CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 27 Apr 1900, p. 2

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MINDIANA GIRL$ NASROW ESCAPE FROU DEATM. IbupsudaHerselt b3r Ber Bauds O003 a tSu sTown Datrordilai Vire. Anme Brown, 14 yeara olà, attciided Bandayi acliol eit Engliali, lsd.. and starn. .ti bome about 5 o'eloclt, takiug the rail- read track as the shorteat way. bIte bat teaeed the middle of a trestle that Ouas. a ravine aliput 300 fret vide wbcu a test treighti turedtbte curve udar the trestie. ?be girl saw Il would be imposible to !,fteh the fartiter aide eore the trais 14uu"lt be upos lier, aud, wit remarituble easénce of mnellse stepped lethîe etge or the trestle and, as the train camne tip, 6*wug. herseif down by ber bands e. tt bang fron ibe crosalie. The engineer 81Wtbe girl,' esti as soos as the train tisare th te trete lie jumipet f romt bis cab asd hasteneti bact. lRe foueti ber Setuging tel raise heroelf, and she w*s uimos exhaustei wben the engiseer eangt lier by tbe bandeansd pulled ber. oV the treaile. Tbe ravine over whieb zf sas suspce< Wl as evegty-five fret N»XI[CAN TOWN ji BURNE». PhUueaDetrolîsdb, plumes, tise tom .Betug *$220,O0 1panuca. Me4lcone of thie'Most in- partant trading towns en the eai coast et dth e qbuie of Mexico, bas bren de- Moyed hi lire.Panuses i a tcwn cf 1'». pesous on :the pacuca River. Thatched-roof adobe bosses anti modern Z.*mma b"ues blocha, srreundtih y r, rel.but%. enuliluird d ityt. Everî- 01« wnitt dcw».beo e the gfamet, a *y Te lmue*wlflaggregate 42=25, No reepeglb cf tattls'have becs hiévd, but elghtimean weta severe- luirsItbreugh thse explosion of a *Wm a * aa rts.itiorehoute. The ~~,~lhiSvtl'iitet. aten ust.ePv ft We"e g ostt anepiaThe lire tarteti ,»I» ORM UCIN EUUA5KAg , Voewm tise Toruade, and Lemm f UNlaeprts& 4eàinNebiraska was, iie peti o! fi= cycene filic tbtr day. Pe- Wyuore wcre drives into, %Wla1a% andti al aient lblue river tha destruction aap baavy. na- flous te rural dWmriets indicate hm ae!ts. Thse twister aas a"*n »mmsa4meL ,The i. dokÉeli ciipasses- alelIpatipe tbirty miles south, $iUrs te avoicromalg tbe paili et ~ j ta~4o.Tbe ceaceultisec It for benlgalong dis greneti. carry- -lo avaut quanitity oft dme, ferm buli- asti4sud 'ina cloud et dirt. Tbe akmaly sacapeti beisg dtcbed. A 1tllowestheli twister, andthte et 8e1bera Natra"k s euei Ohmsbu , tic he Bupreane court "iadeii«o f lise leaer courts ea.*JutigaVFunkt Dellcnbaiigh and ho stands diabarreti rt etc Obie. Tise greusti et waie tisaiJutipe i)elleubaaah *fvtis au attoreycInasae ba oera*bien. tMi5a5. ageiCD10yeus, sbot anti I~le , H apitaHughes, andi *0e Mti.Uluabotlk Liens, ageti as the *onecre lesvlng Si. 'de,?aulea Ohurcb at Syracuse, WUtissu vauet te thse bonse of & aufi atteàuftatile commitsuicide. gurie fl W insunbappy. cet la Pretest Beel. of Wp VvIeu *liii Le eut so - m <tse surplus tock asti k% Mille.10. This conclusion aIAt taeCunfcrence etacen tiembert eofflic Americ4asSteel OCQp«y aîaid Preildesi Gary de Belcialisems, açiseel bouseshave becs tarblethé ceugateti districts In Ifla bellevedt iat, owtng te et cba large fotisg popula- jeY *III, b. more sstistactory thon buift te thse overcrowded - t csam otc ai Lande. .,~I ~elaitrcmDevrliJunctties. Mo., fas thse Home asti Riverside misinx etfILeavcsaorîb. Kan. hevû large tracts ot land inl thîji îupea aisieb tbey bave belti op., Xflseu by te Fuit. The soPe_ blas repiieti evasivety î'îat Ansrean Claires sili be paiti *'ituder &m Cain ditions as lt the ce"d of Th WisWscnsin Central ltailrosd Comn- fIl'a b eéght Boom Isaland, is the Mis- Ïii Wriver, fer $1,000,000. Il wil eret Mwmllcumse*bd abojpe Ibere. saiet l, eut ta De lisia'Reat. Tise Ohio plant efthie National Steel ýs«"Jiy et Touatowu aas loseti for *ýt 4aorpose o!rtaklng repara anti puttisg -,tteaciuerym te male steel rails. à,' M* brlchinakers lu tour erthte Terre ciybrikîsrtiis îsued as ,titi- '0*»àdemantiing au iscrease or 2licents a day gotbeir presesi wagea Poesser Com. tu8la incide. Dri. Roesde Boyeu, professer e!fl'rescèh Jth 01vdrsli1Y of Chicago, s'as ound tttf ~ â e ss aaluete body, notîfleth ie 0Werv hat bc Lelievedthe 'escse te bu mau et Naturel sltcry (a Nw Y*k te explorethse unknoas pertiens fetteotis- cisco. Tbey are Normasn C. Uu;rt4n au Auericas, sud I tuu usiaç, aldV"r Gegorasansd Walileinr JaciseIsea. 