FRANK H.LjuST, Editor. Iftm&y, April CA, 1900. ai lbe post-ole atI UbertyVîlie inUoi. a.s eond-ai...mater. abvmUtUo BÂTIS MADE KWOWIS on APPLI- CATION. Elgin Butter Market. ]Butter lirmait i 2; on the Elgin boerd of Trade Monday ofreringa iere 188 tube 43 being withdrawn, rio bide WU m nade. Butter test weels'24c: one yeur go 20;e; sales of 111., .ok 10.2301 tubse. The Hou"e dosant lellewe thatt lis goverumeut should reimburse the lthe British Cahle Company for el- pmamlieîurred n repailng the cabie t0 Nasilla, whicbi waz cut by Dewey, and retnaed t0 pansas bill appropriating Money for that p urpose. As a mater of tact, lnstead of belng injured by Deweye set, th1e British Cable Cour- pomy bas imade msny Ihonasuds o1 dollars. paid b h 111egvernmentase cable toIla ou secoant of 1the Amertcan 0oupation o! Madis. Thts le the wsy the Kentucky mis- np trikes s vel known lenlucklsn-- Mr. C. B. Earley, of Loisvlle-now ln Washington "The' trouble In Kentucky will lis a nuisance for a long lime to Corne. Il wlll show itasit 1the political movements leading Op 10 the' f&U electioos. There witl ual 1be a district or county convention wblcb wWlet free of Il. There will lie treet figisteansd convention rowo, whieh the noeupapers wIll report serlols. There wlu be ahoottng scrspes which willl le cUlSinsurrections. la fart, it ufilbobad sld disgraceful until the People of 1the Stage gel aid sand tîred ofIti ail. To tell hIle truth, tlIey are lired of ig uow. But there in rio way Of the trouble. Lite an opidemic. il muet rua Ils course. Il bsd nover beso snuspectect thal the reneraieSeBoalor Pollua 1the oldest mm inu the Senate-- was a bumoriet snd wit, hil i 1e made sa'tblrty-minnle speech aatirlzing the .logal advlce givusthe e Baalby s doclor -Senalor iOllikger,o! N. H., sud moelkeoly rtdicung 11e position taisen on 1the Porto Lic .u questionuby 1the arator, SutlBeveridge, of Indians, v4so 100k Occauion, white makiag a speech lan favor of fregrade wilh Porto Rlico, 0UMaa hie Intention tc vole for a bil prcllding a tari!. ltwaa 1the mont aMasin hail hour the Sonate lias had * dUrig the prenens session. Senalor '<kilinger langhied as hesrlily over lIat portion of 1the speech of Sonator Ptêlua, refurring to hlm, as snybody di4, but estor Beveridge_ wbo was 110% proteut, s5a àmocli younger mari lb. bUUgestlIine Seote-snd con. uquently more sensitive, pnd lie may #"0. a lotion 10 rosent belng heldo p te lidieule, even lu as good natrired a flauer as il vam dons by Sensîor X MUSINGS J% 0! course sas between th1e people and thes. ugar trust, the former do 0(11 OEpeci 10 le considered firot. Il lad1gb lime Ibal Philadelphie souid antle np. 51e lias been notilid th" a l .1 shy" sneveralUlimes. 19 la really pathetie 10 note rSenstor Hsun' virlnous indignation ai being 0800sed of as 'deal- wi1111the mstgar lrust. Il reaily begios 10 o okas thougli, a~l&aUi here miglit 1e somneting la Ilhse Kentucky charges of a po1it1c*s eoaallpiracy 10 tourder tiocee. Tise Bouse hsd better h:îrry itiid vole on Porto Rico. 