CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1900, p. 8

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I ________________________________________________________ I - I ____________________________ i 1 Special Cash Sale! t, aI sS>s- Cam~ miugowder- 7 9 basfor.. ..... s 25e eau for . ....17.... e9 Naple City Self M sbhilli 'oalp c 7 bars for.. ..... rirbanke An soai' 12 bars for . .. . .. . eZ C Crown Baking Powder- st#ig 10c can for ...... Good Baking Powder- 1-lb eau for... ............ 09C eau Dried Jup "e Arm and Hammar 800 a 50C v aue .... 40C ioc pkge for .....ose c v alIIv s foc Tes Duel- Wooloay'e Soda- 40c vai0e ...... 30c inc pkge for................ 04e Jobnson'a Wushiig Pî,wer 1Quaker Oats 4-lb pkge for........ & 8 13e pige for .... 9 sweet Con- Baklng Cbocolate per eau ...... -lb pXge for ... ... 19C 3 for..... ......... Alî round Spe bWax Bea@- per flb.. -.084 pran ..0* per lb . .. . ..... 30C 3 for .... ........... 23C Dajt Meal-The Ifet- Blac Bapberies- 10 lb. for .... 2C pare an. ...07C COram of Wbeat- Honey Drip syrup- 150 pkge Dow................ 12 Quart can.................. 09C Wasbburn Crosby's Yuco- Peopies Con illatO- Ise pkgeunow .2 epg...... lC prke ............ OSe Cooklng Apples- Grapo Nu- par peck ..... . 25C 16o pkge now .... lie Hardvood Ciothes Fins- Craberrie- per dozen .......Oie per quart .... 03C A Gond Rce- sweet Poatoe- 7c per pound now 03CS1 par pouud ..... .....O 4 pounds of Regular 25C Coffee.... ..... ..$1I.00 4 pounds of Granulated Sugar FREE. Washburn Superlative Flour 98c a sack or $3,85 a barrel. To aUI Adies calling at the store next Saturday beween the houri of 2 ta 4 p.m WC will sel--,Iirnited ta one package eactu " pkge of Uneeia Biscuit ........02 " pkge of any kind of YeastCakes. 02 Another Auction Sale! Saturday, Mareb 17, 1900. Commrenciug ai 1:30 p. m. and lu the eveniug at 7.30. The ladies are especially Invitad 1te attend both sales as 1 bava a oew stock of Osicoen, Gingbams, Prints&-in meveral colors-Ducking-lu color-Sbaeting and Coton Btlen, Laces, Ernbroldary, aud other articles too niumerous 10 mention. Ladies bc sure and attend these sales. Bring youî busband aud bis podket book. Rernember there ta a special sale on al the limne at Cet, on al aur Shocs. Boots. Undervear. Gloves and Mit,, Crockery, Staneware. Rubber Goods, in lad ev«7ytingthey are gong to be sli. aM it will be agretM"svto you. il you are in need a1 anythling ini thia ine, 0ta aver rMy stock belore purcbaaingelsewhere. Corne. bcg the lamxiIy. You are &ail nvited. 1 wil atil iny four dr*ving horsts. two set double harneases. two carriagesansapring wagon at reasaable Thanking you for pastifavorsandoi oping for your fut- ther patronage for the few rernknin weeks of Sny say, I arn. epec"fly vous Etockefeller - lilihois. Dry Goods PercaleS 2 8 inch Percales in black snd white. bîtie and whit and red miwhite figures ani tripeso handeorne pattern at the special price ai AUl LIgt <oioied Printe ....Se peu yd Am.rkeau Indigo Buefin r...,6C per yd Fancy brase Printe., . ........ 6 e pr yt1 40 tiL LiBlack Broeaded bransa Ioode.... 28e per yd aiso ,tbare aI 20e 30c 35c up %o..0 . . 