bouse. Kev. Tandy came onîita vieilit1 tnieuds sud preached.luin he Iaptist cauhlilast Sunday evauiug. Hia, #abject vas 'Cramianad Ciovu." lira. E. J. ilgiay and Hoyard e. tunied Fvlday frein Gsystal.. They vera catliitbthre by the IIIne« oft lra. Higtey'a mothor. ira. lShermnan. We9 are gtad su report Iai h. vbe as con. vaiOAeent vuen tney came flan. LONG GROVE. onue 0f F. BSi>im cavais< sik. ' G. Smith bas hlmed M. Nelson.* Gilbert Febtunan la on the sIlclilsi. "«HIghered betp Is meid scarce) Ibis year.- M. Umbdeaetock bad a bain raising1 lest veai Frlday. Austin Wolf bastitrait out the coming year ta F. Noyer. The Shlis badl vacation lu benar <f Wabf fgIons birgbday. Mn. Burzlaff bas rented a part ot lirs. D. Irnegers tfarin. Frsd Rayer and Mr. lasseler abipped a carload of coin. StahI & BSbchmitadbitne repailig done ta tisoir mtll englue. A year troinunailionday a uev Preideut wvi> hoinanguraged. Dm. Muffat, fer the Iral lIma Iu moutha, vas bore oue day lait veel. The Lent muson began Februtry 28, vbtch te ceiebrated by saine churcbse. Mri. Kaiser, belng over aoced vitb hornse biankotes, viii Bell sovoral ai thora. J. mikeieveler'a borasevas talon addaîsly siok Bturday but ha *gain recovored. A cravd of Long Grave young folk& allonded the surprise on Alfred Meli Mauday ,voning. Taxes are ilgher thio ymr than for insny yearm sud Il la inmoied tlsey vii> bo stilît 111<1ev 1te couilng year. Xïý P. A.lianesa meeting va s uspeudod Bnnday eveulng sud the youug 1>1lkm vent tu Olamanat Lake ta attend1 church., for bihe rt lime lunsnme jeans ateigblng atiheagi> abhlng extra) bom beau gond enough ta perinit ihe haating ofwvoad trom 11e rivai limbor. J. tenpalt, aithough qule sarloualy hurt vblle bopiug ta uuoai a thmosb- tng machine tron a car.,bas no boues lraclured ase la current sud In gotlng &long niceiy. Divine vorablp lias boee boit lu the aov Catbllo cbnîch at Buffalo (liaTe for mveral veols. altbongh tue cdurei la aot qulte completed. The aId cliurcb bas boon tain dovu. Oua ot Long roves otâcci sebiers paued aoay lai vwesb. Mr. l'aîmau va buried on Itatnrday atthîe &ga of elghty.etght. Hie "put about bit a century ln tbe vtclnlty ef Long Urove. Bey. Schmidt otllclaied atthelfa nera] vhlch va privale aller viic the romains vane interiod oni a private cemelery. Thehomne otflMr. J. ltttzeutha3ei vas the msone of a pleesani surprise lait Friday aveuing. Mr. and lits. Kitzen- thaler 450 not anow oliat vas up untîl about toily guestas badl akon pouce-. sion of the louas. (luets froin abroot voie tram in tmer, Dlamoad Laie snd Prairie Viev. Among the a"tractions of th>e evening vwu a dabate boiveen 8. Kuedier and E. Wiltox on trusts audprotectilau. M. Knedlerespoused the cause of protection vhile Mr. Wilcox oppased hlm. tndeed, it çqualod the Lîncoin-Douglaa deliete ohen they vere tunplag Illinuois en the Slavery question. But vhon they began ta play ganos, Mr. Keadler largo& his protection bbeory and praslicad frm traite by Hobeonizlng sauneo~f lb. yaung ladli. Ater they v oe r led troin piayîng, ta prevent thaîr straying, relraihunenta vere sued ta keep thain upnorved. Every- bodj hlid sncb a Rond lima Ihat île lina ta go home cama ouly 10 ootue. With hast vishes ta lbthait and iseleshe gueste repaured home ta the veo early houri <0f the narnîug. SOHOOL Nor». Examinaton te noit veek. The vinter îerin claies Mareh 16. Royv. Bîlerle vitled sahoat lts eek. The program of the O. W. Club last CarIes Second Auction. Oeo. Carie, of bockefeller, having deteommîned toe dlueout