'ibe country le @"DUg more impatient evory day and $ardhorapologies for dîlay isvsli ot île Weill teceivedt. Tise Chicago cofina joaker8 dcuand tha" oly union collnemas shau teusd. If il vare posstible tliey wouliltorm a union ln tire oeIl vorld and boycott DU nul bîried in thome wAîh a iunion label. Ohiet Moore, of 1the Neaber Bureau, hm. torbldden tire une of tbe cigarette lotih. members of bis force. W ienos entering mb thse nierîts of 1the question, ws mnet dey tiat soins rotorm lnu eeliher proictlons id igbiy aSTimable. If Ihers lias ever before beeusnobucha ucesfion utfaistakea pruphesuios, vs do nul remember il. Mir@. Barrlet Evans, Hînedale, Ili. Uies, --i nover fait tu relieve my CbidIren trom croup aI once by uing One Minute Congilicure. I woaid nos lemate Ulîhout i.' Qiulty coresa coagis. old, grippe aud ilt Sromt and leng die»eas. kl. il. Lovaas., Liberty- VillO lasaîiz, Onrute; Y. L. VEiaa.Rockefelkier. ~PEOIw~LES' COLUMN. BALL7ew Mik eos ud okîcIn«ers MONLYoLUANlhavAmoneuno lan FOL e&oruutown ofIraeost. vus. Efl T96 iSALE-Early l'unltan hwOb's.MlNo au. n"wI Dm Walolt nira'fu r Bel --iiyPIle. MWOpportuuna for rraduaîes . uLa.a t Bicycles. U* you vant a $W vbeel for $22 or a Sviseelfor $29, ladys or gent , omllng o! the "sit vortmauship U gaarauleed fur une Yeau, nOW la ,@ouE chance. Tisese are flot chOaP vbeeia, but are o! &a isgisgrade, boogltrout a bamtupt Éllra for tems Ou& hal their origialp«08s. Addreas U.L Qu»a, lOng Grove, ILU., agent. WARUNTON GROVE. Jolis NeCann la spendlag 1the veek lu Chlugo. Oar acholars are enjoying s tbree veak'm Vacation. Michael Lysa spental a ew eeks lu Chicago receatly. lium ltîle Ityma le spending s few veeka lua Waukegan. l4eve1àl 0f 1the ladies lu this vielnlty bave jolned th1e Royal Nelgbborsata (jaees. Thon. MeCan lalely ni Moutana, but nov resing tiilenouba, Wls., vieilad bis parents bore Tunday. A chlmunoy on Chas. Schlicker'a bouse CanLght ire Tueeday but vas extlngnishod liy a voloîteer Oirs de. partmeut before any seriotîs damage Was dons. Among thon@ oun1the sict liet are lire. AussI Lodesky, lira. Wm. Mutch- Ason, sud lMrs. Jas. Calishan. (o. ChevlirvWho vas quille il] îa abe tolie aroid again. siraeL iWldfIre. Whsu thinga arae"1Ze boat' they becomne -thse bout sellug. ,Abrahamu RHare, s leadlng druggist> tf Belleville, 0, vrlles: ."Electrie Bitîters are 111e hoatselling bitters 1 have psudled lu 20 yosis. 'ion knov vhy? moat dinoes e gin lu disordars of stomacli, liver, kldney, bovals, blood and narvea. Ekctrie ilitters toas up t1e stlumach, Tegulale% lve, tîdosys anti hovelm, purfles the blond, strangthene the nerves, boucs cures multitudes o! maladies. Il blAda op tire suttre sYstein. Puts nov lite sud vigor Int suy veak, sickly, rundova man or voman. Pries 50 cente. Sold hy F. B. LovsnLL, -Liberlyville, (j. B. 'rHompi. BON, (Iryshate. LAKE ZURICH. Getie spring As here. Flection passed off quiuîiy. Gsrdsuing yl néon ho Au urder. Frsuk Moyen ie vorklng n Chicago. Several new luîiseo viiilibe erecled 1111es ping. Albiert Lyon, of Lilberyville, vas a guest u1 B. Seip Itumor bas. t W m.SOgnaâisintends lu loeate lu ZisUvits Chai. Shoiz, ut Chî:sago, ohitusi vith bis parIuls lasI ves. lirs. AntreSeAp has goto. t:: thsuu.go 10 live vus lier parents. lire. Mathe. Detîman us n'y cmui pinyed 51t1the Zurich Bouse. The Zurich cremmery