CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Mar 1900, p. 1

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LAR E '.M Viii.No. 9 22 e...~ . I3ASTI3R Ntha Dent aview X. Z. the £orefgn »e frot tise tEaPOr., the, r Jan. 12is. ta, i arrivoli in, 1 fourid yo.bad bioei wMeriet jute Four aiter. lot stop to nshetweeii iiietoil My of thse Ctty. City i]bave sad whicil . and alo ai. Fiet meemati & aille andi were there. minag tunnel ni. tise Eun. trol. MI W. uî.k hl il.- ,isred th.- Tot i rae,- t a" Ilk., nulage wer. tit manu. or flinse pieut 0 were to 0 b. rnetatiotl o inigapore, ,ie elluatsr. at1iousasd iamt tous. ,naiutiles Ar.- wisere i au, »i difrert'nt e »tudtlc. osisoe' tisEs . ltte litti11 iss,.trritig In Am.ri-s te weekie .nt r two ,f s. wiltli tw., It' feiksa- aiitssud n.", 51 end u,,ioi (,rkir.g viii, kge..r. otî sI-I. Ini in c,rk wit.,.,, i ast w..atlsr su.urk le, ,'eu witisos tnIsintl IL. st -i hiver x uid t.. us glati thma iogit lti Île sfld tr- t Wbilie y,ou 1 .ijoy ansýi muoiuadsnoi . b ave' a i ail nee, rom naturel fat to urit.. o viso kers: k %«.Ao. H. ufrt 'If tih. no.. ail ti 1 aflotc hgoafsr Ytiont, 5 ri.- aking oàar Fortc ndt r. flot a lit,1. âaooi..tiss Mi lJ. 0 II h là -INsti,1 ', aut hins l. is« 011 .F -i.I Fe!>S Our spring samples have arrived and we can fit you out to perfection. OUR PRICES ARE LOW. SANBORN & CO., Tailors and Uaberdashers. Libertyville. Kaiser Block, Dr. Charles Galloway. wAUGN. Office ove r#Lov eli'sDru g Store Libertyville, - Illinois __ ___________ COIJNTY I-NDEPENDENT, Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois, Friday. March 9,1900. IN SESSION Circuit Court Conveneti MondOt' Aternoon. lie 'Mardi terrn cf tise ireuit <srt eonrsnvrt MondaY, Judge i-îirpresidîîîg. Tise (raud Jury wae sworn wulisClarlea Ebert am foretuau. [Tie eort urgeti upc. tisat bsody tsi 1w am expedîtioue as posible ini tieir de- ibtratlons anddthe jtioi'B retîreti. Tise poltit jury vas caiied and gwOrn, eight venirmen being ezesiaed withoutt Tse common Iow donket vas calieti and tbe casest ready for triai mdce i t r f Wwk titn vnifil JTis.' 15,--1r sP.t.,rrt- Wu n. Htlstsp vS Pterrtr V.islasn. 8Molt Gritftr , iloney. Simlis sGoidattin and i tldtseru. A feu preimiulary rnotiiotii. etc., were ruade andi by twc 'ciock the case of Frantk't. iapiee va tise City of Wau- tegan vas caliei. Work of meîecting tise jury rwcpled tise greater part ofi aiternoon. ise jury aeie<ted wattIL& Harri uît-.Wsc-osssi HenrMainia.Was. .. ...n Hsn-ry S.ien, Ela. rr. Frîmost. Jas. Van 111-w, Fremolit Bi. F. Martn. Wationlsl. iE I. Anti-ih iist..'sWate ri' Jatis. s o. lýl). îd. Chai-s i5 e.Libtes lis Ira 8imitih. Frricnt. iii Do probale tise came' ssiili e srscspleted becre' tise lait cf tisib week. itl