3I. . ,Pukoevuelty ?wmbwlt reiunuel ion .J. ariaca, of Clilego, ibw muwa $16 of Win. elomm 4w squrér Battu. nom MuIBt4mal17,ocfGrajiake, 16 Veukegma «» frsi of the " gttol mc--uns au-du 14Goidlsgew. C ary. O. P. pea I. résMt isousdaiy mu jw »tMy«Mine 01 à c A pea ou isen 3p». hpaenvol. Co«»candihavé *flm .AU neau lwii. A% bu boule couibof biii place, tohenouWmdneaa& *Mt4 soriésmalwl ch i e. log, d r&M W ore oula Yth m. E. ehud.tn, .WDu1t wulftourtn& beNwr uAtb. aÎâ he M t. Esarou ca vs. lairu April . Ina, a 16 .0Msmo. Caa.ris ofa.theft hard a TUi ubrMu athadtrs hen ab b% mouj d la ahtriat . Hé 00s iim agi r.sortilanlecthrto Immf. NIte ma ofsthe ottiu %DMMIw.- but' sadcu wsa thé tb ms luittaoia'or "t~,aMa ïi *Oroqqà biloaléadurtheaOmo PftmleweNaua' Cnnty.âme. alwa bb f towvi he aisalla o et ParI 11. Nlatts vii tthé s iqboe M o0oir uts lea rvai va. **tI but musmduito «ulsipt isth- boealthesoit tara 'ai a poa 01mifiertaea ette Fmeasnsacé vileta has lv, *or"" maot la l labMs % »pM .lstheMo Mth,mas hei. hiri i s adetr 016sto si thé oi. brm ,VUlOotse. Es or s&a llmhooumfocr hé émctiuort lan. t s o. ,mSi& Jé. b in Hrrso vaam.u ast o u em aJ. dthata p Serabtto tiss«a. » bW Pmionbatu thr e rlue Q* do to-day. Thon. toi. hé IdSg vsIflluamiattaso flai ho vs. pulustahina. héovs. a meau beosr heléualifsla *h*.jntafin ho grdnaié L«36s contas39 la dotifr SansI a as i*comisebock. purOtt m ati »reusai hi id *-M aff taaerfor Mnts t L s.hiliio nases vly ho Ulina *a» "aiho venu ot ther«0«dtitwun vîttathé 4 wwuihl tla ibutiof hlm " atthe su 94p" »mloipboégtib hlm t t aa es sl tuetaWamaisgm. The.enosrvogl gtouos he ia ndlim i rtlug Mai venux m k *r. SEsloitprstared l" isd lh o W* 2bec ho venu OutIlk avmastd i y'Itlluo uls of ny Sgaia ver h téaa. e"a rtmftfl l st hiatawuM"ho6ss vEMelà twhwsh uagiMiner. ewlésISOUIo aa péimnsiklabusinasa man. 45 ho vws for fris aretirai mas.for imily woUld#»Mt bc 1,60,16. rlinmaipourar ille, 1lu ibio001o for bis, advis aid ounal aaiiall wvu. alvos thai-kini attentionaid foulalai sérviée, whlé char*ebutexrd tis vboe, saluer. Tids. ho lia doue for friréars As a bleni ho vas ardont fittafc Mai iays bmeo» Wugaithé litdfai tfrlend ti raid of babui nei assis. etick, 50 capsotbiegDiraffirelvhlch vasé avistué. bst lis took tibe me»surefor thé véleMmif tal bleuis, ho vws a ftleald ta thé pour mas. vtaoepu ta*slae. nis friéaisalP tinehai tais pocket bock. hé vas, a, frica la aimai. As a fater ho vii érer hé ehahelathe svery fondest ménadres for lie wu &mi tint tii., ouldit.al. eva lrm aid ddeibitantkin ad faithîtu ad eudedsitheshâtercesiof tbls home aidtala alaUdrea acuatat'lub taaheut. Ne vould Dt o aaln$ver vhea ha hai mare ta heb iaea tv Ftbaa bis sa&s. Hé poausmi the virtué of patience and kînd- nasa ta a remarkahîs daes aid bis quiet lire vi i teSrisInfluence. As altizén