CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1900, p. 1

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TY INDEPENDENT. Libeityville. Lake County. IIlois. Friday,, May 18, 1900. ______________________________________ M LMIN'T YUU SER? That aur Interests are Identical? If we satisfy you li gvlng you a good iting miii that s u el mae, ycis wil feel lice telling yoûi fhie"ds8a1 *bout il. Our elhes arm maie right. fit right. Price right, ani are a ple isure ta the Lait thread. Pntoverlook the fact that we are the leaders of Fashionable Gents' Furnishigs. Case'r Block, Work on Cans" Begima june lot. Will Take Tv. weeks. William Jacisao,*ai Shabona, Ill., cuperlotendent aetcOMM@,for tb. seonmd diàbàibt h a aufoaed hie appalntmnt; a1 aenansenumeratare for Lake (JouaI! aMfoliova: Ciarénea . conter, Anutoci. A. D. "àla, Avcs. Bivard B. taam, Bouton. Franks L. Wà&Mrna, Cuba. TuttI., BullDeerllpeld. Jahn IL Rehr, Uigblacd Park. Bafrman L. Prebrn, BIc. Ciement 0. lincil, Frernaft. -Morrie h. Ford, U$aut and Wo- Couds. Edwin W. Parkburat, Lbertyviloe. Albertt C. CQrris, Nevport. Jamea F. King, Shields. Chsarles iSturmn, Vernon. Oscar B. Whitnora, Warren. Fred W. Cook, Waohegap, (exclusive of City.) Wn. Ircis, Waniegcn, Warde 1-2. Wm. B. Sith, Wankcgau, Wards 3-4. Citas..W. Petti.. West Dccrlieid. T s OMONBATIOU. Thecoampnsatioa W hbi pialta caumaiera. trtia Ouedby emotion lofthti eta f Mm"$h . lm. aad a minimum rate of tva oseafor emhlilving inhabitant, tua-cent a furt euh deth. fiitcen oute for euâ tatini. enul tveityScnts fCo esaihmhuent 'of productive lndu.try le providcd for ai subulîvisioce hore aucAi clowauha"l bu deemeel auffluet. la othcr subdivisions whers hlaher pet Cavite raies me inubl paid. the maximuui5gate NiaiDot excoesd Urueecunte for csh living iahaitianl. thron ceaie for ueait deBif. t*butyconaste ernAi famaon d tUiuul oeate for euh caasilsit- muent of tproductive Indusry. vhlle ila aub. division.sviier "rpetdiom ratesare eataisisd. havlini referne ta Uic nature of tise reglog Wahbuoenvasl.d andl the donsty oraparufs teeiment or other conuirationa pertinent thereto. the con- pensation eaoed toW eumerators qiibc nul lesa Uian thtse sot more than six dollars pet dur of tei hauts actuel fildid vork.1 visrATroue. TRO A55vii8. The questIons Wo be aiscgd ip Uic enomera- tonare aegrouped el gnlir undcr severci hecds, marne of had ai ousehold and relaionîhlp of othSr memiiera or tise tcmiy. persani description. nctlvltp. etlzenehip uoupto.tnadc or profession. edunaton. ovnanshpof houle.Under the perconci deacrPtion heauio tAihe enumerator la tu leatra thse uoiojr. scx. date of bitth. vihehber inala. marricul. vidowed or dlvoresd. Uif h mpranbcicg eumercis souriait. the Shah 09aithe im* e ahhbec mAprfedmua et sicisule. ad la cmmeof c marrisi voua. lb. umoer mu s ests hoy Manurhleb&ru fue la thc mother of. andl lioN mny of thea, arm living. 1Ijoder tihe, ead of natlvltptheecouiner. alors muet leus tte birthplaie of eBah residenit of bis dtit and the birthtuiaeof u hiso ehr father and mother. lAs crtals Instaniuc» thitisQuestion lM &0 hi oaîried baud. ose generation tartiter. and ln îtuehusof vhers lune o uth athe Ucparents vers bors at ses. the enuoeretor imuet hearit th.