sexpsscti tise cririinai docket il ull 1 reacliesi nerit week anti as tise Krueger ntrder trial wl tndcîsitediy bave riglit-ot stay, it ray lew reus*es îext meet. Deniocratic Caucus Tise deinîcratie voters 01 thse tome NeIt usîttisr îi aslie ilrannti aI cf LiIurtyvie are requel tetits eet Dr. J. L. TAY LOR. te local paitothlis' S iA W.iCii. its tise issn Hall, LiIertyrilhe, Batiîr- Thle mirtstaierelgrolsîl tîs iscs day, Mai 17, litaI 2 o'n.ok p-m. Ojffice osier T rsgge & Taylor's. pietîîn Il tise prismitte made iast for tise purpoos ssof piactng in nomina- -Hft es Nrsrensier vii t,.,fuoilid- Ail tise tion candidates toirtisle fciicuitig tiiyt 5, sc .~ s 5 s. aisi i55 luw tiiiidlnigs ire itîsîer cover 'ils îisp officeai Rehisiiciso n orssiwyvppoite Parks'tse exception ofsttie kSprlng 5'. ire supervîttr, Lbertyvîlle, Mlinois. building. fosivhisss ne tof tise frame Aseaor, murk bla"sarrîseil Ttisis. btilding mII Seisnoii Iruxtee, w t ht'IaMMe..Mipetd. Onie cranle blTowsn Ciert, Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. li es,,,put in lilc in tise lîeaming Colicetor, -ilose sdtinsidepsi'tient i oI Ie Cumiiiiiuei .ofHigisulys. Physîcian and Surgeon. i'sstpit-tiedit tun cari! day Ansd tWitransmet aitoster hiness 'A tiegon lhad anuf.$l'îsLire Suroiay 'm 'yppel coe fr.te Gurril - - - - - llinOIS ngît 1se buîildingLit 2211-2220 CSoitîs cous Oit. m l 0Xj1V Dr. E. H. Smnith, Mrs EHF, i liiîretiantiOscar 111 .9 PjQ ui'S .9 .A OENTIT. i sii'cals.gri-el', vais tîgetiser sîti I us tîid cf a certain iazy mn O)ffîts- osier Lake Cou, ty Batik is ît t t- Ilii d si yed nt î aethItiatnsirttei ti) Sri iiniseit auy r.- .ii ~ NI ,, siIA .st ; l bnglsiiding, Atl. . t U ciiswtitn bovsn liho i lsilisonitne Il . ttwolIV o herernsissicesIlhie ivtded an aiit(matitt 1i .5c.,s.Ic i ile. M. I)atIlil 1). 'l h ise t)sii aa i@o rranged t i'.h eticli iciv iof ssli " ms,, teid ua PAU L MacGUFFIN. -m .ticciisfiauting 'l ise iisîitisg -s %ttociii ..y i i 5i suisetlîsi it IaI cccses lisM rs Fransteus B itsc'c MatIe8 nd c pas1artially sreeiiiiisurY NOTARY PUBLIC sie si ut rc'ill F \1. Irisi slsi (siiS7T Y BA ýK, ilen- sig8s. utthi e itatIs iMr Lbertyville Illinois.Acsinst>. ttrtey M'.51F.Arnok -et.~ islsta ScIty Monda: uit on e re or id, i Min. Ailicldi slscd MnoIiaY atern30[ oon 8 BENJAMIN H. M ILLER, tIse-ii.vii3LCteinHoispitlalCicaos,p isteridi. lss icenlis ocrIicol concil- ATTORNdEY AT LAWV, ti, tr iiassy meeksn BSliiiay crensng c LI BERTYVILt-E - I LLI NOIS. iiArislcilibriasse isctier osut Iii a i -- girls. fler -usdctil l . aspici-arsoîsi. a.c,,55 si i n Li. s1550 ,. alsid ti- trasggle tsi ssve l.irIl.luisisest-l TLPtiONt E O. 2- v. .