75c par yd We si tLe J. F. 5065 orsea, perfect lu chape sud tîLe tast 30c corset lu 1he mariat. Wa carry s largeansd compltelock af Boys, bulbe sund Mens t'iotbiug sud Ovacoats. l'a tu date Meus@ Site aI $7 50 aclually vortb $10 00 Fltue Suite aI $10 00 varth ...........12 80 0aisera fions $350 to.. ....................16 00 V. Sauer & Brô., ~"*LONG GROVE, - ILLINOIS. WRIGHT & SON Is the plate to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ate and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anything un this fine call on WRIGHT & SON, Libertyville, - - - - - hou IVANHOE. Mese. James VanPlev, Or., and John Meulae ara dolug duty sas jury men lu Waukegan10. eaiee. Mies Fs nuysd Floy Bryaut ie. lurned home tram Evauston, suffeiig trou tanalili. Mise Fauuy relurned liat Mokmday. A dime aocla ilI b. givan aI the parsonage nart Fiiday eveuiug. Marcb 1610. Praceede tab. usad for building cidealhs for the paisonaga, A beasty inviation toatatend ta exteud- od ta a&U. The pragram givua by the Litersry saciety lai riday avoning vas cou- aderabiy abortened, ownlng ta 1he abeeoe of mauy vho veon ta bava taien part. Oui iterary aoeiety eau not b. a succem vithoanIthebe haiiy lutereal sud co-opai'atotl of ail Ils mmnbera. Il la very urgeniiy re- queuteS th*1 &Il members vhosee umes are on the programa, eacb mfttlug, ehould albher la0ethb.parItasigneS ta them, or secure a stiltable subtitute for 10e mme. The dehate vasdef aireS util the tDoit meeting. GILMER. Ueo. Grofue returued frorn Chicago test veai. H. Iineis bal Oie vood saved the Oiral cf the veek. D. Muntingion aîtended bthesuper- visora meeting et Waiiieganlut veei. Geo. Brawn, of Wakegan, made a fiying trip ho Ibis place IselThors- day. - Mn. sud Mis. Dean Ayn&leY bave moved lotetois. John Cronihites bouse. A fev tram lOis place attended 10e surprise Party at C. M. Wlcomas a Prairie Viev. John Ranz va. marrieS te UmnMarie bLebent, ai Chicago. Tbey relurnud te <iso. Ludvicce Match 2nd and of course the boys snonsded Iheux vith hp paslils night. They bave moved tea starim near Prairie Viev. Â,N&MUI COaasPOsNtiTý bprng vl soos ebehai. Edvard dock in ou the &tek lisI H. F. Schvermmu as invested lu s nev plana. Jo. DiaIz, af Wacouds, vas seau ou our treela unday. Sherif Griffun, Of Wauhegau, vas hesou busînasa Friday. Fred FeSSIer bas puichaged H. F. Sehvernuansrond vagon. W. PF. Hall tbai a fliîg trip he Wau. kegan ane day lis veai. H. olorieR visiteS vwitO C. ruber anSdfamily the tiet psrt of bhe eeh. Marman Fisher shipped a car of young boieranfrom 101. place FrIday. M. OlericO vislted vitO Barringtan frindse sud relativs Thunsday aud ffiday. Mr. sud ise.H. F. Sehverman viited vilOber mober, Mie. Ciute Thareday. The E. J. & R. run amBpeial train ta Wsukegan Mouday, Ieaving Ibis Place t:30 a. m. Menry Eus inlanov employaS by . . scbvermau, W. yull retumu bome te belp hie faîher villithe baumme"sfanm vonk. WAUCONDA. L. H. TaiS la on tho aloi Ilat. Mma. M. W. Hughes sami Monday ln Chicago. Mr. Bruce, of Lote Zurich,. va ou car shtre SaturdaY. A. Cook returnud fiant Waukegau the tirstiofthe0eveai. . Fnulian sd B. F. Matin retuined fîam Wauiegau Monday. E. L. Harrisn, C. . Golding and C. P. Pratt, of Chicago, epant Bgunday ho"e. W. H. Laniphere aud A. Kirvin wene Waniegan visitera$1theftiret0f tO veei. Mn. anS ltire. Binhani have con. meneS hansekeeping lu rooms rented of lira. Fole, M I. W. Hughes vent ta Cryslal Laie Wedneeday sud brangot homo s bus uev floberai car. W. Manahan