CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 20 Apr 1900, p. 2

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$WEATr CROTON LAND)INO. .~N, Y., CAUSES MURDPER. ]Italiens FeuM i Wthislthse Lissi Litiel dWmespns Ara Under amieiis--iv aiL sSa etro Who Ara ta Rkecive *.000,00 Bach. The lrt it iy if the arrivai of troupe 0il the sein. ir tbe strlke t Croton Land- lagt, X Y., cideil wiîb niurder. Sergt. iirate Company7 if Mount Vernon vag $aut; dedbrt auglasown lssasi:ntb le re tlevlng gnnrti abortly betore S0 a'lotk. .À b1517 seareb i-as madi for die filayer. but without suecesa. An bour privionali i: tbi Italiana -Mire founti with titi Unes or tht troopsaînd estit une bai a ioade.i r- evolver. The wenensn were unloaded bai the triape and returied ta the Ital- legs. wiho were ordcred away. It lg be- ýM$frojoue a! thiai lien kilied liergt. PtiUlasa. At 10M30 'tlock depîlîs aber- tUa. gmardiug the table bouse on the nt aide of thse river.wecre ired upon, bat ts- taped injury. ULTIMATUM FOR TURKEY. DIMIi Resent L'nlena thse UnitediStates la Paiti Mt Once. lpomatic relations betireei the l'nit- Pd SBttes and Turkey are straineti ta the liresiîng point bicause o! tbe &ltsuas bâdti aiti. Au ultimatum tramie Nasis- junton ta Ceilsatnople la a probabilit> Is tie near future. TbetUited States charge d'affaires et Constantinople wll - eledrectedta bluaithm e Sultan that thlW (M-trament mont Ssist onuthe pay- iment, witbout turîber delay, o! dhe IIU.- 000 idimuity for outrages, Ou Amerirai tamlplnariea andthediidestrulcliou of -eirepraperly, Ony*lrampt action aos ,14amta' part; eau avertthe ie ttma- tum $m.h chl dime were fuly reognised ý' 'au hi'TSn.' more tista, &va gies »#oThrhave bien made- dii nubie. et dipilomatie revuseptallons successivesi by Mimasterg Terrel, Augeil andi Strass. T0 GMT SI,OooîoeO L. ?a t is LnoaM o ai IharAre Maire 14 a Bnoau" Zenata. )GLu i4W» yrauli anti ber alnier Xasd p1ety y«iSgSt. Lumagirl, have lieu hfoumo tu 5*.Wbmttase,thart liai iÊ~m"t.1o04400Seeh in their own mMtat the gmmes l »w rcady grthis The fortaimen aie part of the -'4U1w U o% m im axeiHoliast. Fie- en, ilhe iar Ni a a& E& siatevWa Mr eit eirati »W ii bui . bz tali et *3T,450w.Lmu& ____ s maesioteo ai a 5eiing tie WL Ds e Rg,.. Msea dlii at Spaingleli. ~~ ~t~116 ir s adàagisi eset la" fa aft viai Dr. IL Ts"I. >5. ý M.e ntma . l jes .8& u 1» MÉ nher xeiémise mine Mt 1684 but beM MMlite a» B.gish IUman MM, luvestmesflt of M .- 10 fur *b men1t*et vasa wcek. lit - tmit« the syndicale, bas a&cMM- ,g- . Wback et it. uid vIII a- VaizaSn nler k H. Hier. bu Wia agotNp las the p2eislary bmî o s..ram ie etPopaii routes for 001WO enuia, etier fel] or lutmp- tanki SouuiPeAtionetvah et toilca ie. Tif dy liii' la %arittaNobleasto. fr- imbe t*uw tompla- em diSoegrs Toit ual. adSati w, wike aai t fuil aeiomion wHa- Sla. Toie M auofPerIssAn- "~0IITi ani I rer ie tran', env b e eloieg pin"unei luxwIvtes CVatis Nitot. ic mMbe t tPilpin»te oumlnalon X- Oieam a muivle nembes recedi ias ientenled by îe (Iovr Hnte U- Is&andte utraumai.uniysbourne, lne maillnand ttrinvia erto InI Duke ys testainafor10 Mask bu snd Annasunathe oîhimet.Un Ti às Pawris Petit Journ deDearey tnd aU ptl t aaianlyat rsatlrie Fentau a e im ted. b lî u Te iDutie fan, the ppatisbainstil- li roui at Chado Parias do Ie ded » "PourIn heDurued taadthe e -Nh A larltesait wbouse ocuiei b -iat tralait sud ngonefamie uahrs- - >olni, PIo.,iadîroeib r.Dvd - Wboti u oh Ausai teoiubdie.Oi The Partii PetiteJbunalselle udEdu-li abplot ta awsre bonte P det Lobe *tlie r ipli Nais.nfthelIai,.n Nev sreu d 'frtPHril a ldou'thougîr a Four e r ai e C aî.eater o d à?larg ten ntu b be naeif d i peitua., wpracbiesr -hY i roDvid i gaffomR lonmatfandb! th cboun a butt ere bufrom t ra !tb< ir, ! mme* tehse OhNext oti)rÏery rth Jesyule O'NeiS Poter. ilame lSo th »Ëbai0estI eoIde St Mi. iàunc.ptale £01>10010, O t o laur-Ir. l an qu Abowlrimns "W dte a u* loml$W&W Wltb the lit to'. e W. q' teSrluit tbbaed et obeer 0st i I.~ ~ la O ~ vu n s t $ ~0, b ag wu & oui of thene tWfatO~>l tue l th mps Weé lu tralm -dEm th rîury Dpart2eut ud th* e ae * psocu Sula âblngton. . 