~ucs aisi %I r. A r lil miss sliaissec, st bis u 55tsIidsssd, tir severai davm ntele- iIIiineii tu isees(cf lier ceatis lise Wi.. H. M ILLER, iscciy mii l'e îliupecî tic Lexington, tîc -1 ),l)I sitA 1, IB T, iseiitîsky ttssnClisigusloisi itsrmetst. vuus i 'cc 11îtt a cleat 'cscss'rcia NlirsAri,,cilil msMissAIN- ".Wiliams, 1cu ihiir 5-51 c ail ils 1Isc I)i l, sîrsust.lssgtiin. mier, sise w s mars leil lis Mri A rnosldlabountfosu? s isic1t. C hics' ls cii 5i550555 ycarv agis Ber deotis ail lietoasud ,_sxt, 1 ccr -_ s IV cgtn,. c Stores luos'tus s.large lntier of %Wasstegou ,,ic IiIu,-éiciS- s iisi .re dloy fîsenus, a liiigiieve astis tise Iiiîîuaul vý,nu ,asn h in li, terr sibe lereuveucnt, FURS W ANT DI F I i uiniiised by tise Cuuty Tiie & TInuit c- Abtat fTstie. Titlea Uuananteed. aAI,4' .;>~ MssusieTemple tIdg. Waukegan, III. Highest Ma k tP ieLoris J. 0GrUNER, Secy. PAIO FOR At-t KINDS 0F' Aisucn Wh,,,,rICo DOîitFKIWiseicr .W's -s Ii iseecilstand 17-à4- 1i mc.,n e us a, 14-il 0seics m or 1ludIlO1toi RAlisissesni J. Jwik.-c to James liorsiali B Y INlellolas iretclsner andtifeiste ueCra I£.iaulis"r W aloti1 Of Is t c ,rsh il lu'- lot 1 nW -ir nus 45 O Long Crove Illinois. dici ..e......-.....ce 1i'l, 5 asi5 i ,rcl ie'm i lt 5I 5 uw ri W,loct t ssirss51-4.lOSd- - - iit 1 Alle . iIi dsani ssi o H Ildîa t. ïti.ri ooMnissuisof pitii i Ronk Biicis ..t.du'sn,landti sntusitcury Lake Couoty U8 Iffl;is.ii.1 SiEltenlsiiet' l WRIGHT, DYMONO & CO., 46is ou 5 ui eSprinusgBîsuil Libertyville, IllinoiS. a',t I o ..E.t...t.f0..... . .....B - 0 1111us-Janu-s HB Smith aisd ite et il t.lSeul Issuies Iitest 3earitig Ceti fi- 555 w il., - rs'Ime194-,W jotin T. Morrdu andti mle to Aogsstiiu cittesi Paiyablle s)Il1)emaîid. 1EWoisîe' ictilotlsalit7 sllfs, o! (iearilak W ..-- ....---------..-290U5X5 WIntturop Harbor & Dock Co. tsi C. & N. s.; sec ight-o-way MAX LE BEAU, w. un Co.slîr -of-tweivethot.&N sesoc 3_46_ 0I c ....... . 9 Fine Cio'rs izteirietta F.Buctiseand sisiisto jouhî -ine Cigars.A. .hul of lik 16 lt 2 bit 9, lot4 Sit s, lai adteLuPorLt Jinton v 216 I,, M i lt 155,11klat "D' RHiais- SiOLS 5" ooti Elyr i lot à b M Highliand * oacoas iikr'Materials. Part v I.- - - - --.............7.ffl00 Toba.cosand smokrài . ,itlno Taiott and vile tu John CigarsWholesale andi Retait Ocrlit sof p on ieof n=111 V baIoomTW II, .................... a busttisistishes? isr penet anti a battuis essulii gide f'omthstie neist rvoomte iitiset mille of tiselised, andthoisn ail lie mouiti sove to do wmste roillcirer untr tle tilt nid telle lis nsornstsg batis. Tise otier dey lie souilisomiig a Part!y5of geitIc- mn friendo over tise bouse andsi vi fe came tri lis room lie said, "Let tue show yoni my automatlc tub.' lie aluile th ie button, tisere vai a sereauii sand tise tuli came mailinsg isto tise rions aitis iin ile sn it. Bshe uuw takcn lier so.tis