lba.u,el roceiviîsg nov patrons o! lte. lirs. Carnie iignas an as houn otlia ailât iatathe ornoma t er moheran. Miss Mary Shaeter gave a irthiday pariy lait veet, le vhicb many vers invibed. Mr&. W. J..Barthoît. utf<Chicago, la visîtlng vîihlier mther. lirs. 1,. Fluke. We huar that a pIosurs ateam yacht As 10i 1eplaeed on the' lite 1111 entmmer. Our hglivay commissioners wilI nov ses tisat the ruads are ln a passble condition no doubt. Tony Janseuo puprietur outh11e squl rTet viliiclose op shop snd cave for éther parle on the 151h. Late Clifford bas lissa dovîî vitb rhenmatlsun&Il vioLer. The aprnig veatiser bringa Lute out agaiu The Zurich Bouse le for sale or rouI. The oveer vimbas to retire. A goud busInle chance for tire riglit Party. Docks, gesse sud ther fovis oftîf1e air are matlngflbeir appearance, vhichà tndicates epring for as ead certsinty. Grand hall at Fîctes hall lionday evenlng Aprîl 169h1. Varnalît, harîu orchestra vIS ftrulalimunaie for1the occasion. Ail are luviledl The stripping ut live stock stili Ion. tlitaneb1y 1the hîsaîloraRoney .A canr, Oourtney Bron. sud H. Hiliman. Zurichs la a greal ehippiag point. Ounr îovudads wvbo nuîv mit lna Bilent moud sbould awaten te the tact that more push for Lire vuitaru ut the lovo ahonld lie maniteeted. Witb an annouai Baloon licennes ut$15(m) more ImProvements aboutit be made and If the preeent board dosan ul kaov 110v 10 gtetaIil Put mon loto office Ihat do. Stuce AI I. Fieehocame a nou-ro aident ut Zurich oum tovu seems dead for vaut o!newa. Alla nOv aiDwlg11l, Ilit., sud proprietor of the' New Grand Central, lu a recest eller ha mays kils husinessea agond and iviles mil hie friendeansd the traveling public bo mats 11e irand iCentral their topping place. lira. CaIihît /unuermau.liilasbnrg, Pa., says, .&Si a upeedy cuire for cougisa, eoSds, î.rîîuîîanîd sure Ibruat one Minute C011911gire e i iieq uid. i t la pleasoant tîîr ehldycu ta taire.h hebartilyrTerînimui ilt tu mithers." Il Ase111e oniy harmiensaroniiedy liîîîl lrodtu(-esa mmediate reaita3. Il dires tronchilie, Pneumoonia, grippe andS Iliroat anti Jung îlsseasem. Il vii tîrevent cunsuîmption. F. Ji. LovÉLu., Likirtyvillo, J. R. B)tîAsiit, Olirueu, Grand Bail. 'l hu Yoiung lnsCatholie (luîb wîll bold a bail Easter lionday iiigbl, April 18111 at Libertyvîlle 'rowv Hall. Prof. smitb's Chicago orchesitra vîlI firniali munie. A good lime sssured. ScoTà.T1-9 ÉMUILSION, 0F COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES ehould always be kopt in the house for the fol- Iowving reasons: FIRST- !, .i fany nmemrber of the f. h I. a hard cold. l wil cure il SEOOND cause. il thre chli- dren are ciu e and ic kly. il will inake 11ein - ng and v.efl. TIED ii,- if uie father or i:i ýi isj,, ', h anrd becomn- a l W il ' bulld i gv'. îhemn flesh and FOURTH hecaue it s thre standard rý- r cdv in a 1lhroat and No w1 i,,hodshou1d bc vîthout Il. Il can bt tay.en in sumnir as weil as in vinter. Moc.ttLk,, kid'igss SCOn'5 054,Ci&iss iRT VOLO. " Amon Compton buaKooe 10£Wgu 1t work. & GRAYSLAKR L OCALNWS. John Front sud son Wile, vexe lu 4 * l . 