4the 010 bt.een the potollitoenad ti lut ea revenue oace Su Chicagüý e. oade 3, tolian làWashington gere porta lfflt *and thoe ln Chicago $V.I. intena Revenue Agent L.ranh(U. Thff.WI iearued thât the stamp ithlevea bld nidq esarrangements for these al.eto aI&iMM *quantity of stampa te a brewelt ageual er et the Aster Houa.. New loch. Thomai go Bliîey. a bartendpr. *ats en'ta enta, the hotel witb a blip browu paper buait unuer bis arin. ase ea rrested by Ur. Thompson. The bundie tvhieis Bane$ Icarrîidwbeî apepi lu thec. Pederal - building, wîs fumI ~to contaiu about 410,- rt 000 wortb of beer atelups. ot MAY ALLUw DNCING. À Methudist Conference WIII Be Aiaki teA mndCn, hlrch rLama. * Dancing, card playlng, tbeater golng ya ad manir otber amoauseets tieretoforé un mder the bau or the isietLodist 4ifflcpa ,dCburcb msày bc îduiged Jebi b. hemini. be hrs of risat cburch wltbout breaklnge ê_ruies. Three State confertnceslnluthés East bave asked tbe general contieee to permit Ibese amusemnietsan sd tisere la Itsalid te bc a oidespread end general de- sire in other State conferences tisat the general coufereuce tîke this action. 'lbh State coudereucea that bave miken this action are the New York, the New -York East, which einbraces Connectlcut. and one trous New Jersey. fibould lthe gin- ers] conference nit on lbe recouimeaip tien of tbe State conterencia--end tise *geucral ballelltSa tît SIwili-the sauve * USl be tbe Inost radical made ln tise i-Meliodist Epiatopal Churci lan maux ADDiISON RTDRIMIONS. tPour Heulthrcwespil Peidînt,. ec. retue! to-QaIL Owing tlu ntinued i I eaitis. John Ai- ison Porter. sevretary, the P ~réài$ent, heu teudereti bis reoignagon, artdlbe *,psa lient bau accepte t » tahe ~ma X*7 1 »«t. George IL. Çgelip et àa 4 Xork; pffliustasthit î aota4 -te tise Peudmnt, bit bien apWoitaidith ooee. Mr. Porter', altswuasaeloualy lmpaireti about àa esv go bi a nevero attack of alliera, andi aince Ibm be bas becs ettlimues reileweti uo.what troum the esneroinsduiet iut bs odicibat fail- lng te regain bis heaiti and beolýlln Itatompicte separation tam 0aUd cu ariss enctiel te hi* woody and per-, manant reeovM. *the sicnetavng ha bien c6usatraed lta tender Mais eun&ati. wbich the Preideul lbas reontnli e- eeptcd. Mia pisysiciana enjain compuete test andi change, that hi mai bave ivery faeitity for =mpu imprevameul. Peeic Kistermair, alter a short lit- a... diei et marletîs. 011e. aWed M ginre. Ris ison, 1VreeiekJr, lDvii with hlm andti îhy kept batsse together. ain ther relatives beleg deni. T« minutes aftar lie fatiar diei the son, who isi cici for titrestiayga, enttelubsnbed, threw himsiit i an d iWs cd in a tiwr minates.The physiciens umas hidi et a brokeu hein. né I»ziu gCçnpuy Farmei, Tbe formnation of tie blagest miming Company agecatetila the ontire West asd os e t tie mumtgigsantic, mialua nceis iver formai, bas bei, >made public. The King Solonsu IdMins gComspmy, heatiai by JamesIL Tewend ti fLima, tIbi, hou bics capittised for S0.00,00. an" ians eeured i ireda of daims for two anti a hait miles *long Labe o uteap near Ainswourths. B. C. rive Thoimd M- u t. Five thousand misera et thie George& errel regios of Maryland slnd lb thster nais for au increase et Vague an theb recognition by dia operaltors, et tht Unit- id Mine Workers if Amoeia.The aper- stem &mer( tdat they viii mot indiavue te vorh thc mines, but wiletIci dm, W main iii untii the men ait tire tnt n- tîvltY and retins a v*te ou ft heruwn Tr... ut a Pela, àmldes. squire D. J. Smniths andi Q W. P'aris escis poiied 151 votes la tiseir race for die mayoraltyar Mouant Ketitky. tIbia. Tiey agneed tatues% a copper aud abide by die nouit. Siquire Slauvemuiao f Wyom- iug fiuig a cent iuto tbe air. fHead ws up and Paris lae major ofthei village. Purgotten ln Village jais. Abram R1. Wiitac. niost if tise lime a buteher and snne orthlie time constable ef Fiabkill village, N. Y., Arrestet a- peint, er. Wlliiam ileill'. pst bini in the village loekup audî*bea targu ail about hlm. Be i-as reacuid four doya afterward mire deadthotnsualive. Gàila 1a Iiagiite a Tri. f Tb@ daughtar if liaeHo-prit. a ferr-o er living tbreemiles'east of Soriigffefd Art. lefl bomse te go to the field =isre she wu* eorkiug ln their trop. Tise tl