bas solS hie barber &hop te John Blanci anS BrtMarIisa. We vish the ne, barbers coces. R. E. Gilbert Oas routeS hie tain and moved loto M»r. Grilius bouse, Wi Harris viii vonithe ftsnu. TOe Epvorih Laguie l guve a socia 1the home of Mr. Hsmmouî an Fridar .venlog a1 thie veea. L C. Prien, vent ta Fulton Manday te etienS the Mystie Workers eau?.,- Mlon.Haevwu dolegate tusWauoondi lodge. M. Hughesae sema eseelles' Vievs af1 héBruce lu@plant ai 1" Sustea. Wassesila lSe pVs-.I I.bava e m ais lbu W. W. APLNYAa. Clark. WARREN. Town canou& March 1710h. A new camp of Royal Nighbore has beau oîgaised aM Ournea. BaveraI of oui Warren ladies bava joined tRamn. B. J. (.lfimn sud farily were out for aleigh rideansd ealling on friands lest Wa undermd R. S. Bond taihi of recling a large barn on bis faim Ibis ipring. W. F. claw sud wvue wlf autertaiu friands (lo.nigbl) Friday ai a progres- @ive ucher. Thon baving Invitation& 10 the probate pariy at Orange Hall fflday should reapond t10 1he cali Ifa god lime la vanedai ROCKEFELLER. wr.C.W. Shaddle bas plenti ai Mr . J. -loueni very aliset Pirent vriling vW" typol faer.' Min. Vici flaus, iofAng Grove, tiited relatives lher.oun. day 1lai week. Mn. sud Mis. C. W. Shmddlo vlsited the firsi of the0evea i viltheir daughtor as Palatine. Mr. sud Mis. A. J. ing had for thair rsthbs vei, ise. Ueo. Day &ac bLmMbeBrocksn, of Wankegan. Mr. 1R. D. Cook and family enter- tained 1ev. tKr, sudUMi. J. sM. Whealon, of Chicaga, the fbraiof 10e Ont peaihangar, WW H orivenas quis. buy eaihis mmde, Ha haa ajoeureS Lester Burdici, front Wau- couda-to amist hlm. TOme viii b. no church services a% Rockefeller Ouuday monning a vu annuneli, but Bunday sebooi vin b. h.15 ana 1:30 sud preaohing es 2:30 p. m., by Rev. Cola, ai Ivanho. Vg undersiand ibtsMr. S. Kiamer bos puehasdan saofailand from arc. Frank Shadddle on Maeple Ave., and vilI aeact a banse uponame as @can the vesiher viii permit. Mr. and Mis. living Psyne spalât Sunday vilO bis parants. on iheir ratura taoChicago tbey vare se- compaulad by Mis. 2. 0. Payne vbo vii aped a veei vialjing Ihom. Ourle'. fourth auotian sale laies plaes naît Saturday aiernkoon and eveniug. Ladies are npeclally re. quested 10 attend hoe a iles. You-ve heard of 1he ptodigiaua bargainsansd vby ual avail yourself of the oppor. tunity. INXMMIA~L. A 1ev fiues lu memory of Mildred Herschberger vho died Feb. 13, 1900. We have lest oui darUug Midred. @hebu asbld us aH adieu m ho ba@sone le live la beaven And ber person la lusi tu viev oh. that darlnit o e vo ved ber oh. hev bard te give ber uP. But aanelausi me dowfoi ber And reuoved ber front oui Bauk. I s HALF DAY Jud Pratt, of Wauoonds, vas meiiea on f oui streaha the other dey. We understand thal Mis. A.iid lutt eouflned 10 1the bontewiliî a actera coid. Mir. Zara boomîs, of Palatiue, an oid lime reaideut bore le viting b.ij brother 9. Loomie and family. M. S. leson vili g gob Coperntiab Manistea Co., Michigan to von a csrpauter vork for i son Allen. Uima Ethel Moore, of Libertyville1 vho formrery reslded Laie vilO bart unelas family, vsitedt haie Tuesday. UmsaElle Hutahluge, of leuviev,1 i. vlslling hai aunt, Mr@. Je-i. Richards( &lac her conclu, Ms. lM. L. iiipp et pretieul. We uudercîand tuât; W. D. Baiîey lutend. to move i. iamily near fila voîi lu Chicago sud rant or sel] bis home