911MA.Lca tr Elgin Monday. MtB.BiUA.Le Heur Stdttld. o! aukgsa le4 lre. Sherman le authorizad 10 recel,, subaciiptionmaud advertlmmeuts \vimIllig hle parente lu Ibis villiage. 4 for 1t1e INDPNDpuENT acs orders for Job prlntlng. Cal on ber for railes. Ume.Jennie Wal10n sud Eoea Huson b- àgre spending their vacation et home. 6 *4* 4444 *4E4444444644 Mira. Eluos bas returned to Wauke- gais, aler quito an extended vietat TIME TABLE Washlinrn bonnese h lcîtbey bave itaught Bron. GRAYELAKE, ILLINOIS. leasetformayear.' Townu meeting ai Wauconda TuesdaY ioi'tO NORTH. 101NO SOUTH. L.ait Tuesday Misses Cors and vas very excting, as Ihere vas s sntaut . M. 10:26- i. 7:44" Cresdhoe utnactpnê ticket lun1the field Conlatlng of A. 1 bd. t1:0.........11:3' iRaymond, Superviser; J. A. Barrus, 6:18X J' M.445- tIb mother 10 Colorado ta make Collection; Moses Beach, Ronad Coin SBu dai' on]y . 9:31 their home thars lu t11e fuiture. lin. mimaloner. The elraight ticket vas * ai'CllO 1et ii.î Austin aud Rois, vho aent th1e lant Arthsur Cook, Supervisor; J. C. Hlley, a al' fev monthe ihere came osai go accom- Coketor; EngoeeBrooks, Amessor; Sudai' evn«uthnir, s:e u oiuth l, îon Abert kiaslsy, Rid Commîsalioner; signal o"Iii' pauy 1the remains of Mr.ElImer Ro«., E. A. GJolding, Town Ciert. The Ny. B, HIuLEr. Agent. Who died tisera atter a Illgerlng lllness atralght ticket vas elecled vltb 1the WSOGNCNRLRIWYC.O a ete exception of supervisor, A. J. hRaymond WSOSNCNRLAIWY ~ o aymnbt bsvlugasmajorlty o! fourteen votles. The (iraylete Cemelery Assocation A. J. hRaymond As a ebrewd business OFFICIAiL PAPER 0F GRAYSLAKE. mol vitls r. Chas. lticb lait Ssltur- man sud lias a boat ot friendei. The death of lir. Bamnel Gjardiner May Flover Hive 1- o..1'I. M. wîît day sud elected t11e fllowiug olliers oecuired aI ils homne Wedueaday moru. nîsut v ils Mrs. Waiinrtî Satiîrday forvurePesudent;Mr.. Me Vic ing, March 29th ler aunlluemsOf onlY ApriA -,th1. ovrPosdn;bJ.ariVc a few weets. Mr. Gjardiner vas a Prasîdeat; Mir&. Aima Foulon, Scre- good chrîsîlsu mans sud was respected The 20111 Century (1111) wvi meet tary sud Mre. Emma Wlcks, Treasuirer. by ail wvbow nel11A. He lbaves a wîîh Mlireugt nex Nt M:usîi:îVeveniug The oeIl mueeting vili le. with tAie vidow and et i hldren t0 mouru pi t.Irsdtt Ibeir laa. Headfl dat tihe age o!f pi 41. 'eiut elgbty.fotiryesre. The funueral »r- ira. .J. Wahburîî ,.utertained ber Wedneiday mornlug Mardi 28th vices vers belld ai the Vole M. E. sseMs liun u Ii(rnfoiocre h lui fM.0riir cboi*rh lat Friay aller vhicb 1the ne- aelr.'lm uî iiic rniocre iedho i.Uriir mains vore laid ta rostiln the Voto 0O,11 Park iase veek ut Volo, faibar of WihiAs tGarineur sud camtery. 1ev. Dutton offiated. Ekecion lasiTîueîiîîv vas very quiellMr&. hRichardson, an advauced &go. The lierssved nues hmve 1the sAcere wa etetc fa hr a u Sra ui lc nVl eeeyo sympalby o! their many friands vn 0ls attîl un'vsbthra ot lc uVl eeeyo H AIN ES VILLE. Psy Bamilton ls wortiug for tien. ittersbaill lisason. lir. Walt bas moved 10 1the C. Fdvards hunnes vhere 1te may beho ontd by Ibose deeiring vort lu hie lino. Wlter Towuseud, vho buasbeauo Witt Mr. Battershall, scion ]savon for Wantegan, viere ha yull enter 1the service o! the elactrie lins. J. Comptun la Oflen een