îuorning her rarpeseau* wiglng tram a maupie linib, dead aid tuld. Great Damage by plu"i. The big Sautheru Pacifie railroad bridge over tbe 'Colorado river at Colm- bus, Texns, bas been itirely swept awsy. The tousmii exceat I #JOfau. NO, lives are last, but ail trop, are destyoyeti and ail cultivable laid overffowed. XIlisLevi; A varioi 00oeoO. At Colorado Sprints. iu the briacs of promise suit broorbl by Mina NinIieaw- la ag*tnat President Sam Steoug et the Prie Coinîge and other cripme Cneih gld minnkrcmasupies tbe Jury nwardui lthe Plaintiff $50.000damagea. Onhom ruDigna',AppolameMt. (»abora Delguan, wi-bu&asoue of the crese if the Merrimat i-bm tbît vessel i-ansuk luthe is.rbor et Santiago. bas hem appointed as acting boalan la thse uvry andi îuigned tu iîly On tbe guishoal lirietta. Pire et omaha Mlftuaitien Grefs.1 At. Omaba-thie Transportation building on the Tranml.ulp xpnt laup l tîai at. 0 Ail ttlarm.*',nomnoW sau- i et Internatioal tn<w h. e a-' apdëý n athe, e 111si la lopeti te . Jaly 9-16. IL S rpicitaeàkaitise r tMrmsre -ofthé,se Weii "ma ig e wbeatt culpul hy 90..pecnt aam Ite saiabe elimattaanle .J. C. aia- ley aet et. Paul. ecistivelsgceot rie larmeucs'Allinîe <Mi m*tllUl th'Nationa i5IW 13gev4es l' Aas-a tion, te re r#*es' V iein otthe Mia- ulnaipalYlSey, anti te -Xittfi ainl Gravera' Lnoaatie. latIe chai pro sauterore intlernational gagneutqrti trust la Amerik. Pmot.' 0, Ralitio!t thetUiversity etF I'rlisenrg iSllerliui, la the chlef. promeut 0f eteplan lu Nu- rope. -,, 11 tRAI»l A WWUiKîg i" I WATOIE te ltheisWo*'.jbusinelea. Briad«stait' moa: Baekvard aprins veathir ebilJleu havaefigureti osad- erobtr la iltttudlcitre r worts thla vois, ami la eeeullouwit aime *est- uiai la priconet leqdilng taples bave lus- partaitian appOearaueti rreguari ta t tise ganerai situation. Anodher one. at thou o iwnWa Ii vngnlu the prIele of kgriultbraI taplea lae xlbited tdis uses la allghrly iowerid pece fotrtde cuisais. Evîdence-oa aculnllate tî ctive min- sionany vin lu fîvun of lower pricil for trounan taeeS laatt alsthcting truit. A afllt apward VswingSlu Catton le to b. notai and Saudheru railla have eBelaiF advanced pricea. Wisoat (iacudag tour) ahîpuseuls fer tise u-eek aggregate 2,1111.- £53 bushéla., aittuat 3,@X» 0I3busfiels itestmee. Care scpons for lbe voek. agarestsd 2.70.443bisbete, agiiit 4.- 361,001 buaiels 5ta1u-iek"1 M*mamguValitoarwslcr. A xtom îppflaebisha ntornade lu plu- poilijnlareprnditraetmnt nWibli'i, K»and ,la the vlinaily veat of Ucrar-1 vater. lu-o deadaé are reportai aud1 taie people are salvi tô haie beci i-q Sred by avertoirud houaie., At Puteux 1 ilSn sit sevetai bounsenvirablevu ian a" tour propie edrludslî urund. West if Cliarwaler. iu tise coutry nortset of Adams. on thse Rnglesvood braieb of tite Sats Fe ltallroad, Il la rupuérteti that a slrip at Country fore miles long von îu-ept by a ilursi, andi soveral tfram honnis, barlis and other builia blomu devra. opsualtles are reporteti trous lier.. GeorgeILM.Seripia. George I mi elpsadii near Ban Diego, Cal. Thse reaion ver tematdIl tLes Angeles andi sent t te M iviie. 111, forc boiSai. George fI Scrigga. viti his brather, B. W. Sclippa. and Hilton A. Mckae. fornie thelsednpp-Meliai leaigai paetneesbi> Ille vas&asetiena- urafetii. Seripp-Meflse PleieAnuita- tien Compauy, anid dàaunmber 0f ther nevapapir intercale. Mr. lierippe vwt&40 Yeara otti. ehftas lua aChicago ate. Reftua Wright of tde inof Moiga a Wright, bicycle tire mantaeturers, vas shot and mortal> seountiet by Mes. Lu»"iLattige OC Psu-tam Luike. à["i, Iu the iatte'a arutiset athe Lelani fiotlSChiago. Death resulted in a feu- heurs. Mr. Wright dielare té 1 Captsin Clieran, chief t dtectivea. tbat lie shootlug vas ocidntal. Sg iaa Ria 1 * Ouli. %&n, Cpla'aims th thé, ludis u tÂEgayan Sulu ant i butu on the outakilts of thse Philippine group ban bien repudilad by dhe tUileiStates le a note itiressetiby Seceeary Hny la the Spanisit mlnlaer. This course *aa detéret'lifater s tare- fui sluiy et geogrphical, topographicai andi istoical îuthorities. Iidanu a î lette flqoei. Tbe repreventatives ot the Indiaamin- e*an uioperators have stgnedth e mae seale for deheart eudng Apeil 1 uext i year. The uminera seaive thetS weekiy pny iay tn proided th te ueivIndianai 1mw,I pentiing a decision of the court uti-ast roaort ou i& coîrstitatiuns4lil'.uanti viiia bc. petit scui-mothly, as lu tbe p*st. litlatori Chaci le Pau*&a Thse Firat Par" shCiurcis, Cancard, Masone o! Courorda tent kuowu bie- ltric buildings, vas dearrogeti by fire. Tite lais la 32.000. Il i-as theru liaI Emersn. Thoreau and atiser liter mn seorsiipeti.