here. Mu. Jan. hammer, 1f'Chicago., viU sononhavaeuaddition ulle5tu lies rasidanca haie, whicb ha viii occupy lOis summar. A. tioletvili iii) the carpauter vok. Thare vas au unnanally large attend- suce at J. T. Ayerasaule ou Tnesd.ay. The wvasîer vas fiue and everythiug favorable for lbe good pries realizad. The covs espaclally vent 01gh. Richard Bthapter the ouly cOuld of Mr. sud Mis. Frani Shapter, of Evans- Ion vas bronght baie on Saturday moruing toi hurlai lu the Vernon Coetery aviug died of baik dip- Iborta Friday morniug March 910 at the age of ivo ysaîe caeu monîbeansd nine days. M. H. Pegiow, Hall Day'a mason con. tractai, vho bOs beau apending the vinter lu Beavor Dam, wia., baa returued home. Ha cecuîed IRe cou- tract for building s large electrie ligol pover houne lu Chat clty, lu vhich vill b. over 490,000 of bridia. Mr. Pogiow's Laie Couuiy friands viii lemu af isiesuceSu vilOpleasura. Me expecte 1gorantove ta Wisconsin lu the 1spriug, vbare ho hm amauyIniliieiitai relatives. 1 DIAMOND LAKE. Judge Upton Iiausacled busiuesa anound ber aietm yak. R. A. Smith tranetait business eI Woodtoei 1ma& Thuraday. R. Wilcom shipped tvo cars of ay from th1s point ta Chucago. We are Informed ibat îvanty.tvo Wvltuesseahave been subpoenad lu the Kîneger cas for ibis veai. Au afiernoon tesvWini be giTan on Thursdmy IMatc 22, fan 1he boeait of theminiaier at ise. John Kinciman'a. The Sundsy eebool lna aranglug for au Basler aervieesud the commiitee on piog<alaIluMn. Anua Derby, Ruth Rasy, UmssBock, tJaa Smith, May aud pEmfe Butterfieldr The basket social ai Mri. Bailetla givon for the OrgiOsu Home et Laie Forest, vas vaîl attendeS sud aven nsix dollar@ reeetved for ibe Home. 1.The Hmre appraclatea is friands. About ixty friandesud relatives of îM. and Mis. C. M. Wilcoi surpied thmlut Fruday eveuiug sudtSok complote passession ai iheir bouse. YAllai euJoying iliemmeve. vith games and musice bey voeesnmmzoned te the ae diniug naom l a prts» of the ricO 4alullem vhlch the fldiesvseee tefii it o a lae vitusignes. Tie. iemsiuing la boum vote apat la slngin&, muai., Ai. l peWa«& sepexi aving 1 1 We hean Il0a1 Mis. Barbu Combe isec Crs Wedge la very 10v vitb eonsump. lion at ber home in Chicago sud feurs are onlt@ainet of ber roovery. Mer mauy friands bore hope PRiab a regain lier hetýt0.L In order ta Maite une of10e alalghing vOile itl lated Ivu mura of 1000e progressive euaber paies *are balS lut wesi one ai H. J. Etey'esud ana ai eoff. Brogien's. Arnong ihoft Who carried avay lirai prizes vere John2 Bock, Chas Wlbur, ise. John Bock snd Mrs. DIap. Consolation prize; vera given ta W. F. Ciov anidwvite suda lirn. Dunbam sud L. Mulav.0 FOX LAKE. The Foi Lake acbool clouaidtl'iday. M. L Gaigor wvAs sWisconailn clleri Monder.1 Mr. Fred Cijbb atil vîfe vere 6Gurne@a visitais Sund4y.t Mi. J. Alycli aud wife vera Elginà visitôe. aturday. Mr. J. H. Olcoît and vife ware Waukegan viasors îeceutly. Mr. Gorge Olcotvas a waticonda visitai bainrday snd Suuday. Mri. H. Nelsan sud Mr. A. Tweedt v«esWauikegan vilors Thurhday. a lia M. 1). 0Ob&t, ot Aniocb, visited Mis. J. Aveil. of Foi Laie enhat veai LAKE VILLA. W11h Cashmore in et voîl foi ilaymonfi Shervood ai proeueft Herbert Murie sud famiiy visitadt vilO bis parante ini Waniegan laut fflday. Arebie Gibson i.n ov îîîcpylii« the Curl cottage racentiy puiciaAerd by J. J. Miorley. 