tas wustheas tut t Ypé. If hé knev the. rîght aide thoré. hécvwu awaàyi founiaid active for gon od ee1k't and civilI rlghto and good xcoraIs and thé talg of thé oppresséd and auporesalcu of wroag lu every torm. ne va. a terrir ta *vil iaérs. go é mmdc enénles tel tliu the= to theh lacs facto vhlch vers no truc aidliat that thé, séorctaed. One manS aid 1 Ilkéi Bohért ilarrison bécanehé called Malaga ha' thela'rlrght name.** Rs as ont- spokén. He took u activé lUtéresi ln pclhias,à 11f. long repuhice. omuttg tala filt vota for Lincoln aidha. hetd 'luair prou tuent offices cf honor and trust. Bs tout: ai active latereét ln the Néthoiat oluni. snpptirf hltnevera' wa, hé aoutd. anvîwt everythtng vhlch tended tawvd naliag soclnts, battér andl maklng tais neaslhbora and friends apiper. Wé are a&Msai. fer wvéam epoor. vé have 0I béaviltoitat. Sauta a buatuésa mas, suta a friand. m»ta a fattuer. muai a citizen w. eouli e soi Erd ta tose. It, la thie llsiip oimach men;as vas mr. Harris"n vhkbl malleslits Worth lIvIng. Ri ls vi@i as ussil aid mounad flot cuir ha tis tamlly. -but4 by véry mas, peoptéevtao alvaysturaéi te atm toadvii. aid neyer maitidla vain. lev*aà a mai of strlig ah aratérand greot &liltyandmaiail]are botter for tala boving lvéi n Jc ton auoratt. W. oaathasta Gai fr analimen aidhow Sutumîssion ta thèee strangé providences 0àodaurhctp lnaâges put. Ouar havé for Tsars te come. Our abottér tram the statuay blast. And aur étérnal home. Under thé ahader otfta, tons OtUI! mea s vétiséure; Hilftfiat ethlaaéaun alose. Anuto.kdsféusé la mmr. Time likéas évér rotllcg atrean. Basas ailtlUs souss aa, Thé, fly forttganen.a drean » Je*At thé otieninc dur. 0 Ood, Our tlu ass Peat. ur hope for Tema tu cesné. a Bie thon ont guide whtte IUfe ahalt lest 1 Ani aur, pérpetalhome.2 FOX LAKE.2 Mr. M. L. 0.11gev va. a ChicagoI 'Iiior on ifhurnila. Mise Loitie 'Brown la visitaag lire, QUI Book fog n fév days. lir. M. L. sig b ook Ia amillitat 3lp,,rdmo =er on Tnésdai. isle Mande Egdrards, of Nolas, hialisilaoissgoe AtweU récestl. ïm i uol iroigala vialiag laer lsiser, lims Wm. Peater ai Antiock. lir. WMlker, agent for thé 5ev dliaïoof cith. Milwaukece & BitPaul aliromi va. hors on Tussday makiag 1: arrangementa vItà the tmrmari fqr alint alapplag. lHeexépacto tu bégin the btrai of May. Thé.. aaaismptatlug purahaslng, no ag o~hail . a~re nicomplt. bsceil bétore the risé la prias. di i s i r s t i n c a i a i o Ma 1 r « l d.rlaet sif he*- m.ismo , hliIt Sho"- = -ithlook bt mis "Y',sa du WII*iWdKIML 1 SmO 'Dfor omford ass commae 9" mmi tésS.fra rlaume twa teuOb lé the placeto go if you want to buy ere hardware at reasonable pries can also save you money on coal of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- - ace and saft coal. Wuk, Wagons. and Parm Implements. ýmyou'want anythlngir