bis enlîre stock oi gooda viii hoid a second anotion site Wednosdaj Mancta 7ih, atlernnn and eveaîng. Everjlblng gais. t ans ogaata boive tavn. Dargaina auih as jol neyer heard ot vil> ha oblainabie. Reinelubeithe date. This vili De a sacrifice smlo. We must ell the gods. Baie com- 'mandeaiaI 12:30 ehaa'p. Be on baud' Gao. CARLE. wilil rnd FPua. 1 vit> grînd teai a" camna mndcob Weaepiey, TborUniia.F.Mi eria ot sab vei amui fuglbrnoule- AI. I** w» va Oliloago viiio Teau- day. a. neg,onur Balai, apeni nunday li Oblego. Jo.0IoOtUakey, 01 Chicago, speni sonnsy et hoine. Mir. Eaury Waler mnade a huaines tip l ta 01iuisdy. Ch"a. Loi" va on the aid tliet a tevr daYB 1Unipomt vaak. llasLulu lialsohalder entertuinod friands tramtChicago Btanday. The aiorin of luit Satnrday vas cou- alderei 1the severent va bave lad for saVomai ein. lir$. J. y. Scottiand oblidren, Eleanor sud Gehorge returned home Weaneaday baving aPont knndy bare.. Peler Peterson sud Norluan Carafon raiurnad so BuDîna lnd liondqay ven- lug, bavlàg spont Sunday ai haine. Our young mat> ara taklng advantaga of th. flue aleighlng and the jingle of 1he inorry alelgb belle is# hoard on ail aides. llasOusmnSherman and lias Louime Blaukr attendedtb. Wasshington ilirîli- day oxercin et aheb. liytalr Higb sohool. Cari Bruekuor. aur blaclrnilh, maya business boas ben vary brlak the put veol ovinlà t11te sllppery condliion of th raa. The tnuqnerado ai FunkeaiHall Bat. arday avenlng vas a grand succois and neaone thoughe 0f golug hoineunu tIl the vea *mabhure. We nndeaeand Junis Hotteudort, aur nlgbî aoperator, la t0 bocoma anu agmut. As hlienas orkel nlghta for a- long lumnle no doubt, ul hb o mre thon pleasod ta mile the change. W. G. Marbach and a party aofmlrends troin Chicago clane out au the 7:3ù train Baiurdey svonlng and voie met ai the doa by a large bob m101gh vblch look $hein ta Whoeing vhore ihey tuoitlu the bah at John BItes Hait1. Wa voie very mucta dlsappointed on learnlng that Genoral Oronje sunrend- orod, sud aving ta the tact thât ho va no tremeudoualy ontuumboed vs dame May halie aedviaey. lrhe sympathy haie for the Boers in very greaot aad il vodfld taes but a short lima to a oe volunieerm, tu plealge tbsmeoss ta, fIgbt for Coin Peut. Il labo. bui a minute ta avarcono iclin inanthe ihroat aud ta @top a coouglugy the use 0f One Minute Cough Cure. Tht. roiedy qutckly curasail farina cf ibroat and inug troubles. Harmmîsasandl plessaut latale. >1 proenue comalmptilot. Alainons eailfle for grippeansd lin after affecta. FB.LovELL, Lîhertlvîlle, J. B. BRAEÀEE0111=80, F. L. WRSavsa. Mxà, itockeieilar. lDEERFlELD. Mn. Wmn. Langes nov bonne la neady ta nove ltta Mr. and Mrs. Ktîn ane bock boe for a short lime. The Prembytersan cbnrch bas -lulte a choir, h le Worth heamlug. Mrv. Elunor Pesias@peut Fnildsy and Saturday of lait voek ai home, Mr. (Uoarge Parioue ln operalng bore nlghia lu Jack Horoabergersà place. Anybody viahlngtgolake Instructions la boilug; apply ta B.bliorgan, 448 Prairie Ave. We dld not osec many cuitern out lu lavauing the slolgblaîg. Wbt le the moiter boysi. Mri. P. Hale hieua flue barne e eante ta soit. He says ithugIfhIt ln'i ilhe oluestinluton, tago andl gai It Jack Horenuerger wolti[ ut at ia Hareubergerea store an ài ueeday of esci vook fai the purponeor eo:aiectlng taxes. The O. A. C. hid a faily goa:d pro. gram aiarday nigni. altbaaîgbithe Young ladies :114 not give lin their deliate. Mr. Jack Br>eitcvger, :,aav aîglit operatar, ta laylug al tfor Ltepiicoe of coleting taxes. Jack vo bape yoiii yul Rivelus cut rates. Meuris. C. W. l'ei, E A Franin. (lea Adams, F. Meyer ndaalJ. Hî,rn- berger ailenddthi tce onvriulau Sta Liiîortyvltle loti. 24ib. Mr. A. t. Muiiko goya operatl::nm viliibegili011 hisensuitari>m abolit Aprît t5th. h oui a41cmmodate about 500 persanne. 