0i. P. Manzer sait farniiy aud Mi@. G. B. Csble iooh a flrinesIegh ride lu Wnukegan lent Mondsy and report a pioasaltrip. Chicago visîtorm vi lin s fav dey@e are Mie. Rate Manier, Mis. Emma Amen, Miss Flosaie Kerr, Mi. tmd Mis. L. W. Rovling. AÀaigh Iniofounr bake Villa people tooi a pleasaut rida lu Antiocb last Fîiday eveulng. Ail lu sll vas very pleasau lacininlg tp over, sllding bock dowu ii, etc, The Rpvortb Leagua viii gîve au ontertanment lu the cburcb ou Tues- dey evening, MarcO 209h. Tbey bava a spiaudid program g e hacrei tu attend and bring your friand.. About a dozan ot oui Woodmau veul ta Russell 10 vieil tba camp tisera lent Baturdar avoulug vilO thair -.slelgb snd four." Tbey résehei home tu the e asma' houa sno va conluded tbey lied a good lime. KnîciatociîssCo PRAIRIE VIEW Zera Loomism aSe Obisbrotheý snd family a short visI lalits;veai. Mr. sud Mis. J. S. Qrldlay lranuaeld bussine.s mtWae.kegau Mouday. J. A. Msams put lu a full veai ut Waniegan lest wvea on ('otitty lit- nesa. J. Ranz and brida havaentoved unthe Holîja tarin raeuîly vsaaed by W. K<ruger. Paul MacCiu vast lookiug aflai business luterasta liret af 1he veei lu Ibis hocaiity. Many ciieuaf rombiss hévieluily are baîng e"lied lii Wsukegaàu tlis veek on acc0i,ît if lithe rueger osurder trial. Win.Tidinarei, vho bas bteu arn ployait aeth1e Osivood Bloci tarinfor severiy.eare has aveed a position ai Waukegans. J. H. Wsaolaid bas beet.(luitte-it in tRa City for nome lime, but inaLle b, ha out nov, Osving beau lu lbhe City for four veai. W. P. Diekînson made saverai entîli fnomiss he Oaiyood hennels, as 10e re- enft dog ahov a& Chlcag. sud each collie ezbibibted capturesta pre. R. Wiieoz recantly shippedi o c ari o! Oamy 10 market. dhipment vas made via lit. Faut RaiIroad alha vauted the hay go b. on the marial, before IL. uev crop cama in. L. H. Kruger Ras relurned tLe Coi lectare books vitb oty about live udred dollars uuaollected vbich ià cousîdared a very close collection Tauis vasthe tiret raturn IDeibc00001 len't ilabout lime 10 '<orget" t10 reocul convention ecboea? If bol] aidee paroles; in airing grleancen tnt nazt Novemben h vwiii sateilaily affeei the vole ofth1e vhola ticket sudviio là goiuggo 0bc beueflted by i.19. lila ovel suybov. Ou Friday evauiug quite a uq&mboi of friande sud neighbors gatberaS a thSe home of Mr. sud UMia. C. M. Wulcoi and liaita veiy pleaat social gaîher iug, vilO gansais munie sud vaiui discussions. Ail euîoyiug tbarnaalve, very mach. The saIe of J. T. Ayere on Tueâdaj drav au unuscaly lange erovi, ausà fairly good piliou vere raimitods ruearly eveiything sud as a aide insu, ibere soemed ta b.e a gond demi o 3 -politIcal log rolling", doue, mastiy o1 BIRe quosion of oolb.ctai. There bain, sverai candidates on 1he groan. 1 Baverai tram lOhis laeality attende, f ethe ool enterlalumeut lu 10i .Whigam district li saturday eveuti rundsin t0e diraction of Mine Alm 1,Westerin, 10e taulier, sud the Intel àest sOovu, by ahoalaa, getera 1pareutsand naighbors mode fi a ver, credîlable ailsir. and uettîug quite sucs toaada the purchsse ot a scha, library, a veîy usetul auxiIIary taith r chool. r r r of Ig Bd le kg [a br- ir, 3, 1a oSl te OfficiaI uotice bias beau racle ved from the Pont Omo*ice Spanînnt at Wash- ingtan D. C. la regard