île aueu oT the bltîiiof tuse tther of the luarent ig bars aîul embodp tiis viLli tue ottir Infot- uatuiu ie Ireport.. jouein. .fluu- un-uue duî. lntai-n as fue boula of aHIl nformatiuo. ced two odd tastru,!tionâ ar-e, ives lu regard te til. Psirsoîîs wlo die alter .Joue 1-t und bluelore thetim LIh.Ujenuweratureils, aie toubus nmerated the fegue as thansfh aive sud the lildren boao urling that Interval are. flot to le oennted. lni case of for.-gn bars rsjdýuvs tel natai coonty muetW hi ied. the lelîgtis u! tuete poion lehanLeuln the Unitedi Sgtates. and also vistier or not he ha.sluces nsturlitzu-d or apïilied for bie natnralization papera. lu obtalang the stetistics in regard to tu trade aud profesioun.,,enumserator muet lests .the uumtuer of &nuoths durinr ftle ruct rar lu viinithe person lias hid eMPIuluiud. Anlases uto! eidrelà attetuding aufiol IAt muet hi Bustated, ni~d ln sée.o! everi realdetit o! ovcr lan *icar. o! aile the onumuratur muati. md Out if ie eus reaiad write in an y langoage and opea" En«Jge. Information flé Lo bu abtLéined a. ta viethir fhe liead of a iaoîily renie &or owus te bous e h.ilvue in. snd lasthi e tw c a. whethlertleaurwgegd-or irou iraidelit. Partiuuar stress ltelad upoÏ »auurisg tbe flamber ufuiCludren lu c taAili.0rhuthir reident or liun-reaident. Evry perion muet have a liams.,tise cenaus 1ev contais. lu« thc provIson that ho muet buhiecrsditud t, làie "uinai iiaSiof a bode." heataursancd rcliroud meis aretuLu hieunmetated et the boni uge N bio tbey ruilra habit ually afler a voyage or trip. Aulterona living at a isoteA ame put doasce ongtutingue large family. A cilUen. liowever, la : a inomted at the pluns he iimpu. ho il & oiuk at a arestaurant andt Biceps la Lh. store h. is .put duwa as a lamil ceddlthe store i. Uic residesnue of blsIS fasli. No explantios la glvens to th" tiusint ut Mac OtaOn Cala thse Turu. AI tih lte Convenioluu1mIt veeh a portialu ut Laise 3auntys aelegfation anîtasedei la gotllng u tlite ls band vegoa. On lte lirai brac tballots Lahe countycOut filesolid vote of hbirleen for Ierasuad vises the tiird ballal va. recaiied, ,tise chairman, of ltae Lake oguaty deléatlan ausouneed tbe voteaua. *'birtleantar lteva, Bor ethie uncxpecolcd appenci viieu AttaorncY Pari l iineGtEn, oa i berty- ville, rase lubhi chairsd galnlsîg roeogiaoln, denaunoei the oil as untras. lie cbcliengcd tise vta and dcmnedda rail ccii ai tbe dclegallon. Tii. roll îrai reaultai a. Tllaws: For eeves-Bnlloek, 'Lamey,- ,BloviUcy. ittepisens, Blrovwn, Prioa and loIgalle. .Tite tahiaving delegtes voted tan Yates: A. K. ltterse, B. Il. Neville, W. Ir. Waics, Paul uac Gafli, George 0. ltlee, larence Conter. Botter icte tisan neyer, Mac. Itaynto-nsJband drpdrili muid chech rov pflbmmegadB coa anta fr mb by ù, 8 omuo*4 Uber. Mauy Lake Coinuty peolîpe are stock »hallei lu the Wauhegcu aud lWamhlng»' ton tlîulog aii Miling Company, to whomlietoiloiovîngertratis, clipped framx the