is a aaalpalî. liire um an parody uon'As %lo. lrcot etc, ' Be masiiot isnuiti Kentuciky, visere tisey matle tise niiisic tain dcv, anti motisere foed tiseir bableas on 1501 revolver 0sev,;misere you mate up in the morning îlot Ifull îof uliet blsi, atisiflut your s.olli conspanionsi are, iîemisodied mosule.BisHo isit lis .lId Kentuckty svisre tiseir asm lis aiaays truc, andtihie principal amuse- nient lms siooting people tisrougis, aiere tise docetors une ai medîclise for al isumicn u. a dse a'or tsn of uf liets suateaof iciver pilla. He vas alitt iu uid Kentucky, aliere ý'ftieds' gl'si on troes, aisd the bullets tnisu lie riflesl buzz tlrîîîgil tise air lite boom.;aisere tise ins.truments tliey play cîs mIen tliey gis e O dance or isop, are tise musical revoilvers, atsd isey 'cati off miti s'apop. partien wls.ising toeniter tise prlntlng isitce uoti1 s elloasuiotuit ie governesi by tise followitsg mies Ativan e tetise iuslBer door andti gve tliree distinct raple or kickthtie doo. Thse ý'devl" viii at- tend to tise aiarm. Y011î ahi gîve hics yîsur namne, postolttce atidreas andtihie istîmber of yeara ysu are nsvlng for tise poper. Bewmli admit you. 's ci wîli ativane t th ie center of tise roomn anti oddrestlie editor alitiste foiioving eounitersigu: Extens tise riglit isand about 1.00 feet trocstise body, miti thse tisumis andi tingers extendeti, tise tsusmis sud index lingerae clasimg a $10l bill, wmicis dropasIntel tise extexided biandi ci tise editor, at tieseaine time saylng: 'Were you los.kiiig for me?" Tse editut vili graap yotsr baud andth ie bill anti presaing i i il ay. '-Youble- Aftef gilig iim tise nemi concetining youf ioolality yoss viii Le permitteti te) retire witis a recelpt for ats oblsigation prssper- 1', îiscisargeîi Vol. vt m.FET ROEN % hic îýroîtig th, 1 ,w-k. f tlise .1;ort sves teru rl ,ts.I theliLake Dementeti ManSuifera Terrsiiie Fsretit dcfsot WiiiMansiIl .i cr r ,sfLaýke Agon'. W.1ks aIl Ntiglt. famtw,outis hotnsd trois N \,,iP;at h 47 oriock Sssniday nigisi \Is i rrY s' n burIed witis terrIivs a-ssgasiîst aný iroti pilla? and illiesin cSsi Nir. Ferry wa8 wvoit, sg f(crtiheCli- cago train, anti it l 1 ic itnsai ioer tise impression tija t1ii,-train wlsili <aiîeed im sideatisais thesmisele mi waitllsg for. Tise I t7 Irait, d.-si tt aissp at Laike Foreh! I s i. ssîi1ssivcs tht in tisedarknes.s Mi.Ferry wao migoietiai to tise track tus- trsssc îis us m dnti teppeit ln fronst i'tIL li Ferry vas ilt% -Sors ci Ic, s.tscl leasem a viticu, UMn. % i sssi irrv, and ttsree a&oDis JoisnMsss ande uisillrave lIl s.,day isiglit frocs LiiwîrtYviiir- 'ilstio'eli oaniai waikitsg ai011g RlOcO f1 l? ier ,oud tisiy ciaeianid wearintg ,,ell suie ni,,-, V.iw.n cco.itesltfise siîsktlswî iscie mis l-repiy lisýiiîstlîîiscd li e - it 5stly retraicil is a teps., iseemsiisgi ' v nvitig Il., îartîiiilar olesitiisasIo Il S sglst drrw ssi"isnd isiîising ciore Wa" me,, iiiiini . 