t10the rural dever , vOich e@ osinta affect mou- day April 2u5. O. 1. Luce has beau appoiuted carrier vit Gilîbert Lucesea assistant. TO. length of route 1a810 b. 2si miles. res oovened 36 equare miles sud population serveS 1000, aI1 for $M00pet yemt. The queetion nov beiiig 5.051.5 la vbetltaior nai a m4ceety et tâ* peope oslb.theroute, teseltve b~Sesavicu Its- a4 Pue" "M vm eL E OuEgRpIELO. gMi. Ueo. Parins hm clobted ont again.1 Mr. Herbait Todd speul Snnday aI home. Mi. J. Horeuberger returned 10 onr Mouday night. Mr. Henry Osterman epeul Souday el Ris home haro. Mr. C. W. Patiland daugblei NeUle weulta oElgin ttatnrday ho, vis eilas- tives. Dick. the joker asys ibal shore ia not anougb monay bi înning the engiue. A nuinbar Of people of Ibis City alleuded a concert et Kirnbahl Hall on Thuuesdy evoiia. Mir. .-Cap,, Bleihuiel aud Henry Lange Inleud t1sl up a pop-coin sud peanul staund ou Bomme1rs Park, Wel Ueo. are you goîmng ouaebhll commission on taxes ibaeftds'( John H. mye ha can laire car@ of ailt shre lI l t. Mr. P. L. .lorgensou bas remigned bis Position ase rsideni of 1he 0. C. A. Literary Soetay vOicO la regrotted vory mach by &Il of the membere. Dick the Deiileld comedian will maie his Ors appearanoe ou the stage uazl Baturday nigitsaItHualoers Theatre, 509 Prairie Ave. Puices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Mrns. C. Gl. Mublhe sud dangbler atleuded tbe funerai of Mrs. Mubikes,4 sou.iu-lav, Ueo. W. Hoffeit, af Chi- cago, vha died very snddeeily of heari disease, Friday Match 9. Th. barial soak place as North Noitbfleld cernetiy. Mi. Wm. Davoeaul lbas beau elacied band masser ofl baliga ceiebrated aud vonld ranovud orchestre. Prof. Solig vas r"-lected manager. Mi. bey- areauz yul uov piailz the honorary 1111e of Prof. tu hie ame. Mr. 1>evey bus reeiguad tiue position as Masser Mochbaule of the Deerfiaifi round bouse. Hurrah for Dovey. E. H. Willranvwas saunuon10e boulevard Suuday vitO his fasI traIter Medolioti. The Deerfield Trotting Association yull have a line loi ai thoroughbredo lu Ibeir stable Ibis summarIniciuding Mayflower owued by Harry Wbiticomtb, SuovOall ovued by Judge Fritsch, Medalion ovued by E. H. Willman, BIsa Prince avned by A. H. Mfublke. Bt"e Ring owued by C. J. "Polilics. « The lapons Jockey asud driver '"Dock Splan' *iil nos b. seu on the turf ihis aummer. AIl cf the aboye amned boises bava a record of :20 or baller. They promsla tgivo us; nom@a fine speed. programmes ei Uhike's racina parks. For further information consuli Judgo Fritsch. Preaident of the Deoiiieid Truck Association, (62l Psu lAvenue. F. L. Westerman, Rockefeller - - -Illinois. Binders and Mowers. We premeni onlir a brief description of a iew of the princicipel parts of these machines vhicb vilI tnd toshosw why tbey arc better than others, ani cmii seela attention ta tnt fact that il ia onethting toadavertiat a machine and another tla warrant ilt tobe Wut mead'vtttised. .Evtry purchaser ofai Championi Machine is entitied ta reserve a copy af the warranty. Force feed elevatora are varrantdta vaste leus grain thaix sny ather machine. Have vider elevatora. The great power.