n this lUne calS on ecavo be~m. A. M. liié45 i. M. 551* uen.aèeu. OOfée *051W. LU. Iiifl a 0 ell e ae't0*0 , 1:1 ioïn ber recés Ma*"c. Uts. J. iN. Oriblielareocvorlag irons a svere ailasi of la grippe. lits. Jamais "II l "à aughusa, ci Ohlago, maie. relaivcs a rIait Ont méaa markelis nov la charge 0f ILE. n ossé. fluassae ta thé aer »%nlager. Ut. J.1i. Carta!lni mcii George loft 1Orsi of tewe o té éiti Iir nov humé at Miss Caillé Loomis, cf Wauaonat, la apeadlug theétsl set ek riih.Mrsi. a. D. Cook. . 1 Uir. Frank ThKok mailitml WanisNia&,Jauni",i0. llasMal Gridlop ielaeggi la wotk lu Chiago Om"$entui'.ay ad âundai withér parmi . litse. GCeruilo EssOmla mpealug thé pré»uau reaiSitGara.., viere b nr Jabea i a »0 lic.clilbu ettatu. Jasba a scs. Marea ba a fév 4» ayMit iliha paletasmild On Tumisay cf ibis veék ' Chas. Laiiiieni d #omf ayi yô is placé &o ]Joli Dar antd v1ii laiemayeîd a. séction bandl At prairie View.. A& the. mabol.meeting a=ria ntgu&E . SNolaombvs.oleutcd mobool dirmotor tea ucoeil W. E. Knigge. mr. iotaomb tea Wm mfriadof the ctausé cf éducationsiediibSe the ««e"a opilaln théecooes bu beu a vise, osé ail théeo0"icovilli. bly S01. Ilà atsiot V07selghbarbool uherb ta nme ot ouo* Silhmben sera by obambeqila' COme, Cholera asd Ob*0tro -bc -bas se, oi .. f I isitberer ortwdip aieboplag ibai it May th e Onmman of -maring cothare linal. For bpa ieYY. 9. Lovanr4 LlbWtaiyrllc, J. 2. Igucusam use, GaÂrsr.AK. PUAEUtC, P. 1. wmsruaNAa<Stcke. famlité, Joug Men=. vlymce. IVANIION. ira. (Coeilami homo lot a.1ev daim. UmaBertha Ehuugier la mgalu ai home. Albert Snydelenivriag foar tir. Witt Vicliery. Mrt. Jantes Devis la iélÎln& IUt. Bd. Godwvin ai hlé apria orti. At thé maboul meeting 1.11 tust Batur- lai évealus, Air. 0. pashét -va. ta. aeaiéild irectat. The Ceairal District Unien of Clhti)Silau Enisavo vii bahlis,séxî ralty ai Iraâce Saurday May 5, lmi. The aféernoon bmtossies iiibigla ai 2p. ma. ailthé êroning Smenton at 7,-0. 2:éé Dérationa-........ .isaPayse moeus ......... lmI Prant Aijcati.OM, iU . Pie ce to an de- oint r. t.uher t:40 iomvorqr%,Blt tui kWildi It uts.nait sa e .m Noa...... élter ge lu as smaernaMCasé. ......é......... mbItso& ........... 1:8 Pralsé srvcete '.UnIon Pteédsnt .Alé. aUnita n thé auais.district.1 lir. George Morris honght a Buno 1 iotne cf Miss UeOosi$up teoottp. lias.Cois camaeut fromtWaskegan1 o0aPenl Avdmp111Y&vîtitlier hosbanil à Mi lotbot imughiera ta kesp houms Iang ber aboence. The nuarstoohtSeaverd&iGagas1 Lake Ther.ipp dlbuUiiag ier frît trous ta.a large ausaher cf faraser. t On batutimp acothér, rm vu. aitt .Lbétyvrills Itous Mcilgais. Tliosi contemplaidg puehasing i aonninm or mapbmlg la the ln. cf t enchéeryI mproyetset ibis apring, hbouil ct"ctil. Bairabor, Wmukegma Who ha. osnlaaita aWgo aidcomptse asorimesi t o a2é.to-batinl 40montio àil lorsiga. panitea, pur.