floabur#.Jofr#I, of iBosabarg, Wanhlngton, wviieatheir utapro. ductive mine la loeats'd, viii prove lut6re$tiug. Catdet date of April 20h the. paper aays: "Th clcerul spat Olile f u liphidi mouatais. three mlkqi Dortbw'est of Pierre Lake, that the Waekiuaon anl Waukegnn àtiningeomî,csy haajue&ctrtwk one of tiie Linest bodies aiorseovar peubetritti-d u hie Ziorthweot. The cnos tale ethýntke. beiagr confirmitdtbr a do" umiîîing :ritlca Who have examined the. waderfl hawlng. A tons Pound sainple tram in the r0ent levai af tli iuroperty va. brougttloto the Journal office Mander by Moeurs, Moff,àt and Stipe, whiah la the admiration ofMIiwiio have ceen Il. fimte .meoarautur of ore as that trounar the mtifa, frorn whcleh$115 assfayq. îurincipcly lnBON. with ss a liver and oopper. were aiiialced. Titis rroporty l.4 gesueraiiy known, as the Easter llunday. Whitiî licealweys beca ca asdn e o0f thie banza oiaima of the non h hal of lhe Coivilie roervaUioa; batthe Olovi sanguine iicd noyer dared ta hoPe tiat fi would develop- lto thepropiicry r,,.nta today. A double ComparitMUaat 74.XIQ faet ta being sunk aînd han lIn oh tauuu-d cadepth of about 90 let. Tii.vitale iattom of, the shaft le ln one. and hoN fath widler the ore body la cannot hbculeberrnned outil crac.- out.'* Under date of Apdliât &W editor. ln wrlttng Un hie vifit ta Uhectarrerai minces la the district. Baye: *'The Wcskegan and Washuington Mining and iltig lampanyls campe on suiphide InOuftmin. vas aigau SRd. anl wu vere hospitalby reuelved iter(J. A. itagt, voici- dent of the uompanY. -£$sere. MolTet and Strijue beiuabeent This Irotuerty i. kuown ace the Eaaâter Scudar. whlehlis DOw attrautinu mors attoAtiUOU Ihan u ymine on the re»sevion. ovlin 0 tia immene body of high grade ore. At prae siy c ya mali force te smployed. but ne uitek setu l force wili again bu put on. Tbéy have a body of et meuât ten faut 0of bgrad- are ln the K5-foot ievei. from wbicbmiias sai reconUly made gave a retura of Over ON elu goid and soough, eliier and oapper ta make the value $"0 to the ton. Of cOure.tbis asay WuNa made, tram the boat iaokins Bnuoples. but iti ia eâtimeted on ac onervativt* hasts th"t the arecroci thc catinratwe wli average over $2tlOtW the tan. The uompany han everything convenicnt for thue veonomicaJ working of the. mine."~ To nive one c botter Idea of what the. Wsekegcn Pople have struck. vs clip anoUjer item fromt. no lame ilaper. The mine là caled -Tiie Big trou." aud bas beeu concidered ose of the beet lu that station.i BY a CaMParison Of Gaffgure.ausmay form au ldec of tic Wmakegau property: 'J. T. Uàndsay. or Spahbasn. wes ln Bosea. burx Ilaturdar on hie vag home from a visit; ta the Big trou misle necrthe hoad of Pierrej Urcek. on the rosevatice. Mr. Linday t one1 of the avrers of thp -big Ire». He je elatud over the encouraglng showlng. and said the oompany, wili. froxo nov eu. increase the workiiîg forte aîud develote, the proporty on a large seul. A buodiyof soiid ore 7.