uon-ur alieeta. We hope lio vil Seoon camle liste 10 lve. We Wvasi1the gond eliaau5 vs caui gel, dspol tir not dapot. Th1e Old liaids Convention theat vas belld taa1the aId Lyceom Ball vas quîte a ouccsas, beiug beldi for th1e tenfilt ut tirayale.e cburcb. Tisey prolitled lu ths oxtaut nf $8.85. Some oftifIhir paryr rotused 10 corne hocsuise t1e bal maSs Ibeir fortuues boesasd lats about ail respect for Ibose Whoî hadl absto by thoem lu their dartual houri. We hope they vihi cas their error. Wu iayrip nuoliard feelings, for (;,ilu comm andis uata love ans inutiier. Baving a complete lino of 190(1 îe- sigua o! Wal papllr, t viii oeiiIBd lov as the 14aveet sud eau aiso biang il Au the most vorktallke manuer. Bouse sud decorative painting. Carniage sud aigu paintingt a seciaity LUTs'. WALT, 19 3luo-ul lalnezvilii, Ordinance No. 33. Au: îrdiol- ruit ig t. C. WooIle i tlîe riahi t'ý, onstci'-ti zssitain and operate aii elcîtrlIght l î:t:îîii tho-village if Gris, Be IAl ordalued lui ths Pu-t-uîdtandti Sar(l ûi Trisutuc ofttht' villagre oPirsasiahie. 111. SEî c '1 ThtOih, right le sud a lwe-yi zranwd io (C. Woollý iei as boire sud ascigîîs t,, cnucuelnilain sud oserate as .leotrio liIt plant or sysiem for the terra ut liteen (là) vear,. froin ibis date luthe' village orl (iji-ysite. Ifi.. viti the exeiUSsve i, mht for ilA sie:yesrs lroui saiS date~. lic. 2 Proviilsalit plant be onsfrli.ted andin lu aesSiA lopmulaion h he il itdui' tif May A. SD. lm4. laic-. 3iilid iplant or systerin %hall accorîiauice lh sud zgwove d tby ail Ia, sid oWiinaniios now or iies.llr la fi-re regacdfing eleelrliral entrol lu saiS Nillag, of Szc. a Tlis ordînaî e$halll,v I., tor," andît".ttaeffeet rom sund alter t. a-oig' oue ticket luathe fiheld lirs. Eva Crippen, of L.ake Forest, vas 1the gueml of 11er 1îrutm, Pr. and lire. Rickey Sit wei. The Ladies' Al vîîîiety' lul vitb Mirs. Eugeue Benîle- al t Wetuîîaîlay with a goosi atteraiiuî. Subool at Hainemvi lie ciomed forr Ivo veeksaisat Friday. Miss Fanny S)ay le epenîiiug ber sprhuîg vacalltinvill relatives near ChivA-gi Mir. sud lira. ligie' :and mou andaMr. Sîuînhsuce, (If R tav I. 1)0 ut Suinday with lMr. sudlira. %WiB. igiey, as a mort o! tarevuil lu ih,' r îjd borme. Lant Stiîday eveiîg AI. rhonison retiimned trom bis trip , lbhuquerqune, N. M. Ho repoits . i. he lituaIs sud iiic,' jorney; but ilIts ictl(irsysilate bust Bis8 broîber (Charies la volS. Th1e O(iid lids, viii:ieid a Cunven- tion aI Haineevilie iaiit Frhday sveniug dîd very velS consiîerîag 111e condi- lion ofth11e roade Nearly $14) vas clearesi for tht' Ladiîes Ail Society. Mir. J.Fraut Pickeirig lias opencîl a lrîrting offlls' An 1the' iaulden building and viii fuir the present do uuiy job vort, hit aller a lime expects 10 bioasom ontIamas eful lcdgt'd editîtm We vib hlm sut-ceas Sceol ciosed forr a veut iset Friday sud Mise Day vent 10 Chicago sud Mm. Fisher vent 1011E homne su Wheatau tu sîiend 1the ahurt vacatioîn. (Ou accounul o! bard ctiîismaîîy children vers ubliged t10he besenut ateiy, but va trust 10 cee satit lattendataie nait Mouday. The parsonage uîoumttee ibave engaged 1the services eifas man from Waiitegau lu movu lise paraouge ou