113y ' Tieisiiay mornîng lie apsîsaieiilet Or rassisilo yer'ol for, aiser li mais s-ciullellessi tsistol)s Iri miîs,-r excisassIscsi lritiyer ssssîssciiatei.v pers-ris d tis,- ...-... t.nonririn ri, it olllv and srsisc $1.50 a Year in Advance. ~1IS H t)idlgn. s cswetsk sestisth e tsiIscwinss tir Salmon. Booth's black diamond Salmon, Cutiets. in oval cati Samion, Columbia River Salmnon, Mallard brand Salmon, Guaranîe brand Salmnm Alaska brand. 3 for 25c. per can Brook Trout and Maekerel. in nxcssard, 2 Ib .sn Brook Trout and Mackerel, in musolard, 1 lb. ais Ferry.He rrrrleldMis, Ab'.icss-Furssssi , i %llHerring. boneless, large sîzey doligiter cf J. V. I.rss 'h tMr , f lishe Uîst)(Hy arts,. aisîs itis StrisliaiHerring, smalker ize w iso m le v a s tse p a ro ti-c i fs,ii v La r'c stg n Asi eC i r tiîrn e v i t ei iir 1 I*v e r . tf o r t hse S a d n s o e t c n d I p r At tise tics., of thse Iefc.sit"Issieticgave uufcrtssnoîe ltranger. tIs aitil file ..Dmetean mpre liii ulfe OaiscumeIll oeiis 't, in greateist diieuisty tise! isiieedesl in visicisO@ ais ia ince r Oi-igettinissusintntîs a o eiteyatsse, alirss'îsh1weîd.s Mr. Ferry vas regircis-ci assao%% 55 itis! folglit eavageiy Cidts.lssw.s Mnau, being tise 0.0555r ccftise Lake lie was8liruunglt ti) tise 'iiisty tarsai btr Sr.p.. Forest polo grounde %imi cf PlIcacres, Ansi ine'aiattentiosn asctnsuaeîciî of land nortis of lýak, 1.rrI sti lig intii leed vere frîrcu oisd iseelisng - tise lake oliore. lie iNs-555ieiiaslarge iioiiiy iiie tosut mwu&iisseieis.a ile ranchisn tai ifornia, ,,hi( sIiLic si o test fise e se i îe i iiâlave ii1, c ai assît At interrais. He W" .t- Is silisSUs eurisscies îcîeîy thrisgisandd lis let ere a o l i e sta te d ea er lis ii 5 g5 . ti i sýig hli .sac icm li -e ic n tai t sit ki gi l su tise arns Uie He mis .i-ti-e ss'i 1sl i ,, i lgliaov fric, icsir1is LA1 iý h. lies, tise I ic i I ý lsaci tss Mrtsyeris isiee acre trackm eveici. o relâitlciut! iîisssi siissg tise mac hall trasermed HOUSE ESTABI Mr. Ferry 'i fatise? I-N, uts-i I eti3tise riais, iiauy tUtileis iurl,,g tise iglit Boilt, tcLakte Forent 1 i' -rstY H I-t i. . "îî, iîs"s1cî Kg mos ill.sîs l iqit. wah ut one timeuie l-a 515large-slsssAliicN sissi esi'rYtiiiig 1subilts pîcciLhiV AU KEGAN . IL LIN, of atnckk lntis e nC.-gcsd Ns itii IIreviut'e liNs,.'ittring. v.hsis lMés, wetern rasiroati. -'co5 sse-s1 ilisart trs eing isc selic Lakes Countts Mec Istenesi Ils.sgsi5 iiesas tlutrus-t was. Ltt riuroiday in th, 'cbusrinian Histirim si is valicu is 'iepn ire isulus. ifroa e c h lo a g s, va s b eli Ii il. u g cf Lst Oc -t 53 m u e isie scs tl i l sin ' iA k si n s i lîsideriîsflFise Iliel, Isuite isctas 1 ilthe msisn s liii kits sss-îs-tilissi an 1tsîriu lng imatY f! er 'ý-1 ls' i clt,.pe.oele UIM aia ttwenty ille ieiiOco -r, pisenstt Isisit risrisnass 5cole mIaIssc t.