10» objedet rtieir trip Winl liete demtis .wbeiher or unot te Amtrlcau indiau la defflaedtifrom Aatic stock. ,'Tise Jlua. smaens wlli touch mainlî tps the etituO- logeal- phase, eîidjlusgtise native las. susge anti longs, coselme asti pbygal citrateristica et 1alt tevery trilbu tia. labahlts; lie sortiteutert, section et i- berla. Buxtes wlll coufise bis WOTC tnalnly te thse zoological fieldi. toward maiing a es asti rare collectiosnec& bird, sud mammals for thc big museui lu (Jan- trAI 'Park. Tbey expecito be gonie for et leat tac icars. WHAT VANDURRILT LEPe'. Crnelius' Etate la Appraiscis'at Abouit SOèO.oo0O. The appralsati valuation efthîe estats etCornelus Vanderbilt amounis te *W. 000,000. Exclusive et -the reabluary es-1 tate, ahicl la helti la trust fer Alfred i Caisse Vanderbilt, Uic valuation Oft ~p oprties caleulaitd froeithe amount Of9 nhet'tancec ax la oniy $32.000.0K0. This initerilmsce tax amounts te çl.M,272. ablith ban been pad. Titis soin reira- ' staabwat aas teproperty ot Corne- Due Vantierbilt lu New York, but ducs mInciluie thc transfer.tgi os thte 6,- 000,000 ieft te Cornelius Vanderbilt lii bis tather, William H. Vanderbilt, with plower of appintluent. Thse esiate e! Corneliua Vandierbilt s'as supposeti te bave becs aortb ai ieaaî 0125,EJOJOit VOE UNIVERBITT AT TOPKUA. Wii cf Br. Rais Ciriassau Provit«ie for itn Feulaig. , Thte Winl etlira. Elias Clian. he 4usd lu Toeka receitly, lias becs led là,he probute court tbere. Mité bequeatits1 lte greater part. et a tortune estimatetl ai $250:40 for the founstiugqftise Uni- verdllî et Topeka. The buq ecAi hCo- tilgetit ou lbe Metboit at cheeset Kansl anrisnrt ansi ulapeeat ilibi tai veas, Mra.Chrisuisuaie cses $.z0 cash te tié ohi* Wswecan uni- 'Verty, .000 for a mira parsouage fer tise ËIrsi Metbodist Citorcit otTopeka sud jni000 te the Women's hllssionary Bceiety*. The ilîl prevldes that Iter. A. EL Emie ertouer pauit, shah l e adminltrater oetit astata ai a salani et Po»]£ KILLS CATTLE TRiESl. Euuing Figist of OSixMites Raealu Manager Fullerlon efthlie Webster Ciy, DUt, Caille Company diacovered; twe mes mutilatlng brands on bis caIlle. Tbey ilirectneti te sboot anti ha retreat- eti. Wilh the aasistance etrliberiff Preese enti poeaucttieves acre overtaken sev- atinselles ortit et Thompss's anti or- ticreti te surrentier. Tite thievea eboed ligis anti acre tolloasti six miles furiher nerlli. ail exchanglsg sitois, one ut thete 'outlaws eing lnstlnly kilîrd. Flîti Indicuent fer Avenu. Iu Cincinnati the grand Jury laitee W. W. Thomnas, proprietor orthdi People% Tes, Spice asti Baklng Poader Coin- pu"., "for buint peparty ahich itS'as inaured,'" anti Esry Wattersprincipal of tha Watters Business'Collega; Mari gaie, confidentiel bookkeeper fer Thonm- ai, anti bis brother, Ilai Thomas,."II' accessorlea te the burnlnsg'e! Thomas, aholasale grocerg bouse' lest Nevember. Ogaieaxe ARem eu smebie. At iÀMa, Ohio, thea Circuit court bas alrmed ithe verdict ef a jutigmseut et 1»- 000 an nt erestai glut 1. L. Michael, V. P. anti Gus Kalbt, o2cials cftlite Atuerleas National Bak n taelima Il asa rebbed et dia mosay a year &go. '£lie etocisholtiers brought suit te recevatishe Xiontî se myslerlesaiî tolen. alleglus neligene upos the -part et tedisciais. WomnsPertis lciantlues. lira. A. Lindahl anti Mra. J.'Bieranas lent ibeir livra lu a lire aluit tiestroyeti the entire business portion ef Edluburg, N. D. The buling@ue e ooden anti yeny dry, there bavlsg tees ne rais for wceks. Net a builtinug or a dionnareWorth ef gontis lu die business section s'as &av- cd. Twenty stores,. iaeclavalors. a train et Great Noribers freigiti cars sud a le- eoaQilve were tiesîroîcti. Sisot iead ilulHie Dorway. William Long s'as caliedte th ie doore ai bis tome, near Tracy City, Tenu., anti sho e iat. The tffsir la shrooded in mystery. Titis la the igthb murtier, in the Tracy (Çty section aitilntihUc Iai ycar, andtôut. ose o eiatrtierers bas becs apprebendeti. -Ucaib R"de Swft Divorce. Ai Lancaster, Phlo, lte divorce case e! Moues Swift ai ast Martta Igwift was te Le bearti andteibe tentiaut bat arriveti ifo i bcsgo e lâlgbt the came. Theisa ud iornlng the plaintIff dieti. ltis the tiefentiaut os ber kneset aIbeiedba-i %ide prayisg for bis rettoratios. Wlre muls op"u Again. Suspension etruthe aire tmile efthe Americas Steel anti- Wlre. Comspany in1 Plttaburg district, over ebicli there uasi mucue auxicly, ban been'brie!. The wira deparments ofthdis arks are in operation agalu, allIe the laen mills Wil prebabiy Le !iie soein e. More Troubla for tisa Britlis.1 Tbree bustireti Nigerias troops hava beau tiuîpalcetioverlaudt te l Uipa country, uprthwst of Ashbasti, West At-1 rica, wee othe British resldetic reporta a recrudescensce o e t rodmIehbîitnau-4 cessitatedth*tseexpedItionet taîtIyesr. Dr. PFe Walissr Esaigus. 