- Caari Bi fla". Tise. ]Porto Rieo tariff and cvii jurera- ment bill berause lait- at 7 ociock Thuns- da, eveniug. whec il i-an iglied, by vres- Ident iLcKlîl.y.____ Tiesl-strbrick building of thsA L. B. Hliut SteausnComupany lu Cicr.- laud and contenta vere totally destrayed isy lire. Tic losi SIM *5.000. Chicsgo-Cattie, commun ta prime, $3.00 lu *0.00. bots, aipping stades, 8&0te $a 53k %haeep, tain to <héée, *0 tu *1175; whist, Ne. 2 rmitile te 41le; cons Ne.o. L3& ta 40c; nain, N. 2.'. ta :Me; rye, Na. 2, 54C etaIgie; bottin crhoie ca-âemry, lIc ta itic; ens.fghà, 10ete t12e; ,poutosa, thilce. ZNi eta2 pet hm.iel.A $6,00; bots, ciole ligst À,taeU Z; srp. rummon toe 1 s»;> i 54 wbeat, Ne.'2,72e -te 1&-. Cern, ne. i2 -bite, 4C tae; dta ,N.'2 tlrbw,> MIt. et idate,*2 0*,5 ssa *3.00 lte 7;abi.*.>1 d55 whitNo2,72 t74e; '~N 6. 2 iow.- Me te 40c; aita.Na, C e 2', e; ~e. Zo WCOSete I. Clanciuatl-e4stîl., *25 li *S*J$wi; $3-W l0 5.70. ubéep i0= whist. yNe 2, 73e10te.5. 2 miai. 4&e te 44c; MM e *lisife Zei ,4l u4elleU N.te iu5 Sit. sosti04 ffsileumi, creuwearaen- ~ 4xn UiSau~ uiudWm 0»4 Obar Caio M» ae ffntir~a eit, kas pit gaqaSerti tae« eoI a nla'a ~qan ..~.. rthé, l a iawt aiptos, but almi. Ithot b ~ aT eaiaody tfermi es t.1pthe ilnwst leitaltlani >hib.. lr -a ial, he* otted'5t%. .Ouiai ,*lw4 ion W b t- Et i kt tmacuii, biyoud hapliseM crai hea-Ingo and isemerons, Petiifls 4¶ tqa te ndth e capt.oetid, e b aieeroiinp w aoss raoq d W$Wd isaite *~b~.PiaS'~rwishts babn$Itileiomsla u ii prigtl B0 Wturrendie ezeno lis tiseqttdei whlI it Sm e *»ti ow secx- lait tnipt Tise ancrage heritïr lproas- ivoleIviti upu ta pay the. explaau $We fl *te **le. <Jeu. Çroaje't sur- eut1w c panS-Ausergc nVar. Tb. tend ear, IMOINtI et beiug the"evsî,s low shir aaa, meileines andti lianeai documenta, 'W&v ias.t Sit neemeti, te&Uy woveae10et sachante upou u-bleh tbe iP$eSs tie giiUR4,aoeleeit o! tise ttp t«ila levlodore mentsl hie10b. Mai i-a More men in ts .11 o*i atvoroti l»iias t irbiture. Bgntn's oly Tisa van revenue stami taxisISfnt tW aÏO t enQaerlig Dla 4 er tait te- pesLed iu produci during the uei't Ifi" meurs.. but tlima re illigoti isy boner e a oul f #000000 iof surplus gove' tacItes. If teughîlâtu, a llb thoei-nx Sm nue. The' UidStates uceds no iran certain bteseuil lua aiîPOilulials. ies" SIi Rtis a r (German. Tison (WIAg to'die sortage -of erme and Io aSreaiy a surplus or *150,UOO.inl aMMenl thelb.latter la madufactanod dtheaa"ury, Tisaiiurplua ncq&d n. ai- tee Muse hi'le Muera. Thelr rtllery la ditions. Tisusi, itl a arglued, wi- b ouli tb«ranothaïsolsentbe i-an bae, e*- Counaes iseitati ta repaS tbse uannea- IME te the capture of British gues. Tie se sary and, lrritntlngtaxes isb are Etgilmit értlie la îuierabli aeret.but tua-astion tise attenion et tde paoil *ii littie dîmage. A prominient iilîotaiy i-bn di.!baeymicieees, senti telegrain *atch thiîp nia mnthe the' Soi-ast or express packages, laie ont nurauce. pro»bable duanatlon o! the i-ar. lis. boira pareisasilaid, Cive notea, -drai- ciési, viii uris co tin e t ib t aec If or maie contracta? A praminent meut- theïr ll.eftrsvsci ubiikely 10 ber ofthtie vays aud meas cmmîttie Oar fer à a on Se gai. saaI4de odier day tisaI ie conaleesi dia itecavtW frtom unspiriPaule. taxis on prooprletary motiSelua burden- Tise miSaIet etLadyamilb aid Nimber- nous. andi uiiecelary, sud cîpriase th ie lu' and Ga. Oroiji's dînaster oming te- heief that they ibouli b. among tiie frt àither cattaod the Born to becouse pauSe ta be dore amay midi. itlàSmallotether alxicion.