ýlaiss1s1e or tisen, bcing Lake i r,!-ide st ". i il ha L ie ssan si, i essîss i'es s Variouâ s leports 55cýr,- gSes, atutise L i, tatof liseisi Ue gru51deae am.i buinas ameeting, wtsss , mass ieldiata.t in ot fil Jea s 'al nuilerici nsi Good Wood Frame Wrin eleveis sciock. aud t i suis tise-ld alicts ias1o- ie ais o iiyn Boler. iiivùsg offiters were '- s. Ssci Isir tiseliv ing js1ii ttis atet, aise?.,7dahII figeai year. ,II rAedd rintewl i and Handie Wm ' 'alet. r,ý],- 't ndIL esglIdt hu t sSlie isîsisansIBec Li lâzieri BinaI 18,lb 8 gal Milk Car l, 1. ' wms.nearly deoti vitisdysipepsia trieti docton , iteti minerai apringli, antignev verse. I noesiKodol Dys- .papsia Ctre. *riat et me." Il digests visat you est. Cures indiges'- t ion, gour stomacis, hearzbutin antiail lorgnaof dyoiep"i. Y. B. Lovzni, UieW. L.;j WTaUA. BIOMhIlà Oa.I H. W.- W asiburn, %sic rsln S. A.Brown, secouac5 Si-r sideuct. E. F. Littiefleii, .,( -iLm y. i.: Mi. Ilimpisry, attcssniy. MArm. L. i ondy, Cii-îo H. W s'. aisis bur,,, Wankegan. S A. Brown, UChicago; A. Hart Bis er, -. 5'-eil, ilrctiîr lu Decembier (cl iM99, iv -e ss iut xnomn ashi1i1--il,îîsccni.'tl"IccctIi insg Coimpany liai isc ' liati cfilisca- s'aie titis aliscIslteciof i lie en terîrlse 55 seprsmoil bc i I i L-. Tandy,cis- mss-,electesllc -scl î Mi. Ioansi , 5Ic 1is5nticr ct I tec plOclai ofuti il c t-s turiisg Ici1, k s, tis- ont itras'or liii ic.îg. 0ai,55555c555t55) nu juan uiactlrscg Ij itkae isîcîs îîrscssî îaes3 So Le a great tla,5-I.,ils tisell.iiO ilie cisspasn l,, icil is,,s il - ilacr, or land on Loks i is, 1 Ws , cim, ch la nios beiisg 1c1iL taOplant s tilcs stcs cont tosl i $Pl Ile ieiiiîiiiiiig anloiiist ot Lii ý-a1,it i vtk ùst,- ce neti lu iiuptis.g shetit-Prierti Ai tlirsngis fsot ca cci perat i si- cilisies tise enitenpi me1s aisug Lisat hi11- 1ic mon! irespiectis Ilie filli s i, >c ici. 'li in lotis tiio lc -s- itiselas-tccsec au di u city wast c-c ccI staisl î'cisss ii on tis ite-'iii> -l5 la ntiiîis)r Actaiic ilues fron, LaistuslAY are îclssîscsîîsg ft, more Lii tise tis e Itielcen55- xî tc 1.0 leore lies c Ic',-sipt ofc, . Thee lictiiv cllie 5iilil itS mtl. edoud ty cfi, v ic ic.8cc Mortuar y. John L rtratt cîis hbis ccil lks-sî chisetts Oct 5 - 1c5 Eo Lrlin ii t'. lie witishii, parens. travelied lsc1h usd5 1, eni iigracî a sig ci.luesî(al iig s-Il tise farm on. on i ci sait naieci sc-1Ils cc Lîbertyrsille.c ilrc hbis.s)rs'itc (lied anti wiere lie sic .t niol t i 1,c4 11 i He cmosreiiu, Libcertyvsifie Sfailure of lits Il, 11h tiret' ysragc realding liere iccc ccl is siatiis. 