1ev. Faye Walker, D. D., wbo for sev- entees icara bas bieu presiticut of Cx- lord, Ohio, College, formerly Oxford reniais College, bat presested ie isrg- nation 10 the board ot*trustees, and t h as basu ircepteti. lit. Louis NRop« efr Big Plant. It la rutuoret inluSt. Louis huies. s* fias; diat P. D. Arnieur & Ce. are back. lng the alielexale pitrebase e!or ra estata, îurroutilsg the od Union stock ysri thture. althîe cet ofestahlahlng an Immense packlug pant. tdt of t5-hc if. eC. fuet *»wet yrevita et mi retiueé tio 4b8 chane at~glltea aWd or icte cauot ai bu drtai.Apatfr dia disturbaneo la apeqtila Onlteab bec pedchr~masaspe et ttse gartlugpries.Titre ls.a a til ibot- ter déent! for bidesai Cicago, alrib- uletetisteir imprevnsg Condition, but t dstribution et bots antidsoca udoe net ksep ailltefatoerisz st werk. The textile industries bave large ordifa yt 10 bc fillieilunbiskeep maiuiofetth* *018i Lusy. Wool ban becs Inactive aithOut change in prices. Citera Souti. are by soreaseld Ms Concessions fer future de- liveni. The velue e!riinor démteetc, poris, cheffy masufactureti. rose toOliti,- 79,009 ln Mareh, a auto neyer apprenis- ed lu ani éther inontb. hialras tor the arek have bacs 184 lu ttc Unitedi Mutes, againsi 194 lent icar. asti 17 lu Canada, against 22 lent year.'" PRISON FOR MAN UOFilCUIXtHES Acter Who Put Trroupe on Rend hir "IteM-UpP' Benteuccd. C. B. Moreictige, au acier, aho ient ainier 'htlti p' ta. restaurant» anti a saloon lu thteatetetoftht business dis- tint etorKansas City single-isandeti, lu ortier te get menti suafcieut to put ie' Company on thie rond,. sas fouti guiltiv la tht 'Circuit Court Ibere anti given a sentence of ts'cnty-ive jetrs lu tht peul, tenlisry. lne plesedtisaniti. 'tore, letiges'as ose o the péime prornoiers ot tbe Topolobampe co-operative coloisation Idea anti he ornlatid a scbeme te dais the Missouri river ai Bismarck, $. D., anti te tilvert tht ctirefliow of waters loto a gigantie ditcb utat woulti lios sosihward tbrouth Nebraska anti Kauns asti have lalleral tilîches thai s'ouid tivitge the aboie or the western parts eft Iose States. STARTS FIEE TO PLAY REIRO. Han Whso Rearde Kindîcs iîb3Revu- « ""g No01"e Piemis Guiltty. in Uic District Court au Atebisen,Ha., Thomas C. Wocrman plestiet guilly te the chargp ot burulsg the neali residesce sf J. C.'Fox, a proinueut citizen, and s'as sentenedtau serve elsbteen years lu, the penitcntlîry. Hie admittedti ibt the Fox tanly hati becyen Ygod te hlm andt di hc seltlire uo tht bouse in ortier le play the part oetliteby rmacules t fainmily and therebi mae hi* employer teel thai bis kîntinesa bsd becs besiowed woritily. * Doat Wamnss la Cisurcis Pev. A s'omis, uulientiiid. but a victiel et tarvati6n. aas tount deui lu a pea ai Si. Stepbe'a Cherhunci uNea York on liaster Suotiai. A case of tarvattin. say tise toctori, anti her eniaciaieti torse anti hunger-pincedti entures Corroberat- cd abat titti @&y. Noeofe! b.vsiter$ ta fte morgue, abîtter the body waa tait- en, coult ildcntlty lu. Thte« Kiliet inlu xplosIon. Tise paCkiug beouse thie Ajax dyna- muite works, near Kaakawin, hit., wast bloas ou, kilribrthec mes. Ibeir bodies acre tors te ebreda, ouiy enonghbhein; tenti te hI a buahel basket. Great trecs acre uprcitdor tom le aplinlera anti itousesanasdistores lu Kawkaalils are arecketi hi lie force et the explosion. Piietu a Sayer's Witt. ThteaWi et tht lete Philetus Sas'yer, disposing et an estate voluati et 03,11,- 000, lia becs biled et Oshkooei, Win. Relatives get It aIl except i 00.M0, abici la iven t0 lbe Ladies' Bcnevoleut Mo.- Ciety et thai City. Leaps frem in IaisBridge te Dt The second s'omas te leap tromtshlb Brooklyn bridge ia Marie ltosaie Disse. Site jumpeti am,' 4 aa but sightly Injureti. Site remaalscd oncousious four bours asti tises, is a Lystericai mamîser, raid tiesom6 e! ini ill ilculiet. Neaspeper tiffce le Burueti. Thse plant efthlie St. Louis Chroulie. occiipyiug tbe Ibret asti tour-story builti- ings ai 14 te 18 Nortb ixib ttrert,î. . Louis, vastprecticall tiestroj-ed by salOre. Thtelre la suppoect te bave originat!.d lu tht bolier roo4n. irai Uses AmeenicCoI Col. CLarles Page Bries, Unitedi States mîsister le Bragîl, bas obtaiseti us ofitiai ý.saurancq! fromthIe Bramillas quiborities tisai Americas cea aibsî e iseti ou tLe Brasîlluniilasytsud is thte vessels ut thc Bracillus envi. Coierude ruit Dasuageti. The damage to fruit res near Canyon City, Colo.. troua telate beavy ensr anti frosis le estirnateti e! $000.. Berioone Vire lu Leaisten., Sire tictroyedtetx buildings is tbe bai- nsatportion ot Lewistos, Bite.. esusing a lons et $50,000. M ARK=T GOOTATioNa. Oiago-Caitie, Commun te prime, 0.00 -te $6.00; bugs, siipping grade*. 