'rthi,ul te alblg booni for aur ton. Mr. Chah,. Slla wan mot golag out vest Sauday nlgbt by i tricut Wtaen aaked wore o h baU savWIeu for ho snwered, -oat ln ibe wllde.rnem8." There lsaonme other attractionîî lesîdex the vititerneha. The youaag poople otli tîam ug allen- doit a parly on ]Mise. Mbel Mdîîbe at bei homne 635 Laaisde Ave., on Thaîrs- day evaniug Feb. 2liid. The gaîcatà vore onlertainoit by nuimerang amuse- moute. mis SilstoC. l'abus gave a select readfiug on Wabingtou's tutti- day vbtcb Oaa verY appraprisie au the occasion, other satectionsa nd recitatlena vena givnu obîcb vero veny flne. Ater supper vas merved selgsa orchestra gave a tov saleciion. vhich voie veny flue. 'ibe patj bruita np eai3a. sn.,* the guiosi al declsrlng iheY hai a vonY fOaa lIme. DeWitI's Little Early btsevs pnvlty the htaad, c athie ier, tuvIgonate the systein. FamousRila pisetor oumsilpaâtion md livan troubles. F. B. LovuI., Libanlyville; J. B. BaiCEnai, Gurnee; F. L. Ws.voRAzaaasbokefoeo. aev. »»uM &gl«8114 w.<te the pet ehUrci, butt e ct slu tihe forafan lilu. rltaihi fmm uurascis. sfroun ftie Anale ciâtées 11500 et&I gpome ttc ftooiiataUn»dwrtise date ut Jan. 1iti.. Da"a Epvo»m uLUAuu: Afterailonru.î eofmsx veeks. t arrivai1 ln Uahmo Decn. u.,lm. s p . il i ouaI lii. and Mia. Danyeasand thîso others atlt- ingfarMme an'tis vharf. They.had bbac, loobIng for me fer laine lima. I mrilved jumt aboaut the hour pou vere havîns vmur&fitar. Dnoc srvlcs; but pou muet nDo t op la figure oui the différencoiln ligne hmeo Mngapame aud Gienuvisow or itlii poll my l'et me ttllrau eOmetlitugOf lb. Cita'. ingaPore la the mail oundert iiicip I bave avar ceeu. Il lmalluaed on an ilasai viicifi bas a d.ep bar ou the Boutaitvide. and at w. Mame loto hunhor tvaepaased b bsi ct eend 0, bo a thoncant ihipe oft verluai iao. and Moude. The geaot cargo chips voie tisere. 111e»mioeangaroith berimmoing fonuei vas Dot Wanti2z. 1the batlaslpt. 1the gan. boat and th1e iFevises voie ail thora. AMvan nesradt11e ssbre vu, vers siraukb ha'l&,. tuxuriaus Vagetéitic vhioh coveed 1h. shorem sud huis in (ha ditagar. Tait grar.. fui paions avlng thelr long ta" lbk. branche.*1gb atb9vsibe allier f oIege viler.. Orbita aUtt ie epa. he date, tise Manuu. the . the. 1 orange and Weion orr une plana aid iniatitadeh tif leaîtafulftroasvoeelae s- seau on avera' baud. t du nul ihint tins anaY Place ln th- vori woe ethe velietaiî lsa orîiud m,, vsrl.d as lare luntilugapo., une doge and a liIt froc lie aquator. Thora are mur.,titan u (vu hndred tlîousoaad people In and abuut lIingnporeý. I Bm toI!. Mclîituies ut ait klndsansd nationaUiîes are bar,,. For Instance il, aub~ ioui bere t oEn univ les,iiu thor are. ltirta'.uluadlfrers.ut uiatllaaslîie rvesnted b ha'ah, tudeua,. ont Ivii nulotoit rau utof 1te. ahouol tîi,. lima, -aSuBe, MycarJ ui living su (lie~ huaridng aicii-., v ter. abiea-ra y itia 11., aud bloc Chne". TuaIt. Hlindo ueul Emay toaabaardlîig sud gug lu abuu,i, Irvinsg ta frinEngllisbas Ihe tyare eluAm.rica. I bail the pl"seurs uf twaillg tue velsia' Prraernaellngaiid cauueltlsi eutva uto theso isîllown doy,, on thelr ktues. wvblle loua ufthlbe .uti.,r an-a vvv 1-ledin ui% raver. Il assoi sa u nudtaua.lI,s. litllfetlS>5- willîs Ier long mua'iv si, amand arr aiuglng **ssun, Laver -1 DSauit su ed aaau.