ehurcli lot. Work viliiLw, beguisDoil weet S 'l i atter part oftf Iis veet Mir. and lira. igley viiiline 1in1the Friday. lMr. (Gardiner bld mnffred mocl itll that dread dAsease, dropsy, for sume lima, but vas patient tau te fat. Bis relatives boesbave unr heartol syîpatbieb sa bas aiso bis aged vite. At a meetinîg o! the Cotutcitlu Wau- kegan Ilfvas voled lu mate (imaylate a preseul uf their uid band englue, su angine perfect An al respecte but laid anids lo be euppkauted by machinery vhich vwoulbotter meet the raquire- monte utf11fi Ju csaed gruvli o!f1the cty. Wby ouir cfly faîbore did nul moud ftrmfiland tlhsnkfuiiy receive At the commun peuple utf(iraymlake do ul tuuv unfeus il va. Ihat if vas lu coul uothlng sud Iluero hsppeued 1te1be a surplus lu the lire fun t hat t11uy vaut bW &pend, for aI lait lionday'a CaunciS mueeting it vas voted nul tu seud for Iliat, but tu boy Ivo îuov unes lu Chilcagovbieh vilii <lu uîîîbolter vurk. but vii duel eîstîghts uiempty thet reaiury. ELICTION 5N0111 . M .Nutcllaisereby givenIhat ounl'usa day, April 17111 osxt a& Ilie village hsall lu t11e village o! Urayalaks lua111e Conuty ot LaIe and iiale outIliis o u electlun vwkl115bc eSd for th1e pur- pose of elsc&Aisg une preaidieut ai lbe village huard ut 1raste«, one village dott sund thuesvillage trustes«; Uîcis alecîlon is vbc 1e poned at seveu ocloukIthibe orldng sud &hall 1bu cloeed am irOveclOck laUithoesiug of that day. i. T> D~ iN -, Village Cierk. Thal [hrobbkns Hoadache WouniS quictSy Aave Yeu, if yentuss Dr. Kinge 5New Lits Ville. Thousaudu o! sufrerers bave proved theIn malchless menit for &Jlit aud nervous headaclies Tbey matre pore bloond d uid up your healtis. Ouly 25 canta. Monoy beek if nul cureSý SoiS tîy F. B. LoviLL, Libentyvîlie, 0i. B. THU-ONso Graylake. t la llffth dai'o VCi M A 1.111 At.e E,1.S .iA, Ten Packages E.T )V E. B. Sut Sievn. Ccrk.Garden or Flower Seeds, new and fresh 25c. F. B IRS OW. Extra Early Acne Potato, MANUFACTURER 0F Uncie Sam Potato. Sweetheart Watermelon, Marble Aisike Claver, ~Jl Alfalfa Claver, and Holland Cabbage Seed. GraniteFairy or Baby Roses, can be sown in Spring. Grnimt Bloom ail season. Monuneut,.Ne~w Climbiner luaanse Cu,-irs~. WORK OFe EVERY Description. Ceespedonce SoI1ied. »i6 (lms.. i .U AM OA.lit Rupture Cured.. IN 30 TO 60 DAVU Ny the veul Is. iiiIity MeIhod. Si, SurfmiraerthîI 0o Suient' Psiî. Ne tose<' f Tiutu,. No S'ai CutIl Curul. EXAMINATION FRIE, Every ruiptured porenîs la 1lu constant danger fromnt tangulatiou vhlch fra- quentîy recuits lu dealh. lu avory case ltcauses a great deni o! euftering. 111ev are rea<iliy curesi by 111e Fldelty MlethuS vithoutltges o! limte. Ail rap- lune-I porsoue lunLate Counîy aod vl- ciuity abould taite advsntage o! tiI olprtuusly. A aecfalksî v1111 over twenty yeurs oexperience lu lise Ireat- muent uf diflountI cases vîlI asset me et mi office An Libemtyvilleevery Wednos. day forenoon truns IP 10 12. If va can nut core yon Itgvli nut eotayon s cont. Osi sud sesune. A. L. TaÂvis, M.D Libethyvillie, MI. Teîegraph Cucumber, grows 18 inches long. &q( Granite Coffee Boiler. Large Granite Dis h Pans. Ail Yea.t Cakes...... Lump Starch .... Dry Paints. al Colora. soc soc Olc 04c QAeo. Batters"hall, HAINESVILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. Protection to Purcnasers We r'ution the public against purchaslng Imitations o! olicoleîr forme tf îîr machines. Wr trOp op vitb the latenatdes'elopuvmn"th îe art. uiîaiioug n:iîhlg but the hlgbest grade o! producî, aud have .