03.00 le $6.00; aheep, fir te choies, 1p03, te $6.75; w aiNe. 2 ced, 1Cie talMe; corn, No. 2, 3&e te 39c; oats, No. 2, =0e te 24e; rie, -No. 2, .54e te MeO; butter, choise creamerY, 17e te Ille; eggs, freab. 100 te 12c; pattes, Choies, 25e te 40e per boghi. IudIanspois-Cittle, %hippies, 88.00 la 06.30; bogs, chaire igbt, $3,0 te $5.7à; abaap, domine prime. $3,00te $0.00; absut, No. 2% TIC te 73e; corn, No..:! White, 40e te 41t; qat@, No. 2 whiite, 8e teaBOe.. 81, Lois-Cattie,.2Mto$0.00; bops, 03.00 t08.0; aitep, $8.130 te PI.»1; abeat, Ne. 2 70e te 72t; ce«n, No. 2 lsUov. BIcT te M;0et as, No. 2. 26e; rie, Ne, 2, Mec le 00e. Cacluat-Cattle, 0$2M0te 60.00; baea $&.00 te 06.00: sabssp. 024>0t&. $ou=; ,Whsat. Ne. 2. 78e te 75c; cors. Ne. 2 milld, fle te ffl; cs, No. 2 mlixet, 26c te 20C. rys,e. 2,0%059 te Ot. DslrCl-Oîttl, $2.510 te $6.00; bogs, $3.00 te 05.75; ateep. 03.00 te "=.2; arbeat, Nea. Z 1le te 72c; corn, No. f2 itlow, 40er te 42e; ot. No. 2 white, Wi> te Sic; rie, 400 le 62c. .1 Toieto-Wbsat. No. '2 mI.ed, 71c te .2c: cors.. Ne. 2 mied, 40e le 41e; caf s, No. 2 mxet, 24e te 25c; rie, No. le, M1e te 57c; clover éceti, i. $4.8> 0 a 141 Mliiailkee-Wheaî. No. 2 nortleru, 64e tea066c. corn. No. 3, 3B& te 40e; ests, NO. 2 wbite. 21C Ue 29c; ryc, No. 2, 57e te0e:iarley. No. 2. 42e te 44c; pork. ~'Aa Warsse isba (h. vl4a rue evis ,abâ 1181 bagua, -VP iirlepra. etth dis ige lacurred 14 tb alec. boit bava ton, dia fgures up it e ié wion. and, taklug lofe cosieato, thealotie. real sd tremetant, tLe a&Mount tfop ~ le as ee ' tonsi figure. Atisice' riceivedin New Opleaus frem PearlnUgolse Pearl rtver bas vaachtt beri booms bay a0 commenced hgaaitlai uMN sud theousautia o1 dollase Wa r ttiuber bat ûoteud eut tc sea. M buste$"aon .tise river la et a s tiatili. Thli tstelt hava bt!d le discontinue cpeieois. Tise aataî bas reaciset W KuIrie o f aul edofesaloug dthe river. Taêdi aIlenuks- la suapeüded. Bvery bridge froti Peai- fuioeste Legipwn as sbeecs lswpiaay. Tite. aatar là tepublie ruades la deep snngit le ms itorne. People living on the Louisaneaiudt have lies en resd te &anodeusir homeis anti lise te tise Mississippi .Idp for ciii y. Hustiretis et iseti ofeatti. anti bogs have bWcs trovo- eti. Deat and ti olainsacare swimming *eesUcriver at everi available point. iteuoaninsuastgardcns ahIlbave te Le Beliteti news la egisstsg 1e arrive fe- gartilug lte losin or lite. Four people vere tirowset sear MeriditastndIvre'o ean Bnttîesbung, Misa, lu the viclinitilE- tenpriec. M&ita', lihe waters ofthue Clieha- siwha are ragisg. Thtealler inlire test deep ln ihs maiunitreets. Vise ibrea bridges htts'eu EastastiWestî Noter-' prise bave bccn swept ans. 'Te lcIà- terprixe Aetdcuiy., a building ahicli was te pnrtite o the issu, la gens. A nmi- ber et buildings acre demolishat. Stuîbuteanast Desoto. Mien., are Isnndai- cd. -Tht eietfîLte Chicasaba bats se t becs lae tc esighorbeuiofutIbirty fret, sud the torrent ini isisg. Tht Pas- cagoule river, ton,.ls raging asti munis dgel isfearet t0 tise lands adjacent le is Lestse. lie loods bave Ptes aorte ltasn crer baeo t kien. The nilîrouda euîering New' Orleans bave iscorred ddam- ages ahiet, figurnuzthebasnetof bsisess, ai ameunWt te tunetis ofthuousanssoe dollar.. MOiuOUtS IN CANADA. Sàpret tfhis. Sct la Alorming Do- utilho, ouciain. Canada la, becominu senioqsiy alarset at fte rapiti spresti ot Meruoniani lu soes.partà cf tite coutitry, especlally lu the noreshaest. Tbe isormeus theseives clai 0stee a lnressing lu the Doiniuon et the rata e!ttus auls per, yen r, anti, se- crtiimg le s Quebe correspondent, aisert diii aithin the liat yar Uieî itave breugiti in ever 2,000 eigransa front Il dhitsla eomeinitd Canadien public mesnler diat ti-y aili shertilycostrel large sections efthîe country. As the boIt cf 1h. peoplet in aoutbern Aberta bava conetrois Utah, anti as the Mes- mess hav e jgo oub as organsxation, If le tiaaning afpcs the cousnr dat ti Mai bétoine ssearions, enace te tisa State. tspeeiaity athore ls a grave ua- plinls aase; lisis <ale neigbors dat polgamlyls prictieti mcretly is dise Canatieîn Mormse.a iai oftheibe dng iders lu AlLertA assent tsut poiygamy la ose 0f the ciers pivîleges oethIaeeommunion, ast iri la anssrtedt tlai sous casnesthde privi- legs itas becs belt eut as e bailtoewouid- Le adîcrenusf et daliser sert. Otrsiie et Albtta anuthUicother norts- s'est provinces ot Canalte Mormone éldam le have uo tavar thon 10,000 mets- bers lu ithe province of Otante. Thte leaders or 'evasgeliata" eoflte ehaitsen- ticavor te obtain a fooling iu uta rentera by poting as -"nisso f tte gospel" Titey profeai au irai te tols' Christ asnd dia apostles very ciosety asti keep Uic pecullar doctrines of lte Mormnschurdli vern mucnitshie backgroud natifi dic gais die confidence of their couverts. 