-*tBidt'>- rîusporarly abaudoumdI lly dt di heliruI felturs09ithe lau- Uloiisfotelk. Bood Lord iRoberts bien toeise repeale iliii h iosi relating te *bis t te Wiow top bisat cca the var taxes upon inch meillinfa anti othera tIgst hava eau edtd 'nom, but the wbScb do ual ylîimueb revenue, anti are Bltiareachai Bloemfontein utterly fag- troul e-taeIbuai -ho have le lix tisa 5ni out and recuperstioi i-s aboIntaly fmtamupr naceaary. mThîs afforied lima for dithe EU iU I RïUIt4., tierat cver proulplgfronithbcPan- - . ____ Se, and tiey -tuôa, ful-aud noneveti do- PmorStoeyBrickBuIlding asol Pilla. term iulne 01 t1,ariat t ist e bitter end. bura Pra ît. W tbo t W smLr a g. '.n th hitise uiliîîry aituation At Pitstaung Pa., a Partian of a bon&ti ,- sot neasrfymore unbtarbile telug owuid, l-thde Ansau-all the Moeint liai tu-o moitbsa go. Tiaré esniant ilUCompany, a benneisorfthe ave neyverai reens for Sisis. Thc re- National Li anad -011 Company. cuS- srertishavi bi e tt-and mi gbtlug lapsêi vîthînl wanng Tbiraday morso- eoimnanioa'am nuse aomposed of ramolute iug. Ti-elte pelmois vire lnutheb. bah mm, As tdei-ar progresses tise Boers iiî atI tht' limeandti Irea i-aeftkli Sueau rapldly aid are gbting viti Creat- Tisa ituiidiigma s a duble four-slury or s" .The prarss ut the var han brick.' ÀA Brus ut contractera. iogagmdi adm relegatet incomrpetînt gênerSs, -ant iaSuremedeliug duebuilding, hai nimovai SEEKINO INPORMATON. gusla-Juat thonsght I'd ciii aroan-* sud dout whom X'm golîg to light ft'morrw.-Bt. Peut Plouaer-ptegs. Vate $"e .8le a' Ca.6erunsote tu =1a1, busdte mem* te Page xaei>e.i sonate Ameaimpais Ait on Wednaadi' latoals oompletaisI ýrsMe te orltnaM«&ulff bW h eancuivltag- ln 0t flj b oas es*o Tfi al *g ai 1(lii.4tavon-ft l hhaud Z*8 aiuna114 vi. avs- asu hangpreonsfi ndti elvortag. 'iei.w- nlne BiPobblmils ihp nêud té vot to tie bu11t ht votai againa t l. 'ves: l»e4ï, gr arurf glu"$ Heuti C. am" et1 utMeligan, Plteisi ei MîUata, nbSets * ilamt u. tielîor at Uine, mIleCtor 0f - nilta.". llcobljoans mlpe utl thom b lisa M tiseaeyBe j: or OM Ii vu ade at i n 0 m, liedoton S a&4i.aui-tne four is,.r«dbeli a.the Matte cacl»a ftSou VLS ala aWessjt a atgniauld Utw o liai log tPa bic v. iii U* baffl se0o liWm l go viti tnu *00th **.> uptm a amulêilmling fou ~ 'de" 09 tv. . li ptionta teneur tu, lm @deI. 1e. vas g& ipty mit «M bib pliai-athéiiau"piono al ,lhpw Md la u bl4ilamteHmen.o me" 09 e hama. , ie bmigla- on tb ades u lai alrtéise, s h tise radieevs Ib~ue is *Ptydminiuves, Bepuilen o ta* i *agaluî .Ti o vie LIttI0 eit 4W a, Orn ae, Lot mur, Wa" neer, Rela Lati fi. C. for thc raie, outathrvudovte, gaan li te w u "cimnt * il tioit mws grleti-bis spplauae, anit iseTho e Ltis eImdovU ette d diate eo ie bSSStr.eeceluofaMinetoa, thub e foatee , b utaMrasueWtdi utetdana. thupill na fInois, Doftven utbua ai ChaSeussu Pari». ls passage mas op- Posa b> Cungremmu Lorimen. Wener ut llkaois, Cempecien oretadu.ln, - Cli af Massachseatts and H. C. Smih of Mdiahgs».v BOTHA SUCCERDS IJOUBERT. Now Commander ae lia Suire le* a Go"i Saluer. Gen. Luisa Ioda, lbe ablent hg tan et the Main gonser4a, la tde wn oin- miandet-inehlef 0f lie Muer agmi. sie- ccedig tise late lien. Joubert. Bodha la a brillaut soldier andtihaiable ateate- gmst. . e u set Svsrtkop anti pion hop mhiu Bailer cromed tise 'tein. Hi las lu front of Ladysmltb aid liotha seas figbbhugi-id aà Canning vbcbieh h couservative corespondent* pristamir s'at unsuepassable. Hie caveraid te zone of de, u ail Pi Se9gbt the mont' aSIe meu, ie Gens. ,a all sepalia Ibhe starenouus trous An- 'lr 5h.anti Dewet, t. e tfront. New Other in tise came hanse rentedti he i Ilsgtaclicu bave bien a4opteti. whicb coaupsu, bat isatireplaceth ei-ail ii li ave aireiîi niuatitilu signai succeas. a hi sateel gînden aupported b oura l En5lant's politice Moyen havi also Columba. The lois ou building iiidstock ail beipote aolidfy the Baer national spirit. Sma&bout *2000. Tise vîigbt ot tous if lord Baiabnny's rîply la Prnealdota Kru- swhite 1madi h oundihe'econd lor Sl ema" stileyn'n appeal tan piace han con- aapposedtg t.have causaid theaccident. : lamoti e determlnallos. ____________ ter 0"N. ARTHUR- MAGARITHUR. BRITISH is.S.S1 er. ne VIlisucSed ti MSes Commsander in i-an Offce ]Report shows ?liela to, B. litl l1 th lpipwoe. Ovin 23,000.thb 1Maj. tIen. Riao S. Otis, wvisa nuana Ti@ Britishvie iffitti han lauei a re- 2o Dongs lie Philippines