- Iasotbeée tebisnlaprim. ia. Cakivtu Limm aMltéug a& no «AîsA a speedy îaetorcougla. 01>148, croup,-a bscre ubroat Ose Minute Cougta cote la uséqoatél. Xit , plimsant lt-t ohilireon elgoe. 1 beamtly raccuâmenili h tomothors."» tt n thé cuti Iaormis« rsmody ita podnoeà Immédiaté eatsit . Xien broudhutta, pneumonie, grippée "a larott and log iseases. i Uiti trent aomautnpttos.- P. B. LorULL, Liberitle; J. JI. BRaBIMmux ursea; t LEITHTON. .B0OUS ggrain ina mi Inlalain libis lir. loti LIimaie a trip tu ile ei ou Thurédai. Balpo hantera raté rerî mochla i crldeiuco on "aintiai. lit . Mi'ultou n lenov Soupisg ticslamodtoe u agbis. ýira.. Jo" . GOY41ittésudI lit. wii Cooper visf ueltue bisty iou Prltaî., rlsite l lilasMinasiapurs on iiiaw. rehurased othamr 'tniehome lainooi. [cl au uu ispOM. .I .Mlas V»eU.. ooper rciua'scl 11cm bers"6te OW sgeu inmatila ber boue ob hm b reaiet V>, --U. Tom Roytamd4cf Clso~vos homes:-&* 0toi" ismparmi l a Md $Imm In Jolo Wco, vho are aui soleislvi#* Une top. lahoot oeadusg vsa aon aul Avep ceânl lr bdpsrteb lge Waesiug Wvus oeiri esmt, as e"tprtaecéV tsila la videstés, no baue von, onm* voLdgbsd MatiMte Wi. r.eauuretasp leci te $nou,Zo~ seicot assaudsto ebulus Wm. Orr, NynOas W "'erurl euI is-Ouï tieMiutel ong Cuis aié obomse.tîsefflan> mié boyauMe11*vbma 1* hot h.pa moula. V b4maiab éi 014» mue." lu éomm oO Mda u i marre W114 ~ d Mia Viau s"0 vimliage til untiai~lg* Wlilu sl ilsjw ~~UWti~Wuegrm". $peutaiu. NilBdar of i' Ohîao, vais a caltés ai esitr. Ohbïet v eeu Frma inc ladp .mptorlug rap1417 1 foontbis ro$cvre. Ilson. Mfr.tions: an famlly. cf Ohij'o. bave ansor 410j "a arrtsd boise. Buicai 9o 4 liday mIter. à av* ~.éhsvasaica ttia goalaabsedtâme. John VOPp miisudaoai, AObof lvaloP, àspont i »niay vith iralUlîi ia Beralftoiniere lai speudla'g ivO vme sili hër aitor, lMr». John suo it a Ciiolgo. Ths* Lait.. Aid Itocléti vîliimasi ThAUrsl1Y ay ip r1 et iuWelock rIta un race rus.ept.1 UisairWlUita jrét urnad Mcailm OaVOtalngIs làblree eeve s it vila relativ,auOsalark. Mis. LOOM SOM teturnéi Suiurilay ta terhoe l eié cipaller a feu, aisriilt h ler sptait, lits. (hec. Olmore. WARREN.' We aadérsffpl that baud lleae, Hep lamb *Wi Te.OrgagniaéthéeUsucéi band vltl s.OW nl ev membersanmai drill ilientformm iaus von., Floyd Wltbuor, vi . mai bs fniscd oJterc i us. iw &Seais cou. CotlaeaPiqua, OhiIsï sescre cIum ntai telis ir fripIs 5W"hhlm suecéa. Tirn oi'Wuteosoldîer tboyThoua Claphan vbdwuvoraiboard Iront fora long Unme nov rrltsithai hais ailtrlght la. bééulsla orai hates andi mcve a giéi eatoI me*o about wrt&tbunho iil fira;Ui meiahots elteffl.TOM lasoftlerigh kld c aeiifr soldiér. Re ta nov oisi u imile To seouro tseoriginal pitli hmi siasti kfor De WIlts Whiab asel, veit knorsas ertain cire, for.plis