8l-UT-O0WN OF TIIE MILL$. Xieaniy 10000 Hon i hi icelanti Itelaclaime ti he oudden ashét- îLnofte tatîva miiileofthUitAmeni- cas Steel anti -NIre Company bat diroan erli lesubouscanti s'rtmen oui or e51- ployntecu. The mille, affected are il Phîlu- liung, Clevelanti, Joliet', Ill., Newcatle, Pa., Anderson, lsd., -ati Wauké-gan anti De Kalli, IIi Titaele itabave a capse- lty of littucen l5000 asti 4M00tous of tsitsststurcd produci a day, andti er' situtling dean turing ahat s'as Leieveti te Le a peniod o! gteelt activili anti profit- matsing casie ase a surpriae te people jeu- erali. The cansee(if ibqshiît-down is given by- John W. Cate, ciarmeus ofthteiboard or dinetors or the nompissi, as siacit huai- Uess andatiover-production, Te sicek bus- inss, il in exîlatiè. in brougbi about li satieclune iti te building trsaea isg te aideapreiiiaber troubes. The sus- Pension of Lbuildinsg epersioni sabtloff te demanti for secs. of the protsl et thie AmernicssSfelan sd Wine Company, scl ai salle, etc. Asodier product et tisa nomPany is fetieing vaira, santhei price cf tisbaildgoue ao iigit tht. dia fariears retuseti ta bui Il. Tise American 511.1 sud IVire Compay s'a iscorpomatc4,,1u Jasuary, 1509, ald a captal stock et 090,00,00. lie noms- mnsstock aoid lait MUày et 72 anti on the dal et the recesu shut-doas tite selilng prit ae. U2.Poqterreti stocktositijet aver 106 tast Marckt, Boutosnsa*eastrict eti pîteiers ibis m. mnses dill iiite .prise fer ase, ~'Khd" Parker ef Denver le tooteti pon as a coner bi aeen tperfing tut. -Nnly 0400,000 lnu eurses aill Le tuas op for the frettera la France ibis ysar. Plttsbîirg -fansare igbly pleaseti aldi the verk domie by tisirtuni ln pemtice. lus aIt proisabiltl'île iouner entita ai ereet a mtuéset en te grave ot Mfuid 8. FiYe oethîe set o! AxtelU tare becs sold fer seaily M2,"00 turiog the Jast tour nientita. mt leffries, i the.ftI iete fIui My> ituan. vii nom&ê ta>- fil teb.0mas aisip shaees os' ucre h bo' bretser JIMs. at -i 'b asichkliaueaqiei fiain sommeatant iwbilà hý1aa rceu seentiati, If ptîet cual>prescribea th e sane«lastruetioes, ho aitoulti, torthild, baveaecquailati Buler altis dis course ha propoost te adcPt. There la uodiiîg te show waitti e d. iti seor sot but l latonir tain te Warren te paint Out diat lBullr appeara direugient te ibave beau avare of! ast s'as ippeuing.'" Furtier on ha sers: "But ahatèver faulte War- ren tuai lava comittedthe ictellure must aisle h. atîributedto-te adisîsclluation et diae sjler insuanimntscommasndite as- sert bis auterity ati .se dii abat b. "belt-boatlws'asea, audi -itl(0ei paarrmnl.shle asti sedleasusaiusptiou etmlisetsnsihliy lii a sîthordilate oUcer.*' MiUCIE moi4EY IN CIR CiiLATrioN Trèeusnv Report S»eve 03,00000,0 . 1 AnsoM tise Peeple. lTe circulation stateaineul 1usd by tb. Tneisury feeatutet fer Apnil 1 mates cous retuaritable diacinuures.Iti shows dial moe.mener per capila. more golti, moe silver anti a langer total e! mea ja in circulation dian aven before. For the lirai lma lu the, bistori eftthecousntry the par eapita cir, culatien bas erossai thse PO4 lise, and thei yesr 11M00carnietidithfotalfor tedia rsI tises putthe 03,000,000,000lies.; aile thse amount et goltiantifgoid etifiscat-s la circulation la langer thons aIia wcerre- mpeutilsgdate of ani Pcceos Fyur. Tise circulationstsltein.nt sboys dia tottI nsosy ln circulation on April 1. »W0, te bLe ,21,272,005,anti su April 1, Q 139, l92,84042 witle on dis cor- refflaonîg date !is 1896If vas 91,7M50 058.114; os Apnil 1, 1897, Il wae 01,6W.9- 9,4,adon Apnil 1. 159, 0111»K- 69S.Tis ashowas au n lures lu total mner ylu circulation lu four ytsrseto $4960,0,3 or *32 per cent. Tise par napitloesinlucirculstion, or the average aseousitere ase Indilviduel, in teuniteti States la aise isrger titan -ever butors, Wbcl 0.12 tleaccltug die preft population ai 77,396,000f), agailnct $m545 eue icar azo. 023.19 ls'o ier ego. $03.01 tiere iear& 5mmantiW£158 os April 1,I. 1i0 CUBAS CENSU8 COMPLETE, Stkeve a lPpulation et 1,87P7, w lish a White H9aijrity. Cule ausbera 1,572,791 seuls. aqScnt- lig to the ressu ui csepietet ibythe DuitedSlitis. Governsseat. Iftelanid dial d iss efinit accurate consevation even matislnluhdi laad. OCidiet dis Wan fepartment Dow acknoaletiga thora la se reasos et turdier ticiai lngrandtln et anisuelpel suffrage, The réussue shoas fltIsaheb.waite natIve-bers Cubagisbdi a tifs majority et the votas ustiertce property -asti etueatlonul limitations 10 bc Inspeseti upen thte extrelse cf suffrage in di.ejéland. Tisentare 187.M20white sdtî ales aito acre bers la Cuba, as *gainât 96,083 bers lu Spain. .794 bers la titer countrica anti- 12.300coloreti, Tbe igurea thensselves show lIaI lite pro- pesedti as et suffrage wostd sot recui in die Spaniards gainlur coutroi cf lte Islandi. WAR NES I ME. Tae Britishi cazualiy Lit lcsgîheussont itaili hanretusedti teintcrvene su thc Boer aar.' . 