- 01:1 m.sîbodi»t hymne4o na îd u,-,l .iné tugiber and praviIna u, li», muine J.,,suîaor tful nes oMYaidait.ion end a ljolit, th., ft antrl,,uariu! 1'] Mo 1 nu t nsol11 la o Ma' timullît, ta sera' guod ai sr.*s.ia. sent I Laome the wvitay a' rai N ew York iIî,,a hein« wsesauth Ilanie iia tlu tisaioelstlîa obIltumade isau tharâ 111 ftdot m. i Grien rimemser a'ou taid anar vomki l] mr liaI 1the Lordt et,,, isaI id sud ruuI th"liefutaie. Itainmier irolusioslau Inolit,,6 wota lbe paver ,,ftsaoiiascrtod tli uianj, l I k-ssuvthe truthaOf li$ g novai tfams. l .eems ite eliaIt terie muidIla, ao placa chair,, tii. ullttimu,,btwimen PrOgliOn Li.oreaii, îaimtrn,tsoi, I han fir.tiar, p hoe., shp ed iasualwtltnoguibi- lng Chine" ent Tamils. 1 sisalIi h i -iJt. huaifrtrm&Dyrof roi paraunatia'abouit pour OuejpalieusOf our uî oposad lpar- pur. ton olit raseaituar touti hila roi tlika luutm. insm.1 t- suaitsDjoy &Sut asipreclanta a -tort ltter a a long Oum, hi. prOPOraUntram rYu. ISa,,ii cuiauulaat:,n vifi ble a hala'and -sinte ame. 1 havea great hurden pal ulonmeuand 1uai sah ua.-, ail theis n al1 ecim eeare btllirom otmoal aid divino sourîte. ihioul ioruafait ta villa mecdo unit orgat tu (iran 1utho1 a hu kamt Iserli trouirbtah,-maur dark sams. He Who fiiboas tas lîglua anad,it,frlta th. genealloux @in-e. iMay k-1, :ai.. ait lha daya vs are sopr«and l auu tmfaart mne an onuas tlt" alItmet agu. ]%ar HIe w&Lt.h Lierw.-c a.,.(aurA ta (IRA rvlr-. Ua'y"tir esruî,,sl raper 1»- îlatt lIs gautl macn us' .y lieasr,.d niar veRra 1::SiM.. lingapsra- cithla 1,1lite ,tf seoion un ath- Master. Attofait tai, anieiakiugs are choraaurIerlrvd ly thor.aagha, caesitn pis,utiaîaleffors.a.nsut t, t% ais>iur ni t a,t. ail the aucrteaofuththinissaursara' iaosl i. Hoi hs a., a feir ---hlng mie-t. lcth wartas tit pion@s Ihil as. (.a:.fc-t: arrtll oit trainalssliaiy Wialsar litnS,- îroutiasof aaa sg::u:aiil. tl,as tht Fiu .1I .F ! Vo Kaisý Dr. 1 Off le Libe L Dr.I PA LATIN E. Itoman ltea telaon thao atik lisi. àir, It. Bcbiionig rliU-al frieUtal ia Chicago 111e yack. MisasHarrison csihomo far %W:iuug ton' a iruthdiay bality. Mir. Wua lanunolueîg ia ,ory aluk nt hai boi in ls itn f.n(vc ttiv fstiaav, ut Evanstuatu.vîsîtrU frualienheeorer Sasudav. Misa Lydia Naidinoyeitali milu fîteaaatsiluPaatine o tnaay. Misé fluse anduMuas V ils, ,f tChl. caot, vimiteafi tiu in PaiilaItineo antI voit giieslui ual Mr aad Mia J. H. Sliedaiuig Musay Mr. aud Mia. taaddocketiattu.ndeui tho banqauet giren lay the Ladies Cl, l'i AlilngtiuiHîglits Fritay uvenilng atîd eporiti a gouuiimeuithlis vîitdd gfiov. Misa Mrtita tliaie via', fiast bocu viiîî Mrm. Basngstua, vw wels, Olunised ber businless Siarsay and isiumued homit. Marthe, , wo aisalilmise joua Verj niicti. A. R. De Fluent, edittur oftheb Jour- nut, Dojlesiovu, ODiu, saillerait tarnà aîîmbem ut jean fiainm reunatlsmin l bils rîgit stianitern aideait.lHe Rays: --My righi arm ai limes vwas entlvoly usmin. 1Ilied Chaamteialn'a Pain tiati, and vas surprised ta rmolcve re- lief alinaut lnmedlatol.y. The Pain BaIn bas bu-ci a conîstant rompanion of mines over meaensd il aiccor faits. For saiselmy F. B. LuiVsiL, Llbertyvile, J. R. BRAcugit. (lurnea, GIIAY5LAxiE PHAIIKACY, F. L. WE5TEEMuAN, IRacla fetleî, JoENUtaMKEýL, vinlaoc. LIBI An. Unbrecakabloa Lido Corset RAoLtb extr a lar enoSkuAVFd Ir » atorsen Mt Qare iatascte «niortbl t tievme sdliirlus1 ieth le

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