mil skia dissemo. Béaté cf vonIbie couutteet&-~ They are dagserons., BldC Bp P. B.L Oruxa. Llirtyvlte, J. IM. Bn.AIsSua Grnee, P. L, WusrunuAa, Rockefeller. VOLO., J. _lpn #aMae ta commence vork on the sowuemirai. JohnsRicardson purciasal goalsla Cuhicago tie.lirsi etthé vesi. Utrs N. Richardson la vilni hel ablidrnstla Baatneorlle aiproeen visiitg. Jaca Bidifeti vieltél Frank Eliager sud famly, la Wanhegaa, tst Thurs. Ba" Paddock ad Peter SiAdedt ettéaded a acinug Parti etpi lbati Bay Miondai ev«o$g. Henry fBladtfoléaauilAdam Paer <of Wanhegas, bave bes ,boe.the s fev, dais. 'They rotmera !on Tu=éa. Ah 's largecoauims. fpressa$a hé M. a. duci ml&M»uaiay. itér. Pollo f lgrmat,= 9OUed thé puipli aui preaobea aine m"mon. GLENVIEW. JoiaeKenicott la sortouali Il i n prent vrilisg. MtrOs.C& . Rf osimota vasbto horse ilirougla aichaso a wlieago. M.0. a.Hutchiaga, la eéngagé lai Mr. fisar ilHisénlorf for thé ssaulmg lit. John A. Enteintge la anlfers wt umagoad hardti able ta mare Mr. Wm. Outzter le slovtp cas. ralecalg. Hé habeau Bîlkni thée lir. Chartes Gutalar bhabeau éngagéil a p the <ilnvieév(lt Club,.ninlaa uts driver. ThéeLadies AId met lent vééli ai ams Dr. le.aaus ie mnemabers belng voil rsproee.d. P)r. Kenstaatt bld. i te mprlsg birda réecosso, favlug put niai a beaniit titis 6ýi nasou,1,bis arnfer hoja. Thé Epworth League meeing aras rei -atiéndes l unit anaap évesng. ira. W. L. flutechtugs lsd thé etlUgL salaintdb.1 lias Bila Odes. J. WH Eattlge hongiti ta bémaifut etïa oflir. (jeu. Nolalo <et libermer. ville. XIt bélug 'Obgoa64 pacerma.evl a agoal vartiér., Thé prié. paiti vas An exchlng sme» o oh Placée1lai baturdai aficarnoon nanieti a tusaav sam intiched la a scédér. For good casns Vit uli utpubUisr- t he Pattipanlu la the drame. 11eV. P. B. Anderson, former postarr of thé Ciongregatulal ichas ha nov us a -charge st Novw indso, Ill., wvus OP taeriait relativesad Iis as ihil len PrIdaY and Katurula cf lu.t1 lit. Matmpmn Itetmiali impuabumil 0t J. E9. Hatchingu a lot amdlII tI à lmmsdlateli buillItitoeo a hardwarec strs and goeral hioyoWte spait ahoap1 lVie dare sasy that &ho tijourporataag f1 thé placé doeun'si mprove ài? Mr. 40biirté... Uéuelb*, foruartp, cf0 inneapolis, Min*., pi pre ",»&rvisibles liii Mrs. Pied lieneler busOcom ta Iaie is future homeén la ,1. lelul gr. Soneryarrived p4 Mesatlp train iantsiapmornlng aoipsbdIy. Mr. aE. B. Appisloyrd hbofite goals big g sbousét oi utlaéeau am:lle u ente or jouit i laopnovnacUtsruiIsauifp Tbé Gienriev UP'""& sg. Itêadeil the Iné.éoistal Omvsatics cf ihs Y. 3. P.<'a., C. M reasia. *Tb*taàa t and saule M6vsyeI bp ffl T «« gvsrlod ftic ual Mdplésset MdIrelcicul la havls# baicapMt la Tbela tis im lr laetan l.itadorip, ftisévetù al dm, abu V.ý Sbotannalr visutel bere Buliiy. 