19 bard pressati, tht Boersaalîl retire acresa the Vaal river. Close. estimalca plsce the number of Boers Lu Natal ai 12.000. Kruger altestiet a contere" of etIor commnantstai Bmnudforl. Boers pructlnaily agaipit otidithe re Biassivtart e!tise rated. Gien. Citeylmnide bas fiaes cesensctie! Gatqcre's noîsmua aiBloemfontein. Ccrnmissiquar Flirter sa, itiepnasat1 BornstrengsaIet e front lae35,00.1 Tisa Boer tores havs nbcangti thei lacticesanti are ses' on the offensive. Titre. lîousmmnd armati RBuasie. tsdi tfreulier te riat Boerer n"«Cetent Tisa dasti rate amoig bosses la Roit- ,ant' armi ln eestis etIMM410 ionlf. USaI et Trasvaal Ceverusent mer bu reseovedta telydtnburg, aiofetPretoria. WiistmCh urchill d" ndam t 80M.- «Omoni 11libcucedeti butera die aer Je audeti. Frankt Smth, wealdiy mina caser ot DauilyWt* abteu captrati by dia «Oyard bleu, broter eofTrie tte pneabisitexpefa ltse air te laitf 1h11 Chisto".~ Tise Brillal lous. sai Wepriser lu fonr deys, bating voes- ighIttn bilhed aid The Blisis GotrsmauiJe lafos n e- tracta i New York tol 30,000 hersas for army >eVl;ce. Tise Brillis van cuirce propos., teaIland at Cespe Towvn beore diheli et09Mai, 20000 boras.. Britlihoffiens are IsatructetiDotetio taesauymtur ap*ntihng bulîcta ta At- tica fer rviae Tle Boers have monuteti vastl haaVY gue, ne uemsaanding positions lunlbheIg.s motueunia.' Iras Statare are disregrdilng * dieir catis cf lleglat, antiare, jolungtte Rosn e fl w4tbu@selrs 4ila câIiiustisà atLord ltobe<te mca lac tù -1 *ssift Iocoi, wlk h lLi0 1 a0s.**Det cdrads J vote oint et *,o c dit, eattmp r p.tei.' oeponts fuer :e #euws t O be iamnne Pana to eMDne ti at ,4 *0 d14otek pp te ePrasidait pe*u iéra lm dIti4 n'click Ibere s'as a huatlau te çbffle e. (rTria utisa chair, acacusot abt dia bout fer dia dui mi vla lsarruive#i actbtiaihe.quai- liéstras the pendus emtion etflMr. Cissudior te sthiha ne0t «s*reselution uleliru< lMr, Qfas>' oe bucititiedta t a mafttb i.e «M"net.'t $aaatore tîrougis- ont lta ehiiir eagrll tploaaidiareta &94i for *Bte bacthebvote acultihbuclote. Tise grog eessallta vW&*. ýuseaiheb falias e oflir, Paitgreaet bondi fa- kotba b. answer leaIsin nase, aitougithis vns lu bis usai Wbea Mr. VesI a naine vuté cd" te Èvoteti "Nc" lu a eicîr, dis- t4ag voles, hudasiigteiaet be Ore die *tle iMr. QuaiWhvite tane- pastl aeid.ely tissu th isedhtlguisbad limeasteliWoaid vote ton bis long-time peracatMeadi. la perfect silence Il vwu asseuneedti tisItbe Resateat i cus lIn. Qualitdi.@sa ticsb. bbas seugît fornom seamontiapost. lThe tollos'ing ttpriblean $enaiora vot- tsi agaai tise reslotion; Bard,.iBarrows, i l.sIlîalei, MeBride, MeCumuher, Me- ;altt (Casen.), Frocton, Qoaries. Resu, Simca, Telter asti Wellngton. -1 l'sirs virq sujioteed asfolloas,lise- lirai 'semetild dsin natiace nftbringsffer- able te Mn. Queyand ibememeui oppometi Io hlm. Pritcbardti iGEaitger, Dtpewa iwitli Ifîsu, Foster aitib Kean. Lotiga4 altb Tburuios. ICeuse>- itt Caiteni. El-i king alît ('hilton. Fairbanks aitL mal-1 sr)r. lusar ahIt Petttus, lyiwitb Baa- . Tie toiiou-ig.fWResale -reupaîreti: Aldichn, Beverlige, Clark 434ont.) and l'ettigrew. Thie vote s'as tien taisesiu the resolu-i lionntielaring Que>'wa% not entitidte1 a sent. -Te retolutordticlarns Quai net eultiedtaite sta av anuricti.383tei 32, tise roll rail being the saine as lu the previeus Ceau. POWEAPUL 0 AM. 1TuUST. 1 Ttres lleu Nfsv Contret tise a tin. Tedueoft h.e Unitdmtte 1 A trust s'as foruet hi dit recent eail-1 ane et the Vaciterbilt-Morgau-Cascat naliroatia, anti hescetortb t tr abaolota centrol o e i.Anerican coai tratie. bot anthtracite asti hitussinous, ailrut ilu lte itande of Ibis powertul cocbine.1 Whie tise fceaitrstm anaspractireliy existeti for iao yearsansd umore, h lias4 aever isaticonol otflte bitumlnous situ-1 ation. atitough J. llerponî Morgan,. ils rulng spirit, basl becs u important fac-1 ton lu soit "oa sfaia. But nos' by the alliance Leis'een lb. railrost Inlter"" o f W. K. Vanderbilt, J. P. Morgen and A. J. Cassatt lise entire cai situation la se lottieti up thtisiIleau Le