at bis ovu eeqacst, hum iof lie total Brillish easaitili up 10 pu, .111 bava as accnuenr, ip MaJ. tIen. April 7. It i-aiaau follovs illedal eii inglu Athuar MacArthur', dun, 211 aCfcoraanti 1,D110min; diei o! an ollicer wso ibus iouais, 48 uûuecs sud 4615 min; missiîg Br privai bis tsiar andi prisonera, 108 otticers aund 3,7= !men; tb( ansd ability> lu a diei if dIsani, 47 oMfces alu1,45men; pt. long aeies ot cour- accidentai dethz, 3 aCtera aind 34 men; of, egeous detis anti nepateialed invalida, 288 oliien. anti 14,- sel sillul canipuigus. Mt3 men. Total, exclusive 0f tise sk Ru B atis Gena. Oaatis advoundetiuov Su boapitai, 13,110. ab] a ndt MacArtsan To dhe var offce retiens a! caaaaltiaa i-ere officeis la thie tIb. aidadte lianes andteieunt- civiSli-ar, tise latter ed @line thé date uamiti, aggrigating Ms.m avtu belng tb. yousgas about 10,000 men.i, m4Sg a grand total us' «euimlpnlooiçnetrtuflienmla tdéen- ut upi-art ut28,000 O0fcep sud min put D SWb tiWsr a-1y s. MacArthlur Sm out et9n&tcd= légaaaeoId. ne -as17i'ears of age lb i*bs o lstetila a W liscnssn aaietli*s-Puseê;ss: p * ltsanie ladhe civil -ar andi looheti se ln te tsat ie u-asmade bas lohr AND) BR TON. cm iilmeby sema ar lia suxerlens wha ne i 5ti eterth e army. Butis agail là SSSS SSS»S**S Mo;* a, hMa cuoeens anti aeSb j~ aiqt. aies eanned for hble ir nret Bemanst er lie rtiM rerisI h lOi femloas omarap#Uiy. AI tie arrlvlug at Bloemfontein. aerpdy y c eef. thse civil vagr be» va lv nom- LentiRoberteibas lent 11,0W0 ionsou a fluba 1nliecUsulan il1mi. »nniigtle eliuef et Kimberley. ant W"r its Mau i. dli-serviceo ater lb.e IWÏtorla faetonairle man mnise- .jfntgesereil at lampa sud. Ciicia- turing thoumani af balonita tue tie Pi *a$$s. At thdeMubImiet the PISiilile MaL hebstiedles hiWas jIeto csani ea I I ela agrowlug excitemeitlnlis asa- FTWNGT ~talant heeauaof t defean 0f a Baein - fit tan4ëHCWMN sieu. -clei *»r Ree om- -14» Aie «6q6 litslabelievedfki ii nuequine tu-a mondae mens Wfie aa btipi A I4 to supply URobants' trupea i-lw inhen est UeI War Dep00DMli is5epMal'ei asou lat *i« î W mul tiest- 1 Otaki«thi Ti. Guvenano!New Zealand indores "sa in d aispu5Apent 1, 1-j"1. Sallshanty itreusaile Alits' Intervention i-t Itbw .~s inlviluthe B.u a.a binleaicludSng lMf egbsa r Amy ad)- Mgby Maies in Cape Colong, vba hut »nm andi 1,3116 oaiere id viluntear tiSon'tRie non-combatenta' uad. are ns- S ramsit , rthde Imon tiarare 123,1017rit- bisSig-isi ldlt comndaiabc siaso andi 30,847 volnaWrs. The irni7 Grent onmidlsal matie aglaint lise *l distrihuted i amng lie di*erat uensor. whe detchae i wtb upprasming isC *bam. f the, service &A oSela-: Ttal mersunfavarable te lie Brillai>TU *M' aIl olffieOfre e. te afIeSu I Lrd Robe a t enllsd -for. ahluîding la, tom . gan.nal oflern,2,780; itea'tde cou-ardW coputfth e Duke ofto or$iu arnn, nka fola ovs: l a d- "WTmik t he btis o.]-rn,»ru nai Itqlgieraa dspatannl,1; uaéloor 'Tgo capturati Boira agtm ltaI ui'Dith Ialoapstmo, 0 juin = nedoatmes a n n ~amand'»euof tbc te - i -Wuea ont,.. t-suit.. ~rn.w a. ansi- j ~dwaburg. ' - S It la relaudati as ij lie I taltiati mmtrar vi 2 agir. Louis SOiHA. olira lu fruit o! bis, hues vîi Engtisb ai and moundeti, ant ieubrougist off bit. nus sud min overy lime a retreai or ange o! base vas e eetary. Thîre are many uther abSe soldiens ment tise Boers. Coasmaundaul Olivier erfonusaea anrlliauttfest ln taidisg his Lery o! 5,000 menandu a wagon trais, wenty-live miles long, bot-eau tht Brit- 6h'iues nSd te Bsutandiborder, vidi- tnit loigtua, a wagon or aiassu i- îougb the British, cavar- i-as aroullug di avur Sn au aideavor te reach bis liais idcul off bis retrial Tisatwi-astaIma- gy ut saisigla order ânul milibar- critiat Pgard tise caîncat as one or!tde mont mas- nS>- on record. Tom Kellyi in anothîr strong cammuani- ,r Hie rauiamour lthe lirst, alihoags rte iseari of.uaJ. lict lin charge if bc Zbntpearcg depîrîmeut, and an 1,000 Kaflitnn under hlm. Hinl a ram- ut Baie agitator anti as fond orfligbt- ais a Mahele-warrior. Tisen thîre are, Gans t. ml eiSuhlk- lrger, Delareî, Prune Joubert, son if ebtitrai cîmmandar-in-cisief, lHeainiur Iretorint, Meyer nd a n ost if uthera, aIl f svbahve airai>- itingussi