'lie wum.aurPriiémebclpt htl wéas a'rrlol, forhleniid 'mutiner lu bi Babi.. easuotne uatiné batuo» et lits Long Groe soici tinias mneetIng lm Surdap r aa"gJ. FP. 1houalir vwu i-ei=.té unasb dibSe. Thé baudr, léorgaisai vii P. Slab, prééea sad J. P. isoatiatoi, ha. la the Sehuits ustige-iabnleILtM.Viaie vas sgeietolcWdttecbe. thelsAiciér ooktWoldiMt lot b ens lyepbasf snob àa treo istis "a casevoniasg va.soiu ddiu'a.timal@0c tucr bl.tanobai Maeeting vas. ratîci for. Tburaday eéamng, Aprîl lUtta, thé iusaagel enterai the hume W ucob lima. semntcsiaghltalatoidyaiélà hta plliage fstaff aite éa»r tbat resu raidi entoansiâle ithiaspeoiptéof Qed. Thélecosd vaa sainai fAmea vhog eva.whaouliaX@27 ald [ rom viidieu utrpy- eo Malgial te the Untu iéi sol . thes60o cf tuent,. ilue toilvla lite faufl s Long Giove uhere ho b.uia" ailIdal ti ttpi. la lm0hb M"1r64stiUmIssBaker MMl sogtèei berI.juad dcvithe fmthwasot Rit ppi «I o 9VsoY bols 01som, btn fisquolY tie vers tiomrouiedsta travrse a& tockphefghsu té "ea. The departoivWu a poirtollo aflaes, a tospéciél nelgbbor mal & gond ChrisilangHé lAdnot ont>' ieép lu nocrp te mae ont bu s suints tien poperaor as te etat bis Usme la rwSeere la thé ciuach bock; but las vum sOloiiioUMalp omessil bo[ume tic asenaseShau s dam"0 vs rtiàeml la tle Lomba Bock<et ti.. IM hblé vldmd mlotountr by bis peifomlol but bp a -qisn, lipright1 icaslaienichniui M. Tho fuaisa vaa bell aisthbomaetais lb ook lio ouisseic osenu" "proseëd pflIosIl. 1v. lUr. sa«téeront Bu"rlgia, omelt" et5dm boua., at ibm ebuaimalMai etspare. Tb* bodp vou istéertu lathce ometorp Murathlie hute. The leparitd havas $0 Mmrs bilstah four sansmai four do lgtwis, ivi rotbers mal tIres siqbueabeau.. a let othet rets- TV.telaino dé"th Wtivsém % motansiton. luta rb Jie Cl1asion. à A li» or nWu". lire. Hans and fauilti vbtah a xteaul tUnr ir . pOMMatiflte.the Mms frienla fer tt klahkindgMmal upu. pUby murlsg tililaut&m boecars. Ment. lr ia Mnias Ttidu mads a lîlg irP ta Chil eboy.î lira. Sirotier la amntialing friands fron mone Aaiproeta. Mu mi a peai BaaurdaimAnd Banda>' il Iriensaaspalatisé. Battis (IrlavoI la lieue lion school ai pffeét eniertmlslmg taemumpu. lirs. linsiigton la rilting Irleade la Park i lgo al CiliaugO ilie reh. TheUm«asminutie MWiimotilé Itenàuciver. vesy plisénit catisrs Ai lira. lall a it BMam. lm abara"iTisis, Iem EBila, vu home ta attend ils TholàandalDix vsddlng. ÀA vseKmg"s. . Co. Waiff cine vorynesaba lig a Catamtrophes Baturday aiglt. binglC seat thé raltiai vWhou thé faut train cama Oytng tlrcagta. laiaod, .prît 19, 19W5, Ulma Alvina mansfelditeuPaul liochiabotta 0f artngio., A long lire and a happy ou@ as. hap jog along. liartici ai île houa ar thé groom, lu Plua â oeApro là9, 1900,lIas Clara Dix, or Barringion, taelit. Bd Thaïs,; af PInm <lone. Cougratula-, tiona exculel. DIAÀMOND LAKE. Decoration a la comtug«. lits. Baritei lacsbhoua iéry fil. lisa. T. Dulias iatlIci sir lir. E. Borilétu laici. The Cémeteri Association vitt 0,5sf nlh lita. J. GoaIlîlér Tlauraday May lii.1 Théepcnng people are planning n OeéyAlmont i hcW itb.