nentrolîcti by Uie tIbemon asnaeeui, asdthîe uai sel- tdement e!tidetails la nov- being matis, Mn. Morgan bavIng goue te Lontion te sep Mn. Vanderbiltfotîr that purpisse. lu tht hasts o! the eVianbllt-Casr. satt istereista in losiget prantical confro of te New Yort Ceunai, Deawarenei Undliutist Peunsyivsnla. Norfok anti Western, Baltimore anti Ohio, Chesa- peake anti Ohio ast igt Four. Mn. Morgan Las the Ifeading. Lebigb Valley, Brie, Ontario snt Western snd enougli 0f iau interest lante smaillont Iroads te mate nompeities practicantimlposai-0 LIe. Zola,t 2j, otten'euit bou ge>. Attorney GCeraitjcisggs in a crack %hot. EXZ-United WStes Senutor Sas-yer la 83 yeara of!sag. (;eorge tiosittihai prtebineofntihe fineat packss et fox tioltis le.nriigisti. PresItient MetCinIey's favorite gaine in chez*. IHt la qulUe as expsert ployer. luI thei palier milt ou-sed Ly lier. Crase et Dialton, Misa., vorismes abo Lecome to ol oi ta lon arenitiret on Ibein nugu- lar salar>' as Indugam they lire. Tle King ot Bacten sever touches a Xn. The King o! Beigluas bas shet en," oce - isiisIlite, eudthtec ultan et Tur- ke>- connot Ler l es ca gos. The, laie Williasm fckc'y,. aise as s member ot the Masine LeSisîsture for fifty-nipe yeaest, madtihe longent record fer senvice o! Ibat tint in tht Siste. Jlosephu L. Mayers, Site Suiator et 0h10 Irons Cohoî-t us, waked 1taithe csp- Ital' itensbis liesse, a tisatance o! 100 toiles, te abos' bis Intepeudepce cf rail-c Bepreselaaive Litlefielti et Main.,c aIe -favors the prehiiioloIaas cf tht S tafa, aas eserraised i e ntchre par-i tirin lu sinn b7,'visulut a àprime a handseme baceleilà. -t SUiltle ts. Sonates Nelsou aIs bers lu Norvi. I Ifalues Leglmature ordere tr usti0e! ex-lipeake Ruaet. 1Mies PlostIa Vlnlng et Eui, bMasa caswensues'twpap)or. .- Frerit ear geater Ingail' moter la ofl living &auvctivuts lu Boaton aItlise Bd- vaucie! ago et 99 yeara. .% a SPresitiittSRa t orHarvard la somei- t ling o! a pedestriku. lic frcqueotly ase rou OambirwldA iteBoston, Of tle tvtnby-fi m ae* aiso bava filieti th. Governore -isgiW Is ldiann avr. Moncaigi tisé oui> ose living. Congrcastsas lClark o! Missouri oisifsa 'bha it.lewetluganovel lsaishici t lent ahI te neos'emes, Tht laie Prof. Haches, P. R.M., lnveu- tor et tise Hugbes priullng, îelegrapb, Le- 4ceatoi $20.000 te Uic ROYal Socleti 'for die furiSeaiece of tihyslcaf science., Recrettry Long bas an Intereating col- lection ot envol oags ant idsgnais eaiAl j*biomî. maent o abiel are giftufresat $famujeaitéles. lutbisi-anti other -n- ts > Ts. tradition that tige là.ha lway ai ià lbhetano mcer bol vas et tise Presitiec lu hlin asagtise Me.- et.e os Tburstiy pasmatiàajoitt recaclutlc providlng for the administration et civil aSains lu Porte ilita, pouding the. appoint- ment et oUWrÏ outilerthdisPorte Micas Oorernimeitiî a'r aceutty enacctd. Tb.- AI&Oban civil code bill aan'agaîn slider conaltieration, tle debata lttlulns the Hansborousgt@sies rninere. amueut meut. Mfr. CarIer presenteti foruially i.s autaillisfor lte Hanahrough eue"t mecnt sti delivereti a speech in support ot IL. Mn. SpQooser ntagoueti be& lb. orilhal a ansbstitute amcudinelifa. heo lo st tIîe courts ougît te selfle lte cou filetlsg cloinn viieul Inlerference b Congre»s. ThtelBeuse epent thc day ceus &,doiezlugthe naval blliin cornrnhtaa 0f1 the aboIe. lT* mont impôttnt ardu s'as ltestniting culot ami aprpll cf $100,000 for te sneof tiePl'vy la mAklng sorvce santi charteao! t waer cf our nse' isand ptossessions., The ris Ian appropriationi of $10.100 vuIs et tise bllI, lb. work ta le donc bi the coea sti geodethe aitrvey. OsnIiridoy lte Ieote led onde, ca- ideraîlos lte conférence report ounlte BisAIlaa -cii g osertimeaf * Osatsure. Final actionen osIt was pastponeci t Sat(fitti. Ibe AtaskancIviL codaebill "*kg cousidenesl for a brie! lime. Sin, Ftofuiter pronuneti a eqlogy on Loresas ofauen, A former liepresenistire fraie j Ohie, asdtihetsSentradoptedtireeoiulioiss expressive of Itls onnes', le the 1honu. litter priitru<-Iesd dsc.umaion of the Datai appropriation bill the provision essitg tise lleeretatry et the Treaoryte nostret for, Kruppî armer tonrlte beitlsabkps Mains. Ohio and Missouri. at 85M1 a tois. ais nuled sut of the ell. Aise lhe p- vision ta repeal tite SM0 limitation plasel opon ithe prieo! Armer by lise nurrlit lota. Tao amentiments tu medrtih ie t provisions for îhe lucresse of ltseavM91 abieb asîboritex tac Latiesblps ansisx crualmera. acta tefeileti. One propmesd te atit provisio fer six gunoate and thotlicr Us strike oufilite provision forth battletips. The.rtle tnOStardait agreed ta tise resollution et Mrn. Base« s ititthiere- rotary of 1lcr for informuation rplatlsg te teextra llos'anet for amy cuiera otattonesl in Cuba andi Porto Beuic. lb. Quai reselulios s'as tskeu Op and Mri. l'erkins sCal.