-Ixiltuast hua basa showvn uY the exploatiosmade su fet. Tis ors body has bueii opencd hy four .hlt e and cesa" oîf freinu J7.36 ta Su,6o havef bu-s- niaul..lns eaft N-. i. vhlnidovo ie fleet. aîpvearauffoe indîiae thut a la-ge vap shoot bas beau esoouitoired. For severai deye ssae Yà1Lthugt eiuat have shows average Vain.e 0f $14M cln uiî.withfr0,0 2 .a 3 Par cent la 70., .A latge samiule senît tUSpokane lest w,-ut eeeraged Su and ueo.. elui . quuaily uiiiieuln muid anîd :OIuper veilles." Witl t emiovc Weed. Tite Fox Lache teglon Izapravimen Association isas attaugei la put a poviorful veed csttiug steamer an Fox Lache, vAuis vili clear'the laise. ai vceds. Tisa machinescenue a svclb tourteau fast vide and i vii os-k ila afoot ai vater. LUnder Its operallonsanc aitise great objections 10 Fox Lais. a. a su.- mer resort viii ha removeti. For yearc t bas becu ptcnllcally Imîpassible te navigate portionse o! the ]laobeomuse lte veeda clogged te prapaliers of bouts vicoi attempted Il. Titere w ero mafîy otiser objections ta tise vceds. Whou the veed-cuttcr gain thitungi vith îItawh t tiisyearcet 01a rond i ylha ean to stick Ais bad above valer anyvisere bqtviaen tbe tllneola and CoJlumbia cluibs or auJ. viser.else cave lauGrass Lahe, vhlob vilii bcloft alone 10 lecorne a great 1fli-breedlng bady of Natal. Monay la nov, halng raisedt lu tart the boat et once. Other Impravemente arc prapalai by ltee aoolatlap, good romle are ta lic buit t anad about the rai Lake country. A carrnage andi bicycle truck around tbe laite.-Fo,ipperainis and Pistakee,. le cati lemplalail. Tise plan su ta.udiscusised As lu lnaucc amnis property aviner ta gîve esillyv ftac of roand elther Alte front or tise rear of hie promises. Thoreal a movement as fout ta i4Akficare of lb. mauy bus andi car- riage mnn vo, by the ativent ai a rond talise lake, have bat te oni. eteul tiseir somniet vocations. The. ides sla goestabiiliha pbaetan and tsliy-ise srvice snobhas le maintainai lu lise Nev Yank parke or truiland. lîîg Mew Vots botele ta lbe urroanti- iog country. Thec driveaonsd lte lahes la ta b. made as plulouresque &ta possible. Tise litse la ta totha p noma ofth iideviîeeswvi loibave mande Eîwropuean rcorte attraetive. II lte Intention of tise association ta <evolope lte >pruupuued roaa.lay sud to corme lt-lte aId ot nature As mmhlng tite scenety of viiodlaflds and 14cm one luel, nneeibored,. pud la aeoure foi lhe vîsîtnr a rida la taur- ln-bmnd coaohes or phaeelaa <er the antîre drive fi-r a su no& aceding $1. Tis tartinlatuabcimadeu irom Fox station. ELOI'! WiflSOLNEI LOYER. tJeoale Bhervwood end Emman 0wfnoel causore to Grief. JMase hervood and EmasWlnoeki tel11 a mory of Ballant soldiars, love ad advtuture,whblcb rnghtbt abo «a fction Il reciled lu th. navals of tha liay. Bath Young vameon UV*.la Wankofan. On hundays tbsey u»ediQ viait F011 Sheridaui and admiraetmm 9boys la bine. Jecales amlim weval rcturned by Bergcaut Langmcysr, vw vawu macn smitien lU theUicYOUn Nomom. The acquaintanca qulekIy 1ripened Auto0 ardent love. Joemaa admirer ouil fannd a compenio oër Emuia, cm ahe. tacloaitd hersait loving aMd iavsd. Tisa visita te Fort >Sheridan home aamore irequent, cnd vbenaer tb. tva