be ts lvei. Basides thîre lire mnan>- Freucb. tusist ansd Germai aCtlera, i-La are 'le atrateits anti artilirists. Sprts trams tise iten. Ai Irish convention Su dii Interest o! ational unIt>- miSi Le caSied ta meet in :ubUn. Mtinerai production luthe Utilatues Sae yeti, vîli reacis a value of neai>- ,.000'000,000. , Doîmari's islanis ln Ibm West Indie net lie Guveruiment $75,000 a ycan mare han thoir revenue. A Greclan vmnsblp, the tirt t rou le Atlantic, seili Seat. Aheun forN 1ew 1mnr la a few deya. Tis* flret Iniea cisuasere eîabliah- a bout tvcalyyemsason. To-day tbecu re ovin MO00fet les. aoola. the env 0fC ie Argentine vsiçtsp i,"den alSrnsentoê ma#. ontentetl6asy 'Goy. Jasas et Arkansas bas vlidrai-n rns the uouatonlat race, ieaving thei-fild an ton Sanator Berry. Oue bhunid isn et, poisonetiis ate cdde»uson lati* achc enmter- iimm t ti Ia, i -. Ostu P" cmStlanie of &ustrla ta s-nlt te Cont Lownay ai Vienna ad 1= 11 &111ei sUher tîties. Th lit te, Depmrtment bas bien vot- ta tisatlie Pernistetiovinmeut Sm botI tau gei a =haileter ta Waahingtun. l"a iasse of Germen Agrieultunlatz Iïd Un gaeesal anuel meetilnSiBnSSu. ,ja leaguea umbena 206,4100membera. nu iess. aior7,000over tde memhnershlp te pneilsg eat. Fure haista albien an execiatiai lu tise avy asesi1840, and ti lIs atrtilng ftua hat et tht IUmeoa suoiliers neuteucoti deali foan mlita"y ufenses don tàml ivi-Sti 5 a ne n e uaas ezenltid. &jugi tbe &*oeSs andi pure o! New York 1i' tee tQ'be touand '%mple evîdencia r th - ,-a- rt-, -id ellaust, et Imparluî smu Vlt iabic bilS, a' mlosn a ppSoptaliog J&- 000,000tfethe aomteniof eta 1655 tin- bitweeu Sas Jisuil.Andt80.- t,tht Cowâuwtw on»nalaghu aud tit St V&MdssfiCtit tinnob- Ineilosio sreg'a et aa empifst ta lb.- aummitt». urlgtp atrpart et the assioetise Dialvietorf tioillilla aVPpneahltiabUSi-asvuandinrouad&rs- tien. 'A@ peoti i Capri"ea acauil.-5 000,00. tiq' onni panside ot RhCO tarif bill ne amendai ber the easte hy A vote ut 161 tg 153, These nt, on Ttaonadag. b>- svote of 15 liestat 33 naya, riefuai dta substitue thie Nicaragua canai bill for thteIlpopen Pilipplue bill na tise nuiie biinai, and by a vite of 22 yess 10 '3nais tr. fuedt tiilplacte lpianer llifor tise Manas civil code bill. Liatounedti 1a sPieb h bÉ Mr. Burrowa calaist be seat- jus of Mr. Quai and to naspeech by, Mn. Jues et Arkangan lu nmspoàsata su at- tacS unonhlm i' byCaugresumo Ioinvr dung thse Porta Itico dibateis in' flOusle. ThetRous@adoptai n resallue! aiuthorfoing the fuereWry ef th, Trias- uty ta ielaig ctie linoto ienc, Cuba send tbe Phiipplie% for tbm dapast it Goverumeut fouis. lassrd s Seuate buiSli-hieb i-li purulit th, dupes den1 mothersOfai nairsa naios rt tise Spînias i-r. aven iubouab Ibai' mar- nied Coiteld,.rt soldiars. tu receive tise beuclit a! tise Sgeni pen'iona la'. »IW votai tbm reusaluden o! ibm do) ta debate J On A resaiutlun tfor a'însrîbttubi«lou nmrndmeut etmpowtîrlng the l.sgislaturua of lie Bfastes ia decide wu-ber tlnliM Mtars seuilaorsimiS ha î le-ted hi the Jluauan-*oriîe<tjy by tib eopale. A.suisatîtute ianasfened ligithl. Stetos ne option. bub pnovlding thiîlu i AI, Bltates i te people $hal vile darecîly tir Senatora. Tiese Miti helliruasention ounvriller. The flousa b>' A voie Of '-hW> 0tuC l> $a-d ri-soSutlon for constltatloni ueondusut priviiuir for aleatlon oftilai litteaý antins b>- poliular coe. Attemipt if Mr. Hepiori0o!Loaiaoluet tiiîdea Ma 1 for -onsideration ot thét NiarAgua canal bhi-a. resdefambti bg Objectioa a! hMr. Borton iforObie, Iteî if the day de. volai ta conaldecnation ot privatepu-noma billn. Tisare i-ire serîl Sharp attacha alpin1r. Taîbent (Dem.. S. (C.t for is course lu deflayiug action. On liaturdsy tht Mînate lias-i a igisly- tbrre privaS,.5.immion billsa. Thé- AioaIs civil coda bill was unuer tousaieraîiou for fomne lima. bat liniily i-ast Caver uaWU Ibouds>-. lu tbe Houai asftcr su bour ot p0ntineýbutiioeast outaion i-se dproted la heanlng auSîgie an lise laite he. GSOi- ver P. IMorton of Indina lun".acneption u-îlb the act-ta."e otbis aîil.which bals bexnau sa s tituar- hall at tic cspitoi b>- the Ilatésebics tie-o-rv,ij. Tii, spenkera inelanSîti Mettra. Mia--le, . Ms .Crumpocker. Orret. <iifh. item- - îîuwey, Bru-k. Al-xander, Parisam Walamof oSIdiana, (Inuaur if Uior aCati(cnnnforllunols. l'hfry-tbreapei Vate. pcusiou hil uri-cr lpua * On Monai-tisaHouieJoî rcaai 1 u ivO ta o a n ititutîiial aaiueen pravlding fer the aStietion ofute :;t tal MenabiOra hta> héPpeapSi-asulaid bfr dt Soate sud attet debata i-as red Ithe bb-omnilrse on pSlvllcge. andulac 0lana. Doriag alinaalthe cîtina aasM» thar Mente ban]te nder ,-oîsidiraliii tic Ala*tnclvii ioda bull. The amaudmcsb pnîvliing for thiemmii ig ld &".g tisa bées iuitht' dinfi i,-îs tpi-ti'ctcd, afler àa iis-nion lsstliîg neanly four booms. li théi'leeiirt s-'ida-rstiau ufthde nival utspraprilioin ill hit'a. il% PMu vîcions bSalng ilaiti#-lq Mm .F.-,.h acting ,-iisiriiao !f tbe outi -,i:abee 'TiseScteie iiil Tiiîtdtà lei a-lsesatar j-oar îp-sk sgniii.î the atiaoIr fthe lbilppira'., Andîlusaine',.t>ll'î'de- lii, of tht Alsxat-iicîivil i-ai,- 1,01.l. a lise l1oiîa-the rita-cat tisgoait l&auri pusa th- navalîapprpriation il va.*'si cSalo-lia otht' aribJt-i-t anattir oifthe bill. Tihe Ilueasjounm Saisie- andatho buaiiling of a s reblfa ian uar~m yards att mu,-li-ai ilt at tenionî. Tii. sud Ibat. The tal uiapt-pritlitnaasrria-$ .- 000.01m. A iarked u-rrcin thé-rîagiar i A hoili xlas,-h>ely for Wa Io-, nb. baait in New lYa,rl y hé Ia-W',,, l ou- tel -oltlinaas'y. -itir-liI l>iJj capitail. - 'The ia iti-ave) o! lir-n 51-r a rai l»'- sidao aas aiia ajoint ,r,-a of #%)g square tuI-s. Les it au naaaîl. (u -r ba 3,M)011intabiza att A .si,ssar-saliaaa>'ai-,ts tua i tà î- .Sianle aili .1qa- taîS Iina-iaa i lahtune 1,(M 0Enxli.uaiîaan nalli-tfoathlb saisie 1aa-io>iof tlirno. L.usi yetar tii,-Auieri-atî p"a'î,îe ut, 2,0110,000tons ofai!ngor. otir his th, Ampent Sastar ltiuiiig Conapâu>, oth- erwixe kîîosvînastise tria8i, muis- ij3i- Tise Cliaa--Six Coauîaanaa-s sî SIma Fru1naiaa-o hava- affered-tiu jPalfiar (Chia- ese dtei-tivêta lositain 'araer ira hi atiast, lnovidî- theuse un or«- S-ilta miii police power t. svbich is sSibe dioias. Tise Paria aaaýfhiâbve jasllil u notce i-arang thea puliea, aaand~ il-'al for- ein viritara, usaI s greut initier of taise S-fmuna ilotes are, ta-aurim a Paria andthbea-large Frima-bhuo-upý. Thebenal inrease lu coîîauerae and là noa armnusents l1u1a-qiaiei tishervices uit experenucd sainen ut a primuîm. The scancity of saiSors Ia til:lt I n;i ain andi even lise great aleimship lineaman lneenvenlantiti. - 1 Lieut. Mateau ilSorgenilu e h N5Uts Pbillppime Mat±iais.- The surluis t a"ve oe f the gear are, ikeiy ta Le *0,00.00 Raaili'tc0408are 1a Se rea'elved et face Value foc. sSl publie dues. Tise cable compsuy bais sait lu a biU ton Devey's rutllng et Mailla Bay-. - A bill ta pensat mian Ternituryelt d e taIsu iebondsilS be. htroducadinlu <l. grei., 1 Theaînîascemcnt lm madtdst a iai etsemers wil Sl ocmameuce ruing au the Diati Mita. the tirâtth e jfoat bai-ina aireadi beau puribamti. Sentur Llîsdtsî a!Kentucky lu abent ta enteupou tdu praeet otf liv- 14 v York City. Thse Preaianut, han appninted tog-ne Sinator biandiraun of Nebraska c-hal- mai a! the Board ut Vinîlora ta tisa Unlfei l taIs Mblltary Acadeus>. 'Titi grippe le preivaIent lu thits city.ý -Ti er.mre Win lesst Ibm seveniren iltba trous tboý dlaeane ln on@t' vecul i-tii accafiuigtu tbe tistrlat beilh tis 05c. *,, Tismcen crus,%ofthie snaval mi- 41t9t oeo.apanacduthe'. l.i oiorteboM. hon -arrangoti..Tb@a' iuaa sl 041, th urnection; garicu ai n lng, ceuiar lu crovut. lien tof t-s la a s$mail Yeu nis- buat pensaS of lbe- Bal Soi-ar; thei eartis, ils u-urltia. I ut usay bli tuhenusei sud jasmi iu paraiil rame dowl le satcaaal tise oS. péared. Tise vo endi viti ltta te tj~a el adtoatiasa b. <uriant daisy ou bap. '*1 ai MJy tes 1a sua usame e« ceun-DÉ Chrisat, b or. heiîg self wb.î troos br padsv i andthebb star the vere vil lIgues 01 nefriabil trernI. lx oume ru, o! the > aid ilB coleto arebitra aeutatic lise pol v aiI r'r Ctalti mail > Ciatco abalu 1 th atilie tihateti lie ai Sait 0e 1uttis The baitl mr ClhrIs tInnth lutat bte mah lad sutu thes pai, mau tai me t t 1u MW «et tel Tht isog alud gut up for -fr0 bli 1 t er teo bit th( ri

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