> spitte lu façoron et siag Mr. Quay. as a Seuiton frets Pesesyl- vanit on the appaintof thîe lie,- crner. At tht-concluuaion o! Mr. Po~ls speech tIhe Qusy case s'n ai nt! solde am- lt !tonday. TheIliesse paseiasnsavas approtInaIIon billi aititut a record voa. As adoprtelmosnure provildiefer tuse battieshîps, ilirearseret i usonrs tisree protectei crutsera. Tbe 0640 laMa on artaor vas tstvillecsout. Af 1er I1pe mn. thé lBeuse devaeet itzelt tae ulogs et tise lâie iepri-sesiative SettlcetfKea- tucti. Q Os Mostay tceSeate laeiau àtue dey%' de-baie on tLe git oet3M. I8. Qae Iu a se-at a* a flettrrtrom Plensytlvanie. lipees-bes In laverofcfsatiingQuai s'ai matie sy (Chandler. Kency antiPolernes. boT~ speakitlg in oppositionstacre Pladi of ConsîtitiicittidQuarles. TLe Hocm esteretiiote genérmai debate upo the peut- sue appropriationu biil. Thé- misorlf diesentî-sl frein the pirovisious retatiag te extension te Leusiticliis'serie, spécilas iitt issu fatîlitiei antdlte . et reliroat] traspori sucs. Th<- SintslonusTus-stay i. a vot' etsus tus 32 ni-étititeaat lin. ljîty. Passe tht- bi i in tIse itîs-re-cîsio! u.stiiittsm iiiitsenti,-n. ajiiriziiriîclis, t(- nceiry et War to mîstki' rsýg.iltioîsee i-eng thei uiun ot ,sec loige. steaiîtiiiiats ad râa> e sscrtaini rivi.rii.Tise Hod" pe-in et the 'lSeusti- lorsttsr riusohtio teo pre- vide for tLe c,îsiiosltiîi ins 'cnî et the- lirpes-t iilitary tadmiinistration la torto, Rien,,. uth ib smenisetts provitilg Ibuf franeh-liie cLatI Le astlsoved I y lte Promidettanti îlacsing erIc,4i rtrieibous arion chartèrs. corpolration%,. etc. A,'"-t et pottolite appropriation bill se su te antIennte thee cupîoyint îo! tt-nporaury dqents lu trst-eîIseofdireï ut i25 centa au heur: aise s.lsîlt,.slau smtitsiient proii- lsg for extra c loîitenxtiiissfon letier car- riers aben tiiey aunt lu exi-eta fert fec eighbi Lutine a se-et. uîtrkon legal hel- da» to bLu. -,îtedas e ighi bouts. Atlise Nttital capital. Delagoa Basy - Butinai acrard aill bu secepteti. A 20,000-acre Loffai o srte in Neas Mexico in favometi. No more soperimpasei tunnels Ara o lienor unei sevngiîips. Our Phiiptine smmy consiste cf an. 5 qMclestïi dmes. Hevue&. amuiPlir delIthio-lcpartrni bave ties consoldaieti. Pure foodi Iegilatiou la expecltdte le cousitiereti tht stension. Colorado liepubiiessearue paxilles Woi- ceti for Vlce-i'relieut. -Iaîry's repeitioet ar tex prepeseti ail oâui cul off 0304.1>04 a itar. Mailt linsrepain abopu maybh. tuee te Coluambus, Ohio. More central. Senretary Hitchcocks declinsa ta psy the Cherokees 04.500,000 ntier dia Uhade- Beutiee as'ard. Waysanast Meaux consmitîre iii es-î alier rtuieval o! check anti raceiplt ai la vica o! cralagsurplus. 1 Oes. Jce WLeter lias asketunev. Jola- stus o! Alabama tleacit a speelal eleellea te eieet tics ucesser ta Coasses&. Secerui ioot di01lna10 nas- chiangts in tLe army castêees. In tIqulons ilîl stili Le iolti Ly l-Ujlus itepneceutustive iIillette s'il iutrotiue sl bilii iing front hatîhooti ueaiy se quireti dependenveî'ofethîe United ti t& Halei bac iutroduseedt i lI pt-ovtt- las $2,5W Ofose retunîtlu &rllntqo jaed propsr tssrktug etfg1'arsrseo!ffl (ju ftderaîca. Oil. Davis ai spoliai$.400J>o gooti rond% uin orto litreZi4O,tilm s achuol bonne% ast iW0,itU escIrcuit- tta9Ces shuil direct. Long wassischanste lu cadet Ilaetisai thera may iLe auffllent urera te pot in commlaaion'ushim ainos' rady forrtsa, asti eaieleaumder eonstrutîcion. In exports ot broatlîri t e 4e ver 13110,1.2.00100; cIl a or« ý" OCCUPRR v1eri *stel Pli Anunt $bit U issa phystoro 1 Xidi Von tise atierti lOi. refuse sitit uelt, reacitedti t asked lier revohwIleri eitled th lu lte ha Iliea rais bullel ibrc 'Ail Ilirre ma l)isbruuct yousg me- peurter. aù for mîkiti the roimi# perlais Mabsu-y Cuire. as Lala lu eÉi ani for o' rnemt'rx Situ verreti wi 4ar te a rais.*T Puvers war, seji fiterie, Thete the Aine et Wsîsk veeter. fa approi cf tise à lu Uic 1 have ber se ruerai wla ein te el datieon<ù lias msii struetur builditig &mti lis meurt, tle ter tpu Wbile renihi a Isinea bruit] Pire i witit $i Jobs Il er. poli bawnaL vite el Rd S cledata "Hem te 00 The, c'uni 1 termiu Fine Selich tos 0t H leu ville. tribut, S Coal tord b in slt Heut, Bapi rr nec ' igt * arquil st.I-k 'the c Muont wu ! by M rompl trlle allier: presa %' rideti Weil. cases ti *ciet Th jai chocr

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