&riés Ws underatami Kr. Vincént, ont intabar, lbu dec idéd to renaa i ni uni thîs laa'amer. Thé eveaiug meetings are veli sêtiéndiîlorr elghtp ttued cnt hast 3itunday avéunt ci heur Mr. llnceut Lutastisuamur the earrda as ablieul aîitithe repoart btt.w nais sei a.$ic ,3 Wion sé0e:1 1 .................at »Algueso.,......P... ............O Ba é. ...................a ~P~ .............b s BaiS s ..................t This halas.. v.wuesilsil hBYouse ail CMkhlto. Thé..scopbemptpilg pnielmug aosuents or aWbtu lahésIls. et qsctapi spieresal ibs existe Obounimuon . 1.aaiw. Wa~sse. wko lbu eosbanda l sudle On u a1nOU Ald eg atepur. MtO1dbel eth e »MPrpilea. trhgl e at WWCibuSt 0of700W ioo0Sfor a n'tw carpelmad 1 it7 i6e umed for Voua lt i 1 c.t. Tà itie vii 6a.uvlag .ofieu 3 to 6 ,gel se yad lo Y«k W&u edgk bi lt as-ea My oM Mrpea erdered on or belon MY let. Ordér your htsRluieti ibe smme tite ad you McMsY viiiOfttesmac h .zc0mluow à1<Wini go bseiber md- du ,atw ao ..~pnuao lm by oshemwjl40uwe ym@ I metem my-adtlm ite1m Ihat.aid yo la Mounlm voue unedm Just recektedi my fulll une of 1900 Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. Examine my - .wheels before you buy. Everything ln the 1mnb of Furniture and Hou»e Fu rnlshinge. Prepaîired. Paints; Glass and Putty. A coMVl.ueei uodsiu ogo@" da a>'«obad. Ai» mm Fuasinl Car in cmuegUo. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE TCLCPIIONC IN CONNECTiON. ,WIII Knlgge, Rockefeller - - - - Ilior Aà 1 WinMi n My>'OU&I f d "lolu ies eouacUlerosai némik, I1viiibave a ipsuecash mb d s a oirda> Md lWeU4Y, AUM asa"su je, Mmd Msu the deys rt nel Flow, peu .. . .. ... . . .. . .. . .. . . S 92 Flo. pr md.,,, ............ 3 65 LCMCUI ....... .... ... 12 laiIb cm 01 Se BiLing Powder .. ............... 19 2!ýý ieîty ..................................117. 2UrMay% Cm-den Seed, ..................... OS Dsbees.................................8 35c Machife Oil fl9p .............ac.. 25 Vire Na 118-- - -........................... 25 Flowei Po3c e......o........................... 12 AmeicanBlue Print,peryd.............05 Imide Paints per qîCao ................. ........30 c.n ... , Pt 30............ à..........2 AU $500 Cér$t§ i............. ................42 Dàoaond eMugicDye ïïii4 .... 7 This lea trictly aCaah cale and rno tlckte Will be given on any of thé' eabove goode. Reanhmber île data, APrit 28 mOu 3o. Everythinirmais will le oold se ch«as 9u tcan sail it. F488 take.n s.àà cm*a. Fa La Wiestermanà Rockeelle - -itlin019. W. t~APPLEY, Uberyviis. - - Ilinois. Dr. Of1i Lib, * At' i t>,' Libî 's Toaa TVe Se j Il