cergcauta vera off duty tboy vere tsubabcfund asthIe aides aiftsaoit aveatbmes. A few v eeac ga ovavureffivsd tisaI th. regimant vouid b. ordored lu Cuba for duly. This vae thse Sand101161on thc horizon 09 the aogrtsbip, ani It rgrev Ilargar and biacker vban tha ordure ta" prepae for lnovIng vare received. Tba yomaagcouplées aised ovar the. taleMon caverai Nuaendcc reeolvad tMat corne vbat migi thil vouid ma"a à deaporato atteiopit tgo tagettier 'ta lbe atrang lan. Thse girisedcided to diegnies their cazand don tb. bine uniforme. Uniforme. vareasmaggled framxtisa fort tu thie Young vomnea by thelr lovera. Theca vure ont dovnanam made ovar go lit and lthe *dvenlurone girls vere recdy for tha atari. B. case af thoir baiglit they plauued ga keap ont aieMohs of the oEâce,. il possible, Ji haing feured thsy migbs bc diccovea. At the train thaji mes litre Young Nanan, ai Part Shieridan viso b.d mode the cama preparatione cMd bad ichesmaapians laid for c lira ai adventure la Cuna. wbcn Uic train vwu veli onlie waY touard South (Cbicago Lieutenant Bcevea, thicoomrnandiag oNoer, lie. cuvered! ana af biegaldiars a agirl and that ber nmevwu Jasai. Sbctwood, ai Wcukegan, 111., aged là, and abc bcd lait bar happy home ail bancsacloveac oiiar-.4algaant Michael Lcaguleyer ai Cornpany K. 1t vwu &Ui ceet anîd ramautic, but lb. Lieutenant bardenei bie haut, pat mima SBbavod Ofl thetrain ani gave beer al ahéicpolie to buMur nai tu ber borne. Lieutenant ilcevea thon iuveatigated end 8 ai Urmond, fait., thie train va. stoppci and anotbar sllght figure la tbc regulction unifor u amrarcbhd ai! thse train and handed Oval ta tbe Police. This girl va. ma wiuoki ciao oi Wankcgaa, 18 yeaza aId. The. thrcc other girl.secaped detectian but New York afilcice wve nolilcd of thcir prononce an the train and thay vers there detaincd. Jcecic Bbarvaod iived vits bal mother la Libartyville a fcvý yenre silo. Èr. ..bierwood va. kuown la Libertyvie a lir.Poison, bcvlng marrlcd Engoue Feiton and ramaved there tram Mleblgcu. Thse family mavcd su Wankagan about ftve Jean &go, visera It viii ha rarnambarai tbe fcîhcr commlltedl suicide by bangiug biniscif. - Sumner RefforteBoom.. Tise seaison la oponing -up &t the lakes. Tisa varions isolaits 8Drucea have rmcd. extensive lmpnavarncnts, iSoreaging their acoommadaliucs Don. ideiably and a buiae eaaa Asantiol. paled Ibis your Iben ever hafore. fi. Mdllory bas crécted a nevi buiid. lag on tise bluff la frant o ai bisaie. Tise lover pari laaueas a. cboat houme. vhIle An the upper atryle ta be con- ducted an tlacnream parior, etc. ichoard moran, ba enarged bis placc andti mde numeraus chaqlaes. Tise aId dancing platian. ,la tom lons vile'additions ta the hanne bave been umaie nsa;Illas nov tise larsest buaitei thl. eaort. 1fipravernents ai a naticeabie char- acter bave been mie oaanumaber ot Dr. Charles Galloway. OffIooovor Lovels Drug Store mlou»a. o O I U6ITO siP. U. Libertyville. -Illinois '~.J. L. TAYLOR. Office "v.~rIggs & TayIorBs. 7 W lu . M.I 2tu 6 and . w fa P. M. beaiddenO un Broadway oppoIte Park Libertyville, Illinois. .H.0. B. YOUNG., ehysotanand SurgeqOn. ~nom BI". ýune------ llinois. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIT. ofticie over Lake county Bankj te 2 . . edit' iI. V AILI Libertyville, 111. ,,PAUL MacGUeFlN, Attorney and Conuselior at Law. NOTARY PUBLIC omct rvu LARC OIINTY BA»%, Libertyville, Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, t ATTONNEY AT LAW, .IBE»RTYVVLLE -ILLINOIS. -TeLcpgONP Nro. 24. ,*usINCB* luScw&caao W. B, Schaefr@ Nureeiy. Fruit and Shade Trees. * Grapevines Sand SmaiI Fruits'. Everifa and Flowerint g us MAX LE BEAU, .Fine Cigars.. TuobaccOi and 3mokeri' Materiaia. Cigare holcaaleancd Retail. LIGERTYMILLE - ILLINOIS. ILako Cooety Snk WRIGHT ' DYMONO & CO., L.ibertyvlllIliInois: Issues Interest Bearing Certifi- calice Payable. on Demand. Tmothy, Claver. Millet, OrHu ngarlan,,Re.çi Top. Blue Grass. AND ALL KIND8 0P PURE ield &Lawn Grass Seeds Seed Corn*6 Fodder Corn ftm PriculW 51Ton CovsTeMli II - - - Libertyville. 111.1 oo gsthsoslr utlisst att Tlaa trobla.Tie alav igt pet ared 10Oby icaopapetahu Aert" an oflii.basukean ltprove. rent atcoctlon."i Ui t "Iea aTtePteop»Cue BnkomOfefactor. eoput A1e dorstforubles.nTma os- day: l'actb. itrani asld Wan <aiccecsree n . wTier.alh e tthe batik are:of the coneg. lImiprel. Mlent; C. Mu. uni, vc reiet e Peuples BanM. or WniaJnJ legc, o(ha t orlesfoirllils, lneoa.Tii. (joEussecapIetl le dlstra uieof .lxty airetullrencaUB.Sidthpeao! (lent 0. Mlexae, viee ha. mai. John Fer lslg puhse <ifla-rne lu SLinltvnitip . rad veJ.J. Paese cJraM. onlt eMP.Huots .W. akegam Charte»or antipc ssaclieo 20Tce m rcaptacmbig *10,000.T aan Jipohn lexanuid erbar, ads mure. anre bg cd deasd lenfly «fof lis fronet. Dav is oosed cion Ctyge ul lie stwaira Ighbai hlhoding Flfiy Cromthe forthCucurnegim Ha.bW. antdlDokdssitiotrn 2p Chan la en c ronatg oumhara at 40cents1 a~ prias60 Pri" b aIl$1visa00.nThis proven loaiedpai tetpoin Wanul véit fret umasîy "ptng prospctsumicra abitiot nlcnd pl doiag .o. fronuiay vas Uic da e trta he al-glîl entsfo avra f or um eo. B. W~c. ,Stfor~dllthelly ter is-l pceug tsfie ndceeeh aia er. orT1 oer 1 " W"aran buare t kuav tcid tot mar 0 nNyeta a Who ceedr itfuurn e 10sice, nr die d<fuasw11 pdeaiusImorant em anbut il]e WofAtteurueyIedec cdi go. ua bi rgumclaecnsel, lie ntio agentoSgia iew bcal oreen tle pitueti ft, halna gyt ar it-u' 01uIge Imortney aid bea kiopei lie iattr neys bve bccn bta rd tisen butt dli nol vlsb la ha unremdene. dt vas oui bu ws tisat a tat earsg l Atktoryiieydecker i evoulul ie nsiatgo itea viholsntise e rlng poal oryhAuiavnot aIt arimeait u, haestthasSotthe re. Mn.goydceer nalul Thevndy wen cor viicou en aI ie a'clachlnRay i cie argîv.p tmtvi eite l ad. enhgrdte Ho sal IfaTora coubri vn tetriyal aud acBp iY Sapte$ ,air bei arcul tia gI egn t erando dol meaailodte. olned baa due e owmuci gaquent.clie1 lb.ç caIr iylie"IfvhaIes W. E. sulintsoa;Anot, Il deelý sall h wo liE.nd Co r wldboueney otiser cottagesa ad of the large auto.