<u.lîîved , nqualited suriras in ils sale; bre nany attempts at imitation, and the ilirgal usae of our Iade turne. A Brass Mrdaillou, of Ihe elliptimal furm shutyn abuve, bermeoum egis. trrd iuadeniark, and le placed upon the head ut rorry machine made hi' un. 4<NE (IRNUINE WITIIOUTrrET. aMas aawiu.-uoei.. SUE OLvI @ THE SINCER MANiUFACT1JRINC Co. Omo£* auSM fvemy OITV on TN5 Won#. .....Son at Mande WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED. We have a large assortment cf Carpet samples--ail grades--Wall Paper, Window'ý Shades, Lace Curtains, Portiers. Draperies. Cali and examine Our goods before purchasing elsewhere. Millinery Opening. The first of April we wiIl open aur' MHIinery Department. We wiII have a larger and better display and assortment of new and up-to-date headwear than ever before. We will aiso have an experienced milliner from one of the Iargest mfilinery establishments in Chicago, who wlllx-remain with us and trim and remodie millinery for our trade. WATCtI FOR OUR OPENINO PRICES. F. H. KUEBKER; Grayslake Dept. Store.~ Grayslake. Illinois. SUITABLE WEDDING PRESENTS. WATCIIES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES IN GOLD AND SILVER. Icarry a good lune at righ t prices Table Silverwear always de4ihts the housevile. I have a ... Extra fine Carving Sets, and sold right... Clocks in varied and unique designs. Repairing of ail klnds. i can fix your watch so it wiIl keep correct time. Drap Head Sewing Machines at prices Iower than offered by Chicago dealers. E. B. SIIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. Spring Bargains. Things You Need at Prices You'II Appreciate Mens Candee Rubbers Men's Rubbers Misses Rubbers Child's 5 ta 10 60c 55C 30c I Oc Wall pap er sold by sam pie. Cail and see samples. A full line of ail kinds of shoes to select from. W. W. EDWARDS, GRA YSLAKE, ILLINOIS 111WEEKLY INTER OCERN'Bmn@ LRETCIRCULATIOM 0F AMY POLITICAL PAPER 1N THÉ WIEST!e * h s rdciyRepublcan, dvocating C44t.AB0 aw.ysbc e rlirdonU :the = Y mad lt,,paciy Ir fir nd hrestrpots afipo *with ability saddcaislnessJS*det hioca ý.ulsjs.s * ..JTHE WEEKLY [UTER OCEANS UPPLIES ALI TH W8NEWAOBET CRENTL ITERATURE .. It lus Merally Cleaan suas a Fainily Pape. Ih Withoat a Peur. * ___________The Liferatuue ol is ià )rnn 1 _____ e utra at of the se sf naga ____ zIies.lif s inteiwatlinglo0 hechc/r- ___ *dren as wei as thse parent s... * THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN Ný!WSPAPER, Z and while it brings te1the faoii TiHE NEWS 0F l *THE WORLD and gves its ceadc-s the linO and abiest * m icsans of al questions ut the day, ilui' inhfl ympathy 'à e* vIi lthe ideu ansd aspirations i WStern pme an sd iierature and politima irmî 1 c le-n 'adon.Ia IN OF TRI !n ffloeof#uda y isailC4per y755V Piies faabynamis,. 00 per yssr 40 0101 f l ----------------a--ee-------- n2m-