-givissg eccentrie whecl is varrantdta give a gain ai 16 2,3 per cent. in paver ai binding Platforrn canvais is closer ta tht knift than in any oiher. Can bii short grain nearer tht butt. The Releif Raite no othersbave, Drav Cut Moyen bave na push bar. Roeking tilt, spur pinion *çparate £romn bevel whetl. ont piece cage for roUlet' bearing. adjuatable swath board vhich prevents -breaking. May w e auggeat that vhtn you are about ta buy you insiat that other makers give as brosi a warranit as the Warier Bushnell and Glesaner Ca. W. H. APPLEY, AGENT. Libertyville, Illinois. Notice - A few things carried lu -stock ai the Waueonda [urniture Store. Bedroorn buit8, Colichesi, Lî.uug.e, Jr,,, sud Wood Bade, Sle..i sud Woveu Wire Springa, Exceisior, kitîîk snd Moua Mattrea,,, Cols, Trunke, ra'leacopes, Cezîler iTableti, lluk Cuses, Elleulsion Taâbles, a full lina of Rochers, Dfning sud <orinou Chairm, Ward- robe, cnpbosrds, Mirrois. Cbaffonlarm, E iteli: ablies anîd Cahî,.,,îu ,'eooifl baud Hetiug sud Cook Stovea, Oii Stoven, Waahi,,., Machines, Tubs, Wringere. Suow houvels. Skattes, Irou Osgoîu, bleds, llockiug Hornes, bboo Fîtes, Toy 'Ialiies sud COuism Cheea, Saw Huesand baws, O aincipeils.A fuit hlue o meut receaved. 1 wilil!1 VOn s gnsrRuteîi vieel for $25 we Call audseIl. I &ace cayry a comploe linou of untdertaklug good.. The largeet asorîrent Of carpots ltu Waicnda lm ut rny tore Wbeu lu need of anytilg lu the aboya lunes eul] t HUGHES FURNITURE STORE, 1w auoonda 7 - Illinois. 1 LONG GROVE., Mus. Maesher, of Prirla Viav, visited si V. Sauer'a Sunday. Tha Archer aebool bad vacation about a fortnight ago. Min rma Bollsnbaci, spent a day or tvo nt borna vlseting. Pastar Scbmidt i. baving Meetings Sanday aveulngs durlng Lant. Gilbert Pebhubu sbean on tbe aloi iaI but bas about recovered. l I to veau the Evangailchuîeh wiii caiebrate qnartaril cènfarene. Ïba divldend declared as the Oraamary luat veai vas 11.20 par cal. The 'sdnging clama@asbad the arasa rapairod vhicb ibay renWe from Mr. P. Woidnew. Mys. Pfister, o. pfaser,$ uotbar, hms beau vory aili and at prenans wrieing bu improved but little. Mis. Schar bas beau quise seriously Ii sud, alîbaugh notbing dangaroua, yat il promise,10b.e àlong lima until $Le abait b. f ully rastored. A gentleman bas beau n lIisl neigbborbood rapaurlng organe. Meurîs. J. P. lilaeutber eûd M. itehaefer had It ra pairad. Mi. D. Haus, vho bas beau voîiing near Diamond Lake, came tu spand a 1ev days as V. gauers&, but was taien aidekand in unner care of Dr. lienz. MiS. Rie-, the newly rnauIed bride of Mr. Iteem, whgo bas rantad iàr HMOIt.farmtai arPrairie Viav vaa reoelved a smeuiber by Mev Simla lut Sunday. IBor. 10 Mi. ,nd ie. i. Meyer, a bounoing baby boy. '10he birth of tha son bâappead ou lb. birttbday anni- veraary of the facher, a singular coin. cideuce, and the rn<.oter,à I)Irtbday vas but a veek provione. C. Fraudt inova Loy Wtotel aven vith the boys. ()na o1 lhem bitcbed , band sied tu 1he cuiter aud Mr. Preuds vbipped up lits hommes so40 t&, vOeu be Iumu.d the corner stth1e àchoCIl'hOume, the boy Sud siAe cl ff on a langent. Lut wvei 'l'ureday aveniug a numbei Of youug PeOPia galbered at the borna o! Mr&. Scbar lu honor Of the birthday aLnuiveisaly 0f Lualla I§eRar. lt ln supertiuùn ons »y Ibat a ,muet Pleasaul W90 w64 spen& and the gueas rehuclaulhy veut borne wiebing )iss«l$Char UîaUY juore sncb happy kbirtbdaym. M IOOL NiilRi, Ezarniualîou Oas coin.