- han only a tew are ailvertiseil toi rent. Tise cottages ar e hginang ta, 511 up and tise aucber of visitons bthes placa tourcs" dally. Mecrly ail lb. ýcottages at Lake Bluff are laken, and Nier. arc marc peaple out An Mcy tisan aven before. Tic building ai new cattagee&iba.beaui retardati by a séannlty of ineaisanles. The big tabernacle vili ha rae tet the grauni . a cu a. vorkmen can Ne cecred, sa. tih.syndicats vant ta .ell tise lots. A uew drainage mnd caver systela vAli bî ulll IbIs Jean. Tbc younger clenient bas gaineti contrai of tise counntry Club ccdlilvier limes are promiseu.l'bTc mcmharsblp bas more tissudounblcd. Tii. clubionse beabeau eniargeul.,îev biliard-rononandutiladica panors e blug addcd, lthe dancing bahl dotibled u "1»sise and cav bowling alleys and illaird cand pool tables suppliait. Attorniey Cutting Honoreil. At the. Cook caualy Bepublion acon- vention ls Chicago Sataricy . 8. Cnt- tins va. nouluataita rua an the ticket far Probats Jndgs. lMr. Celting tae eIk uova lt aIMeCoalay. hvig baerncei beoeU sla utise 4s4sp R IIWOW* $1.50 a Year in Adv.ahct. Underwear! r..:: M The Seacon that demande a change la haro and we are praparso ta meu t It. Ilis'Cotton Ribbed Vcts-'Specat c..........4c. Racl Peceut low, neck ami short ieve germent t.' -12c; Eack Ccci staple gcrments-long or sho-t alee've t .1... I R a*l llhe Lmous Forrest Miii. garments et --........... 25c. Eechý la mmi grade we have mcny Stylma low or bigh =ekt, LIM09- short Or1n IeM s-oefa" ytrimmed with siLk 14s ani 8-large ms iin weili ut germants ior'.tou pmoe ....................... .. .. .. .25c, Racl Extra f"e Cotton RU"heiani Trianmed Garmentse t.- .35e. PA&l jForreetm mi-mcy Lisle-silk trimme.i .....soc. Racle i Children's White Gauze (in sizes No. 16 to 84.) No. 16 couts 12c.-riee 2c. per mixe., Long or short leevee-kaee lengtlî drawers, Tbsr.s 1- Osdma D ep.mdct r~'c G. wq NOUSE EStABLION RD oVov. au. ie WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TLPHN .lo Notice -Qur Reduoed Prices. Glaif abWrpar cNt .......... .... àal ýs, 10644 0 d BAÜi, Par 1001lb k eg. l........... .......3a8 Male, lm a anieg Ilts, per lb ...... ................ 04 Poultry Natllug, pet 100 square lest.................... 60 3 berner Omoaiae Slave ............................. 4 U 2 Blue hume oit stava...................... 780 3 ll .. .. o.. ..**'** ».... ..980 LatglaRumina mon Oven .... ....... 3<00 l6.i 4 li nMovter......................00"->' Cail and see our new~ Detroit Gasoline Stoves. Plymouth Biniig Twne................ lj ,tDon't place Your orner until you se tdiri te. VWC s~ ht a ha Iighter. stronger amW rua sinoodier than apy ther twlats the market. ~- ~- ~ LIBERTYVILE. ILL. Summer Goods. Lap Robes. Light_ Horse_.Covers. Light Single and Double Driving Harnesses. 1 have some excellent bargains ln single harnessee.. My stock Is complete., cohtalnlnq mnany varieties at right ....prîces .. 81.00 whips at 50c. Trhese are bargains, purchased before the advance ln prices. Calliand see them. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. Vol. VIIil. No. *. 32. rota Coty Chsicago. I.w. i" er-t SANBORN &CO.,t Taiors and Ilaberdashers.

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