'ci tics- day. Feli. 2mlii Hemas. tics-thi ilici a tousils cif lseven boys, ssiI tics cf aiucis ,urvive- IlH. WAilder, cci t--c andsi i salis 5C', of Dlenver. Tise Lîgist fccticlitttisS1icitias' silioge cf t-lerty s sus- ssi uiter tas uitiilis- tionsîfsr liglitîcîg tIse vIIIagi s-treeta by eiectrlitsl.N ssc îrcîp ii mu gîl(IscoiR i». scicîittut lieforc Xprl! I. 22 4 I scnitte WIats Yoor Face Wcrth. * homaetimea a loiiiise luit ss if i youlihaveaaloliucss mphexliss, a jun- diceti lootît, tcliistchea ni loiteise on tise ikin, oti]siguti of Lio rîouble. But Dr. Rinigs'm ew Life Pis gine Ciear >k, Riss.y tlieeks., ili (sý)is- piexifln. Olsiv 25 ceîut'c clF. il Lorsuan, LiIetvviiie, G,.il. THisia ioN, Grayblake Ha Fonleti ThO Surueons. LAil tonrs touti Renicit HomîltotI, uf West jeffersoui , _alter siîtferlng 18 mentisa frocs Rectal Piatula, le mouiti tdie unesa a ooîly operation wa per- formati; but lie cured hiinaeif vits Bisokienia Arnica Soive, thse best lintise Wonid.ilureat Pile ente on Bailli 250 4i&blatF.B Loyair Ltbortyliile, L'y Lramess eCago olreiisislOyisi Ftlaiiilgt tnsiimoftiemplyientad Facîie? tt ttLîie wrtyvte ie eiit mieed miibiy u vissian tng he nsîud r bemi.uglazier arvel u ibertyrti TirîsîiGa rans Ssspt. Appe adais. lieritiaseliriandUt.splemirent t a buisis-have ier piti alicire lac cofid ri-ieiittemetai matreleie c as s mîsueisi isetne eiiy tsi aîupsst amclts tetoieîcisaise o impstted. Mr. 'sispt ie ticssisttst1 i s, . icI -ss e icc thic isissî i ci ti acoe l Lit i i olS ty MiIsissiate vêre fiis rsSamas1-'.tlslt 55 Vs-ai ccligeasu it abittescfit lus yr. igisissiiIsmoki o k. lt To Have, 000 Telh. ~I11perdonis. sud ansd yonssg. sisisuid isase liseir teetis esaînilied on1e every 'cix 555.,15 tIisi y a i-isu etect siectiet. i>es5s3 s, su lis- uent, aicitartar forci sssg. 5 lis scthiig bit a thîsîssîgli eStiuiiiatsin mti res cal. i rotaiionoil Sers555 i igli. i ,oscsicrk, l psaiot, anss greot econ- c î,sS ti c tis iii led li, sIe-ay lis ,Iigbst cIllnît lis SeimiiS c tise opera- ti,i 5 ic t slong, stis ilie ti il tg 1 iitng, sisci.tise cic atsrlas Iiissýiî an isetts r striiet sire Lis .sr k osit, ie ud eoicir i tsimate tise.a ai la softise sas ty t i uksr ans trsilgs-r, anssitwih sitgist cissige I ici i)I)iulg tise lis-sve, tise IriiMa asileur csf al iscîs isavsng treeti isi Have yisur tetis ittes- clesi ticlictIssue s. Si it Io îsiisittitiattt. G1,etise cilstint gisssitciitil-striiCttiiie tic mîsrt siiss i. stslise iliilier ycn elsc i ciit ývers e. Iuse person iii o h limi is 5, gisisilteetis, nincty-cine perssitit aici cih îîîsiî'l îîii1d liane goolt i-s-tii iiistfise prperattenstion.s il ,sccsstil--iCis octp nm t Grand Bal. risere wdlilirea gransdi halit aILierty- sill, 1 c i, Holl Fridoy niglit, Mardi 15hb, 'St. istrisils cvs, Micli ky Prof. Ssîctli Ch icao oireisestra. uiyster 81,Isppci ciil lus serred. ilaisue tickets ail cents. 