- snd gone. Ihkiiskel hIbo@4 Iiglî mer oeongShow sfs i siua ae andMilIte aitaeathamlste-wayoanget. Prize# vers avard.d sa.folavan: For muet marllmrions vori atisougàdePart. ment and advaineemon might juugliy aiSo be incoud.,îlot prizo vas awarded on lirmaEiutauhaler; flui manqua bst wvan, 10Lily paner: loir ylSlsadvanolb n o H enry Pioter,; 10 Muut t iia l1itZaD- thaler. The 1mat day of the vîltr vas oelebîated by literary axerses sud empeclal sînging. PA LA TI1N E. Bau Wilson in on thb inâci 1.. Mi. Bichnaee lei visitisg friande Iu Ckicago. MIs« Mary Hai!rkamp cal lad ou friands in Palatine Mondayv. Bertha Porap in spending 10oe .days vitO friands lu Pluni Urova. ilsa Lytia Nordmeyar spaut a foir daye of lent wvea igio nd. lu 1bain Zurich. Mi. Danialson enlerlained bie friand Mi. Limbeci grorn Wisecînsnin Ve-r suuday. Mat taiemond va. ealied 10 Eiglil esrly Monday mrnruing iy lbthealO 0 ýf an intirnala friand. Mr. sud ise. PlabianhLve lfor their guest bis lirother snd vile grin Minuesota tiis vek. ti. iertuan Harmouing bas rauleil mnisof Mr. Pratt sud viii maie hia resideuce baie for lbhe prenant. Mr. and ie J. H. hbbirdtng b.d for Ibair gueule over Suuday Rasy ('atlow and bis friand from Evauston. Diîad, inlu aiati n-e, Thlnraday MarcO m. Lydia. ga Ibrea yaares, aident daugler of Mr. and Mis. Fred Haleta. ilouerai Mnnday froin Lutberau cOurcO. A. Il. De Fluntu, adiluî of the Joue mal, Doyentovn, (Slo, aulfeied for a ilunilsr of jearefrorn rtieurnttasmlu bis rigol ebiouider sud aide. lie eays -My right atm ut lima. vs. entiîeiy usaiee. 1 trIe-i Chamberain'» rui, Beiand ud vsuîprised k) recelva re- liaiflmonl icnmedistliy. 't'bu Pal, Blam bua,#beau a consatu opuo 0f mine aver sines, sud il Deyer fallu For sale by F. Il L.JVZLL, Libertyvill.-. J. IL. BaàqoNgu. (lurne, UisteyLàsi PHANIIACY, F. L. WZUTEsuAN, HLoche feller. JOUX Meii aL. IVauÙioeý Spring is Coming! And if you intend to do any paper- ing or painting it will pay you to cail and get my prices on paper. paints and brushes, as 1 have a new stock of paper and the prices are right. Paints at Iowest prices. 1 also have a new stock of harness goods such as Sweat Pads, Strap Work, Snaps, etc. Below are a few of MY Prices on Groceries. Rice. per lb... os Prunespet lb O6 Sabani. Per ecm 10 Orangea, pet doz 12 Lemnoa per daz . 1 Cdoee.Perlb... 1 5 PackagesGobl Dust 20 16 IL"sof S"...... 25 Ganger Sa;.pet lb 07 3 cam Comn..... . 25 3 - P e ... - ,25 3 - Tomaices. 25 2 Pm"nisSoma Crachats13 1 " lhave à ie assrtment of Peinea at.aàytl 06 ....In Hardware my Prices are Right ... Barbed Vim ,pet lb S OS Steel Milk Cana -.... - A good lie ai lorka, shovels. spades.etc. r5r PER CENTr DISCOUNT ON ALL CASHi 1 PURCHASES. VOLO. E Hrooks,.f iii eouila, was ltri o lesI baturday. Mr. tiardiner i. rapidir irnprovlng nudai the care ot lr. Shailai. Lavrence Miller has retuineI li Wisconsin siterar s ev laye v,vii it his mothRiheraý Dr. HB(Gardinai, rM Chippeva Falsa, Wls., vs a bri let vsei 10 se" hici tler vbo bas beau quite sick. Ther vaas no services lu the IM. E. eburchbobae laat Sunday mas 11v. Dutien vs. calaed ta, preach the flunters) sermon ofth1e yonngesl cilhd of Chas. Davis sud vile. Amon Compton Oias rotumned front South Dakoa vbare lio Oas beau ip a oeameiy for the put two years. We bave Dol lesined vbare bie sud hie fantily viii locate. 1 1 ,

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