'AlsîsPer extra. i1-iVseb andt F Seistlii, managers. oec ssilsil (1 uiees imoftermisile await- log tbeiset5ris ai ii lshe lîsto? An 5ibassy N.'tj dsiinats colesi t a ding ,tiiîe tilici for a doctor tsicoese si sec lbiseidis.then rerv uit mitis crup. Not ttndlng tise tioctor lu. lie lefI munlroi r iimto c'uIe at Once On biit, retîsîn. Be als.oi bouglst a bottie of Cliamierlia s Cotîgis Hemydy, mîscis lie isopeti mosli gin îborne t4slef sntil tise doctor sicuisi arrive. In a feu liourglise retturned saylng tise doctor noee t scornse s tise eldii as mucli botter. île tiitggit, Mt. Otto Scisolz soyî tise fomaliy las mince recoineisdd tisanibe3riai,'s. (ongis Hemedy tsI tiseir neiglibora anti frients is tl le lias o constanît demnsi fuir it frocs that port of tise counîtry. Forsalnoe by F- B- t-ovELL, Liertyvvlle, J. H. BieAt*HEul Gnrnee, OiuAYilLAusE PHAIIMACY, F. t-. WaîTEitMAN, itocteieiier. .JOHN BlOttiE, Ivaclisie. WilCrind F050I. f iii grinti foeodandi corntanticois Wednestiay, Tiusnîay anti Satnrday 01 mach veet untîl f untise notice. F. 8'DOLPE. iv&nboe, 111- lt, *15C Ic 10c 8ce, Sc ai.siasdisss.c-c s i rossi hrids, sms Uam sisisader iii vo 04, àsur ow P, 16E$ ais' ~TELEPAEI319 UR MANY -Bargains. ýs 2 Second Hand Cook Stoves wiîh Feservoiss 4,ft Poultry Netting. per roll Large Wood Tubs Sgai Galvanized Iron Oil Can with spout 4,11 Ont Man Croascut Saw. 60 75 2 25 2 00 3 50 40 50 1 75 1 have aiso put in a fulli une of farm ma- chinery--Moline Piows, Steel Drags and Disk H a rro ws. 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT FOR CASH ...GOODS .. ON ALL LIBERTYVILE, ILL. Now's The Time TO ORDER VOUR HA RNESS FOR SPRING WORK. We wiIi make them up 110w for deiivery when you want thern. Rock bottom prices on heavy double work harnesses. Single harnesses at ail prices, and ail prices' are low. workmanship and quality considered. LIBE RTY VILLE, - - - ILLINOIS., An UnbîeakaL. Ge orset &LLP.N.COFIcýEHAvE CORK PROTECTI i.,LASPS if not at dealers seutloîrepaid (Ali r, 4 S'SiÂC P.mN. CORSET8St J i Bonnets WiII not be in it with our Easter Suits. Order your Easter Suit cuis rinîtitd l, ui4 Chli- iitiiae ansi Mms. J1. H. edesl thse venng anti mltsd diii ias lieds tisiliay anti tisoti Mise tse Jor- lerei fomr a matsm tu 48 entlreiy oins Pain reielve re- lie Paît, omponicus ver hailm. ibertyvil le, UiAYLARE [At, tocke- rset n'in aide au1e mai ae vlii snied vit, tblbt to sith. These S IAVF .APS ruenttsa thAVf-, Chas. Kaiser, BLISHED NOV 25, 1843 ýl 401S.

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